Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Thou Shalt Not Kill Even Slowly!

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Charging Compounded Interst and Making MASSIVE Money Off Of Us Is Stealing!

There is a reason why our government never has enough money for us... not for schools, not for health care, not for police, not for roads, not for hardly anything we really need is because the majority of our tax dollars goes to paying off the massive ballooning debt that is mostly interest!!! It's immoral and wrong. It also breaks one of God's laws too!It was set up not to just loan us money but to take our physical public assets too. In the early 90s we Canadians lost our CN railway because of having to pay off some of the HUGE debt that was mostly interest due to the horrible compounded interest we supposedly had to pay to the private banks because of Trudeau Senior's agreement in 1973.

Look at this example of all that compounded interest on that tiny sliver of actual and real spending on goods & services!  That is "fraud" and is "Criminal"! Per Bill Abram a retired high school teacher that did a video I will post below.

Friday, May 27, 2022

The World Religion Should Be Judiasm


More About My "Doctor" During My First Hospital Visit In 2018

When I was committed the first time I recognized my doctor from before.  He started following me on Twitter or (someone using his picture!) but I did not follow him back and blocked him because it said on his profile that he was a brain surgeon and I remembered reading some news article just before about a pigs brain being outside it's body and surviving for a while.  I just felt creeped out and a bit nervous too.  

After I was committed the second time he passed me in the hallway and totally ignored me even after I said hi.  I'm not sure why I said hi to him after what was done to me but I think it was my way of showing that I was not after revenge.  Plus, he was not the only one that harmed me.      

I just knew that I was supposed to be submissive and let them all do whatever they wanted to me because they were being tested by maybe the goddess?  I wish I knew what happened in order to make my right ear bleed, though??  That's not right and I hope they never do that to another person again!   

The Reasons Why I Believe That I Was Attacked With EMP or EMF



Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Symptoms Of EMP or EMF That I Believe I Experienced

I'm not sure if you read any of my previous blogs but I strongly believe that I was targeted with Psycho Electronic Weapon(s) which shot electronic magnetic frequencies at me. I heard a high pitched noise in my right ear for over 2 years and felt like something was attached to my head on that side too. A few songs and shows would contain some of my personal thoughts that were not random at all.  Things that no one else could ever think of ever.  It was pure me!

I also felt stress, couldn't sleep, had a racing heart and had a huge heart palpitation for no reason at all and so did my husband. We didnt' run or take anything.  My husband started saying some strange things at that time too like he was not himself? I was connected to a male and female discussing me. 

Before I called an ambulance to take me to emergency I started getting instructions to do things including go to the hospital. I also was on CBD oil and drinking wine daily. The CBD oil could have been brewed wrong and I could have had THC as a result of it. My husband was the one that told me I should start taking it and bought it for me.

I started feeling a bit stressed again recently and had a bit of trouble sleeping last night so I took an EMF reading at my computer area and it was high right out front of my pc monitor but where i sit it was low. I tested my husband's pc area and sitting area and it was off the charts!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

My Experience With Olanzapine

I unfortunately became schizoaffective after taking CBD oil that was brewed wrong &/or was attacked with a psycho electronic weapon.  I think it may have been both to be honest. 

According to the Mayo Clinic: 

"Schizoaffective disorder is a mental health disorder that is marked by a combination of schizophrenia symptoms, such as hallucinations or delusions, and mood disorder symptoms, such as depression or mania.

The two types of schizoaffective disorder — both of which include some symptoms of schizophrenia — are:

  • Bipolar type, which includes episodes of mania and sometimes major depression
  • Depressive type, which includes only major depressive episodes


The exact causes of schizoaffective disorder are still being investigated, but genetics are likely a factor.

Risk factors

Factors that increase the risk of developing schizoaffective disorder include:

  • Having a close blood relative — such as a parent or sibling — who has schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
  • Stressful events that may trigger symptoms
  • Taking mind-altering drugs, which may worsen symptoms when an underlying disorder is present"

No one in my family ever had schizoaffective disorder.  So that only leaves the improperly brewed CBD oil with THC and the attack by a psycho electronic weapon so stressful events and/or a mind-altering drug.   

The second time I was at the mental ward I was diagnosed by a good doctor that actually helped me.  He put me on 10 mg of Olanzapine right away and I had to take it at night before bed.  I continued with the meds even after I was released from the hospital and continued on with out patient care with another doctor because he did not take me on for outpatient for some reason?  He kept staring at me and even one of the patients noticed and told me.  I requested it be a woman doctor this time and I found one that is really good.

I was a lot more tired and constipated.  I purchased some Metamucil with sugar with fibre and that helped.  I did not get the sugar free kind because I read aspartame has 92 side effects including obesity and you can even get diabetes. I should have taken it daily to be honest because now I see that there was a lot of hard stool that was not passing even though I would have small soft stool pass almost daily.  I also started to drink more water and had a huge cup of green tea every morning.  Even still I noticed that my lower stomach area was more extended than usual due to the constipation.  

