Thursday, April 27, 2017

A Revelation For The Damned In Hopes That It May Help Change Their Ways & Save Them #nwo

Will you be able to spend your money in hell, dark 1% #nwo elites?  Your puppets too?  I can assure you that you CANNOT take it with you!  You won't be able to escape the natural order.  You may delay it, but in the end you will face your judgement.  It's never too late.  You can start making it right in this world by changing your ways and doing good NOW and making up for your sins as much as you can!  I call this a #GodHack.  You know like those tips and tricks they call #LifeHacks.  Why not!  I am God's Prophet and he did send me here for all especially for the lost like yourselves. 

(You reap what you *sow) 

 Recently  I asked for Mercy and I am expecting to see some for the 99%.  Some really good and positive changes that will ease the burden off their backs immediately.  The stabilization of the Middle East and Africa is in my top ten.  Bringing down food and utility prices.  Stopping the spread of dangerous people all over the world.  The use of communication and not war, however, I do think that the leader in North Korea is very dangerous and needs to step down and get some help or be forced out.  I am going to trust the world leaders and our global military on this.  I am praying that they will do the right thing.  
I believe that I have done everything I was sent here to do.  I want to return to my life and only channel part time or less.  I cannot guide forever but I will keep my eyes open and if I see something I will say something.  I certainly will keep posting my revelations and knowledge for the Harmonious Order of the Circle Society for the Future Testament that should be written.   I deeply care for humanity and our world and I hope one day, if not in this lifetime, maybe in my next, that I will see how man reached the stars, and spread throughout the universe, bettering it and lighting it up.  

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Italians Are The Healthiest People ~ #LaDolceVita Give To The Light ~ It's The Italian Peasant Life For Me

y: Katherine Martinko/Treehugger Despite a stagnant economy and high youth unemployment, Italians are the epitome of health and longevity.
Italians are the world’s healthiest people, according to the latest Global Health Index by Bloomberg. A child born today in Italy, raised on a diet that includes plenty of pasta, bread, cheese, meat, and wine, can expect to live into its octogenarian years.
This is intriguing because Italy’s economy has been stagnant for decades. The unemployment rate reached 12 percent in December 2016, and an estimated 40 percent of young people do not have jobs. Bloomberg writes that Italy has one of the highest debt loads in the world relative to the size of its economy. So, while Italians have a lot on their plate to stress them out, it does not appear to be affecting health or longevity.
The Global Health Index looked at 163 countries. It calculated a ‘health score’, based on the likeness of mortality by disease or injury, life expectancy at various ages, and the probability of survival at key times. From this score is subtracted ‘health risk penalties,’ which measure damaging behavioral factors (i.e. smoking, obesity, and childhood malnutrition) and environmental factors (i.e. pollution and lack of clean drinking water). The final result is a ‘health grade.’
The top five countries and their health grades are:
1. Italy, 93.11
2. Iceland, 91.21
3. Switzerland, 90.75
4. Singapore, 90.23
5. Australia, 89.24
The lowest in the top 50 are:
46. Slovakia, 65.10
47. Barbados, 64.14
48. Oman, 62.89
49. Panama, 62.39
50. Albania, 62.01
The United States, by contrast, is only #34 on the list, with a health score of 73.05. Bloomberg says, “Its ranking for prevalence of overweight people is 67.3 – tipping the scale as one of the world’s heaviest nations.” To make matters worse, the maternal mortality rate is actually rising in the U.S. while dropping in the rest of the world.
We should take a lesson from the Italians, who clearly have some things figured out – primarily, how to flourish on a diet that contains many foods that are shunned and avoided by health-conscious Americans. The secret must lie in the great number of fresh vegetables and fruits consumed on a daily basis, the lean meats, and the heart-healthy olive oil drizzled over everything.
Another factor could be Italians’ approach to food. Having lived there in the past, I know how much Italians love their meals. They eat for pleasure, more than fueling their bodies. They take the time to prepare meals from scratch, to savor, and to digest, even on weekdays. Surely this slower pace has its benefits.
Interestingly, on a completely different index, the United Nations’ World Happiness Report for 2017, Italy ranks only #48 out of 155 countries. Despite being healthy and living to an old age, Italians are, unfortunately, not terribly content.

