The Occupy movement is said to have been manufactured by the same people and their corruption that the peaceful protesters are resisting today. Why? To control the inevitable revolution so it won’t really go anywhere. Alex Jones of and some of his guests broke this down… order out of chaos.
Just before the eviction of Occupy Toronto I noticed a lot more people were aware of the truth and speaking openly about wanting sound money, protective legislation, clean food and water, etc.. I was truly impressed and I felt very hopeful for the future. Then the eviction went down and I felt that it was because some people in the movement were actually starting to spread awareness to the real issues and the truth about our broken systems. Oh and Rob Ford saying the protest is over was just silly. Doesn’t he understand that this is a global movement due to the corruption in our world today that has caused so many distress. More and more people are being pushed into poverty so until things get better you are going to have people protest. It’s so sad that we have a time limit on our peaceful assembly, but there are ways around it like protesting in shifts. Maybe a 24/7 protest is something that should be considered if it is within the law. Who knows anymore because it seems to be changed to what suits the system, unfortunately.
Anyways, back to the engineered revolution…
I feel that the movement could go on to benefit mankind if the foundation of the protest is secured with truth and freedom, like free speech. Many in the occupy group have been censored and ignored because they are not speaking like the people at the top. Who are the people that organized this movement? Why are they hidden? What is their real agenda? Why do they used the people’s mic so much? Can’t they just have a microphone and take turns speaking? And I would take another look at that fist symbol, seems like it was used before in Serbia and now they are acting as consultants but the question is for who?
There are a lot of good people partaking in the movement too but they don’t seem happy. I was on the Occupy Toronto livestream tonight and witnessed the discontent of some members because they felt that they were being ignored and not allowed to speak. They also wanted to break away from using the “people’s mic” because it seems to take too much time. I for one agree with that and it sounds so cultish too, as if only one set of beliefs are permitted. I feel that a real and good movement is not controlled… our system is so controlled and look at how corrupt it is. We have laws that seem to act against the people and protect the elite and their corps. They have laws that protect their evil too?! When something is that restrictive then the good gets stuck.
I see a lot of peaceful protesters break off from this occupy movement to the peaceful truth movement because the more people that know the more will take peaceful action. Just this past Friday I did not spend a dime because first off I don’t agree with Black Friday at all. Why is that garbage here in Canada, anyways? Stampeding people in a sort of heat for inanimate objects?! One shopper even pepper sprayed people for a video game system? I believe it was an Xbox? Crazy! Anyways, we can make a real difference but peace, love, freedom (freedom of speech and ideas) and truth must steer the movement, not a few people taking orders from the ones on top (like a pyramid) with a hidden agenda that may be protecting their new world order at any cost.Very interesting documentary piece I saw on TVO the other week and it’s already on Youtube. Please share this in order to share the truth so that the peaceful protesters can grow and make this movement actually into a positive and productive one that will better our society and make real and good change. They don’t have the html code on there but at least I can link it.
Thanks for your time and God Bless+
Anna Sophia
Just before the eviction of Occupy Toronto I noticed a lot more people were aware of the truth and speaking openly about wanting sound money, protective legislation, clean food and water, etc.. I was truly impressed and I felt very hopeful for the future. Then the eviction went down and I felt that it was because some people in the movement were actually starting to spread awareness to the real issues and the truth about our broken systems. Oh and Rob Ford saying the protest is over was just silly. Doesn’t he understand that this is a global movement due to the corruption in our world today that has caused so many distress. More and more people are being pushed into poverty so until things get better you are going to have people protest. It’s so sad that we have a time limit on our peaceful assembly, but there are ways around it like protesting in shifts. Maybe a 24/7 protest is something that should be considered if it is within the law. Who knows anymore because it seems to be changed to what suits the system, unfortunately.
Anyways, back to the engineered revolution…
I feel that the movement could go on to benefit mankind if the foundation of the protest is secured with truth and freedom, like free speech. Many in the occupy group have been censored and ignored because they are not speaking like the people at the top. Who are the people that organized this movement? Why are they hidden? What is their real agenda? Why do they used the people’s mic so much? Can’t they just have a microphone and take turns speaking? And I would take another look at that fist symbol, seems like it was used before in Serbia and now they are acting as consultants but the question is for who?
There are a lot of good people partaking in the movement too but they don’t seem happy. I was on the Occupy Toronto livestream tonight and witnessed the discontent of some members because they felt that they were being ignored and not allowed to speak. They also wanted to break away from using the “people’s mic” because it seems to take too much time. I for one agree with that and it sounds so cultish too, as if only one set of beliefs are permitted. I feel that a real and good movement is not controlled… our system is so controlled and look at how corrupt it is. We have laws that seem to act against the people and protect the elite and their corps. They have laws that protect their evil too?! When something is that restrictive then the good gets stuck.
I see a lot of peaceful protesters break off from this occupy movement to the peaceful truth movement because the more people that know the more will take peaceful action. Just this past Friday I did not spend a dime because first off I don’t agree with Black Friday at all. Why is that garbage here in Canada, anyways? Stampeding people in a sort of heat for inanimate objects?! One shopper even pepper sprayed people for a video game system? I believe it was an Xbox? Crazy! Anyways, we can make a real difference but peace, love, freedom (freedom of speech and ideas) and truth must steer the movement, not a few people taking orders from the ones on top (like a pyramid) with a hidden agenda that may be protecting their new world order at any cost.Very interesting documentary piece I saw on TVO the other week and it’s already on Youtube. Please share this in order to share the truth so that the peaceful protesters can grow and make this movement actually into a positive and productive one that will better our society and make real and good change. They don’t have the html code on there but at least I can link it.
Thanks for your time and God Bless+
Anna Sophia
Enough Personal Attacks on the Peaceful Protesters! What About Said $186 Billion Canadian Bank Bailout, Gov’t Not Using Often Interest Free Peoples Bank Of Canada & SPP/ NAU ? Re: Occupy Toronto
Some of the mainstream medias constant personal attacks of the peaceful protesters in the occupy movement is not only tiring but actually distracting some from the real issues at hand. You can not deny that we have some problems here in Canada. We are involved in wars, we have a deficit, we are suffering inflation with our sky rocketing food, gas and utility prices. Our jobs and industry is going off shore, some of our politicians do not seem to have our best interests at heart, lack of regulations, propaganda, globalization, we keep hearing about global warming but it seems to be hype based on bad science in order to put a nasty carbon tax on us with a pay to pollute system for companies and I’m sure that there is more that I’m missing too.
I find that this occupy movement is the perfect opportunity to demand good change peacefully and spread awareness to the issues. I would like to end our use of the fractional reserve system, the creation of money practically out of thin air at approximately ten times the interest or more! Compounded interest is very nasty and I expect our Canadian gov’t to go back to borrowing from our people’s Bank of Canada because it is usually at zero interest as explained in the “Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land”, doc that streams free on YouTube with the filmmakers permission. Next I expect that we make public the $186 Billion dollar “Canadian bank bailout” I discovered on Google!!! After I saw the above mentioned documentary I was curious if our government bailed out any private institutions like the states and according to a couple articles and blogs they had. I want to know 100% asap! This is disgusting! We only have approximately 40 million people here and we can’t afford such a thing. That needs to be reversed immediately! We the taxpayer should not be in the business in saving any private company and bank!
I also think it’s about time that we had information on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, aka North American Union because I want a vote on it! I don’t want to lose our sovereignty. What is this undemocratic globalization business! Our politicians forget who they work for and it’s not the 1% elite.
You know a lot of people have labeled Alex Jones a kook and conspiracy theorist but in my opinion he is anything but! Thanks to Mr. Jones I learned about so many truths like the cancer business, 92 side effects of aspartame, toxic chemicals they call fluoride they force in our drinking water without a prescription and so much more. I owe a lot to him thanks to his information and truths. I am saddened that our mainstream media today seems more like they are in the practice of disinformation and distractions for the mere purpose of keeping the public in the dark! SHAME!!!
I wrote about direct democracy years ago involving the people being able to vote via the net. I strongly believe that we need to be able to do that in order to stop the banksters, politicians and media that have gone wild. It seems they can’t even help it anymore and probably want to stop but are not able to. They need a peaceful intervention. This is not right at all. We need to bring the system back and only run it properly with the highest morals and standards. People before profit! Money should not be the determining factor, we need to always benefit man and mankind. I strongly feel that we need to get back to making things in Canada for Canadians again, growing and consuming the majority of our own food too and eliminating GMOs, preservatives & chemicals in our food and drinks. I want people to have more choices too. It seems that the only things we have in Canada profit corporations more than it’s people.
We need to talk about the GOOD direction we want our society to go and not how dirty and drugged out a few peaceful occupy protesters are. I can only offer some ideas but together we should be allowed to vote on the kind of world we want to live in and our future generations. It shouldn’t be up to a few people that seem to me to be very heartless and totally insane. Alex Jones explains the shadow government in his documentary End Game that streams free on YouTube or you can purchase the HQ DVD via his site Oh and for those that think he is full of it, he only provides facts that are taken from the elites own documents. Research it and see for yourself. You don’t need to take my word for it or his. If it wasn’t true then we shouldn’t have all these problems today. Somethings up and we need to get to the bottom of it because it can’t go on like this anymore. It’s just so wrong on so many levels. Man deserves to be in the garden. God made this earth and everything on it for us to use positively. It’s our God given right to do so and anyone that infringes upon our rights, tries to trick us or hurt us should be investigated and hopefully arrested and sued!
I find that this occupy movement is the perfect opportunity to demand good change peacefully and spread awareness to the issues. I would like to end our use of the fractional reserve system, the creation of money practically out of thin air at approximately ten times the interest or more! Compounded interest is very nasty and I expect our Canadian gov’t to go back to borrowing from our people’s Bank of Canada because it is usually at zero interest as explained in the “Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land”, doc that streams free on YouTube with the filmmakers permission. Next I expect that we make public the $186 Billion dollar “Canadian bank bailout” I discovered on Google!!! After I saw the above mentioned documentary I was curious if our government bailed out any private institutions like the states and according to a couple articles and blogs they had. I want to know 100% asap! This is disgusting! We only have approximately 40 million people here and we can’t afford such a thing. That needs to be reversed immediately! We the taxpayer should not be in the business in saving any private company and bank!
I also think it’s about time that we had information on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, aka North American Union because I want a vote on it! I don’t want to lose our sovereignty. What is this undemocratic globalization business! Our politicians forget who they work for and it’s not the 1% elite.
You know a lot of people have labeled Alex Jones a kook and conspiracy theorist but in my opinion he is anything but! Thanks to Mr. Jones I learned about so many truths like the cancer business, 92 side effects of aspartame, toxic chemicals they call fluoride they force in our drinking water without a prescription and so much more. I owe a lot to him thanks to his information and truths. I am saddened that our mainstream media today seems more like they are in the practice of disinformation and distractions for the mere purpose of keeping the public in the dark! SHAME!!!
I wrote about direct democracy years ago involving the people being able to vote via the net. I strongly believe that we need to be able to do that in order to stop the banksters, politicians and media that have gone wild. It seems they can’t even help it anymore and probably want to stop but are not able to. They need a peaceful intervention. This is not right at all. We need to bring the system back and only run it properly with the highest morals and standards. People before profit! Money should not be the determining factor, we need to always benefit man and mankind. I strongly feel that we need to get back to making things in Canada for Canadians again, growing and consuming the majority of our own food too and eliminating GMOs, preservatives & chemicals in our food and drinks. I want people to have more choices too. It seems that the only things we have in Canada profit corporations more than it’s people.
We need to talk about the GOOD direction we want our society to go and not how dirty and drugged out a few peaceful occupy protesters are. I can only offer some ideas but together we should be allowed to vote on the kind of world we want to live in and our future generations. It shouldn’t be up to a few people that seem to me to be very heartless and totally insane. Alex Jones explains the shadow government in his documentary End Game that streams free on YouTube or you can purchase the HQ DVD via his site Oh and for those that think he is full of it, he only provides facts that are taken from the elites own documents. Research it and see for yourself. You don’t need to take my word for it or his. If it wasn’t true then we shouldn’t have all these problems today. Somethings up and we need to get to the bottom of it because it can’t go on like this anymore. It’s just so wrong on so many levels. Man deserves to be in the garden. God made this earth and everything on it for us to use positively. It’s our God given right to do so and anyone that infringes upon our rights, tries to trick us or hurt us should be investigated and hopefully arrested and sued!
If you learn something that sounds really nuts then just remember the truth is often stranger than fiction and you should always check it out for yourself before you start to dispute it and make fun of the person trying to wake you up because you seem like you have no clue.
I support any peaceful movement that is for a fair system based on sound money practices and free market, run by honest people with morals that bring in strict laws protecting the people from the greedy *”money junkies” and crooks. *Michael Rivero of always uses that expression for describing the 1% and it’s so perfectly true!
It’s all so simple, really. There is no need to get wrapped up in confusing and unnecessary terminology to find a solution to this horrid global financial mess. Our problem is that there are not enough good laws, only laws that seem to benefit the 1%. If we had tough legislation and regulations to protect the 99% I feel that we would not see the world in so much economic trouble. Even our beautiful Ontario in so much debt and peril, approximately $300 BILLION dollars plus compounded interest was last years total!
The truth is that there are no laws to protect us from boot licking puppet wannabe globalists and currently our only solution is to vote those destructive politicians out??!!! That’s not enough and we should all peacefully demand new laws right away from our civil servants to be able to fire those puppets right away then be able to investigate them, charge them if they are found guilty and jail them. They are here to work for us to make out lives better. What has been allowed to happen is beyond destructive and evil.
What I personally did about it was write PM Harper and requested new legislation. No word back from him, as of yet. I would love it if others would contact him peacefully and calmly too. You can call, write or email him. He even has a Facebook page. My brother always told me that the squeaky wheel always gets the grease. Let’s start standing up and speaking out peacefully and demanding new laws that will protect us from the greedy and the scammers immediately.
I was on the livestream chats for occupytoronto and occupywallstreet and I found that there was a lot of censoring going on. I saw people told not to speak about certain things? I found that to be a real infringement upon our freedom of speech. No one was swearing or making threats at all so there was no need in my opinion to do that. Alex Jones said that this occupy movement was started by the system to control it? I know a lot of good people are a part of it so I am sure that they will try and make it a good thing for the 99%.
To the 1%, you are not gods. You are a part of something bigger, we are like a puzzle piece, connecting together so not one is better than the other. It is very important that you stop trying to force the world to go the way you want and just let go and see where we end up. Trying to influence only defies the natural order. Let mankind advance into a superior race. One that does not have a need for war, greed, suffering and artificial bastardization, as in GMOs, non natural treatments and processed foods. Let us go back to nature and simple ways while harnessing technology to work for us. No more propaganda to control the unaware masses in order to direct them to want what you want?! Localization of industry, food and politics is what I agree with also. This new world order is obsolete because it is not democratic at all and only seems to hurt the majority of people. The force that combines us wants us to shed our skins and leave that behind to prosper together as the 100%. What are you so afraid of? Wouldn’t it be interesting if we were allowed to be what we were meant to be.
I love this picture. I believe that I found it on the AlexJones Facebook group. Humans are amazing and deserve a life filled with opportunities instead of obstacles.
It’s all so simple, really. There is no need to get wrapped up in confusing and unnecessary terminology to find a solution to this horrid global financial mess. Our problem is that there are not enough good laws, only laws that seem to benefit the 1%. If we had tough legislation and regulations to protect the 99% I feel that we would not see the world in so much economic trouble. Even our beautiful Ontario in so much debt and peril, approximately $300 BILLION dollars plus compounded interest was last years total!
The truth is that there are no laws to protect us from boot licking puppet wannabe globalists and currently our only solution is to vote those destructive politicians out??!!! That’s not enough and we should all peacefully demand new laws right away from our civil servants to be able to fire those puppets right away then be able to investigate them, charge them if they are found guilty and jail them. They are here to work for us to make out lives better. What has been allowed to happen is beyond destructive and evil.
What I personally did about it was write PM Harper and requested new legislation. No word back from him, as of yet. I would love it if others would contact him peacefully and calmly too. You can call, write or email him. He even has a Facebook page. My brother always told me that the squeaky wheel always gets the grease. Let’s start standing up and speaking out peacefully and demanding new laws that will protect us from the greedy and the scammers immediately.
I was on the livestream chats for occupytoronto and occupywallstreet and I found that there was a lot of censoring going on. I saw people told not to speak about certain things? I found that to be a real infringement upon our freedom of speech. No one was swearing or making threats at all so there was no need in my opinion to do that. Alex Jones said that this occupy movement was started by the system to control it? I know a lot of good people are a part of it so I am sure that they will try and make it a good thing for the 99%.
To the 1%, you are not gods. You are a part of something bigger, we are like a puzzle piece, connecting together so not one is better than the other. It is very important that you stop trying to force the world to go the way you want and just let go and see where we end up. Trying to influence only defies the natural order. Let mankind advance into a superior race. One that does not have a need for war, greed, suffering and artificial bastardization, as in GMOs, non natural treatments and processed foods. Let us go back to nature and simple ways while harnessing technology to work for us. No more propaganda to control the unaware masses in order to direct them to want what you want?! Localization of industry, food and politics is what I agree with also. This new world order is obsolete because it is not democratic at all and only seems to hurt the majority of people. The force that combines us wants us to shed our skins and leave that behind to prosper together as the 100%. What are you so afraid of? Wouldn’t it be interesting if we were allowed to be what we were meant to be.
My Green Snake
To dream in color is fantastic, I have been for a while now, since I was a child. It’s not a regular occurrence, but a frequent thing. When I do, it’s as though I am receiving a message from a divine spirit, perhaps God? I hope it is God. I know it sounds strange, however, I have always known that they are important and not like your average dream.
The day I was experiencing a vivid altered state of conscience. I guess I became aware of it when I saw it… the green snake protruding from my left breast! Right through my nipple?! It was shocking!!! I grabbed it and pulled it out. I immediately threw it in the bathtub and tried to compose myself. Almost instantly I knew that I could not kill it. It was a part of me. I found it a new home that was similar to my breast. I then went on with my life, not my real life, but one that seemed like a parallel dimension, very similar to sliders. One of the best shows ever by the way. Anyways, back to my dream. It was me, but not me, and it was definitely not my life. I was a minimum wage worker that worked in the Eaton’s Centre at a pizza place. I decided to not to work there anymore and I recall my boss giving me a few choice words.
How do I relate this to my life? Well I feel that the snake is my demon or demons. I have overcome them. I believe that it is so minuscule, like a bad habit that I am getting over, similar to nail biting that stemmed deeper from a childhood trauma. I know that it will always be a part of me so that’s why I could not kill it. This will make me stronger and strive for better things, just like in my vision.
Another thing I have gotten over is my fear of imminent doom. I recall my brother in law telling me about alternative media and it was as though I was thrown into a very cold pool. I was given all this information that was mostly based on documents and facts, and it seemed so horrid. I have learned that I can peacefully make a difference in my every day life. At the same time I know that we should not be stricken daily with the worse scenario because it will make you sick with worry. I know that when you are introduced to information that is so shocking you almost feel as though you have been shot. I am the type of person that is known for being helpful but now I feel limited because in my Country our freedom of speech is limited.
I don’t even feel like writing any more. I guess it’s time for me to move on and just keep my thoughts, visions/dreams and philosophies to myself. I’m so sad
I feel as though I let down the children but I know that there are so many good people out there that are able to keep going. I don’t ever want to break the law… I don’t even have a speeding ticket to my name. I am an extremely peaceful person that loves my country, my parent’s country which is Italy, the US and the world. I guess currently I am opting for selective stupidity. I want to believe my government, I want to believe that the people starving, hurting and that are killed every day is because it can’t be helped and not because there are a bunch of greedy-evil elites that are causing all this suffering. I don’t know what to do
I am an old fashioned catholic girl that would never even step on a crack for fear that it would break my mother’s back. I am hoping with all my heart that deep down those in power will capture their snake and better lives, including their own. If they do not repent I fear for their souls. I know that if anyone does anything unfair to me I will not be violent but I will go after them in a court of law. A family member is a lawyer and I will contact the Italian embassy. My parents and family would not tolerate it either and seek peaceful justice.
I would never take my own life, hurt anyone or do anything that is against the law or viewed as wrong. I do not do drugs, I do not drink, I do not smoke and I do not have any mental problems. I am very rational and have documented proof that I am valuable asset and meticulous. I have been certified to perform audits based on ISO standards because I’m so organized. I have over 10 years experience in accounting and banking. I am not on welfare, I have graduated from high school and college. Just because I learned facts, based mostly on the elites own documents, and I learned about the poisons does not make me a bad person. I am shocked that Sun TV would label people that question things conspiracy theorists. Sun TV should be called Harper’s Beat, except he seems to have no pulse. Why do our leaders seem to forsake us, Lord? What have we done to live in such a cold and horrible world??? Are money and power really worth such suffering?
I believe that the devil serves God and is not all powerful at all. His or Her only purpose is to keep the natural order. To contain evil and purge it, if possible. I can not imagine how much time it will take for the greedy-evil elite that is causing so much pain and suffering on our earth to the innocent right now. I have said my peace for now and I hope that things will get better. I have seen a few things that give me hope, like when Harper stated that we will not give to the G8 foreign aid because we already give to the IMF and how he is not jumping into the carbon tax, but am I being naive? Is there any hope? I know that evil never wins but is this my Mount Olive moment of doubt? When things seem the most helpless that is when good change seems to happen.
Filed under: Creating A Perfect Utopia - The Harmonious Order • Daily • Fighting The End Of Days • My Para
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The day I was experiencing a vivid altered state of conscience. I guess I became aware of it when I saw it… the green snake protruding from my left breast! Right through my nipple?! It was shocking!!! I grabbed it and pulled it out. I immediately threw it in the bathtub and tried to compose myself. Almost instantly I knew that I could not kill it. It was a part of me. I found it a new home that was similar to my breast. I then went on with my life, not my real life, but one that seemed like a parallel dimension, very similar to sliders. One of the best shows ever by the way. Anyways, back to my dream. It was me, but not me, and it was definitely not my life. I was a minimum wage worker that worked in the Eaton’s Centre at a pizza place. I decided to not to work there anymore and I recall my boss giving me a few choice words.
How do I relate this to my life? Well I feel that the snake is my demon or demons. I have overcome them. I believe that it is so minuscule, like a bad habit that I am getting over, similar to nail biting that stemmed deeper from a childhood trauma. I know that it will always be a part of me so that’s why I could not kill it. This will make me stronger and strive for better things, just like in my vision.
Another thing I have gotten over is my fear of imminent doom. I recall my brother in law telling me about alternative media and it was as though I was thrown into a very cold pool. I was given all this information that was mostly based on documents and facts, and it seemed so horrid. I have learned that I can peacefully make a difference in my every day life. At the same time I know that we should not be stricken daily with the worse scenario because it will make you sick with worry. I know that when you are introduced to information that is so shocking you almost feel as though you have been shot. I am the type of person that is known for being helpful but now I feel limited because in my Country our freedom of speech is limited.
I don’t even feel like writing any more. I guess it’s time for me to move on and just keep my thoughts, visions/dreams and philosophies to myself. I’m so sad
I would never take my own life, hurt anyone or do anything that is against the law or viewed as wrong. I do not do drugs, I do not drink, I do not smoke and I do not have any mental problems. I am very rational and have documented proof that I am valuable asset and meticulous. I have been certified to perform audits based on ISO standards because I’m so organized. I have over 10 years experience in accounting and banking. I am not on welfare, I have graduated from high school and college. Just because I learned facts, based mostly on the elites own documents, and I learned about the poisons does not make me a bad person. I am shocked that Sun TV would label people that question things conspiracy theorists. Sun TV should be called Harper’s Beat, except he seems to have no pulse. Why do our leaders seem to forsake us, Lord? What have we done to live in such a cold and horrible world??? Are money and power really worth such suffering?
I believe that the devil serves God and is not all powerful at all. His or Her only purpose is to keep the natural order. To contain evil and purge it, if possible. I can not imagine how much time it will take for the greedy-evil elite that is causing so much pain and suffering on our earth to the innocent right now. I have said my peace for now and I hope that things will get better. I have seen a few things that give me hope, like when Harper stated that we will not give to the G8 foreign aid because we already give to the IMF and how he is not jumping into the carbon tax, but am I being naive? Is there any hope? I know that evil never wins but is this my Mount Olive moment of doubt? When things seem the most helpless that is when good change seems to happen.
Filed under: Creating A Perfect Utopia - The Harmonious Order • Daily • Fighting The End Of Days • My Para
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Like Shooting Fish In Barrel…
I just want to write a little blurb about how cowardly and weak those cockroach ghouls must be to hurt defenseless and unaware people that are purposely kept in the dark to their draconian world they are creating in the shadows. I mean what’s the point of doing it like that? It’s exactly like shooting someone in the back! There is no way that those evil sub creatures will actually win because it defies the natural order. So many have been hurt or even killed because of their lies and deception. I am just here to say that more and more people know the truth, you know, the stuff that Alex Jones talks about on his daily internet radio show on and his nightly news cast on I don’t know about you but 1% of the world’s population should not dictate how the rest of us 99% should live or shouldn’t live. It’s just plain out of balance!!!
Here is my solution to Toronto”s financial problems, over an estimated $3 Billion dollar total debt, with compounded interest, per Ford himself during his mayoral campaign. At first I thought that Toronto needed a diet but after careful consideration I decided that it”s more like an intervention for the people at city hall. Their spending has gotten out of control and now they are starting to drink the gravy down there instead of stop it! We must treat the 2012 budget shortfall like an out of control junkie and quit enabling it. Toronto civil servants need to get off the gravy and get back to reality. There should not be any increases to property taxes, no cuts to essential services, no to selling of our assets without the tax payers okay, no to toll roads, end the Toronto land transfer fees and no to out of control spending at city hall. We must freeze all the perks aka gravy, including the ones for city hall workers and cut their pay by 10% until the debt and shortfall are paid in full. When Toronto is back in black then we can see what we can afford! See, simple! If special interest groups want a hand out then they should look to private donations and stop putting it on the backs of the working poor and middle class. Rob Ford”s platform assured us that he would respect us, not raise taxes and stop the gravy train at city hall. Now there is talk of a 30-35% property tax increase and cuts to our services? I can”t help but feel that this is some sort of scare tactic! He should have never cut the $60 vehicle tax and freeze current property tax increases until after a good solution to stopping the “gravy train” at city hall! Now it seems like a manufactured crises to get even more tax hikes from the Toronto tax payers! When I was watching the budget talks live via internet feed at city hall this week, I found out that the $774 million shortfall number was just an estimate?! They said it could only be $300 – 700 million?! I say get your facts straight and handle it on the end of the ones that dropped the ball, specifically city hall civil servants. It”s like giving an unemployed student a credit card and then they max it out. The student will end up with bad credit in the long run and having to pay off the debt plus compounded interest. Does the student expect others to pay his or her debt for them.. their parents? A good parent won”t and we shouldn”t have to bail out irresponsible Toronto city hall civil servants either. Our politicians should not try to burden the tax payer any longer because they are only going to end up driving us out of house and home. The people that live paycheck to paycheck, seniors, etc. deserve to continue to live in their homes. If our pensions and our pays don”t go up to match inflation, especially by 35%, then they should not raise taxes at all, but instead cut taxes! It is proven that when taxes are cut, spending is up, and prosperity is on the rise! Property taxes are a form of rent and you can”t raise rent by more than .7% each year. I heard that property taxes were only supposed to be a temporary thing after the war via Alex Jones, yet here we are still paying them?! I feel that a joint suit would be best if our civil servants are foolish enough to try to do that.
“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”, Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Motion. So much evil and negative energy has occurred at the hands of the greedy pigs and now it’s our move. I have an overwhelming feeling of positive energy. I see an inverted pyramid which should be our symbol, the symbol of the light. Make it with your hands as you smile knowing and trusting that we will peacefully conquer the evil ones with pure hearts and solid truths. No more will we trust the talking heads from the glowing box because we are not your zombies.
We shall not be afraid of your putrid propaganda that was only used to control us like hungry sheep. You are not gods and your souls are in peril. Starving children in order to take their pictures for money is beyond disgusting. Sell your jewels, mansions and private jets to help. Give your billions to those that need it.
The devil works for GOD and he is not impressed. His job is to cure you from yourselves and it will be a very harsh road if you do not change your ways. Please join us, you are welcome. Do not turn your back on humanity.
The symbol of our freedom should be an inverted pyramid – 100% of the people on top of established rules set forth to protect us and our human rights along with a solid foundation of technology and information.
You are not better than anyone else. We are not a virus. This offer is fading fore the window is closing. You can not beg for forgiveness on your death beds, this is not how it works. Wouldn’t it be interesting if we worked together for a greater good and strive to be the best.
The inverted pyramid symbol reminds me of my time in Paris at the Louvre, hence the photograph of the inverted pyramid at the Louvre.
Harper & Obama both seemed like really good people with great intentions before while campaigning, but when elected it seemed as though they were changed, as if they were sucked into the 70s horror film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I do understand that they may not have been completely innocent, though. Harper is said to like globalism and Obama was said to have been bread to run the country for Wall Street and the elite. Regardless, monitoring leaders would also deter people from running with ulterior motives. You know those that are true would understand and appreciate the measures that the people took to ensure that they could run their country freely to prosper without being harassed by the evil and immoral people of the world.
Some use religion as an excuse to do such filthy things but just know that God does not condone it and will not pardon them, I can 100% guarantee that. I think they need some sort of intervention because they are so addicted to things that are not really important that they seem they know not what they do. I like how Michael Rivero of calls them money addicts and he is absolutely correct. Instead of progressing for the good of all mankind these evil ghouls are only concerned for themselves. This is very evil and very wrong yet they persist as if they love the evil and satan. Well he will rape them over and over again and there will be nothing that they can do to stop him if they continue their lust.
I just finished reading In A Dark Place by Ray Garton the true story. It’s an out of print book but I managed to score a copy off of Amazon. It’s also know as the Haunting Connecticut that was featured on Discovery A Haunting. A story of a family living in a rental that used to be a funeral home. The evil was not because of the funeral home, though. It was about what happened there and it was from WEAKNESS! Weakness like of those who are lusting for money and power. Absolute evil only consumes them into darkness and negative energy. They will lose and it will defecate their soul into nothingness until they are purged, if ever. They say time heals all wounds, however, it may take an eternity or more for some.
Webster Griffen Tarpley, yet another hero of mine, of exposes the money hungry demons that MURDER THE INNOCENT in the name of all that is unholy. More and more see them and the darkness they represent, even though they try to package it with LIES! I am telling so many key people here in Toronto! So many more know of their DEMONIC GAME!!! They are said not to be in Libya to help anyone and it’s such a shame that they have not been struck down by God himself. I will never understand why God allows such heathens free will. If it were me I would have sucked them down to hell long ago. Karma needs to come for those bastards right away!!! Please Lord, intervene. We need you. I just don’t understand how you allow these satanic beasts such freedoms that only seem to be causing such evil. I know that in order for us to stop them we need to know about it and more and more are aware so I do have hope! It’s so strange how I know things that other key people are saying… it’s like there is a global message to those that are enlightened. Just like that footprints in the sand prayer, you are carrying us during this difficult time.
Alex Jones of had a very interesting show on Friday with guest Sean Stone, a director and son of Oliver Stone. They were discussing demons and the New World Order. A must listen. I know that it repeats all weekend until Saturday 4pm. You can download the pod cast if you sign up for or it may be up on YouTube. One thing from that show really haunts me and it was about Gadhafi… how they found a satanic book in his home. Then they got into videos of Jinn, something about shadows and demons. So scary! I’m so glad that I have morals, ethics and care about my fellow man. Only those that are like me will gain the most riches for an eternity!
I always wondered why a genie (jinni) was on the front of my vintage Canadian Clark Company Ouija board, circa 1950, which I found right here in Toronto.
jinni (j?n?`), feminine jinniyah (j?n?yä`), plural jinn (j?n), in Arabic and Islamic folklore, spirit or demon endowed with supernatural power. In ancient belief the jinn were associated with the destructive forces of nature. In Islamic tradition they were corporeal spirits similar to men in appearance but having certain supernatural powers, especially those of changing in size and shape. Capable of both good and evil, the jinn were popular in literatures of the Middle East, notably in the stories of the Thousand and One Nights. The term genie is the English form and is sometimes confused with the Roman genius.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia® Copyright © 2007, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
Do you have a ghost? Paranormal Home Inspectors want to know By Rosalind Raby
I Googled “Toronto Paranormal” news and came across an interesting article that is searching for people that have a ghost or ghosts. I really hope they get some calls, especially from the GTA, because I am always up for ghost stories. The actual article is just below:
A Toronto production company wants to know if you have a ghost, seriously! Big Coat Productions is producing an original series that they believe will leave audiences wondering who or what they share their homes with. One local family in Webbwood will be featured on the series, and while the crew is here, they want to know if anyone has an interesting story to share with the television public.
Paranormal Home Inspectors is a provocative factual series that follows a team of experts from different disciplines deciphering bizarre phenomena in outwardly ‘normal’ homes. Inside, the lights flicker, faucets turn on by themselves, and doors slam and lock on their own.
Is this paranormal activity? Or can a conventional home inspector debunk the inexplicable anomalies that make things go bump in the night?
The Gunson family of Webbwood will be featured in the series.
In November 2008, Brian Gunson, 55, and his daughter Stephanie, 26, moved into a century-old log home in Webbwood. Stephanie is a security guard and feels she is very in tune with her surroundings; she has heard and seen strange things for a couple years now. When suspicious activities began in her home, she contacted the Paranormal Home Inspection team to find out what was really happening.
Her first strange experience was in the winter of 2010. She was sitting on the couch in the living room with her dog when she heard a kitchen cupboard door slam- however no one else was home. Her dog then went into the kitchen and as she followed him in to check it out, she saw her dog with his tail between his legs, terrified- he refuses to go into the kitchen to this day.
On another occasion, Stephanie was getting ready to hop into the shower when she heard someone calling her from the kitchen, but again no one else was home. She isn’t the only one who has heard a woman’s voice – her dad has heard one too when she wasn’t home.
Another night, some months later, Stephanie, her dad and his friend were watching TV. Stephanie got up to check on her cat and she found him staring at the ceiling. The cat was fixated on an unseen presence in the living room, and his eyes followed the ceiling down to some object unseen by Stephanie. As the cat watched the unexplained presence move, a plant shook as though something passed by it.
Brian has also experienced some weird things in the home on his own. He was home one night talking on the phone and the dog was sitting on the couch next to him.
Moments later he heard the dog scratching on the door, so he went to let him out. When he arrived at the door, his dog wasn’t there. In fact the dog was already outside, and there was no one else home that could have let him out.
That door opens and closes on its own from time to time, too. Are these two things related?
Another weird thing that happened was when Brian had his friend over to watch their favourite weekly program. On this particular night, Lee and dad heard a strange noise, and it turned out that the tape in the VHS player was rewinding, then it popped itself out, then put itself back in and started playing.
His friend, understandably, excused himself and said that was time to leave. He hasn’t been too keen to visit since.
When Brian’s two granddaughters came over to spend the night, they refused to sleep in their Aunt Stephanie’s old room because they said something or someone was in it. Stephanie hadn’t even mentioned that she had previously heard banging on the walls, and has had papers and pens move around.
On a few occasions, Stephanie and other visitors have smelled a woman’s perfume in the house- one no one recognized.
Both dad and Stephanie have heard footsteps that sound like people are running back and forth in the house.
Although the laundry list of events that have taken place in their house are enough to scare anyone away, Stephanie and her father are not spooked in the slightest; they just want to know what is happening in their home.
The Paranormal Home Inspectors include a renowned psychic, Nadine Mercey, a certified home inspector, Brian Daley and a paranormal researcher, Michelle McKay. The team uses everything from a hammer and flashlight to electronic voice phenomenon recordings to infrared video documentation and psychic abilities to differentiate structural defects from spiritual manifestations. Who will the homeowners believe; the certified home inspector and his plausible explanations or the psychic and paranormal researcher? And if the homes are truly haunted…will the owners stay?
With more than 20 years of experience as a successful real estate agent, Mercey knows homes. As the resident psychic for the show, Mercey’s experience and renowned psychic abilities shine. Blessed with the ability to see the energy of the world around her, shereads homes and environments the way other psychics read people. She now dedicates her life to psychic healing, and is an author, international healer, speaker and teacher of metaphysical healing in mainstream medical facilities and communities around the world. Her success comes from an uncanny ability to intuitively understand the needs and motivations of buyers and sellers and the homes themselves.
