Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Proof Is In Our Actions #Lightworkers #EarthAngels #Batman #Wonderwoman

What do you do when the Roman Catholic Church is corrupt and evil has been almost welcomed? You become an Earth Angel and/or Lightworker! Helping and serving others and practicing spirituality no matter where you are. Jesus even said you can worship anywhere even in a piece of wood. I can't be a part of anything corrupt and anything I don't agree with. Why did Jesus tell us to eat his body and drink his blood??? I think he might have been EMF harmed and why would he agree to be killed? 

 When I was hurt with EMF I felt off and for a while I was zoned out on Olanzapine the antipsychotic I had to take it because I was not in the right state of mind and had to correct myself. I had to learn to adapt on it too. Unfortunately when I'm off I'm too psychic now and then my Camcer past life version can take me over. When my brain is stimulated my psychic abilities increase very much. Important things that humaninty needs to know I write about. I used to Tweet but since it went to X and lost the bird I decided to stop because the dark took it over and may have taken over Elon with demonic AI. You can tell in his actions... Batman or Antichrist or Scrooge! The same goes with other wealthy people!! 

 I don't have much but I donate each pay to The Salvation Army because they actually help the poor all over the world including locally. I help those around me that need help in whatevver way that I can and ask for help when I'm limited. I also practice Simple Acts Of Kindness too daily. I blogged about it earlier! I am Wonderwoman like my Grandmother on my dad's side. She had the dark hair with the big blue eyes and was white. My grandmother on my mother's side was pretty amazing too.  She probably was the one that came from the holyland.  I'm very blessed!  My Grandfather on my dad's side hailed from Egypt and not sure where my other Grandfather came from but he lived the rest of his life in an institution my mom said?  He was a soft spoken man I heard,  From Batman to Ratman! Hopefully he'll bring the bird back!!

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