Sunday, July 15, 2018

There Are No Coincidences

This past spring of 2018 I went through a major ordeal.  If you watch the Iggy Azalea Savior videos, both the official and lyric, you will see why.  I will never order cable TV or Satellite TV and I will never sit at a Microsoft PC again. I ended up with an over whelming amount of fear so much so that I didn't want to leave the house and I had insomnia too.  Seems they knocked out my neurotransmitters so I kept going out, and for the no sleep for days,  I ended up having wine at dinner and it helped me sleep but then after a bit it didn't so I went to the clinic for help because I had an important family function to go to and I did not want to miss it.  The doctor suggested mindful meditation and other things like anxiety meds and therapy.  They did not prescribe anything for the insomnia but did suggest natural Melatonin to help me get to sleep.  I decided to continue my healthy and positive lifestyle that included listening to music, working out, going out in nature, etc. and also taking the pure sleep aide and it worked!  I didn't need big pharma "mind numbing things" and someone else to guide me other than the suggestion of the Melatonin.  Oh and when I meditate I let go and relax.  I don't stop anything either, rather I put things on the back burner and blur focus.

Anyways at my lowest point wild doves started coming to me everywhere, including up north at my parents and at my in laws but started at my own home.  They came right to my front porch and back yard deck in front of the doors!  It was truly amazing and reminded me of the Goddess and myths about her and the doves.  It seems so true to me now!

 Then I started finding things of the Goddess and Christ together that I was very drawn to and ended up buying too!

Then I found this lovely piece of wisdom on an organic tea bag:

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