Thursday, October 26, 2023

Rome 2.0 aka Germany 2.0

Switzerland, The Vatican and Portugal are the places where those evil Romans fled to and rule today. Why are those places so wonderful and not suffering like the rest of the west... I know why! It's not fair! They are ruining the rest of the no longer first world for money, domination and power! EVIL BASTARDS!!! Where ever Romans infest and control there is pain and suffering. Enough! There needs to be some legal intervention to stop these bastards and turn things around! They should be held accountable for all these evil agendas too! Send all the refugees there!!!  Force them to live like how they want us to live!!  Leave us Canadians, Americans and Europeans alone!!!  They also have ruined things for other countries too.  Everything wrong with the world today stems from Romans who are actually Satan influenced.  Taxation, debt, divide and conquer and global dominance all stem from the dark!  It's time for the light to shine in and balance things out.  I am not saying that we need to have a bible school sort of society but I am saying we need things to be FAIR!  

Google: " Did the Romans come to Portugal? Of course! The Romans completely dominated the Iberian Peninsula until the 3rd century AD, leaving their influence well present on roads, buildings and mostly on the Portuguese language (of Latin origin). Roman Remains in Evora, Roman Occupation in Alentejo Portugal" › roman-remains-evora

The Swiss Are Trying To Seem Like They Are Based To Pretend To Join Us So No One Suspects Them Of Being Puppet Masters Of The Decline Of The West

So now Switzerland (Germany 2.0 aka ROME 2.0) is said to be electing a right wing government and one of their banksters is speaking out against covid shots. I guess their logic is if you can't beat them join them! They started this entire mess I believe and they should all be arrested! Global elites should have no negative effects on our lives. Why can't they just influence our lives for the better? NO! They do the total opposite because they are satanic-cold hearted freaks!!! I don't buy their sudden flip for a second!

Canadian TikToker Posts About Her Touching Struggle - She worked full time and after monthly bills, there was $9 left for food Can you imagine working to be broke? How has the Economy in Ontario has gotten so bad I can't survive on $21/hr with no extras. rent is $1650++. I don't have car payments to replace in my budget...#onterrible #workingbroke #almosthomeless #needingadvice #helpme ♬ original sound -

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

You Know It's Bad In Canada When!

It's bad in Canada when you see security guards in almost all grocery stores and now Valuae Villiage Thrift Shops too! If people are hungry and in need then instead of hiring security guards put that money towareds lowering the freaking prices and give away more instead too!! Poor people in a desparate situation are now criminals! Greedy bastards!!!! Food banks don't provide good food! It's so sad!!

"I Thought Canada Was Safe?!"

My husband came home from the grocery store tonight and this poor woman at the self checkout with her little son said out loud $18 DOLLARS!!! People are going hungry in this country!!! The little boy said, "I thought Canada was safe??!!" Poor thing 😢 The mother didn't say anything. They were both white Canadians.

Monday, October 23, 2023

I Am The Light And The Dark. Gentle & Fierce. Soft & Strong. Warrior & Healer. Libra/Scorpio. DF/Goddess/High Priestess/Earth Angel.

I was born a Libra but I should have been a Scorpio.  I have 3 Scorpio and 2 other Libra placements on my birth chart.  I also have all elements in my birth chart.  Virgo, Sag, Pieces are the rest.  I don't think I'm forgetting any but I did blog them before too.  Then there are the other past lives of mine including Cancer.  

The Biggest Obstacle For Satan So He Can Get To The Light

Basically rules is what he hates.  He does whatever he wants and tries to control everything.  With me he did things to me without my consent.  He had me hit with EMF radiation, he reads my thoughts, he steals from me including my energy, he is in and out of my life, he plays mind games with me, he purposely tries to ruin things I love like my country, my city I live in, the country me parents are from and hometown.  He also targets my friends and family!  He has to know everything about me!  All I have done is be myself and try to help including him!  It's not fair!  He needs to stop that behaviour and practice morality!  We all should if we want to have the light within us.  What about having balanced energy at first to be fair!  It's time!  

