Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ishtar Returns? Has The Goddess Really Been Reincarnated And Is She Me???

When I have done personal Tarot readings for myself the Empress Card would always come up.  I also recognized today's lion who is a companion to Ishtar.  I will get into that later.  It's a lot to put out there right now.  People who follow me know who I am talking about!  Hint:  #Trump #Trump2016 #TrumpLion #TrumpRoarrr

I also picked up universal knowing telling me to look to "Babylon" then "back to Babylon" and "TIMELINE".  I looked back and noticed that the Franci was lead by The Empress too and she had the Venus / Female symbol.  She looked exact like the Empress I kept pulling for my personal readings too!  Also Ishtar always has a lion with her or near her!

I also discovered shortly after that, when Brexit was happening, I saw the sign of Venus a lot in the video by Ace of Base also titled I Saw The Sign! and felt that it was also another hint to who I really was/am.

World leaders, key people and others in the mainstream and alternative media also echoed my writings to the point where I actually asked, Who am I??, on my Twitter. Alex Jones then started speaking about Rosicrucian and then Twitter suggested I add the Rosicrucian Twitter. After I reviewed them I determined that I was not really one.. that they followed the teachings I already knew from way before. I just knew it and more and didn't need to study what I already have inside me, is a part of me and be who I already am that I am more ancient? I don't know why I just knew that word... ancient?

Then I saw the full moon last night and it looked so golden to me! I had to buy the LOVE? Album by Jlo and had to listen to it and connected to so many of the bonus tracks songs and PAPI "He let's me wear the crown". and "Charge me up again" and other telling parts to the point where a total stranger posted to me that the moon was in Goddess energy?!! It's like I woke up and it was so confusing and amazing and scary all at once.  It's like I must have at least downloaded her energy and wisdom. Plus I look so much like her too. I also saw the lion, her companion and I also have a dog that I now refer to as my little lion. lol  Before that he was my little wiener wolf cause he's a little hot dog. lol :)

So after researching Babylon I then started to research Ishtar and discovered that there is a prophecy that she will return and then aliens will come ten to thirty years later???  Even NASA released something.  It is so crazy but you know that old expression... the truth is often stranger than fiction.  No sh#t!

"In ancient Sumaria, Ishtar was held in high esteem as a heavenly monarch,” writes Jeanne Achterberg in Woman as Healer. “Her temples have been found at virtually every level of excavation.” The Ishtar Gate to the inner city of Babylon was considered one of the ancient wonders of the world.

Also called the Queen of Heaven, Ishtar was a compassionate, healing deity. A song to her follows:

Where you cast your glance, the dead awaken, the sick arise;
The bewildered, beholding yor face, find the right way.
I appear to you, miserable and distraught,
Tortured by pain, your servant,
Be merciful and hear my prayer.

A clay pot likely used for distillation of plant essences into medicines was found at a Sumerian grave site circa 5500 BC. At least until the Semitic invasions circa 2600 BC, “women were allowed to practice healing with little or no restriction. Female occupations included doctor, scribe, barber, and cook.” After 1000 BC women were excluded from formal education and by 700 BD, neither scribe nor doctor were listed as women’s occupations, but rather several types of entertainer, midwife, nurse, sorceress, wet nurse, and two kinds of prostitute.

As the land of Sumer became a perpetual battlefield, Ishtar became the goddess of war and destiny, “and slowly, insidiously, there crept in more praises for her sexuality, and fewer for her healing nature,” writes Actenberg. “As Ishtar was seen as more sexual and promiscuous, the holy women were transformed into harlots and associated with decadence and orgies, devoid of any holy significance.”

In mankind’s first written story The Epic of Gilgamesh (circa 2000 BC), the cruel king Gilgamesh calls Ishtar “a predatory and promiscuous woman, and rebukes her advances” just before taking off with his buddy Enkidu to chop down the great cedar forest. Even Spark notes tells us, “Gilgamesh’s repudiation of Ishtar, some scholars say, signifies a rejection of goddess worship in favor of patriarchy in the ancient world.”

In the bible, Ishtar is called Ashtoreth, the supreme goddess of Caanan and the female counterpart of the gods called Baal or Bel. “The immoral rites with which the worship of Ishtar in Babylonia was accompanied were transferred to Canaan and formed part of the idolatrous practices which the Israelites were called upon to extirpate,” says Among those pagan, idolatrous practices was the burning of incense, thought to be cannabis (caneh bosm, meaning sweet or good cane, mistranslated as “calamus” in the bible).

