Thursday, September 24, 2015

My Para

The Familiar

There are a lot of vibes that I pick up but none so familiar as evil. To actually describe it is a deep pulling down sensation in my lower abdomen that is combined with a chill. I have sensed it a bit more than usual as of late. So much despair, deception and hate online lately, I can even see it in my doll community?! Some pretty judgemental, critical and negative people out there! The top two I have witnessed are Scorpios! Enough said, right lol
Seems social medias enable and protect ANONYMOUS CYBER BULLIES AND HATE SPEECH by citing freedom of speech. I mean it doesn’t take a person with sense to realize there is a difference. I mean you can use things for good or for evil. So if it’s for evil then I think that the freedom of speech right should not apply. People are taking advantage now and it’s really ugly and hurtful.
In the midst of all that I have instead been positive and created a helpful dolly group and funny dolly page. I mean, why not? I think when good comes out of negativity it’s like a big FU! I don’t need it and I don’t want it. We all make mistakes but learning from them, forgiving others and moving on is the way to go! Unfortunately there were a few people that I cared about that were angry and/or attacking that I had to block. It was difficult but out of respect for myself and protection I just had to keep them away.
There are still good people. I sense them because they are light and sweet. You just can’t get enough of them! So much like a beautiful painting, an amazing sunny day, an incredible view and even a delicious dessert like an ice cream sundae! People that are conflicted, crowded places / events, or positive and negative energy combining comes across as a swirling feeling, cold and a lot of energy! I picked that up when I went to the Bright Pearl Chinese Restaurant on Spadina. So electric, sinister and amazing. Too bad it’s closed down now. Then there is stale energy and stale people. You know the places or people you don’t get real read from… almost as though they are invisible. It’s kinda sad when people are like that cause they are lost and have no spark. Like zombies, even.
So lately there has been much conflict in my family’s life and it’s been keeping me very busy. We are almost through it! I will never give up and always keep a positive outlook and approach on things. I will also avoid negativity like the plague! It’s not worth getting yourself caught up in that nonsense.
I am going to try and get the energy to work on an original artwork piece for this post. I am on a purge energy cycle. We all have many states. I am not going to force anything because it’s not natural.
A shout out to Rob Ford and his family! I am so proud that he went to rehab!!! He is definitely in a less swirly state. My continued support to him! I honestly sense that he is something special. He just has to believe it and NOT EVER DRINK AGAIN! I mean, OMG!! I strongly believe his career depends on it. Also, keep a small and tight circle. Do not say or do anything that you can’t in front of other people.
If anyone wants to gift me, you may always do so!  Below is my bitcoin address and I do have paypal too!  Please write me if you wish to send me PayPal.  I do not get any money from this blog.  I would appreciate it very much.  Thank you!
I have been thinking about making an Anna Sophia Tumblr page because there are so many important things going around via pictures, gifs and memes. I’ve been in a bit of a purge as of late because of all I have been going through over the past 6 years. I need to take some fluff time. I find it in my hobbies. I love to take pictures of dolls. Not just any dolls either, dolls that look like what humans may look like in the future. Figures. The dolls I like have big eyes, big forehead & head and are called Blythe dolls. I’m so strange I even freak myself out! I guess my niece when she was 4 years old knew what she was talking when she called me the guardian angel of the future out of the blue!? She even gave me a picture that showed 2 apparitions blobby things with 2 spiral worm hole thingies in back first and then explained that it was me and my dog??? Things that make you go hmmm! I knew I was always different but I don’t know? I just care about our world, the people in it and the future generations and our society. Doesn’t everyone??? I would hope so. Maybe it’s just a Libra thing.
“100,000 years: The human face will have evolved to be proportioned to the ‘golden ratio,’ with unnervingly large eyes featuring a sideways blink”

My Green Snake

To dream in color is fantastic, I have been for a while now,  since I was a child.  It’s not a regular occurrence, but  a frequent thing. When I do, it’s as though I am receiving a message from a divine spirit, perhaps God? I hope it is God. I know it sounds strange, however, I have always known that they are important and not like your average dream.
The day I was experiencing a vivid altered state of conscience. I guess I became aware of it when I saw it… the green snake protruding from my left breast! Right through my nipple?! It was shocking!!! I grabbed it and pulled it out. I immediately threw it in the bathtub and tried to compose myself. Almost instantly I knew that I could not kill it. It was a part of me. I found it a new home that was similar to my breast. I then went on with my life, not my real life, but one that seemed like a parallel dimension, very similar to sliders.   One of the best shows ever by the way.  Anyways, back to my dream.  It was me, but not me, and it was definitely not my life. I was a minimum wage worker that worked in the Eaton’s Centre at a pizza place. I decided to not to work there anymore and I recall my boss giving me a few choice words.
How do I relate this to my life? Well I feel that the snake is my demon or demons. I have overcome them. I believe that it is so minuscule, like a bad habit that I am getting over, similar to nail biting that stemmed deeper from a childhood trauma. I know that it will always be a part of me so that’s why I could not kill it. This will make me stronger and strive for better things, just like in my vision.
Read the rest of this entry

Revelation As A Sensitive Re: The Paranormal

OMNI Book - The Paranormal and the Mind
I have a Facebook account and one of my friends posted something about the paranormal so I posted something on his link. It is as follows:
I am reading a vintage copy of OMNI – Paranormal and the Mind. Very interesting. It helps me to somewhat understand that extraordinary things are not abnormal because they are actually more normal than we think. I still get a bit shaky & confused thinking about the paranormal things that I have experienced myself. As a sensitive I am more apt to pick things up but it is still mind blowing, especially when I look back. I have to blog about it to try and help me to better understand. What I have concluded is that it is what it is, and there is no explaining it now. I just have a gift that gives me a bit more information. We do not have enough because there are many more layers of consciousness to experience. I think that this life is only one of many layers that we must evolve to. How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go, we can not even contemplate it, because it is so far and it is too mind blowing. Baby steps from one life to the next lol Mentally marinating to become super beings, perhaps?
The book is based on scientific studies in the for of essays on the unexplained from UFOs, to hypnosis, to psychic abilities, to the shroud of Tourin, etc. I am really enjoying this book! So glad I found it 😀
It is out of print but you can easily pick up a copy online via Ebay or Amazon.

