Thursday, October 5, 2023

Three Weeks Off Of 2.5 Mh Olanzapine Switched To 20 Mg of Lurasidone ( Latuda Generic )

The first couple weeks off of 2.5 mg of Olazapine and on 20 mg of Lurasidone instead I was just so glad that I could sleep and not slip into a psychic psychosis! I also noticed right away that my feet were not as swollen. Now my breasts are not swollen either and I am getting back to my normal size. No more constipation and my stomach and lower pelvic region has gone down too. I am starting to fit into my smallest size Small that would fit like a glove when I was very thin. In two weeks I've lost an inch off my waist and chest! I still don't want to weigh myself, however. Maybe in the spring. lol Before on 2.5 mg of Olanzapine I was still able to fit into an American small and size 12 pant because I work out 5x a week. Now I'm able to fit into a regular size small and size 10 pant. I actually like my curves so I hope they don't go away completely. I'm still working out but a more high intense aroebic routine with Denise Austin my favorite fitness instructor who has so many free workouts on YouTube! She's so smiley and shiney! I just love her!! I did purchase one of her workout DVDs on Ebay also. All in all things are going great. I started smiling and laughing again last week! I feel more relaxed and in better spirits. Work is so hard but it's not stressing me out as much. They threw a couple new tasks at me last week and one support person was not helpful so I had to transfer it back to the queue and I got dinged for it. Their PR was not clear on the last step but I could have tried more. Sometimes when learning new things I sometimes get overwhelmed when I'm stressed because of all my past traumas. I panic because of the horrid abuse I endured which caused me PTSD and then my OCD kicks in and I want to know it all and have everything perfect right away and life is just not like that. Being perfect was an escape from the abuse and I am pretty good at appearing like everything is roses but sometimes it's not and you have to go through it. I am trying but when there is a little bump sometimes it really upsets me. I wish that person would have taken the extra couple minutes to have shown me the last step instead of dismiss me. I explained to my manager and he was cool about it and he understood. I have to be better at handling small challenges and at least I have recognized it now. It's just at the time I have to break things down I don't really have interest in or care about better instead of breaking down, you know. I hope to be better able to handle the small little rough patches. I can survive storms no problem and have endured a lot and have come out better and stronger but sometimes the little things are what trip you up more. So now I see that and have learned not to panic. I am getting over my OCD and my PTSD too and these new meds are really helping. I explained on my other earlier blog that I need antipsychotics now otherwise I am too psychic and too powerful. Maybe that would benefit humanity somehow, however? Who can I trust, though. Who would utilize my enhanced gifts for good for all of humanity while keeping me safe? If my dark past life selves try and take me over?? That would not be good at all, though. I don't want to even consider it now because I just want to live a normal and happy, healthy, harmonious, prosperous and full life. If I go off the meds it's very overwhelming and I could lose myself. I could go back on Olanzapine 2.5 mg and then switch to Lurasizone 20 mg after a week if it gets too much, however. I would love to know more secrets of the universe.

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