Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Symptoms Of EMP or EMF That I Believe I Experienced

I'm not sure if you read any of my previous blogs but I strongly believe that I was targeted with Psycho Electronic Weapon(s) which shot electronic magnetic frequencies at me. I heard a high pitched noise in my right ear for over 2 years and felt like something was attached to my head on that side too. A few songs and shows would contain some of my personal thoughts that were not random at all.  Things that no one else could ever think of ever.  It was pure me!

I also felt stress, couldn't sleep, had a racing heart and had a huge heart palpitation for no reason at all and so did my husband. We didnt' run or take anything.  My husband started saying some strange things at that time too like he was not himself? I was connected to a male and female discussing me. 

Before I called an ambulance to take me to emergency I started getting instructions to do things including go to the hospital. I also was on CBD oil and drinking wine daily. The CBD oil could have been brewed wrong and I could have had THC as a result of it. My husband was the one that told me I should start taking it and bought it for me.

I started feeling a bit stressed again recently and had a bit of trouble sleeping last night so I took an EMF reading at my computer area and it was high right out front of my pc monitor but where i sit it was low. I tested my husband's pc area and sitting area and it was off the charts!!

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