Saturday, September 2, 2023

Spiritual Anchors

There are many things that hold us down like anchors and ultimately will probably keep us from ascending after this life is over if we don't deal with them in our current lifetime.  For me personally I had a lot of childhood trauma and I buried the pain.  I always had a smile on and no one ever knew.  I developed OCD as a result and my mask was perfection!  If things were picture perfect then no one would ever hurt me was my logic.  It actually worked most of the time but not all of the time.  I realized after relating to someone else who experienced Trauma and realized that I had to face it and work through the pain.  It was the hardest thing I ever did but I survived and became even stronger!  

It really helped that I am a healer and my energy is very healing and peaceful.  I would bring balance and peace to most situations.  It helped that I am also a Libra.  I would help others and people please.  In the background I would hurt myself with put downs and such.  I was always trying to better myself in order to be perfect.  As I got older I realized that it was stressful and calmed down a bit.  I would even say that I was not perfect and just wanted to help to make the world a better place.  I was taught not to do that, to be a witch.  That was not in my nature so when I saw the need to share my gifts with the world I did on Twitter, my former website and my blogger.  

What did I get for it... well!  EMF radiation and 2 trips to the psyche ward!!  It made me even stronger but I am very careful now because there is still high levels of emf at my computer desk I used to sit at and in the hallway and staircase.  I called hydro and reported it and they actually read me a script about how the government says EMF is safe and not to worry.  I told them to come out and take some measurements but I never heard from them again!  I read The Universe Maker and it was about wealthy people that use high tech to have God like powers and could really mess people up too.  

I recently Tweeted about aliens who uploaded their consciousness and are now some form of AI that wreak havoc on the world.  At this point I would rather live as the Amish than live in the Matrix.  I won't dare rack up debt and am grateful that I live within my means but the Canadian government sure has racked up quite the dozy of debt!!!  I refuse to have that on my head because I did not condone the "criminal" banking system and I did not condone what the money was being spent on!  If we had responsible and non corrupt politicians who weren't run by ancient AI then we wouldn't be in this horrible situation.  The Matrix is not all fiction in my eyes!  

Anyways check out my Twitter if you care.  I don't feel like posting a whole bunch of my past Tweets.  It should be easy to find because I stopped Tweeting.  I received a message from another on there and he told me that the dark won already and told me to be quiet.  Then Twitter loses it's lovely bird too!  I decided to strictly post on this Blog once in a while when I have something important to say.

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