When I first started the 20 mg Lurasidone I was off Olanzapine for about a week and it didn't help me get back from an almost psychotic episode like Olanzapine helps me because it gets me grounded and relaxed better than anything else I've ever tried antipsychotic wise. Anyways, I have about a months worth of Olanzapine left and it's not going anywhere just in case.
So far so good on the 20 mg of Lurasidone. I take it with food at lunch instead of dinner because of my PTSD and OCD and it keeps my stress down and my urge to have everything perfect.
I'm not picking up tons of downloads and I'm not even over thinking either. At this point it's pretty useless for me to know anything because nothing really is being done about it. People are still being forced into massive debt and poverty is the new class for the majority of people.
I was kinda crying to my mom tonight though so I do have a bit of feelings sometimes. It was because so many people are being put in desperate situations and some are self medicating with horrible new street drugs that really harm them or even kill them.
Whomever is in charge SHAME ON YOU!!! How cold hearted do you have to be to allow this to happen!!! Make basic neccessities cheap again! Lower rents! Just make life positive and happy for the majority. Why make them suffer so much?? It's not fair!
I don't understand at all. I know that the majority of people are good but so many are busy because of trying to survive life. They trust the system and the system should be trustworthy but unfortunately it's not. Not at all!
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