Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Oct 26th Update! - Went Keto On Olanzapine To Reduce My Weight Even More But Tweaked It To Reduced Fat & Low GI.

I read that Olanzapine spikes your blood sugar so I decided to go keto in order to regulate that. I basically ate mostly keto meals anyways but my snacks were not so I eliminated the non keto snacks like bananas and dates daily and ate more keto friendly snacks. I noticed an improvement right away! The swelling in my body, especially on my feet, went down. I also lost 2 pounds in less than 2 weeks. The only thing that is very hard to avoid is rice, I like to have it once or twice a week. I might try to bring it down to every other week. Not having bananas in my diet has significantly improved my overall physical well being. I really love bananas but it's just too hard on me to have them so I am going to avoid them the majority of the time and only have them as a treat every once in a while. Also on special occasions and holidays I'm going to treat myself too instead of having a weekly treat day. Of course I'm human and might have a treat day in between then too. All I know is that I need Olanzapine to sleep and to ease my ptsd so if I have to go keto in order to make it better for me then why not. It's a small price to pay for my overall well being. I also switched up my workouts from doing just the exorcise bike to 30 minutes of aerobics along with light weights and a 10 minute core workout 5x a week. It not only keeps my weight down but it lifts my spirits too! I really look forward to do it every morning even though I'm on Olanzapine which makes me a bit lazy but I fight through it because it benefits me so much. I also wrote another blog about how I keep my weight down on Olanzapine if you care to read that too. I also keep my fat intake down and not go too crazy because I read Olanzapine also causes fat in the blood. 

 Update: I lost another 2 pounds!!!  I emailed my shrink today and told her and she emailed me back saying I am doing amazing and to keep up the great effort!!  October in Canada includes Thanksgiving so I indulged then and the next day due to leftovers then there was my birthday and a couple more treat meals and I still lost weight!  I am going to keep going and hopefully lose even more weight.  I am hoping by Christmas I am back down to my before Olanzapine weight in 2019.  I did notice that the swelling in my breasts, hips and feet are also down to almost normal.    

Update: I lost over 2 pounds! I lost a total of 7 lbs in about 3 weeks! And that's with some cheat meals and a couple treats.  A low glycemic and low fat diet is really working! Exercise helps too. I used YouTube to find great work out channels both my aerobics and core workouts are from the BeFit Channel and the Denise Austin Channel. I will treat myself a bit on my husband's birthday and have a cheat meal and then on Halloween I will also have a cheat meal and some Halloween treats too! Next month I will probably only have two cheat meals because I only have one birthday to celebrate. Then there is Christmas Eve and Christmas. I need some cheat meals ever week or every other week right now... who knows what will happen in the near future. After New Years I might have less but we will see. I will keep you posted.