Daley is the resident Certified Home Inspector. Off-camera, he is the President of Associated Group of Home Inspectors Canada Inc. and New Home Inspections Inc. He brings more than 20 years of experience in marketing, client relations, education, and communication skills to the Home Inspection business. A published author, he wrote the book “Home Inspection for Home Inspectors” and has written numerous print media articles offering home-related advice to consumers. He is a Registered Home Inspector RHI and member of the National and Provincial associations, and is recognized as an industry leader and innovator in the field of home inspections in Canada.
As the lead researcher and paranormal investigator, McKay is no stranger to ghosts. She has been professionally investigating the paranormal for more than a decade. She comes equipped with cutting edge technology to communicate with the spirits. McKay was born on a Wednesday during a dark moon. Her first experience with the paranormal was at age 10, with poltergeist activity in her home. Naturally inquisitive, she started researching all things paranormal at an early age, with the result that ghosts have followed her around ever since.
Despite her paranormal close encounters, she maintains objectivity during her investigations and continues her quest for the truth. Michelle is not the only paranormal investigator in the family — her great-uncle was the well-respected Canadian UFOlogist Henry McKay. He began investigating reports of “unidentified flying objects” while he was in the Canadian military. He passed away in 2007 April 15. He was a father figure to her and she still struggles with his death to this day. April 15 is always a difficult day for her.
Big Coat Productions is a Gemini Award winning production company located in Toronto Canada. It was established in 2000 by Executive Producers Catherine Fogarty and Maria Armstrong who are also producers of the show. Current productions include W Network’s top rated series, Love It or List, now in its fourth successful season and Chef Worthy airing on OWN Network.
Paranormal Home Inspectors will shoot all over Ontario from April 8 to July 7 and are still casting families for season one. The series will air on Investigation Discovery ID August 16th at 11:00 and 11:30pm ET/Midnight and 12:30am P.T
To share a story or for more information, visit: or email: Ingrid Hamilton at: or call 416-731-3034 or email: Allison Barber at: or call 416-801-6963.
Filed under: Daily • ParaTO
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A Toronto production company wants to know if you have a ghost, seriously! Big Coat Productions is producing an original series that they believe will leave audiences wondering who or what they share their homes with. One local family in Webbwood will be featured on the series, and while the crew is here, they want to know if anyone has an interesting story to share with the television public.
Paranormal Home Inspectors is a provocative factual series that follows a team of experts from different disciplines deciphering bizarre phenomena in outwardly ‘normal’ homes. Inside, the lights flicker, faucets turn on by themselves, and doors slam and lock on their own.
Is this paranormal activity? Or can a conventional home inspector debunk the inexplicable anomalies that make things go bump in the night?
The Gunson family of Webbwood will be featured in the series.
In November 2008, Brian Gunson, 55, and his daughter Stephanie, 26, moved into a century-old log home in Webbwood. Stephanie is a security guard and feels she is very in tune with her surroundings; she has heard and seen strange things for a couple years now. When suspicious activities began in her home, she contacted the Paranormal Home Inspection team to find out what was really happening.
Her first strange experience was in the winter of 2010. She was sitting on the couch in the living room with her dog when she heard a kitchen cupboard door slam- however no one else was home. Her dog then went into the kitchen and as she followed him in to check it out, she saw her dog with his tail between his legs, terrified- he refuses to go into the kitchen to this day.
On another occasion, Stephanie was getting ready to hop into the shower when she heard someone calling her from the kitchen, but again no one else was home. She isn’t the only one who has heard a woman’s voice – her dad has heard one too when she wasn’t home.
Another night, some months later, Stephanie, her dad and his friend were watching TV. Stephanie got up to check on her cat and she found him staring at the ceiling. The cat was fixated on an unseen presence in the living room, and his eyes followed the ceiling down to some object unseen by Stephanie. As the cat watched the unexplained presence move, a plant shook as though something passed by it.
Brian has also experienced some weird things in the home on his own. He was home one night talking on the phone and the dog was sitting on the couch next to him.
Moments later he heard the dog scratching on the door, so he went to let him out. When he arrived at the door, his dog wasn’t there. In fact the dog was already outside, and there was no one else home that could have let him out.
That door opens and closes on its own from time to time, too. Are these two things related?
Another weird thing that happened was when Brian had his friend over to watch their favourite weekly program. On this particular night, Lee and dad heard a strange noise, and it turned out that the tape in the VHS player was rewinding, then it popped itself out, then put itself back in and started playing.
His friend, understandably, excused himself and said that was time to leave. He hasn’t been too keen to visit since.
When Brian’s two granddaughters came over to spend the night, they refused to sleep in their Aunt Stephanie’s old room because they said something or someone was in it. Stephanie hadn’t even mentioned that she had previously heard banging on the walls, and has had papers and pens move around.
On a few occasions, Stephanie and other visitors have smelled a woman’s perfume in the house- one no one recognized.
Both dad and Stephanie have heard footsteps that sound like people are running back and forth in the house.
Although the laundry list of events that have taken place in their house are enough to scare anyone away, Stephanie and her father are not spooked in the slightest; they just want to know what is happening in their home.
The Paranormal Home Inspectors include a renowned psychic, Nadine Mercey, a certified home inspector, Brian Daley and a paranormal researcher, Michelle McKay. The team uses everything from a hammer and flashlight to electronic voice phenomenon recordings to infrared video documentation and psychic abilities to differentiate structural defects from spiritual manifestations. Who will the homeowners believe; the certified home inspector and his plausible explanations or the psychic and paranormal researcher? And if the homes are truly haunted…will the owners stay?
With more than 20 years of experience as a successful real estate agent, Mercey knows homes. As the resident psychic for the show, Mercey’s experience and renowned psychic abilities shine. Blessed with the ability to see the energy of the world around her, shereads homes and environments the way other psychics read people. She now dedicates her life to psychic healing, and is an author, international healer, speaker and teacher of metaphysical healing in mainstream medical facilities and communities around the world. Her success comes from an uncanny ability to intuitively understand the needs and motivations of buyers and sellers and the homes themselves.
Daley is the resident Certified Home Inspector. Off-camera, he is the President of Associated Group of Home Inspectors Canada Inc. and New Home Inspections Inc. He brings more than 20 years of experience in marketing, client relations, education, and communication skills to the Home Inspection business. A published author, he wrote the book “Home Inspection for Home Inspectors” and has written numerous print media articles offering home-related advice to consumers. He is a Registered Home Inspector RHI and member of the National and Provincial associations, and is recognized as an industry leader and innovator in the field of home inspections in Canada.
As the lead researcher and paranormal investigator, McKay is no stranger to ghosts. She has been professionally investigating the paranormal for more than a decade. She comes equipped with cutting edge technology to communicate with the spirits. McKay was born on a Wednesday during a dark moon. Her first experience with the paranormal was at age 10, with poltergeist activity in her home. Naturally inquisitive, she started researching all things paranormal at an early age, with the result that ghosts have followed her around ever since.
Despite her paranormal close encounters, she maintains objectivity during her investigations and continues her quest for the truth. Michelle is not the only paranormal investigator in the family — her great-uncle was the well-respected Canadian UFOlogist Henry McKay. He began investigating reports of “unidentified flying objects” while he was in the Canadian military. He passed away in 2007 April 15. He was a father figure to her and she still struggles with his death to this day. April 15 is always a difficult day for her.
Big Coat Productions is a Gemini Award winning production company located in Toronto Canada. It was established in 2000 by Executive Producers Catherine Fogarty and Maria Armstrong who are also producers of the show. Current productions include W Network’s top rated series, Love It or List, now in its fourth successful season and Chef Worthy airing on OWN Network.
Paranormal Home Inspectors will shoot all over Ontario from April 8 to July 7 and are still casting families for season one. The series will air on Investigation Discovery ID August 16th at 11:00 and 11:30pm ET/Midnight and 12:30am P.T
To share a story or for more information, visit: or email: Ingrid Hamilton at: or call 416-731-3034 or email: Allison Barber at: or call 416-801-6963.
Filed under: Daily • ParaTO
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I saw the 2010 movie Devil last weekend. I was curious as to why the “devil” would show up in an elevator? I mean the powerful and famous beast wouldn’t waste his or her time unless it was important.
I found this movie to be better than expected. I liked how the stories of each character came together. I also better understand that sometimes we need evil to control evil. It sounds crazy but you need to watch the movie to understand what I’m talking about. All I will say is we all must pay for our sins.
This movie is especially for the greedy that feed on evil to gain money and power with no regard for their fellow man. If we need the devil to take care of them then so be it. I get it now. I know that there can’t be good without evil. Positive and negative. HOWEVER, we must remember that in order to have the perfect balance we must not feed our dark side and never take advantage or harm the innocent.
Humans aren’t evil, greedy humans are. It’s because of the greedy we are so primitive today. We would be far more advanced if we were allowed to progress instead of being held back by financial vampires.
I have faith in the natural order. I know that those that have the power to end hunger and suffering, but don’t, will see the devil and it won’t be to share a drink, either. You see the more evil you are, the more the devil will imprison your soul until it is purged. Is it possible to clean the filthiest of souls? Time heals all wounds. Will they repent before this happens and help their fellow man. You see we are all connected. If you hurt one person, you are really hurting yourself.
I am going to take some time off to think about things. I have written some notes about the laws of the natural order. I think it’s very important and the world needs to establish some sort of balance by being positive and good.
**** I just want to add that I figure the so called devil really is a servant of God. If people do horrible things because they feel that the darkness and evil are more powerful then they are terrible wrong. I know without a doubt that God who is the light is the all powerful master. We should only serve God peacefully and with a pure heart.
OMNI Book of the Paranormal & the Mind

1988 They Live
The television program Hoarders on A&E also comes to mind when I think of mind control. You have these people that look so vulnerable and lost that seem to have been over programmed. I highly doubt that this condition is natural. I believe that there is a hoarding epidemic over the masses and there is never enough people that are featured on that program, they have already filmed the 3rd season and I don’t expect them not to continue. I actually find it troubling to watch because my heart aches for those almost damaged minds. The worse case I saw was a man that hoarded rats, he would actually throw feed out in his living room and they would rush in and feed. He seemed as though he was in a trance? His eyes were so wide and bulging out? I’m not sure if he was on drugs or if he was programmed? Maybe a bit of both? In history, before radio and television, I can not think of this many cases of hoarding, so I highly doubt that they are all mental disorders, instead, it might be a result of over programming. How? From what I have heard on the Jones Show, it’s a result of flickers via electricity. I do, however, want to mention that in that same chapter there is mention of a danger of this technology being used in the marketplace.
Mind control seems highly possible because there are way too many troubled people now in the world. I’m sure it doesn’t help that our leaders continue to try and make our lives as difficult as possible. Why are they doing this? The only thing I can think of is that they want a vast amount of negative energy. Negative in my mind means evil. Are they all a bunch of devil worshipers? It deeply pains me to know that we could all live like kings right now, this very second, if those ghouls got out of the way and allowed it.
I just want to add that I believe that some are immune from their programming. I have never gone along with the crowd and have never complied when it came to most things. I think since my credit is excellent and I don’t rack up tons of my credit cards I am out of their reach. I have never broken the law or anything, I just don’t think that having the latest and greatest is important. I have noticed that the majority of hoarders are compulsive shoppers. Perhaps my brain isn’t wired like the average person? I guess being weird is a plus.
Below please see the trailer for the actual A&E Hoarders program featuring Glen and tons of rats! I wouldn’t watch it if you are grossed out easily or under the age of 18. “A collection of 2500 free-roaming rats have hoarded Glen out of his home and into a shed on his property. Originally bred as pets, the rat collection spun out of control upon the death of his wife. Now Glen needs help removing the animals so he can return home, but he has insisted that they be saved and adopted out.” If the trailer didn’t gross you out too much you can actually watch more of the Rat episode on A&E – Season3 Episode 41
A&E Hoarders Season – Episode 41:
They Live Grindhouse movie trailer:
Dalton McGuinty’s 3 Billion Dollar Global Clean Water Deal & Other Foreign Deals Re: New World Order
“Ontario is investing in an aggressive innovation agenda to ensure we are one of the winning economies in the 21st century. Supported by close to $3 billion in spending over eight years and a focus on seizing global market opportunities, this agenda builds on the strength of Ontario’s creative environment, diverse culture, highly skilled workforce, world-class education system and internationally recognized research community.” *”the winning economy” (do you mean corporations?) are they going to benefit off of the taxpayers dime? *HOW IS THIS GOING TO BENEFIT THE LITTLE GUY??? Green jobs are said to take 2 away from the private sector and most people are not qualified to work in this industry. Apparently Ontario is giving our clean water technology to the world for what I believe is absolutely nothing, while footing the entire bill too. My question is how much money are Singapore and the rest of the world putting in? A friend from Russia said that they were so surprised how poor Canadians are regardless of all our natural resources and technologies. The little guy tax payers foot the bill and see nothing. Talk about taxation without representation. We have an abundance of everything yet we are paying like we have nothing. False scarcity in order to bring in more $$$$.
Isn’t this Dalton’s 2nd deal with Asia, the first was the Korean Samsung wind deal that hopefully will go bust unless they were paid already. Then there was his dealings with Israel , developing a brain institute that also is costing the taxpayers of Ontario $15 million and talking to them about green energy and clean water too? Why would he be over there??? What does another country have to do with Ontario? Are we footing the bill for these “joint” dealings, as well? I do not want this partnership, I personally do not want to pay taxes for this globalist agenda! I have nothing against any other countries, I just hold a complete disgust for my political servant that seems to have gone rouge. Who the hell does he think he is to sign us up for this. Dalton, last I checked you work for ONTARIO and it is not in our best interests that you make these globalist deals. You should be more interested in protecting our jobs and industry. There needs to be taxes on companies and corporations that wish to import goods and export Canadian jobs! Bring it back and repent because the truth always comes out!
I posted my concerns on Dalton’s facebook page and I was ignored by him. I was also attacked by one of his supporters that is still in school and has no idea about the real world because they are still being fed the fool aide. I decided to ignore that sheep because they are ignorant to the truth of what is really going on regarding a new world order. The documentary End Game is an EXCELLENT film to bring the naive and ignorant up to speed otherwise they risk living in a world far worse than 1984. It streams free via YouTube with Alex Jones’ permission, who is the brilliant filmmaker.
If we don’t stop Dalton peacefully, then think things are bad now… wait! He should be weary because we can now make citizen arrests. I have been discussing with fellow like minded people about starting a legal fund. If every Canadian donate at least a dollar or two we would be able to pursue this in a court of law.
I wrote Tim Hudak about this global clean water ripoff and begged him to bring it before Queens Park or Parliament. If not to at least investigate Dalton if Tim becomes Ontario’s next premier. I also told Mr. Hudak about the film Fall of the Republic informing us of green engineered scarcity and it also streams for free on YouTube.
When on Dalton’s FB page another poster put up something about Water Wars. Apparently our civil servants are making backdoor deals selling off or practically giving our natural resources away. There have been 13 mysterious deaths of Canadian civil servants since the website came out with inside info. I have to look into this further because I do not want my God given natural resources given away like our excess energy. Can you believe that we have to pay the US & Quebec when we give them our Ontario energy for free. I want Dalton McGuinty fired asap! He is not working for the good people of Ontario. More and more people know the facts and truth. I would like to end this in saying that the people like myself that know the truth will not stop speaking out until things are made right.
Isn’t this Dalton’s 2nd deal with Asia, the first was the Korean Samsung wind deal that hopefully will go bust unless they were paid already. Then there was his dealings with Israel , developing a brain institute that also is costing the taxpayers of Ontario $15 million and talking to them about green energy and clean water too? Why would he be over there??? What does another country have to do with Ontario? Are we footing the bill for these “joint” dealings, as well? I do not want this partnership, I personally do not want to pay taxes for this globalist agenda! I have nothing against any other countries, I just hold a complete disgust for my political servant that seems to have gone rouge. Who the hell does he think he is to sign us up for this. Dalton, last I checked you work for ONTARIO and it is not in our best interests that you make these globalist deals. You should be more interested in protecting our jobs and industry. There needs to be taxes on companies and corporations that wish to import goods and export Canadian jobs! Bring it back and repent because the truth always comes out!
I posted my concerns on Dalton’s facebook page and I was ignored by him. I was also attacked by one of his supporters that is still in school and has no idea about the real world because they are still being fed the fool aide. I decided to ignore that sheep because they are ignorant to the truth of what is really going on regarding a new world order. The documentary End Game is an EXCELLENT film to bring the naive and ignorant up to speed otherwise they risk living in a world far worse than 1984. It streams free via YouTube with Alex Jones’ permission, who is the brilliant filmmaker.
If we don’t stop Dalton peacefully, then think things are bad now… wait! He should be weary because we can now make citizen arrests. I have been discussing with fellow like minded people about starting a legal fund. If every Canadian donate at least a dollar or two we would be able to pursue this in a court of law.
I wrote Tim Hudak about this global clean water ripoff and begged him to bring it before Queens Park or Parliament. If not to at least investigate Dalton if Tim becomes Ontario’s next premier. I also told Mr. Hudak about the film Fall of the Republic informing us of green engineered scarcity and it also streams for free on YouTube.
When on Dalton’s FB page another poster put up something about Water Wars. Apparently our civil servants are making backdoor deals selling off or practically giving our natural resources away. There have been 13 mysterious deaths of Canadian civil servants since the website came out with inside info. I have to look into this further because I do not want my God given natural resources given away like our excess energy. Can you believe that we have to pay the US & Quebec when we give them our Ontario energy for free. I want Dalton McGuinty fired asap! He is not working for the good people of Ontario. More and more people know the facts and truth. I would like to end this in saying that the people like myself that know the truth will not stop speaking out until things are made right.
Some have described Dalton as a “liar”. They have said that his smart meters and “sweetheart deals” are nothing more than an expensive “science project”. I happen to agree. I feel that we should not be signed up for this because the science is not there. Secondly China has no regulations and guess where their end stream ends up… parts of North America! We have been de-industrialized but yet we must pay the price for clean energy even though we barely have any industry left? It makes no sense at all and that’s why I strongly feel that we should scrap these overpriced projects with an underlying globalist agenda! Dalton should be investigated and hopefully fined and arrested! He is a horrible premier and I feel so sad for our future generations if he gets away with these immoral acts.
Did you also know that over 30,000 scientists signed a petition rejecting man made global warming as a SCIENTIFIC FRAUD! Even still our government carries on with this while the people of Ontario are struggling to make ends meet. Just the other day I read how an elderly-retired man has to shovel snow in order to pay his hydro bills. DISGUSTING!!!!!! SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sad thing is that it has only doubled and if we don’t peacefully resist and stop this they intend to raise it another 46% based on total garbage science full of fear based propaganda without any shred of proof. C02 is not the problem, greedy ghoul elites are. Thanks to them people are starving or living in misery.
Currently there is a mental health campaign going on in Toronto, claiming more Canadians are suffering with it. It’s not that we are mentally ill it’s that we are being subjected to live in an evil and immoral world. Go and talk to your doctor about putting you on Big Pharma meds that have horrid side effects, some even include suicide! Please always read the insert and/or package of any drug that you are considering and talk to your doctor to learn all the facts. Diet and exorcise really works for me. I also cut caffeine, aspartame, processed foods and try to buy all organic. I also drink bottled water that does not have fluoride. I am very positive and happy and know it’s normal to have a bad day. I personally wouldn’t run and get a prescription for every little thing, but that’s just me. We are all different and should have a choice and not only conventional treatments.
Getting back to the evil matrix… Well I know about what is really going on and I will stand in the light no matter what you pigs try and do to fill your troughs! If the leaders of our world and the royals could make all our lives much better but they choose not to! Why if they did then they wouldn’t have all their castles, mansions, private jets, fat bank accounts, properties, servants and jewels. I take comfort in knowing that they will spend an eternity suffering for these few moments of greed and evil. REPENT NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!! Stop this green b.s. agenda and go forth making the lives of your fellow man better.
For those upset by this but feel that you can’t do anything because you don’t have a degree, don’t fret because you don’t need one after being presented the facts to see that what is going on is in fact a fraud.
Did you also know that over 30,000 scientists signed a petition rejecting man made global warming as a SCIENTIFIC FRAUD! Even still our government carries on with this while the people of Ontario are struggling to make ends meet. Just the other day I read how an elderly-retired man has to shovel snow in order to pay his hydro bills. DISGUSTING!!!!!! SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sad thing is that it has only doubled and if we don’t peacefully resist and stop this they intend to raise it another 46% based on total garbage science full of fear based propaganda without any shred of proof. C02 is not the problem, greedy ghoul elites are. Thanks to them people are starving or living in misery.
Currently there is a mental health campaign going on in Toronto, claiming more Canadians are suffering with it. It’s not that we are mentally ill it’s that we are being subjected to live in an evil and immoral world. Go and talk to your doctor about putting you on Big Pharma meds that have horrid side effects, some even include suicide! Please always read the insert and/or package of any drug that you are considering and talk to your doctor to learn all the facts. Diet and exorcise really works for me. I also cut caffeine, aspartame, processed foods and try to buy all organic. I also drink bottled water that does not have fluoride. I am very positive and happy and know it’s normal to have a bad day. I personally wouldn’t run and get a prescription for every little thing, but that’s just me. We are all different and should have a choice and not only conventional treatments.
Getting back to the evil matrix… Well I know about what is really going on and I will stand in the light no matter what you pigs try and do to fill your troughs! If the leaders of our world and the royals could make all our lives much better but they choose not to! Why if they did then they wouldn’t have all their castles, mansions, private jets, fat bank accounts, properties, servants and jewels. I take comfort in knowing that they will spend an eternity suffering for these few moments of greed and evil. REPENT NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!! Stop this green b.s. agenda and go forth making the lives of your fellow man better.
For those upset by this but feel that you can’t do anything because you don’t have a degree, don’t fret because you don’t need one after being presented the facts to see that what is going on is in fact a fraud.
Rick Simpson, a man from Nova Scotia, made a documentary, Running From The Cure about his miracle cure for cancer, natural hemp oil, and how he was shut down because of it??!!!
Man should not be afraid of positive change for fear of lost profits. Perhaps we are supposed to evolve towards a cashless society. Allowing people to suffer and die for mere financial gain is absolutely DISGUSTING!
With that said I would like to strongly recommend that you consider viewing two documentaries regarding alternative vs. conventional cancer treatments. Healing Cancer From the Inside Out and CANCER – Dr. Burzynski
After watching these films I personally will NEVER go along for conventional radiation or chemo treatments if I ever develop cancer! First off I will personally ensure that my diet is mostly healthy and pure in order to prevent it. I am not a medical doctor but I certainly am not an idiot! I can recognize an ineffective treatment when I see one. SHAME!!!!! It is extremely EVIL that we are not fully informed about these things, especially when facing CANCER.
Please consider consulting your doctor because they are privileged to your exact medical information. I can only state what I would do and everyone is different but I feel that we should all be offered all the information before we make serious decisions about our life and health. My husband and I both found it strange how useless sports figures have stats but there are none for doctors. The next time you are in your doctors office and they are trying to push conventional treatments on you, you should ask them what their cure rate is. Cure meaning people that are still alive now and not in just a 5 year span!
The concern over rising populations is an overreaction, procreation regulations will ease that. People must be licensed prior to having children and several factors need to be reviewed. Mental, physical and financial aspects of an individual would be looked at.
There is no need to allow people to suffer and die. This reminds me of Nazi gas chambers. The poor people were tricked into believing that they were taking a shower when in reality they were going to be poisoned. How could we allow this EVIL!!!!!
It is obvious that Dr. Burzynski has something there and it should be offered to EACH AND EVERY person suffering with CANCER. Why in God’s name would anyone go along with suppressing something that may benefit mankind.
It is time to step back and allow progression! Profits should not determine our advancement. FORGET MONEY!!!!! This is about right and wrong… good and evil!!! We must do what is moral and right. There is enough room for everyone and with better regulations we will be able to grow at a controllable rate.
Thanks everyone who took the time to read this. I hope this information will better your life, or the life of someone you know that is facing cancer. God Bless+
Please refer to the 3 documentary trailers below that will offer a glimpse into what each consists of. I am surprised that the mainstream does not offer this information to us. We will have to inform all our friends and family in order for them to make an informed decision! I am so very lucky to have found this because my family and friends know. Please consider sharing this light and forcing the mainstream to tell the truth about other cancer treatments!
The Secret by Alex Jones. It is a mini doc regarding what may be in our food and water. It is a real eye opener and I changed my diet further because of it.
Video of Ontario Ombudsman Regarding G20 by
To sum things up, I agree 100% with our honorable Ontario Ombudsman, Andre Martin! Shame on Blair, McGuinty and the others involved! I honestly feel that they should be removed from their current positions immediately.
Bravo to Dan Dicks and the other heroes of that were involved in the creation of this video. The only way we can stop the ghouls of the New World Order is to expose them like a bright shiny light on a bunch of cockroaches! Once you spot them it is only a matter of time before they are removed. The truth is the only way to show that there is a problem and then that will lead to their final destruction simply by using peaceful means. Please share this video with everyone you know.
Alex Jones always recommends to always share videos and documentaries about the New World Order because it is a professional way of providing valid information to the public. I have stopped trying to explain long ago because you do sound kind of crazy and first impressions are lasting, so you don’t want to close them to it. I always recommend people watch End Game by Alex Jones of or United We Fall by Dan Dicks of – Those two films are the basis of exposing the New World Order to people that have no idea about it or have no clue but know something is wrong. Both stream free on YouTube but I recommend that you go on the site and purchase a high quality DVD copy in order to support the film makers so they can continue making excellent documentaries.
When I was asleep, I honestly though that our world leaders had no clue, but that was not true. Playing stupid is smart for the NWO agenda. Time to wake up as many people as possible so that they are unable to push their evil nazi crap through!
God Bless +
Anna Sophia
Bravo to Dan Dicks and the other heroes of that were involved in the creation of this video. The only way we can stop the ghouls of the New World Order is to expose them like a bright shiny light on a bunch of cockroaches! Once you spot them it is only a matter of time before they are removed. The truth is the only way to show that there is a problem and then that will lead to their final destruction simply by using peaceful means. Please share this video with everyone you know.
Alex Jones always recommends to always share videos and documentaries about the New World Order because it is a professional way of providing valid information to the public. I have stopped trying to explain long ago because you do sound kind of crazy and first impressions are lasting, so you don’t want to close them to it. I always recommend people watch End Game by Alex Jones of or United We Fall by Dan Dicks of – Those two films are the basis of exposing the New World Order to people that have no idea about it or have no clue but know something is wrong. Both stream free on YouTube but I recommend that you go on the site and purchase a high quality DVD copy in order to support the film makers so they can continue making excellent documentaries.
When I was asleep, I honestly though that our world leaders had no clue, but that was not true. Playing stupid is smart for the NWO agenda. Time to wake up as many people as possible so that they are unable to push their evil nazi crap through!
God Bless +
Anna Sophia

I watched the Dr. Oz show yesterday and he stated that he was actually CONCERNED about all the radiation that we are being exposed to. He explained that x-rays are concentrated to a small point that go through the body to show what is going on inside and body scanners are scattered down all around you on the outside of the body. He said that he was concerned about that because of the sensitive areas like the eyes, skin and I believe the head are exposed. He went on to say that radiation does cause cancer. He also stated that we should not be exposed to radiation when we do not have to be, that he doesn’t want to hold up lines and he actually seemed like he wanted to say that he would opt out.
He even had 2 expert doctors on. Deputy chief health care officer for homeland security who oversees airport security and a radiologist and spokesperson for the NA radiological society. He asked them if it was safe, they swore up and down it was.
He said that he is not a radiation expert but knows the ill effects of radiation and feels that there is usually more radiation that is what claimed. I was very surprised! It was great! Dr. Oz recommended that his audience consider the following, but he also stated that America was still a free country and that people can do what they want (love how he said that!)… he suggested that people that are over the age of 65, children 12 and under, cancer survivors and pregnant women should NOT take the scan.
Then the expert from homeland security claimed that you can get 1000 scans a year and that you get more radiation from a flight? They started to stumble a bit when they said that because of last year (no)… last Christmas, it is all about safety and security. I wanted to throw up! I heard the lawyer witness on Alex Jones, Kurt Haskell, shortly after claim that on that flight state that he witnessed a sharp dressed man escorted the underwear bomber on the plane without a passport. What the heck is that about!!!!
Anyways, here are the clips to the Dr. Oz show:
Dr. Oz Dangers Of Radiation Exposure Part 1 Re: Body Scanners
Dr. Oz Dangers Of Radiation Exposure Part 2 Re: Body Scanners
Dr. Oz Dangers Of Radiation Exposure Part 3 Re: Body Scanners
Dr. Oz Dangers Of Radiation Exposure Part 4 Re: Body Scanners
OMNI Book - The Paranormal and the Mind
I am reading a vintage copy of OMNI – Paranormal and the Mind. Very interesting. It helps me to somewhat understand that extraordinary things are not abnormal because they are actually more normal than we think. I still get a bit shaky & confused thinking about the paranormal things that I have experienced myself. As a sensitive I am more apt to pick things up but it is still mind blowing, especially when I look back. I have to blog about it to try and help me to better understand. What I have concluded is that it is what it is, and there is no explaining it now. I just have a gift that gives me a bit more information. We do not have enough because there are many more layers of consciousness to experience. I think that this life is only one of many layers that we must evolve to. How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go, we can not even contemplate it, because it is so far and it is too mind blowing. Baby steps from one life to the next lol Mentally marinating to become super beings, perhaps?
The book is based on scientific studies in the for of essays on the unexplained from UFOs, to hypnosis, to psychic abilities, to the shroud of Tourin, etc. I am really enjoying this book! So glad I found it
It is out of print but you can easily pick up a copy online via Ebay or Amazon.
Come on! This green bs is not a real excuse to do this to the people of Ontario! Even the father of the weather channel exposed that this climate gate is a hoax and wants to sue Al Gore. Our Ontario Premier jumped on the green bandwagon WITHOUT any PROOF that there is a problem.
Why can”t we FIRE horrid politicians and pursue legal action! This is beyond ridiculous! They work for us and must have the best interest of the people and not corporations!
We can have CHEAP and CLEAN energy! We could have had electric cars over 10 years ago. The Canadian ZENN electric car is NOT available for sale in Canada! We could power a city on a glass of water but that would not be good for the oil companies.
Please check out the section “Climate-Gate” on this blog (on the right side) and research this for yourself. I am on the side of the light and not of the DEVIL and I expect our Canadian Government to do the same.
Each and every deal that the Canadian politicians make, should only benefit the Canadian people! A friend of mine from Russia was shocked at how poor Canadians are because he explained that Canada is full of NATURAL RESOURCES! Those are OURS, the assets of the Canadian people and not the corporations!
The negative effects of these back door deals will come back to haunt those responsible spiritually. There is something else after we die. You will be judged! REPENT NOW BEFORE IT”S TOO LATE AND CHANGE YOUR WAYS. REVERSE THESE DEVILISH DEALS THAT WILL ONLY BENEFIT YOU IN THE SHORT TERM.
There are only two ways, the good way or the evil way. Anything immoral is not acceptable and should not be allowed. Think of your children and your future generations. They will not be able to even afford food, let alone hydro!
Going along with whatever the US does is IMMORAL! Allowing neurotoxins in our gasoline, as revealed in United we fall, located at the top left tab labeled, “Truther Sites Fighting Evil”. Everyone knows that something is really wrong and they are really waking up now.
My solutions are to get rid of the smart meter rates to one low rate, cancel the Samsung deal, remove the HST tax, stop the debt retirement fee and fund cheap & clean energy. Those are the right things to do!
I feel that the Liberal Party of Canada and the NDP party were too quick to jump on the Green bandwagon so I don”t trust them now. Tim Hudak seems promising by acknowledging all the wrongs the current Premier has done, but he”s not telling us what he”s going to do. I have no idea who to vote for next October!
If things don”t get better I think we Canadians should band together and go to a court of law. Not only are we being ripped off but there are claims that we are being secretly poisoned. Google fluoride and aspartame! I want this looked into! Who the hell is running the governments of the world? Nazis? This is pure evil!
Why can”t we FIRE horrid politicians and pursue legal action! This is beyond ridiculous! They work for us and must have the best interest of the people and not corporations!
We can have CHEAP and CLEAN energy! We could have had electric cars over 10 years ago. The Canadian ZENN electric car is NOT available for sale in Canada! We could power a city on a glass of water but that would not be good for the oil companies.
Please check out the section “Climate-Gate” on this blog (on the right side) and research this for yourself. I am on the side of the light and not of the DEVIL and I expect our Canadian Government to do the same.
Each and every deal that the Canadian politicians make, should only benefit the Canadian people! A friend of mine from Russia was shocked at how poor Canadians are because he explained that Canada is full of NATURAL RESOURCES! Those are OURS, the assets of the Canadian people and not the corporations!
The negative effects of these back door deals will come back to haunt those responsible spiritually. There is something else after we die. You will be judged! REPENT NOW BEFORE IT”S TOO LATE AND CHANGE YOUR WAYS. REVERSE THESE DEVILISH DEALS THAT WILL ONLY BENEFIT YOU IN THE SHORT TERM.
There are only two ways, the good way or the evil way. Anything immoral is not acceptable and should not be allowed. Think of your children and your future generations. They will not be able to even afford food, let alone hydro!
Going along with whatever the US does is IMMORAL! Allowing neurotoxins in our gasoline, as revealed in United we fall, located at the top left tab labeled, “Truther Sites Fighting Evil”. Everyone knows that something is really wrong and they are really waking up now.
My solutions are to get rid of the smart meter rates to one low rate, cancel the Samsung deal, remove the HST tax, stop the debt retirement fee and fund cheap & clean energy. Those are the right things to do!
I feel that the Liberal Party of Canada and the NDP party were too quick to jump on the Green bandwagon so I don”t trust them now. Tim Hudak seems promising by acknowledging all the wrongs the current Premier has done, but he”s not telling us what he”s going to do. I have no idea who to vote for next October!
If things don”t get better I think we Canadians should band together and go to a court of law. Not only are we being ripped off but there are claims that we are being secretly poisoned. Google fluoride and aspartame! I want this looked into! Who the hell is running the governments of the world? Nazis? This is pure evil!
Trying To Get Into The Halloween Spirit – Toronto Halloween 2010
I’m going to start planning fun things to do for Halloween this year. I have Googled some Toronto Guides and I found 3 great sites that have a number of fun things to do this Halloween. Halloween Guide
This site has a lot of great events for Torontonians this year  is a great site for adults who are looking for spooky club scenes! also has a number of events, as well. I listed some below too.
Saturday October 23rd & Saturday October 30th 2010
family events during the day Black Creek turns up the creep factor with ghost walks, illusions & mind reading, a haunted maze and more. Fuel up with a zombie burger and some pumpkin beer from the Black Creek Historic Brewery.
• 7pm-10:30pm, $20 in advance or $25 at the door ($5 less for members), $6 parking
Harlettes Monster Mash VII
Sunday October 31st, 2010
The Harlettes Burlesque and Vaudeville Troupe perform along with Mysterion the Mind Reader and others at Bread & Circus in Kensington Market. Prizes for best costume.
• $10 in advance, $15 at the door.
Jubilee Queen Cruises Halloween Cruise
Friday October 29 & Saturday October 30th 2010
Costumes are optional are on this cruise, but there will be a prize for best costume of the night. Enjoy a DJ, drinks and finger food while you cruise the Toronto harbour.
• Boarding 7:00pm, departs 8:00pm, docks at midnight
• $50 on Friday, $37.95 plus tax & gratuities on Saturday
Note: The organizers of the Grand Halloween event which took place at Liberty Grand, Exhibition Place in 2008 and 2009 will not be hosting that location’s event in 2010. Watch the website for 2011 details.
Halloween Events for Kids
When I was little my brother and I used to love to play Monopoly together. My brother was ALWAYS the car and the banker. I was happy just being the dog, I didn’t know it then but I was actually born the year of the dog. Anyways, my brother would also always win. I also remember that he always had piles of cash and properties too. So much in fact that he would try to conceal it from me by sitting on it. It didn’t work cause I wasn’t having any fun and then figured out that he was cheating! He even admitted it!! See as the banker he would swipe cash… usually hundreds and five hundreds. He didn’t get far because if you aren’t having fun as his opponent then you just stop playing.
