Sunday, August 19, 2018

Had A Tough Childhood, So What! Got Over It & Grew Better & Stronger BUT Social Media Feeds Suggest Otherwise lol ~ New Research Says Anxious People Have Increased Empathy And Psychic Abilities by Higher Perspective 2018

So I have written it all down when it comes to my knowing and wisdom to help humanity.  I even included some personal things to show that there is intelligence behind my existence but ever since then I have had nothing but things like articles on bipolar disorder show up in my social media feeds especially Facebook and it does not seem like a coincidence at all.

I don't think it's fair at all to use SM like that if that is the case to try and make a person think that they have something wrong with them so they get all drugged up on "mind numbing things" like Margot Kidder told the CBC.  Seems they tried to use EMF and increased flicker rates but I was able to figure it out and stop it.  All that to control me, it seems.

There is nothing wrong with me and I had two psychologists tell me that also!  They knew the real problem were with the abuser I had to unfortunately be around.

I read an article the other day about how sensitive people that are psychics have anxiety.  That is closer to my situation. Here is a link to the above mentioned article.

  1. 9s10 seconds ago
    Reacting to the negative or positive in life is NORMAL&not mental illness. Being human is all about the ups&downs to me. Personally I get up fast cause I learned how to be BETTER&STRONGER with each fall&even when the fall was not my own,learning from others mistakes.

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