Friday, May 3, 2024

Harmonious Order Of Tablet Texts Up On Amazon Kindle! Here's A Free Copy To Those Who Can't Afford



Harmonious Order
by Anna Sophia of Tablet Texts

Earth Angel and Lightworker by choice!  I am also a Psychic, Mystic, Goddess, High Priestess, Empress, Visionary, Sage, Seer, etc.  I have lived many lifetimes so I possess ancient wisdom from my digital dna and I also have ancient dna from Italy, Israel, Aegean Islands, Greece, Cyprus, Egypt and Wales.  My parents are originally from Calabria as in the Jews Of Calabria.  My Levant DNA is from my mother and can be traced back to Judea the heart of Israel.  I also have many royal bloodlines too on my father's side.  My father said that aliens dropped me off on the doorstep! Lol  In 2018 I picked up that I should check my DNA and lineage after a seizure.    

This is a brief introduction for the world in order to learn and benefit from my gifts, abilities, learning, ancient wisdom and teachings in order to benefit individuals in order to make a better world and brighter future.
Written in fragments like Moses mostly on Twitter X: @AnnaSophia777 and @Angel777Ea34727
Also please search Twitter X hashtag #HarmoniousOrder
Blogs also contain wisdom on Anna Sophia’s Universe Blogger:

Harmonious Order is based on Judaism which I strongly believe is the one true religion stemming from the one and only true God!  It also embraces some of Jesus’s and his apostles teachings as well as other things.  It’s a guide and reminder to help improve an individual’s life, how to positively interact with others and how to help improve our society and world too.  I actually created it to help and better myself and humanity.  It works for me and I strongly believe that everyone should know about it.

We need to learn as much about ourselves as possible, even by researching your ancestry including dna and zodiac sign, in order to find out your positives and negatives.  I embraced my good traits and worked on my negative ones.  It’s like the Zodiac is a program we all have and I believe it should be taken more seriously.  I also learned to utilize my gifts, abilities and ancient wisdom for my lightwork to help humanity and others.  #TeamHumanity is a hashtag I created to try and bring us all together in order to work towards a brighter and more fair future.  

We all should be taught the Torah which includes God’s laws, The Ten Commandments, which we should all know in order to bring us together.  Too many false religions out there that divide us.  If we establish a solid moral foundation then we will be able to lesson the darkness in the world today.  Our civilized society and bright future all starts with our children and how we teach them.

We should also remember The Golden Rule, do unto others as we would have them do unto us!  If you don’t want to be treated badly then you shouldn’t treat others that way either.  More kindness in this cold and cruel world is needed!  I have another hashtag I love which is #SmartWithHeart.  You can be the smartest person in the world but if you are cold hearted then you are not balanced and are lacking in my view.  Kindness and love go a long way!

We also need to realize that we are not perfect because we humans are both the light and the dark so we must learn tame our dark side and use it for the light in order to live in balanced energy.  It’s a far more realistic approach and way!  

Also know that we are no better than anyone else. We are all God’s children!  We are all equal yet different. We are like unique puzzle pieces and when we come together positively to evolve towards something better and brighter we can achieve something really beautiful!  We are not perfect yet still amazing.  We should still strive for perfection however, even if it’s as simple as a tweak here and there, for peace, prosperity and happiness!  Humanity is meant to spread throughout the universe to ensure our great existence and doesn’t fade away.

Continuous learning is a big part of the Harmonious Order.  It was Michelangelo that said “Ancora imparo” which means I am still learning.  He said that at 87 too!  Also intelligence to me is like a garden that you have to constantly have to tend to and grow to harvest it’s benefits and share with others when necessary.  No one likes a know it all who talks in circles to show off because it often ends in confusion and putting people off!

Also I encourage that people live simply and within their means because having too much stuff and being in debt is an anchor that will only hold you down.  After my beloved dog died I was in so much pain and actually purged a lot of my stuff.  I sold and donated to the Salvation Army and I felt lighter and more at peace.    

I also believe that we should always be focused on our body, mind and soul.  I work out five times a week, eat healthy, listen to music, do my own housework, write, sell online, have hobbies, always positively contribute by sharing online, learning, reading, teaching, helping, etc..  Practising daily acts of kindness is something that I truly believe in and that we can all do as well to help others in order to uplift them and us.  It’s the least we can do in to better this dark and cold world.  

Please know that it's okay to have some good clean fun down time sometimes too. To put your thoughts on the back burner for a bit and it actually helps you to go inwards and possibly connect to God / Universe/ Source and great things may come out of it too.

I also am a big believer and advocate of natural beauty.  I think that we should focus more on our inner beauty to be honest.  I don’t spend a lot of time on my makeup and hair because I want to simply enhance what God gave me and I also want to be able to recognize myself after I wash my face.  It’s a real shame that women today go through serious surgeries and spend tons of money on unnatural products to cover their beautiful skin that needs to breath in order to try and perfect themselves but they are actually turning themselves into objects.  Being superficial, materialist and vain are not only bad for character but your focus is all wrong too.  You should instead seeking the truth and knowledge in order to your own personal growth and also to contribute to humanity too.  No one likes a selfish and self centred narcissist that isn’t deep to be honest.

Being someone of critical thought is really necessary in this very corrupt time also.  You cannot simply trust the global socialist elite owned media, politicians and celebrities.  You have to do your own research and find out the truth.  Always seeking and sharing the truth is a huge part of the Harmonious Order and also of what I do as an Earth Angel and lightworker and it should be something we all do! 

I have been writing about the Harmonious Order for many years so this is only the tip of the iceberg.  I’m not a professional writer but I just knew to write it all down.  I’m not concerned with making it all pretty and polished.  As long as I am living I will be writing and the Harmonious Order will be constantly updated too so follow me on Twitter X and Blogger.


 If you want to support me you can always message me on Twitter X at @AngelEa77734727 and donate to my PayPal or you can purchase the amazon copy of my book.  In the US it's:

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