Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Two Tablespoons Of ACV A Day To Help Get The Last Bit Of Weight Off From Olanzapine

I purchased a popular women's magazine yesterday about how to lose 15 lbs in 3 months without working out.  I work out but still need the help because I was stuck taking Olanzapine for over 4 years!  I read that taking a table spoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water helps with digestion and will help you lose weight.  Some say two tablespoons is enough but some take 3 table spoons a day mixed with water.  I am going to start with two tablespoons a day before or during meals for three months and see what happens.  So November will be the month to see if my weight actually went down.  I have noticed that the Lurasidone weight loss is really gradual now and I'm not happy about that.  

 I am trying a lot of things including good old fashioned working out and eating better.  I could go keto and lose more weight fast but then I wouldn't be happy.  Plus when I do start eating normal again it will probably all come back.  I read that keto isn't good for you and that you do need a bit of carbs.  I have switched from brown sugar once in a while to stevia or nothing at all instead.  I try to only have chocolate once a week and I rarely have sweets.  I eat low glycemic fruit like blue berries, black berries, raspberries and kiwi mostly.  Eating all kinds of fruit adds to your sugar intake so I have to be careful what I am eating.      

It feels good fitting in my clothes again but there is one small shirt that still is a tiny bit tight on my breasts.  Both my chest and my waist and hips are still a bit swollen and I think taking any anti psychotic may be the cause of it.  I know if I stopped taking Lurasidone completely I would go back to my normal size a lot faster but unfortunately I can't right now or maybe ever.  I don't like living with a Mutant Mind.  It's just way too much information at once and it leaves me too stressed out and not feeling myself.  Hopefully one day there is an even lower dose or something better.  We shall see!

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