Wednesday, July 31, 2024


While taking a clean B50 without any synthetic B9 for a couple weeks I started to go Mutant Mind again so I stopped.  Just before I was thinking about Glasstic.  Something mixed with sand and high heat that develops a more flexible plastic.  Salt popped in my head?  I don't know if that actually is something of use but I wrote it down on my Twitter X.  People have made gorilla glass and ceramic glass simply by mixing in other compounds with the sand for glass and then heating it all up together so making a more flexible and durable glass is possible I believe.

Two Tablespoons Of ACV A Day To Help Get The Last Bit Of Weight Off From Olanzapine

I purchased a popular women's magazine yesterday about how to lose 15 lbs in 3 months without working out.  I work out but still need the help because I was stuck taking Olanzapine for over 4 years!  I read that taking a table spoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water helps with digestion and will help you lose weight.  Some say two tablespoons is enough but some take 3 table spoons a day mixed with water.  I am going to start with two tablespoons a day before or during meals for three months and see what happens.  So November will be the month to see if my weight actually went down.  I have noticed that the Lurasidone weight loss is really gradual now and I'm not happy about that.  

 I am trying a lot of things including good old fashioned working out and eating better.  I could go keto and lose more weight fast but then I wouldn't be happy.  Plus when I do start eating normal again it will probably all come back.  I read that keto isn't good for you and that you do need a bit of carbs.  I have switched from brown sugar once in a while to stevia or nothing at all instead.  I try to only have chocolate once a week and I rarely have sweets.  I eat low glycemic fruit like blue berries, black berries, raspberries and kiwi mostly.  Eating all kinds of fruit adds to your sugar intake so I have to be careful what I am eating.      

It feels good fitting in my clothes again but there is one small shirt that still is a tiny bit tight on my breasts.  Both my chest and my waist and hips are still a bit swollen and I think taking any anti psychotic may be the cause of it.  I know if I stopped taking Lurasidone completely I would go back to my normal size a lot faster but unfortunately I can't right now or maybe ever.  I don't like living with a Mutant Mind.  It's just way too much information at once and it leaves me too stressed out and not feeling myself.  Hopefully one day there is an even lower dose or something better.  We shall see!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

I'm Now Taking Nattokinase For My Gutt Health After Taking Olanzapine For Over 4 Years & Learned People Who Took mRNA Covid Shots Using It Too Reduces Blood Clots!


I am trying to get my health back to normal and I started taking Nattokinase supplements this week in order for my gutt to become optimal again! I don't eat breakfast so I take the supplement instead on an empty stomach and you can't eat for at least an hour afterwords. 2.5 mg of Olanzapine daily really messed with my body and I was severely constipated and had to take Metamucil and then switched to natural psyllium husk. Nothing helped as much as actually switching my medication to 20 mg of Lurasidone daily! I thank God every day that I am no longer on that horrible garbage. It also spiked my blood sugar and lowered my white blood cells too. I was getting so sick and fat. I am so much better now and still losing weight. Unfortunately it's gradual but I have lost about ten pounds already. I know that if I really watched what I ate I could lose a lot more but I wouldn't be happy. I like to have my carbs and my chocolate at least once a week. When I visit family I also eat whatever I want like pizza, pasta, hamburgers, etc! I was just staying with my mom for a week and I did not watch what I ate at all. I'm also a stress eater so that doesn't help. I do notice a big difference though and I'm more fit and lean like before. It's just my lower body, hips and breasts that still need to come down. I do work out at least 5x a week and I'm usually very active on the weekends. Anyways, I read that Nattokinase helps get your weight down too so we shall see if it works on me? I hope so but I might have to go keto for a bit and then after only have carbs and chocolate with sugar once a month. I'm not ready to do that right now but if I want to see real effects I have to watch what I eat too especially since I'm in my early 50s.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Update July 25, 2024 - I Read That Stimulant Laxatives Helps To Cure Olanzapine Medication Constipation! I Really Hope So!

