Thursday, October 26, 2023

Rome 2.0 aka Germany 2.0

Switzerland, The Vatican and Portugal are the places where those evil Romans fled to and rule today. Why are those places so wonderful and not suffering like the rest of the west... I know why! It's not fair! They are ruining the rest of the no longer first world for money, domination and power! EVIL BASTARDS!!! Where ever Romans infest and control there is pain and suffering. Enough! There needs to be some legal intervention to stop these bastards and turn things around! They should be held accountable for all these evil agendas too! Send all the refugees there!!!  Force them to live like how they want us to live!!  Leave us Canadians, Americans and Europeans alone!!!  They also have ruined things for other countries too.  Everything wrong with the world today stems from Romans who are actually Satan influenced.  Taxation, debt, divide and conquer and global dominance all stem from the dark!  It's time for the light to shine in and balance things out.  I am not saying that we need to have a bible school sort of society but I am saying we need things to be FAIR!  

Google: " Did the Romans come to Portugal? Of course! The Romans completely dominated the Iberian Peninsula until the 3rd century AD, leaving their influence well present on roads, buildings and mostly on the Portuguese language (of Latin origin). Roman Remains in Evora, Roman Occupation in Alentejo Portugal" › roman-remains-evora

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