Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Return Of The Golden Era With A Trump Presidency

When I picked up on the Golden Era, from seeing signs from the golden ring around the moon since the Goddess Moon in July 2016, some people would use Golden Age instead.  I stuck with Golden Era because with President Trump we would be reviving something we already had.
Even here in Toronto we can already see evidence of this just by looking up to the sky yet (again).  The sunsets are on fire with gold and framed in reddish purple that I have been noticing since last summer.  Absolutely amazing!  What a truly holy and wonderful time.  I have been stating it's been epic for some time now but it's more.. it's MAGICAL!  Thank you, God for this second chance brought to us by the High Information voters of America!!  Freedom, individual rights, prosperity, harmony, law&order, justice to name a few will be revived just like the wonderful Golden Era headed our way that will then bring us back into the Golden Age!

So spectacular, right!   I am not one to get political or religious but when I sense and see something important to help humanity then I must get involved.  As a result my thanks has been having to fill out intrusive long form surveys, being attacked by dim-brainwashed zombies and people asking me to do carny tricks as if I am some sort of two bit circus freak.  Did Nostradamus perform?  No he just was and did.  I flow like I have written many times before.  I have nothing to prove and nothing to gain either.. another thing I have said before also and have come to the conclusion that I am no longer going to even bother figuring out who I am or what I am either... I am just going to be, however, I had to state the obvious that I am in fact a Prophet of God.  A real life modern day one too!  Isn't that so AWESOME!

Oh and I just wanted to add that the proof of my abilities is right here on my blog, also on my past blog and also my Twitter and Facebook.  So please go ahead and take a look but I will not perform like an animal.  I mean I could and have done so on an unprofessional level with great accuracy for family and a couple friends but I don't really want to do that.  Oh and 2 words.. Dante's Hell!  I never want to take my gifts and profit off of them because what if I am off one day.  Nope.  I morally couldn't do that because it's wrong.  Don't want to spend eternity with my head on backwards either! lol   So bottom line I will only use my gifts sparingly and for the good of humanity or if I can help someone but I approach them when I sense they need it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Paganism is The Foundation of Organized Religion

I find Paganism to be the earliest form of religion that was created by primitive man to help them try and understand and cope with their reality and existence.  Some versions were very basic while other's like Ishtar's were very intricate, actually connected to the universe and gave us amazing things like the zodiac and astronomy.  When I read Occult America this spring, I learned that there was two major forms of Paganism... light and dark.  There is even Christian Science and Christian Occult.  Very interesting and helped me put a lot more into perspective with my own personal journey of discovery of trying to figure out who I am and what I was a part of.  Shortly after I realized that I am in fact a part of the Christian Occult and a modern day Prophet of God!  I just can't stress enough how incredible and amazing this all is.  I truly am doing this in the best interest of everyone.  I actually have no choice but to write down everything I pick up.. my boss is very persistent!  It's also like he keeps me focused too.  I was working in a great accounting position

Let me continue regarding Paganism being the bases of organized religions.  The Old Testament includes pagans like King Cyrus that helped the Jewish People in Babylon.  The Catholic Church over-road  the Pagan Calendar which actually did civilize society but they classified the Goddess Ishtar a demon instead of include her as the Goddess and warrior of the Light.  I guess they didn't like that duality thing because she has to be the dark to defend goodness.

I just have to mention that it's so obvious that the past Catholics didn't seem to view very highly of women, demonized some like The Goddess Ishtar then probably changed her to a male, kept us out of key positions and the modern just keep it all the same.  A lot of religions don't respect women equally, actually.  We are still being mistreated and even killed today, especially if they are suspected for being a witch, believe it or not!  Some were persecuted for being accused of causing a natural disaster?!!  Others simply because of not being liked so they create a that bogus scenario to get a witch hunt going and often make us disappear. In this day and age this sort of thing should not be tolerated.  So much for equal rights for all individuals like the fake global organizations falsely pledge.  This must change now!

I also sense that so much has been hidden, mysterious Babylon included, and how could we ever truly go to where we need to go if that doesn't come out?  Even The Book of Enoch was suppressed too and probably because it dealt with supernatural and unknown.  I am trying to piece together more and more but I have learned that it is impossible until that information is released by the world & religious leaders and most likely the #godlesselites too.  Just because they don't believe in the magic doesn't mean that it's not true.  Put it all out on the table.