Throughout the Old Testament, prophet after prophet warns the children of Israel that God will bring misery upon them unless they cease to worship the Baal/Bel and Ashtoreth, to whom “burnt offerings” were made. In Jeremiah 44, the women tell him they will continue to secretly burn incense to the Queen of Heaven. One who did so was King Ahab’s wife Jezebel (whose name meant “worshipper of Bel” but still means “harlot” today).

Some have tried to debunk the Ishtar/Easter connection, saying the holiday is named after the German goddess Ostara, “the divinity of the radiant dawn” (Grimm), doubtlessly a reincarnation of Ishtar, who the Babylonians called “the morning star” and “the perfect light.”

Some think Lady Liberty is the Goddess Ishtar also! I was in Ny, NY about a month ago, I love it there so much and it is one of the favorite places in the world, except for the expensive parking!  And then I wrote on my blog shortly after how I picked up that NY is the capitol of the world in my eyes, and I can see better as to why now, not only because it's evolved western culture but because of the symbol of freedom and love from her. It's truly perfect.

So all this makes me think that maybe i am not just any psychic/prophet.  My life right now is not boring in the least.  It's actually a bit unbelievable, I knew I was a bit strange and different but seems I am more Twilight Zone!  The other night I remember waking up in my dream vision and I was in Rome.. then I said out loud.. I'm in Rome and then i was booted??   Seems my sub conscious doesn't want my conscious mind to know everything?  I don't think the human mind can understand all levels yet?  I do, however, know a HUGE heck of a lot more than most.

I tried to post this on my other blog but it wouldn't go.  Steemit is still only in beta so I will transfer this over later maybe.

Oh and Twitter booted me again and I can only get back on if I register a phone but I don't have a cell and they don't accept fongo or text+.  Whatever.  I found it so creepy that it seems to me that right after the sale of 51% to that saudi prince that I was prompted to share my gps location and add my cell phone?!  I said no.  Now every other week after I get booted for being "automated".  So annoying.  They seem to be really censoring now and also suppressing a lot more tweets from my favorite accounts.  It's so sad.


[From The Civilization of Babylonia and Assyria, M. Jastrow, 1915]

To the land of no return, the land of darkness,
Ishtar, the daughter of Sin directed her thought,
Directed her thought, Ishtar, the daughter of Sin,
To the house of shadows, the dwelling, of Irkalla,
To the house without exit for him who enters therein,
To the road, whence there is no turning,
To the house without light for him who enters therein,
The place where dust is their nourishment, clay their food.'
They have no light, in darkness they dwell.
Clothed like birds, with wings as garments,
Over door and bolt, dust has gathered.
Ishtar on arriving at the gate of the land of no return,
To the gatekeeper thus addressed herself:

"Gatekeeper, ho, open thy gate!
Open thy gate that I may enter!
If thou openest not the gate to let me enter,
I will break the door, I will wrench the lock,
I will smash the door-posts, I will force the doors.
I will bring up the dead to eat the living.
And the dead will outnumber the living."
The gatekeeper opened his mouth and spoke,
Spoke to the lady Ishtar:
"Desist, O lady, do not destroy it.
I will go and announce thy name to my queen Ereshkigal."
The gatekeeper entered and spoke to Ereshkigal:
"Ho! here is thy sister, Ishtar ...
Hostility of the great powers ...
When Ereshkigal heard this,
As when one hews down a tamarisk she trembled,
As when one cuts a reed, she shook:
"What has moved her heart [seat of the intellect] what has stirred her liver [seat of the emotions]?
Ho there, does this one wish to dwell with me?
To eat clay as food, to drink dust as wine?
I weep for the men who have left their wives.
I weep for the wives torn from the embrace of their husbands;
For the little ones cut off before their time.
Go, gatekeeper, open thy gate for her,
Deal with her according to the ancient decree."
The gatekeeper went and opened his gate to her:
Enter, O lady, let Cuthah greet thee.

Let the palace of the land of no return rejoice at thy presence!

