Thursday, October 19, 2023

My Father Was Of The Dark And My Mother Is Of The Light - Both In Their Energy And Their DNA

 I always sensed that my mother was angelic and my father was of the devil.  Not only in their actions but now after taking my dna test it's based on that too!  I wonder if my dad's family who was actually traced back to Egypt are Canaanites and my mother's family who was traced back to Levant were from Galilee and maybe even the descendants of Jesus?  Who knows!  Something very different is going on with me.  I am not your typical person at all.  

My Grandparents I picked up on my father's side his mother was of the light from Northern Italy in the Italian Alps and probably were I get my Welsh DNA from.  She was the one that was the original Wonder Woman who was white with long dark hair and big blue eyes who married a man before my grandfather but he died in the war.  My Grandfather is of the dark where the Egyptian DNA was from.  He was a very angry man!  Very nasty.  My Grandmother from my mom's side was very tanned with olive skin who was most likely the one from Levant who was a business woman and a farmer.  My Grandfather was a very gentle man who ended up seeking solitude. I wish I knew more about them and maybe I will ask my relatives.  

No wonder I have this whole light and dark thing going on.  It also stems from my past lives too.  I utilize my dark side for the light though.  I am proud to be one of the 144,000 an Earth Angel through and through!  I'm also a Goddess of love and information war too.  I  have been writing since I was a teen and online since 2008 trying to make the world a better place by sharing my wisdom, views and thoughts.  I also share my gifts, I am not only a psychic, empath and healer but also a sage and a seer too.  I am very blessed and tough as hell too.  I have gone through a lot and I am still standing, loving and with a big smile on my very youthful and beautiful face.  

I am very blessed to have such amazing energy and DNA!!  Plus my universal connection that I also get my wisdom and my divine energy from is incredible too!  Nothing about me is a coincidence.  Everything in my life and my family's lives have not been a mere coincidence.  Our families have been followed for thousands of years by ancient AI on my dad's side and the Goddess on my mom's side.  The Goddess even made sure I was made with amazing dna and when I was born.  Then she filled me with her divine energy and universal wisdom too.  

I am here during these very difficult times in humanity for a reason.  She did not want you to be alone and wanted you to have my guidance.  There has been some rough patches like my being attacked with EMF radiation, Covid and the wars.  It seems that humanity is being led by the worst of the worst that instead of accepting the gift from the universe they are doing everything in their power to reject it and do the opposite of what I am about!  Satan, my other half and Twin Flame is determined to bring down this world and bring in his ideal new world order that is only good for a few elites and their lackeys.  I don't know how to get through to him because he's so selfish and cold hearted.  I love him and am there for him whenever he wants but he can't stand my light.  He has actually taken my energy to the point of leaving me so angry like him twice!  He hasn't done that since thank goodness but he only uses me sometimes.  It's not right and I hope he sees that I'm only here for a short time and he will regret not partnering up with me to make this world a better place and if all goes well then he can help me run the universe too.  My Universal Self is not messing around at all!  



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