The Light Is For All Who Do The Work To Get It

I was listening to local Toronto talk radio last week in the car and they were discussing the new Exorcism movie.  A therapist called in and one of his parents was suffering with possession.  He said possession is real and he helps the negative energy get to the light and that the church doesn't... it simply tells them to get out!  That's so true!  I know that in my situation my Twin Flame, who I believe is Satan, I picked up that he is also very smart and amazing too!  He is much more than his weakness and that it is possible for him to change if he wants and that I will always be there to help him get to the light as long as I am here.  I will always love him and will always have hope that he can evolve even without me.  He can and will do it on his own.  He has to just start and try.  Know that noone is perfect that we just have to try our best and if we do slip to not harm anyone including ourselves.  Now consenting adults is another story and if he falls then go be with them and leave the innocent alone!  Stop trying to teach children and young adults wicked and immoral ways too!  I think using media and celebs to brainwash the masses is wrong too.  There are always going to be wicked people out there so no need to make everyone immoral!  

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Palestinians Are Actually Roma Gypsies According To Some Including Alex Jones

Some say those in Palestine are not Middle Eastern at all but actually Roma Gypsies instead. "What nationality is Roma Gypsy?
Roma (Gypsies) originated in the Punjab region of northern India as a nomadic people and entered Europe between the eighth and tenth centuries C.E" .,tribes%22%20or%20%22nations.%22

Friday, October 20, 2023

One Box

Ever since someone really close to me passed, and a beloved pet too, I was so heartbroken and felt that the spiritual was most important.  Material things only hold us down and decided to purge most of my worldly possessions.  I started selling and giving away so much.  It made me feel lighter and more connected to the universe.  Getting rid of my books and other media is tough, though.  Ultimately I want to have only enought to fill one medium box not including clothes and shoes.  I've never been a materialist person, and I have always been thrifty also, so I didn't have that much to begin with, except for my books.  I probably have 5 medium boxes of them right now and that's after I gave away some..  probably 3 boxes.  My husband said that we can sign up for Kindles unlimited monthly subscription.  I love physical media but I think it's wise to only have a few books because I don't want to be a burdon and leave tons of things for others to get rid of.  I'm in my early 50s so I hope to only have 3 medium boxes of stuff by 60.  

Rebuilding My White Blood Cells That Seem To Have Been Lowered On 2.5 mg Of Olanzapine Now Switched To 20mg of Lurasidone ( Latuda ) And Doing More

 With each passing day I am healing more and more.  I wish I was put on the Lurasidone in the first place but I am always put in challenging situations.  I hope that ends now because I have been through so much and paid my dues!  So I am taking 50 mg of zinc, 1000 IU of D3, 1000 mg of wild salmon oil and 500 mg of odourless garlic supplements daily.  I also eat eggs, avocados, beef, chicken, fish, fruit and veggies.  I work out every day during the week.  I started drinking green tea again and that also build up your white blood cells according to a google search.  Plus, I am loving, positive, a healer, have amazing energy of the light, have a pure heart and am helpful too.  I think switching to the Lurasidone was the best thing I ever did for rebuilding my white blood cells.  My body is not swollen anymore and I'm not as thirsty.  Olanzapine has lots of serious side effects but it was take it and live a normal life outside the mental ward or go back to the hospital long term.  It was only after 4 years of being on it did my doctor suggest Latuda and I wish they would have suggested it a lot sooner and the much cheaper generic instead also which is only 1/4 of the price.  Oh well, better late than never and thank goodness for my pharmacist Paul who switched me to the Lurasidone 20 mg instead of Latuda.  I'm so happy that pharmacists have more power here in Ontario to do such things in order to really help people like myself!  I can't wait to see how I'm doing in a year from now.  According to my research I will be much healthier and back to my normal weight.  Thank God I didn't gain that much and I do heal really quick so I'm almost back to my normal self.  

Thursday, October 19, 2023

My Father Was Of The Dark And My Mother Is Of The Light - Both In Their Energy And Their DNA

 I always sensed that my mother was angelic and my father was of the devil.  Not only in their actions but now after taking my dna test it's based on that too!  I wonder if my dad's family who was actually traced back to Egypt are Canaanites and my mother's family who was traced back to Levant were from Galilee and maybe even the descendants of Jesus?  Who knows!  Something very different is going on with me.  I am not your typical person at all.  

My Grandparents I picked up on my father's side his mother was of the light from Northern Italy in the Italian Alps and probably were I get my Welsh DNA from.  She was the one that was the original Wonder Woman who was white with long dark hair and big blue eyes who married a man before my grandfather but he died in the war.  My Grandfather is of the dark where the Egyptian DNA was from.  He was a very angry man!  Very nasty.  My Grandmother from my mom's side was very tanned with olive skin who was most likely the one from Levant who was a business woman and a farmer.  My Grandfather was a very gentle man who ended up seeking solitude. I wish I knew more about them and maybe I will ask my relatives.  