He bade her enter the first gate, which he opened wide, and took the large crown off her head:
"Why, O gatekeeper, dost thou remove the large crown off my head?"
"Enter, O lady, such are the decrees of Ereshkigal."
The second gate he bade her enter, opening it wide, and removed her earrings:
"Why, O gatekeeper, dost thou remove my earrings?"
"Enter, O lady, for such are the decrees of Ereshkigal."
The third gate he bade her enter, opened it wide, and removed her necklace:
"Why, O gatekeeper, dost thou remove my necklace? "
"Enter, O lady, for such are the decrees of Ereshkigal."
The fourth gate he bade her enter, opened it wide, and removed the ornaments of her breast:
"Why, O gatekeeper, dost thou remove the ornaments of my breast? "
"Enter, O lady, for such are the decrees of Ereshkigal."
The fifth gate he bade her enter, opened it wide, and removed the girdle of her body studded with birthstones.
"Why, O gatekeeper, dost thou remove the girdle of my body, studded with birth-stones?"
"Enter, O lady, for such are the decrees of Ereshkigal."
The sixth gate, he bade her enter, opened it wide, and removed the spangles off her hands and feet.
"Why, O gatekeeper, dost thou remove the spangles off my hands and feet?"
"Enter, O lady, for thus are the decrees of Ereiihkigal."
The seventh gate he bade her enter, opened it wide, and removed her loin-cloth.
"Why, O gatekeeper, dost thou remove my loin-cloth ?"
"Enter, O lady, for such are the decrees of Ereshkigal."
Now when Ishtar had gone down into the land of no return,
Ereshkigal saw her and was angered at her presence.
Ishtar, without reflection, threw herself at her [in a rage].
Ereshkigal opened her mouth and spoke,
To Namtar, her messenger, she addressed herself:
"Go Namtar, imprison her in my palace.
Send against her sixty disease, to punish Ishtar.
Eye-disease against her eyes,
Disease of the side against her side,
Foot-disease against her foot,
Heart-disease against her heart,
Head-disease against her head,
Against her whole being, against her entire body."
After the lady Ishtar had gone down into the land of no return,
The bull did not mount the cow, the ass approached not the she-ass,
To the maid in the street, no man drew near
The man slept in his apartment,
The maid slept by herself.

[The second half of the poem, the reverse of the tablet, continues is follows:]

The countenance of Papsukal, the messenger of the great gods, fell, his face was troubled.
In mourning garb he was clothed, in soiled garments clad.
Shamash [the sun-god] went to Sin [the moon-god], his father, weeping,
In the presence of Ea, the King, he went with flowing tears.
"Ishtar has descended into the earth and has not come up. The bull does not mount the cow, the ass does not approach the she-ass.
The man does not approach the maid in the street,
The man sleeps in his apartment,
The maid sleeps by herself."
Ea, in the wisdom of his heart, formed a being,
He formed Asu-shu-namir the eunuch.
Go, Asu-shu-namir, to the land of no return direct thy face!
The seven gates of the land without return be opened before thee,
May Eresbkigal at sight of thee rejoice!
After her heart has been assuaged, her liver quieted,
Invoke against her the name of the great gods,
Raise thy head direct thy attention to the khalziku skin.
"Come, lady, let them give me the khalziku skin, that I may drink water out of it."
When Ereshkigal heard this, she struck her side, bit her finger,
Thou hast expressed a wish that can not be granted.
Go, Asu-sbu-iaamir, I curse thee with a great curse,
The sweepings of the gutters of the city be thy food,
The drains of the city be thy drink,
The shadow of the wall be thy abode,
The thresholds be thy dwelling-place;
Drunkard and sot strike thy cheek!"
Ereshkigal opened her mouth and spoke,
To Namtar, her messenger, she addressed herself.
"Go, Namtar, knock at the strong palace,
Strike the threshold of precious stones,
Bring out the Anunnaki, seat them on golden thrones.
Sprinkle Ishtar with the waters of life and take her out of my presence.
Namtar went, knocked at the strong palace,
Tapped on the threshold of precious stones.
He brought out the Anunnaki and placed them on golden thrones,
He sprinkled Ishtar with the waters of life and took hold of her.
Through the first gate he led her out and returned to her her loin-cloth.
Through the second gate he led her out and returned to her the spangles of her hands and feet
Through the third gate he led her out and returned to her the girdle of her body, studded with birth-stones.
Through the fourth gate he led her out and returned to her the ornaments of her breast.
Through the fifth gate he led her out and returned to her her necklace.
Through the sixth gate he led her out and returned her earrings.
Through the seventh gate he led her out and returned to her the large crown for her head.

[The following lines are in the form of an address -apparently to some one who has sought release for a dear one from the portals of the lower world.]

"If she (Ishtar) will not grant thee her release,
To Tammuz, the lover of her youth,
Pour out pure waters, pour out fine oil;
With a festival garment deck him that he may play on the flute of lapis lazuli,
That the votaries may cheer his liver. [his spirit]
Belili [sister of Tammuz] had gathered the treasure,
With precious stones filled her bosom.
When Belili heard the lament of her brother, she dropped her treasure,
She scattered the precious stones before her,
"Oh, my only brother, do not let me perish!
On the day when Tammuz plays for me on the flute of lapis lazuli, playing it for me with the porphyry ring.
Together with him, play ye for me, ye weepers and lamenting women!
That the dead may rise up and inhale the incense."

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