Monday, September 4, 2023

Updated - God Is Behind Agenda 2030 So Get Behind God Or Else!

I have a feeling that if we don't get on baord then there will be hell to pay.  I live modestly already and eat only a bit of meat a day.  I don't eat breakfast, my lunch is vegetarian and I have a reasonable portion of meat at dinner.  I only eat a bit more on weekends and special occations.  I live modestly and don't live beyond my means.   I walk, e-scooter, take public transit or my husband and/family drives me.  I know how to drive 5 speed standard btw.  My father taught me!  He is a great man.  The smartest person I know and my husband too.  

I hope China and India and the rest of BRICS get on board or else there might be another flood. No wonder it comes up in other civilizations.  Believe it or not there are certain types of humans that come in certain groups like my father.  A slender man, full head of thick hair, 5f5, glasses and you can find him in all races.  Notice how Alex has gone bald.  The Queen of Swords in the reverse Roman may be in him.  His current is a former escort I heard from my brother in law and he showed me her former ad.  I didn't care to be honest but then I realized that that's how the Queen of Swords in reverse Roman controls men by possessing them  

Oh and the good women she possesses them and if they aren't ones to be cotrolled or flawed she controls the man to deprive them of sex and money so that they turn to desperation and do horrible things to survive.  She also wants to get them away from their families.  I saw this first hand with people I'm close to.  

Anyways, I just want to put out as much as possible because key people need to know this!!  The masses don't need to know anything about me or anything I write in my lifetime.  Do and say what you will when I'm gone as long as it's true.  I am not perfect but things have been done to me that have harmed me, hurt me and made me look stupid and bad thoughout my life.  It's not fair but I have constantly picked myself up after each blow, dusted myself off and got better!

Updated: double masculine energy causes a raise in testostorone due to possession.  

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