No wonder I have this whole light and dark thing going on.  It also stems from my past lives too.  I utilize my dark side for the light though.  I am proud to be one of the 144,000 an Earth Angel through and through!  I'm also a Goddess of love and information war too.  I  have been writing since I was a teen and online since 2008 trying to make the world a better place by sharing my wisdom, views and thoughts.  I also share my gifts, I am not only a psychic, empath and healer but also a sage and a seer too.  I am very blessed and tough as hell too.  I have gone through a lot and I am still standing, loving and with a big smile on my very youthful and beautiful face.  

I am very blessed to have such amazing energy and DNA!!  Plus my universal connection that I also get my wisdom and my divine energy from is incredible too!  Nothing about me is a coincidence.  Everything in my life and my family's lives have not been a mere coincidence.  Our families have been followed for thousands of years by ancient AI on my dad's side and the Goddess on my mom's side.  The Goddess even made sure I was made with amazing dna and when I was born.  Then she filled me with her divine energy and universal wisdom too.  

I am here during these very difficult times in humanity for a reason.  She did not want you to be alone and wanted you to have my guidance.  There has been some rough patches like my being attacked with EMF radiation, Covid and the wars.  It seems that humanity is being led by the worst of the worst that instead of accepting the gift from the universe they are doing everything in their power to reject it and do the opposite of what I am about!  Satan, my other half and Twin Flame is determined to bring down this world and bring in his ideal new world order that is only good for a few elites and their lackeys.  I don't know how to get through to him because he's so selfish and cold hearted.  I love him and am there for him whenever he wants but he can't stand my light.  He has actually taken my energy to the point of leaving me so angry like him twice!  He hasn't done that since thank goodness but he only uses me sometimes.  It's not right and I hope he sees that I'm only here for a short time and he will regret not partnering up with me to make this world a better place and if all goes well then he can help me run the universe too.  My Universal Self is not messing around at all!  



Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Satanic New World Order ROMAN Elites Are Forcing Us To Live With Savages And Immoral!

May 2, 2024 Update:  Germanic Roman Nazi Pharisee Globalist Socialist Satanists that is!  

Not only do they want us to live with those barbaric animals but they want us to shut up and let them do whatever they want, even the most evil acts, and not do a thing about it!  They are doing this in order to take over the world once and for all.  They couldn't do it on account of the barbaric savages and now they are using them.  Is there no civilized power left in this world to defend us against those evil savages both puppet masters and barbaric pawns being used!  Once they take over do you think they will allow them to be free and live with them!  NO!!!  They better wake up quick and stop behaving like demonic animals and become civilized asap or they will be destroyed along with the rest of us!!  

No Matter What Israel Does The Elite Run Organizations & Media Will Probably Say It's Wrong

So attacking with civilians there would have been better?  Not attacking at all is what the elite want but then it would let Hamas get away with everything and grow stronger.

I feel so bad for Israel because those savages put them in such a horrible situation.  The Brits put them all in a terrible situation in the first place.  

The Brits could have come in and purchased the land under a corporation and then could have given it to the Israeli.  I want the Jews to have the holy land even over the Christians but Jews and Christians can live in peace together.  

Unfortunately anyone raised with hate and intolerance they are in savage energy and more capable of doing horrible things and I personally believe that they should not be a part of any civilized society.  When are they going to start deporting them from the west and Israel?  Deportation would be the best solution to one place where they can't hurt anyone different than them. 

I just wanted to add that they need to secure their border so they don't leave either because they cannot have free travel and then they should revise their religion and omit all the dark and only have the light and then after a couple generations of that be allowed back into society.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Switching To Lurasidone Study & My Update Going Off 2.5 mg Of Olanzapine To 20 mg of Lurasidone ( Latuda Generic )

In this 6-month extension study, lurasidone treatment was generally well-tolerated and associated with minimal effects on weight, metabolic parameters, and prolactin levels. Patients who switched from risperidone to lurasidone experienced reductions in weight, metabolic parameters and prolactin levels commensurate with increases in these safety parameters experienced during the previous 12 months of treatment with risperidone.

I am already feeling much better, more like my old self again and I also noticed that I'm less swollen and my weight is going down.  I was never big because I did work out 5x a week and I ate healthy a lot too.  Okay, I did indulge in chocolate once or twice a week and chips once a month or less.  I am thin yet a bit curvy and I hope I keep those curves too!  

