Friday, October 13, 2023

Are Libra Woman Beautiful? Of Course!!

I'm a Libra woman and the article below describes me to a T!  I am not obsessed with my looks though and believe less is more.  I am into natural beauty and feel fake is gross.  Women who spend hours on makeup and hair and spend big bucks on high fashion just don't vibe with me!  I shop at discount stores and only take a couple minutes doing minimal makeup every morning.  Liquid eyeliner, a bit of concealer under the eye, eyeshadow and lipstick.  That's it!  I can't ware fake skin!  Why?  I love my natural skin and skin color!!  I'm proud of my golden olive tanned skin so why would I cover it up with something that is not my sky or shade!  Women are crazy to spend all that time and money doing that.  Why???  When you take it off you will look so different it will be shocking.  My way is a suttle change.  I only enhance my natural beauty.  When I was in the hospitall with no makeup both men and women were making sexual advances towards me.  I even had one beg me to go to his house with him??  I was like I'm married!  I just left and never saw him again.  That was at my worst too mentally.  

Anyways, I'm more focused on innner beauty and wisdom to be honest.  Why go crazy with making yourself something you are not and then try to keep young on top with surgery and proceedures?  Personally I work out 5x a week doing areobics and eat healthy with some meat at dinner.  I don't eat breakfast to clear out those messed up cells which also keeps me young.  I use vitamin A cream and antioxident soap too.  All this keeps me looking "freakishly young" as my best friend from high school told me.  I am in my early 50s and my husband said I look so young and looke to be in my 20s still.  He said I look 27!  WOW!!!  Being positive, kind, caring and outgoing really help too.  I took an online course in the spring about exorcise and how it keeps you young and I think that's an important part of it but only if you keep eating some meat daily or at least be vegetarian.  

Some vegans really age fast and the vegan food options are usually full of chemicals and perservatives.  OREOS are vegan you know what I'm saying!  Now I'm off Olanzapine and on Lurasidone I am feeling and looking even better because Olanzapine had so many side effects it was very hard on my body.  I'm losing weight but not a crazy amount right away.  I am still treating myself because I don't want to get too skinny.  I actually love my curves now and don't want to lose all of them.   

 Are Libra woman beautiful?

Their soft and gentle appearance comes across as well-balanced, symmetrical faces and supple features. They will usually have full cheekbones, plump lips, almond shaped eyes, attractive smiles and luscious hair. It's uncommon to find a Libra that doesn't catch your eye with their natural beauty and allure

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