I’m not having much fun now to be honest and I know that the majority of people aren’t either. I don’t like to be fear mongered, over charged and over taxed. I just decided not to fall for it or buy crap instead. I don’t drink or smoke either! I work out 5 days a week… my weekends are for relaxing. I eat healthy and juice. I swear that I will never go for toxic anything. You can make a big difference and we can collectively take a peaceful STAND against immoral regimes.
Good news! I had experienced a heavy, almost crippling force about me for years but the negative energy is losing it’s hold on me. I am sensing peace and I am very optimistic about our future. Thanks to Alex Jones and the wonderful people that support him. I still sense that we have to keep informing others of the truth because we still have a ways to go.
You know I’m not a psychic or witch but I have had vivid dreams and sensed things that I can’t explain. I am not here to sell you a magic potion but I am what I am meant to be. When I was little I had a reoccurring dream where my heart would pound and I felt an overwhelming feeling! It was simply a dream of two stones suspended by nothing! The little stone held up the big stone.
I think it was just a message saying that one person can make a difference. Maybe I can make that difference. I have been told that I’m an angel. I have also been told that I’m too nice, very helpful, very sensitive and too happy. Anyways, I hope this blog is making a difference for the better because all I want to do is help man progress into a positive future.
In order for man to go forward we have to separate ourselves from the negative weight. Maybe instead of waiting for the crash to occur we should just start over ourselves. I used to think those people living compounds were nuts but maybe they were just painted that way in order for everyone not to branch out.
The biggest revolt is to maybe consider buying gold. I am not a financial expert but from what I hear money is becoming worth less and gold is heading up towards it real value. FAFOA has a blog that explains this really well. I am one that believes not to put my eggs in one basket, though. Gerald Celente, trend forecaster believes the same thing. It must be an Italian thing lol Anyways, food and water are even more important. I always have dried beans, rice, bottle water and canned food on hand. Being able to sustain yourself and your family is worth more than gold.
You know I have been watching Discovery’s The Colony which” is an experiment that simulates a post-apocalyptic world in which volunteers are tasked with surviving and rebuilding everything from scratch, using only raw ingenuity and supplies they scavenge from their environment. Here’s your destination to learn more about these bold experiments into a dark future that holds the promise of hopeful regeneration. A group of people are left in a camp with a few supplies and they have to fend from themselves.”. I find the show troubling and interesting at the same time. Is this a message that we are more or less on our own if there is a disaster? Looks like it to me! I don’t like that at all. Our government and world leaders should never allow this kind of thing to happen. All those surviving shows and movies were probably conditioning us to not expect much. Well I am here to say that I expect everything! Shame on the elites to leave us to the wolves. Their negative energy will only drag them down to hell. We can not save them even if we tried. Once you commit your soul by such cold and evil acts then you must go by the natural order and pay for your sins.
Sorry for going on, I’m just excited to see the change of our world for the better! Like I said before… Enough is Enough! Oh Bravo for the Canadian Government to announce a travel advisory for the Mexican border in the North! Protect us more! We are your children.
I’m not having much fun now to be honest and I know that the majority of people aren’t either. I don’t like to be fear mongered, over charged and over taxed. I just decided not to fall for it or buy crap instead. I don’t drink or smoke either! I work out 5 days a week… my weekends are for relaxing. I eat healthy and juice. I swear that I will never go for toxic anything. You can make a big difference and we can collectively take a peaceful STAND against immoral regimes.
Good news! I had experienced a heavy, almost crippling force about me for years but the negative energy is losing it’s hold on me. I am sensing peace and I am very optimistic about our future. Thanks to Alex Jones and the wonderful people that support him. I still sense that we have to keep informing others of the truth because we still have a ways to go.
You know I’m not a psychic or witch but I have had vivid dreams and sensed things that I can’t explain. I am not here to sell you a magic potion but I am what I am meant to be. When I was little I had a reoccurring dream where my heart would pound and I felt an overwhelming feeling! It was simply a dream of two stones suspended by nothing! The little stone held up the big stone.
I think it was just a message saying that one person can make a difference. Maybe I can make that difference. I have been told that I’m an angel. I have also been told that I’m too nice, very helpful, very sensitive and too happy. Anyways, I hope this blog is making a difference for the better because all I want to do is help man progress into a positive future.
In order for man to go forward we have to separate ourselves from the negative weight. Maybe instead of waiting for the crash to occur we should just start over ourselves. I used to think those people living compounds were nuts but maybe they were just painted that way in order for everyone not to branch out.
The biggest revolt is to maybe consider buying gold. I am not a financial expert but from what I hear money is becoming worth less and gold is heading up towards it real value. FAFOA has a blog that explains this really well. I am one that believes not to put my eggs in one basket, though. Gerald Celente, trend forecaster believes the same thing. It must be an Italian thing lol Anyways, food and water are even more important. I always have dried beans, rice, bottle water and canned food on hand. Being able to sustain yourself and your family is worth more than gold.
You know I have been watching Discovery’s The Colony which” is an experiment that simulates a post-apocalyptic world in which volunteers are tasked with surviving and rebuilding everything from scratch, using only raw ingenuity and supplies they scavenge from their environment. Here’s your destination to learn more about these bold experiments into a dark future that holds the promise of hopeful regeneration. A group of people are left in a camp with a few supplies and they have to fend from themselves.”. I find the show troubling and interesting at the same time. Is this a message that we are more or less on our own if there is a disaster? Looks like it to me! I don’t like that at all. Our government and world leaders should never allow this kind of thing to happen. All those surviving shows and movies were probably conditioning us to not expect much. Well I am here to say that I expect everything! Shame on the elites to leave us to the wolves. Their negative energy will only drag them down to hell. We can not save them even if we tried. Once you commit your soul by such cold and evil acts then you must go by the natural order and pay for your sins.
Sorry for going on, I’m just excited to see the change of our world for the better! Like I said before… Enough is Enough! Oh Bravo for the Canadian Government to announce a travel advisory for the Mexican border in the North! Protect us more! We are your children.
I hate seeing articles like this because the evil that I was sensing is painfully coming to light. I am not giving up hope just yet! I am so very thankful that we have good people left in this world like Alex Jones of Thanks to Alex I did not fall for the H1N1 shot, I stopped eating anything or drinking anything that has that harmful BPA plastic, I found out about carbon taxes based on global warming misinformation, and I have learned so much more I can’t even list it all. I listen to the truthful prophet everyday except Saturdays. You can listen to him for free by simply visiting his site. My brother-in-law has an account on his site so we are privy to his videos, movies and radio show without commercials.
I can not say enough good about this man! He is so pure and moral! Thank you Mr. Jones! It is because of you and people like you that man has a strong chance to go on without the snakes of corruption! Our world is changing for the better! People are standing up to the evil crooks. We do not want your poisons, we do not want you stealing from us, we do not want your wars, we do not want your puppets! We want to EVOLVE and have the latest good technology benefit us as a race and not the evil elites!
Collapsing bridges, street lights turned off, cuts to basic services: the decline of a superpower
by Luiza Ch. Savage on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:32am
In February, the board of commissioners of Ohio’s Ashtabula County faced a scene familiar to local governments across America: a budget shortfall. They began to cut spending and reduced the sheriff’s budget by 20 per cent. A law enforcement agency staff that only a few years ago numbered 112, and had subsequently been pared down to 70, was cut again to 49 people and just one squad car for a county of 1,900 sq. km along the shore of Lake Erie. The sheriff’s department adapted. “We have no patrol units. There is no one on the streets. We respond to only crimes in progress. We don’t respond to property crimes,” deputy sheriff Ron Fenton told Maclean’s. The county once had a “very proactive” detective division in narcotics. Now, there is no detective division. “We are down to one evidence officer and he just runs the evidence room in case someone wants to claim property,” said Fenton. “People are getting property stolen, their houses broken into, and there is no one investigating. We are basically just writing up a report for the insurance company.”
Read the rest of this entry
I can not say enough good about this man! He is so pure and moral! Thank you Mr. Jones! It is because of you and people like you that man has a strong chance to go on without the snakes of corruption! Our world is changing for the better! People are standing up to the evil crooks. We do not want your poisons, we do not want you stealing from us, we do not want your wars, we do not want your puppets! We want to EVOLVE and have the latest good technology benefit us as a race and not the evil elites!
Collapsing bridges, street lights turned off, cuts to basic services: the decline of a superpower
by Luiza Ch. Savage on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:32am
In February, the board of commissioners of Ohio’s Ashtabula County faced a scene familiar to local governments across America: a budget shortfall. They began to cut spending and reduced the sheriff’s budget by 20 per cent. A law enforcement agency staff that only a few years ago numbered 112, and had subsequently been pared down to 70, was cut again to 49 people and just one squad car for a county of 1,900 sq. km along the shore of Lake Erie. The sheriff’s department adapted. “We have no patrol units. There is no one on the streets. We respond to only crimes in progress. We don’t respond to property crimes,” deputy sheriff Ron Fenton told Maclean’s. The county once had a “very proactive” detective division in narcotics. Now, there is no detective division. “We are down to one evidence officer and he just runs the evidence room in case someone wants to claim property,” said Fenton. “People are getting property stolen, their houses broken into, and there is no one investigating. We are basically just writing up a report for the insurance company.”
Read the rest of this entry
Aspartame / Aminosweet, fluoride in our water, preservatives in our food supply are said to be very bad for us and even cancer causing. Why does the government not remove all those toxins from our food and water instead of addressing excessive salt in our food? I agree that you should not use too much salt for health reasons, but I strongly feel that the toxins and preservatives need to be addressed before any of that because I feel they are more deadly.
Processed food seems to contain high amounts of salt but they also usually contain toxins and preservatives too. What about those? What about the pesticides that are sprayed on our fruit and vegetables? What about the garbage you are feeding livestock?
This is absolutely evil that this is allowed! Why? Well to keep the population down is one theory… more deaths and less fertile people. Another theory is to keep big pharma sick with money.
I noticed billboards in Toronto lately suggesting that we have our colons checked. A lot of people swear that the chemo and radiation kill more people than the cancers they suffer from???!!! A man from Nova Scotia used hemp oil to cure his cancer! He did not kill any of his healthy cells in doing so unlike the chemo and radiation. Susan Somers even stated that in regards to Patrick Swasey that the chemo poisoned and killed him
I am not a doctor but I do believe that we have the right to the truth. If our tap water is harmful due to fluoride and other chemicals then why in Gods name should we drink it. I am lucky because it is in my culture not to drink the tap water. In Italy we only drank spring or bottled water. However, bathing in that water allows those things in.
Then there is the food. I used to drink diet coke and chew sugarless gum. I haven”t in over 5 years now because I found out how HORRIBLE it was. I try to only eat organic foods. I rarely eat processed. It”s not enough, though.
Our government should ban those horrible chemicals asap because if they don”t every person that didn”t do it will pay a lifetime of grief after their judgment day! You can not just go along with it and think you are clean. Think of all the people that are suffering and even dieing. That dark, negative energy will drag you down, just like in the movie Ghost!
Who ever allowed these things in Canada and the rest of the world will surely burn in hell for an eternity. I doubt there is forgiveness for those ghouls.
Processed food seems to contain high amounts of salt but they also usually contain toxins and preservatives too. What about those? What about the pesticides that are sprayed on our fruit and vegetables? What about the garbage you are feeding livestock?
This is absolutely evil that this is allowed! Why? Well to keep the population down is one theory… more deaths and less fertile people. Another theory is to keep big pharma sick with money.
I noticed billboards in Toronto lately suggesting that we have our colons checked. A lot of people swear that the chemo and radiation kill more people than the cancers they suffer from???!!! A man from Nova Scotia used hemp oil to cure his cancer! He did not kill any of his healthy cells in doing so unlike the chemo and radiation. Susan Somers even stated that in regards to Patrick Swasey that the chemo poisoned and killed him
I am not a doctor but I do believe that we have the right to the truth. If our tap water is harmful due to fluoride and other chemicals then why in Gods name should we drink it. I am lucky because it is in my culture not to drink the tap water. In Italy we only drank spring or bottled water. However, bathing in that water allows those things in.
Then there is the food. I used to drink diet coke and chew sugarless gum. I haven”t in over 5 years now because I found out how HORRIBLE it was. I try to only eat organic foods. I rarely eat processed. It”s not enough, though.
Our government should ban those horrible chemicals asap because if they don”t every person that didn”t do it will pay a lifetime of grief after their judgment day! You can not just go along with it and think you are clean. Think of all the people that are suffering and even dieing. That dark, negative energy will drag you down, just like in the movie Ghost!
Who ever allowed these things in Canada and the rest of the world will surely burn in hell for an eternity. I doubt there is forgiveness for those ghouls.
Opinion: G20 crackdown reeks of tyranny by Randy Hillier, The Star
It has been said that in war, truth is the first casualty. Yet in the wake of the Toronto G20 summit, it is clear that truth is an unwelcome intruder within the realm of politics as well. Call it my inherent cynicism about politics or maybe put it down to my observation and experience, but the discussion and media coverage surrounding the G20 summit has been ignorant at best, or deliberately misleading at worst.
The facts are clear when the political spin is replaced by reasoned evaluation. The truth is that Dalton McGuinty arbitrarily suspended and abrogated our most sacred civil liberties — our freedoms and privacy — without discussion, debate or public awareness. The premier then justified this abuse of power by asserting that we needed law and order instead.
Instead of a choosing a more controlled and less populated location that would not be such a powerful magnet for the few juvenile anarchists, Stephen Harper agreed to host the G20 in a location that he had to have known would draw the greatest opposition and most violent response, therefore justifying an outrageous expenditure of public dollars and creating an army of police equipped with a siege mentality.
Both the provincial and federal governments now attempt to shirk responsibility for their actions by shifting blame to one another and to the police, who were acting under political orders. McGuinty refuses to apologize or call for an independent public inquiry. Harper hides behind the provincial jurisdiction of policing, even though it was his government that contracted their services on behalf of all Canadians.
They both use the common theme that upholding law and order required usurping our civil liberties. Any elementary school student knows these are not mutually exclusive — in fact, they are wholly interdependent. As numerous failed dictatorships have proven, you cannot have law and order without civil liberties.
Can you imagine a society of law and order that does not respect the inherent civil liberties and freedom of mobility, association and assembly? What is law and order if you can be arrested and detained arbitrarily without reasonable and probable grounds? This is what happened on a large scale in Toronto. Stalin and Mao most assuredly would have agreed with McGuinty’s vision and views, that due process and evidentiary rules are optional. But law and order without civil liberties is the hallmark of despotism and tyranny, and are the stock in trade of injustice and evil.
Although there have been times of national crisis when civil liberties have been suspended, it has only ever occurred after a full and thoughtful debate — never in secrecy. It has happened when our country has been at war and our way of life under real threat. It has happened when civil unrest in Quebec led to bombings and the kidnapping and murder of public leaders; however, it was debated and voted upon with the public’s full knowledge of the War Measures Act.
The G20 has resulted in the largest mass arrest in our history of more than 1,000 Canadian citizens. But according to McGuinty, this startling fact does not justify or merit an inquiry. Over 700 of these people were detained, their freedom removed, and eventually released without charge, but this does not warrant public scrutiny either. The largest ever mobilization of Canadian police in our history does not even deserve an open public review. More than $1 billion spent and we are supposed to be accepting and grateful.
Freedom is secondary only to the very life we breathe, freedom is the most essential ingredient of humanity — to deprive one of his freedom is to suffocate our soul and nature. This must never be done arbitrary and only in times of great crisis.
McGuinty and Harper set the stage, created the environment and controlled the unfolding of these events, and together they have lowered the threshold of protecting our civil liberties. No longer are our freedoms and liberties only in peril during times of war or a direct threat upon our democratic institutions. They are now in peril every day we have political leaders such as this.
The facts are clear when the political spin is replaced by reasoned evaluation. The truth is that Dalton McGuinty arbitrarily suspended and abrogated our most sacred civil liberties — our freedoms and privacy — without discussion, debate or public awareness. The premier then justified this abuse of power by asserting that we needed law and order instead.
Instead of a choosing a more controlled and less populated location that would not be such a powerful magnet for the few juvenile anarchists, Stephen Harper agreed to host the G20 in a location that he had to have known would draw the greatest opposition and most violent response, therefore justifying an outrageous expenditure of public dollars and creating an army of police equipped with a siege mentality.
Both the provincial and federal governments now attempt to shirk responsibility for their actions by shifting blame to one another and to the police, who were acting under political orders. McGuinty refuses to apologize or call for an independent public inquiry. Harper hides behind the provincial jurisdiction of policing, even though it was his government that contracted their services on behalf of all Canadians.
They both use the common theme that upholding law and order required usurping our civil liberties. Any elementary school student knows these are not mutually exclusive — in fact, they are wholly interdependent. As numerous failed dictatorships have proven, you cannot have law and order without civil liberties.
Can you imagine a society of law and order that does not respect the inherent civil liberties and freedom of mobility, association and assembly? What is law and order if you can be arrested and detained arbitrarily without reasonable and probable grounds? This is what happened on a large scale in Toronto. Stalin and Mao most assuredly would have agreed with McGuinty’s vision and views, that due process and evidentiary rules are optional. But law and order without civil liberties is the hallmark of despotism and tyranny, and are the stock in trade of injustice and evil.
Although there have been times of national crisis when civil liberties have been suspended, it has only ever occurred after a full and thoughtful debate — never in secrecy. It has happened when our country has been at war and our way of life under real threat. It has happened when civil unrest in Quebec led to bombings and the kidnapping and murder of public leaders; however, it was debated and voted upon with the public’s full knowledge of the War Measures Act.
The G20 has resulted in the largest mass arrest in our history of more than 1,000 Canadian citizens. But according to McGuinty, this startling fact does not justify or merit an inquiry. Over 700 of these people were detained, their freedom removed, and eventually released without charge, but this does not warrant public scrutiny either. The largest ever mobilization of Canadian police in our history does not even deserve an open public review. More than $1 billion spent and we are supposed to be accepting and grateful.
Freedom is secondary only to the very life we breathe, freedom is the most essential ingredient of humanity — to deprive one of his freedom is to suffocate our soul and nature. This must never be done arbitrary and only in times of great crisis.
McGuinty and Harper set the stage, created the environment and controlled the unfolding of these events, and together they have lowered the threshold of protecting our civil liberties. No longer are our freedoms and liberties only in peril during times of war or a direct threat upon our democratic institutions. They are now in peril every day we have political leaders such as this.
The queen is leaving Toronto today. I wonder if she visited any homeless shelters or food banks during her stay. I really doubt it since they are a result of fascist regimes and heartless elites.
I will go ahead and state the obvious here It is because of those immoral-greedy ghouls that we the people are suffering now. They are so evil, they actually think that they are going to convince masses of poor that it’s the middle class that are the ones that should pay! Literally :S
This is absolute crap! Our world leaders have the power to make our lives easier. They have led us down the worst path because they are unfit and did not put us first. Money and power is what drove them and not what is best for us and the world.
It is a crime against humanity to allow children to starve, allow the people to suffer and to live in poverty! You are responsible for us and since you are doing nothing it just proves to me that you don’t care. You can make laws to protect us and make things better. You can give up your fortune and share. Why are you allowing those cockroach elites to feed off of us! The only thing I can think of is that you just don’t care.
I can see it in your eyes. You don’t glow. You are fake and cold. I do not like how you just accepted your gift and instead of use it to benefit man you fed. You will not see the light after your time is done if you don’t repent and make things right.
There are so many people here that have done nothing wrong and we have just as much right as you to live peacefully and with advantages.
Yesterday our hydro went out and our mayor more a less scolded us for using a/c. It’s a freaking heat wave! We have every right to stay cool and comfortable. Hydro charges so much they should get their act together and supply us with better service and for a cheap rate too! We have Niagara Falls and I really doubt there is any scarcity! It’s just propaganda in order to pick our pockets more.
Ohhhh so you see how it works. They create a problem and then the only solution is either to pay up or loose our civil rights and freedoms. F#ck Off!!! God is not pleased. Things must change for the better because if not it’s end game for you too.
I will always be peaceful but I have the right to say what I want. My parents didn’t come to this country because it was a picnic in the south of Italy! No it was very hard there. They wanted a better life for me and never wanted me to live in a police state, big brother, fear mongering country!
I pray to God that things get better for all of us, we should all live like kings and queens!!!
I will go ahead and state the obvious here It is because of those immoral-greedy ghouls that we the people are suffering now. They are so evil, they actually think that they are going to convince masses of poor that it’s the middle class that are the ones that should pay! Literally :S
This is absolute crap! Our world leaders have the power to make our lives easier. They have led us down the worst path because they are unfit and did not put us first. Money and power is what drove them and not what is best for us and the world.
It is a crime against humanity to allow children to starve, allow the people to suffer and to live in poverty! You are responsible for us and since you are doing nothing it just proves to me that you don’t care. You can make laws to protect us and make things better. You can give up your fortune and share. Why are you allowing those cockroach elites to feed off of us! The only thing I can think of is that you just don’t care.
I can see it in your eyes. You don’t glow. You are fake and cold. I do not like how you just accepted your gift and instead of use it to benefit man you fed. You will not see the light after your time is done if you don’t repent and make things right.
There are so many people here that have done nothing wrong and we have just as much right as you to live peacefully and with advantages.
Yesterday our hydro went out and our mayor more a less scolded us for using a/c. It’s a freaking heat wave! We have every right to stay cool and comfortable. Hydro charges so much they should get their act together and supply us with better service and for a cheap rate too! We have Niagara Falls and I really doubt there is any scarcity! It’s just propaganda in order to pick our pockets more.
Ohhhh so you see how it works. They create a problem and then the only solution is either to pay up or loose our civil rights and freedoms. F#ck Off!!! God is not pleased. Things must change for the better because if not it’s end game for you too.
I will always be peaceful but I have the right to say what I want. My parents didn’t come to this country because it was a picnic in the south of Italy! No it was very hard there. They wanted a better life for me and never wanted me to live in a police state, big brother, fear mongering country!
I pray to God that things get better for all of us, we should all live like kings and queens!!!
What can I say about the recent news that Canada is spending an estimated 1.1 Billion dollars on G20 security. The first thing that came to mind was all the interest that we will have to pay on top of that! See, after watching the doc, “Oh Canada, Our Bought & Sold Out Land“, I realized how fk”d up Canada is too.
So we have The Bank Of Canada that could lend money to the government without any interest, but instead all that money is most likely coming from the private banks that charge interest. How gross, right?!
I bet you never heard about the 75 Billion dollar bank bailout either! Well, how else did we go into a deficit. Are you surprised that you didn”t hear about it in the news? Maybe it was because our gov”t was so concerned about us getting the nasty and deadly H1N1 *ROLLS* Please! How horrid and evil. We Canadians do not want this garbage and we will find a good leader next election. More and more people are awake to this bs!
Back to the G20…. It”s ridiculous that we have to even foot such a bill in the first place because with our technology there is no reason for our world leaders not to meet in person. Ever heard of Skype! No, I guess it must be the thrill of getting to travel all over the world, stay in the finest hotels and eat & drink like pigs. Did I mention that it”s all on the backs of the taxpayer.
I honestly feel that we have to prevent this from happening again because it”s our responsibility to ensure that the future for the children does not have these kind of ghouls. There must be laws against this punishable by the most maximum of penalties.
Greed and lusting for money at the expense of the people is just sick. The people that are responsible for the masses who take advantage and allow people to starve and die while there is more than enough food and natural cures for everyone!
The time is near and I am not afraid. You cockroach cannibals of the New World Order will go down and when you do you will burn for an eternity. That is your fate and destiny. I don”t even feel that God will forgive you for what you have done. It”s just too disgusting!
Speaking of which the media is publishing the G20 expenses to get a rise out of people, possibly in order for there to be violence during the event. Instead the people should not cave and allow those jerks to win.
We can beat them just by not buying their Icrap, voting in good people for government or running yourselves, eating healthy, spreading the word and finding the light.
I am going to write PM Harper again and maybe again! We should not be afraid to speak out. It is normal to be upset when you are violated! A lot of people must be arrested, tried and most likely go to jail for their financial crimes.
We must stand together with our heads up because they are wrong and we are not. We are not terrorists for not wanting to be ripped off! We are not terrorists for being upset that our rights and freedoms are being taken from us.
The real criminals are the financial terrorists of the system, the ones that were made thanks to the pushovers that took the kickbacks and bribes, the ones that gave false AAA ratings to that garbage debt, the ones that lessened the regulations to allow companies to pollute and outsource, the ones that doctored data to show global warming when the earth was in fact cooling for over 15 years, the ones that go along with it even though they know it”s wrong!
Now they are so afraid they are spending over a billion in tax payer dollars to protect themselves and show us at the same time that they have all the power and could kill us if we spoke out. SHAME!!!!
I deeply love my country, the world and it”s people so I will speak out against this kind of tyranny! Speaking the truth to expose evil and corruption is GOOD!!!! I have had visions since I was a child and I am not going to keep my mouth shut for fear that you will label me and people like me as bad. We know the difference and we can prove it too!
So we have The Bank Of Canada that could lend money to the government without any interest, but instead all that money is most likely coming from the private banks that charge interest. How gross, right?!
I bet you never heard about the 75 Billion dollar bank bailout either! Well, how else did we go into a deficit. Are you surprised that you didn”t hear about it in the news? Maybe it was because our gov”t was so concerned about us getting the nasty and deadly H1N1 *ROLLS* Please! How horrid and evil. We Canadians do not want this garbage and we will find a good leader next election. More and more people are awake to this bs!
Back to the G20…. It”s ridiculous that we have to even foot such a bill in the first place because with our technology there is no reason for our world leaders not to meet in person. Ever heard of Skype! No, I guess it must be the thrill of getting to travel all over the world, stay in the finest hotels and eat & drink like pigs. Did I mention that it”s all on the backs of the taxpayer.
I honestly feel that we have to prevent this from happening again because it”s our responsibility to ensure that the future for the children does not have these kind of ghouls. There must be laws against this punishable by the most maximum of penalties.
Greed and lusting for money at the expense of the people is just sick. The people that are responsible for the masses who take advantage and allow people to starve and die while there is more than enough food and natural cures for everyone!
The time is near and I am not afraid. You cockroach cannibals of the New World Order will go down and when you do you will burn for an eternity. That is your fate and destiny. I don”t even feel that God will forgive you for what you have done. It”s just too disgusting!
Speaking of which the media is publishing the G20 expenses to get a rise out of people, possibly in order for there to be violence during the event. Instead the people should not cave and allow those jerks to win.
We can beat them just by not buying their Icrap, voting in good people for government or running yourselves, eating healthy, spreading the word and finding the light.
I am going to write PM Harper again and maybe again! We should not be afraid to speak out. It is normal to be upset when you are violated! A lot of people must be arrested, tried and most likely go to jail for their financial crimes.
We must stand together with our heads up because they are wrong and we are not. We are not terrorists for not wanting to be ripped off! We are not terrorists for being upset that our rights and freedoms are being taken from us.
The real criminals are the financial terrorists of the system, the ones that were made thanks to the pushovers that took the kickbacks and bribes, the ones that gave false AAA ratings to that garbage debt, the ones that lessened the regulations to allow companies to pollute and outsource, the ones that doctored data to show global warming when the earth was in fact cooling for over 15 years, the ones that go along with it even though they know it”s wrong!
Now they are so afraid they are spending over a billion in tax payer dollars to protect themselves and show us at the same time that they have all the power and could kill us if we spoke out. SHAME!!!!
I deeply love my country, the world and it”s people so I will speak out against this kind of tyranny! Speaking the truth to expose evil and corruption is GOOD!!!! I have had visions since I was a child and I am not going to keep my mouth shut for fear that you will label me and people like me as bad. We know the difference and we can prove it too!
If you have hear
d of famous Amityville Horror, then you have probably heard of Lorraine Warren and her late husband, Ed. She and her husband have investigated many other haunting and demonic cases.
I have seen them featured on A Haunting and just Lorraine on Paranormal State numerous times. I always enjoy when they are involved because I have always felt that they brought more than their expertise.
The Warrens believed in both scientific and spiritual aspects of the paranormal, as do I. They not only investigated, but they wanted to help. Their work for The New England Society for Psychic, that was founded in 1952, proved that. There are books and movies documenting those accounts, all on Wiki, as well.
There is a Face book page dedicated to this event with all the exact information and details. I am a big fan of hers so I might even be there too
I have seen them featured on A Haunting and just Lorraine on Paranormal State numerous times. I always enjoy when they are involved because I have always felt that they brought more than their expertise.
The Warrens believed in both scientific and spiritual aspects of the paranormal, as do I. They not only investigated, but they wanted to help. Their work for The New England Society for Psychic, that was founded in 1952, proved that. There are books and movies documenting those accounts, all on Wiki, as well.
There is a Face book page dedicated to this event with all the exact information and details. I am a big fan of hers so I might even be there too
The Stand by Stephen King Very Relavent Today

It opens on a military base after a killer bug ravened all those that were on the base. The gate guard received an urgent call to secure the gates, but he instead raced to rescue his wife and daughter and took off blazing! He ends up crashing into a gas station, showing the scars of the virus, he is met by some locals… and so it all began.
We are introduced to people that all share common visions in their dreams. They are on a quest to find the old woman that is calling them, while at the same time aware of the other they do not want to find.
The world was divided into 2 parts, Boulder and Las Vegas, the good found Boulder and the servants of the bad ended up in Sin City… so fitting, no lol
Those that were on the side of the good had to take a STAND against the evil and that is what we must do today. They did not have any weapons, they were merely fighting with their morals and light.
I see that many, many people of the light are banding together online today and speaking out against the tyranny. It has even gone off-line and people are starting local groups, taking crooks to court and spreading the word.
I can’t believe that the New World Order is still keeping the poor countries poor, breaking other countries, trying to push there evil green agenda through, also pushing their dangerous vaccines and still covering up all the financial problems.
These are very scary times and our world leaders have to stop these evils and work towards correcting them. Morals and ethics should lead their way! There is enough room for all of us. The rich and elite that want us peasants dead are EVIL and will face their dues in front of our almighty king, GOD!
This is not going to be easy but we must follow the light and value each and every person here on this earth. Each one of us are a MIRACLE!!! License people in order to have kids instead, don’t kill or sterilize them. There must be a common ground where we can all exist in harmony together.
I hear Mars is nice this time of year, why not take your NWO selves there since you find us and our earth so crummy.
I highly recommend that you watch the film or read the book. Check the rating, I think it’s pg14, but you have to double check.
I just want to add that I really admire Stephen King! He’s a genuine genius, so advanced for his time. He is very talented. I wonder if he’s a sensitive too? I would love to see one of his dreams! If Mr. King is reading this and is looking for an apprentice, I would be so very honored!
I have to start going to sleep at a decent hour! On Friday morning I went to bed at around 3:30, all was so quiet, so dark and a bit eerie. I had a feeling that someone was watching me. A spike of fear surged in me for a brief second. I couldn”t shake that creepy feeling. I decided to just lay down and try to get to sleep. The second my head touched the pillow something inside my ear and head started to breath. I was shocked! My breathing and heart beat didn”t match the sound, so I knew it wasn”t me! I had never experienced anything like that before. Nothing paranormal has ever penetrated me before so I was shaken. My husband was brushing his teeth at the time, so I quickly raised my head and it stopped. My dog was on my bed and sleeping so he didn”t notice a thing. I guess it didn”t want to stir anything major since I was not alone. The thing that really spooked me was that it was inside me. Was it trying to send me a message showing me that it was very powerful? I am not a person that is vulnerable so I”m not sure why it would even try to do such a thing. I”m just glad it left and I hope it doesn”t come back because the next time I”m not going to be so surprised and I”ll be ready for it! I”m not sure if you read my previous blogs about my home, how it”s located near a graveyard, and that 3am is the real witching hour. I am not going to make it a habit of staying up that late unless I am really bored!
My latest vivid dream that I experienced a couple weeks ago took place in an apocalyptic type world. It was so clear I thought it was actually happening. Some sort of monsters were after myself and several others. I had a semi-automatic and I was just spraying the demon creatures down. I ran into the Army and asked them for bullets. They gave me a couple of good handfuls and then I started feeding my weapon. I have never handled a gun in my life??? I don”t even care for guns to be honest. I walked into a jungle and then feel into trap that was dug out, but I was not dead. I kept on underground…. I woke up and tried to shake it off. The one good thing about it was that the soldiers were on the civilians side.
I watched Legion on Saturday night and it was great, even though it wasn”t the most amazing graphics, I loved the message of the movie! It took place in at the brink of the apocalypse. One person can go against what is wrong and fight a legion of evil. As long as one of us believes in the light we still have a great chance. From what I see today there are many more than just one. Count me on the team of the light! We see the truth and know what is right and wrong. We will defend it peacefully by spreading the word.
My latest vivid dream that I experienced a couple weeks ago took place in an apocalyptic type world. It was so clear I thought it was actually happening. Some sort of monsters were after myself and several others. I had a semi-automatic and I was just spraying the demon creatures down. I ran into the Army and asked them for bullets. They gave me a couple of good handfuls and then I started feeding my weapon. I have never handled a gun in my life??? I don”t even care for guns to be honest. I walked into a jungle and then feel into trap that was dug out, but I was not dead. I kept on underground…. I woke up and tried to shake it off. The one good thing about it was that the soldiers were on the civilians side.
I watched Legion on Saturday night and it was great, even though it wasn”t the most amazing graphics, I loved the message of the movie! It took place in at the brink of the apocalypse. One person can go against what is wrong and fight a legion of evil. As long as one of us believes in the light we still have a great chance. From what I see today there are many more than just one. Count me on the team of the light! We see the truth and know what is right and wrong. We will defend it peacefully by spreading the word.
One man on the side of the light can make all the difference
I found an article concerning H1N1 by Christina England today and I just had to post it. It stated that the entire thing was a HOAX to sucker the government and it”s people out of money
This news leaves me with such a bad taste in my mouth, I knew that something was not on the up and up was going on. How many children, pregnant women, elderly, disabled and other people were tricked into taking the “dangerous shot”??? Who in the worlds governments approved and allowed this vaccine without any real proof? Shouldn”t they have to explain because they need to be put in front of a court of law! Who and What influenced them? The truth will come out, but until then please see the important article below because we must all know this!
H1N1 Vaccine hoax fooled Governments into spending billions of dollars on needless vaccines
February 02, 2010
by Christina England
As reports of adverse reactions from the H1N1 vaccine, pour in from all over the world, it is now thought that an illness which is little more than a cold, has been deliberately blown up out of all proportions by the pharmaceutical industries to make money. Large numbers of people all over the world have been vaccinated for what some say is a ”non existent pandemic” for the sole purpose of profit.
Paul Flyn, Vice Chairman, Council of Europe Health Authority said in news report H1N1 ”false pandemic ” biggest pharma fraud of the century? that ”the world has been subjected to a stunt, for the own greedy interests of the pharmaceutical companies”. He feels that this has caused mass panic and the stocking up of a vast quantities of needless vaccines. It is now believed that the drug companies have deliberately mislead Governments to the seriousness of Swine flu, to make them stock pile vaccines, this has caused them to buy billions of dollars worth of vaccines from pharmaceutical companies including Baxter, Glaxo Smith Kline and Sanofi Pasteur. Some drugs companies included a clause in their contracts where Governments could get out of buying the drugs if they were no longer needed, however GSK did not. No surprise there then.
The vaccines it seems are turning out to more of a hazard, than the swine flu itself. This week a report came in from Bankok Post of five pregnant women having adverse reactions to the vaccine. These ranged from a lung infection and swelling, to a miscarriage, although the drugs companies deny it was the vaccine and their Ministry of Health is still insisting that all ”at risk” groups must still be vaccinated. Although quite what from, seems to remain a mystery.
Elsewhere in China, a student, a thirteen year old girl, caught meningitis after her vaccine. ”The health department in south China”s city of Guangzhou found that the injection of A/H1N1 flu vaccine may have led to a student catching meningitis.” as reported in Student Suffered Meningitis After A/H1N1 Vaccination – CRE In fact elsewhere it has been reported that China have so many vaccines they do not know what to do with them.
Cambridge UK, however,have discovered exactly what to do with the huge numbers of left over vaccines. The report NHS sets out massive programme of swine flu vaccination for children in Cambridgeshire stated that Cambridge is going to vaccinate all children over six months and under 5 years of age. This is despite the fact that many have reported including The Pulse that the outbreak had ”virtually concluded”.