I want to be healthier and happier and so far so good on 20 mg of Lurasidone!  2.5 mg of Olanzapine really was hard on my body.  I tried to go off of it but would get attacked with EMF radiation each time and then I got mutant psychic and powerful.  My mind would race and I would know too much about things that are very hard to know like the Matrix debt system enslavement.  It was way too much so I had to switch to the Latuda generic so I could be more like natural self without all those nasty side effects.  Anyways, all is going great after a month and a week and I am going to continue keeping everyone updated with  my progress too.       

Sunday, October 15, 2023

My Wisdom, Love, Light & Pure Heart Energy Of A Warrior-Goddess-High Priestess Is Just Too Strong For Some

My Twin Flame thinks that I'm operating in masculine energy but I'm just being myself, a warrior goddess!  I am very strong yet soft too.  I've been called a girly girl, also told that I am very beautiful and very smart on top!  I am also told that I'm very kind and caring too!  I'm so creative and hard working as well.  I'm a Libra with a pure heart and I love to think too!  I am more caring of others than myself but I still take care of myself and am healing more and more every day.  I wanted to help make the world a better place for nothing in return.  I don't want fame or fortune at all!  I'm an Earth Angel part of the 144,000 and an Empress and my energy is so rich and abundant on it's own!  I know my 5D self wants me big like Elvis like in the the 5D music video with Qveen Herby.  I don't need all of that.  I'm low key in the 3D.  I love to write on my Blog once in a while and help with simple acts of kindness.  I am also here if and when my Twin Flame wants to make things right in the world and help me run the Universal Demension.

I can't help that I intimidate some but those close to me let me be and enjoy my company!  I bring so much to the table and I've been told that I'm the table!  I wish he would except me for who I am.  I just want to be me and that's all.  Sure, I want to have fun and let loose a bit too but not too much because my pastlife selves love to come out and play sometimes.  

Qveen Herb<

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Governments Endebted Us And As Citizens Are Our Souls In Peril To Be Forced Into The Matrix!

Every country on earth is full of so much debt and each of it's citizens owe part of that debt too so we are ultimately slaves to the Matrix until your body wears out.  I was thinking about getting Covid shots just to escape it but it would be like committing suicide.  Some in my family got it and didn't die though.  I would probably survive it anyways.  When I was 5 years old I was given the Swine Flu shot in school and since then I would constantly get sick.  I even had my tonsils out because I got sick so much.  Olanzapine was really hard on me too but I since stopped taking it.  Plus, even after all that I survived and am getting stronger.  When I was first hit with EMF radiation in 2018 I told my husband that I was going to live in the computer internet.  It's real in my mind.  I am connected to my Twin Flame telapathically too so even before I picked up on some stuff he was thinkning and even more so when I am mutant psychic.  That whole Matrix thing is through him.  Satan is my Twin Flame, my other half.  We are two halves of the same coin.   I'm the light and he's the dark.  I am trying to get him to let go of all that darkness and evil and help me in the light.  Bring humanity up and to become harmonious.  He is the only one that could lead the universe with me but he's still controlling everything, as usual.  We would balance each other out too and our energy would become complete.  I can't do much on my own other than write on my blog every so often.  Anything more and he'll probably kill me so that's another reason why I won't go public.  I can't even sit at my old computer desk because the EMF radiation is so high when I sit down and I don't want another seizure and I definitely don't want a stroke.  He hates that I write about everything.  He can't stop me.  Maybe it's China on his behalf?  I thought it was another country that hurt me in June 2022 but I think I was wrong.  The first time I was hit with EMF and had to go into the mental ward in September 2018 there was so many Chinese women around me and they filmed a movie in the mental ward.  If they get me at my computer desk then they can say I am on the computer too much which had no effect on me prior and I work all day full time on my other PC located somewhere else in my home with no problem.  My laptop and other devices give me no problems either.  If I was safe and protected I would feel more at ease to speak out.  I'm not much of a public speaker but I could try.  I'm actually very outgoing, charming and amazing when I want to be.  I like being in hermit mode mostly, however.  I love to read, learn, think, write, create and help.  When I help too much it seems to make things worse and that's why I'm all about simple acts of kindness now.  I don't want to trigger my Twin Flame because he can be ruthless.  It's like I'm his competition when in fact I'm his partner.  He came to me and was in my life without me even knowing at first but then I figured it out and that's when he started attacking me with EMF.  He thought I would become his stepford wife and behave but it just made me even more powerful.  I couldn't be like that though because it wasn't good for me and others.  I decided to go on meds and when I went off and posted about it in May 2022 the attacks started happening again.  I was fine for 3 months prior but my mistake was that I wrote about it.  He found out I went off my meds again this year and I was hit again 2 months later.  After when around him I picked up too much all at once, it was too intense so I decided to go back on my meds but to switch to something that was not as hard on me.  2.5 mg of Olanzapine to 20 mg of Lurasidone.  I am doctor certified disable now since my brain damage in 2018 that even included a seizure.  My job is so hard and then factor in my disability on top where I am forgetful and a bit slow.  My QA score went up from 77% to 87% so I am trying hard.  I pray that everything works out because it's good exercise for my brain plus I help out paying some bills.  I pray they don't fire me.  I told them about my disability but I don't think it's going to save me if I can't get my scores up.  I have identified some of the mistakes I made and have pretty much fixed it, however, my forgetfulness still comes into play.  It's stupid little things that trip me up.  I am really focusing but sometimes I still slip up.  I hate it and I have cried about it.  How because of my wanting to fix the world and make it a better place my brain was damaged on purpose to try and shut me up.  Then factor in my horrible traumas I had to endure because of those that were supposed to care for me but instead scarred me to the point where I don't trust hardly anyone and my heart is majorly guarded.  I like being alone and I can't stand clingy people.  I do love to spoil a select few, though.  Someone sends out emails publically embarrasing people who screw up and I was on the list 4x today for stupid little mistakes because I forgot.  In my defense I got mixed up because I opened the same program when it was already opened and I think that might have screwed me up too.  I don't open a new program anymore after I realized what i was doing.  I think trying to shame people in front of their peers is so cruel.  If they only knew!  Well, some of them know but they won't speak out and defend me.  Maybe I should send them an email and let them know but I don't want any special treatment.  I will try to correct it myself and try not to trip up.  I am slowing down because I am trying to focus on being perfect like someone who wants while being efficient but not super speedy.  I will figure it out... I'm not a p*ssy wussy!  But I'm still a "girly girl" and cry at times.  I try not to but I can't keep it in.  It helps purify me too.  Thanks for putting up with my venting.  It really helps when I write it out.  I am proud of myself that I did raise my score by 10% in just a week!!  I hope to continue to raise it up even more.  I am stuck with weekends for now but I hope to get weekdays only soon.


