Sunday, February 4, 2018

Man Confuses Deity With Religion

I had a bad feeling about the president of Turkey so I reached out to him indirectly on Twitter by sharing about what sign he was for his birthday and the positive traits associated with it and suggested how to can fight your negatives like I did.

Well it didn't work because after he has been very emotional lately, weakness of his sign, and showing his true colors as an actual extremist. :'( He even legalized child brides as young as 9 in Turkey and all thanks to the one who saved him from the coup that was going to take him out.  Now he's trying to kill the Kurds for being kind to Christians and excepting Jesus.  You see at Christmas time I tweeted out that Jesus is for everyone so the kind Kurdish government declared holidays for Christmas and it went from there. It was really amazing!  They have been helping America fight against savages too.  That's a good thing but he didn't seem to think so!  No wonder he has been called a supremacist and linked to the worst one too.

What is with trying to change the world to be non tolerant and so strict to do the most wicked things to the innocent and vulnerable too?

That's not something I want to ever be a part of.  My religion is about equality, positivity, wisdom and love.  It's also about standing up for yourself, innocents and vulnerable and defending too.  You can't just come to another's country and try to bring your backwards sh#t here to force on people.  You're going to get a very rude awakening.  There are way more of us then there are of you.  Satanic Savage Extremists have just brought Jewish people and Christians together in these modern times!  Hopefully in the near future we will be one again, while respecting our differences and still standing side by side together.

He even called people infidels, specifically Zoroastrian infidels.  I didn't even know what that was and had to look it up. So it's pre Judaism and Christianity but we share some similarities which proves that religions change to become more sophisticated.  Keep what's true and good and then lose the tail of the things we don't need.  I found it not only insulting but absurd that he would falsely accuse people, maybe even myself because I have a close bond to Ishtar since I am pretty sure I am the reincarnated one so I know things that are more ancient of her time not because I am a Zoroastrian but because I just know because I hold her wisdom and her energy.
So that's when it dawned on me that he is confusing deity with religion like it seems others do.  God never changes, we do so our religion does.  We become more sophisticated and advanced so we change.  It's a good thing and perhaps if the president of Turkey would be open to evolving he could actually help the reform process to modernize and civilize his religions instead of going back to the primitive dark ages.  Why does he have a problem with others different than him?  It's a violation of our human rights.  Also what 9 year old can legitimately consent to marriage and the physical duties that go along with it?  NONE!  Shame!!!  That radical form of Islam he is about domination and savagery against innocents if you ask me.  It's not right and God would never condone such evil.  There is only one God and if you worship him wrong then you are not in his/her favor.      

We all can see through history that religion changes or fades away.  I wrote about it on past blogs even:

The thing that no one mentions is that God doesn't change.  All his angels don't change unless they fall.  The Roman Catholic Church changes them.  They changed Ishtar, from a deity to a separate demon and a separate archangel.

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