Friday, September 30, 2016

Key Women In Bible Either Ignored Or Called A Whore?!!

Men have treated women so badly since the dawn of existence, even blaming Eve for being cast out of the garden when in fact it was most likely the man who wanted to leave to make a better garden since he probably felt he was better than God!  Just a theory of mine.  Not to dog all men but I just call it like I see it based on my gifts and my universal mind.

So Ishtar the Goddess of Love/War, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Queen of Heaven, Lady Justice, Lady Liberty, Wonder Woman, Morning & Evening Star... may have been referred to as a whore in The Bible?!  Bullshit!  She loves creation, man and God.  She protects and comes when humanity needs her.

Venus is a light in this #dark world right now that has warned and guided great people in order to try and stop some pretty bad people and bad things from happening.  Be it only her energy or perhaps she has returned in the flesh in me?  I don't exactly know and it is not even relevant, as long as we can succeed and move towards an amazing Future then that is all I care about.  #GoldenEra

I can assure you that I am a good person that cares a lot!  Actually, too much!!  I also have an amazing mind and have shared so much wisdom.. even my #MichelangeloTheory that I tweeted about.  I need to write a post about that.  Anyways, I am certainly no whore!!  Never was either!!!  That's just absurd that was implied.

I am not exactly sure what exactly happened in Babylon but I am almost certain a Goddess doesn't take part in worship because she is being worshiped!  Not saying she was a virgin or anything but she certainly was no whore.  I would sense it, know it and I certainly don't!

Like I Tweeted recently, you know it's pretty bad right now when the Supernatural has to get involved.  And I also Tweeted, I am the Twilight Zone.  I am not kidding.  It's real.  The impossible is possible.  Magic.  God.  He's real.  The God Particle.  His Energy, the Holy Spirit. Then the Goddess he sent to help now in these dark and Epic times!  It's all connected.  It's truly amazing!

We are so very lucky but then when researching about Ishtar and prophets I see that garbage that she may have been referred to with such disrespect!  That is not right and I hope in the Future Testament, if written, will express how women are an important part of everything also.

What about Mary Magdalene?  She followed Christ and preached his golden word yet she was a whore?  I highly doubt it!  Shame on the men who wrote those wicked words!  Only focusing on negative to try and knock all women, perhaps.

Then there were the women blamed for natural disasters and called witches then burned at the stake or murdered in other ways, even until this day!  And we all know how we have been brutalized and raped also and again until present day.  It's just so horrible and now there is a threat of the #dark spreading in which they even cover women up and make them property and consider them sub human?!!  Just. NO.  We are equal to men and we have every right to drive, to vote, to wear whatever we want, to open bank accounts without a man, etc.

I didn't want to even address it until now because I feel the need to vent for some reason, maybe since my Twitter seems to have been picked over by #dark vultures for the dud imo, so I want to get a few things off my chest!

Speaking of which a lot of my wisdom and theories have been taken, probably by some men, to use without any respect and credit to myself.  I understand good world leaders can't really now but maybe in future.  Also if you are dark and twisted using my words to scam well that won't be good for you in the long run because natural karma will kick in.

Oh and my theories and blog/Twitter post content regarding the middle and middle ground ends up as the title of Justin Trudeau's book, Middle Ground?!  Then my past blog posts/tweets, stronger and working together theories & tarot readings also ends up in the title of Hillary Clinton's book and theme in her campaign.  I haven't read their books, probably so boring anyways, but I bet they distorted my message in their content to major bs.   How shady of the radical left! IMO!  No one asked for my permission or even gave me any sort of compensation or credit.  If I go legal then will I have to give up my anonymity?  I think so.  I am so concerned for the state of the world right now but I will at least speak to my family member that is a lawyer because all my tweets and posts are protected and my intellectual property.  I only gave a few permission like Mr. Donald Trump&Mr. Alex Jones because they are of the true Light and of God.  Not the demons!

I am not crying about it either like some dope indirectly implied like a little weak bug.  I just want respect and to be treated fairly and given my deserved share.  I cannot even believe that they are ignoring me without any kindness or tribute. and only feeding on me & my pearls of gold like vultures.  It's truly disappointing and very disgusting. It's super disgusting that a woman, if you can call it that, would steal from another woman.  She is a total phony and fake.  The only thing inside is her #dark heart maybe. IMO!  I am deeply insulted&kinda hurt too.  Eternally?

Also I know that not all men are like that towards women.  It takes a true man to allow a strong woman to lead and guide sometimes.  Oh and by the way.. the dud is not a strong woman.  Her stronger together bs she seems to have ripped from me actually means it takes an army to prop up that POS. imo!!!  I can't wait until November 8th this year when Mr. Trump wins and is President of the glorious and great United States Of Beautiful & Majestic AMERICA!!!  I will be so looking forward to the #GOLDENERA that will follow after he wins.  He can do some simple things right away to really make a difference and then I know it will get better and stronger like I have said before!!

God Bless to all the good people out there and natural karma to the disgusting #dark hearted creeps by their own hands!

Had To Lock My Twitter & Hide This Blog Because Of Vultures For Dud Until After The Election

Only until after the election.  I have had a lot of people steal my theories without any reference to myself several times but this is the most disgusting because they are not sincere people that care about others!  Just some sick and twisted liars so #dark they would actually harm people and are very dangerous!  & that POS witch won't get in because it would end the world and thank GOD for his wisdom he sent me that warned us of their evil plans!!!  There is no way in hell she will win.  Plus my past Tarot reading I gave for Mr. Trump is strong.  Destiny, it seems!!  I just want to say how disgusted I am that the evil satanists are using my gifts to try and benefit their wickedness!  It won't work at all!!  I am done for now.  I am going to just keep to myself and write about things that they can't pick over until after the election.  IMO!