Sunday, December 19, 2021

World Courts Are Starting To Rule Against Vaccine Passports, Some Suing Over Vaccine Passports & Some Countries Removing Vaccine Passports Altogether

 I wrote the Justice Centre and CCF (Canadian Constitutional Foundation) informing them about the very high survival rate in Canada, over 98%, even with bloated death count, and not all people with covid come forward to be included in total cases, and how mRNA Covid vaccines have deadly side effects so it's not worth the risk.  I haven't heard back but the Justice Centre did update their website with the following:

 The new Covid vaccines do not prevent the transmission of Covid, in accordance with what the vaccine manufacturers themselves have stated; Both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can get Covid and can spread Covid, without significant or verified differences between the two groups; Both the vaccinated and unvaccinated die from Covid;
Both the vaccinated and unvaccinated are being hospitalized with Covid; Natural immunity in those who have already had Covid is as effective, and likely more effective, than vaccine-induced immunity; and The new Covid vaccines have harmful side effects, including myocarditis and death, that have caused many Canadians to withhold their informed consent to taking one.

 I also Tweeted about it and there are some other Tweets that I have RT too they are as follows:


CCF preparing to take BC government to court to halt discriminatory vaccine passports

TORONTO: The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) is preparing to litigate over the British Columbia government’s discriminatory vaccine passports. The CCF has written to the provincial government to ask them to end the policy. The BC government confirmed again today that the policy will include no exemptions for people who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons.

In a letter addressed to the BC Premier, Minister of Health, Attorney General, and Provincial Public Health Officer, the CCF has outlined concerns regarding the section 15 and section 7 Charter rights of people in BC. In particular, the letter outlines concerns about the failure of the vaccine passport policy to accommodate individuals who are unable to get vaccinated for medical reasons.

“The BC vaccine passport policy restricts access to certain public spaces to only people who are fully vaccinated. There are many people in BC, and indeed across Canada, who wish they could be vaccinated but cannot be because of a medical condition,” said CCF Litigation Director, Christine Van Geyn.

In the letter to the BC government, the CCF outlines the stories of two BC residents who developed adverse reactions following their first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Those reactions included neurological symptoms and a condition called brachial neuritis.

“I’ve spoken to people who have had serious adverse reactions to the vaccine. Who have complex anaphylaxis, blood clotting disorders, auto-immune disorders, and pre-existing heart conditions, like pre-existing heart inflammation. Some of these people use public spaces like gyms and pools as a regime of therapy for their disability, and the vaccine passport is restricting their ability to care for their health,” said Van Geyn. “For these patients, both the vaccine and COVID may present a higher risk than it does for a healthy person. They must make difficult and deeply personal trade-offs about their health. It is inappropriate for the government to try to force an outcome in one direction through policies like vaccine passports,” continued Van Geyn.

“The BC vaccine passport discriminates against people on the basis of their disabilities by denying them access to public spaces. The government has refused to make this accommodation, and we are now taking steps to litigate,” concluded Van Geyn.

You can read the CCF’s letter to the BC government here.

Covid-19: Belgian court declares mandatory use of vaccination passport illegal, imposes fine of EUR 5,000 per day

The judgment was handed down by the Namur Court of First Instance, in favor of the non-profit organization 'Notre bon droit' (NBD), which also operates in France and Quebec (Canada), in connection with summary proceedings challenging the use of the covid pass in the region.

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – A court has ruled that the use of the so-called Covid Safe Ticket (CST) in Wallonia (Belgium) is illegal and has ordered the local government to pay a fine of €5,000 (US$5,660) per day as long as it does not stop enforcing its use.

The judgment was handed down by the Namur Court of First Instance, in favor of the non-profit organization ‘Notre bon droit’ (NBD), which also operates in France and Quebec (Canada), in connection with its summary proceedings against the use of the covid pass in the region.

“The court has ruled in our favor by admitting that the CST does not respect the principle of proportionality,” said the organization’s founder, Isabelle Duchateau, in a video announcement.


A non-profit organization called ‘Notre bon droit’ (Our good right -NBD) initiated the procedure challenging the Wallonia region’s decree on the COVID pass.

As part of its ruling, the court said that the measure restricting freedom appears to be disproportionate to the objectives pursued. It added that the CST might also infringe European law.

The Walloon Region must now take steps to rectify the situation, pending a judgment on the benefits of the CST. One week after notification of the court’s decision, a fine of €5,000 per day is imposed on the region, which must also pay NBD’s legal costs.

The Walloon government has reacted to the court’s decision, saying that it “does not annul the decree. The CST remains applicable in Wallonia”. It added that it would appeal the decision.

According to the Belgian daily Le Soir, representatives of the Wallonia government failed to appear at a court hearing on Nov. 16 because no one dealt with the file in the public administration for five days due to a combination of a weekend and public holidays.

The invitation letter was received on Nov. 10, but the day after was Armistice Day commemorating the end of World War I, a public holiday in Belgium. The holiday fell on a Thursday and was extended to a long weekend by most officials.

The following Monday – November 15. King’s Day, which grants a holiday for the public administration. Consequently, nobody dealt with the file, and the hearing took place in the absence of the Wallonia officials.

Use of the COVID Safe Pass is mandatory all over the country when entering restaurants, gyms, and cultural venues. But officially, regional governments are responsible for imposing restrictive measures under the federal-state system.


For several months now, NBD has been fighting the introduction of the CST, which proves that a person has been fully vaccinated, or has recently tested negative or has recovered from the virus in the past six monthsç CST has been required for access to bars, restaurants, and gyms in Wallonia since November 1, the same day it became mandatory throughout Belgium.

The organization had previously obtained a provisional suspension of the use of CST to regulate access to the European Parliament, although this only applied to people who had objected with the General Court of the European Union.

NBD has also filed an appeal for short-term annulment of the measure with the Court of First Instance in Brussels, where a hearing will be held on December 8, 2021.


End of September the Rio de Janeiro Court of Appeals Judge Paulo Rangel suspended also the vaccine passport in the city. The magistrate understood that a municipal decree can never “prevent the freedom of movement of anyone for not being vaccinated.” Only the measures that ban access to unvaccinated people were suspended.

“The decree remains in force regarding the other measures that do not affect freedom of movement, and any citizen is allowed to move freely through the locations mentioned in the decree irrespective of a vaccination card,” the judge said in his ruling.

Proving vaccination against Covid-19 in order to access public places has been required in Rio since September 15.

Only one day later, the Rio de Janeiro municipal Prosecutor’s Office (PGM) has filed an appeal with the Federal Supreme Court (STF) requesting the annulment of the injunction suspending the vaccine passport in the city.

Only a couple of hours later, on September 30 Brazilian Supreme Court Chief Justice Luis Fux granted the city’s appeal and vacated the restraining order on procedural grounds, thus restoring the municipal decree mandating a vaccine passport to enter certain venues.


At least 22 scientific studies demonstrate that mandates mandating or forcing Covid-19 vaccines provide no overall population health benefit and may even be harmful.

These research papers and studies raise doubts that Covid-19 vaccine mandates are supported by science and good public health practice.

Anyone, especially politicians, mayors, governors, chancellors, and presidents who are planning to implement Covid passports and/or vaccine mandates should be alerted and those seeking to challenge these mandates are invited to carefully consult these studies.

Read also: Check out our coverage on curated alternative narratives 

Given these scientific study results from around the world, legal action against already introduced vaccine mandates, and in broader terms, Covid passes, have good chances of being won, says a critic attorney association based in Germany. The most effective legal procedures are said to be class actions.

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