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth So Why Not Be Happy via La Dolce Vita Balanced Italian Peasant Life - Updated April 25, 2016

I sensed that the globalists seem to want a population of self enslaving slaves and not just any slaves either!  Those that are so angry and so hateful that have a religion that parallels their Satanism easily.  A perfect match made in hell, perhaps?  It's against the fabric of nature and the universe.  Not good at all.  So unbalanced.  So negative.  God and The Goddess would never go for such a thing.  Maybe that's why they picked me, I believe?  I am always seeking and thinking on top of my knowing, visions, channeling and other mystic Twilight Zone stuff.  I see something and it leads me to connect it to something else.  I'm like Jane in the Jungle with Tarzan.  I swing from vine to vine to constantly flow forward with the motion and rhythm of the universe.  It may sound weird but it's what I do.  I have several methods I use.  Upwards, putting out my jelly fish vibe, floating, flowing, sinking and spinning.  It depends.  It's kind of hard to explain.  Anyways, I have gathered a lot by doing so including that it would be very beneficial to humanity if we were not slaves and actually free and prosperous beings living peaceful and harmonious lives HAPPY!  People who are happy are far more productive and less trouble.  They won't damage things and will actually do more because they want to.  I decided that the meek that inherit the earth should be those that practice #LaDolceVita and who give to the light!  Living simply but at the same time not forced to.  A truly fair and balanced society that is moral and of the light for all.  It doesn't matter what your race or religion are either.  Everyone should be happy and live heaven on earth.

In February I watched the film, Under The Tuscan Sun, where the main character, who only wanted to visit Italy, suddenly decides to move there!  She stated that "Italians know how to have fun".  You have to give to the light and it's positive and happy vibes.  La Dolce Vita!  Heart value and not complicated materialistic crap.   It also helped that Italians grew a lot of their own food because they had lots of land, a decent home, cheap utilities, made most of their clothes and things that were what people needed weren't an arm and a leg back then like they are now.

Then I realized last week that I do lead a very simple yet balanced life.  I practice the 3Rs!  Reduce, Reuse & Recycle!!  I also go a step further.  I don't buy crap and I am a minimalist.  I hate clutter and too many new things.  It actually jams up my vibes.  I swear I love to go to used book stores, thrift shops and be in nature more than being in a cold and empty mall full of cold and empty things.  I am not a freak because I do have a few nice things I splurged. I don't know why but I feel it's important to try to keep up with some technology.  I guess I really love the feeling I get because you can easily connect to other people like I do on a subconscious level.  It's very fulfilling and soothing to me.  I rarely shop, though, and when I do it's discount stores.  I love a deal! lol   I buy mostly pieces that always stay in style and a few pieces on sale that are in season.  I also mend my things to make them last longer!  Anyways, I am not saying you must be like me!  I am only sharing because I am truly happy and want to pass that info on to others in hopes that it might make them happy!  I am also not one to force things on others because I believe in Freewill.  If you have to force stuff onto people then it's most likely because it's not right.

I'm very happy still even though all of the unfairness and dark in the world today.  I live a simple and modest life and I thank my parents, my culture and my upbringing.  My parents grew up very poor in the South of Italy, yet they always were rich in heart & happiness, regardless. We always had traditional Italian Peasant food on our table, a nice modest roof over our head that we owned, a nice American or German car, decent discount department store clothing mostly from Sears and could afford a gift for each of us at Christmas.  My parents were so lucky to come to Canada in the 70s when things were still fair and prosperous.  They gave us such a good life and we are so much better for it now.  I grew up right on the wrong side of the tracks and I am a much better person for it today and even when I grocery shop now I decided to make more traditional Italian Peasant meals because they are hearty and it's a bit less.