I also was very snacky and always wanted to eat.  I mostly snacked on sunflower seeds and popcorn to keep my weight under control but it was so hard.  Sometimes I would just get that chocolate bar or more and that bag of chips.  It was like I was pms'ing all the time but I stopped getting my period because of another side effect of Olanzapine.  I gained some weight, about 15 lbs, but thankfully it wasn't more because I worked out and mostly ate healthy like normal.  I went from a size small top and size 7 pant to a size medium top to a size 12 pant.  My hips and chest were a bit larger but I knew it was only temporary and I had to endure it in order to get better.

I wasn't as creative and outgoing... I just stopped blogging and tweeting as much.  My social media was not updated with my life as before.  I became very forgetful and things did not come to me easily like before.  My outlook wasn't as bright as before I started taking it.  Even the little things were more difficult to do like typical housework.  I also needed an alarm in order to get up where as before I got up early naturally.  I was so tired I ended up laying down in the early afternoon and all I wanted to do was just sleep.  I would go to bed very early and then wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to get to sleep.  Everything became more complicated so I would try to sleep and lay down a lot more which was not normal to me.  

My doctor would check in with me every 3 months and each time she asked me how I was doing I would respond, great!  I wasn't committed to the hospital again!  I was fortunate that I did not experience any schizo feelings again.  I think that it was worth all of the side effects in order to have a somewhat normal life. 

After 2 years I asked my doctor if I could go off of the Olanzapine because it was not something I wanted to be on my entire life.  She agreed and prescribed me it at a lower dose.  I went from 10 milligrams to 7.5 mg.  3 - 6 months went by and I was still fine so she lowered my dose to 5 mg.  Everything with me was still fine, no ambulance trips to the hospital, so she lowered my dose again to 2.5 mg.  I started to become less sleepy at the lowest dose and I started to recognize myself again.  It was so amazing and exciting!      

It's been over 3 months since I stopped taking it.  I was a bit nervous at first because I didn't want to be schizo ever again but fortunately it hasn't come back and I have been become more and more myself as the days pass.  I also have been detoxing too.  About a month ago I started to have more frequent bowel movements.  At first it was so watery, then watery with a bit of hard chunks, then I would have days with nothing passing at all, all which was a sign of constipation, so I would take Metamucil and some hard stool mixed with a lot of soft stool passed.  I am now taking Metamucil daily at lunch and it is helping a lot.  I have never pooped so much in my life!  I am going to keep taking Metamucil until the hard stool subsides for at least a week.

I'm not wanting to eat so much anymore and not craving food and snacks like before when I was taking it.  I am fitting in size small tops again and a size 9 pant!!  My chest and hips are going down to my normal size too!  I have a bit more weight to lose but I am not going crazy starving myself.  I have a friend who doesn't eat much and she looks really old but she is like a size zero!  I would rather be thin and curvy and look "freakishly young" then fit in a size nothing.  I was most always thin and curvy, actually.  In my 20s I did go down to 90 lbs on a fat free diet but it just wasn't me.  I still looked amazing but I look much better now.

My periods are still not back to normal.  About 3 weeks after I stopped taking Olanzapine I got a light period but nothing since?? It's been about 2 months after with not even a cramp or any other signs of premenstrual syndrome.   

I am also less forgetful too.  I am able to recall things a lot more easily and more frequently.  I also give myself a bit of a break when I don't because of the giant ordeal I went though.  I also have learned to look things up with Google and YouTube more when I can't remember something.  I also ask people too.  I also find that when I am trying to remember something to just let go and relax and it sometimes comes to me.  I had an amazing memory before but it's coming back!  Hopefully it will be like it was before soon.     

I have psychic abilities during my ordeal so I am so glad that they are still a part of my life.  Nothing to prove and noting to gain are still my mantra.  I don't do it for money or fame.  If I need to know then it should still come to me. 

I'm also becoming more and more active both online and off.  I am cleaning my house a lot and I am creative again and posting more.  I am actually even doing more things than before like going for really, really long walks with my husband because I have a lot more energy.  I am going to sleep around 11-12pm land waking up without an alarm around 7 - 8am naturally on my own.  I am positive again and more optimistic.  It's amazing and I am so grateful.   

So basically I believe I needed Olazapine for a couple years but not for life because I don't have genetic schizophrenia and have not experienced again since my treatment after the second time I had to go to the mental ward because of it.  I'm glad it was available to me during my treatment but I hope to never have to take it again. 