I have to start going to sleep at a decent hour!  On Friday morning I went to bed at around 3:30, all was so quiet, so dark and a bit eerie.  I had a feeling that someone was watching me.  A spike of fear surged in me for a brief second.  I couldn”t shake that creepy feeling.  I decided to just lay down and try to get to sleep.  The second my head touched the pillow something inside my ear and head started to breath.  I was shocked!  My breathing and heart beat didn”t match the sound, so I knew it wasn”t me!  I had never experienced anything like that before.  Nothing paranormal has ever penetrated me before so I was shaken.  My husband was brushing his teeth at the time, so I quickly raised my head and it stopped.  My dog was on my bed and sleeping so he didn”t notice a thing.  I guess it didn”t want to stir anything major since I was not alone.  The thing that really spooked me was that it was inside me.  Was it trying to send me a message showing me that it was very powerful?  I am not a person that is vulnerable so I”m not sure why it would even try to do such a thing.  I”m just glad it left and I hope it doesn”t come back because the next time I”m not going to be so surprised and I”ll be ready for it!  I”m not sure if you read my previous blogs about my home, how it”s located near a graveyard, and that 3am is the real witching hour.  I am not going to make it a habit of staying up that late unless I am really bored!
My latest vivid dream that I experienced a couple weeks ago took place in an apocalyptic type world.  It was so clear I thought it was actually happening.  Some sort of monsters were after myself and several others.  I had a semi-automatic and I was just spraying the demon creatures down.  I ran into the Army and asked them for bullets.  They gave me a couple of good handfuls and then I started feeding my weapon.  I have never handled a gun in my life???  I don”t even care for guns to be honest.  I walked into a jungle and then feel into trap that was dug out, but I was not dead.  I kept on underground…. I woke up and tried to shake it off.  The one good thing about it was that the soldiers were on the civilians side.
I watched Legion on Saturday night and it was great, even though it wasn”t the most amazing graphics, I loved the message of the movie!  It took place in at the brink of  the apocalypse.  One person can go against what is wrong and fight a legion of evil.  As long as one of us believes in the light we still have a great chance.  From what I see today there are many more than just one.  Count me on the team of the light!  We see the truth and know what is right and wrong.  We will defend it peacefully by spreading the word.

One man on the side of the light can make all the difference

The Free Internet Of Today Keeps Things HONEST

If you try to control the Internet, then you will surely corrupt it. Those that wish to silence the free speech of the people online are obviously up to no good. Exposing fraud is a very good thing and without it mankind will be consumed by the most evil and most dark. HOWEVER, we do need laws and police that go after real threats like hackers, crooks, sexual predators, cyber bullies and cyber stalkers!
H1N1, Climategate, Bankstergate, NWO, Big Banks, Big Governments are things that are common knowledge because it was too obvious that something was not on the up and up. The Internet did not really bring it out, the boldness of these ghouls ill behavior is out of control that the majority of people can”t help but notice.
Do you think the French people, before the revolution, needed a computer and net to see they were being fk”d with… NO! Censoring the net will not be the answer. Back off. If anything the World Wide Web is a tool because if the people are upset online then you can see that it is not right and you should stop. There is no doublethink here, the people know that wrong is wrong.
Also too many people have woken up and it”s too late, you can never stop this web wild fire!  The Internet only made this come out faster and you can never really stop what has been unleashed.  Plus, the majority will not go on your strict net, it will go to another format that is open and unrestricted.
I don”t want to think about this much longer because it is really sickening.  I don”t think it”s right to censor free speech and if anyone tries to do so with myself I will sue!  I have a right to express myself.  This is not 1984 or Brave New World!  I am not doing anything wrong.  I want the human race to advance and not to be consumed by evil-greedy ghouls!  Cannibals!   How can you even think of doing this to your own kind.  You should be ASHAMED!  You are being advised by idiots.  The light would never be a part of this.  Those witches are evil and your souls are going to hell.  Save yourselves and back off and stop this.  The New World Order will never win unless you go with the light and protect mankind and advance mankind with clean, cheap energy, food and water.  All for one and one for all!
I have never cried so much as I am now.  I had a dream the other night.  I was in a circus, learning how to go on the trapeze and everything was dark and there were rats everywhere.  It was such a horrid world.  I am not a freak show!  What I say is not a joke!  I am not here to entertain you!!!
I am thinking of  turning to my Ouija and make some EVPs for guidance.  I will ask to speak to someone in the “circle”.  They must know what we should do.  I am really afraid.  I hope that all the rumors about another disaster are false.  I am not a psychic (I am a natural psychic, actually), but I am a sensitive and thing do not seem right.  I hope I am wrong.
Some say that we each have a specific purpose in life, and with that being said, writing this is mine.   I have held visions since I was a child, like puzzle pieces that I was given, not knowing what they meant, well… until now.
One person can make all the difference in the world, never feel that you are unable to go about to create positive change!  The corrupt system of today was set forth to try and control us, to make us feel like we are weak, but that is the furthest thing from the truth.  Each and everyone that holds pure intentions can move mountains.
Phase 1 – Protect The People
Immediate regulations should be set forth that would hold each and every human life precious and would, therefore, protect it to no end!  All the toxins in our food and water would be immediately BANNED and removed.
A board of people that warned us about that and other corruptions, including the New World Order and their evils, should be placed to review and monitor for these things on a global scale.  This would include all the worlds governments, monarchies, private groups and the corporations.  If they determine that a practice or product is immoral, and is not for the benefit of man, then it will be recommended that it should be eliminated.
The board will be known as the Watchmen, just like in the book & movie, because they are the worlds true heroes that will fight the evil villains in order to save us.  They will be allowed to exist, because the people would DEMAND IT, or a revolution would take place.
Members would include people like Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Kevin Trudeau, Max Keiser,  and other obvious humanitarians.  They themselves would know who should be on board, they are people that I trust because they have proven themselves over and over again by making facts public that we are not supposed to know.  They would be the advisers to the people and the auditors of the institutions that only should be benefiting mankind.
The people can bring up any and all concerns to this board to review and what they determine, the people could change or eliminate it.  Today’s corruptions would be a thing of the past so then real law and order could prevail.
The Watchmen would WORK only for the people and only act to advise them on what is best morally and ethically.  The people could vote on matters via a website that can not be altered in any way.
If an individual has been deemed evil and immoral, by the group, then such a person would be cast out of our society until they can be rehabilitated, if possible.  The ghouls of the New World Order would not be welcome and would be shunned for being the evil cannibals that they are.  Prison would be the best option for these criminals and murders.  Again the people would vote on all of this.
No more would money be allowed to dictate the fate of man, rather ethics and morality would lead!  If the people don’t want a single board because they felt it would be too centralized, then there could be national boards that would branch out.  Whatever works to stop the evil, then it must be done.  The elimination of monetary over morals would be the main objective.
We should all be permitted to live like KINGS!  Anyone that tries to get in the way of that would be against the people and that would be deemed as tyranny and they would instantly be exposed by the board.
The war machine of today would not exist because the board would be able to see that it only benefits BIG BUSINESS. The man made diseases would be discovered, as well, and it would be stopped at once.  Big Pharma would not rule and could no longer trick people into taking their toxic vaccines.  Necessary vaccines would most likely contain ingredients that would not harm you in any way.
We need people to protect the people so the people of the world could have a fighting chance.  Too many unethical and immoral things are going on.  We need help as soon as possible before it’s too late.
I really wish the children could grow up in a society that actually cared about their well being.  Each and every human being should be valued, respected and provided safe & clean food, water and environment!

Do Not Move!