I do have a vent though and it is because of others that I don't even know concerning our future generations. In Ontario, Canada we pay a lot of taxes and are forced into the green communist garbage "mistake" of #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 that the imo fake liberals signed us up to without any facts & critical thought!  We have less and less and less disposable income.  Also factor in the fact that I am not not working right now because money is not as important as my knowing, visions, tarot readings, channeling, research and writing to better humanity.  It's so very tough here with all the crap & traitor tax, smart ass meters, inflation thanks to the "fraud" banking bs system and that's all on top of the vat tax gst that many countries still don't pay?!  It's not fair that Canadians have to be signed up to that garbage.  It's time to give us a break and take all that nonsense off our hurting backs.  Do unto others, right.  Would you like to not be able to afford even the most basic of things?  There are people in Ontario that can't afford their hydro electric and food.  It's heartbreaking.  That is not of the light and not of La Dolce Vita!  It's not nice to think you are better than others too.  The elites need to start living less extravagant and more of the light.  I think they need it most.  How many mansions will fill your empty hearts?  You know what fills mine?  Making people happy!  It's a really amazing feeling and you add to the real light.  I would like to see less scams in our world and more helping others.  It's really insane that the dying new world order plays so moral while doing the most evil wicked things.  Norman Bates of Psycho has nothing on you guys!  So the world's future I am trying to shape is a fair, harmonious happy, balanced, prosperous one!  Where we empathize with people and are moral!  We should follow the #HarmoniousOrder no matter what you believe.  Also the globalists and/or their minions must stop harming the innocents too.  What kind of people harm innocence?!  I just want a better world and you should too!  You are a part of God and he is a part of you!  Whether you like it or not!  We should be on the same team and that's team humanity.  Why break things and then try to make them right?  Like I said before we can fix them and make them better and stronger!  WE MUST PIVOT.  I truly think I am here to help you all so please listen and do the right thing.

 Updared April 25, 2017
Anna Sophia  نTweet text

Thursday, April 13, 2017

"High Culture" Babylon vs Dark Babylon of the "Vampire" & My Connection To Ishtar

Just like The Tale of The Two Cities Babylon also has at least two sides.  It was conquered at least 5x so I understand why.  The Goddess Ishtar is of the "High Culture" Babylon and the dark #nwo globalists today are of the vampire.

I started thinking about Babylon when I just instantly picked up "Babylon", "Back to Babylon" and "Time line" in August 2016.  I found a Babylon book a year or so earlier but I didn't pick up that I would find anything, it was more about the antiquities found.  Then I started searching online and found out about the dark taking over and felt that it was probably extremists like today.  Then I saw how the Empress of the Germanic tribe lead and won against them.  Shortly after that I realized the Empress card I always get on my personal Tarot readings had something to do with it and recognized the Venus female symbol and the Goddess Ishtar how much she looked like me because The Empress in my Tarot deck was white but I felt I had some connection to her because it was always in my readings mostly and I felt that she was helpful and happy like me!

I also picked up that the Goddess has many names even though she is one main entity.  Reincarnation or maybe it's a download to the right enlightened woman?  I am not sure.  This is all so impossibly amazing.  I just knew that what I was picking up was very important and to write it all down.  I am so grateful to Google, Facebook and Twitter for being able to log it all there.  I use Twitter mostly like a scratchpad to channel and make notes then Blogger for a bit more detailed blog posts.  I relate myself to Nostradamus but instead of dark ink water and drugs to see negative events, I use enlightenment via digital music/media or old school books and the internet for positive to help guide humanity towards a bright future.  Talk about using energy in a positive way!!!
I am still trying to piece it all together because I usually get info in drips and not all at once so I am sometimes having to work backwards and figure it out or I just know it all.  Sometimes it's things have been right in front of my face for a while but I can't see it until God needs me to because like I said before I am on a need to know basis.  The big guy is the master Infinity-D chess player!  Anyways, I will probably be adding to this blog and provide a URL to my tweets dealing with Babylon too.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Rare Pink Full Libra Moon Tonight April 11, 2017 & Special Tribute To The Chinese Goddess, Quan Yin ~ Updated - Fixed April 13 2017 - Missing Original Paragraph

Here's To New Beginnings!

The Goddess Quan Yin

In appreciation of China working with the US in regards to North Korea due to the KJY's erratic behavior and usually went ignored but since given nuclear capabilities by. you guessed it. the gruesome twosome. Bill & Hillary, per, many felt you couldn't ignore him any longer. I pray that it all works out and the people are not harmed.  I would be my biggest wish would be that all poor people, in communistic countries 3rd world countries, would be treated humanely, fairly, with respect and given fair wages by their government employers too that make so much money off of them for slave labor. That is not right in my eyes. Goes against the natural laws. We all must be moral and act with integrity. Each and every person is special with the magical light, fire and energy of God.

