Saturday, September 16, 2023

I Did Not Grow Up Priviliaged And SO GRATEFUL! Chose Not To Live A Priviliaged Life. Live A Modest And Simple Life Instead!

I never was priviliaged and I am not today either!  I had a TOUGH childhood but as I grew older I tamed the beasts in my life.  I opened my mind, soul and heart to heal and provide peace and happiness to the ones I loved but really hurt me and others.  I forgave them and learned from them.  Especially my dad!  We developed a very close bond.  He was the smartest person I ever knew and my husband too!

 I WORKED since I was 12!!  I babysat and worked at Wendy's at 13 and never stopped until I decided to be a lightworker at 37.  I decided to focus on my learning, teaching, reading, writing, music, spirituality and creativity instead.  I never stopped and all the while I had to do the domestic thing too!

On my wedding night my husband said that I didn't have to work, he told me that I could have a maid and he even asked if I wanted a cottage.  I was like NOOOO accross the board!!  That was not in my DNA!!  I love to stay busy and when I added music to it I even enjoyed it.  Sometimes I bitched but I'm a Libra.. we need to vent because we can't keep negativity inside!  Why buy a cottage when you can travel instead and rent places to stay!  It's way cheaper and you gain so many more experiences.    

BTW my husband wasn't rich, if I wanted all those things he would have had to get loans and mortgages.  I didn't even buy a 2nd car and took public transit, shared rides with those I love, rode a bike/e-scooter or walked instead.  When he bought a small business I did all the banking and even cleaned the place too at first and then when he needed someone!  

I would really rather live within my means and live simply so that I can manifest wisdom and beauty instead.  My brother in law even said that my home is the reverse of hoarders. lol.  It's not sparse but I need energy to have a good and positive flow plus I fill it with books instead!  It's easy to clean too because there is no carpet and not much to leave dust so it's clean.  I also only buy natural things too.

I would much rather have my childhood and hustle than be a spoiled-useless-negative brat!  What I have been through has made me who I am.  I don't recommend doing that to anyone because I am the type that learns from every person, every situation and every outcome to make myself better and so I could make things better for everyone else and to those I can't stand because they are most likely spoiled then I ignore them.  

When someone close in my life was struggling I decided to go back to work in order to help them.  It's a really difficult job and I vented to the one I was helping out and they asked me if I was a "p*ssy wussy?"!?!! LOL!!  Fk no I'm not!!  I'm a warrior!!!  I'm not weak!! That's my immediate family for you!  They are the BEST!!  I am lucky to have them in my life and I will always try to help and protect them.  

I went through hell and back because of those EMF radiation attacks and having to go to the mental ward twice.  Also having to be on anti-psychotics for the rest of my life becasue my subsconsciouse mind was cracked open and now I'm too psychic and my past lives come through.  I wouldn't have been able to handle it if I didn't go through exactly what I had to go through and my drive to always tell the truth when needed.

Today I am where I am meant to be with my husband and living in our modest home.  We are not rich.  We have to work for everything we have but we are content and happy!  He's my best friend too.  There is nothing I won't do for him and he's good so it's not like I would ever do anything against my morals.  I would stand up to him if so.

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