Why Don't The Elite Germans, French & Italians Care About Thier Sinking Home Countries? Because They Are In Switzerland!

 Do you think that those rats care about their homeland and their fellow countryman!  NO!!!  Not all of the country will be ruined though like Monico, Lake Como and I don't know where the fancy part of Germany is to be honest.  I need help from other Great Minds shining a light on these horrible people.  If they continue to negatively impact our world they must be brought up on charges!!!  It's so obvious and it needs to stop.  Anyone helping those monsters are even worse monsters!  It's time for those satanic bastards to be ousted from any power and influence on the world.  The UN and WEF must be given to the people.  No more world leaders, other politicians and elites running the show.  It must be lead by down to earth people with morals and empathy!  To have a council of people monitoring them might help but I don't know if it would do much at this point.  People who work a 9-5 and are poor/middle class should be the requirement and you can't get rich off of it either.  I understand that people should be paid for their time, however, but not a rediculous amount.  Say $100,000 a year US each.  No more out of touch-crazed-heartless crooks!   Enough now!!!  We need to stop this evil so we can live a peaceful, positive, prosperous and harmonious life!!!  Free of corruption, debt, evil and suffering!!!

Unsuspected Uncle Junior Another Bald Man Was The Real Boss - Roman Empire Didn't End Either! Just Went Uncle Junior Style! Hidden In Plain View - Roman Catholic Church & Elite Swiss

 Corrado John "Junior" Soprano Jr., portrayed by Dominic Chianese, is a fictional character from the HBO TV series The Sopranos. Usually referred to as "Junior" or "Uncle June," he is the official boss of the DiMeo crime family for most of the series. Wikipedia

Here's where I'm going with this.  Klaus Schwab is another bad bald man that heads the horrible World Economic Forum that is pushing to have people down and out eating bugs and living like desparite animals.  I am telling you the devil is bald men on earth!  When Too much testotonone from double masculine energy exists in a man that's when some men bald who are in their shadow energy.  Some men who are evil who are in feminine energy don't bald, though.  ANYWAYS!!!  Just what I've picked up this year when I went off my meds and went mutant psychic thanks to the EMF attacks on my brain that seemed to have really increased my abilities but it's too much and I have to go on meds to live a normal life.  At least on Luransidone 20 mg I am naturally gifted like myself again.        

