Monday, November 9, 2015

The Physics Of Man Continued

I finished the book The Art Of Peace and I am even more confident that the universe has all the information that we require because of all the similar things I knew but I never read or heard of the book before Sunday November 1, 2015.

No one discovers these things on their own since all the knowledge and energy has always been there waiting for us.  It's pretty incredible.  We just have to learn how to tap into it.  I have on my own but it took a lot in such an evil and negative world.  Believe it or not but it was actually easier for me since I am a Libra that has gifts like natural psychic abilities that is also very sensitive to energy and have a very strong intuition also.

Once we establish a world that is positive run on "light and heat", wisdom and compassion, that follow the natural laws and the universal way, then we will be gifted in the highest form!  I am continuing my Physics Of Man theory to explain this valuable flow and how currently a lot of us are blocking it.  Sort of like that one dead light bulb that prevents an entire row of Christmas lights from functioning.  Thankfully not all connections cease from working because people are closed to them or nasty.

We must detox ourselves and it starts by either the #godlesselites and their negative puppets repent and come to the side of good and positivity or I was thinking something else.  The book also discusses the unrealistic want of Heaven On Earth but I feel it could be achievable if we outlawed elitism and created a hell on earth for the wicked but have them in one place and under the evil systems like #agenda21 that they want for us surrounded by their army of satan!  Make it someplace cold too! lol  Let them figure out how to stay dry, keep warm and eat!

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