Sunday, September 17, 2023

My Dad's Sister Is A Horrible Witch

 My dad's sister is known for being a nasty b!  I met her once and she was okay.  She died her hair jet black, wore jet black eye liner and fussed with her teeth.  Not too long after she had all her teeth removed?  I asked my father why she would do that and he said she just didn't want them???  I vowed to myself that I would never do any of that and always be nice.  When you put negative stuff and fake stuff into the universe then you will only get negative and fake stuff back.  My Aunt who married my dad's brother who is also my God Mother was kind to me as a child but when I got older she ignored me mostly.  lol  Oh well... I'd rather be ignored than mistreated!  A nasty older woman who was getting her teeth removed who was also a shrink wanted to get close to me and have me talk to her and I didn't even know her.  She shared some interests with me when there was some drama in the mix and that was it so I blocked her freak ass!  She reminded me a lot of my meanie aunt!  My aunt is natorious for being miserable and horrible.  So many people she knows has been verbally and pbysically attacked by her, myself included.  I ended up blocking her as well!  She said I was bello and bellissimo?  I have very strong energy of the light.  She wouldn't even be able to handle it!  We all have masculine and feminie energy.  I don't care.  I have been called very beautiful, a girly girl and a princess.  I am much more than my looks!  I believe that you have to have substance and should be very beautiful on the inside too but don't take any crap!  I will never take abuse and I will never stand by when things are corrupt and not say something.  

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