A couple of months ago I moved into a beautiful circa 1930s home.  It’s all original too with gorgeous woodwork, stain glass windows and art deco fixtures.  I’m beyond in love!
I haven’t really picked up any negative energy at all, but I have noticed something strange in the basement.  The previous owner left a really old chair in the corner with a note stuck to it instructing the reader “DO NOT MOVE”.  I’m curious as to why? I want to believe that it was just a note to the movers, but there were at least 5 other things that were down there that didn’t have any notes on them?
My dog came down to the basement on the first day but since then he won’t go down there anymore?  We actually had to coax him into going today because I feel that it’s ridiculous that he be afraid to be in his own house.
In a stern voice I asked that all that is unholy and negative leave my house, so hopefully it’s the end of that.  I am still trying to figure out what I’m going to email the previous owner?  I think I’m just going to ask her if I can move the chair now lol  I’ll keep you posted.
UPDATE: I wrote the previous owner and asked if it was okay to move the chair lol I asked her if it was a note to the movers and she said yes. When I moved the chair into the workshop that night I heard activity on the stairwell. So did my husband, but he said that it might just have been due to the sudden drop in temperature. A few other little strange things have happened since, but I am not going to say it’s haunted just yet.

Save The Children!

   I had such a vivid dream the other night.  I am having more and more of them too.  So detailed, colorful, and intense.  It’s like I’m in another time and place.  The future, perhaps?  Not sure where.  Here, I guess?
Well the dream took place in Toronto and during the end of days.  Things were after the few of us left… running and trying to get away from these zombie like things.  I ran into a church and there were a group of children that were sitting quietly in the pews.  They turned around after I ran in and the look of terror in their eyes struck me.
I am thinking that this is a message from God to protect our children, maybe from what is to come in 2012 or 2013?  Whatever or whenever it was all I know is that we have to prevent it.  I hope never to actually live it.  I will stand up and speak out if that means a brighter and better future for all of mankind.  I am not afraid of those filthy bastards.  You can never kill energy, for it never dies, so let’s take this outside!  I will rather enjoy making things right.
What is happening now, in regards to the economy and man made viruses, are leading us towards end times.  How can people be so evil.  This crazy weather is a sign from God showing a tiny bit of his emotion towards it.  I know that if he is pushed he will show those cowardly-cannibal cockroaches who is boss!

Devil Dream

Last night I had a very vivid and very troubling dream.  I was in the basement of the home I used to live in as a young child, I had my first paranormal experience in.  The one I had seances in with my brother and friends in the dark… the one where I would even burn spiders????!!!!  Stupid kid is a freakin understatement.  Anyways, I was in the basement and it was dark.  I had brought two men down in the basement with me and there to my left was the devil himself!  He was in fact a beast over 6f, with hooves, very muscular, reddish and with horns.  I was shocked even in my dream that I had delivered two souls to a being that I despise!  I will never work for such filth and I don’t believe that my dreams are things that I can’t change.  I did mention that I was afraid of my dark side and I believe that the darkness knows that I would be very valuable on their team.  I am here to state that without a doubt I would never go towards evil and negativity.  When I was young, I did not know any better.  I was merely picking up things that I was possibly persuaded to do… burning candles in the dark, sacrifice, spells… Maybe it was from church or the books in my grade school with the pagan themes.  Anyways, I know that we all have the power to change our future, no matter how set it may seem!

Strange Dreams

You know, all I ever wanted is to be normal, but the more I think about it, the more I am glad that I am not.  Now that I understand and feel better about being a sensitive and my paranormal experience, I have decided to take the strange and try and make my dreams come true.  I have always wanted to be a horror writer like Stephen King or maybe a producer like George A Romero.

When You”re Strange

I remember when I was very little I used to purposely blur out things by staring into them for long periods of time until they would almost melt away and I would almost absorb it””s energy in.  In primary school I recall constantly signing out a pagan like story book and staying up late taking comfort in something familiar that was not the boring norm.  In grade 6 or 7 I teamed up with another girl who was also into the occult and we used to celebrate our energy and cast mild spells.  A few of the other girls took notice and dug up this wood and feather charm we buried and started making weird noises while shaking our sacred piece.  I am not unfamiliar to ridicule and that””s why I am currently anonymous, because I really can””t bare any more.  In this day and age I””m almost cripple from all the negative energy that is going on in the world today.. you know, the financial crisis caused by greed and the secret societies horrible intentions.  Well even when I was posting on Discovery””s A Haunting Forum some DICK even started cutting on the new Facebook group I created to help save my favorite show.  They asked if there was a group for canceling the show and that anyone that doesn””t want it canceled is out of their mind.  I was so mad I posted something back that was so nasty but I guess some of the words I used wouldn””t even generate my message so I put a much milder version asking that jerk if there was a group for people that seek attention and I also told that idiot that there is a large following for the show.  I””m so sick and tired of ignorant naive people that don””t believe there is something else out there.  I have a short fuse lately so it””s best not to F#CK with me now.  I””m very angry and it””s a reflection of what is happening in the world today.  I don””t want to resort to my dark side because like I said before I fear it very much.  Tell me what possessed me to conduct rituals as a child in the dark with candles and burning spiders????  It scares me that I did that and I regret it very much.  I””m all over the place lately and it””s so confusing.  I can””t do anything at all.  I feel overwhelmed.  I did, however, want more than anything to go to California.  I had a feeling that it was now or never.  Last night while listening to Alex Jones I found out that Cali is in great turmoil.  They are bankrupt… there are so many illegal aliens on the system it bled them dry.  There are boarder kidnappings going on and it””s become so unsafe.  I””m so angry… I want to scream and cry.  The only f#cking thing that I want right now is to get my mind off the evils of the world today and the only thing that does that is my favorite show A Haunting.

Just the other night my husband and I were heading towards the Danforth when I felt this amazing energy pull me.  He was telling me something, but of course I was distracted and I had to interrupt him to ask if he could see the moon, because I could feel it was full.  It was hidden, but then when I saw it, it was so full, as though it was going to burst from all the brilliant light it was collecting from the sun.

Break On Through

I was at my favorite thrift shop Saturday and I found a vintage William Fuld Ouija Board from the 60s, or earlier!  Did I mention that it was only $1.99+tx Canadian!  The cover is dark with a just as dark druid like figure.  It was damaged too… all 4 corners were crushed and the right side of the cover looked to have something stuck to it because it is now exposed to the bear white now instead of the top picture.  I’m going to take pictures and probably sell it in the shop on here.  I found some more copies of Haunted Toronto too and those will also be up for sale shortly.  Each item sold will also include a single tarot card reading.  I will pull one card and ship the name of the card, not the actual card, with a brief description of what the card means.
Read the rest of this entry
A few seconds before the miracle landing, I decided to put on the TV to a local NY station that I never watch.  The Ellen Show was on and then it was interrupted to bring us the awesome and incredible video live from the Hudson River, even before CNN!  I am thinking that this was no coincidence… my husband even asked me how I knew.  I told him that I didn’t know, but simply knew to turn on the TV to that exact spot????  One that thing I never felt was any fear or distress like I knew that it was not going to be tragic.  I am thinking that this thing that I have is not your typical intuition.  Things are coming in stronger for me now.  It is more than my sign as a Libra… it’s the location!  I am in the middle of several paranormal hot spots.  The Canada Malting Plant, the Gibraltar Lighthouse and the Bright Pearl in Chinatown.  I am channeling so much more energy now.  I am in a different state almost.  It’s like I’m me, but only more static like.  As a matter of fact, I am always getting static shocks!  I think I conduct a lot of energy, as well as receive it.  This is so interesting… I really wish I wasn’t so shy.  I would like to be tested to find out exactly.  I know we are all connected to something much bigger, so it’s not anything that is really out there.  I was at the Worlds Biggest Bookstore last night, off Yonge Street, and I saw a couple books about how man made up God.  I honestly think that there is a supreme being and there is always some truth to things.  I do believe that guardian angels were under those 1549 wings; however, the pilot had a lot to do with it too.  My 4 yr old niece is also clairvoyant, as well, and she told me something that really made me do a double take!  She showed me a picture that she drew of two apparitions, one significantly smaller than the other, and a circle with a spiral inner.  She told me that they were my guardian angels… my little dog and myself from the future.  It all makes sense now.