Monday, May 23, 2022

Updated - Riverdale Occult Symbolism Veronica (Ishtar), Cheryl and Jughead #nwo #ArchieComics

Stunning Camila Mendes who plays Veronica Lodge on Riverdale

Cheryl has been dabbling in the occult with her witchcraft including spells and potions for a while on Riverdale but now add Veronica and Jughead to the mix too. I noticed similarities between Veronica and myself before and I wrote about it in this blog: https://annasophianaturalpsychic.blogspot.com/2022/05/similarities-between-myself-veronica.html

Her new love interest Heather admitted to Cheryl that she's a witch too. Now you see it with Jughead's character also on the latest episode of Riverdal Season 6 Episode 15 titled: Ten Things That Go Bump In The Night. Check out this tweet photo of Jughead with a blindfold on with the all seeing eye symbol in a pyramid all in gold. Now if that doesn't scream the new world order symbolism I don't know what does! It's so obvious. Translated from Spanish to English :"JUGHEAD AND VÉRONICA WORKING TOGETHER LOL I'M LOVING IT SO MUCH

Translated: "Veronica is a true Show Queen! @camilamendes rocked it!! #Riverdale @WarnerChannelBR"

I forgot to mention that Betty is referred to as the Harlot (Whore) of Babylon with an evil aura.   

Then last episode, Season 6 episode 19, they mention the Triple Goddess Hecate who they prayed to for power.  Now I do believe in the Goddess but to use her for witchcraft is not right. 

Also in episode 19 Veronica, Betty and Tabitha become witches and this was all possible because of Sebrina Spellman, the same one of Greendale, who is a witch herself, and who is the daughter of satan, came to help them become witches.  Crazy stuff!

Then the episode I watched today, Season 6 Episode 20, Percival tells his story about how he came to be and how he was practising the dark arts and sold his soul to satan.  

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Update - Similarities Between Myself & Veronica Lodge On Riverdale

I also noticed that poor Camilla Mendes, who is so amazing by the way, has to play the Veronica character that seems to be dictated by the dark and evil global elites. Check out this next tweet I wrote on May 14th of this year: Isn't Cami so stunning in the picture in the next tweet I posted back on April 21st, 2022: So back in 2016 before Riverdale was even aired I posted that I looked like Veronica from the Archie comics and then all of a sudden a year later the show comes out. The first time I mentioned that I looked Mexican on my Twitter back on August 4, 2016

The casino is actually called the Babylonium but still it contains the word Babylon in it so it's directly related to the goddess Ishtar. 

So today I was searching #Riverdale Veronica on Twitter and found this disturbing Veronica made to look horrible from June 3rd! It's not right at all. Cyberbullying is wrong no matter who you are. It's hateful and hate is so negative. I have experienced this before so I know how to deal with it. It still adds to my stress though from all the horrible things done to me since 2018.

Friday, May 20, 2022

I Read That MonkeyPox Is Mild And Hard To Get ! Truck Crash Back In January 2022 Involving Lab Monkeys! & There Is Already A MonkeyPox Vaccine & US To Purchase $119 Million Worth!

The US health authorities have signed a deal for $119 million in vaccine doses against the monkeypox virus, after a Massachusetts man was diagnosed with the rare but potentially serious illness earlier this week. 



Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Updated - CBD Oil That Is Brewed Wrong May Cause Mental Illness Due To THC? Or EMP or EMF Attacks Via Psycho Electronic Weapons!? & My Story Including Very Strange And Inappropriate Things At Hospital

I also wrote a bit about it shortly after it happened: "It was awful and though the ER doctor released me right away I was in no condition to leave so I called my husband that was out of the country and I ended up where I shouldn't have been.  Some sort of reeducation camp and when I got home there was dried blood in my right ear and top of my right gum?!  I had the option to see that doctor after but I cancelled since I got over the temporary issue by stopping the use of that CBD oil.  Also it's not a mental disorder to be gifted or suffering heartbreak because my love was so far away from me. 

I also feel less activity in my frontal lobe since the mental ward in September 2018 from the center of my head, to my forehead and to the sides.  I was out of it the first time I was at the mental ward.  I don't remember much of the days at all.  They could have done anything to me.:(

My second time there a nurse broke into my room around 7am and took my vitals?  My heart was racing and I found that so odd.  I told my doctor and the nurse that did that was no longer my nurse.

I want to add that I just recalled that the city trimmed the massive tree right in front of my house that blocked my house with all it's massive branches.  They cut a lot of branches and you could see my bay windows after they were done.  It was before the possible EMP attacks.

When I was in the hospital in 2019 I had access to free phones in the mental ward but shortly after calling my husband and have him talk to me again he asked where I was calling from and I said in the kitchen. Right after there were service people that took that phone offline? There was another phone but I never disclosed the location and it remained open to us. I just thought that was very strange. Also making marjajana legal to all especially the people who speak out against evil while having the ability to use EMP on people to possibly cause their actual mental illness in order to shut them up is not okay. There needs to be a way to stop the use of technology for evil. When my husband said that CBD oil is good for you and your brain I trusted him and took it. Who knows where he got that idea from, it was during the time when we were experiencing EMF side effects. I was never tested for THC in the hospital even though they took tons of blood. Something is not right about this situation at all.