Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Model For Perfect Government Found In Nature After Sharks & Their Symbiotic Little Helpers

Currently in Ontario we are experiencing a very predatory and negative Liberal government.  No wisdom or compassion for the public whatsoever but they are totally one with the #godlesselites and their obsolete and evil #nwo globalist garbage agendas based on junk science in order to control us and practice feudalism from what I have researched and found of my own critical thinking to form this very relevant opinion.

Turkey Vulture should be the mascot of the Canadian Liberals imho!  Scavengers are not really like predators but for them I will make an exception!!  Libs seem to destroy and then wait to pick off whatever they can get, exactly like a vulture does with a dead carcass. 

Seems that the top Liberal leaders selected were either linguists or drama teachers like Wynne and Trudeau.  Not intelligent at all and definitely not critical thinkers.  They need advisers to tell them how to lead instead of knowing.  Political Possession!  They need empty vessels to fill and control.  I find them extremely dangerous in my honest opinion.  We need set standards that will not allow this.  Our politicians should be mentally tested, intelligent, moral and critical thinkers.  We seem to have the opposite and we can see from Ontario's "Have Not" situation now with all the Liberal lies, corruption, blunders and waste.  I truly feel sometimes like the most vulnerable are dangling from their Satanic and Savage mouths at the neck.  People are unable to heat, eat and pay rent now thanks to their horrid #agenda21 green globalism that has caused our utility rates to go up and up to the point they are still rising?  Then on the Federal level it was also a Liberal Trudeau Senior that took us off our gold backed money and signed us up to the G8 and their "fraud" banking system.

I find the conservative government to be a bit parasitic but in nature there are good parasites and bacteria.  I get bit by mosquitoes a couple times a year and they go away.  I whole hardheartedly believe that we need to give our fair share of taxes for services, maintenance, protection, security, health  care, police and fire.  We need a balance in order to achieve the most harmonious that will be positive and empathetic to the people.  If the conservatives were more for the people instead of corporations and brought in fair systems like how our banking system was pre 1973 with the People's Bank of Canada and instead of free trade we could accomplish fair trade as Mr. Donald Trump was discussing on 60 Minutes recently this year, and that I have been writing about for years, then I believe that we could have a more positive and centered world.  I can work with the Conservative Party, I believe, to better our world.  Good and empathetic people are conservative like Rob Ford.  He was the only politician I have ever witnessed to view things from the people's perspective and fight for them!  I really pray for him in this difficult time with his health.

I am almost done the book The Art Of Peace and I am even more confident that the universe has all the information that we require because no one discovers all of that on their own since it's always been there waiting for us.  It's pretty incredible.  Once we establish a world that is positive run on "light and heat", wisdom and compassion, that follow the natural laws and the universal way, like in the Harmonious Order I write about, then we will be gifted in the highest form!  I am going to continue my Physics Of Man to explain this valuable flow and how currently a lot of us are blocking it.  Sort of like how one dead light bulb that prevents an entire row of Christmas lights from functioning.  We must detox ourselves and it starts by either the #godlesselites and their negative puppets repent and come to the side of good and positivity or I was thinking something else.  The book also discusses the unrealistic want of Heaven On Earth but I feel it could be achievable if we outlawed elitism and created a hell on earth for the wicked but have them in one place and under the evil systems like #agenda21 that they want for us surrounded by their army of satan!  Make it someplace cold too! lol  Let them figure out how to stay dry, keep warm and eat!

1 comment:

  1. I call that place for the wicked savages the #BarrenZone and we need to put them there! After a fair trial, of course. lol