I Knew What You Wanted For Christmas

So I was shopping for one my husband’s dear friends child’s gift at ToysrUs this past Christmas.  I told my husband that the child wanted a remote controlled helicopter, but he kind of ignored me and purchased something else that was a bit related.  When we met up with our friends they told us that their son had their heart set on a remote control helicopter.  Is it just me that is freaked out by this????!  I wasn’t trying at all!!!!!!!!!  It seems that I know things that don’t really benefit my life… I guess it’s good in a way, so that it’s more selfless and pure.  I heard that the next Super7 lotto was going to be at 15 million so I started to concentrate and I came up with 7 numbers.  I got a few right but did not even win a ticket.  Whyyyyy?  I heard that we are all connected to some sort of universal network and it would be nice to learn how to control my gift.  Anways, I guess I will never be 100% because I pick up energy mostly and I am still only human.

Still Here

The feelings of death that I felt close to my family a few weeks back have come to light.  I am very exhausted because of the overwhelming energy that I have had to encounter and the sorrow, as well.
I haven’t cried that much in a long time.  This is really scaring me now.  I have never felt things so intensely as I do now.  It’s hard not to feel afraid of knowing things before they happen.  Often even the little faint glimpses are still confusing enough, now imagine the energy becoming more and more strong, so it’s even more easy to interpret.  I told one of my close friends that I’m going to end up wearing tin foil just to give me a break from all of this.  I don’t want to know most of it anyways.  Seems all I am able to pick up lately is very negative.  Sometimes I wish it would stop completely, but I’m afraid that I will always be inflicted.  Why can’t I focus on picking winning lotto numbers.  Now that would really be something!  I should try and teach myself to focus on things like that.  Maybe it will cancel out all of the dark stuff.  For a look back at some of my own personal experiences just go to the left side of the page and click on “MyPara”.
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“It’s Very Bad To Dream About Dead People…”

“Dundas & Yonge, please” I said while entering a cold cab.  I noticed that it was a crisp, snowy and bright day.  Hey there, Anna!  How are you?”  The cabby said as he was turning around and pinning his puffy black jacket covered arm over the car seat.  “Tony!”  I said with surprise!  I never even looked at the cabby as I entered the cab previously.  I reached over and pressed his arm with care as I looked into his bright green eyes.  “Before we go to the Eaton’s Center can we stop at my parent’s place?” FADE TO BLACK as I entered consciousness while my heart was pounding and my breathing was accelerated.
The reason I was so upset by this dream, you see, is because Tony is dead.  A feeling of dread consumed me and I got very worried.  Am I going to die?  The next time I visit my parents I will die?!  WTF???!!!!  How can this be?  Maybe it’s not me?  My dad is going into surgery soon and I am taking him.  Please don’t let it be my dad.  I was speaking to my mom last night and I told her about the dream.  She was concerned and told me that “it’s very bad to dream about dead people”.  Great :(

Filed under: Daily • Haunted • My Para

3 am Eternal

I am feeling a bit troubled lately.  I have encountered some negative energy from a couple of miserable-pathetic persons in mid October and it has really angered me.  Combine that with the strange presence from one of my Ouija boards on Halloween and you get me waking up every day since around 3am.
I am not one to easily forgive and forget so I end up holding on to the negative energy.  I handled it well at the time by taking their stupid dings and making a joke of it and  laughing it off.  Never let them see you upset!  They are non blood relatives so you have to be civil and respectful.  We have different backgrounds and I believe that it’s another reason for this animosity.  I wouldn’t want to trade with them because I’m very proud of my heritage and can understand why they are being so petty.  Also, people usually say things to knock people that are nice, happy and have things going for them.  I have always been kind to those people, but I want to so badly to tell them exactly what they should hear.  I am thinking about casting a Retribution spell, but I’m afraid that it might be a bit too dark for me.  I don’t want to entertain my dark side at all because I do fear it.  I am not a wicked person, but if you wrong me OMG, watch out!  I am a strong believer in an eye for an eye and what goes around comes around!  Karma is something that you shouldn’t interfere with and it’s another reason that I am not going to cast anything right now.  Why can’t people put aside their insecurities and not be assholes to people that have been nothing but nice to them.  We all have had that that friend that is so condescending and patronizing.  Someone who is not really your friend, puts in as many dings towards you and always leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth.  Anyways, I’m going to resort to avoidance and have little contact with those people.  I have to remember not to get mad, but to instead get better!  Messed up people hate to see others doing well and that would certainly kill the negative energy with positive.  If that doesn’t work then I will either get some voodoo dolls or use that revenge curse lol

Filed under: Daily • Haunted • My Para • Spells

Ouija The Gift That Keeps On Giving

This past Halloween my sister in law and I decided to celebrate our birthdays though they were early in the month.  As Libras we are both sensitives and both very interested in the paranormal.  I have a small collection of Ouija boards so I decided that I would give her one.

It was a fun Ouija that glowed in the dark, both the board and planchette.  I have never found one off of Ebay before and consider it to be rare and special.  Ebay seems to be the only place where you can find them in a bit of an abundance.  Anyways, she loved it so much!  I got her a couple other more practical things, so I’m glad I balanced out everything with the funky ouija!  I am also going to get her something paranormal themed for her Christmas present.  I’m not going to say just in case she is reading this lol  The day I got the board out from storage I was preparing for our Halloween party and I even dressed up my little doggy.  I started taking pictures and captured an orb.  Because I had two of the boards out I’m not sure which one that was attached to.  I think it’s mine because a few days ago, while in the shower, I got such a fright.  My dog has even been looking at me weird as though there is someone beside me.  I know it’s not our apartment because it’s relatively new… only 6 years old.  No one else has ever lived here and I don’t feel like there was any tragic events.  Anyways, I haven’t heard of anything that has occurred on my sister in laws side, yet!

Filed under: Daily • Haunted • My Para • Para Devises

A Whole Lotta A Haunting!

I was going through my A Haunting collection and realized that my very favorite episode was not included? I was so disappointed and hit TOPS to find out what was going on. I looked up and found out that A Haunting Connecticut and Georgia were the pilots and not included with my Season 1 & 2 set :(Because of popular demand they were just released at the end of this September so of course I BIN’d them (Buy It Now option some Ebay auctions offer) !! I’m so excited!!!!  I won both A Haunting Pilots, Connecticut and Georgia.