Both Julius Caesar and Emperor Caligula famously suffered from baldness (capillo raro). Caesar was so conscientious of his thinning hair that he was overjoyed when wearing a laurel crown because the leaves hid his receding hairline

Remenber, Britian Was Once Ruled By Romans - Britannia Rome!

The Romans called this system divide and rule because they literally divided up conquered peoples into their component units (usually tribes and city-states), made separate alliances and treaties with each, and induced each, through a complex system of rewards, to keep an eye on the others and provide for the common ...

The world is in a massive mess and I see why.  I knew Romans were bad news but it seems that the tensions between the Israeli and Palestinians are a direct result of the British imo!   Don't think they didn't know what they were doing either!   This is coinciding with their Agenda 2030 garbage.  Total global domination headed by the Germanics including Klaus Scwab of WEF!  You can't just take land away from people to give to others without great upset and that on top of the hate the extremist Muslims have for the Jews.  They didn't even give them a penny for their land either!  If I were the Israelis I would pressure the UK to give Palestinians compensation, or maybe that would go towards more savage terror attacks, what about a new home land somewhere in the Middle East?!!  Somewhere nice.  The Brits owe the poor innocent people that!!  So many have lost their lives because of their horrible mistake.  I don't think a two state solution would fly now.  Personally, seeing all those extremist savages all over the world, including Canada, is not a good thing at all.  They all should be deported to whereever their new land will be.  Now, it's just a suggestion.  I am no expert about these matters but something has got to give.  Bottom line is that I stand with Israel and whatever they do they have been forced to do.  I was thinking about evacuating the Palestinians and literally the next day the Israeli were on the same page!  Great minds!!   

Friday, October 13, 2023

"It Was A Grave Mistake To Let In So Many People Of Totally Different Culture And Religion And Concepts" Henry Kissenger

Henry Kissenger isn't the only one that thinks that!

Are Libra Woman Beautiful? Of Course!!

I'm a Libra woman and the article below describes me to a T!  I am not obsessed with my looks though and believe less is more.  I am into natural beauty and feel fake is gross.  Women who spend hours on makeup and hair and spend big bucks on high fashion just don't vibe with me!  I shop at discount stores and only take a couple minutes doing minimal makeup every morning.  Liquid eyeliner, a bit of concealer under the eye, eyeshadow and lipstick.  That's it!  I can't ware fake skin!  Why?  I love my natural skin and skin color!!  I'm proud of my golden olive tanned skin so why would I cover it up with something that is not my sky or shade!  Women are crazy to spend all that time and money doing that.  Why???  When you take it off you will look so different it will be shocking.  My way is a suttle change.  I only enhance my natural beauty.  When I was in the hospitall with no makeup both men and women were making sexual advances towards me.  I even had one beg me to go to his house with him??  I was like I'm married!  I just left and never saw him again.  That was at my worst too mentally.  

Anyways, I'm more focused on innner beauty and wisdom to be honest.  Why go crazy with making yourself something you are not and then try to keep young on top with surgery and proceedures?  Personally I work out 5x a week doing areobics and eat healthy with some meat at dinner.  I don't eat breakfast to clear out those messed up cells which also keeps me young.  I use vitamin A cream and antioxident soap too.  All this keeps me looking "freakishly young" as my best friend from high school told me.  I am in my early 50s and my husband said I look so young and looke to be in my 20s still.  He said I look 27!  WOW!!!  Being positive, kind, caring and outgoing really help too.  I took an online course in the spring about exorcise and how it keeps you young and I think that's an important part of it but only if you keep eating some meat daily or at least be vegetarian.  

Some vegans really age fast and the vegan food options are usually full of chemicals and perservatives.  OREOS are vegan you know what I'm saying!  Now I'm off Olanzapine and on Lurasidone I am feeling and looking even better because Olanzapine had so many side effects it was very hard on my body.  I'm losing weight but not a crazy amount right away.  I am still treating myself because I don't want to get too skinny.  I actually love my curves now and don't want to lose all of them.   

 Are Libra woman beautiful?

Their soft and gentle appearance comes across as well-balanced, symmetrical faces and supple features. They will usually have full cheekbones, plump lips, almond shaped eyes, attractive smiles and luscious hair. It's uncommon to find a Libra that doesn't catch your eye with their natural beauty and allure

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Germanics Of Switzerland Who Took Over The Romans Are Controlling Others Modern Day!

Want to know why the world is such hell...  Well, the puppetmasters who took over most of the Roman Empire are still pulling the strings in modern times!  They can make others look bad too!  They have infultrated everyone so if you think that a certain group let others attack them well it's not true!
During the Migration Period (375–568), various Germanic peoples entered the Roman Empire and eventually took control of parts of it and established their own independent kingdoms after the collapse of Western Roman rule. The most powerful of them were the Franks, who conquered many of the others.