And so the adverse reactions continue, as the Governments from around the world try to come up with new ideas of how to utilise the millions of spare vaccines that they rather foolishly bought (some may say) for what the drug companies called a so called ”world killer” of mass proportions and all in the aid of profit.
Student Danielle White, Worthing West Sussex, suffered a 9 hour nose bleed after just one shot of the H1N1 vaccine. She had the vaccine on Monday 20th December 2009 and within hours of having the vaccine, she began to feel ill.
Danielle told me in an interview:-
“Not long after the vaccine I felt shivery, I had a temperature and was aching all over, I felt like s**t.”
Thinking she had caught a cold she went to bed early and tried to rest, however, she tossed and turned. She still felt ill,on Thursday evening, which was Christmas Eve and during the night she began to feel even worse and her nose began to bleed. No matter what Danielle did she could not stop her nose from bleeding. On Christmas Day after 9 hours of continual bleeding and feeling weak and tired, she felt so ill that she called a GP, who sent her immediately to the A & E department of the local hospital.
When asked, when she first became ill,by the hospital, Danielle explained that she was fine until she received the H1N1 vaccine, however, Danielle said that the hospital did not report this incident to the MHRA, instead the nurses said that they themselves had REFUSED the vaccine because of the side effects. Some comfort this was in her hour of need, Danielle was given antibiotics and sent on her way.
Danielle was shocked to later find out what was in the H1N1 vaccine. She said the vaccine had caused her Christmas to be completely ruined and it took her three weeks to start to recover from her ordeal. She said it may make her think twice about having another flu vaccine in the future.
Governments around the world appear to have egg on their faces with an overload of vaccines and few wishing to take them up on their kind offers. The drug companies on the other hand, are laughing all the way to the bank.
H1N1 Vaccine hoax fooled Governments into spending billions of dollars on needless vaccines
February 02, 2010
by Christina England
Paul Flyn, Vice Chairman, Council of Europe Health Authority said in news report H1N1 ”false pandemic ” biggest pharma fraud of the century? that ”the world has been subjected to a stunt, for the own greedy interests of the pharmaceutical companies”. He feels that this has caused mass panic and the stocking up of a vast quantities of needless vaccines. It is now believed that the drug companies have deliberately mislead Governments to the seriousness of Swine flu, to make them stock pile vaccines, this has caused them to buy billions of dollars worth of vaccines from pharmaceutical companies including Baxter, Glaxo Smith Kline and Sanofi Pasteur. Some drugs companies included a clause in their contracts where Governments could get out of buying the drugs if they were no longer needed, however GSK did not. No surprise there then.
The vaccines it seems are turning out to more of a hazard, than the swine flu itself. This week a report came in from Bankok Post of five pregnant women having adverse reactions to the vaccine. These ranged from a lung infection and swelling, to a miscarriage, although the drugs companies deny it was the vaccine and their Ministry of Health is still insisting that all ”at risk” groups must still be vaccinated. Although quite what from, seems to remain a mystery.
Elsewhere in China, a student, a thirteen year old girl, caught meningitis after her vaccine. ”The health department in south China”s city of Guangzhou found that the injection of A/H1N1 flu vaccine may have led to a student catching meningitis.” as reported in Student Suffered Meningitis After A/H1N1 Vaccination – CRE In fact elsewhere it has been reported that China have so many vaccines they do not know what to do with them.
Cambridge UK, however,have discovered exactly what to do with the huge numbers of left over vaccines. The report NHS sets out massive programme of swine flu vaccination for children in Cambridgeshire stated that Cambridge is going to vaccinate all children over six months and under 5 years of age. This is despite the fact that many have reported including The Pulse that the outbreak had ”virtually concluded”.
And so the adverse reactions continue, as the Governments from around the world try to come up with new ideas of how to utilise the millions of spare vaccines that they rather foolishly bought (some may say) for what the drug companies called a so called ”world killer” of mass proportions and all in the aid of profit.
Student Danielle White, Worthing West Sussex, suffered a 9 hour nose bleed after just one shot of the H1N1 vaccine. She had the vaccine on Monday 20th December 2009 and within hours of having the vaccine, she began to feel ill.
Danielle told me in an interview:-
“Not long after the vaccine I felt shivery, I had a temperature and was aching all over, I felt like s**t.”
Thinking she had caught a cold she went to bed early and tried to rest, however, she tossed and turned. She still felt ill,on Thursday evening, which was Christmas Eve and during the night she began to feel even worse and her nose began to bleed. No matter what Danielle did she could not stop her nose from bleeding. On Christmas Day after 9 hours of continual bleeding and feeling weak and tired, she felt so ill that she called a GP, who sent her immediately to the A & E department of the local hospital.
When asked, when she first became ill,by the hospital, Danielle explained that she was fine until she received the H1N1 vaccine, however, Danielle said that the hospital did not report this incident to the MHRA, instead the nurses said that they themselves had REFUSED the vaccine because of the side effects. Some comfort this was in her hour of need, Danielle was given antibiotics and sent on her way.
Danielle was shocked to later find out what was in the H1N1 vaccine. She said the vaccine had caused her Christmas to be completely ruined and it took her three weeks to start to recover from her ordeal. She said it may make her think twice about having another flu vaccine in the future.
Governments around the world appear to have egg on their faces with an overload of vaccines and few wishing to take them up on their kind offers. The drug companies on the other hand, are laughing all the way to the bank.
If you try to control the Internet, then you will surely corrupt it. Those that wish to silence the free speech of the people online are obviously up to no good. Exposing fraud is a very good thing and without it mankind will be consumed by the most evil and most dark. HOWEVER, we do need laws and police that go after real threats like hackers, crooks, sexual predators, cyber bullies and cyber stalkers!
H1N1, Climategate, Bankstergate, NWO, Big Banks, Big Governments are things that are common knowledge because it was too obvious that something was not on the up and up. The Internet did not really bring it out, the boldness of these ghouls ill behavior is out of control that the majority of people can”t help but notice.
Do you think the French people, before the revolution, needed a computer and net to see they were being fk”d with… NO! Censoring the net will not be the answer. Back off. If anything the World Wide Web is a tool because if the people are upset online then you can see that it is not right and you should stop. There is no doublethink here, the people know that wrong is wrong.
Also too many people have woken up and it”s too late, you can never stop this web wild fire! The Internet only made this come out faster and you can never really stop what has been unleashed. Plus, the majority will not go on your strict net, it will go to another format that is open and unrestricted.
I don”t want to think about this much longer because it is really sickening. I don”t think it”s right to censor free speech and if anyone tries to do so with myself I will sue! I have a right to express myself. This is not 1984 or Brave New World! I am not doing anything wrong. I want the human race to advance and not to be consumed by evil-greedy ghouls! Cannibals! How can you even think of doing this to your own kind. You should be ASHAMED! You are being advised by idiots. The light would never be a part of this. Those witches are evil and your souls are going to hell. Save yourselves and back off and stop this. The New World Order will never win unless you go with the light and protect mankind and advance mankind with clean, cheap energy, food and water. All for one and one for all!
I have never cried so much as I am now. I had a dream the other night. I was in a circus, learning how to go on the trapeze and everything was dark and there were rats everywhere. It was such a horrid world. I am not a freak show! What I say is not a joke! I am not here to entertain you!!!
I am thinking of turning to my Ouija and make some EVPs for guidance. I will ask to speak to someone in the “circle”. They must know what we should do. I am really afraid. I hope that all the rumors about another disaster are false. I am not a psychic (I am a natural psychic, actually), but I am a sensitive and thing do not seem right. I hope I am wrong.
H1N1, Climategate, Bankstergate, NWO, Big Banks, Big Governments are things that are common knowledge because it was too obvious that something was not on the up and up. The Internet did not really bring it out, the boldness of these ghouls ill behavior is out of control that the majority of people can”t help but notice.
Do you think the French people, before the revolution, needed a computer and net to see they were being fk”d with… NO! Censoring the net will not be the answer. Back off. If anything the World Wide Web is a tool because if the people are upset online then you can see that it is not right and you should stop. There is no doublethink here, the people know that wrong is wrong.
Also too many people have woken up and it”s too late, you can never stop this web wild fire! The Internet only made this come out faster and you can never really stop what has been unleashed. Plus, the majority will not go on your strict net, it will go to another format that is open and unrestricted.
I don”t want to think about this much longer because it is really sickening. I don”t think it”s right to censor free speech and if anyone tries to do so with myself I will sue! I have a right to express myself. This is not 1984 or Brave New World! I am not doing anything wrong. I want the human race to advance and not to be consumed by evil-greedy ghouls! Cannibals! How can you even think of doing this to your own kind. You should be ASHAMED! You are being advised by idiots. The light would never be a part of this. Those witches are evil and your souls are going to hell. Save yourselves and back off and stop this. The New World Order will never win unless you go with the light and protect mankind and advance mankind with clean, cheap energy, food and water. All for one and one for all!
I have never cried so much as I am now. I had a dream the other night. I was in a circus, learning how to go on the trapeze and everything was dark and there were rats everywhere. It was such a horrid world. I am not a freak show! What I say is not a joke! I am not here to entertain you!!!
I am thinking of turning to my Ouija and make some EVPs for guidance. I will ask to speak to someone in the “circle”. They must know what we should do. I am really afraid. I hope that all the rumors about another disaster are false. I am not a psychic (I am a natural psychic, actually), but I am a sensitive and thing do not seem right. I hope I am wrong.
Scrooge 2009 – New World Order REPENT!
I just finished watching the 1951 movie Scrooge on the CBC tonight, it struck a cord in me and it even made my heart ache a bit. The reason is because it is such a famous movie, I bet most of us have watched it at least once, so the moral of it should be known and practiced by all that have. It”s an English story, so I”m sure the royals have seen it!
Near the beginning of the film, Ebenezer Scrooge entered his frigid office and was met by two men seeking charity for the poor. Scrooge was just as cold in his response by inquiring if there were not prisons or work houses. The men responded by stating that people will surely die without help and Scrooge responded that it would be good, because it would reduce the surface population. Sound familiar!
Must we be reminded that we should all have compassion and concern for our fellow man. Is the world today that empty and cruel because it seems that most do not care. It is the responsibility of our leaders to ensure that not one child goes without and not one person die without doing everything possible in order for them to live. When Ebenezer was visited by The Spirit of Christmas Present stated that Scrooge CHOSE TO LIVE WITHOUT JESUS IN HIS HEART and it was his mission to seek him in the hearts of men of goodwill. Scrooge also had more lust in his heart for money and because of it he lost his true love Alice.
I don”t understand how anyone could be so evil! How in God”s name could anyone wish to sit on top of others, like in so many pyramid schemes, and benefit?! The NWO is feeding and flourishing upon the pain and the suffering of man.
There will be no ghostly visits, just one simple blog, which I am writing to warn you all to CEASE, REPENT and CHANGE your evil ways!
Near the beginning of the film, Ebenezer Scrooge entered his frigid office and was met by two men seeking charity for the poor. Scrooge was just as cold in his response by inquiring if there were not prisons or work houses. The men responded by stating that people will surely die without help and Scrooge responded that it would be good, because it would reduce the surface population. Sound familiar!
Must we be reminded that we should all have compassion and concern for our fellow man. Is the world today that empty and cruel because it seems that most do not care. It is the responsibility of our leaders to ensure that not one child goes without and not one person die without doing everything possible in order for them to live. When Ebenezer was visited by The Spirit of Christmas Present stated that Scrooge CHOSE TO LIVE WITHOUT JESUS IN HIS HEART and it was his mission to seek him in the hearts of men of goodwill. Scrooge also had more lust in his heart for money and because of it he lost his true love Alice.
I don”t understand how anyone could be so evil! How in God”s name could anyone wish to sit on top of others, like in so many pyramid schemes, and benefit?! The NWO is feeding and flourishing upon the pain and the suffering of man.
There will be no ghostly visits, just one simple blog, which I am writing to warn you all to CEASE, REPENT and CHANGE your evil ways!
When I was a child Scholastic books were what I saved up for, I even preferred them to candy! I read so many wonderful stories, but my favorite was Booky by Bernice Thurman Hunter. A story of a poor girl growing up in Toronto during the Great Depression in the 30s. It was heartbreaking reading about the trials and tribulations that her and her family endured.
Star Boxes were an important part of that story and also an important for others that really did live through those hard times. At Christmas time they were given out to so many that were in need. They represented more than just food and toys. Humanity and hope shined through each and every box when they were opened. Sort of like an actual star was actually packed in along with the gifts.
Seems we are getting back to those hard times, unfortunately. Since it seems most of our leaders and elite forget about ethics and morals, but the majority of the common man has not. Compassion and good will are what our world needs. We are more about giving than conning people. We have not forgotten the meaning of life, which is the betterment of man and not to profit off of him! I know that it will not go unknown. Anyways, we do it not for recognition, but instead, just because we do not have the heart to see anyone suffer. You have to be pretty evil and cold to allow children to starve! I’m talking to some of you world leaders!!! *coughs* Cop15!
No child should go without, especially at Christmas time. Please consider donating, no matter the amount, to The Star Santa Claus Fund
or cut and paste the following link into a new browser:
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you kind hearted and good people out there!
God Bless +
It was a very special Christmas in Atkinson’s own childhood that brought out his dedication to help the poor. As the story goes, one day young Joseph was watching other children skate on the pond. A lady approached and asked him why he wasn’t skating. When she heard his sad tale, she bought him his first pair of skates for Christmas. Atkinson never forgot the warmth and generosity of the stranger who made this Christmas Day the happiest of his childhood.
Years later, Atkinson used The Toronto Star Newspaper to tell readers the stories of other needy children. He asked readers to contribute money, which was used to buy Christmas gifts. The gifts of fruit, candy, socks and mitts were distributed through his local Toronto church, Little Trinity. This tradition lives on with a reporter still writing daily articles about the plight of needy children eight weeks prior to Christmas.
The gift packages may have changed with the times but the basic concept remains. Today, bright gift boxes are filled with a warm sweater, socks, mittens, hat, book, toy, candy, toothbrush and toothpaste. The merchandise is purchased directly from manufacturers at significant cost-savings. Great consideration is given to each item purchased for the gift box — quality, style, safety, value, variety and reflect age, not gender. 100% of all monies donated is spent on purchasing the items contained in the gift boxes. The Toronto Star pays for all administrative costs to the Fund. As a result, only cash contributions can be accepted, not donations of product or services-in-kind.
For the first time in its history, The Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund expanded its services in 2002 to assist families in Brampton and Mississauga, as well as Toronto. In 2004, gift boxes were delivered to children in Ajax and Pickering as well. To help raise funds, The Brampton Guardian, The Mississauga News and The Ajax-Pickering News Advertiser feature regular stories in their papers. Ontario Works and nearly 90 social service agencies in Toronto, Peel and Durham Region, submit the names of eligible children. Just as they were in 1906, the gift boxes were delivered directly to the homes of children, by volunteers such as Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, church groups, etc.
The 2008 Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund goal was $1.5 million, which enabled us to distribute Christmas gift boxes to 45,000 needy children. 102 years later, the generosity of our readers continues to make Christmas a little bit happier for less fortunate children! Joseph Atkinson would be pleased and proud.
To make a VISA or MasterCard donation by phone, please call our hotline at 416-869-4847.
Cheques or money orders can be made payable year-round and mailed to The Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund, One Yonge Street, 9th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5E 1E6. Online donations can be made by visiting
All donations made in 2008 will receive a tax receipt for income tax purposes after the campaign in January 2009. Acknowledgement cards are available upon request by calling 416-869-4847. Donor contributions are published in the newspaper during the campaign. All contributions are published in the newspaper. Options available are as follows: Example #1: In memory of Mrs. Smith; #2: Anonymous; #3: In lieu of gifts to ABC Co. clients.
The Toronto Star Children’s Charities: Charitable Registration #11926 7425 RR0001
Star Boxes were an important part of that story and also an important for others that really did live through those hard times. At Christmas time they were given out to so many that were in need. They represented more than just food and toys. Humanity and hope shined through each and every box when they were opened. Sort of like an actual star was actually packed in along with the gifts.
Seems we are getting back to those hard times, unfortunately. Since it seems most of our leaders and elite forget about ethics and morals, but the majority of the common man has not. Compassion and good will are what our world needs. We are more about giving than conning people. We have not forgotten the meaning of life, which is the betterment of man and not to profit off of him! I know that it will not go unknown. Anyways, we do it not for recognition, but instead, just because we do not have the heart to see anyone suffer. You have to be pretty evil and cold to allow children to starve! I’m talking to some of you world leaders!!! *coughs* Cop15!
No child should go without, especially at Christmas time. Please consider donating, no matter the amount, to The Star Santa Claus Fund
or cut and paste the following link into a new browser:
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you kind hearted and good people out there!
God Bless +
History of the Star Santa Claus Fund
The Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund was established in 1906 by Toronto Star Founder, Joseph E. Atkinson. Atkinson knew of poverty first-hand. His father was killed in a tragic accident when he was six months old. Left with eight young children to raise, his mother struggled to support the family.It was a very special Christmas in Atkinson’s own childhood that brought out his dedication to help the poor. As the story goes, one day young Joseph was watching other children skate on the pond. A lady approached and asked him why he wasn’t skating. When she heard his sad tale, she bought him his first pair of skates for Christmas. Atkinson never forgot the warmth and generosity of the stranger who made this Christmas Day the happiest of his childhood.
Years later, Atkinson used The Toronto Star Newspaper to tell readers the stories of other needy children. He asked readers to contribute money, which was used to buy Christmas gifts. The gifts of fruit, candy, socks and mitts were distributed through his local Toronto church, Little Trinity. This tradition lives on with a reporter still writing daily articles about the plight of needy children eight weeks prior to Christmas.
The gift packages may have changed with the times but the basic concept remains. Today, bright gift boxes are filled with a warm sweater, socks, mittens, hat, book, toy, candy, toothbrush and toothpaste. The merchandise is purchased directly from manufacturers at significant cost-savings. Great consideration is given to each item purchased for the gift box — quality, style, safety, value, variety and reflect age, not gender. 100% of all monies donated is spent on purchasing the items contained in the gift boxes. The Toronto Star pays for all administrative costs to the Fund. As a result, only cash contributions can be accepted, not donations of product or services-in-kind.
For the first time in its history, The Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund expanded its services in 2002 to assist families in Brampton and Mississauga, as well as Toronto. In 2004, gift boxes were delivered to children in Ajax and Pickering as well. To help raise funds, The Brampton Guardian, The Mississauga News and The Ajax-Pickering News Advertiser feature regular stories in their papers. Ontario Works and nearly 90 social service agencies in Toronto, Peel and Durham Region, submit the names of eligible children. Just as they were in 1906, the gift boxes were delivered directly to the homes of children, by volunteers such as Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, church groups, etc.
The 2008 Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund goal was $1.5 million, which enabled us to distribute Christmas gift boxes to 45,000 needy children. 102 years later, the generosity of our readers continues to make Christmas a little bit happier for less fortunate children! Joseph Atkinson would be pleased and proud.
To make a VISA or MasterCard donation by phone, please call our hotline at 416-869-4847.
Cheques or money orders can be made payable year-round and mailed to The Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund, One Yonge Street, 9th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5E 1E6. Online donations can be made by visiting
All donations made in 2008 will receive a tax receipt for income tax purposes after the campaign in January 2009. Acknowledgement cards are available upon request by calling 416-869-4847. Donor contributions are published in the newspaper during the campaign. All contributions are published in the newspaper. Options available are as follows: Example #1: In memory of Mrs. Smith; #2: Anonymous; #3: In lieu of gifts to ABC Co. clients.
The Toronto Star Children’s Charities: Charitable Registration #11926 7425 RR0001
I took these 2 pictures this past September 2009 right here in Toronto. I felt they were disturbing back then, so that's why I had to document them.
Some say that we each have a specific purpose in life, and with that being said, writing this is mine. I have held visions since I was a child, like puzzle pieces that I was given, not knowing what they meant, well… until now.
One person can make all the difference in the world, never feel that you are unable to go about to create positive change! The corrupt system of today was set forth to try and control us, to make us feel like we are weak, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. Each and everyone that holds pure intentions can move mountains.
Phase 1 – Protect The People
Immediate regulations should be set forth that would hold each and every human life precious and would, therefore, protect it to no end! All the toxins in our food and water would be immediately BANNED and removed.
A board of people that warned us about that and other corruptions, including the New World Order and their evils, should be placed to review and monitor for these things on a global scale. This would include all the worlds governments, monarchies, private groups and the corporations. If they determine that a practice or product is immoral, and is not for the benefit of man, then it will be recommended that it should be eliminated.
The board will be known as the Watchmen, just like in the book & movie, because they are the worlds true heroes that will fight the evil villains in order to save us. They will be allowed to exist, because the people would DEMAND IT, or a revolution would take place.
Members would include people like Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Kevin Trudeau, Max Keiser, and other obvious humanitarians. They themselves would know who should be on board, they are people that I trust because they have proven themselves over and over again by making facts public that we are not supposed to know. They would be the advisers to the people and the auditors of the institutions that only should be benefiting mankind.
The people can bring up any and all concerns to this board to review and what they determine, the people could change or eliminate it. Today’s corruptions would be a thing of the past so then real law and order could prevail.
The Watchmen would WORK only for the people and only act to advise them on what is best morally and ethically. The people could vote on matters via a website that can not be altered in any way.
If an individual has been deemed evil and immoral, by the group, then such a person would be cast out of our society until they can be rehabilitated, if possible. The ghouls of the New World Order would not be welcome and would be shunned for being the evil cannibals that they are. Prison would be the best option for these criminals and murders. Again the people would vote on all of this.
No more would money be allowed to dictate the fate of man, rather ethics and morality would lead! If the people don’t want a single board because they felt it would be too centralized, then there could be national boards that would branch out. Whatever works to stop the evil, then it must be done. The elimination of monetary over morals would be the main objective.
We should all be permitted to live like KINGS! Anyone that tries to get in the way of that would be against the people and that would be deemed as tyranny and they would instantly be exposed by the board.
The war machine of today would not exist because the board would be able to see that it only benefits BIG BUSINESS. The man made diseases would be discovered, as well, and it would be stopped at once. Big Pharma would not rule and could no longer trick people into taking their toxic vaccines. Necessary vaccines would most likely contain ingredients that would not harm you in any way.
We need people to protect the people so the people of the world could have a fighting chance. Too many unethical and immoral things are going on. We need help as soon as possible before it’s too late.
I really wish the children could grow up in a society that actually cared about their well being. Each and every human being should be valued, respected and provided safe & clean food, water and environment!
One person can make all the difference in the world, never feel that you are unable to go about to create positive change! The corrupt system of today was set forth to try and control us, to make us feel like we are weak, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. Each and everyone that holds pure intentions can move mountains.
Phase 1 – Protect The People
Immediate regulations should be set forth that would hold each and every human life precious and would, therefore, protect it to no end! All the toxins in our food and water would be immediately BANNED and removed.
A board of people that warned us about that and other corruptions, including the New World Order and their evils, should be placed to review and monitor for these things on a global scale. This would include all the worlds governments, monarchies, private groups and the corporations. If they determine that a practice or product is immoral, and is not for the benefit of man, then it will be recommended that it should be eliminated.
The board will be known as the Watchmen, just like in the book & movie, because they are the worlds true heroes that will fight the evil villains in order to save us. They will be allowed to exist, because the people would DEMAND IT, or a revolution would take place.
Members would include people like Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Kevin Trudeau, Max Keiser, and other obvious humanitarians. They themselves would know who should be on board, they are people that I trust because they have proven themselves over and over again by making facts public that we are not supposed to know. They would be the advisers to the people and the auditors of the institutions that only should be benefiting mankind.
The people can bring up any and all concerns to this board to review and what they determine, the people could change or eliminate it. Today’s corruptions would be a thing of the past so then real law and order could prevail.
The Watchmen would WORK only for the people and only act to advise them on what is best morally and ethically. The people could vote on matters via a website that can not be altered in any way.
If an individual has been deemed evil and immoral, by the group, then such a person would be cast out of our society until they can be rehabilitated, if possible. The ghouls of the New World Order would not be welcome and would be shunned for being the evil cannibals that they are. Prison would be the best option for these criminals and murders. Again the people would vote on all of this.
No more would money be allowed to dictate the fate of man, rather ethics and morality would lead! If the people don’t want a single board because they felt it would be too centralized, then there could be national boards that would branch out. Whatever works to stop the evil, then it must be done. The elimination of monetary over morals would be the main objective.
We should all be permitted to live like KINGS! Anyone that tries to get in the way of that would be against the people and that would be deemed as tyranny and they would instantly be exposed by the board.
The war machine of today would not exist because the board would be able to see that it only benefits BIG BUSINESS. The man made diseases would be discovered, as well, and it would be stopped at once. Big Pharma would not rule and could no longer trick people into taking their toxic vaccines. Necessary vaccines would most likely contain ingredients that would not harm you in any way.
We need people to protect the people so the people of the world could have a fighting chance. Too many unethical and immoral things are going on. We need help as soon as possible before it’s too late.
I really wish the children could grow up in a society that actually cared about their well being. Each and every human being should be valued, respected and provided safe & clean food, water and environment!
Fighting The End Of Days
There is an active battle between good and evil that is going on right this very second. The end of days is said to be near, December 21, 2012 to be exact. I strongly believe that we can fight it and ultimately stop it! Good always prevails, but we have to band together if we want to survive.
You know how people wonder what their purpose in life is, well I know, because I am passionate about fighting the good and peaceful fight for the good guys. I am not afraid at all because I know that the light is winning and I will do whatever I can to help them! I hope that after you read this and look into it yourself, you will also inform as many people as you can. I am trying to wake as many people up to the evil that is going on (Illuminati group of elitist) as humanly possible.
For those that don’t know there exist a group of super rich people that think they are better than the rest of us and some even feel that we are a waste of meat and want us dead. They feel the planet is over populated and have even made it known. The Queen’s husband even said that he wishes when he comes back he wants to be a virus to kill us common people. Now I’m paraphrasing here, but you can go and look it up. It’s a fact.
A lot are saying that 9/11 was an inside job and the pig flu you hear about today does not include the information and propaganda from 1976! There are so many lies floating around that maybe even the anti-christ himself is spewing. Some think Obama is the devil himself, literally.
The best thing that we can do right now is stop b.s. spending, stock up on food & water, prepare yourself for an emergency, do not take what people tell you to take until you research it for yourselves. Alex Jones has an amazing website, , that is packed full of valuable information that the mainstream media and governments are not telling us. is another great site that is informing the public to things that we should have more information on.
When you see a punch coming, then you can easily duck and get out of the way. Don’t be fooled by what you are told by the system. You should not trust what they say, instead look at all sides before you do what you are told, or not! God Bless +
You know how people wonder what their purpose in life is, well I know, because I am passionate about fighting the good and peaceful fight for the good guys. I am not afraid at all because I know that the light is winning and I will do whatever I can to help them! I hope that after you read this and look into it yourself, you will also inform as many people as you can. I am trying to wake as many people up to the evil that is going on (Illuminati group of elitist) as humanly possible.
For those that don’t know there exist a group of super rich people that think they are better than the rest of us and some even feel that we are a waste of meat and want us dead. They feel the planet is over populated and have even made it known. The Queen’s husband even said that he wishes when he comes back he wants to be a virus to kill us common people. Now I’m paraphrasing here, but you can go and look it up. It’s a fact.
A lot are saying that 9/11 was an inside job and the pig flu you hear about today does not include the information and propaganda from 1976! There are so many lies floating around that maybe even the anti-christ himself is spewing. Some think Obama is the devil himself, literally.
The best thing that we can do right now is stop b.s. spending, stock up on food & water, prepare yourself for an emergency, do not take what people tell you to take until you research it for yourselves. Alex Jones has an amazing website, , that is packed full of valuable information that the mainstream media and governments are not telling us. is another great site that is informing the public to things that we should have more information on.
When you see a punch coming, then you can easily duck and get out of the way. Don’t be fooled by what you are told by the system. You should not trust what they say, instead look at all sides before you do what you are told, or not! God Bless +
I found a great article that lists great Toronto activities this year. There are so many fun things to do this year. It’s a special Halloween because it falls on a Saturday so after the kiddies are done trick or treating, then you can hit some hot spots and make a late night out of it. I am very excited because I’m in my new old house, from the 1930s, and it’s my first Halloween here.
13 Frightfully Fun Halloween Activities in Toronto
All Hallow’s Eve is fast approaching, and just ‘cuz you can’t trick-or-treat anymore, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Ghostly events, devilish diners and haunted attractions await you on Halloween week. Take a few days to try out all the suggestion. If you dare!
1. Boo at the Zoo is for children of all ages with a Critters and Costumes parade, pumpkin carving contest and a show on the Halloween Harvest Stage. When leaving the zoo, each child receives a chocolate treat. Families with up to two children, 12 years old and under in costume, get in free.
2. Pick the perfect pumpkin for carving or decoration. Southbrook Farm and Pumpkin Patch, located in Richmond Hill, has pick-your-own pumpkins. They also have a market place with freshly baked fruit, pumpkin pies, cookies, tarts, natural honey, maple syrup and more. For other pumpkin patches around the GTA, check out our Pumpkin Picking guide.
3. Designing the perfect costume is the best part about Halloween. Though I don’t recommend you leave it to the last minute, some stores are still very accommodating. It’s My Party on the Danforth is hard to miss, with spider webs and monsters adorning the outside of the shop. The wide variety of costumes cover both kids and adults with wigs, masks, makeup, fake weapons and other gory accessories.
4. Candy cravings are easily filled on Halloween. Every drug store and supermarket around is stocked with indulgences. In order to get the most cavity-inducing bang for your buck I recommend Bulk Barn. A few of the tasty creations are hard candy skulls, hard candy bloody bones, spooky eyes gumballs, peanut butter and chocolate balls, orange and black jellybeans, candy corn and more.
5. The Devilicious Culinary Tour is on in Toronto’s Church-Wellesley Village during the month of October for Halloweek 2009. Many of the restaurants in the area are severing up special prix-fixe menus for lunch and dinner to celebrate the spooky occasion. Click here for a list of restaurants involved. The Village is the most fun place to be during Halloween, click on Halloweek 2009 for more information.
6. For those who can’t wait for October 31, celebrate the undead by participating in the Toronto Zombie Walk. More than 1,000 guys and ghouls wander the streets of Toronto looking for tasty brains. Costumes are a must as you drag your carcass around town. If you don’t have your own fake blood, Bloody Mary is on hand to donate. So do what zombies do best: lurk around and drag your limbs to find your next meal.
7. Dine in the dark. O.Noir offers a zero-light experience where patrons must rely on their other senses. The destination has a lit lounge where you can choose your starter, entrée and dessert from the prix fixe menu. Blind servers seat you, and talk you through where everything is on the table. Dinner is served at 5:45 p.m. and 9 p.m. Reservations are recommended.
8. Visit Colborne Lodge around Halloween for the Haunted High Park event. Explore the lodge and the grounds in the evening where you’ll learn about ghostly secrets and legends. There is one showing for families on October 24; otherwise this event is 18+. Refreshments are included.
9. On October 24, Nathan Phillips Square transforms into one giant dance floor. The annual Thrill the World group dance is international and will be performed to Michael Jackson’s Thriller, competing to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records. Zombie costumes are a must, and to help get your ghoul-grove on, there are online dance tutorials and practices held in Toronto parks. The group dance is a great way to pay homage to the King of Pop and celebrate Halloween.
10. The Haunted Streets of Downtown Toronto walk explores some of Toronto’s most famous attractions like Queen’s Park, Osgoode Hall and Old City Hall. Haunted stories of spirits and lost souls who lurk the streets are told during the two-hour tour. The expedition starts at the ROM and travels south to Queen Street and east past Yonge.
11. Scare yourself silly with films about a prank gone horribly wrong, a game where even the winners are close to death or a zombie plague. These movies can only be described as gruesome, gory and just plain disgusting and fun. Some of the popular movie choices available at your local theatre during the month of October are: Jennifer’s Body, Zombieland, Sorority Row and Saw VI.
12. If you like to feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up, check out the blood-curdling mazes and 300 monsters roaming Halloween Haunt at Canada’s Wonderland. New this year is the Blood Club with a dance hall and vampire staff. The newest maze, A Midsummer Night’s Scream, is full of fearsome fairies bent on revenge. Exhibition Place is hosting the popular horror theme park, Screemers. The attractions include a haunted house, castle, an asylum for the criminally insane, a black hole, a maze and a 3D clown house. Also, no Halloween night is complete without a trip to a haunted asylum. The Power House of Terror Charity Haunt takes place in the Power House Recreation Centre, which is one of Toronto’s most haunted buildings. During the end of October the building is transformed into a labyrinth with fear lurking behind every corner.
13. End your night at a creepy celebration like The Damned Ball. The University of Toronto is throwing a vampire-themed costume party with live performances, DJs and prizes. There is a VIP cocktail party with an open bar, hors d’oeurves, a silent auction and more. Donations go to the Sergio Apolloni Memorial Scholarship for LGBT students at U of T.
13 Frightfully Fun Halloween Activities in Toronto
By Deanna Lampert
Sep 24, 2009All Hallow’s Eve is fast approaching, and just ‘cuz you can’t trick-or-treat anymore, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Ghostly events, devilish diners and haunted attractions await you on Halloween week. Take a few days to try out all the suggestion. If you dare!
1. Boo at the Zoo is for children of all ages with a Critters and Costumes parade, pumpkin carving contest and a show on the Halloween Harvest Stage. When leaving the zoo, each child receives a chocolate treat. Families with up to two children, 12 years old and under in costume, get in free.
2. Pick the perfect pumpkin for carving or decoration. Southbrook Farm and Pumpkin Patch, located in Richmond Hill, has pick-your-own pumpkins. They also have a market place with freshly baked fruit, pumpkin pies, cookies, tarts, natural honey, maple syrup and more. For other pumpkin patches around the GTA, check out our Pumpkin Picking guide.
3. Designing the perfect costume is the best part about Halloween. Though I don’t recommend you leave it to the last minute, some stores are still very accommodating. It’s My Party on the Danforth is hard to miss, with spider webs and monsters adorning the outside of the shop. The wide variety of costumes cover both kids and adults with wigs, masks, makeup, fake weapons and other gory accessories.
4. Candy cravings are easily filled on Halloween. Every drug store and supermarket around is stocked with indulgences. In order to get the most cavity-inducing bang for your buck I recommend Bulk Barn. A few of the tasty creations are hard candy skulls, hard candy bloody bones, spooky eyes gumballs, peanut butter and chocolate balls, orange and black jellybeans, candy corn and more.
5. The Devilicious Culinary Tour is on in Toronto’s Church-Wellesley Village during the month of October for Halloweek 2009. Many of the restaurants in the area are severing up special prix-fixe menus for lunch and dinner to celebrate the spooky occasion. Click here for a list of restaurants involved. The Village is the most fun place to be during Halloween, click on Halloweek 2009 for more information.
6. For those who can’t wait for October 31, celebrate the undead by participating in the Toronto Zombie Walk. More than 1,000 guys and ghouls wander the streets of Toronto looking for tasty brains. Costumes are a must as you drag your carcass around town. If you don’t have your own fake blood, Bloody Mary is on hand to donate. So do what zombies do best: lurk around and drag your limbs to find your next meal.
7. Dine in the dark. O.Noir offers a zero-light experience where patrons must rely on their other senses. The destination has a lit lounge where you can choose your starter, entrée and dessert from the prix fixe menu. Blind servers seat you, and talk you through where everything is on the table. Dinner is served at 5:45 p.m. and 9 p.m. Reservations are recommended.
8. Visit Colborne Lodge around Halloween for the Haunted High Park event. Explore the lodge and the grounds in the evening where you’ll learn about ghostly secrets and legends. There is one showing for families on October 24; otherwise this event is 18+. Refreshments are included.
9. On October 24, Nathan Phillips Square transforms into one giant dance floor. The annual Thrill the World group dance is international and will be performed to Michael Jackson’s Thriller, competing to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records. Zombie costumes are a must, and to help get your ghoul-grove on, there are online dance tutorials and practices held in Toronto parks. The group dance is a great way to pay homage to the King of Pop and celebrate Halloween.