A few days before that I BIN’d Seasons 1, 2, 3 and 4 DVDs on Ebay, as well!  I already had Season 1 and 2 on DVD but to buy 3 4 separately would have been more than getting the 4 seasons in one boxed dvd set.  I ordered the pilots from the same seller to cut my shipping costs down too.  I hope they get here before Halloween, but if not, it’s ok.  I will watch them all the time anyways.  Now for Season 5!  I can’t wait until it airs and then goes on DVD!!  Seriously I know I have said this so many times before but it is the best Paranormal documentary ever, in my opinion!  I have had paranormal and psychic experiences myself and I can really relate to the stories… it feels like the real thing because it’s based on true accounts. I can’t wait until I get them!!!

Filed under: Daily • Haunted • My Para • ParaVideo

Tarot To Go

While in the East Coast of Canada I was fortunate enough to find a Value Village and a practically brand new Tarot card set with an information book.  I was just in Chapters last week and I suddenly had the urge that I really wanted one??  Very strange that I held off because I knew that I would find one and probably for a better price too lol  And wouldn’t you know it… I found a like new, never used, special boxed Tarot card set!  I have never seen anything like that at any thrift shop before, not even just the Tarot cards, but I know you can get some on Ebay and probably for great prices too.  Anyways, I was reading up on it and learned that you must shuffle your deck to the left to pass your energies and vibes on it.  I started doing that and all of a sudden cards started falling out as though my reading was in play.  It was so freaky!  I was not afraid though!!  I continued and my reading told me that I shouldn’t give up on my venture because it will pay off in the long run.  I never mentioned to anyone on here that I had left my job this past spring to become a website developer!  I am struggling with it now because you need traffic and people to visit your sponsors, it’s not an easy thing.  Probably why I didn’t write much on here over the summer.  It was a difficult time and it still is a bit now too.  My last job paid very well but I was not happy because it was such a negative environment with too many negative people.  One even mentioned that they knew someone that could put a curse on a co-worker that she didn’t like.  I knew, as well as everyone else, that she did not like me at all… why?  Well because of my background, of course.  *shakes head*  That person was so pathetic to say the least!  I had to block her negativity towards myself and return it back to them!  That’s my thing… I don’t get mad, I get even and then try to better myself to make them just burn when they see that I’m doing well.  To be honest, I am still ticked off but I have to let go of that!  I know as soon as I do my websites will probably do a lot better. I keep reminding myself that thanks to them I am on my way to doing my own thing.  I just have to keep my Tarot reading in mind and not give up.

Filed under: CanPara • Daily • My Para • Para Devises • Para Info • ParaBooks

Last night hubby and I were running a bit late and didn’t end up going out for dinner until past 9:30pm!  We headed downtown looking for a place that served Steak & Seafood.  I suggested the Keg Mansion because the food is good, there is a lot of history, the ambiance is wonderful and it’s said to be haunted!  My husband loved the idea too so we drove right over.  Parking for customers is free so that was great and we were seated right away, but not before I got some information from the hostess.  I asked her where the most activity was.  She answered casually stating that we would find some if we went up the staircase to the second floor by the bar.  I was like, “no”, “I meant paranormal activity”.  She responded, “so did I”!  She went on to tell us that we could eat on the main floor and then go upstairs to see.  She went on to tell us that the 2nd floor lady’s bathroom is another spot and that sometimes woman have been locked in the stalls because “that is where Mrs. Massey died”.  She said to go up to the 3rd floor and take a peek too, even though it is locked.  I was so excited, I couldn’t even wait for dinner to be over!  The meal was very good and the room we were in was so amazing, with the detailed wood work, stain glass windows, fireplace encased with glazed colorful tiles.  Every inch of that room had such fine hand craftsmanship, so much so, that I could not stop looking around.  The feeling I was getting was very strong energy and I felt very alive!  I wasn’t afraid at all and I kind of felt that the spirits there liked all the attention or energy the Keg patrons were giving them.  After our meal we were left to venture about the mansion!  It was so wild and such a trip.  I went to the ladies room and instructed my husband to save me if I wasn’t back in 5 minutes lol  Nothing happened, I didn’t see any ghosts at all, so I met him outside.  I was very drawn to this oval like vestibule that overlooked the main entrance.  I referenced Haunted Toronto by John Robert Columbo and found out that’s where one of Mrs. Massey’s maids had hung herself after finding Mrs. Massey dead.  Then after our look around the 2nd floor we headed up to the 3rd.  A couple of fellows were right behind us and talking about how the Keg Mansion is haunted.  I was right up front in center peeking in the locked glass door, it was dimly lit and I could make out a large painting and a couple other rooms.  My husband was right behind me shining his cell phone over my head to help me see better.  The two gentlemen asked if we saw anything… I responded, “nope”.  Even still, just being in such a grand and charming home, like the Keg Mansion, was enough for me.  Next time maybe I’ll bring my Ouija and go up to the middle of the 2nd floor, by the window, and have a seat at the built in cushioned bench. lol  Honestly I am too chicken to mess with Ouija! I heard demons actually communicate and not spirits so I think it is best to leave it alone. Anyways, I rate the Keg Mansion 4.5 stars out of 5!  I will be back and if you see someone with a Ouija there, or Tarot cards, then you’ll know who it is 😀
Haunted Keg Mansion In Downtown Toronto
Haunted Keg Mansion In Downtown Toronto
For more information on the Keg Mansion please pick up a copy of Haunted Toronto
or visit the links below

Another Great Ouija Find!

I was at a couple thrift shops yesterday and I happened upon something really great.  It was a circa 1960 talking board by Canada’s own Copp Clark.  They were making boards since 1861!  They started with a wood board and then hardboard like the one I have newly acquired.  It has a genie on the box cover and even comes with instructions.  The planchette is wood and has 3 removable legs.  I have tried to find the exact date of the board, but have had no luck.  I did find out; however, that William Fuld, the original creator of Ouija, contacted the Copp Clark company himself in 1960 demanding that they not use the Ouija name.  His lawyers tried even way before that in 1919, but they ignored their request.  They are no longer in existance though.  For more details please visit Mr William Fuld’s website!  I don’t have my camera on me yet but I found the exact same board featured on  They have other cool ouijas on there too so it’s definitely worth a look.

I’m not sure if I want to keep the board at this point though.  I have 2 others so that is more than enough, but it’s so unique and special.  My dad actually found it accidentally lol  I swear I went over the board game section with a fine tooth comb and never saw it.  The employees were also putting out things at the same time so that might explain it.   Ouija boards are abundant on Ebay if you would like to buy one right away because they don’t always show up at thrift shops that often.   Please see below for current Ouija auctions on Ebay Canada.  I also found some books on Amazon Canada that deal with Ouija.  Haunted Toronto and A Haunting DVD is also included as well.

Friday The 13th, My Survival Story!