 After ten months after stopping 2.5 mg Olanzapine and switching to 20 mg of Lurasidone I feel much better but I'm still detoxing!  I was researching what to do to cure medication constipation and I found out stimulant laxatives are the way to go.  Senokot natural senna is a stimulant laxative and I had some on hand and took it last night.  This morning I passed a painful hard stool.  I pray that I'm done detoxing but we will see.  My lower abdomen has gone down a lot too from switching meds, eating less, eating better and working out with a targeted workout for that area.  

Sharing these embarrassing things is something I am doing to help others who are suffering from Olanzapine and need to switch to something else and I highly recommend Lurasidone or Latuda.  Olanzapine should be banned because it really messes people up physically and harms them.  It also zombifies the mind a lot and it's not right to be like that at all.  I contacted the hospital and my doctor about this but no word back!  I really don't understand why they would put me on such a horrible med Olanzapine when there is a really great one Lurasidone / Latuda!  After suffering seizures in 2018 and confirmed with a MRI I was confused and just did what the doctors told me.  I really regret trusting them about Olanzapine!  No one had my back and if I didn't complain to my doctor they would have never recommended Latuda!  

The generic cheaper version of Latuda is Lurasidone but it's still expensive in Canada.  30 pills is about $43 for a month supply with tax included.  Thankfully I have benefits and only pay about $7 for a month supply with tax included.

 I just want to add that you can't use any natural senna laxatives daily so please check the instructions that should be on the bottle.  I just used it once and it really helped me.  I might use it again next week.  I just want to detox and get back to my normal self once and for all.  Being on Lurasidone helps but it's so gradual.  At least I'm able to detox unlike being on Olanzapine that really messed me up.  Intestines in humans are said to be 30 feet long and Olanzapine stopped the natural movement of it because it dried them out!  I had to take Metamucil then natural psyllium but it still wasn't the same.  Lurasidone does not constipate me at all.  I'm so grateful my doctor finally suggested Latuda and my pharmacist switched me to the generic cheaper version instead which was the same thing.  He said it's the parent drug so not to worry.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

After Olanzapine ~ More Weight Loss Tips

I added a couple new things to my weight loss journey. I am doing Denise Austine's lower belly exercise daily and I'm eating Goji berries because they are really incredible for me! They help with weight loss!  Low glycemic, keep you full longer, fight fat storage, etc.  I read that there are side effects so please do your research. 

Goji berries have long been associated with weight loss, in part due to their status as a superfood, but also because of their unique nutritional composition that helps to promote the burning of fat, and the production of lean muscle.  

What are the benefits of eating goji berries? Health benefits of goji berries | Good Food Long term consumption of goji berries has been shown to decrease LDL cholesterol and help in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. A study showed that polysaccharides in goji berries may regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol levels, thereby protecting the heart. Health Benefits of Goji Berries Goji berries are rich in nutrients. Some early studies using goji berry juice found there may be some possible benefits that included: A feeling of well-being and calmness Better athletic performance Better sleep Weight loss A boost to your immune system Higher antioxidant levels Many berries are good for you. It's not clear whether goji berries are better than other types of berries or if goji berry supplements would have the same health benefits as the berries themselves. Goji Berry Nutrition Goji berries offer plenty of vitamins and minerals such as: Vitamin C Fiber Iron Vitamin A They’re also a good source of protein and antioxidants. Goji Berry Risks and Side Effects Goji berries could interact with some drugs. If you take warfarin (a blood thinner), you may want to avoid them. Goji berries may also interact with diabetes drugs and blood pressure drugs, so talk with your doctor first. Otherwise, it's probably safe to eat goji berries in moderation. 7

 The health benefits of goji berries Benefits of goji berries: Can reduce the risk of disease Increase immunity Support eye health Decrease blood lipid concentration Promote fertility Balance blood sugar levels May help metabolic syndrome

For more I did write a Tablet Text about my Olanzapine weightloss journey on Amazon. Here's the link to the American Amazon but try for your country if it's not your area! Thanks!!