10. The Haunted Streets of Downtown Toronto walk explores some of Toronto’s most famous attractions like Queen’s Park, Osgoode Hall and Old City Hall. Haunted stories of spirits and lost souls who lurk the streets are told during the two-hour tour. The expedition starts at the ROM and travels south to Queen Street and east past Yonge.
11. Scare yourself silly with films about a prank gone horribly wrong, a game where even the winners are close to death or a zombie plague. These movies can only be described as gruesome, gory and just plain disgusting and fun. Some of the popular movie choices available at your local theatre during the month of October are: Jennifer’s Body, Zombieland, Sorority Row and Saw VI.
12. If you like to feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up, check out the blood-curdling mazes and 300 monsters roaming Halloween Haunt at Canada’s Wonderland. New this year is the Blood Club with a dance hall and vampire staff. The newest maze, A Midsummer Night’s Scream, is full of fearsome fairies bent on revenge. Exhibition Place is hosting the popular horror theme park, Screemers. The attractions include a haunted house, castle, an asylum for the criminally insane, a black hole, a maze and a 3D clown house. Also, no Halloween night is complete without a trip to a haunted asylum. The Power House of Terror Charity Haunt takes place in the Power House Recreation Centre, which is one of Toronto’s most haunted buildings. During the end of October the building is transformed into a labyrinth with fear lurking behind every corner.
13. End your night at a creepy celebration like The Damned Ball. The University of Toronto is throwing a vampire-themed costume party with live performances, DJs and prizes. There is a VIP cocktail party with an open bar, hors d’oeurves, a silent auction and more. Donations go to the Sergio Apolloni Memorial Scholarship for LGBT students at U of T.
A couple of months ago I moved into a beautiful circa 1930s home. It’s all original too with gorgeous woodwork, stain glass windows and art deco fixtures. I’m beyond in love!
I haven’t really picked up any negative energy at all, but I have noticed something strange in the basement. The previous owner left a really old chair in the corner with a note stuck to it instructing the reader “DO NOT MOVE”. I’m curious as to why? I want to believe that it was just a note to the movers, but there were at least 5 other things that were down there that didn’t have any notes on them?
My dog came down to the basement on the first day but since then he won’t go down there anymore? We actually had to coax him into going today because I feel that it’s ridiculous that he be afraid to be in his own house.
In a stern voice I asked that all that is unholy and negative leave my house, so hopefully it’s the end of that. I am still trying to figure out what I’m going to email the previous owner? I think I’m just going to ask her if I can move the chair now lol I’ll keep you posted.
UPDATE: I wrote the previous owner and asked if it was okay to move the chair lol I asked her if it was a note to the movers and she said yes. When I moved the chair into the workshop that night I heard activity on the stairwell. So did my husband, but he said that it might just have been due to the sudden drop in temperature. A few other little strange things have happened since, but I am not going to say it’s haunted just yet.
I haven’t really picked up any negative energy at all, but I have noticed something strange in the basement. The previous owner left a really old chair in the corner with a note stuck to it instructing the reader “DO NOT MOVE”. I’m curious as to why? I want to believe that it was just a note to the movers, but there were at least 5 other things that were down there that didn’t have any notes on them?
My dog came down to the basement on the first day but since then he won’t go down there anymore? We actually had to coax him into going today because I feel that it’s ridiculous that he be afraid to be in his own house.
In a stern voice I asked that all that is unholy and negative leave my house, so hopefully it’s the end of that. I am still trying to figure out what I’m going to email the previous owner? I think I’m just going to ask her if I can move the chair now lol I’ll keep you posted.
UPDATE: I wrote the previous owner and asked if it was okay to move the chair lol I asked her if it was a note to the movers and she said yes. When I moved the chair into the workshop that night I heard activity on the stairwell. So did my husband, but he said that it might just have been due to the sudden drop in temperature. A few other little strange things have happened since, but I am not going to say it’s haunted just yet.
Capitalism has gone cannibalistic due to people without souls hunger and greed for more. Even though they are earning well, it’s still not enough. For all of you that follow my blog, this is nothing new.
I believe that most of the very rich and powerful have gotten to where they are today by doing very bad things. Don’t worry, they will pay when they are facing God and all that is holy.
Companies that have laid off US and Canadian workers STILL EXPECT them to keep on spending their MONEY, when in fact, there is less and less for them to spend. Then let’s not forget the government increasing taxes during this very difficult time, as the symbolic blood cherry on top. Ridiculous!!!
People are now becoming more weary of big credit card debt and are going towards saving their actual money. If you don’t need it, then don’t buy it, is the overall result today. That’s the only way those greedy bastards will learn.
I am really looking forward to Michael Moore’s new movie, Capitalism, A Love Story. It was playing at The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), but I missed it. It will be due out in Theaters October 2nd.
I believe that most of the very rich and powerful have gotten to where they are today by doing very bad things. Don’t worry, they will pay when they are facing God and all that is holy.
Companies that have laid off US and Canadian workers STILL EXPECT them to keep on spending their MONEY, when in fact, there is less and less for them to spend. Then let’s not forget the government increasing taxes during this very difficult time, as the symbolic blood cherry on top. Ridiculous!!!
People are now becoming more weary of big credit card debt and are going towards saving their actual money. If you don’t need it, then don’t buy it, is the overall result today. That’s the only way those greedy bastards will learn.
I am really looking forward to Michael Moore’s new movie, Capitalism, A Love Story. It was playing at The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), but I missed it. It will be due out in Theaters October 2nd.
Paranormal Plummet! Woman falls to death in Toronto building
My sister-in-law just emailed my the following article, because she knew I would be interested and most likely post it on here. I think the main lesson is to always be very careful when going on paranormal investigations, whether they be for fun, or not. You never know what forces are at play when you open doors! Also, it’s not wise to mix alcohol and dark places so keep a clear head if you do wish to take a chance and explore the unknown. Ghost Hunting and investigating haunted places is no joke. I wish more people would take it more seriously. I know that accidents happen too, but I believe that we can prevent a majority of them.
Police were treating the incident as an alcohol-fueled death by misadventure, and not as a ghost-hunting expedition gone wrong as it had been reported earlier
by: Timothy Appleby
TORONTO — The Canadian Press Last updated on Thursday, Sep. 10, 2009 04:20PM EDT
In a mishap that ignited a frenzy of speculation about ghost-hunting and the paranormal because it occurred at a 19th-century downtown university building rumored to be haunted, a 29-year-old Toronto woman plunged four storeys to her death in a small courtyard early Thursday when a chicken-wire screen she was crawling across gave way.
The unidentified woman and a 34-year-old male companion appeared drunk and said they had gained entry to 1 Spadina Cres. through a downstairs bathroom window, according to a witness who briefly spoke to the intruders and called campus police after a scream was heard.Pitched at a 45-degree angle, the chicken-wire screen connects the third and fourth floors of the building, constructed in 1875 as an annex to the Knox College Presbyterian divinity school.
The man apparently made his way across the divide successfully but the woman fell through, said the witness, who was on a late-night visit to the office of a student newspaper when he encountered the pair.
The woman was carrying some small tea candles and a pink parasol, he recounted, requesting anonymity.
“She had an assemblage of stuff, I thought she was an arty type.”
But there was nothing unusual about the couple’s appearance, he said, and nothing to indicate they were on a “ghost-hunting” mission, as has been widely suggested.
Shortly before, he had spied the pair scaling a wrought-iron fence surrounding part of the building – a pointless exercise, he said, because they could have walked around it.
“From what they told me, it was just urban exploration,” he said. “What they indicated to me, drunkenly, was that they had just happened upon the building.”
Neither of the two are believed to be university students.
Police were treating the incident as an alcohol-fueled death by misadventure.
The intricately structured Gothic-style building has a rich history. At one point it served as a medical research lab, and eight years ago a university professor was murdered there.
But police rebutted a tide of suggestions that the couple were “ghost-hunting” when the accident took place.
“I don’t know where the expression ghost-hunting came from,” said Staff Sergeant Dave Vickers, fielding a mid-morning blizzard of media inquiries.
“I think the reason [the couple] went up there was because they were trying to access a building that was rumoured to be haunted. But ghost-hunting? Somebody’s taken that to a whole new level.”
I had such a vivid dream the other night. I am having more and more of them too. So detailed, colorful, and intense. It’s like I’m in another time and place. The future, perhaps? Not sure where. Here, I guess?
Well the dream took place in Toronto and during the end of days. Things were after the few of us left… running and trying to get away from these zombie like things. I ran into a church and there were a group of children that were sitting quietly in the pews. They turned around after I ran in and the look of terror in their eyes struck me.
I am thinking that this is a message from God to protect our children, maybe from what is to come in 2012 or 2013? Whatever or whenever it was all I know is that we have to prevent it. I hope never to actually live it. I will stand up and speak out if that means a brighter and better future for all of mankind. I am not afraid of those filthy bastards. You can never kill energy, for it never dies, so let’s take this outside! I will rather enjoy making things right.
What is happening now, in regards to the economy and man made viruses, are leading us towards end times. How can people be so evil. This crazy weather is a sign from God showing a tiny bit of his emotion towards it. I know that if he is pushed he will show those cowardly-cannibal cockroaches who is boss!
Well the dream took place in Toronto and during the end of days. Things were after the few of us left… running and trying to get away from these zombie like things. I ran into a church and there were a group of children that were sitting quietly in the pews. They turned around after I ran in and the look of terror in their eyes struck me.
I am thinking that this is a message from God to protect our children, maybe from what is to come in 2012 or 2013? Whatever or whenever it was all I know is that we have to prevent it. I hope never to actually live it. I will stand up and speak out if that means a brighter and better future for all of mankind. I am not afraid of those filthy bastards. You can never kill energy, for it never dies, so let’s take this outside! I will rather enjoy making things right.
What is happening now, in regards to the economy and man made viruses, are leading us towards end times. How can people be so evil. This crazy weather is a sign from God showing a tiny bit of his emotion towards it. I know that if he is pushed he will show those cowardly-cannibal cockroaches who is boss!
Last night I had a very vivid and very troubling dream. I was in the basement of the home I used to live in as a young child, I had my first paranormal experience in. The one I had seances in with my brother and friends in the dark… the one where I would even burn spiders????!!!! Stupid kid is a freakin understatement. Anyways, I was in the basement and it was dark. I had brought two men down in the basement with me and there to my left was the devil himself! He was in fact a beast over 6f, with hooves, very muscular, reddish and with horns. I was shocked even in my dream that I had delivered two souls to a being that I despise! I will never work for such filth and I don’t believe that my dreams are things that I can’t change. I did mention that I was afraid of my dark side and I believe that the darkness knows that I would be very valuable on their team. I am here to state that without a doubt I would never go towards evil and negativity. When I was young, I did not know any better. I was merely picking up things that I was possibly persuaded to do… burning candles in the dark, sacrifice, spells… Maybe it was from church or the books in my grade school with the pagan themes. Anyways, I know that we all have the power to change our future, no matter how set it may seem!
We as a people must advance by peacefully resisting and revolting against greed and evil. Currently earning a profit seem to out way people, health and technology today. Sure, we have the fastest PCs, phones, video game units (monthly fee to run or expensive software to operate!); but the cure for terminal diseases and clean/cheap energy are still not yet available. Seems like charities and green energy research are big business and any advancement would mean a stop to all the money coming in.
Morality is lacking in our society today. How can we allow people to go hungry and loose their homes without a second thought? There is a war going on this very second and it was based on a lie. There were no weapons of mass destruction! Stop the war machine and feed human kind. It is not what we gain but what we achieve.
Clean energy and good health through a wholesome diet and exercise are foreign. It all boils down to the almighty dollar. We should instead value a good heart life. Each person deserves more than food and shelter! Some people do not even have that! There is no reason for this. We could all live like kings. If we attempt this in phases, then it would be possible! We all deserve to be happy and deserve all the pleasures in life!
I will think about this further. Currently I am in the middle of a bit of a stressful time in my life. It is difficult to pick up things when I am interrupted by the mundane and trivial matters of life. It`s something so little that went wrong and blew up due to the lack of compassion and greed. My apartment was damaged as a result of something outside my unit. When we found out we contacted the building people, but were treated like a nuisance instead of people that were hit with an unfortunate event. Not once did we receive an apology from anyone and instead were threatened with the bill! I met the person in charge and picked up such a miserable soul. I actually felt sorry for this person. I don`t want to get into details, but just know that online reviews are the best way to handle those situations! The power of the pen (keyboard) is mightier than the sword!
Morality is lacking in our society today. How can we allow people to go hungry and loose their homes without a second thought? There is a war going on this very second and it was based on a lie. There were no weapons of mass destruction! Stop the war machine and feed human kind. It is not what we gain but what we achieve.
Clean energy and good health through a wholesome diet and exercise are foreign. It all boils down to the almighty dollar. We should instead value a good heart life. Each person deserves more than food and shelter! Some people do not even have that! There is no reason for this. We could all live like kings. If we attempt this in phases, then it would be possible! We all deserve to be happy and deserve all the pleasures in life!
I will think about this further. Currently I am in the middle of a bit of a stressful time in my life. It is difficult to pick up things when I am interrupted by the mundane and trivial matters of life. It`s something so little that went wrong and blew up due to the lack of compassion and greed. My apartment was damaged as a result of something outside my unit. When we found out we contacted the building people, but were treated like a nuisance instead of people that were hit with an unfortunate event. Not once did we receive an apology from anyone and instead were threatened with the bill! I met the person in charge and picked up such a miserable soul. I actually felt sorry for this person. I don`t want to get into details, but just know that online reviews are the best way to handle those situations! The power of the pen (keyboard) is mightier than the sword!
Eugenics? No! Nugenics (newgenics)!!
Dictionary: eugenics ( y?-j?n‘?ks)
I do not agree with eugenics… population control, one child policies, forced abortion and sterilization; however, I strongly do believe that people should be licensed in order to have children. You need a license to drive a car, but not to have kids? People think it’s their right to have as many children as possible. Those that are abusive, mentally ill, have no means to support a child, etc. have no business having kids!
The world would be a much better place if we knew what a privilege it is to have children. You are responsible for a life and every thing you do has an effect on them, whether it be good, or bad. I don’t think anyone should be permanently sterilized, but perhaps a temporary contraceptive device would be required until a person passes the child licensing process.
If people who are pregnant wish to terminate their pregnancy, I strongly disagree with that, there should be another option! We should be more advanced and cryogenics could save the fetus instead. When a woman can not have children of her own naturally, an implant of the fetus in her womb, or a surrogate’s womb, instead.
This world is so primitive… we need more thinkers to shape our future instead of trying to significantly reduce the population of the human race! Morals play a very important role in that. People really can’t run things because we are faulty with our own human nature. I wish that we had computers to rule us, instead of ourselves. We are too corrupt. Wait, I would actually shape things right. I have a big heart, great ideas and I don’t care about money.
*** Update: I was thinking about what Alex Jones has said about not having children because of the state of the world and he’s right. I should not think like that and have kids when I’m ready no matter what.
n. (used with a sing. verb)
The study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding.———————————————————————————————–
I do not agree with eugenics… population control, one child policies, forced abortion and sterilization; however, I strongly do believe that people should be licensed in order to have children. You need a license to drive a car, but not to have kids? People think it’s their right to have as many children as possible. Those that are abusive, mentally ill, have no means to support a child, etc. have no business having kids!
The world would be a much better place if we knew what a privilege it is to have children. You are responsible for a life and every thing you do has an effect on them, whether it be good, or bad. I don’t think anyone should be permanently sterilized, but perhaps a temporary contraceptive device would be required until a person passes the child licensing process.
If people who are pregnant wish to terminate their pregnancy, I strongly disagree with that, there should be another option! We should be more advanced and cryogenics could save the fetus instead. When a woman can not have children of her own naturally, an implant of the fetus in her womb, or a surrogate’s womb, instead.
This world is so primitive… we need more thinkers to shape our future instead of trying to significantly reduce the population of the human race! Morals play a very important role in that. People really can’t run things because we are faulty with our own human nature. I wish that we had computers to rule us, instead of ourselves. We are too corrupt. Wait, I would actually shape things right. I have a big heart, great ideas and I don’t care about money.
*** Update: I was thinking about what Alex Jones has said about not having children because of the state of the world and he’s right. I should not think like that and have kids when I’m ready no matter what.
I normally don’t watch Paranormal State anymore, but I learned that it featured an episode involving a former haunted doll museum. It wasn’t that great and I wished they would have shown more of those old dolls and provided us with more history. Not too many old dolls featured, either, but, I did manage to see a freaky looking old Kewpie doll.
So back to the story, a woman and her child were living alone in this old home that an old lady that had this doll museum. I wish Discovery A Haunting would feature this story on their show. Their re-enactments are beyond scary and entertaining!
So back to the story, a woman and her child were living alone in this old home that an old lady that had this doll museum. I wish Discovery A Haunting would feature this story on their show. Their re-enactments are beyond scary and entertaining!
First of all let me say how much I enjoy listening to Coast To Coast, George Noory is an amazing person and he does such a terrific job. ” Tuesday Recap – John Zaffis and his guest, Carmen Reed told her story about living in a haunted former funeral parlor. ” I was so pleased to hear A Haunting Connecticut featured on the show last night! Carmen Reed, the mother in the story, was interviewed. Along with John Zaffis, who actually worked on the case. His character in the movie was the priest, but he is not. The classic Hollywood Horror distortion lol! I am going to download the podcast because I was working and missed it. For a copy of the show, please sign up and download hour 3 of the show.
I knew this story was based on TRUE events! So many non believers have to spread their ignorance because they are so naive and can’t even fathom that there is something more than this world. George Noory said that it’s energy, and let me add to that ENERGY NEVER DIES! Both Carmen Reed and John Zaffis said that both the movie and the documentary was very accurate; however, due to time restraints neither was able to provide all the facts. The same goes for the book In A Dark Place by Ray Garton. Carmon stated that she paid $750 a month for the 5 bedroom home back in the 80s and she gained more than lodging… she stated that she now knows that there is something else and would never live in another funeral home again.

Coast To Coast A Haunting Recap
The documentary was very accurate, though the new film hits on things that weren’t in the earlier project said Zaffis. Though Reed didn’t accept the idea that the house was haunted initially, her son (who was undergoing cancer treatments) immediately started seeing entities, including one that had completely blackened eyes. Zaffis said he spent over 9 weeks staying at the Reed’s home, and one night saw Carmen slammed into the floor. In his own terrifying incident, which took place on the staircase, he watched a transparent form taking shape that was accompanied by a foul odor. Zaffis heard a sound like “the fluttering of wings” and a voice that said “Do you know what they did to us?”
Reed said the entities used different effects to frighten them, including growling sounds and making the mattresses appear to breathe. While in a trance-like state that lasted 8 hours, she had a wrenching encounter with tormented spirits, where she felt their extreme negative emotions as they moved through her. For more on the case, including photos, see this recap from 6/7/06. Zaffis also talked about his work with well known exorcists such as the late Malachi Martin, Bishop McKenna, and Father Fortea of Spain.
Check out the official website for the new film The Haunting in Connecticut, which is based on events Carmen Reed and her family experienced while living in a former funeral home. The site features trailers, ‘haunted e-cards,’ and a special blog called Questions for the Dead.
I knew this story was based on TRUE events! So many non believers have to spread their ignorance because they are so naive and can’t even fathom that there is something more than this world. George Noory said that it’s energy, and let me add to that ENERGY NEVER DIES! Both Carmen Reed and John Zaffis said that both the movie and the documentary was very accurate; however, due to time restraints neither was able to provide all the facts. The same goes for the book In A Dark Place by Ray Garton. Carmon stated that she paid $750 a month for the 5 bedroom home back in the 80s and she gained more than lodging… she stated that she now knows that there is something else and would never live in another funeral home again.
Coast To Coast A Haunting Recap
Haunting in Connecticut
Paranormal investigator & demonologist John Zaffis and his guest, Carmen Reed (third hour) told her story about living in a haunted former funeral parlor, and the disturbing details of what her family endured. The events, which took place over a two-year period beginning in the late 1980s were depicted in the TV documentary A Haunting in Connecticut (2002), and the just released Hollywood film The Haunting in Connecticut.The documentary was very accurate, though the new film hits on things that weren’t in the earlier project said Zaffis. Though Reed didn’t accept the idea that the house was haunted initially, her son (who was undergoing cancer treatments) immediately started seeing entities, including one that had completely blackened eyes. Zaffis said he spent over 9 weeks staying at the Reed’s home, and one night saw Carmen slammed into the floor. In his own terrifying incident, which took place on the staircase, he watched a transparent form taking shape that was accompanied by a foul odor. Zaffis heard a sound like “the fluttering of wings” and a voice that said “Do you know what they did to us?”
Reed said the entities used different effects to frighten them, including growling sounds and making the mattresses appear to breathe. While in a trance-like state that lasted 8 hours, she had a wrenching encounter with tormented spirits, where she felt their extreme negative emotions as they moved through her. For more on the case, including photos, see this recap from 6/7/06. Zaffis also talked about his work with well known exorcists such as the late Malachi Martin, Bishop McKenna, and Father Fortea of Spain.
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‘Haunting’ Movie Site
“A HAUNTING IN CONNECTICUT”You may have seen the documentary, but you haven’t heard the whole story.
There is a movie, “The Haunting in Connecticut”, in development now with, “Gold Circle Films and Lionsgate”. I believe it will bring a new understanding of what went on in the house.I am now writing a book, “Demons in the Dark” with John Zaffis, the chief researcher in my home, and the always honorable Chip Coffey. The book will deal with the subject in its entirety, however, I still needed a venue where others could come to ask questions and get spiritual advice. I never want anyone to feel alone in their journey with the supernatural or other trials in their life, when I can help because of my intuition and by what I have learned.When someone contacted me, I would agonize over doing the right thing for my children. I also felt a responsibility to the story, and I felt it needed to be told.When my family moved into that house, I had no knowledge or even a vocabulary to describe what was happening. Which made the responsibility direr in my opinion?I know when the story broke in Connecticut, my children were hurt and insulted by others. I had this naive belief that the media was there to help people. I never for a minute, thought they would do anything to jeopardize my children’s safety. If I had it to do over again, I would never have gone public. I work with others now, I never recommend it. I have decided that since the story would not leave me alone, it must be kismet. I now tell the story to anyone that will sit still long enough to hear it. |
Click Here for Recent Questions & Answers |
I was watching the show Unwrapped on Food Network tonight and they featured dinner shows. Among them was a psychic dinner segment. In Seneca Falls The Gould Hotel located on 108 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, NY 13148 Tel: (315) 568-1282- is the home of the first Womens Rights Convention in 1848 and is the site of a weekly “Spirit Connection Show”. Hosted by owner Phil Jordan, a nationally acclaimed psychic and author. The Gould Hotel has regularly scheduled Dinner and Luncheon Shows including a Psychic Floor Show, reading the auras of those attending and predicting their future. New York is very close to Toronto and it would be an interesting dinner lol
The Haunting Connecticut March 28, 2009 Review
Well we were the first ones in line at the movie at the Beaches last night… we showed up more than 1/2 hr early to ensure that we would not only get in, but get good seats, as well. First off, the movie did follow the typical Hollywood bastardization of true haunting stories, in order to follow the standard for classic haunted house films; however, they did update it for today’s audience with zombie-like entities trapped in the former funeral home. The film does provide you with a scare factor, even though it’s only rated 14A. I liked the characters and how the story flowed. I do much prefer the television version of A Haunting, because the re-enactments, along with the narration of facts, in the series, certainly do amplify the scare effect, instead of quick jolts, here and there, with a lot of drama filler, like in the movie. If you enjoy B Horror films then I would definitely go see the film. If you are true to Discovery A Haunting, then you probably find it awkward, at the start. I am both, so I was able to get into the movie… even the cheesy parts too lol The movie was approx 2 hours long and not one person walked out, so it was not a bad movie. I would rate this film 3.5 out of 5 stars. I am going to pick up the book to get the full story, because I’m sure both the show and movie could not have provided all the facts and how much of it was fudged, right? As a true horror buff, I know that you will probably never see horror film actors receive an oscar for these types of films, because they will always be typical B films, yet, I did jump off my seat several times, though. I am going to buy the BluRay DVD when it comes out because the story was so very fascinating.
The Haunting Connecticut opens this weekend and right here in Toronto there are several movie houses premiering this very scary movie based on a true story. There is also A Haunting Discovery Pilot based on the same Connecticut story and let me just assure you all that it is frightening. It involves a former funeral home with a history and many experienced paranormal activity. For Location & Times in Toronto and surrounding areas, please click HERE. For everywhere else I have the Haunting Connecticut Official Website that should surely offer you this information
By Don Kaye, Special to MSN Movies |
Hollywood’s most terrifying houses
“The Haunting in Connecticut” |
Was your new home previously used as a funeral parlor, like the one in “The Haunting in Connecticut”? Is your deluxe suburban ranch built over an Indian burial ground, as it was in “Poltergeist”? Do the neighbors appear and disappear from your Brooklyn brownstone faster than cockroaches, as in “The Sentinel” (1977)? These are all signs that one should take a good, hard second look before signing on the dotted line. A history of scandal, murder and insanity (like those found in “The Haunting” or “The Shining”) is probably a red flag as well.
Stephen King himself wrote in “Danse Macabre,” his 1981 study of the horror genre, that the movie “The Amityville Horror” was a tale of “economic unease” dressed up as a ghost story, adding that he wondered not so much if the tortured Lutz family would get out alive, but whether they had “adequate homeowner’s insurance.” With the market in the dumps these days, it might be prudent to know that not every cheap property is available because of a desperate developer or a grim foreclosure. Click on the first thumbnail below for some deals that the occupants should have avoided.
SOUTHINGTON, Conn. – A Hollywood horror film that depicts the alleged haunting of a former funeral parlor in central Connecticut is turning into a nightmare for the home’s current owners and their neighbors.
The movie, “A Haunting in Connecticut,” doesn’t open until Friday, but curious fans are already making a beeline for the Southington home that inspired the movie.
“It’s just been really, really stressful,” said Susan Trotta-Smith, who bought the home 10 years ago with her husband. “It’s been a total change from a very quiet house in a very quiet neighborhood to looking out the window and seeing cars stopping all the time. It’s been very, very stressful, and sometimes worrisome.”
The family has never seen anything unusual inside their five-bedroom, two-family white wood-frame house and does not believe the property was haunted.
“It’s got beautiful woodwork, and there is a nice warm feeling to the house,” Trotta-Smith said. “Because it was a funeral home , the upstairs apartment is much more spacious. It’s like two full houses , and it has a beautiful yard, too.”
The movie, starring Virginia Madsen and Kyle Gallner and released by Lionsgate, is loosely based on stories that revolved around the house in the 1980s.
The residents at the time, the Snedeker family , claimed their son would hear strange noises in his basement bedroom, which once held casket displays and was near the old embalming room. He also claimed to see shadows on the wall of people who were not there. A niece visiting the home said she felt hands on her body as she tried to sleep, and her covers levitated.
The family brought in Ed and Lorraine Warren , self-described paranormal researchers, who became famous for documenting the alleged ” Amityville Horror ” haunting of a home on Long Island.
Lorraine Warren says she felt an evil presence in the Southington home and experienced the haunting herself when she spent a night there.
“In the master bedroom, there was a trap door where the coffins were brought up,” she said. “And during the night, you would hear that chain hoist, as if a coffin were being brought up. But when Ed went to check, there was nobody down there.”
Warren, whose husband died in 2006, has nothing to do with the movie. She said the house was “cleared” of the evil presence after a seance in 1988. A book and a television documentary followed.
The current owners, who rent out part of the home to another family, have removed the street number from the house and posted “no trespassing” signs. Trotta-Smith says they are concerned about the four children who live there.
“Most people are respectful. They stay on the road. They might take a picture,” Trotta-Smith said. “But we have had a few problems with people kind of rudely coming up to the door and scaring our kids, telling them the house is haunted.”
Police have added extra patrols to the neighborhood.
“There are creatures looming in the night but not inside the house,” Southington police Sgt. Lowell DePalma said. “They happen to be people who are trespassing on the property, looking in windows and that kind of stuff. People are going to be disappointed. There are no ghosts.”
Alison Taylor , 37, drove from her home in East Hartford with her camera after seeing a show about the haunting on the Discovery Channel and hearing about the new movie.
“I’m very intrigued,” she said. “I figured since it was close, I could come. A lot of people are so skeptical, but I’m not. I’m sure some things are made up to make the movie look better, but I think it’s great.”
Katherine Altemus, who lives across the street, shoos curious onlookers away. She believes the ghost stories were a hoax.
“It’s disgraceful,” she said. “None of the haunting took place, and now it’s ruining the lives of that wonderful young family that lives there.”
Calls to the Snedeker family were returned by the film production company , who said they would attempt to arrange an interview.
Film producer Andrew Trapani said he believed the mother, Carmen Snedeker, was very credible, and believes the film does a good job depicting what her family went through. The movie was filmed in Teulon, Manitoba.
He said the names of the family and town in the film were fictionalized, in part to try and keep unwanted attention away from the real home. The Snedekers and Southington are identified on the film’s Web site.
“We certainly didn’t set out to upset anyone or have anyone show up at their home,” he said. “I think in this case, this particular supernatural haunting had a much larger following than even I had anticipated.”
Trotta-Smith said she’s working with the police but has no plans to put up a fence. She said she just wants a normal life in the house, but she’s not sure that will be possible if the movie becomes a big hit.
“I’m a little worried about this Halloween because I imagine that’s when they will release the DVD and get everyone worked up again.”
On the Net:
New England Society for Psychic Research:
Movie Web site:
More on: Virginia Madsen
New “Haunting” movie based on Southington house & Official Movie Trailer Embeded
New “Haunting” movie based on Southington house
They claimed their son began seeing apparitions in the basement, where bodies used to be drained of blood and prepared for burial.
Later they reported a niece getting assaulted by an evil presence, leading the family to seek the help of researchers, clergy and others to cleanse their home.
A movie coming out on March 27, “The Haunting in Connecticut”, is based loosely on the story of the Snedeker family and their experiences. Their story was also the subject of a book called “In a Dark Place” and a Discovery Channel documentary called “A Haunting in Connecticut.” In preparation for the curiosity of residents generated by the film, the library is hosting a talk from paranormal researchers from Southington on what they do.
Publicist Jeanne Chmielewski said the April 2 session filled quickly and they are working to have a second session.
She said the book is in the library, but not available to be checked out. People can ask at the reference desk to view it and must leave identification so the copies are not lost. However, copies of the documentary are available for checkout.
© 2009
You know, all I ever wanted is to be normal, but the more I think about it, the more I am glad that I am not. Now that I understand and feel better about being a sensitive and my paranormal experience, I have decided to take the strange and try and make my dreams come true. I have always wanted to be a horror writer like Stephen King or maybe a producer like George A Romero.
I remember when I was very little I used to purposely blur out things by staring into them for long periods of time until they would almost melt away and I would almost absorb it””s energy in. In primary school I recall constantly signing out a pagan like story book and staying up late taking comfort in something familiar that was not the boring norm. In grade 6 or 7 I teamed up with another girl who was also into the occult and we used to celebrate our energy and cast mild spells. A few of the other girls took notice and dug up this wood and feather charm we buried and started making weird noises while shaking our sacred piece. I am not unfamiliar to ridicule and that””s why I am currently anonymous, because I really can””t bare any more. In this day and age I””m almost cripple from all the negative energy that is going on in the world today.. you know, the financial crisis caused by greed and the secret societies horrible intentions. Well even when I was posting on Discovery””s A Haunting Forum some DICK even started cutting on the new Facebook group I created to help save my favorite show. They asked if there was a group for canceling the show and that anyone that doesn””t want it canceled is out of their mind. I was so mad I posted something back that was so nasty but I guess some of the words I used wouldn””t even generate my message so I put a much milder version asking that jerk if there was a group for people that seek attention and I also told that idiot that there is a large following for the show. I””m so sick and tired of ignorant naive people that don””t believe there is something else out there. I have a short fuse lately so it””s best not to F#CK with me now. I””m very angry and it””s a reflection of what is happening in the world today. I don””t want to resort to my dark side because like I said before I fear it very much. Tell me what possessed me to conduct rituals as a child in the dark with candles and burning spiders???? It scares me that I did that and I regret it very much. I””m all over the place lately and it””s so confusing. I can””t do anything at all. I feel overwhelmed. I did, however, want more than anything to go to California. I had a feeling that it was now or never. Last night while listening to Alex Jones I found out that Cali is in great turmoil. They are bankrupt… there are so many illegal aliens on the system it bled them dry. There are boarder kidnappings going on and it””s become so unsafe. I””m so angry… I want to scream and cry. The only f#cking thing that I want right now is to get my mind off the evils of the world today and the only thing that does that is my favorite show A Haunting.
I need more new shows now because it’s been over a year and it doesn’t look like it’s coming back anytime soon. I bet it has something to do with that Paranormal State show that isn’t even a millionth as good! I would rather that go off the air than A Haunting. A Haunting has the best paranormal reenactment documentary shows and it’s scary as hell too.
Join the group by clicking HERE or copy and paste this link into a new browser:
Join the group by clicking HERE or copy and paste this link into a new browser:
Discovery’s A Haunting Cancelled? Nooooooooooooooooooo!
Ok this is driving me nuts because I am dying for more new episodes of the best paranormal show ever, A Haunting. I was just on the official forum and someone said it ain’t going to happen????!!!!! WTF! Ok I had to post and send Discovery an email pleaing with them to produce more episodes. I’m not sure what more to do except beg you all to do the same… please, please, please!
To join the official forum please go to the following link: http://community.discovery .com/eve/forums/a/frm/f/49 71983318
To write Discovery to tell them how much you enjoy the show and would like a Season 5 and future episodes please go here: m/viewerrelations/viewerre lations.nsf/Page1?OpenForm
If we can get it back on I will even do a show, if they want.
Thank you!
To join the official forum please go to the following link: http://community.discovery
To write Discovery to tell them how much you enjoy the show and would like a Season 5 and future episodes please go here:
If we can get it back on I will even do a show, if they want.
Thank you!
Just the other night my husband and I were heading towards the Danforth when I felt this amazing energy pull me. He was telling me something, but of course I was distracted and I had to interrupt him to ask if he could see the moon, because I could feel it was full. It was hidden, but then when I saw it, it was so full, as though it was going to burst from all the brilliant light it was collecting from the sun.
Break On Through
I was at my favorite thrift shop Saturday and I found a vintage William Fuld Ouija Board from the 60s, or earlier! Did I mention that it was only $1.99+tx Canadian! The cover is dark with a just as dark druid like figure. It was damaged too… all 4 corners were crushed and the right side of the cover looked to have something stuck to it because it is now exposed to the bear white now instead of the top picture. I’m going to take pictures and probably sell it in the shop on here. I found some more copies of Haunted Toronto too and those will also be up for sale shortly. Each item sold will also include a single tarot card reading. I will pull one card and ship the name of the card, not the actual card, with a brief description of what the card means.
I was at my parents so I left the board in the trunk of my father’s car so not to invite any negative energy into their new home. That night the automatic garage door suddenly seized. I got an eerie feeling and immediately related that to the old board. I told my parents that the board must have had something to do with it because there wasn’t anything the matter with the door before. I have it with me now in my apartment and it feels empty. I wonder if whatever was attached to it decided to leave. Maybe it is dormant. All I know is that I felt a negative energy before and now I don’t. No feeling of anything watching me either. I do, however, have a great curiosity towards this new board. Ever since my extreme paranormal experience I have been a bit numb and I want to feel that intensity again. The web is full of Ouija how to’s, but the Art Bell program warning not to use it is still in the back of my head. I’m going to try and find that show and post it on here.
Filed under: Daily • Haunted • My Para
I was at my parents so I left the board in the trunk of my father’s car so not to invite any negative energy into their new home. That night the automatic garage door suddenly seized. I got an eerie feeling and immediately related that to the old board. I told my parents that the board must have had something to do with it because there wasn’t anything the matter with the door before. I have it with me now in my apartment and it feels empty. I wonder if whatever was attached to it decided to leave. Maybe it is dormant. All I know is that I felt a negative energy before and now I don’t. No feeling of anything watching me either. I do, however, have a great curiosity towards this new board. Ever since my extreme paranormal experience I have been a bit numb and I want to feel that intensity again. The web is full of Ouija how to’s, but the Art Bell program warning not to use it is still in the back of my head. I’m going to try and find that show and post it on here.