This past Friday I experienced quite the series of unusual events.  I am not a very superstitious person and I personally look forward to those special Fridays.  I always enjoy a good scary movies or to delve further into the paranormal… I really appreciate the supernatural on those days.  Well, I usually do all of those things anyways, but even more so on the 13th.  On this particular Friday the 13th my husband and I were driving west on the 401 when it really started to rain, monsoon like, and my husband mentioned what day it was.  As soon as he did an 18 wheeler nearly side swiped us.  If he didn’t slam on the breaks we would have been toast.  I do admit I screamed like a little girl!  My heart nearly jumped out of my throat.  First the crazy rainstorm and then the near death experience. OMG what was going to happen next!!!???  Well then we had to stop for gas so when hubby was pumping the octain our car started to roll.  I was a bit shaky from the prior incident that I was a bit delayed in popping the emergency break on.  My husband said I wanted to watch a horror movie, however, I did not want it in 4D lol!  I wonder if people who believe that Friday the 13th is negative actually amplify it’s detrimental effects.  It’s as though my husband was tuning in the bad vibes to actually cause almost harmful things to occure.  Thank the Lord I was there to cancel the negative energy!  We were very lucky to walk away without a scratch.   

Thifting For Spirits

I am a big collector of a strange 70s doll and so I would go to a lot of thrift shops to try and find them.  They were a bit harder to find, but I never left without some sort of treasure.  I would often find Ouijas and for some reason I would snatch them up without any hesitation.  I brought home a lot more than I bargained for, and I am still trying to piece together my paranormal experiences.  I still have two boards with me now and I find comfort knowing that they are there… strange, perhaps?  Yes, but I am becoming less and less afraid.  Even when I was little I opened a door without any Ouija’s to experience my first metaphysical taste.  I was always sensitive and thought it would be cool to hold a seance like a witch. By burning candles and a few spiders I was soon on my way!  I was only a stupid kid and had no idea that it would lead to such a wicked energy.  That must have opened the door, as well as the Ouija boards, it must be the reason for my experiences.  It doesn’t help that I am prone to sensing energy though.  This blog is helping me piece together the bits to help answer a lot of my questions.  I know that I will never exactly know everything, but at least I am on the way to easing my mind. I totally believe that there is something else… something of a paranormal nature. Energy never dies but exactly what happens after death is still a big mystery to me and probably to so many others. If we as humans would stop fueling wars and hate and start focusing on science we could surely find out. We could also cure death entirely too if we wanted. I don’t want to live forever if there is something better though.

Inside Out

I just want to let everyone know that I am feeling very inward lately. I have been holding back because I am just so consumed with my mundane job. I really hate it because it absorbs a lot of my positive and creative energy. It takes all my strength to work in property management and you almost have to disconnect yourself in order to function. I don’t recommend that field to anyone.  It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't some evil people that I had to work closely with, but there are these two people in particular that are in my own department that are the devil. I have worked with a**holes before but it never gets easier. The biggest demon is my boss who is obviously bipolar in how they carry on and how they also allow another very disturbed co-worker to behave even more irrationally then them. The devil's behavior is very haunting from slamming office equipment to snapping at clients & fellow colleagues. I feel that this person is really consumed by a lot of negative energy.. they may even be possessed! It's very difficult to work with that beast and I know my boss is aware and enjoys it. My boss even commented once on how they would like to find new ways to torture us. In this day and age I can not believe that people like that are allowed to continue their employ. They seem to poison the workplace and many a person has complained about these two. I gave myself a cutoff date of when I resign. Good money seems to be the main reason why I stay. I also love working downtown and there are some nice people that I work with to it only takes one rotten apple to ruin it, but at that place there are two! I don't allow them to see that they greatly annoy me because the first day that I started I picked up that they were trouble and I was determined to always take the higher road, even if that meant being a bit fake. I have unintentionally driven devil jr to the brink of wanting to kill me lol I can't help but enjoy her try and try and try to push my buttons with no luck and then end up looking so terrible  herself lol She has gone from trying to make me look horrible to instead make herself look worse even insane! I know that if it wasn't for my VP, my boss and her screwed up sidekick would have gotten rid of me long ago, but I am an excellent worker. I have had a vision in a dream about my boss how she turned a co-worker friend against me when she returned from matt leave. It was so clear that when she came over to me and told me that I was fired and to get out I was a bit shocked.  At this point I know that I could twist this around and actually have what they intended for me to happen to them, but then I would be just as evil. I am not like that.. I do not wish harm or ill fate on anyone. I think the best thing to do is leave. I quit before but they didn't want me to go and have made every effort in order for me to stay. I just can't stand the negativity and hate that are emanating from those two twits. I feel so sorry for them in a way because instead of focusing their energy into positive things they are being consumed by this hate. They are very troubled people with lots of issues in their personal lives it seems the biggest pr#cks at work are the ones with no lives that try to create drama at work to have some sort of life.  I have a great life outside of work and I am the type that can't hold onto bad vibes! I have to vent about it right away and then it's fine, but lately it seems that all the venting in the world isn't helping and I certainly don't want to end up miserable like them!  So I have decided that I am going to do something else!  I think I might venture into indulging into a passion instead.  I want to do what I love and not do the 9to5 for someone else anymore!  Thanks for taking the time to read this.. I am just feeling so, so weirded out, I guess, would be the best way to describe it. Why did I have to meet and get to know those people. I wonder if the afterlife it is like that? If we feel these troubled souls. I would not want to exist if that were the case. Having a body usually assists in blocking these vibes for most people, unlike myself, but to be totally open to their rot and negativity! Maybe that's why there is a hell. I really hope I never have to encounter that bs in it's full capacity.

My Reality Gets Pulled Into My Nightmare

My main objective is to get out of this hell house… it’s filled with such a bad vibe and I just want to get out.   Dark,  cold, damp  and musky smells consumed my senses… my heart is pounding.  I can feel something coming.   Something bad.   Then out of nowhere a fellow coworker crashes my dream in her usual staggered limp of a walk.   She’s removing her coat ever so slowly as I watch her, all confused, she turns to me and said her usual good morning.  I shook that off and I decide to pick up the pace so I could get the hell out of there.  I managed to get outside and weave in and out of the neighborhood until I crashed into consciousness.  Then that Monday morning I read an email that the same person that I dreamed about had to take a rather long leave of absence.  I have never thought of this woman outside of work, let alone dream about her and then she ends up getting so sick she can’t work for a while… so strange! I told one of my close friends at work about it, as well as the fact that I am a Libra and very sensitive, she looked at me and said “oh boy that’s strange!”.  Isn’t it?!
“I’m not actively participating in any group meets. I’m very private when it comes to my paranormal world. It’s very personal to me and I’m not ready to join a meet up group right now, if ever.”
I mean I do want to go, don’t get me wrong, but I just feel that I have to reach a certain level before I can benefit a group and/or the persons that have invited us into their home, or where ever. I take the paranormal very very seriously, not saying that no one else does, but I strongly feel that I have to know more before I can experience any meets. Too many energies maybe? Maybe we wouldn’t attract as much or maybe too much. I found out recently that I was not attacked by a human spirit in the past. What if there are demons in the mix?! I have always been prone to receiving energy, so for me that negative energy is the absolute worst feeling that I have ever encountered. Long story short, I just can’t participate in a group meet. I would, however, like very much to apprentice someday soon. I think an experienced mentor would be ideal.
Last week I was driving on the Danforth and I noticed a cool looking pub with a sign that stated they they hold a psychic fair every 2nd Sunday of the month.  I googled them and was happy to find out more details… it’s held twice a month at 2 Toronto Locations by some “best” (self proclaimed?) psychics. Their site states that they have a high accuracy rate and 97% of their clients were satisfied.  The first location is at The Old Nick at 123 Danforth Avenue, at Broadview, 2nd Sunday of each month, from 1pm to 5pm. The second location is at 554 Parliament Street at Wellesely, last Sunday of each month, from 11apm to 3pm. I think I’m going to check it out.  I have had a strong feeling that it’s time I went to see a psychic.  Maybe they can guide me to help me understand more about these unexplained experiences that I have had.  For more information please see their site:

