Thursday, December 2, 2021

Canada Is No Longer A First World Country Thanks To The Trudeaus & Global Elites

In 1972 Trudeau Senior took us off our fair People's Bank of Canada that did not charge compounded interest and instead had Canadians borrow from private banks that did charge interest on interest.  Because of that Canada has MASSIVE DEBT that is mostly interest, take a look at the chart below that Bill Abram showed us from 1993.  It showed the debt broken down to display all the interest from the little sliver of principal that was the real spending on goods and services.

Top that with Trudeau Junior outspending all other prime ministers combined!  We owe over a TRILLION now resulting in inflation and we are feeling it everywhere.  I just wanted to add that the private banks don't actually have the money to loan us so they just pull it out of thin air.  It's not right at all!
On top of that Trudeau Junior signed us up for green global communism through the United Nations via their Agenda 21, now Agenda2030.  You know the carbon tax that is making life even more expensive, well it stems from there.  Man has practically nothing to do with Climate Change.  It's the Sun, the moon, other natural forces and things scientists don't even know about! 

Along with all of that we have a liar media saying that inflation is a phenomena and it's happening on a global scale. CTV Toronto news even claimed the pandemic is responsible for inflation.  It's just utter garbage.  The media is compromised and pretty much everything else is too.  Voting doesn't even work anymore because most all politicians are following a script that is in the best interest of the global elite, as is everything else.

The globalists responsible steering the first world into the toilet just so they join their green global communistic one world government are delusional if they think that people are just going to go along with this garbage.  I am not a violent person at all but I can't speak for everyone else.  The globalists have spread third world people all over the west to vote for their far left politicians that are implementing their green global communism via the UN Agenda 2030.  And did they also do that in order to have an anti-west foreign army on the  ready to attack westerners that they hate because the westerners are suffering and want to stand up to the horrible anti human new world order?  And then after the wars and if they win will they live in poverty and under that globalist system?  The 1% think they are already used to poverty of the 3rd world so why won't they be used to it in the west?  The also are alike because both treat people horribly, especially women and children.  

It's a real shame this is happening but we can still turn things around.  We can all live together in peace and harmony if we stop using the private banks and go back to using the People's Bank of Canada that doesn't charge interest often and only pay back the principal amount.  Trudeau's massive amount he spent should be questioned though!  We should also quit the UN and their Agenda2030 aka green global communism. 

The elites have gone too far now and that includes their Covid 19 mandates and restrictions too that go against our rights and freedoms.  I have to blog about that next! Just a sneak peak though, because when I found out that it has a very high survival rate, over 99%, I just had to look into it further!

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