Sunday, May 7, 2017

Repent And Change Your Ways For Forgiveness & Come Into The Light #PeopleOfTheLight or The Dark #PeopleOfTheLie You Decide! Also A Little Update About Where I Currently Stand & More RR18+

#GotForgiveness#Forgiveness from God is easy but first you must truly #Repent and change your #WICKED WAYS! Come to the #LIGHT & stay!
— Anna Sophia ن (@AnnaSophia777) May 6, 2017

I am so disappointed in how the dark and their oblivious servants, who choose to be away from God and the light in their actions, are continuing on their mal behavior to make Hell on Earth for all.  What's "The Plan" the Italian PM asked George Soros in a private meeting.  Well I can tell you the plan and that's to make God's world Satan's world, I sense.  They want to live without any morals and without any light in their savage society as though they could take their hidden disgusting rituals out in the open for all to see without being judged?!!  They are truly insane and need help.  I'm also so disappointed that in these Messianic Times our international intelligence community is behaving more into voyeurism than being the people's heroes against the satanic elite and their savages, puppets and fools.

I sensed recently that I believe I have fulfilled my purpose in this life but I still don't feel at peace in the world because the dark are still trying to bring us all down while foolishly thinking they will live here as though it 's paradise.  I begged for mercy, I begged for real heroes that will help the innocent & vulnerable and I am praying to God.  There is nothing more I can do.  I did sense t hat God is always going to forgive those who truly repent and change their wicked ways, however.  Who am I to judge.  I would have dragged them to hell personally a while ago but I guess I am the harsh one.  I am so confused how those vile and foul pieces of shit can go around doing such horrific things and still be allowed to be among us?  I guess God is waiting for them to come to the realization that they are lost and hopes they can find their way back or be damned to hell or try again.  He won't let them soil the cosmic ocean waters with their dark stench.  

Oh and for those that think you can just upload your consciousness to a machine and live forever... LOL!!!  You do understand that you the person will die and go back into the natural system.  The copy of you is a mere artificial version without God's true essence unless he wills it.  He is in us all now and if you choose to be evil then when you die hell is loosing him and his fire!

We should all follow God's laws and man's fair and moral civil laws no matter what your religion is like I wrote years ago in my Harmonious Order Circle Society that includes The Laws Of The Natural Order, Connecting to the Universe, Tools of the Universe, Physics of Man, Self, Group and The Universe Symbiosis, The Sonic Spirit, Deciphering The Universe (and that the universe is God)...  And we should also most importantly connect.  Think of it this way, 8 track *tape is what you are trying for when we already have the ultimate bestest latest and greatest for eternity.  Give In to God.  I did.  I am always going to submit to him AND GOOD! Be one with The People Of The Light already.  The Goddess is there.  She shines bright.  Don't lose that to be cast in the darkness and cold.  It's a really stupid thing to consciously choose to be like that.  No amount of money and power here in the temporary world will ever be enough to suffer like that.  

Oh and the deceptive demons that want us all to suffer and gone are leading the #nwo now.  I can sense them like in my post The Familiar.  They are all the same and if you succumb to it then you are The People Of The Lie.

So previously I wrote about finding a middle ground to come together but it will never be possible if we are working with fake people that have ulterior motives that will bring down us all.  I really wish I knew the perfect thing to say to convince you all who are lost.  Why can't you just trust me and see what the world would be like if we achieved true peace and harmony for all.  Would it be so bad?  We have been given a chance for such greatness.  I will kneel down before you all as God's servant and your servant too.  I have no other motive but to see us ALL in the Light.

I finished the book The Return Of The Divine Sophia last week.  It was a good read.  I knew the just of it already and then sum.  It's just working backwards to get all the specifics is what I like to do in order to completely understand it.  I don't like just knowing something unless I can grasp it totally. Sometimes it's as vague as the answer 42.  I tell you God gave me quite the challenge!  I don't mind.  Like I said before I am always seeking things.

I will may do a write up of the book later but I may not.  I'm not sure yet.  I Tweeted some quotes I  found valuable. 

My reoccurring, epic and intense vision of the unbalanced scales as a child burned into me and my gifts and all from God too were necessary in this time.  If I can be of further service I will be.  I am starting to feel more again.  When I am channeling I am very focused and almost lose myself  and all throughout the while people close to me were suffering terribly almost as though Satan himself was trying to stop it all.  Even a bunch of petty far left types were attacking me online after I stuck up for someone they were viciously attacking.  I could feel their pain.  It was awful.  I went head on with them and they lost the most interest on them and went full force on me.  It was so hard and I decided to let go of all of that and just focus on my purpose, after reporting them to the feds!. I was able to stop it but for the longest time the most vile untrue hate was up there.  Some of it's still up there today!  

I not only rose above it all I was able to use the pain to evolve more and become more enlightened just like in the 2016 movie Split. "You are broken and evolved.  I made myself better and stronger instead of resorting to doing to them what they did to me.  I don't fall for those games and don't do what the dark wants me to do.  All I know is that I will always try to be a real hero.  If I see someone hurt then I will help them.  I would rather donate the little I have personally to help them instead of have fancy things.  I don't expect others to do the same or live like me a proud Italian Peasant either.  It's a choice.  I wish I had more to give.  

Currently I am trying to spiritually recover from this all but being able to let go while wishing everyone the best is helping me a lot along with my healthy lifestyle and positive and confident attitude.  Forza forever!  I am going to be watching and if I see something I will surely say something.  I also changed my Twitter Bio from Prophet to Goddess.  All women are (who operate in the positive).  I don't think I will ever know for sure if I actually am but it certainly seems like it in challenging times. I guess I am who I need to be to help humanity and that's what keeps me from sinking into mirrored thoughts.  Oh and I may be bold and opinionated but in this man's world can you blame me!  

Seems the dark elite only uphold the most wicked, crooked and nasty women that don't have morals, that don't care about others and that are very weak.  You see some of them with all the riches in the world but they look so angry and hateful while looking down on people as if they are better?!  People like that should be no where near power and should be instead receiving some much needed mental and spiritual help. You know the would would run a lot more smoothly if they just allowed the people to vote in good people and lead honestly for what's best for the people and their country while working together in the global community.  Sort of like my theory of Self, Group and Universal Symbiosis.  So individual yet separate working together in sync for real greater good for all and not for dark elite and crony capitalists.  

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