Thundering Blue Cracking Clusters

This past Wednesday Toronto had a record snow fall, but some pretty unusual thunder and lightening  occurred  that night as well. It wasn’t your average  storm either… the noise was so intense, it sounded like a truck fell off the Gardiner.  Then there was such a fierce  blue light the sky  seemed to explode and  spark  up the night in  what only seemed like  a split second. I ran to my balcony to try to see what happened and I noticed that a lot of others were on their balconies trying to figure out what was going on too.  We couldn’t see much and then I figured out that it must have been the elements.  Then last night I experienced such a vivid dream that was related to that odd weather and the Cloverfield movie.  I can’t help but feel that what transpired in Toronto on Wednesday evening  was something extraterrestrial.  In my dream a huge orange-yellow spear  seemed to engulf the surrounding downtown Toronto core.  Then the force of the blast pushed out so much debris, it drowned all that was in it’s midst.  I ran inside a nearby PATH where these hovering aliens, wearing black trench coats, were inserting custom clusters to its designated  human counterparts.   The packets were the most vibrant fishes, like in Chinese paintings.  These modifications were specially designed to enhance us, but I woke up before I could learn for what?  My dream was so vivid, I could even see colors.  I have been experiencing such an unsettling feeling lately and I have been rather fascinated with apocalyptic stories as well.  Some say it’s going to happen and as soon as 2012.  I don’t feel that it will, but I do have a feeling that 2013 may not be a good year.  I hope I’m wrong.

Haunted House Shopping In Toronto

In the next few months I am hoping to acquire a house and I am also hoping that maybe, just maybe, it will have something extra, other than the usual amenities. Am I crazy for wanting to experience more supernatural energy? I’m so drawn to it.. I can’t even begin to explain. I imagine it’s like people who jump out of a plane. That high they must experience is too euphoric to resist. Speaking of buying a haunted house, I was searching the City TV archives and stumbled upon the following article. Hit the link below to access the video footage…
Would-Be Homeowners Balk At Buying A “Haunted House”
Thursday August 31, 2006
The housing market in the G.T.A. continues to churn out record numbers, with more and more homes and condos getting record prices. The Danforth has always been a coveted area, but there’s one home in the neighbourhood that may end up literally spooking away prospective buyers.
The Victorian mansion is rumoured to be haunted, and Christian Cedieux, a crime and trauma scene cleaner, has spent enough time inside to determine for himself whether a ghoulish presence exists. He’s been working at the house ever since the elderly owner was found dead inside.
She died of natural causes, but Cedieux now considers himself a believer in the supernatural.
“I refuse to allow any of my employees to work by themselves,” he admits with a straight face.
“Everyone had to work in teams of two. From equipment turning off and on, to gloves levitating. I had a grown man 35 years of age who ran out of one particular room screaming and crying. He couldn’t take it.”
“There are things that cannot be explained, and I’ve seen it; my staff has seen it; we’ve experienced it; we’ve felt it; we’ve smelt it.”
“One of my employees was pushed by an invisible assailant. He ran down screaming and crying and was really spooked out.”
Four workers left and never came back.
The house is now clean and ready for sale, although Christian admits he wouldn’t spend a night there for $1,000.
“There are things that cannot be explained, and I’m here to tell you that they’re very for real.”


T.O.P.S. Is Now On Facebook!

Please feel free to add me at the following link –  and if you do it would be great if you joined our T.O.P.S. facebook group too

Terror Tuck

squatting_devil_2  It was a cold-dark Christmas eve, around 3:30am.  I was at my parents visiting and I was all wide awake but even still I tried to get to sleep.   I just lay down in bed and turned on my side when all of a sudden the blankets got real taught and began to pull downward, as if someone was there pulling them, however, there was no one else in the room?  I was so terrified at what was happening, but I still managed to fight  to regain the covers.  I did so 3x before I lost and the blankets slid all the way down past my feet.  I thought my father was playing a trick on me but when I went to go look everything got blurry as though something was covering my face cause they didn’t want me to see and I felt such a force pushing me down.  I tried to get up, but I was unable to move.  I was screaming for my mother but not a sound came from my mouth!  I then thought of Jesus and was instantly released.  It did not feel human :(  I think it was demonic?!  I was so frightened to be alone after that that I got a dog.  I then found the strength about a few months later to pick up the bible and read from it.  I automatically opened it to Exodus and read a perfect verse too, as though it was known, and read loud too!  Nothing really happened but I did feel the room get lighter.  It will never escape  it’s  memory.  It occurred about 3 years ago, but I still get shivers to this day even thinking about it!
***Update!  Okay it’s now August 19, 2013 and I’m still sensing something negative around when I am home alone.  Not sure if it’s the same entity or even if it’s an entity at all.  After my past experience I just can’t help but wonder.  I hear strange noises and last week I heard clicking???!!!  I read to just ignore it so that’s what I am doing now.  I did a Tarot Card reading for myself before that and I have been studying demons and exorcisms.  I can’t help it especially when our world seems so evil.  I am just trying to understand and bring light to an existing problem.  I decided to take a break from it but I am not completely stopping.

Beyond God

There are people in this world that rely on  God to wash away their sins, to help them cope with the fact that they are flawed, simply for being human. Some of them even feel that they have license to sin as long as they go to church frequently. I have met such a person and I have sensed their darkness from day one. I even told this to another that I felt could empathize with me. When I informed them that I felt a lot of tension and animosity coming from the other person, they seemed a bit freaked out that I knew this and was very apprehensive in what they said to me. A few weeks later they admitted that this person was in fact causing them grief. As time passed my suspicions came to light when they started directing this hate towards myself proving that unfortunately I was right about them. I always give people the benefit of the doubt so I put my feelings aside to allow them, in a way, a chance to redeem themselves  in this case I wish I didn’t.