I just wanted to add how disgusting I felt when I learned about what the clinton's did to the Haitian people.  Just very disgusting and evil in my eyes to take advantage of them and keep approx 96% of all the donations that should have went to help them after their tragic earthquake!

144,000 Prophesized Lightworkers To Save The World? ~ I Am! I'm Also A Prophet Of God Too & Maybe The Reincarnated Goddess #Ishtar AKA Propheisized Returned (Anna) Sophia

If You Have Any Of These 10 Characteristics You Are One Of The 144,000 Prophesized Lightworkers To Save The World?

Article & Pictures by
URL link at bottom of page

There is one prediction that can be found both, in the book of revelations and the emerald tablets forecasting something really exciting!
It says that there will be an incarnation of 144,000 lightworkers who will save earth from the “forces of darkness” during the end times of the kali yuga.
The most interesting part about this prediction is the realization that most of these lightworkers are now here and in the process of “waking up” to their divine purpose and mission on earth. Majority of them might not even know or remember who they REALLY are!
According to spiritual teachers and psychics, the cellular memories of the 144,000 were programmed, timed, and triggered to “go off” at this time and awaken them to their true identity, mission, and purpose for incarnating on earth at this most crucial time in earth’s history.

What does saving the world means?

The term “saving the planet” carries a wrong connotation and that’s why most people don’t understand what we really mean.
It’s not literally about the planet Earth, the Earth is fine with or without us. There’s not going to be an epic fight between the dark and the light. At least not here in the physical realm.
We need saving as species, there is something rotten deep in our collective psyche and we need to deal with it. The so called “forces of darkness” are simply the projection of this shadow we need to face deep in ourselves.
Lightworkers are people who heal on many levels. They heal mentally, physically, emotionally and even spiritually. They do this through their work and their energy if they learn to control and manage it.
That’s why they are the ones who will “save the world from the forces of darkness” because they will help us heal the shadows of humanity.
And the number is just a sacred quantity that, if reached, creates a powerful wave that cannot be stopped.
It creates a wave that will wash the whole world from its negative behavior that’s retarding our true potential of love. It’s like when you try to stop fire from spreading, if you distinguish a certain amount of that fire, the rest will simply distinguish by itself.

Are you one of the 144,000 lightworkers that will save the world?Lightworkers

There are 10 common traits among fellow lightworkers. All of them experienced most of these in the process of their awakening.
If you experience any of these characteristics you are one of the 144,000 prophesized lightworkers that will save the world:
– You were always identifying with heroic characters and superheroes. And you still do, even if you are an adult now;
– You have a deep purpose that not a lot of people know about. You might not be sure yourself, but you just know you were meant for something bigger;
– You have an inner understanding about spiritual concepts, higher knowledge and cosmic wisdom that feels natural to you;
– You love people, but you hate them at the same time. And this is so confusing to you. It’s like you unconditionally love who they are at their core, but you hate all the junk that’s preventing them to shine, like their ego, addictions, stupid decisions and negativity;
– You might have panic attacks and anxiety problems;
– You love animals and you feel deeply for the harm we do to them to satisfy our own needs;
– You can’t stand injustice;
– You always try to lighten up the mood. If something is tense you tell a joke, if someone is down you do your best to cheer them up, if someone is asking for your help you might go out of your own way just to help them;
– You tend to inspire others, even if you are unaware of this;
– You love to merge dualities into oneness, like science and spirituality, psychology and philosophy, technology and nature;

The time for awakening is now!

The 144,000 Propheciesed Lightworkers

We have reached and entered the 11th hour of the great change that is taking place on earth!
The time has come for the remaining lightworkers to awaken so we can get to the prophesized number of 144,000!
You need to wipe the sleeping slumbers of half-life from your eyes, smack your forehead to dislodge the dream of materialism, wake up and smell the coffee, roll up your sleeves, put on your thinking caps, and be about the Himalayan task of saving this world!
You have something to offer this world, and deep down you know what that is.
Stop following norms and trends. Do what you KNOW were meant to do.
And if you are still not sure of what that is, just do what feels good and natural to you. Do what makes you feel alive! Do what really has meaning for you!
Or simply, live through your heart. Resonate with love! That’s all we really need to heal humanity!