Switzerland Is 2/3rds Christian And 65% Are German. 37% Of Swiss Pop Are Roman Catholic Largest Denomination In World!

Switzerland is a Christian country. Two-thirds of its population are either Catholic or Protestant (Reformed Evangelical). Freedom of religion in Switzerland also allows other religious communities to practice such faiths as Judaism, Islam and Buddhism. Most people living in Switzerland are Christians.

"Jesus Would Have Been More Olive Coloured Than White Or Black" Wikipedia

What did Jesus look like ethnicity?
Although it was not literally the face of Jesus, the result of the study determined that Jesus's skin would have been more olive-colored than white or black, and it also determined that he would have most likely looked like a typical Galilean Semite of his day.

Cleopatra One Of The Most Famous Egyptians From Macedonia and Was Short, Plump & Plain.

 Due to migration most people from Italy, Greece and Spain are actually part Middle Eastern and Cleopatra was no exception.  The light skinned had to get to Greece and Italy or North Africa when Migrating from The Middle East.  The dark hair, dark eyes and golden/olive/tanned complexian are an indicator.  She was always depicted as light skinned as were most Egyptians so that makes sense to me.  Netflix and a few music videos changed history but not everything is accurate and you can do your own thing but obviously doesn't make it true.  

I have Egyptian, Greek and Levant DNA and I also have dark hair, dark eyes and a golden, olive and tanned complexian too.  My last name on my dad's side also originated from Egypt but we all left probably when the Portugues attacked.  We also most likely migrated in the first place to be free of a very strict religion that has taken over the Middle East and pretty much halted progress and prosperity in most places unless it's shopping malls, condos and expensive cars.    

My dad did have a few nick names for me and one was in an alien type language that I can't share because that's our special password after life.  It mean charcoal.  He said that after they burned the olive branches that is what was left.  I probably have African DNA in me somewhere too.  There were blacks in Egypt in ancient times also.  I think I was GMO'd to be honest.  To many things that seem they were purposely put together and hense that's why I am mixed.  I don't look like anyone else in my family except my father but in a Kim Kardashian sort of way.  Anyways, I am here to try and make the world a better place but I think I was engineered to make the perfect wife.  Little did they know they put someone together that actually would use her dna, ancient wisdome and energy for good!  I even use my shadow side for good.  I'm not plump and plain but I am only 5f2 barefoot.  With hair and heels I'm 5f6 so that's not bad.  In motorcycle boots I'm around 5f4 or 5f5.  I'm not a shrimp but I'm not tall either.  

How tall was Cleopatra?

Historians say she used herbeuty to seduce Roman Emperor Julius Caesar and his leadinggeneral Mark Anthony. But a new exhibition at the British Museum in London nextmonth, which features 11 statues previously thought to portrayother queens, will show Cleopatra as plain-looking, about 5 feet tall and apparently plump.Mar 25, 2001

What race is closest to Egyptian?
They found that the ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near East, particularly from the Levant. This is the Eastern Mediterranean which today includes the countries of Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.Jan 16, 2022

Ancient Egyptians Closely Related To Peoples Of Near East Particularly From The Levant

Cleopatra originated from Greece which is in the migration's path from the Middle East. That's how my family got to Italy from the Middle East and Egypt. Both my parents and their families are from the South of Italy but have ancient roots. My dad's family is originally from Egypt and my mother's family is originally from Levant. I also have some Greek (Greece, Aegeean Islands & Cypress) and Welsh DNA too. The Greek part is because of the migration so that's how I know about the Egyptians. Some ancient Italians and Greeks were not racist and didn't mind mixing. Even my last name from my father's side is said to have originated from Egypt.

Anyways, I was thinking the other day and realized that ancient Eyptians are actually from the Middle East, originally. The Middle East is even known for being the Cradle of Civilization. I am proud that I am mixed with all these great cultures but the Egyptian and Middle Eastern really seem to dominate me.

I look it too with my ethnic features, olive golden tanned skin, my very dark hair and very dark eyes too. Everyone thinks I'm Spanish or Mexican but that is from my Egyptian and Middle Eastern side.

Original Italians and Spanish were white. White Italians even referred to Southern Italians as "black Italians", not that we were black exactly but we are mostly olive and tanned. Some of my family are white with blue eyes though because my Nonna is from the North of Italy and you can trace her family back to Wales. She is the original Wonder Woman who was amazing, white, had the dark brown hair with big blue eyes. I look like Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman becasue she also is from the Middle East! She's gorgeous inside and out just like me!

