Saturday, October 14, 2023

Remenber, Britian Was Once Ruled By Romans - Britannia Rome!

The Romans called this system divide and rule because they literally divided up conquered peoples into their component units (usually tribes and city-states), made separate alliances and treaties with each, and induced each, through a complex system of rewards, to keep an eye on the others and provide for the common ...

The world is in a massive mess and I see why.  I knew Romans were bad news but it seems that the tensions between the Israeli and Palestinians are a direct result of the British imo!   Don't think they didn't know what they were doing either!   This is coinciding with their Agenda 2030 garbage.  Total global domination headed by the Germanics including Klaus Scwab of WEF!  You can't just take land away from people to give to others without great upset and that on top of the hate the extremist Muslims have for the Jews.  They didn't even give them a penny for their land either!  If I were the Israelis I would pressure the UK to give Palestinians compensation, or maybe that would go towards more savage terror attacks, what about a new home land somewhere in the Middle East?!!  Somewhere nice.  The Brits owe the poor innocent people that!!  So many have lost their lives because of their horrible mistake.  I don't think a two state solution would fly now.  Personally, seeing all those extremist savages all over the world, including Canada, is not a good thing at all.  They all should be deported to whereever their new land will be.  Now, it's just a suggestion.  I am no expert about these matters but something has got to give.  Bottom line is that I stand with Israel and whatever they do they have been forced to do.  I was thinking about evacuating the Palestinians and literally the next day the Israeli were on the same page!  Great minds!!   

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