Filed under: Daily • Haunted • My Para
Tuned In To Flight 1549 US Airways Crash Landing Into The Hudson River
A few seconds before the miracle landing, I decided to put on the TV to a local NY station that I never watch. The Ellen Show was on and then it was interrupted to bring us the awesome and incredible video live from the Hudson River, even before CNN! I am thinking that this was no coincidence… my husband even asked me how I knew. I told him that I didn’t know, but simply knew to turn on the TV to that exact spot???? One that thing I never felt was any fear or distress like I knew that it was not going to be tragic. I am thinking that this thing that I have is not your typical intuition. Things are coming in stronger for me now. It is more than my sign as a Libra… it’s the location! I am in the middle of several paranormal hot spots. The Canada Malting Plant, the Gibraltar Lighthouse and the Bright Pearl in Chinatown. I am channeling so much more energy now. I am in a different state almost. It’s like I’m me, but only more static like. As a matter of fact, I am always getting static shocks! I think I conduct a lot of energy, as well as receive it. This is so interesting… I really wish I wasn’t so shy. I would like to be tested to find out exactly. I know we are all connected to something much bigger, so it’s not anything that is really out there. I was at the Worlds Biggest Bookstore last night, off Yonge Street, and I saw a couple books about how man made up God. I honestly think that there is a supreme being and there is always some truth to things. I do believe that guardian angels were under those 1549 wings; however, the pilot had a lot to do with it too. My 4 yr old niece is also clairvoyant, as well, and she told me something that really made me do a double take! She showed me a picture that she drew of two apparitions, one significantly smaller than the other, and a circle with a spiral inner. She told me that they were my guardian angels… my little dog and myself from the future. It all makes sense now.
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How Not To Die
I am not sure if you have ever seen the program Dr. G The Medical Examiner on Discovery Health, but if not, don’t worry because she has a new book out called How Not To Die.
Basically it’s all about life extension and death prevention! So many tragic deaths resulting in negative energy will be prevented resulting in less possessions and hauntings. I don’t mind good spirits but I have felt the wrath of a dark force and it’s not nice at all, to say the least!
Please find the a YouTube video clip with Dr. Garavaglia on the Rachael Ray show below. Also, a terrific new invention that is said to be non-toxic!
I think another big killer is cancer! The thing that kills me is how people can smoke with all those toxins and risk! Well now there is the electronic cigarette that you can get online. The US FDA has deemed it free from cancer causing chemicals and it does not omit second hand smoke. For more info make sure you see the e-cigarette news and info.
Still Here
The feelings of death that I felt close to my family a few weeks back have come to light. I am very exhausted because of the overwhelming energy that I have had to encounter and the sorrow, as well.
I haven’t cried that much in a long time. This is really scaring me now. I have never felt things so intensely as I do now. It’s hard not to feel afraid of knowing things before they happen. Often even the little faint glimpses are still confusing enough, now imagine the energy becoming more and more strong, so it’s even more easy to interpret. I told one of my close friends that I’m going to end up wearing tin foil just to give me a break from all of this. I don’t want to know most of it anyways. Seems all I am able to pick up lately is very negative. Sometimes I wish it would stop completely, but I’m afraid that I will always be inflicted. Why can’t I focus on picking winning lotto numbers. Now that would really be something! I should try and teach myself to focus on things like that. Maybe it will cancel out all of the dark stuff. For a look back at some of my own personal experiences just go to the left side of the page and click on “MyPara”.
Tagged with: energy • paranormal • sensitive
Filed under: Daily • Haunted • My Para
“It’s Very Bad To Dream About Dead People…”
I haven’t cried that much in a long time. This is really scaring me now. I have never felt things so intensely as I do now. It’s hard not to feel afraid of knowing things before they happen. Often even the little faint glimpses are still confusing enough, now imagine the energy becoming more and more strong, so it’s even more easy to interpret. I told one of my close friends that I’m going to end up wearing tin foil just to give me a break from all of this. I don’t want to know most of it anyways. Seems all I am able to pick up lately is very negative. Sometimes I wish it would stop completely, but I’m afraid that I will always be inflicted. Why can’t I focus on picking winning lotto numbers. Now that would really be something! I should try and teach myself to focus on things like that. Maybe it will cancel out all of the dark stuff. For a look back at some of my own personal experiences just go to the left side of the page and click on “MyPara”.
Tagged with: energy • paranormal • sensitive
Filed under: Daily • Haunted • My Para
“It’s Very Bad To Dream About Dead People…”
“Dundas & Yonge, please” I said while entering a cold cab. I noticed that it was a crisp, snowy and bright day. Hey there, Anna! How are you?” The cabby said as he was turning around and pinning his puffy black jacket covered arm over the car seat. “Tony!” I said with surprise! I never even looked at the cabby as I entered the cab previously. I reached over and pressed his arm with care as I looked into his bright green eyes. “Before we go to the Eaton’s Center can we stop at my parent’s place?” FADE TO BLACK as I entered consciousness while my heart was pounding and my breathing was accelerated.
The reason I was so upset by this dream, you see, is because Tony is dead. A feeling of dread consumed me and I got very worried. Am I going to die? The next time I visit my parents I will die?! WTF???!!!! How can this be? Maybe it’s not me? My dad is going into surgery soon and I am taking him. Please don’t let it be my dad. I was speaking to my mom last night and I told her about the dream. She was concerned and told me that “it’s very bad to dream about dead people”. Great
Filed under: Daily • Haunted • My Para
The reason I was so upset by this dream, you see, is because Tony is dead. A feeling of dread consumed me and I got very worried. Am I going to die? The next time I visit my parents I will die?! WTF???!!!! How can this be? Maybe it’s not me? My dad is going into surgery soon and I am taking him. Please don’t let it be my dad. I was speaking to my mom last night and I told her about the dream. She was concerned and told me that “it’s very bad to dream about dead people”. Great
Filed under: Daily • Haunted • My Para
So I was shopping for one my husband’s dear friends child’s gift at ToysrUs this past Christmas. I told my husband that the child wanted a remote controlled helicopter, but he kind of ignored me and purchased something else that was a bit related. When we met up with our friends they told us that their son had their heart set on a remote control helicopter. Is it just me that is freaked out by this????! I wasn’t trying at all!!!!!!!!! It seems that I know things that don’t really benefit my life… I guess it’s good in a way, so that it’s more selfless and pure. I heard that the next Super7 lotto was going to be at 15 million so I started to concentrate and I came up with 7 numbers. I got a few right but did not even win a ticket. Whyyyyy? I heard that we are all connected to some sort of universal network and it would be nice to learn how to control my gift. Anways, I guess I will never be 100% because I pick up energy mostly and I am still only human.
Gizelle Lau, – Fri Oct 24, 12:28 PM
Eerily, a few of these hotels have made it on’s Top 10 Spa Getaways in Canada Destinations and our Top 10 Amazing Dream Weekend Getaways in Canada. Maybe they’re not as relaxing or as dreamy as we thought. What’s even spookier — more than just a few of these are luxurious Fairmont hotels that were built along the Canadian Pacific Railway during the 1800s.
The Lady in Red is Dancing on the 14th Floor
Fairmont Hotel Vancouver in Vancouver, British Columbia
As one of the most distinguishable buildings in Vancouver and a typical Fairmont chateau establishment, today’s version was built in 1939. Amongst is grand architecture and its gargoyles, you may just find another one of its wonders: the lady in red. She has been described as an elegant lady in a red dress walking along an invisible ledge and wandering down the corridors of the 14th floor (or is it really the 13th?). Stranger still, the hotel’s elevator is known to make stops on the 14th floor at random, without being requested.
Sam the Bellman & The Blushing Bride
Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel in Banff, Alberta
The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel opened in 1888 and has since then has been the site of two major hauntings and ghost stories.
The first is about Sam the bellman who retired in 1967. He promised that he would return, but died a few years later. Well, he did return, and continues to do so today, especially for late-night arrivals to the hotel or guests who lose their keys. Watch out for a bellman wearing a 1960s classic hotel uniform.
A second story from the 1920s is told about a bride who was descending the grand stairwell in the hotel (rumoured to be closed to visitors today) on the way to her wedding ceremony. She tripped on her veil or it caught fire, and she fell down the stairs to her death, snapping her neck. She can be seen wandering through the hotel in her wedding dress. She is sometimes seen at the top of the stairs, but then disappears quickly.
A Restless Painter
James Bay Inn in Victoria, British Columbia
Famous Group of Seven painter: Emily Carr is known to have died here on March 2, 1945 during World War II. At the time, the hotel was converted by Mother Cecilia’s religious order to St. Mary’s Priory to service the wounded. The bar in the hotel is said to be haunted by anyone who speaks or criticizes Carr’s artwork.
Party with the Ghosts
HI Ottawa Jail Hostel in Ottawa, Ontario
I’ve heard people tell me about creepy hostels that they’ve visited and cramped “jail cell” hotel rooms — but this hostel in Ottawa takes it to another level. Before being converted to a hostel, the building served as the Carleton County Gaol — the last working gallows found in Canada. When you visit, you’ll spend a few nights in jail, and you’ll get a glimpse of what early prison life was like. A few famous prisoners who died in the jail still roam through its halls at night — so much so that the hostel owners host “Party with the Ghosts” evenings.
Banging on the Stairwell at Night
La Boheme Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast in Edmonton, Alberta
This bed and breakfast in Edmonton was built in 1912 as an upscale apartment building. A woman employee of the building was murdered and dragged down three flights of stairs to the basement. There, she was dismembered and fed piece-by-piece into the furnace. The original furnace is still in use — and the sound of her head banging on the floor down three flights can be heard at night.
Stay Away From the Second Floor
Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Whatever you do, don’t stay in Room 202. Stories circulate all over about a cloaked figure that stands at the foot of the bed in Room 202, though sometimes this figure is described as a lady in a white ball gown. Blood is said to trickle from the walls and hotel staff members are known to report strange lights and noises throughout the second floor.
Noisy Servant Girl
Auberge Willow Place Inn in Hudson, Quebec
It’s said that November is the month when this inn’s resident ghost, “Maude”, comes to play. First build in the 1820s, the story says that a young servant girl was murdered by a group of men at the inn in the 1830s. They buried her in the basement but her spirit remained at the inn. Maude can be heard singing in the hallways, knocking over objects, and stacking rocks outside of the door of Room 8.
A Crying Bride & A Wandering Waitress
The Fairmont Algonquin Hotel in Saint Andrews-by-the-Sea, New Brunswick
The hotel opened in 1889 and has been known as a luxurious yet magical destination because of the hotel’s saltwater baths that are thought to have healing properties. Room 473 is known as “The Bride’s Room” where a bride is know to have. She can be heard crying and seen periodically in the room or neaby. An older lady, thought to be an old staff member, is often seen in the dining room at night where she rearranges table settings.
Ghost on the Third Floor
Caribou Hotel in Carcross, Yukon Territory
Dedicated in 2008 as a Yukon Historical Site, this hotel was frequented by gold miners coming into town during the Klondike Gold Rush. It was open in 1901 as the Anderson Hotel but renamed in 1903. Caribou Hotel has a long-standing history, including the murder of owner Bob Olson in December 2004. Another story is told of the figure of a woman who often stands from the windows and bangs on the floorboards on the third floor. She is thought to be the ghost of Bessie Gideon, described as a spirit that is “neither friendly nor unfriendly.” The Gideons took over the hotel in the 1910’s after it was burned down by a great fire on Christmas Eve.
Ghosts Having a Ball
The Royal York Hotel in Toronto, Ontario
A penthouse at the Fairmont Royal York in downtown Toronto is rumoured to hold a grand Crystal Ballroom. It was permanently closed down because it failed to meet the fire code. But, it has been reported that there are times when the service elevator will go to this floor, even though it has been closed off. Guests who stay on the floor below (and who are none the wiser to its closing) have been known to complain about noise, music and talking coming from the ballroom where the chandeliers are also known to shake.
Knock Knock, Who’s There?
Hotel Douglas (now Hotel Rialto) in Victoria, British Columbia
The historical Hotel Douglas in Victoria was built in 1911 and located in downtown Victoria. It is undergoing construction under December 2009. Behind the hotel’s lobby desk where only employees are allowed, you’ll find the only door that leads in and out of the basement. Every once in a while, employees will hear knocking from inside. Upon opening the door, nobody is found on the other side. Apparently, the basement of Hotel Douglas was once a morgue.
Ghosts from the Titanic
Château Laurier in Ottawa, Ontario
As the first of the Canadian Pacific Railway’s hotels, Château Laurier was commissioned by Charles Melville Hays, a general manager at CPR. In 1912, Hays traveled to Europe to pick out the furniture that would be used in the new hotel’s dining room. Upon his return voyage on a passenger liner called the Titanic, Hays and most of his men drowned with the ship, just 12 days before the hotel’s opening. Hays is said to be seen throughout the hotel, making Château Laurier his home because he had worked so hard on it but never lived to see its opening. Guests are said to experience rattling and shaking walls, objects that move on their own, thought to be the ghosts of the other men who also died on the Titanic.
The Ghost of Unrequited Love
Château Frontenac in Quebec City, Quebec
Le Fairmont Château Frontenac is today recognized as United Nations World Heritage Site but it has also been known to have a few lurking ghosts. The ghost of a woman with long hair wearing a nightgown is often seen in guests’ rooms and in their beds. Another ghost is thought to be the late Louis de Buade, governor during the late 1600s. He is said to have died in the hotel while his fiancée was in Europe. He is often seen in his 17th century clothes, wandering the halls looking for her, sitting on windowsills, floating through the ballroom, and watching guests when they are sleeping.
From Have a safe and spooky Halloween!
Filed under: CanPara • Daily • Haunted
Rattling chandeliers, blood dripping down the walls, a crying bride in Room 473 — at, we’re getting ready for Halloween by taking a look at these famous haunted hotels in Canada. Some of these hotels have almost too much paranormal history that it leaves little room for skeptics and doubters — but you can be the judge of that.
The Lady in Red is Dancing on the 14th Floor
Fairmont Hotel Vancouver in Vancouver, British Columbia
As one of the most distinguishable buildings in Vancouver and a typical Fairmont chateau establishment, today’s version was built in 1939. Amongst is grand architecture and its gargoyles, you may just find another one of its wonders: the lady in red. She has been described as an elegant lady in a red dress walking along an invisible ledge and wandering down the corridors of the 14th floor (or is it really the 13th?). Stranger still, the hotel’s elevator is known to make stops on the 14th floor at random, without being requested.
Sam the Bellman & The Blushing Bride
Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel in Banff, Alberta
The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel opened in 1888 and has since then has been the site of two major hauntings and ghost stories.
The first is about Sam the bellman who retired in 1967. He promised that he would return, but died a few years later. Well, he did return, and continues to do so today, especially for late-night arrivals to the hotel or guests who lose their keys. Watch out for a bellman wearing a 1960s classic hotel uniform.
A second story from the 1920s is told about a bride who was descending the grand stairwell in the hotel (rumoured to be closed to visitors today) on the way to her wedding ceremony. She tripped on her veil or it caught fire, and she fell down the stairs to her death, snapping her neck. She can be seen wandering through the hotel in her wedding dress. She is sometimes seen at the top of the stairs, but then disappears quickly.
A Restless Painter
James Bay Inn in Victoria, British Columbia
Famous Group of Seven painter: Emily Carr is known to have died here on March 2, 1945 during World War II. At the time, the hotel was converted by Mother Cecilia’s religious order to St. Mary’s Priory to service the wounded. The bar in the hotel is said to be haunted by anyone who speaks or criticizes Carr’s artwork.
Party with the Ghosts
HI Ottawa Jail Hostel in Ottawa, Ontario
I’ve heard people tell me about creepy hostels that they’ve visited and cramped “jail cell” hotel rooms — but this hostel in Ottawa takes it to another level. Before being converted to a hostel, the building served as the Carleton County Gaol — the last working gallows found in Canada. When you visit, you’ll spend a few nights in jail, and you’ll get a glimpse of what early prison life was like. A few famous prisoners who died in the jail still roam through its halls at night — so much so that the hostel owners host “Party with the Ghosts” evenings.
Banging on the Stairwell at Night
La Boheme Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast in Edmonton, Alberta
This bed and breakfast in Edmonton was built in 1912 as an upscale apartment building. A woman employee of the building was murdered and dragged down three flights of stairs to the basement. There, she was dismembered and fed piece-by-piece into the furnace. The original furnace is still in use — and the sound of her head banging on the floor down three flights can be heard at night.
Stay Away From the Second Floor
Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Whatever you do, don’t stay in Room 202. Stories circulate all over about a cloaked figure that stands at the foot of the bed in Room 202, though sometimes this figure is described as a lady in a white ball gown. Blood is said to trickle from the walls and hotel staff members are known to report strange lights and noises throughout the second floor.
Noisy Servant Girl
Auberge Willow Place Inn in Hudson, Quebec
It’s said that November is the month when this inn’s resident ghost, “Maude”, comes to play. First build in the 1820s, the story says that a young servant girl was murdered by a group of men at the inn in the 1830s. They buried her in the basement but her spirit remained at the inn. Maude can be heard singing in the hallways, knocking over objects, and stacking rocks outside of the door of Room 8.
A Crying Bride & A Wandering Waitress
The Fairmont Algonquin Hotel in Saint Andrews-by-the-Sea, New Brunswick
The hotel opened in 1889 and has been known as a luxurious yet magical destination because of the hotel’s saltwater baths that are thought to have healing properties. Room 473 is known as “The Bride’s Room” where a bride is know to have. She can be heard crying and seen periodically in the room or neaby. An older lady, thought to be an old staff member, is often seen in the dining room at night where she rearranges table settings.
Ghost on the Third Floor
Caribou Hotel in Carcross, Yukon Territory
Dedicated in 2008 as a Yukon Historical Site, this hotel was frequented by gold miners coming into town during the Klondike Gold Rush. It was open in 1901 as the Anderson Hotel but renamed in 1903. Caribou Hotel has a long-standing history, including the murder of owner Bob Olson in December 2004. Another story is told of the figure of a woman who often stands from the windows and bangs on the floorboards on the third floor. She is thought to be the ghost of Bessie Gideon, described as a spirit that is “neither friendly nor unfriendly.” The Gideons took over the hotel in the 1910’s after it was burned down by a great fire on Christmas Eve.
Ghosts Having a Ball
The Royal York Hotel in Toronto, Ontario
A penthouse at the Fairmont Royal York in downtown Toronto is rumoured to hold a grand Crystal Ballroom. It was permanently closed down because it failed to meet the fire code. But, it has been reported that there are times when the service elevator will go to this floor, even though it has been closed off. Guests who stay on the floor below (and who are none the wiser to its closing) have been known to complain about noise, music and talking coming from the ballroom where the chandeliers are also known to shake.
Knock Knock, Who’s There?
Hotel Douglas (now Hotel Rialto) in Victoria, British Columbia
The historical Hotel Douglas in Victoria was built in 1911 and located in downtown Victoria. It is undergoing construction under December 2009. Behind the hotel’s lobby desk where only employees are allowed, you’ll find the only door that leads in and out of the basement. Every once in a while, employees will hear knocking from inside. Upon opening the door, nobody is found on the other side. Apparently, the basement of Hotel Douglas was once a morgue.
Ghosts from the Titanic
Château Laurier in Ottawa, Ontario
As the first of the Canadian Pacific Railway’s hotels, Château Laurier was commissioned by Charles Melville Hays, a general manager at CPR. In 1912, Hays traveled to Europe to pick out the furniture that would be used in the new hotel’s dining room. Upon his return voyage on a passenger liner called the Titanic, Hays and most of his men drowned with the ship, just 12 days before the hotel’s opening. Hays is said to be seen throughout the hotel, making Château Laurier his home because he had worked so hard on it but never lived to see its opening. Guests are said to experience rattling and shaking walls, objects that move on their own, thought to be the ghosts of the other men who also died on the Titanic.
The Ghost of Unrequited Love
Château Frontenac in Quebec City, Quebec
Le Fairmont Château Frontenac is today recognized as United Nations World Heritage Site but it has also been known to have a few lurking ghosts. The ghost of a woman with long hair wearing a nightgown is often seen in guests’ rooms and in their beds. Another ghost is thought to be the late Louis de Buade, governor during the late 1600s. He is said to have died in the hotel while his fiancée was in Europe. He is often seen in his 17th century clothes, wandering the halls looking for her, sitting on windowsills, floating through the ballroom, and watching guests when they are sleeping.
From Have a safe and spooky Halloween!
Filed under: CanPara • Daily • Haunted
Ouija The Gift That Keeps On Giving
This past Halloween my sister in law and I decided to celebrate our birthdays though they were early in the month. As Libras we are both sensitives and both very interested in the paranormal. I have a small collection of Ouija boards so I decided that I would give her one.
It was a fun Ouija that glowed in the dark, both the board and planchette. I have never found one off of Ebay before and consider it to be rare and special. Ebay seems to be the only place where you can find them in a bit of an abundance. Anyways, she loved it so much! I got her a couple other more practical things, so I’m glad I balanced out everything with the funky ouija! I am also going to get her something paranormal themed for her Christmas present. I’m not going to say just in case she is reading this lol The day I got the board out from storage I was preparing for our Halloween party and I even dressed up my little doggy. I started taking pictures and captured an orb. Because I had two of the boards out I’m not sure which one that was attached to. I think it’s mine because a few days ago, while in the shower, I got such a fright. My dog has even been looking at me weird as though there is someone beside me. I know it’s not our apartment because it’s relatively new… only 6 years old. No one else has ever lived here and I don’t feel like there was any tragic events. Anyways, I haven’t heard of anything that has occurred on my sister in laws side, yet!
Filed under: Daily • Haunted • My Para • Para Devises
It was a fun Ouija that glowed in the dark, both the board and planchette. I have never found one off of Ebay before and consider it to be rare and special. Ebay seems to be the only place where you can find them in a bit of an abundance. Anyways, she loved it so much! I got her a couple other more practical things, so I’m glad I balanced out everything with the funky ouija! I am also going to get her something paranormal themed for her Christmas present. I’m not going to say just in case she is reading this lol The day I got the board out from storage I was preparing for our Halloween party and I even dressed up my little doggy. I started taking pictures and captured an orb. Because I had two of the boards out I’m not sure which one that was attached to. I think it’s mine because a few days ago, while in the shower, I got such a fright. My dog has even been looking at me weird as though there is someone beside me. I know it’s not our apartment because it’s relatively new… only 6 years old. No one else has ever lived here and I don’t feel like there was any tragic events. Anyways, I haven’t heard of anything that has occurred on my sister in laws side, yet!
Filed under: Daily • Haunted • My Para • Para Devises
Friday, November 7th, 2008 at 1:45 pm Edit
Top 5 Haunted Buildings in Toronto
Friday October 31, 2008
It’s Halloween! What better way to celebrate than with some ghost stories? Here are’s Top 5 Haunted Buildings in Toronto.
5. Old City HallJudges’ robes mysteriously being pulled, footsteps heard walking down deserted hallways, moans from empty holding cells in the basement – these are among the many unexplained occurrences that have been reported from Old City Hall. So what (or who) is disturbing the building? One theory is that it’s the ghosts of Robert Turpin and Arthur Lucas, the last two men sentenced to hang in Canada. Although tried for separate crimes their lawyer, Ross MacKay, believed both men to be innocent. Whether it’s the spirit of disgruntled criminals or just an old creepy building is up to you to decide.
4. The Royal York HotelThe Royal York Hotel has been a fixture on Toronto’s cityscape since 1929. When it opened it was the tallest building in the British Commonwealth. It has welcomed more than 40 million visitors over the years and is still one of the nicest buildings (inside and out) standing in this city. Could it be haunted? According to John Robert Colombo’s book Mysteries of Ontario, the eighth floor has the spirit of an older man with grey hair walking the halls at night. And a report on The Toronto Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society website mentions the ghost of a former employee who hanged himself in the staircase leading up to the roof.
3. Keg MansionGo for the steak, hang with the ghost. Literally. The best-known haunting at the Keg Mansion (located on Jarvis St. just North of Wellesley St.) is that of a maid who hanged herself when the Massey Family owned the house. Supposedly you can still see her hanging from a rope in the front entrance some nights. Other reports include the sound of children running and playing in the kitchen and upper floors and some creepy sightings in the women’s washroom. As long as they don’t affect the food I think the ghosts add a nice ambiance to the restaurant. Bon Appétit!
2. The Guild InnA recent article on blogTO reminded me how much history the Guild Inn has and just how terrifying it can be. Located on top of the Scarborough Bluffs it was originally built to be the summer home of Colonel Harold Bickford. Over the years it has been a missionary college, museum, military hospital, a hotel and now an abandoned building. With such a sordid past it’s no wonder there are reports of paranormal activity. Loud noises at night, random temperature drops, door handles rattling and visions of a young soldier with one blue eye and one brown. Spooky.
1. The Old Don JailThe Old Don Jail housed a lot of evil in its time. Many hangings took place at the indoor gallows (including the last two men to hang: Arthur Lucas and Robert Turpin) and inmates were not always treated well. Last year human remains were found in an unmarked burial site on the grounds. All this leads to a lot of stories – ghost stories. The one I’ve heard over and over is that of an angry female inmate. Supposedly she hanged herself in her cell one night and has haunted the jail ever since (and she’s angry). Other stories I’ve heard have mentioned cold spots or spots where people feel anxious for no reason. All I know is that the building gives me the chills whenever I’m around it and that’s why it’s number one on my list.
Have stories of your own on these or any other buildings in Toronto? Send them to and I’ll post them in the story. Happy Halloween!
Photo Credits: Old City Hall photo by Brian McKechnie, Keg Mansion photo courtesy Wikipedia, Don Jail Photo courtesy Wikipedia
Filed under: Daily • Haunted • ParaBooks • ParaTO
3 am Eternal
I am feeling a bit troubled lately. I have encountered some negative energy from a couple of miserable-pathetic persons in mid October and it has really angered me. Combine that with the strange presence from one of my Ouija boards on Halloween and you get me waking up every day since around 3am.
I am not one to easily forgive and forget so I end up holding on to the negative energy. I handled it well at the time by taking their stupid dings and making a joke of it and laughing it off. Never let them see you upset! They are non blood relatives so you have to be civil and respectful. We have different backgrounds and I believe that it’s another reason for this animosity. I wouldn’t want to trade with them because I’m very proud of my heritage and can understand why they are being so petty. Also, people usually say things to knock people that are nice, happy and have things going for them. I have always been kind to those people, but I want to so badly to tell them exactly what they should hear. I am thinking about casting a Retribution spell, but I’m afraid that it might be a bit too dark for me. I don’t want to entertain my dark side at all because I do fear it. I am not a wicked person, but if you wrong me OMG, watch out! I am a strong believer in an eye for an eye and what goes around comes around! Karma is something that you shouldn’t interfere with and it’s another reason that I am not going to cast anything right now. Why can’t people put aside their insecurities and not be assholes to people that have been nothing but nice to them. We all have had that that friend that is so condescending and patronizing. Someone who is not really your friend, puts in as many dings towards you and always leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth. Anyways, I’m going to resort to avoidance and have little contact with those people. I have to remember not to get mad, but to instead get better! Messed up people hate to see others doing well and that would certainly kill the negative energy with positive. If that doesn’t work then I will either get some voodoo dolls or use that revenge curse lol
I am not one to easily forgive and forget so I end up holding on to the negative energy. I handled it well at the time by taking their stupid dings and making a joke of it and laughing it off. Never let them see you upset! They are non blood relatives so you have to be civil and respectful. We have different backgrounds and I believe that it’s another reason for this animosity. I wouldn’t want to trade with them because I’m very proud of my heritage and can understand why they are being so petty. Also, people usually say things to knock people that are nice, happy and have things going for them. I have always been kind to those people, but I want to so badly to tell them exactly what they should hear. I am thinking about casting a Retribution spell, but I’m afraid that it might be a bit too dark for me. I don’t want to entertain my dark side at all because I do fear it. I am not a wicked person, but if you wrong me OMG, watch out! I am a strong believer in an eye for an eye and what goes around comes around! Karma is something that you shouldn’t interfere with and it’s another reason that I am not going to cast anything right now. Why can’t people put aside their insecurities and not be assholes to people that have been nothing but nice to them. We all have had that that friend that is so condescending and patronizing. Someone who is not really your friend, puts in as many dings towards you and always leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth. Anyways, I’m going to resort to avoidance and have little contact with those people. I have to remember not to get mad, but to instead get better! Messed up people hate to see others doing well and that would certainly kill the negative energy with positive. If that doesn’t work then I will either get some voodoo dolls or use that revenge curse lol
Tarot To Go
While in the East Coast of Canada I was fortunate enough to find a Value Village and a practically brand new Tarot card set with an information book. I was just in Chapters last week and I suddenly had the urge that I really wanted one?? Very strange that I held off because I knew that I would find one and probably for a better price too lol And wouldn’t you know it… I found a like new, never used, special boxed Tarot card set! I have never seen anything like that at any thrift shop before, not even just the Tarot cards, but I know you can get some on Ebay and probably for great prices too. Anyways, I was reading up on it and learned that you must shuffle your deck to the left to pass your energies and vibes on it. I started doing that and all of a sudden cards started falling out as though my reading was in play. It was so freaky! I was not afraid though!! I continued and my reading told me that I shouldn’t give up on my venture because it will pay off in the long run. I never mentioned to anyone on here that I had left my job this past spring to become a website developer! I am struggling with it now because you need traffic and people to visit your sponsors, it’s not an easy thing. Probably why I didn’t write much on here over the summer. It was a difficult time and it still is a bit now too. My last job paid very well but I was not happy because it was such a negative environment with too many negative people. One even mentioned that they knew someone that could put a curse on a co-worker that she didn’t like. I knew, as well as everyone else, that she did not like me at all… why? Well because of my background, of course. *shakes head* That person was so pathetic to say the least! I had to block her negativity towards myself and return it back to them! That’s my thing… I don’t get mad, I get even and then try to better myself to make them just burn when they see that I’m doing well. To be honest, I am still ticked off but I have to let go of that! I know as soon as I do my websites will probably do a lot better. I keep reminding myself that thanks to them I am on my way to doing my own thing. I just have to keep my Tarot reading in mind and not give up.
Halloween Costumes: What`s Popular Also Has To Be Safe by CityNews
Halloween Costumes: What’s Popular Also Has To Be Safe
Monday October 20, 2008
It seems like stores are always early with the items they want to sell you.
Summer wear appears in February, when July heat still seems a long way off.
Winter apparel hits the shelves in August.
And it may not be your imagination that Christmas music seems to be piped through the speakers beginning sometime in September.
But of all the holidays and pseudo-celebrations that creep up on you, few seem to come sooner than Halloween.
The mad rush for candy and costumes has begun, but while what you shell out at the doorway is a choice you might base on price, doing the same for your kids’ costumes is a mistake.
Popular Halloween costumes change from year to year. This year’s crop of must haves include Hannah Montana for girls and The Dark Knight or The Joker for boys. Star Wars characters and Iron Man are also best sellers.
There’s no shortage of places that will sell you the masks and costumes. To see the some other creepy examples of ‘wear it’s at,’ check out Education Specialist Cynthia Mulligan report by clicking the video links above or read her blog here.
But before you decide ‘disguise the limit’ for your kids this year, remember to also look for ways to keep them safe out there. The Rogers Pumpkin Patrol will be on duty and on guard in a large number of neighbourhoods throughout the city.
But ensuring the costumes are safe will go along way to preventing any tricks among the treats.
Here’s a look at how to ensure that outfit you buy puts the ‘happy’ in Happy Halloween.
Click HERE for video story
Line of sight
Your kids will have to go up steps, cross streets and navigate in the dark. Consider using make-up instead of a face covering to achieve the effect they’re going for.
If they insist on wearing a mask, make sure they can see perfectly out of it. Some cheap models have eyeholes that are no more than slits, and don’t provide an adequate field of vision.
The same goes for hats, buccaneers, wigs or other head coverings.
There are lots of things that go bump in the night. Your child shouldn’t be one of them.
The October 31st night is dark and spooky, but you want that to be in spirit only. Make sure you child’s costume is reflective or carries some kind of light coloured material so it can be seen in the dark.
Flame proof
Costumes and Jack O’Lantern candles go hand in hand at this time of year. Make sure the costumes you buy your kids are flame retardant, to avoid one accidentally coming in contact with the other.
Most of those on sale in stores are required to be fireproof. But the ones you concoct in your home may not be.
Tripping Hazards
Long capes can be great for effect, but you don’t want your kids tripping on them. Remember, Dracula was supposed to suck blood – not draw his own from a split lip.
Make sure the costume you choose is short enough to avoid a tumble in the darkness. Tripping is the leading cause of injury during Halloween – even if most people think it’s that upset stomach from eating too much candy.
The Shoe Fits
It’s a similar tip to the one before. Clown shoes may make the outfit. But if your kids can’t walk in them, it won’t be funny.
Try to keep them in their regular footwear, where you can ensure they take all their night out steps in the right direction.
Filed under: Daily • Halloween
Free $25 Halloween Treat From
Just in time for Halloween a $25 Gift Certificate from Auctions. Some jewelery is said to start at only $1! Simply click on the banner below and follow the instructions. Please note the Halloween Promo code.
Offer is valid October 30 – November 2, 2008. Available only for the Residents of Canada and the US. Cheers!
Offer is valid October 30 – November 2, 2008. Available only for the Residents of Canada and the US. Cheers!
A Whole Lotta A Haunting!
I was going through my A Haunting collection and realized that my very favorite episode was not included? I was so disappointed and hit TOPS to find out what was going on. I looked up and found out that A Haunting Connecticut and Georgia were the pilots and not included with my Season 1 & 2 set
Because of popular demand they were just released at the end of this September so of course I BIN’d them (Buy It Now option some Ebay auctions offer) !! I’m so excited!!!! I won both A Haunting Pilots, Connecticut and Georgia.
A few days before that I BIN’d Seasons 1, 2, 3 and 4 DVDs on Ebay, as well! I already had Season 1 and 2 on DVD but to buy 3 4 separately would have been more than getting the 4 seasons in one boxed dvd set. I ordered the pilots from the same seller to cut my shipping costs down too. I hope they get here before Halloween, but if not, it’s ok. I will watch them all the time anyways. Now for Season 5! I can’t wait until it airs and then goes on DVD!! Seriously I know I have said this so many times before but it is the best Paranormal documentary ever, in my opinion! I have had paranormal and psychic experiences myself and I can really relate to the stories… it feels like the real thing because it’s based on true accounts. I can’t wait until I get them!!!
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A few days before that I BIN’d Seasons 1, 2, 3 and 4 DVDs on Ebay, as well! I already had Season 1 and 2 on DVD but to buy 3 4 separately would have been more than getting the 4 seasons in one boxed dvd set. I ordered the pilots from the same seller to cut my shipping costs down too. I hope they get here before Halloween, but if not, it’s ok. I will watch them all the time anyways. Now for Season 5! I can’t wait until it airs and then goes on DVD!! Seriously I know I have said this so many times before but it is the best Paranormal documentary ever, in my opinion! I have had paranormal and psychic experiences myself and I can really relate to the stories… it feels like the real thing because it’s based on true accounts. I can’t wait until I get them!!!
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Perfect Personalized Halloween Themed Gifts & Treats! supplies personalized gifts, their selection is second to none, and they even offer Halloween themed gifts, as well. Halloween T-shirts, cups, tote bags, treat bags, picture frames, signs and more!
That site also states that personalization is always free too! I really love the Tee with the black cat on it and I think that I’m going to order one too! My best friends birthday is on the 31st so I know what I’m getting her too. For more information and/or to order just click on the banner below. *Edited to add: I tried to order and it directed me to Webfetti? I guess it’s exclusive to the US
Filed under: Daily • Halloween
That site also states that personalization is always free too! I really love the Tee with the black cat on it and I think that I’m going to order one too! My best friends birthday is on the 31st so I know what I’m getting her too. For more information and/or to order just click on the banner below. *Edited to add: I tried to order and it directed me to Webfetti? I guess it’s exclusive to the US
Filed under: Daily • Halloween
GTA’s Magic Hill Haunted Farm
North of Toronto is where you will find Magic Hill farm that will offer you haunted adventures. There are several attractions from the 150 year old Haunted Barn to the Black Cavern which is known to be the scariest of them all!