Interesting stuff! I love DNA!!

Switzerland Is Not Nuetral. Puppet Masters! Very rich!! Davos, Switzerland Hosts World Economic Forum & Protects The Pope & Vatican!


The pupetmasters are never truly out of sight!  Their strings are showing!  Why is Switzerland so rich and filled with elite and rich?  It's no coicidence!  They host  WEF in DAVOS every year too.  You know the group that wants people to eat bugs, be so poor, not own a house or car and not even travel!  United Nations Agenda 2030 garbage!  They are Roman Catholic and their Swiss Army even protects the pope and Vatican.  While the world is going to hell they are sitting pretty without a care in the world but they actually stick out like a soar thumb.  While the west is sinking and parts of the middle east and Ukarain are in smoke and rubble.  Do you see diversity in Switzerland?  NO!  But they want us to import the 3rd world and have that burdon on our system and then the crime is through the roof here!  Even in my home town about an hour and a half away from Toronto!  It's ridiculous!  Well more and more are starting to see what's going on and they will not stand for it.  The den of the sneaky snakes are in Switzerland.  New Zealand is another spot the elites live.  If they don't back off my metaphysical energy is going to focus on them for an eternity!  I am a very peaceful person in the 3D but in the 5D and UD I will let loose!!  

Do the elites live in Switzerland?
Like any other wealthy free trade market, the Swiss economy has also created a group of elite, rich business people who own many assets. The wealthiest people in Switzerland are involved in many industries, but it is noticed that high-tech industries are trending amongst the group.Mar 23, 2022

How many millionaires live in Switzerland?
1,152,000 millionaires
Switzerland is home to roughly 40 billionaires and 1,152,000 millionaires. The number of millionaires in Switzerland will increase 38% by 2026 (from 2021), adding 439,000.Jul 9, 2023

Swiss towns with the highest concentration of millionaires revealed

While we often think of ZugZurich and Geneva as the richest places in Switzerland on account of the glitzy cars and high salaries, a new study by the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) has found that when it comes to pure concentration of millionaires, one of the founding cantons of Switzerland stands out the most.

Last decade sees super-rich migrate to low-tax areas

According to the latest data from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), reported by the NZZ, the last few years have seen a migration of the super-rich from major Swiss cities into central Switzerland. The newspaper explained that this is mainly a result of policy, with Lausanne increasing the tax burden on millionaires by 10 percent between 1995 and 2018.

The result of different tax policies between cantons and cities means millionaires can save thousands if they choose to relocate to a different part of the country. For example, the NZZ found that a family with four members and a total income of 1 million francs a year has to pay 360.000 francs in taxes per year if they live in Hasliberg, Canton Bern, compared to just 226.000 francs in Lungern, Canton Obwalden - around 37 percent less.

Schwyz home to highest concentration of millionaires

Therefore, it is perhaps not surprising that the country’s most wealthy residents are choosing central Switzerland, with Wollarau, Canton Schwyz being ranked as having the highest concentration of millionaires in the country. In the former home of retired tennis star Roger Federer, 4,1 percent of local taxpayers had an income of over 1 million francs a year in 2019 - the NZZ explained that as Swiss tax returns often take years to resolve, returns from 2019 is the latest accurate data set the FSO has to hand.

Another Schwyz community, Feusisberg, came in second with 3,3 percent, with Vandoeuvres in Geneva rounding out the podium places with 3,2 percent. The study noted that beyond central Switzerland, the majority of affluent communities can be found along the Gold Coast in Canton Zurich, areas of Canton Schwyz within easy reach of Zurich, and the banks of Lake Geneva.

Swiss towns with the biggest millionaire population

In all, here are the Swiss towns with the highest concentration of millionaires as of 2019 (as a percentage of the total taxpayers):

  • 1. Wollerau, Schwyz (4,1)
  • 2. Feusisberg, Schwyz (3,3)
  • 3. Vandoeuvres, Geneva (3,2)
  • 4. Cologny, Geneva (2,7)
  • 5. Walchwil, Zug (2,2)
  • 6. Freienbach, Schwyz (2,1)
  • =7. Pierrafortscha, Fribourg (2)
  • =7. Rossenges, Vaud (2)
  • =9. Buchillon, Vaud (1,9)
  • =9. Küsnacht, Zurich

For more information, and to see how tax rates vary between each Swiss council (Gemeinde), check out the official data.