Sunday, August 6, 2017

Aid & Abet Satan Against Humanity Is Okay If You Protect & Provide For Your Family?! No Way!!

I watched the new Netflix Series Ozark and it was really great but it blurs the lines of Integrity and principles to show that there are good people involved in bad things only thing is as soon as you sign up to bad things you are not being a principled-good person. It's pretty clear and all the trouble you get from easy money and power is not worth it at all. It goes from being courted by the dark cartel to having very bad things happen around you and to you and the ones you love. The excuse that someone else will do it is not a good one either. Can you imagine if less and less people fell into that garbage. We just need better systems. I also watched Narcos and know the real deal. Like that poster I saw years ago about Hells Angels "Without Corruption There Could Be No Crime" No excuse justifies it. Protecting and providing for your family is just a good excuse to do bad things. In the end you most likely will only harm yourself and those close to you if not in this life but you will face your judgement day. I know without a doubt there is something more that we are a part of. I do believe in God and the Goddess. I also believe that Humanity needs to shed it's snake skin, change for the better and go on the right path. It's time! We have my God/Goddess wisdom and my writings on #HarmoniousOrder including the #HumanSareBenefit. Human share benefit instead of basic income because we would be profiting off of our own God given natural resources and it would take us off that route of all evil path which is money and therefore greed will become obsolete! Can you believe it! What wisdom I gained from God just because I cared enough and was determined to seek it because I knew we needed to evolve for the better. Imagine if more and more people were to connect to the universe for the betterment of humanity. There would be nothing we couldn't accomplish!!

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