It was originally a dairy farm owned & operated by The Howards and only became a place of fear after the terror that was discovered. As the story goes, Mrs. Howard gave birth to monster years ago and they say he leapt out of her at the turn of the road where the hayride goes by. The Howards built a cage for this monster, known as Cavendish, in the barn. No one knew about this and somehow he would get out and whomever would visit the farm often didn’t leave. As years went by and the bodies and their ghosts piled up the suspicious towns people of Stouffvile grew weary and eventually people heard about the Cavendish monster all over southern Ontario. Today you can go on a Hay Ride, Terror Trail Trek or another attraction and you might get the bonus glimpse of a little something spooky too! Click if you dare!!
It was originally a dairy farm owned & operated by The Howards and only became a place of fear after the terror that was discovered. As the story goes, Mrs. Howard gave birth to monster years ago and they say he leapt out of her at the turn of the road where the hayride goes by. The Howards built a cage for this monster, known as Cavendish, in the barn. No one knew about this and somehow he would get out and whomever would visit the farm often didn’t leave. As years went by and the bodies and their ghosts piled up the suspicious towns people of Stouffvile grew weary and eventually people heard about the Cavendish monster all over southern Ontario. Today you can go on a Hay Ride, Terror Trail Trek or another attraction and you might get the bonus glimpse of a little something spooky too! Click if you dare!!
A Haunting Season 3 & 4 Now on DVD!!!
I am so happy to see that the best paranormal series is now on DVD! And you can purchase all 4 seasons on Ebay for usually less than $40 US, plus shipping.
If you are like me and already have Seasons 1 & 2 then don’t worry because you can also purchase them separately too! This series is the BEST and I recommend that you consider owning your own copy. They are so cheap on Ebay too!
For more information on this show please see my past A Haunting post on this magnificent paranormal show
If you are like me and already have Seasons 1 & 2 then don’t worry because you can also purchase them separately too! This series is the BEST and I recommend that you consider owning your own copy. They are so cheap on Ebay too!
For more information on this show please see my past A Haunting post on this magnificent paranormal show
Five Fun Things to Do in Toronto for Halloween
By Jane McLean,
1. Go On a Toronto Ghost Walk
Muddy York Walking Tours offers various walking tours that explore Toronto’s past in fun and often spooky and surprising ways.
Tel: 416.487.9017
2. Carve Pumpkins at Riverdale Farm
Especially suitable for kids under 10, the Riverdale Farm is 7.5 acres of greenland set in the heart of Toronto and features a variety of animals that can be visited at close range. In the spirit of Halloween, Boo Barn will delight children rather than give them a real scare.
This replica of early 20th century Ontario farm life lets kids step inside a world where cell phones, fast food and TV do not exist.
Riverdale Farm is in Old Cabbagetown, a beautifully gentrified and historic part of town, well worth visiting after carving your pumpkin.
3. Scare Yourself Silly at Screemers Better Dead Centre, Exhibition Place
Since 1992, Screemers indoor scream park has been scaring the bejeezus out of visitors. Six walkthrough haunted features, a theatre presentation and unlimited carnival rides on the Midway of Madness are included in the admission price to this fright fest.
Tel: 416-979-FEAR
4. Go to Boo at the Zoo
Free with Toronto Zoo admission, this annual event features storytelling, a creepy walk, magic and more.
Tel: 416-392-5929
5. Take a Halloween Cruise
Don your best costume and hop aboard a Jubilee Queen Halloween Cruise. One of the best ways to see Toronto by night.More Canada Travel Quick Tips
Halloween Costume Shopping Suggestions
With Halloween fast approaching the shops are stocked with spooky stuff, so it’s never too early to start picking up what you need for this years fright fest! I was at the Gerrard Square dollar store last night and I noticed that they had a lot of Halloween makeup, costumes, decorations, treats & more! And all for devilish dollar deals too!!!
I picked up a NYC Halloween Makeup set that included colourful falsies (lashes), black lipgloss and fake black nails with a cool spider web design on them! And yes, it was only a buck too!! Now’s the time to start looking for your Halloween costume essentials. You may even be able to get away with just using the dollar store completely! Please be aware that some of their masks really reeked, so I don’t recommend wearing them because the plastic, or rubber, may not have cured properly. Even with the make up too, make sure that it’s non toxic before applying them to yourself or your kiddies. You never know what you may get with some of those bargain shops if you don’t check! Value Village and other thrift shops are also great places for costumes! You can even rent too and there are a ton of costume shops right here in Toronto too! Don’t forget to check your local newspapers, Kijiji and Craigslist for even more evil selections! Ebay is another shop for freakishly fab dress up gear for our favorite hellish holiday! Here are a few auctions below, even if it’s just to give you ideas!





Halloween Costumes & More!











Tagged with: buy halloween • Halloween • halloween costumes • halloween makeup • halloween party
I picked up a NYC Halloween Makeup set that included colourful falsies (lashes), black lipgloss and fake black nails with a cool spider web design on them! And yes, it was only a buck too!! Now’s the time to start looking for your Halloween costume essentials. You may even be able to get away with just using the dollar store completely! Please be aware that some of their masks really reeked, so I don’t recommend wearing them because the plastic, or rubber, may not have cured properly. Even with the make up too, make sure that it’s non toxic before applying them to yourself or your kiddies. You never know what you may get with some of those bargain shops if you don’t check! Value Village and other thrift shops are also great places for costumes! You can even rent too and there are a ton of costume shops right here in Toronto too! Don’t forget to check your local newspapers, Kijiji and Craigslist for even more evil selections! Ebay is another shop for freakishly fab dress up gear for our favorite hellish holiday! Here are a few auctions below, even if it’s just to give you ideas!
Tagged with: buy halloween • Halloween • halloween costumes • halloween makeup • halloween party
My father always carved the best pumpkins! He would do everything freehand too! His creations were not the ordinary and conventional designs. He really blew my mind with some of his pieces. He always loved Halloween so much and always made it very special for us kids. My brother sent me this picture of the following pumpkin over 5 years ago and I still laugh when I see it LOL! I love all types of pumpkins.






Pumpkin Carving Goodies!











One of my friends picked up one of those huge 120 lb pumpkin and he was wondering what to do with it. I had no idea because like I mentioned before my dad would always used to do that and now I live in an apartment where we don’t have trick or treators
So I sent him a link to the Extreme Pumpkins website. He really dug it and is very excited about his project. I also found some other sites below that had some cool designs and pictures too!
Pumpkin Carving 101
Carve A Pumpkin Via Flash
The Pumpkin Lady Also Check Out The Pumpkin Lady Patterns
I really love Halloween! I think it would be really great if our members would add their pumpkin photos to our TOPS Facebook Group.
Tagged with: pumpkin carving • pumpkin carving patterns • pumpkin carving supplies • pumpkins
One of my friends picked up one of those huge 120 lb pumpkin and he was wondering what to do with it. I had no idea because like I mentioned before my dad would always used to do that and now I live in an apartment where we don’t have trick or treators
Pumpkin Carving 101
Carve A Pumpkin Via Flash
The Pumpkin Lady Also Check Out The Pumpkin Lady Patterns
I really love Halloween! I think it would be really great if our members would add their pumpkin photos to our TOPS Facebook Group.
Tagged with: pumpkin carving • pumpkin carving patterns • pumpkin carving supplies • pumpkins
Halloween Recipes For Spooky Treats!
BLACK CAT COOKIES 
1 box chocolate cake mix
½ cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
Sliced almonds
Pink jelly beans
Black licorice candies (available in bulk candy, or by brands such as Mike and Ike)
Red jelly beans
Large string of licorice for the cat’s tail (optional)
Pinch the top of the dough on two sides to form the cat’s ears. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until center of cookies spring back when pressed lightly in center. Cool on cookie sheet for 1 minute before removing to a rack to finish cooling.
Place the almonds for the eyes, the jelly beans for the nose and mouth. Place the licorice candies on either side of the nose for whiskers.
If the cookies are cool, use store-bought icing as glue for the almonds and jelly beans. Makes 8 large cookies.
2 cans vanilla icing
1 box Betty Crocker Fruit by the Foot Variety pack (contains 6 rolls, 0.75-ounce each)
Food colorings
Assorted candies
Preheat oven to 350 F. Prepare cake mix according to package directions. Pour into small Bundt pans and bake according to the pan’s directions. (A pan containing six separate Bundts called for 15 minutes.)
Scoop the icing from both cans into a medium-size bowl. Add a small amount of orange food coloring to the icing and stir to combine. Continue adding color until you get the shade of orange you desire.
Place one Bundt cake upside down (rounded side on the bottom) on a cake plate; frost the top only. Place the second Bundt cake flat-side down on top of first cake. Frost the entire cake with orange frosting, making up-and-down motions with spatula to simulate a pumpkin. Use Fruit by the Foot, candies, chocolate, gumdrops, black licorice or jelly beans to decorate.
Makes 6 pumpkin cakes or 12 miniature Bundt cakes.
Note: Miniature Bundt pans are available for $18 at Michael’s.
¼ cup butter, cubed
8 ounces semisweet chocolate
½ cup heavy cream
2 (11-ounce) bags 3 Musketeers Fun Size Bars, chopped into small pieces
Melt butter. Remove from heat and add the semisweet chocolate. Cover and let rest for about 3 minutes to melt the chocolate, and then stir until smooth.
Add the heavy cream gradually; stir until totally incorporated and chocolate loses its shine. Refrigerate until slightly firm, approximately 20 to 30 minutes.
Roll into balls and then into chopped 3 Musketeers Bars, pressing gently to adhere. Makes about 60 warts.
1 (10-ounce) package large pretzel rods
2 (4-ounce) bars of white chocolate
1 box Betty Crocker Fruit by the Foot Variety pack (contains 6 rolls, 0.75-ounce each)
Using a microwave-safe container, place chocolate in microwave at medium (50 percent) power for 1 to 11/2 minutes. Remove and stir. If not melted, return to microwave and repeat heating step, stirring every 30 seconds to prevent scorching.
Dip pretzels in melted chocolate. Place on wax paper to dry. (Optional: Remove 1/4 cup of the melted chocolate and mix with a small amount of orange food coloring; stir thoroughly. Using a tablespoon, pour a thin line of orange icing back and forth over the white chocolate-dipped sticks.)
Unwrap a Fruit by the Foot roll. Cut off a 1-inch piece, fray the ends with kitchen scissors, wrap around the bottom of the pretzel. Wrap tightly and squeeze to adhere. Makes 12 broomsticks.
Note: Fruit by the Foot is pliable and will mold into different shapes. Here, green sections of the tie-dyed Fruit by the Foot were used.
½ cup cocoa
2/3 cup butter
1 ¾ cups sugar (divided use)
4 eggs
1 ¼ cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
2 cups white chocolate chips
½ cup brown sugar
¾ cup corn syrup
¾ cup peanut butter
3 cups Special K crisp rice flakes cereal
1 cup candy corn
Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease a 9×13-inch pan and set aside. In a microwave-safe bowl, combine cocoa and butter; heat at Medium (50 percent) power until butter melts. Stir to combine. Stir in 11/2 cups sugar, and then beat in eggs.
Add flour and baking powder and stir. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake for 25 to 30 minutes until set. Immediately sprinkle with white chocolate chips and let stand for 5 minutes; spread chips to cover.
In microwave-safe bowl, combine brown sugar, remaining 1/4 cup sugar and corn syrup. Microwave on High (100 percent power) for 2 minutes, stir, and then microwave on high for another minute until boiling. Be careful, this mixture is hot.
Remove from microwave and stir in peanut butter until melted. Stir in cereal, then candy corn. Carefully spoon over brownies and spread to cover. Cool completely, and then cut into bars. Makes 1 dozen.
Snipped from Dallas News Sept 17 2008
2008 Toronto Halloween Events
I am so excited for Halloween this year! Every year, actually lol It’s also helping keep my mind off of the falling stock market, globalization and the crashing US dollar
*Shakes head* Ok, ok… enough about that! All we can do is just watch our pennies and wait! In the meantime check out the following sites: 2008 Halloween Guide
Dates listed on the website
Toronto After Dark Film Festival
Oct 17 2008 – Oct 24 2008
Halloween Events at Toronto Clubs
Dates listed on website
Halloween Cruise
Friday October 31, 2008
Halloween Haunt At Canada’s Wonderland
October 3, 2008 – November 1, 2008
Tickets for most of these events are required so please hesitate.
Filed under: Daily • Halloween
Like this post? Subscribe to my RSS feed and get loads more! 2008 Halloween Guide
Dates listed on the website
Toronto After Dark Film Festival
Oct 17 2008 – Oct 24 2008
Halloween Events at Toronto Clubs
Dates listed on website
Halloween Cruise
Friday October 31, 2008
Halloween Haunt At Canada’s Wonderland
October 3, 2008 – November 1, 2008
Tickets for most of these events are required so please hesitate.
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CTV Toronto Toronto Events For This Weekend – Some Paranormal!
Toronto’s Nuit Blanche set to light up the night
Downtown Toronto will pull an all-nighter this weekend when artists take over the streets for the second annual Scotiabank Nuit Blanche.
The event, which runs from 7 p.m. on Saturday to 7 a.m. on Sunday, will feature 195 different art projects in three different zones.
About 425,000 people attended the innovative event last year.
If you want to go, but don’t have all night to take in the exhibits, here’s a list of some that look exceptionally intriguing.
Zone A
The Ghost Station
Lower Bay Station, Toronto’s ghost subway station, will set the stage for a show featuring noises deep below the rumbling of the city. These sounds have also been associated with paranormal activity and ghost sightings.
A-9 — Lower Bay TTC Station, Installation entrance at Cumberland St. and Bellair St.
Ghostly figures traipse through Philosopher’s Walk during Nuit Blanche, 2006. (Natalie Harrower)
Aurora Readiness Centre
Experience a re-creation of Toronto’s official nuclear fallout shelter, built in 1962. Explore the interior of the shelter as it was before it was dismantled in 1996. For one night, Cold War Toronto is brought back to life.
A-OC-10 — Room 066, Faculty of Architecture Building, University of Toronto, 230 College St.
Art of Fashion — Surreal Journey
Rising Canadian designers will showcase their Scotiabank Nuit Blanche exclusive collections. Vote for your favorite — the winner will be named the Art of Fashion 2007 Designer of the Year.
A-IP-14 — Bloor Street United Church, 300 Bloor St. W.
Nightless City
This multi-media interpretation of a red light district will transform two blocks of Church Street into a theatrical stage for street walkers. Feverish red light will bathe the street, unveiling sexy silhouettes.
A-IP-19 — Church Street, from Wellesley St. to Alexander St.
Night School
The University of Toronto will have performances, videos and installations about knowledge on the fringes and sliding disciplines. Catch sessions on ghosts, sleep talkers, ant societies, voodoo and the paranormal.
A-IP-30a — Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle, University of Toronto
Zone B
ThunderEgg Alley: A Dumpster Diver’s Paradise
ThunderEgg Alley will exploit garbage in a Toronto alley, transforming it into abstract mechanisms of luxury. Visitors will have the opportunity to indulge in a dumpster diver’s paradise, complete with a spa, tanning salon and cardboard box boutique.
B-9 — Alley behind College St. and Spadina Ave. (at the end of Glasgow St.)
A psychedelic landscape of swaying tunnels and extensions will be made from balloons. Navigate the massive fort, add to the structure, or just get lost in the evolving maze.
B-IP-16 — 220 Yonge St., Trinity way entrance, Level 3 416-
End of the Party Party
On Oct. 8, the AGO will close for eight months to reinstall their galleries — so for Scotiabank Nuit Blanche they are throwing an “end of the party” party, featuring a live DJ.
B-IP-20 — 317 Dundas St. W. 416-979-664
Several European Union countries present a selection of the most innovative contemporary European video-artists and experimental film directors, screened in the garden of the Consulate of Italy.
B-IP-27 — 136 Beverly St.
Swap ’til you Drop
Bring a bag of clothing and stylists and seam rippers will re-vamp it. Participants will be able to exchange clothing, shopping and recycling at the same time.
B-IP-41 — 55 Centre Ave. 416-599-5321
Zone C
An eclectic mix of Toronto bands will play all night, from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. The air will be filled with a mix of upbeat, rich, percussive, meditative, ambient, and epic music.
C-4 — Works & Emergency Services Building, 1116 King St. W.
Starry Night
Light pollution has made the Toronto night sky nearly invisible. Stars and planets are frequently confused for satellites and airplanes. For one night the night sky will be brought back to the city.
C-OC-12 — Stanley Park (south side, baseball diamond), 845 King St. W.
Hot Spot
An all-night salsa dance party with lessons, where Colombia’s current political crisis will be evoked through sound, video and text, featuring “Latino” culture and images in the First World.
C-IP-22 — 1112 Queen St. W.
Indie Filmmaking with Broken Pencil
Throughout the night participants can make indie films, taking part in the entire process from creating a plot, acting, and filming to viewing the final product.
C-IP-23 — 129 Ossington Ave.
Off The Wall
A reality-TV inspired event where the public will be able to project themselves onto the big screen, becoming a performer, a spectator, a star.
C-IP-35 — Centre for Addiction & Mental Health, 1001 Queen St. W.
TTC service changes for Scotiabank Nuit Blanche
The TTC Scotiabank Nuit Blanche Shuttle will run from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. providing transportation between all three zones;
The bottom ‘U’ of University-Spadina subway line, the Yonge/-University subway line from St. George to Eglinton, and the Bloor-Danforth subway line from Christie to Broadview will also run all night; and
TTC day passes purchased for Saturday will be accepted until 9 a.m. on Sunday.
*Please support the site and visit our sponsors. Thank you!
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I am so excited for Halloween this year! Every year, actually lol It’s also helping keep my mind off of the falling stock market, globalization and the crashing US dollar
*Shakes head* Ok, ok… enough about that! All we can do is just watch our pennies and wait! In the meantime check out the following sites: 2008 Halloween Guide
Dates listed on the website
Toronto After Dark Film Festival
Oct 17 2008 – Oct 24 2008
Halloween Events at Toronto Clubs
Dates listed on website
Halloween Cruise
Friday October 31, 2008
Halloween Haunt At Canada’s Wonderland
October 3, 2008 – November 1, 2008
Tickets for most of these events are required so please hesitate.
Filed under: Daily • Halloween 2008 Halloween Guide
Dates listed on the website
Toronto After Dark Film Festival
Oct 17 2008 – Oct 24 2008
Halloween Events at Toronto Clubs
Dates listed on website
Halloween Cruise
Friday October 31, 2008
Halloween Haunt At Canada’s Wonderland
October 3, 2008 – November 1, 2008
Tickets for most of these events are required so please hesitate.
Filed under: Daily • Halloween
About 5 weeks ago I had the sudden urge to pack up things from my parents’ house. I just knew it had to be done. About 3 weeks after I packed they listed their house for sale. I was a bit freaked out by this and so was my brother and sister-in-law because I had given them some of the packed items that they were storing at my mom and dad’s. The reason for the move was not only because they needed less room! My father listed shortly after my sister-in-law was attacked by something that wasn’t there. It even left marks on her leg. I was a witness to the scratches. Whatever it was that jumped on me must have got her too. I guess two people saying that they were attacked by something that wasn’t there (most possibly a ghost or demon) was enough for my father to go bye bye lol I hope whatever it is doesn’t follow them to their new house!
I’m not sure if anyone has ever seen that SNL video featuring Justin Timberlake and a cast member singing Dick in a box lol Anyways the following is the paranormal version 
Toronto’s Top 10 Places (Some Said To Be Haunted!)
Top tourist attractions a matter of some debate
While there is not an official list of Toronto’s Top 10 Tourist Attractions, given the difficulties measuring attendance at some venues compared to others, many lists and online surveys feature the same “must sees” for both visitors and residents. Here is Toronto Community News’ list of attractions, compiled from information from Tourism Toronto and a number of other tourism websites, and presented in no particular order.The attractions we list are located within the geographic boundaries of the City of Toronto:
• The CN Tower: Once the world’s tallest free-standing structure (that honour has recently been taken by a building in Dubai), the CN Tower dominates Toronto’s skyline and is an obvious magnet for visitors. Standing more than 500 metres tall, the tower receives approximately two million visitors annually. Address: 01 Front St. W.; visit
• Toronto islands: Made up of Wards, Hanlan’s Point and Centre islands, the Toronto islands have been a playground for generations of residents and visitors. The islands can be accessed by ferry boat rides from the terminal at the lake just west of Yonge Street and feature numerous activities for visitors including an amusement park on Centre Island. Visit
• Ontario Place: Opened in 1971, the 96-acre facility south of Lake Shore Boulevard and west of Bathurst Street features water parks, a concert theatre, activities for children and the iconic golf-ball shaped Cinesphere theatre. Address: 955 Lake Shore Boulevard W.; visit
• Toronto Zoo: Located on Meadowvale Road, north of Hwy. 401, the zoo opened in 1974 and is home to some 5,000 animals. The 710-acre facility receives about 1.2 million visitors annually. Address: 361A Old Finch Ave.; visit
• Black Creek Pioneer Village: This recreation of a Canadian pioneer settlement from the 1790s to 1860s is located in the Keele Street and Steeles Avenue area adjacent to the York University campus. Address: 1000 Murray Ross Pkwy.; visit
• Casa Loma: Built by Sir Henry Pellat starting in 1911, Casa Loma took three years and more than $3 million to build. Today it stands as an imposing castle the city. Address: 1 Austin Terrace; visit
• Ontario Science Centre: Opened in 1969, The Ontario Science Centre provides a wide variety of experiences for visitors young and old. Along with exhibits, there is also a domed IMAX theatre. 770 Don Mills Rd.; visit
• Royal Ontario Museum: Now featuring the new Michael Lee Chin Crystal as part of its dramatic new facade, the ROM has been Toronto’s museum since 1914. The ROM features numerous displays and exhibits. Address: 100 Queen’s Park; visit
• Hockey Hall of Fame: A mecca for fans of the game from around the world, the facility covers all aspects of hockey’s history, including the honoured members of the Hall of Fame, and features numerous interactive exhibits. The Hockey Hall of Fame is also the permanent home of the Stanley Cup. Address: 30 Yonge St.; visit
• Rogers Centre: When it first opened as the SkyDome, the stadium drew crowds just to experience its retractable roof opening and closing. The stadium is home to the Toronto Blue Jays of Major League Baseball and the Canadian Football League’s Toronto Argonauts. The facility also features restaurants and a hotel looking onto the field of play. Address: 1 Blue Jays Way, visit
While there is not an official list of Toronto’s Top 10 Tourist Attractions, given the difficulties measuring attendance at some venues compared to others, many lists and online surveys feature the same “must sees” for both visitors and residents. Here is Toronto Community News’ list of attractions, compiled from information from Tourism Toronto and a number of other tourism websites, and presented in no particular order.The attractions we list are located within the geographic boundaries of the City of Toronto:
• The CN Tower: Once the world’s tallest free-standing structure (that honour has recently been taken by a building in Dubai), the CN Tower dominates Toronto’s skyline and is an obvious magnet for visitors. Standing more than 500 metres tall, the tower receives approximately two million visitors annually. Address: 01 Front St. W.; visit
• Toronto islands: Made up of Wards, Hanlan’s Point and Centre islands, the Toronto islands have been a playground for generations of residents and visitors. The islands can be accessed by ferry boat rides from the terminal at the lake just west of Yonge Street and feature numerous activities for visitors including an amusement park on Centre Island. Visit
• Ontario Place: Opened in 1971, the 96-acre facility south of Lake Shore Boulevard and west of Bathurst Street features water parks, a concert theatre, activities for children and the iconic golf-ball shaped Cinesphere theatre. Address: 955 Lake Shore Boulevard W.; visit
• Toronto Zoo: Located on Meadowvale Road, north of Hwy. 401, the zoo opened in 1974 and is home to some 5,000 animals. The 710-acre facility receives about 1.2 million visitors annually. Address: 361A Old Finch Ave.; visit
• Black Creek Pioneer Village: This recreation of a Canadian pioneer settlement from the 1790s to 1860s is located in the Keele Street and Steeles Avenue area adjacent to the York University campus. Address: 1000 Murray Ross Pkwy.; visit
• Casa Loma: Built by Sir Henry Pellat starting in 1911, Casa Loma took three years and more than $3 million to build. Today it stands as an imposing castle the city. Address: 1 Austin Terrace; visit
• Ontario Science Centre: Opened in 1969, The Ontario Science Centre provides a wide variety of experiences for visitors young and old. Along with exhibits, there is also a domed IMAX theatre. 770 Don Mills Rd.; visit
• Royal Ontario Museum: Now featuring the new Michael Lee Chin Crystal as part of its dramatic new facade, the ROM has been Toronto’s museum since 1914. The ROM features numerous displays and exhibits. Address: 100 Queen’s Park; visit
• Hockey Hall of Fame: A mecca for fans of the game from around the world, the facility covers all aspects of hockey’s history, including the honoured members of the Hall of Fame, and features numerous interactive exhibits. The Hockey Hall of Fame is also the permanent home of the Stanley Cup. Address: 30 Yonge St.; visit
• Rogers Centre: When it first opened as the SkyDome, the stadium drew crowds just to experience its retractable roof opening and closing. The stadium is home to the Toronto Blue Jays of Major League Baseball and the Canadian Football League’s Toronto Argonauts. The facility also features restaurants and a hotel looking onto the field of play. Address: 1 Blue Jays Way, visit
Last night hubby and I were running a bit late and didn’t end up going out for dinner until past 9:30pm! We headed downtown looking for a place that served Steak & Seafood. I suggested the Keg Mansion because the food is good, there is a lot of history, the ambiance is wonderful and it’s said to be haunted! My husband loved the idea too so we drove right over. Parking for customers is free so that was great and we were seated right away, but not before I got some information from the hostess. I asked her where the most activity was. She answered casually stating that we would find some if we went up the staircase to the second floor by the bar. I was like, “no”, “I meant paranormal activity”. She responded, “so did I”! She went on to tell us that we could eat on the main floor and then go upstairs to see. She went on to tell us that the 2nd floor lady’s bathroom is another spot and that sometimes woman have been locked in the stalls because “that is where Mrs. Massey died”. She said to go up to the 3rd floor and take a peek too, even though it is locked. I was so excited, I couldn’t even wait for dinner to be over! The meal was very good and the room we were in was so amazing, with the detailed wood work, stain glass windows, fireplace encased with glazed colorful tiles. Every inch of that room had such fine hand craftsmanship, so much so, that I could not stop looking around. The feeling I was getting was very strong energy and I felt very alive! I wasn’t afraid at all and I kind of felt that the spirits there liked all the attention or energy the Keg patrons were giving them. After our meal we were left to venture about the mansion! It was so wild and such a trip. I went to the ladies room and instructed my husband to save me if I wasn’t back in 5 minutes lol Nothing happened, I didn’t see any ghosts at all, so I met him outside. I was very drawn to this oval like vestibule that overlooked the main entrance. I referenced Haunted Toronto by John Robert Columbo and found out that’s where one of Mrs. Massey’s maids had hung herself after finding Mrs. Massey dead. Then after our look around the 2nd floor we headed up to the 3rd. A couple of fellows were right behind us and talking about how the Keg Mansion is haunted. I was right up front in center peeking in the locked glass door, it was dimly lit and I could make out a large painting and a couple other rooms. My husband was right behind me shining his cell phone over my head to help me see better. The two gentlemen asked if we saw anything… I responded, “nope”. Even still, just being in such a grand and charming home, like the Keg Mansion, was enough for me. Next time maybe I’ll bring my Ouija and go up to the middle of the 2nd floor, by the window, and have a seat at the built in cushioned bench. lol Honestly I am too chicken to mess with Ouija! I heard demons actually communicate and not spirits so I think it is best to leave it alone. Anyways, I rate the Keg Mansion 4.5 stars out of 5! I will be back and if you see someone with a Ouija there, or Tarot cards, then you’ll know who it is
![Haunted Keg Mansion Downtown Toronto Haunted Keg Mansion In Downtown Toronto]()
For more information on the Keg Mansion please pick up a copy of Haunted Toronto
or visit the links below
Haunted Keg Mansion In Downtown Toronto
or visit the links below
Jul 05, 2008 04:30 AM
Lily Dale, N.Y.– A gentle breeze sways the 30-metre treetops in Leolyn Woods, the virgin forest that surrounds Inspiration Stump, a huge, concrete-topped hemlock stump.
Other than that, there’s dead silence.
That’s because, during summer months, visitors gather here twice a day to hear mediums from around the world deliver messages from beyond.
The benches that face The Stump are filled with people eager for news from deceased relatives and friends.
To increase your chances of having a medium make a connection with your own personal afterworld, it’s said, sit near the front and wear brightly coloured clothing.
Carolyn Molnar, a visiting medium from Toronto, paces before the crowd and scans her psychic radar screen trying to catch incoming blips from the spirit world.
“I’m getting a Don or Donald,” she says, searching the audience. “I’m seeing a blue uniform. Can someone take a Donald – Uncle Donald?”
A woman in the second row hesitantly raises a hand.
“Donald was my great-uncle,” she says. “He was in the Air Force during the war, but I don’t know a lot about him.”
Molnar pauses a moment, as if listening to a thread of music running through her head.
Then she says, “Donald says he is the one who has appeared to you during times of great stress and he will always be there to help you.”
The woman smiles and begins to weep.
But clearly there are skeptics in the crowd – such as the man, two rows away, with a grumpy expression and his arms crossed over his chest.
This is the largest Spiritualist community in the United States, based on the belief that death isn’t final, that the soul not only continues on, but that loved ones, friends and even long-lost acquaintances who have gone before are available to help and support those left on Earth – if you welcome them.
Believers in the afterlife, and those who aren’t sure what they believe, have been visiting Lily Dale since the gated village was founded in 1879, including notables such as author Arthur Conan Doyle, activist Susan B. Anthony and actress Mae West.
From the last weekend in June through Labour Day, Lily Dale offers visitors intriguing programs that run the gamut from fun to philosophical to woo-woo.
This year, for example, there are workshops on reiki, dream interpretation and how to meet your angels.
Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra often lecture here; John Edward got the idea for his TV show Crossing Over after guesting at The Stump.
Thousands of Canadians visit every summer, but most come for Canadian Weekend, held on the August Civic Weekend, when Lily Dale features Canadian mediums, healers and an ol’ fashioned sing-along.
Lily Dale is home to 45 registered mediums and other folk, but during summer months, the population grows to about 600.
And like the people who live here, the village is eclectic – a collection of 16 narrow streets where a quaint bungalow stands next to a Victorian house complete with turrets and bay windows.
One street over, paint is peeling off a white clapboard house that sits next to the kind of place where the Keebler elves would rest their weary little heads after a long day of baking cookies in a tree.
Cats of all colours – not just black – are everywhere.
The best time to enjoy Lily Dale is just after sunrise, when the morning mist lifts off nearby Lake Cassadaga, and the family of trumpeter swans glides across the water.
Beyond the lake are grassy, rolling hills. The air smells small-town fresh and the day feels full of possibilities.
The Maplewood Hotel, a rebuilt horse barn, hasn’t changed much since it opened a century ago.
Locals swear the place is haunted; stories abound of horse whinnies in the middle of the night, and a lady in Victorian dress that floats up the second-floor stairway.
Otherworldly shenanigans aside, people visit Lily Dale mainly for the peace and quiet.
Healing services are held twice-daily at the Healing Temple, a plain building where soothing music plays while white-shirted spiritual healers stand behind backless benches with their heads bowed.
Healing comes in the form of a sort of touchless massage, aimed at bringing a sense of peace.
“A lot of people say this is their favourite spot on the grounds,” says Barbara Sanson, who runs the Healing Temple.
“People often tell me they leave the service with less emotional stress.”
That pretty much describes, as well, how people leave Lily Dale.
Benjamin Gleisser is a Toronto-based freelance writer.
For California resident Ted English, yesterday’s 200th anniversary of Toronto’s oldest building meant even more for him because it involved the celebration of family.The western end of Toronto Island is home to the 200-year-old Gibralter Point lighthouse, and English is a member of the Durnan family, which has a long history with the island and its lighthouse.
“It means an awful lot,” said English, 79, who organized a reunion of more than 50 of his Durnan relatives, some of whom he had never met, to coincide with the event.
Completed in 1808, it’s the oldest working lighthouse on the Great Lakes and the second oldest in Canada. (The Sambro lighthouse in Nova Scotia began operating in 1759.)
The third keeper of the Gibralter Point lighthouse was English’s great-great-grandfather James Durnan.
“It’s much more than a lighthouse,” said English, a former Toronto Island resident himself. “It’s a keystone of the whole family”
There is more than 170 years of Durnan history on the island, English said, and for some of his ancestors the lighthouse acts as a headstone.
“You walked over Durnans there,” he pointed out.
Yesterday’s celebration was co-hosted by Heritage Toronto and Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation.
Ceremonies began with a theatrical account of the lighthouse’s history by Shadowland Theatre. The crowd of a few hundred were then marched over to the landmark by fife and drum.
Behind limestone walls 2 metres thick rises an 80-step spiral staircase, and visitors were invited to climb to the top after the ceremonies.
Ray Skema, 53, was in the first group to make the ascent, and he said as a Torontonian it felt great to be up there.
“This is like the best time ever just to be in this historic building,” Skema said. “It was cool to be here for the anniversary and be part of the first 10 people to tour it.”
The building is said to be haunted by the ghost of John Paul Rademuller, the lighthouse’s first keeper.
City Councillor Pam McConnell said the Rademuller haunting is a great story for kids, but the building means a great deal to the city.
“It isn’t just a children’s story,” she said, adding it’s great to bring Toronto’s stories to people in a simple way. “It really is about the beginnings of our city of Toronto.”
Heritage Toronto unveiled two commemorative plaques at the base of the lighthouse.
For the actual article and video clip, please see the link below:
Another Great Ouija Find!
I was at a couple thrift shops yesterday and I happened upon something really great. It was a circa 1960 talking board by Canada’s own Copp Clark. They were making boards since 1861! They started with a wood board and then hardboard like the one I have newly acquired. It has a genie on the box cover and even comes with instructions. The planchette is wood and has 3 removable legs. I have tried to find the exact date of the board, but have had no luck. I did find out; however, that William Fuld, the original creator of Ouija, contacted the Copp Clark company himself in 1960 demanding that they not use the Ouija name. His lawyers tried even way before that in 1919, but they ignored their request. They are no longer in existance though. For more details please visit Mr William Fuld’s website! I don’t have my camera on me yet but I found the exact same board featured on They have other cool ouijas on there too so it’s definitely worth a look.
![ A picture from site owners collection]()
I’m not sure if I want to keep the board at this point though. I have 2 others so that is more than enough, but it’s so unique and special. My dad actually found it accidentally lol I swear I went over the board game section with a fine tooth comb and never saw it. The employees were also putting out things at the same time so that might explain it. Ouija boards are abundant on Ebay if you would like to buy one right away because they don’t always show up at thrift shops that often. Please see below for current Ouija auctions on Ebay Canada. I also found some books on Amazon Canada that deal with Ouija. Haunted Toronto and A Haunting DVD is also included as well.
I’m not sure if I want to keep the board at this point though. I have 2 others so that is more than enough, but it’s so unique and special. My dad actually found it accidentally lol I swear I went over the board game section with a fine tooth comb and never saw it. The employees were also putting out things at the same time so that might explain it. Ouija boards are abundant on Ebay if you would like to buy one right away because they don’t always show up at thrift shops that often. Please see below for current Ouija auctions on Ebay Canada. I also found some books on Amazon Canada that deal with Ouija. Haunted Toronto and A Haunting DVD is also included as well.
Press Release – Monday evening, June 30th (for our Australian listeners, Tuesday morning, July 1st), A Global Focus interviews Victor Viggiani (first hour) and Mary Rodwell (second hour)
June 28, 2008
(Metropolitan Washington, D.C.)
Monday evening, June 30th (for our Australian listeners, Tuesday morning, July 1st) A Global Focus interviews Victor Viggiani (first hour) and Mary Rodwell (second hour)
The program, A Global Focus, can be heard on: Station UPRN 105.8 FM – New Orleans, the Paranormal Radio Network (broadcasting across our beautiful nation to more than 170 cities and worldwide to 71 countries), Station WPRN – New Orleans, Live 365 (, the PalTalk forum (, Aussie Cast and
Victor Viggiani, B.A., M.Ed. – Guest for the first hour: 7 – 8 PM Central, 8 – 9 PM Eastern/Toronto Time
Victor Viggiani, B.A., M.Ed., serves as the Director of Media Relations for Exopolitics Toronto ( Victor also is an educator, researcher, author, journalist, radio program co-host, and an Advisory Board Panel Member of the Exopolitics Institute ( A recently retired Toronto school principal, Victor now serves Medaille College of Buffalo, New York, as their Faculty of Education Advisor. A graduate of York University (B.A., Sociology and Psychology) of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and Brock University (M.Ed. – Educational Administration and Curriculum Development), St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada, Victor incorporates his academic insight into his innovative research, journalism, dynamic presentations, and leadership in the domestic and global exopolitical fields.