Please remember that I am not a professional writer, I am just flowing and having to write it all down.  There are some things I am holding back, however.  I will be totally open once I sense we are in gentle waters again and moving towards our golden and harmonious future that will prosper all that are with the pure and true light and energy.  I also read that once we are in that calm then the star people (aliens) will return.  After this Epic past year, until present time, I believe that anything is possible!  I might even put an ebook together too!  I have 4 book ideas,designed two covers and have enough material from my blog and twitter too.  I guess once my worry for our free and strong West has subsided then I can focus on doing my things again.  It's still a bit bumpy and this Friday I have already seen on a video via Project Veritas that some far left people are plotting disruptions that would probably lead to panic and harm!  Why are these, in my opinion, radical left domestic terrorists operating?  I bet under a Trump Presidency that kind of bs won't be tolerated and they would be proactive!


Thursday, January 12, 2017

All Energy Stems From God

There is a great intelligence behind our existence but that's not all!  All energy stems from God.  His energy is in each and every one of us and in everything.  It's incredible!  Talk about magic.  The God Particle exists.  You can rename it to something else because you are a doubter but that doesn't mean that it's true and that God doesn't exist.  Especially in this day and age with what is happening with his anointed, the Gentle Lion, now the future leader of  great and free USA and hopefully the rest of the Western World too commencing on January 20, 2017!  It's so AMAZING to be living in these biblical times.  Truly spectacular!  Nice also to see that Pope Francis agrees with me because he said that refugees must respect host countries laws and cultures.  I may not blog on a daily basis but I do Tweet a lot and I did tweet about it there.  It helps me channel and piece together things live.  I had an overwhelming sensation to write it all down over the years.  I am a mere servant of God and I volunteer my time happily to help humanity.

The Next Step I Sense For Humanity, Populating The Universe

Everyone complains about how overpopulated the world is but just like how we spread from creation to cover the globe we must also populate the universe.  Once we fix it and make it better and stronger in the USA; we need to spread it (the west) here on Earth.) we should spread it across the heavens!
Latin for Rough roads lead to the stars
The West seems to be a trigger word for those that are not living in a free country that is respectful to the individual and provides them with individual freedoms and rights.  It's am amazing thing and each and every human being deserves to live like that!  Women and children included!!!

Humanity has a purpose and it is to work together positively, build up, advance, be the best we can be for the betterment of mankind.  That consists of releasing all the suppressed history and positive technology too like the free atmospheric energy that Nikola Tesla discovered many years ago but was suppressed because of Greed.  We need to overcome our weaknesses and egos and move forward!  Since we are heading to be on the right course again with a Trump Presidency we should also get on board and work together!  Just like in my People of the Lie book, even snakes can grow wings to become dragons!

This is not about you or me, it's about our purpose and getting to the next step.  We have been caught on that perpetual wheel to nowhere with that death and destruction game the mice minded #godlesselites had us on for far too long.  This is a new age now, God, the Goddess and their servants have stepped in, we must sacrifice our weaknesses now to come together to move forward.

We must put aside our petty differences and pick a side and there are only two sides like I have said many times before.  Either you are with God and the light or you are with Satan and the dark!  Killing people that are different than you is of SATAN btw and the #nwo #godlesselites know that and really love those that do!  It is making it so much easier for them to enslave us all.  Think about it.  Do you really think that God the all powerful and mighty want you to kill man, his creation, simply because they believe in a different version of him?  Remember what I tweeted or blogged before... Organized religion was created by man from their interpretation of God.  There is only one God of many names and only one Goddess of many names also.  They do not want that at all.  If you can't live with people then you must fix yourselves and reform your beliefs to coincide with God's laws and ethical ways.

I created the #HarmoniousOrder that includes God's laws, the laws of the Natural order, The Golden Rule Do Unto Others as you would want done to you, Tools of the Universe, Morals, Ethics, Sir Isaac Newton's science and principals of mathematics... all positive!  Works with individuals and groups to bring them up. We are all created equal in the image of God and should have individual rights and freedoms that should be respected.  You are no god or demon!  You have no right to control, deceive and harm!  Man should only lead with integrity and love because they want a better future for all!  Together we are amazing and we are magic!  Nothing can stop us from doing the right thing for all our benefits!  I truly think that the west is of the light and for man.  Globalism is for the dark causing great suffering and slaves.

I am very excited and very optimistic about the President Elect's term!  His team also!!  Finally we will have someone in that will steer us into our positive future to finally get us out of that static state so we can get to going where we need to go just like in that song by Olivia Newton John, Suddenly!  Remember, I use all forms of media, mostly digital to see.  Instead of dark inked water and drugs like Nostradamus; I use digital electric energy, positivity, love, a desire to help for no gain and a healthy lifestyle to channel.  I think it's also possible because I believe in God and through him and others that believe I can also do all this and connect on another level.  All energy stems from God.

I think it's also so amazing that I am a Prophet of God and am helping humanity pivot so we could move in the right direction for everyone's benefit.  There are always two ways to do something.. the right way that will make it come to light and the wrong way that won't.