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Being Kind Is Good For You! Smart With Heart!
Another Important Part Of The Harmonious Order
By Anna Sophia of Tablet Texts
Being #SmartWithHeart is not only a great way to connect to God and help others but it’s also wonderful way to manoeuvre through life wisely and also usually pays of in good things coming back to you also. Not only do you help others but you attract better things for yourself too and you feel better and look better also in my opinion! At least I sure do! I feel so amazing when I make a better and brighter difference to someone or in our world in general! It’s better than chocolate to me and I really love chocolate! It’s how I go through life and I am very blessed in all aspects of my life! It’s not easy, don’t get me wrong, but it’s certainly worth it for all in the long run and maybe even sooner. Positivity out, positivity in! There is no exact science to it because it’s a universal thing!
Start with simple daily acts of kindness and go from there. Hold a door open for someone, give up your seat on the bus, support your local food bank, purchase a calendar from your police, donate to a good charity like the Salvation Army, smile at someone... there are endless possibilities! Just follow your heart and you should do fine but the trick is to do something kind every day! Being good is good for you! We have all seen when people are negative it’s like they look it and they often don’t feel well either. Do things with the intention of simply helping others for no reason at all for a while and don’t think about getting anything in return. Be patient and hopefully you should eventually reap some rewards at the very least you will feel better and you might even start to have a glow from having a good heart and shining from the inside out!
I was helping someone out close to me financially and I won some money while doing it! $400.00 simply for sending them an e-transfer! I’m also a very lucky person naturally and never have been down and out either thank God. I have never been ultra rich but never have I been cold, hungry and without clothes on my back. I do have a modest house and my husband and I own one car because I practice living simply and modestly. It makes me feel good knowing that I don’t have tons of stuff and don’t owe any money either. Mortgages and credit card debt are not good for you in the long run so spend wisely. I purchase good and cheap things. For instance I purchased a Motorola 2023 Stylus Cell phone for less than $250 with free shipping and taxes included from Walmart for New Years this year! I needed a new and good cell phone but I didn’t want to spend a lot. You have to save money for your future and also a bit to donate too or to help your family or friends if they need help. It’s up to you if you do that though because remember sometimes you won’t ever see your money back no matter how much they promise you that they will pay you back.
Never loan anyone anything if you aren’t okay with not having it returned back to you. When I lived with my parents in the late 90s I loaned my neighbour my VCR and they returned it back to me but it was broken. I couldn’t believe it. After that I realized that I don’t like loaning out my stuff that I use. I worked but in the 90s you didn’t get paid that much. I think I was making about $9.50 an hour Canadian so it took me a bit to make enough to buy another VCR. I liked to rent movies and tape Friends every week so it was something I looked forward too. I never asked my parent’s neighbours for money to buy a new VCR because I felt it was my own fault that it got broken. I was traumatized a lot as a child and while growing up. I never spoke out back then but now I’m different. I learned to say something when it’s not right and tell the truth. I released those anchors and got better and stronger in doing so. I stopped being a victim with my abuser in my late teens and I stopped being easy pray in my early 30s. Being a GenX’er we are naturally so easy going but when we have to we will speak out. I’m also a Libra and telling the truth and seeking justice is a big thing with us too.
I help others but I don’t allow anyone to take advantage of me. When I notice that someone is in a self made hell of theirs that no amount of money will help them and why should we constantly give people money when they need good advice! I will end up removing myself from their dark situation but I still try to support them from a far with boundaries all while telling them about their self made trap. I know a woman in a very abusive relationship but she won’t leave! Her partner calls her the most horrible names, shakes her down for money and beats her!!???! I keep telling them to leave but they won’t listen and instead keep asking me for money. I told them that I am not going to give them money because they have to get the hell out of there! It truly breaks my heart and I really feel for them but there is nothing I can do if they don’t do the most logical and most safe thing for themselves. Even the police stepped in and arrested him after the dumb ass called the police on himself! They also put a restraining order on him too so he can’t go near her. Do you know what she’s doing now, she’s calling criminal lawyers to try and get him out. She didn’t ask me for a dime by the way! I won’t give her money to help him. She should be in jail to be honest! He also needs to get some help too. If they are not going to do the right thing you don’t want to be a part of that toxic and negative situation because it will drag you down too. Anything negative and low vibe is not good for you at all! There is a limit to ones kindness. Stress actually makes people sick! Remember that! It will counter the good you think you are doing and aren’t you really just enabling them to stay in a bad situation too?
Jesus said teach a man to fish so you don’t just give them the fish. You have to take care of yourself and your family first too, you know. Sometimes you don’t have fish to give. Charity is different and so you give when you can because there are always people in need unfortunately in our current cold hearted and corrupt system. You don’t always have to give money either. I donate pre loved clothing and things. I also donate my time and ancient wisdom and gifts.
On top of being kind, empathetic, helpful and writing a lot I do other things too to balance myself out. I am constantly learning and trying to better myself. I also incorporate a health lifestyle including a 30 plus minute cardio and a pre workout 5x a week, eating healthy 80% of the time, listening to music, going out in nature, doing all my own housework, etc. Very spiritual on top and follow my Harmonious Order guide and reminders too!
I don’t do nice things just to be rewarded but I personally live such an abundant life and I’m pretty sure it’s because of being kind and helping out when I can! I also choose to be an Earth Angel and Lightworker in my spare time online on Twitter X and Blogger mostly trying to help humanity achieve a brighter future and I am pushing for it now.
If you want to follow me on 2 Twitter accounts:
My recent: @Angel777Ea34727
My past: @AnnaSophia777
and follow what else I write on my Anna Sophia’s Universe Blog
Feel free to reach out to me on my recent Twitter if you like too if you would like to discuss this further and I will try to get back to you when I have a bit of time.
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