One Of My First Paranormal Experiences

I think I was about 8 years old when I had one of my first paranormal experiences. I was playing alone in the basement with one of those 4 foot dolls.. you know, the kind that had the sleepy eyes. Anyways, I still get chills even thinking about it. I believe it was a Saturday, mid afternoon, and I was so caught up in playing that I couldn’t even believe what was going on around me. It was cold and then I heard very loud deep breathing. At first I thought it was the furnace so I shook it off. Then the piercing reality hit me… furnaces only shoot air outwards and not in and out like this breathing sound! Then the doll who’s eyes were closed then started fluttering. I was shocked and I ran upstairs. It was two weeks later and I decided that what happened was all in my mind.Like before I was caught up in my childish play when the heavy breathing sound started again. This time I did not ignore it, but instead I threw the doll under the closet stairs and ran upstairs to never play alone downstairs again.

john mizzi says:
My Mother had the same doll when I was a kid and she kept it in the basement and although nothing paranormal ever happened with it it scared the sh***** out of me I could swear it was looking at me all the time. because of that stupid thing I am still afraid of dolls.
admin says:
That doll was given to me in the 80s… I guess they have been using the same mold for a while. I can agree they are scary and I wasn’t much for dolls since then cept for my 1972 blythe dolls now. I actually won one off of Ebay about 5 years ago. I asked the seller how she came about finding her and she told me that she won her at an estate sale of a dead black lady. I always feel a little strange around her.. like she is watching me or something is watching me. Very odd! If you look up kenner blythe dolls on ebay you will see that they have huge eyes.

john mizzi says:
Its interesting that your perception is that I am older than you you probably right as it would have been around 1965 maybe you are psychic
Anna says:
You mentioned it before when you told us that you were a janitor in your yonger days. I don’t know if I am really psychic, but I have had some very interesting information that I shouldn’t have known otherwise. Even in my dreams I have had glimpses of things that had happened, before they actually happened! Like people dying and rather big events. I know I’m sensitive for sure, but when I hear of people seeing things like on a TV… I don’t really get that at all unless I’m dreaming and that’s only sometimes.

A Very Odd Event Which Transpired This Week

CRASH ahhh haaa BANG ahhh haaaaaa! DARKNESS ahhh haaaa ahhhh haaa BANG BANG! were the sounds that stabbed into my vulnerable state of unconsciousness. Fear… sleep.. Dread… tired… the sounds were almost pulsating because I was in and out of reality. My enervated body, soul and mind were consumed back into the darkness to later wake wondering if that had happened or not. It sounded like the noise was resonating from the den… the same place I keep my 2 Ouija boards. Earlier in the week I was admiring them and my hand was gently stroking the boxes. I wonder if I have awaken something by doing so? I want to play, but I do not have the knowledge or experience to dare attempt such a thing, especially without anyone else that does have adequate experience.

Jesus Does Save

If you ever are attacked by the wrath of a dark spirit, or demon, just stay calm, and don’t panic, or you may be consumed. Pray for Jesus and instantly you will be free. Please remember my words because I know first hand. Even if you can’t move or speak… as long as you believe in him, he will save you. I recall the first and only time I was attacked, I was so afraid… I tried to call out for my mother, but it just got worse. I couldn’t scream and I was totally paralysed. The next person I thought of was Jesus and thank God I did.

The Constant Confusing Vibes

I have always been able to sense a persons essence, now more-so than ever. I can pick up things and know things even before actually knowing them… it’s very odd at times. Picture having the answers before knowing the questions. It’s unsettling when I find out that my feelings have actual validity behind them. I can simply look at a person to feel them and know what they are about. I am totally repulsed by those touched by darkness or those with bad intentions. I do see good people that glow too, but they are few and far between. The average don’t really stand out.. they are those caught up in the motions of a mundane world, consumed by their daily duties and responsibilities. This is just too hard to write about now. I will delve further when I’m not so tired, but due to my own tedious life tasks, I am unable to at this time. Picture having to greet hundreds of people, for a work luncheon, while picking up so much at once.. it’s exhausting. Even taking the TTC is much at times because we are packed in there like sardines during rush hour and it’s hard not to have your body filled up with these intense feelings. It’s even more uncomfortable and awkward being so close to people that you automatically repel from. It’s not something that you can get used to.


John mizzi says:
I used to work as I night janitor in my younger days at one of the largest shopping malls at that time I use to go nuts being able to here the echoes of the people that went through that mall during the day so I know how it feels I eventually learned how to control it through that experience. Don't forget though that this gift you have will also keep you from meeting the wrong people. There are disadvantages and advantages to everything!

admin says:
That’s very interesting that you used to experience echoes. I feel peoples energy, it’s like I’m an antenna or something. There are advantages and disadvantages, for sure! I certainly know the people that I should stay away from, and if I can’t, at least be very wise to them.

In The Family

My grandmother frequented a psychic back in Italy and she believed in black magic… evil eye and all. Most old school Italians hold superstitious beliefs. I learned that tarot cards originated from there and that there were a lot of horror films made by Italians that have a cult like following. My father was a devoted fan of the paranormal, sci-fi and had a great love for the Halloween holiday. Ask him about Area 51, possession, or hauntings, and he will give you his lengthy theory. I remember that he loved to watch Unsolved Mysteries, Ripley’s Believe It Or Not, That’s Incredible and other types of shows of that nature. I’m not surprised that I developed quite the taste for it as well. Even experiencing sensations and sensitivities and provided me a great knowledge of things that I had no idea about otherwise. I am very intuitive… I’m not sure if it’s because I’m a Libra, or what, Libras are know for being very sensitive. I even experienced intense dreams, once I drempt about someone while feeling a very odd sensation and then the next day they were dead. I wish I could focus and develop these gifts, but currently I am a 9-5 slave that had to conform in order to survive.
Pretty spooky stuff, eh?


Everyday Should Be Halloween

I have always been captivated with Halloween, more so than Christmas, and much more than any other holiday. It was not the candy that drew my attention, rather, it was the tales of ghosts and goblins that really captivated me. You know at Halloween you can even be whoever you want… what other holiday can give you that! When I was a kid I remember reading a book based on a very poor Canadian family in Toronto, during the depression. My favorite part was when Bee experienced Halloween! So many were down and out, but many of the children still managed to enjoy it fully. Treats and all! The book is called Booky and it offered me a taste of Toronto history as well as a good story.
I am not looking forward to Christmas! I didn’t RSVP for my company’s party, I have not started shopping and I have not made any plans. I don’t know if I can fake it again this year. Sure, I love to spend time with my friends and family, but I am not into commercialism and all this seasonal hype. FU Martha Stewart! If I wanted to be perfect, I’d dip myself in plastic. In all reality Martha is far from perfect herself, however, she is very crafty… she can carve a mean pumpkin and can make the most delectable treats. She does get into Halloween too, though at times it’s corny, but I do wonder what her cookies and other treats taste like lol
Martha's Halloween Book
Martha Mask

My Collection

I have had numerous Ouija boards that I have found at several different thrift shops and the majority I had were sold on Ebay, but 2 still remain in my collection… one even glows in the dark! I am really intrigued by them, but will not use them at this time. I have heard too many stories warning not to to dare such acts without gaining more experience. In my only experience I did feel the planchette (tear drop shaped pointer) move without any of us touch it. Once I did have a board in my possession that was very noisy and did not mix well with my vintage kenner blythe dolls. My husband and I heard a lot of things bang and crash in the area we kept the board. A lot of my dolls were knocked over at least half a dozen times and it got to the point where we were a bit creeped out. I was even glad to have sold that to a local girl right here in Toronto. She was well aware of the activity because I posted all about it in my Ebay auction and even asked me if the board was haunted when we met for the exchange. I told her that I wasn”t sure if it was haunted but it sure seemed like there was something attached to it. I wonder if she experienced anything. I hope she stumbles upon this site because I would really like to hear if anything happened.

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