For more than 30 years, Victor has studied paranormal subjects, including anomalous aerial phenomena, the geopolitical aspects of an extraterrestrial presence, and the crop circle phenomenon. While on sabbatical, during a year-long Australian lecture and research tour, Victor Viggiani presented his research in Brisbane, Sydney, and Adelaide, Australia. In addition, he assisted the Australian Disclosure Project in its initial development and investigatory efforts. The extensive scope of Victor’s investigative research in ufology includes in-depth study at such American Southwestern locations as Corona, Roswell, and Socorro, New Mexico, Area 51, Groom Lake Nevada, and White Sands, Los Alamos, Dulce, and The Very Large Array, New Mexico.
In a dedicated effort to inform the Canadian and global community as to current developments on UFO sightings and exopolitical subjects, Victor Viggiani serves as co-host and radio journalist on the popular The Richard Syrett Show, broadcast on CFRB 1010 AM – Toronto, Canada ( In his radio program segments, Victor interviews experts in ufology and related fields and produces audio material. In addition, Victor has appeared as guest on both television and radio in Canada, the United States, and Australia.
Moreover, as Director of Media Relations for Exopolitics Toronto, Victor Viggiani coordinated the 2005 event – A Symposium on UFO Disclosure and Planetary Directions, held at the Convocation Hall of the University of Toronto. This Symposium witnessed the historic presentation of a former Minister of National Defense of Canada. Victor also served on the distinguished panel of speakers at this Symposium ( Victor’s most recent presentation in the United States was a powerful address given as a member of an expert panel at the PRG Press Conference, April 21st, at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C. ( That prior weekend Victor Viggiani and Mike Bird, both panelists representing the Exopolitics Toronto organization (, gave informative and compelling presentations at the 2008 X-Conference held in Gaithersburg, Maryland (
Victor Viggiani’s published works encompass not only professional articles in educational journals, but also such analytical articles as:
Disclosure: The Ultimate Terrestrial Imperative (; Area 51: A Desert Journey; Exopolitics and Global Warming: A Cosmic Connection; (; and Alien Abduction Symposium, Boston, Mass. – “The Abduction Experience: A Dialogue in Boston” – A review of Alien Abduction Dialogue Between Dr. John Mack and Budd Hopkins (
Mary Rodwell, RN – Guest for the second hour: Monday evening, June 30th, 9 – 10 PM Eastern, 8 – 9 PM Central Time; and Western Australian Time, Tuesday morning, 9 – 10 AM, Tues., July 1st
Mary Rodwell is a registered nurse, multi-credentialed author, researcher, therapist, counselor, metaphysician, producer/director, and principal of the Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (with acronym ACERN –, and Advisory Board Panel Member of the Exopolitics Institute (
Mary Rodwell’s numerous achievements include her book: Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life, and her award-winning documentaries available in DVD or video format: “Expressions of ET Contact . . . . A visual blueprint?” and “Expressions of ET Contact – a Communication and Healing Blueprint?” In addition, Mary has produced the meditation series: Journey to the Stars and Inner Alchemy, a metaphysical series available in CD form. Mary Rodwell’s published articles include: “Star Children,” “Counseling the Abductee, “The Abductee Support Group,” “Awakening to Contact,” “Why did you take my son?,” “Honoring Multidimensional Realities,” and “The New Human (2005).”
An international speaker at academic, conference and media program venues, the very extensive list of Mary’s speaking credits include (and this list represents but a fraction of her appearances): Oxford University, Oxford Union, United Kingdom (April 2006); Murdoch University Perth, Wandjina, Australia; Institute of Integral Human Sciences – Montreal, Canada; UFO International Conference 2002 at Leeds University, United Kingdom; UFOR Sydney; UFOCUS, New Zealand; the Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace Conference, Hawaii 2006; and National Radio ABC.
The ACERN website offers several informational pages, including an ACERN’s Resource Center category. Included in that material you will find a webpage, “Conversations with Mary,” with responses to frequently asked questions on phenomena subjects: The Website addresses for both ACERN and Mary Rodwell are located at and
Jun 22, 2008 04:30 AM
The child’s canvas shoe, entombed for decades, has the grey, dead look of a flattened mouse. Holes in the toe and the heel are roughly stitched with red thread, and a scrap of dark cotton has been poorly sewn to the rubber sole.
I’m loath to touch this object, which my husband found within the plaster walls of the small house in Etobicoke we’re rebuilding, and long to throw it away. Yet there is mystery to it. Who did it belong to? Why was it hidden? Was it lost or put there purposely? If the latter, for what reason?
We’d found other discards in the course of construction. Whisky bottles from Gooderham & Worts fell out of the eaves. Vanilla extract bottles, mustard tins and an OXO mug were retrieved from beneath the floorboards.
Most often we found what we took to be remnants of workers’ lunches – milk bottles, the remains of a pork chop, magazines (we presume they were used to wrap food) including Canadian Motorist, Live Stories (sentimental tales for women readers) and a cowboy adventure periodical called Ace-High Magazine. They are all from June 1925 – we can imagine a family 83 years ago doing what we are doing this summer, building a house.
But there was something poignant and haunting about this shabby running shoe – its poverty, of course, but also the fact that a child, perhaps a 6-year-old, had worn the life out of it.
A visiting friend with some knowledge of folklore believed the shoe had a function. She was familiar with the centuries-old English superstition of secreting shoes during house construction for good luck. They have a name: “concealed” or “concealment shoes.”
A call to Elizabeth Semmelhack, curator of Toronto’s Bata Shoe Museum, provides details. She gets inquiries from homeowners who have found shoes while renovating 19th- and early-20th-century houses. (In Britain, the practice is so common there’s a registry of concealed shoes.) The Bata, the world’s largest shoe museum, has one concealed shoe – a desiccated man’s work shoe – in its collection of 13,000.
Strangely, when she talks about the most common concealed shoe, it seems she’s describing the very one we found. “Typically, it’s a child shoe and it’s well-worn, extremely well-worn,” she says. “Who had the money to put a brand new pair of shoes in a wall? Often, it’s a single shoe, put in to keep away bad luck, though it’s morphed into a symbol of good luck.”
The metal aglets – sleeves on the tips of the laces – are a clue that our shoe dates from the Twenties or Thirties. Eventually, looking at a photo of it, Semmelhack can’t say definitively that the shoe is of that vintage or is indeed a concealed shoe, but it seems likely.
The shabby patch job is another hint. “It looks like the repair had nothing to do with making the shoe more wearable,” she says. “That makes it more likely it was repaired to function in an apotropaic role in the wall rather for the child to wear it again.” “Apotropaic,” she explains, is the term for an object used as a talisman to ward off evil, like a charm bracelet. By stitching the shoe, it became more of a vessel to contain bad spirits.
When she renovated her Danforth-area house, Semmelhack concealed a pair of her husband’s shoes with a note explaining why his Kenneth Coles were in the walls.
Most often concealed shoes are placed in chimneys or over doors and windows – “areas of the house considered susceptible, or weak, where something could come into the property,” says Josephine Hickin, shoe heritage development officer at the Northampton Museum and Art Gallery in England.
She adds that shoes are one of the few personal items that retain the shape and, according to some beliefs, carry the spirit of the owner. The concealed shoe is connected with the animist notion that the shoe is “protected by the spirit of the owner. And children are believed to have a stronger spirits than adults.”
Traditionally, shoes have been symbols of authority also linked to fertility – remember the old tradition of tying old shoes to the car bumper of newlyweds – and good luck.
The study of concealed shoes began in 1957 when June Swann, keeper of the boot and shoe collection at the Northampton Museum, and a fellow curator each received a half-dozen shoes for identification. Most had been hidden near chimneys. Swann could find no literature on shoes concealed in houses. She wrote in a 1996 article in Costume Society Journal about how her curiosity was piqued especially by the discovery of a pair of child’s boots in the thatched roof of a cottage in Northamptonshire. “I had this vision of a tiny child on the thatched roof,” Swann, now 79 and retired, told the Star, “and I wondered, `What kind of family does this?’ … Not being superstitious, it took me a long while to convince myself that all my finds were (put there deliberately).”
Since then, the Northampton Museum has become a repository of concealed shoes. It has a collection of 246 of them and a database recording some 1,700 hidden shoes found around the world. Some are from Ontario – including a pair of brown boots, from 1830 to 1845, discovered in a house in Palgrave, and six ankle boots, dating from 1870, from a house in Kincardine.
Most of the shoes in the index are from Britain, but concealed shoes have been reported in Germany, France, Australia and the eastern U.S., especially the New England states. While a few date from the 15th century, the practice appears to have grown more common after that, peaking in the 19th century and then falling away after the 1930s.
Almost all are thoroughly worn, most beyond repair, and suggest working-class owners; nearly half are children’s shoes. Some have been found with knives or other sharp objects, chicken bones or cat bones and may be linked to some kind of ritual sacrifice. (We also found a pair of skate blades in our walls.)
Swann notes in another article that the study of concealed shoes is incomplete, in part because of the “reticence of the finders of footwear, which is usually in a disgusting condition,” and because tradesmen working on old houses will discard shoes, not knowing their significance.
We know, from searching property records, a farmer named William Golding owned our Etobicoke house in the early 1920s. But by 1925 it belonged to Thomas Bruce, whose name appears on the magazine labels. and who was a stock keeper and salesman for Hyslop Brothers, a bicycle manufacturer at Victoria and Shuter Sts. Golding may have left the house unfinished – some dwellings in the area were built as cottages – and Bruce may have put in the plaster walls.
Following the Northampton Museum’s recommendation, we will likely return the shoe to the walls, not out of superstition, but in the spirit of continuity. And we will adopt a new perspective on the shoe as suggested by Elizabeth Semmelhack, who says, “Think of it as a symbol of a new beginning for those people. They have a child and want to keep bad luck at bay.
“The shoe is devoted to hope in the future.”
World renowned paranormal expert, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, will guest. She will share her up and coming works, as well as, what she is up to now. It should make for a very good show. It airs on Friday at 9pm. Please hit the link below for more details.
The Haunting Story of Alexandra Holzer Diary Entry by Bill Knell
The Haunting Story of Alexandra Holzer Diary Entry by Bill Knell
Alexandra Holzer is motivated, enthusiastic and with as many goals as she has talents, se is so much more than just the daughter of Hans Holzer, the first and most famous Ghost Hunter.::::::::Alexandra Holzer had anything but a normal childhood. One of two sisters, she is the youngest born to Ghost Hunter Hans Holzer and Countess Catherine Buxhoeveden. She explained some of the funny, offbeat and frightening moments of her youth in Growing Up Haunted: A Ghostly Memoir (Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2008). To understand Alexandra, you really have to know a bit about her parents, so we’ll begin there.
Hans Holzer is generally considered to be the father of modern spirit investigation. The author of over one hundred and forty-five books and novels, Hans wrote Ghost Hunter in 1963 and established the methodology that many within the field of paranormal investigation use today. He received his Ph.D from the London College of Applied Science and has made appearances on popular television programs such as In Search Of and Murder in Amityville.
Countess Catherine Buxhoeveden, also known as The Haunted Countess, is a direct descendent of Catherine The Great of Russia. Born at Castle Rovina in Merano, Italy, she grew up and eventually married Hans Holzer. Catherine helped research many of the topics for his books and added her own intuitive, imaginative and inspired artwork to those projects. The Countess lives on Long Island and often shows her art work in The Hamptons.
After reading almost all of her father’s books, I was thrilled to speak with Alexandra over the phone. She instantly communicates a sincere interest in spirit investigation. However, it would be wrong to believe that she is just some chip off the old block. Alexandra makes it clear that she and her father do not see eye to eye on a number of issues. One of them happens to be the subject of demons.
“My father doesn’t believe in demons…he says spirits are beings of light” she told me matter-of-factly. Hans is not alone in his assessment of evil spirits, however, it does cut a swath across research by others that do believe in them including Ed and Lorraine Warren, well-known ghost hunters and authors in their own right, and his own daughter. He also seems to find fault with some of her conclusions as evidenced by a recent debate over a photo she showed to him and her mother. Alexandra describes the situation:
“After rediscovering my ability of sight and tapping into my sixth sense, I began taking photo’s around my home. The results showed anomalies which I concluded were not manmade from the environment of my home such as dirt, dust or in-door rain. I became excited and had my mother take some of her own photos. I explained to her that the objects were probably the physical manifestations of spirit guides, family members that passed over and so on. She was just as excited and in her low-key mellow way, just as astonished to see what appeared on her bedroom curtains and floors. Shapes taking form, an arm here, a leg there… That began the topic of our orb conversations. Sounds like a bucket of chicken: You get the wing, oh look here’s the breast!”
“ I took it another step forward by taking some photos during a function at my sisters house in Riverdale, New York. I wasn’t just interested in preserving family moments, but was searching for evidence of life after life on film. What I believe to be a face appeared in one of the photos. It was just behind my sister and seemed to come out of her curio. After looking at the photo a couple of times, she agreed that the anomaly was a face. That’s when the orb fight began.”
“My mother, sister and I went to show the photo to my father. Well, Mr. Ghost Hunter didn’t exactly see eye to eye with us. He emphatically stated, ‘That’s not an orb! I can’t see what it is, BUT it’s not a person!’ That’s all it took to start a ten minute verbal battle over the photo and its contents. I said, ‘Look there is the head,’ and he’d reply, ‘That’s not a head, it’s the light coming from the room!’ I’d say, ‘It’s shaping here like a person,’ he’d reply, ‘That’s not a person, it’s a bug of some sort perhaps, but it’s not a person!’ We ended the argument by agreeing to disagree, but I was still red-faced angry over the whole thing and the argument was far from over as far as I was concerned.”
That’s what is so terrific about Alexandra. She has a passion that rivals her father’s when it comes to spirit investigation. That passion came through during own phone conversation and in her description of her relationship, agreements, disagreements, admirations and frustrations with her dad. She says, “Life with my father is difficult, confusing and inspiring all rolled into one.” Alexandra continued:
“As a child, he was there for me to hold my hand crossing the busy New York City streets. He was there to take me to the pediatrician when I was sick, but always felt uncomfortable sitting in the waiting room. He complained about the germs in those places. Despite that eccentricity, he was entertaining and very considerate of my likes and dislikes. He once made the mistake of bringing me toast with orange marmalade when clearly, strawberry was my favorite. I bellowed at him at the ripe old age of seven and said, ‘Father, that’s NOT the right jam!’ Laughing, he just smiled, left the room and returned with a new batch of toast and strawberry jam.”
“I long for those days and wish for more, but my father never allowed me into the paranormal side of his life with the exception of telling me stories from the past. As old age set in, it was too late to get involved with that. The man I once knew had become more difficult and less forthcoming of his business. Today, all I can do is develop my own path and try to carry on what little he’ll let me until he passes. When he does, I will be able to continue without walking on eggshells or being fearful of insulting his ego. He’ll be in a better place, smiling again, and devising a plan to haunt me I am sure!”
I was nine years old when I became aware that my father’s military career and the friends he knew from those days provided proof positive that Extraterrestrials were visiting our planet. That awareness became the catalyst which launched my interest in the paranormal. It caused me to read books on the subject (including Ghost Hunter) and watch people like her dad on television. I wondered when Alexandra first became aware that her father was a famous Ghost Hunter? She provided the following answer:
“I was around the age of nine or ten years old. It was Christmas Time and my mother began wrapping up some of my father’s books as gifts for the school teachers. I attended prep school in Manhattan, so the environment was quiet, proper and subtle. One day before Christmas break, my class sat watching our History teacher as he opened up his gifts. I hadn’t a clue what we got him, but was excited to watch him open the present. I picked out the silver, shiny paper that apparently left glitter all over any hands that touched it. As he looked at his hands, I felt very bad and sunk into my chair. He laughed it off and with a smirk continued to open the package.”
“When the paper fell to the floor, a bunch of books appeared and the look on his face went from a smirk to a serious grin. ‘What could it be?’ I wondered. ‘What the heck did mother buy this poor man?’ As the other kids and I crowded around him to find out, the teacher showed us the covers of the books that emerged from the wrapping. They were titles like ‘The Ghost Hunter‘, ‘ESP and You, ‘Witches’ and ‘The Lively Ghosts of Ireland’ by Dr. Hans Holzer! Oh no…that is MY father! I couldn’t believe it. He wrote those? What the heck does he do for a living? I sank to the lowest point in my chair at that moment. As if to add insult to injury, I fell off that chair to the ground with a thunderous thud! It was at that moment that I wondered if I should switch schools right away or maybe just leave the planet!”
As a Paranormal Researcher with more years of experience than I care to admit and children of my own, I can understand how strange it must have been for Alexandra to face her father’s unusual claim to fame. My own kids always enjoy listening to my radio and television interviews, but it can confuse them at times. After all, I am not exactly dealing with conventional topics. With that in mind, I wondered what Alexandra’s earliest memory of her father’s ghost hunting might be? She told me:
“I was around the age of eleven when my father came bursting into my room announcing he would be on television that evening. He gave me the time, channel and show’s name. I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Yeah, okay whatever.” But when the time came for the show to air, I was not going to get off that easily. He stormed back into my room and announced it was on. My mother, sister and I (and the cat) went into the living room to watch my father on television. He sat there smiling, commenting and folding his arms. Although it seemed really funny at the time, I can now understand his sense of accomplishment as I am now trying to accomplish the same thing. I might have been bored when I watched those shows, but I was also impressed and sensed his fame.”
My paranormal ‘awakening’ occurred at the age of nine. I wondered how and when Alexandra became interested in spirit investigation. Now thirty seven years of age, she says that a ghostly experience of her own at the age of thirty two was what propelled her into the world her father had dominated for so long:
“I was folding laundry and I heard my late aunt’s whisper of a voice in my ear. She passed from a rare form of Lymphoma two years before. I had experiences as a child and never felt alone, but this was something foreign to me that suddenly became familiar. As I began to open up and allow her in, the dreams came, then the messages and soon, I was able to read people naturally. I didn’t ask for this second sight or to be a medium to help others. My aunt allowed me to get back to my roots and chose the right time for me. I could have picked a better moment, like before I had four children, but that is not how it works.”
Alexandra Holzer has partnered with Carly-Rose Singer and Shira Etzionis to form a kind of Charlie’s Angels threesome of east coast ghost researchers called New York’s Pretty Paranormals. Each one of them brings something to the table of spirit investigations including Alexandra’s vision of what Ghost Hunting should be. “I want to help people,” she tells me. I can understand her vision and admire the fact that she and her partners want to do more than just show up at someone’s house with a bunch of gadgets and an emotional detachment that is unhealthy for all involved.
There is an honesty and sincerity that comes across when you speak with the youngest daughter of Hans Holzer. She is motivated, enthusiastic and with as many goals as she has talents, she is so much more than just the daughter of a famous Ghost Hunter. You’ll be seeing a lot more of Alexandra Holzer. She hopes to create and host a television show about the paranormal and I cannot think of anyone better suited to do that. She’s also a prolific author with several books currently available and more on the way.
Alexandra Holzer is available for radio, internet and television guest spots and print interviews. She is also available for Speaking Engagements. For more, visit
Bill Knell is a popular Speaker, Author and Consultant with eclectic interests. Best known for his Paranormal Research and Seminars, Bill also excels in the area of personal, business and financial advice and management. Featured in the Wall Street Journal, Omni, the L.A. Times, Toronto Star and NY Times; seen on CNN, NBC Nightly News, Fox Television and many Cable Networks; heard on Mancow, Bob and Tom and Howard Stern; consultant to films like Independence Day, Men in Black, the Fifth Element and World of the Worlds.
Hans Holzer is generally considered to be the father of modern spirit investigation. The author of over one hundred and forty-five books and novels, Hans wrote Ghost Hunter in 1963 and established the methodology that many within the field of paranormal investigation use today. He received his Ph.D from the London College of Applied Science and has made appearances on popular television programs such as In Search Of and Murder in Amityville.
Countess Catherine Buxhoeveden, also known as The Haunted Countess, is a direct descendent of Catherine The Great of Russia. Born at Castle Rovina in Merano, Italy, she grew up and eventually married Hans Holzer. Catherine helped research many of the topics for his books and added her own intuitive, imaginative and inspired artwork to those projects. The Countess lives on Long Island and often shows her art work in The Hamptons.
After reading almost all of her father’s books, I was thrilled to speak with Alexandra over the phone. She instantly communicates a sincere interest in spirit investigation. However, it would be wrong to believe that she is just some chip off the old block. Alexandra makes it clear that she and her father do not see eye to eye on a number of issues. One of them happens to be the subject of demons.
“My father doesn’t believe in demons…he says spirits are beings of light” she told me matter-of-factly. Hans is not alone in his assessment of evil spirits, however, it does cut a swath across research by others that do believe in them including Ed and Lorraine Warren, well-known ghost hunters and authors in their own right, and his own daughter. He also seems to find fault with some of her conclusions as evidenced by a recent debate over a photo she showed to him and her mother. Alexandra describes the situation:
“After rediscovering my ability of sight and tapping into my sixth sense, I began taking photo’s around my home. The results showed anomalies which I concluded were not manmade from the environment of my home such as dirt, dust or in-door rain. I became excited and had my mother take some of her own photos. I explained to her that the objects were probably the physical manifestations of spirit guides, family members that passed over and so on. She was just as excited and in her low-key mellow way, just as astonished to see what appeared on her bedroom curtains and floors. Shapes taking form, an arm here, a leg there… That began the topic of our orb conversations. Sounds like a bucket of chicken: You get the wing, oh look here’s the breast!”
“ I took it another step forward by taking some photos during a function at my sisters house in Riverdale, New York. I wasn’t just interested in preserving family moments, but was searching for evidence of life after life on film. What I believe to be a face appeared in one of the photos. It was just behind my sister and seemed to come out of her curio. After looking at the photo a couple of times, she agreed that the anomaly was a face. That’s when the orb fight began.”
“My mother, sister and I went to show the photo to my father. Well, Mr. Ghost Hunter didn’t exactly see eye to eye with us. He emphatically stated, ‘That’s not an orb! I can’t see what it is, BUT it’s not a person!’ That’s all it took to start a ten minute verbal battle over the photo and its contents. I said, ‘Look there is the head,’ and he’d reply, ‘That’s not a head, it’s the light coming from the room!’ I’d say, ‘It’s shaping here like a person,’ he’d reply, ‘That’s not a person, it’s a bug of some sort perhaps, but it’s not a person!’ We ended the argument by agreeing to disagree, but I was still red-faced angry over the whole thing and the argument was far from over as far as I was concerned.”
That’s what is so terrific about Alexandra. She has a passion that rivals her father’s when it comes to spirit investigation. That passion came through during own phone conversation and in her description of her relationship, agreements, disagreements, admirations and frustrations with her dad. She says, “Life with my father is difficult, confusing and inspiring all rolled into one.” Alexandra continued:
“As a child, he was there for me to hold my hand crossing the busy New York City streets. He was there to take me to the pediatrician when I was sick, but always felt uncomfortable sitting in the waiting room. He complained about the germs in those places. Despite that eccentricity, he was entertaining and very considerate of my likes and dislikes. He once made the mistake of bringing me toast with orange marmalade when clearly, strawberry was my favorite. I bellowed at him at the ripe old age of seven and said, ‘Father, that’s NOT the right jam!’ Laughing, he just smiled, left the room and returned with a new batch of toast and strawberry jam.”
“I long for those days and wish for more, but my father never allowed me into the paranormal side of his life with the exception of telling me stories from the past. As old age set in, it was too late to get involved with that. The man I once knew had become more difficult and less forthcoming of his business. Today, all I can do is develop my own path and try to carry on what little he’ll let me until he passes. When he does, I will be able to continue without walking on eggshells or being fearful of insulting his ego. He’ll be in a better place, smiling again, and devising a plan to haunt me I am sure!”
I was nine years old when I became aware that my father’s military career and the friends he knew from those days provided proof positive that Extraterrestrials were visiting our planet. That awareness became the catalyst which launched my interest in the paranormal. It caused me to read books on the subject (including Ghost Hunter) and watch people like her dad on television. I wondered when Alexandra first became aware that her father was a famous Ghost Hunter? She provided the following answer:
“I was around the age of nine or ten years old. It was Christmas Time and my mother began wrapping up some of my father’s books as gifts for the school teachers. I attended prep school in Manhattan, so the environment was quiet, proper and subtle. One day before Christmas break, my class sat watching our History teacher as he opened up his gifts. I hadn’t a clue what we got him, but was excited to watch him open the present. I picked out the silver, shiny paper that apparently left glitter all over any hands that touched it. As he looked at his hands, I felt very bad and sunk into my chair. He laughed it off and with a smirk continued to open the package.”
“When the paper fell to the floor, a bunch of books appeared and the look on his face went from a smirk to a serious grin. ‘What could it be?’ I wondered. ‘What the heck did mother buy this poor man?’ As the other kids and I crowded around him to find out, the teacher showed us the covers of the books that emerged from the wrapping. They were titles like ‘The Ghost Hunter‘, ‘ESP and You, ‘Witches’ and ‘The Lively Ghosts of Ireland’ by Dr. Hans Holzer! Oh no…that is MY father! I couldn’t believe it. He wrote those? What the heck does he do for a living? I sank to the lowest point in my chair at that moment. As if to add insult to injury, I fell off that chair to the ground with a thunderous thud! It was at that moment that I wondered if I should switch schools right away or maybe just leave the planet!”
As a Paranormal Researcher with more years of experience than I care to admit and children of my own, I can understand how strange it must have been for Alexandra to face her father’s unusual claim to fame. My own kids always enjoy listening to my radio and television interviews, but it can confuse them at times. After all, I am not exactly dealing with conventional topics. With that in mind, I wondered what Alexandra’s earliest memory of her father’s ghost hunting might be? She told me:
“I was around the age of eleven when my father came bursting into my room announcing he would be on television that evening. He gave me the time, channel and show’s name. I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Yeah, okay whatever.” But when the time came for the show to air, I was not going to get off that easily. He stormed back into my room and announced it was on. My mother, sister and I (and the cat) went into the living room to watch my father on television. He sat there smiling, commenting and folding his arms. Although it seemed really funny at the time, I can now understand his sense of accomplishment as I am now trying to accomplish the same thing. I might have been bored when I watched those shows, but I was also impressed and sensed his fame.”
My paranormal ‘awakening’ occurred at the age of nine. I wondered how and when Alexandra became interested in spirit investigation. Now thirty seven years of age, she says that a ghostly experience of her own at the age of thirty two was what propelled her into the world her father had dominated for so long:
“I was folding laundry and I heard my late aunt’s whisper of a voice in my ear. She passed from a rare form of Lymphoma two years before. I had experiences as a child and never felt alone, but this was something foreign to me that suddenly became familiar. As I began to open up and allow her in, the dreams came, then the messages and soon, I was able to read people naturally. I didn’t ask for this second sight or to be a medium to help others. My aunt allowed me to get back to my roots and chose the right time for me. I could have picked a better moment, like before I had four children, but that is not how it works.”
Alexandra Holzer has partnered with Carly-Rose Singer and Shira Etzionis to form a kind of Charlie’s Angels threesome of east coast ghost researchers called New York’s Pretty Paranormals. Each one of them brings something to the table of spirit investigations including Alexandra’s vision of what Ghost Hunting should be. “I want to help people,” she tells me. I can understand her vision and admire the fact that she and her partners want to do more than just show up at someone’s house with a bunch of gadgets and an emotional detachment that is unhealthy for all involved.
There is an honesty and sincerity that comes across when you speak with the youngest daughter of Hans Holzer. She is motivated, enthusiastic and with as many goals as she has talents, she is so much more than just the daughter of a famous Ghost Hunter. You’ll be seeing a lot more of Alexandra Holzer. She hopes to create and host a television show about the paranormal and I cannot think of anyone better suited to do that. She’s also a prolific author with several books currently available and more on the way.
Alexandra Holzer is available for radio, internet and television guest spots and print interviews. She is also available for Speaking Engagements. For more, visit
Bill Knell is a popular Speaker, Author and Consultant with eclectic interests. Best known for his Paranormal Research and Seminars, Bill also excels in the area of personal, business and financial advice and management. Featured in the Wall Street Journal, Omni, the L.A. Times, Toronto Star and NY Times; seen on CNN, NBC Nightly News, Fox Television and many Cable Networks; heard on Mancow, Bob and Tom and Howard Stern; consultant to films like Independence Day, Men in Black, the Fifth Element and World of the Worlds.
This past Friday I experienced quite the series of unusual events. I am not a very superstitious person and I personally look forward to those special Fridays. I always enjoy a good scary movies or to delve further into the paranormal… I really appreciate the supernatural on those days. Well, I usually do all of those things anyways, but even more so on the 13th. On this particular Friday the 13th my husband and I were driving west on the 401 when it really started to rain, monsoon like, and my husband mentioned what day it was. As soon as he did an 18 wheeler nearly side swiped us. If he didn’t slam on the breaks we would have been toast. I do admit I screamed like a little girl! My heart nearly jumped out of my throat. First the crazy rainstorm and then the near death experience. OMG what was going to happen next!!!??? Well then we had to stop for gas so when hubby was pumping the octain our car started to roll. I was a bit shaky from the prior incident that I was a bit delayed in popping the emergency break on. My husband said I wanted to watch a horror movie, however, I did not want it in 4D lol! I wonder if people who believe that Friday the 13th is negative actually amplify it’s detrimental effects. It’s as though my husband was tuning in the bad vibes to actually cause almost harmful things to occure. Thank the Lord I was there to cancel the negative energy! We were very lucky to walk away without a scratch.
Canada Malting Silos located in the Toronto Harbourfront on the foot of Bathurst Street. Only one of two silos remain today. The silos were built in 1928 to store malt hops for the Canada Malting Company. Deemed an important work of industrial architecture, the concrete malting towers were a new innovation, they would prevent fire because grain elevators had been previously built out of wood. In 1944 a round office was added to original construction. Abandoned in the 1980s and set for demolition, the Canada Malting Silos were deemed a heritage site by the City of Toronto. They were to be converted into a music museum or theme park. Instead it just sits there inviting the curious into it’s very dangerous midst. Speaking of which… last night at approximately 1:00 a.m., we were enjoying the view of the city, and noticed a shining flashlight piercing the ebony sky from the highest point of the eerie malting plant.  We scrambled to find a flashlight and when we did start shining it towards them they responded with more light, along with a beam of red… I assumed it was from a video camera. I wonder what they found?  Flashes also lit up spots of the plant from many different cameras on various floors. I wonder if the culprits are going to post it all online? I have only walked around it’s outskirts and never ventured to enter because I have read up on it and have come to find that it’s dangerous so I keep away. I also feel a substantial amount of negative energy and you know me and negative energy… I just can’t stand it.Â
![Canada Malting]()
Haunted Hamilton is hosting an “overnight paranormal investigation and seance” at Fort Henry, and spaces are still available. Visit their website for more details and to book a seat.
Thifting For Spirits
I am a big collector of a strange 70s doll and so I would go to a lot of thrift shops to try and find them. They were a bit harder to find, but I never left without some sort of treasure. I would often find Ouijas and for some reason I would snatch them up without any hesitation. I brought home a lot more than I bargained for, and I am still trying to piece together my paranormal experiences. I still have two boards with me now and I find comfort knowing that they are there… strange, perhaps? Yes, but I am becoming less and less afraid. Even when I was little I opened a door without any Ouija’s to experience my first metaphysical taste. I was always sensitive and thought it would be cool to hold a seance like a witch. By burning candles and a few spiders I was soon on my way! I was only a stupid kid and had no idea that it would lead to such a wicked energy. That must have opened the door, as well as the Ouija boards, it must be the reason for my experiences. It doesn’t help that I am prone to sensing energy though. This blog is helping me piece together the bits to help answer a lot of my questions. I know that I will never exactly know everything, but at least I am on the way to easing my mind. I totally believe that there is something else… something of a paranormal nature. Energy never dies but exactly what happens after death is still a big mystery to me and probably to so many others. If we as humans would stop fueling wars and hate and start focusing on science we could surely find out. We could also cure death entirely too if we wanted. I don’t want to live forever if there is something better though.
It’s for sale: Haunted, boxy, loads of gaudy murals (and morals) steps from the TTC, and full of spirits. Both kinds
The Toronto Sun Website
(Newsflash: The Sun building will be listed for sale, publisher Kin-Man Lee tells staff. It’s too big and he doesn’t want to be a landlord. So … )
Hurry!!! Primo!!!! Won’t last!!!!
Sidesplit, 300,000 square-foot red-brick jewel in the heart of red-hot Olde York.
Historic, original 1970s Box of Brick style, with STUNNING addition and makeover in Late 20th-Century Revival.
Steps to TTC. In fact, be careful or be schmucked by a streetcar. Perfect location for flipping bird at drivers during sudden transit strikes.
Parking for 190, plus 351/2 baths, including toilets for 94, urinals for 21, and showers for 15 very, very close friends.
Let’s party!!! Spacious living-dining. Finished basement. Three full kitchens. Water coolers, which have heard some amazing tales.
No bedrooms as such, but comfy couches galore and countless stairwells to curl up in.
Comfort Room, to entertain a special someone or unwind after cleaning 351/2 washrooms.
Let the sun shine in!! Or gawk at the stars, and I don’t just mean Liz Braun. Skylights soar above Gone With The Wind central staircase.
Stock up on Windex. 232 windows in assorted shapes and sizes, and you keep the vertical blinds.
Light fixtures stay, including some wires we’re not sure what the hell they are.
Picturesque 3.92 acres, with sweeping views of the lake, CN Tower, financial district, Betty’s bar, Zoulpy’s deli and Fire Station 333.
Newer roof.
Security PLUS! Sixteen cameras. WHAT!!!?? (Not in the comfort room, Mikey.) Steely men in uniforms also available.
Zoned commercial, but we can fix that. Mayor Miller luvs us.
PLUS!!! a ton of other bonuses!!!!
Wall-to-wall carpet, potted plants, pot-lights, any pot left in the entertainment department, and 50 tons of Goss presses, for that busy modern family with heavy printing needs.
One of a kind haunted room!!!!
Everyone who has ever occupied a certain second-floor office has been fired. Rare opportunity for business owner with problem employee. Or family with problem child.
Other spirits abound, with names like Rimmer, Big Red, Shaky, Mac, Moneypenny, the Moaner, the Baron.
Did we mention the murals?!!
Kick back with a brew and feast your eyes on the history of Toronto parading across your very own Front St. wall.
Or the Donato masterpiece in the breakfast nook, lampooning many celebs.
Andy says it’s worth $4.5 million in today’s market.
But, for you, FREE!!!! If you buy this property before Canada Day.
Shows like a model!!!! Fully equipped photo studio. SUNshine Girls not included.
A dedicated horde of parking officers on King St. You can bloody well have ’em for all we care.
Also: An oasis in the city!!! A jungle of ferns and small trees, some real, some suspiciously shiny.
Umpteen framed photos of Joe Carter celebrating his 1993 World Series-winning homer.
Stacks of old newspapers and any journos found slumbering therein.
Several dust-coated but collectible IBM typewriters. Museum quality.
I think I recognize John Downing’s pawprint on one of them.
Income potential!!!! You could house Kitchener in the basement.
Sorry, not included: Incidental bald columnists.
Or the Headless Argo photo. Already gave that away to a friend of the Headless Argo.
Or the fish tank in Paul Godfrey’s old office. It’s gone. Sprang a leak, a day before the kitchen served Seafood Chowder Surprise.
Or the best damn newspaper staff in the country.
This whole deal will take months, maybe years. Terms negotiable. We’ll rent back, or we’ll move out.
I wonder if the Eclipse Building is available.
Rare find!!!!
Stop looking!!! You’re home!!!! Move in!!!
The Toronto Sun Website
(Newsflash: The Sun building will be listed for sale, publisher Kin-Man Lee tells staff. It’s too big and he doesn’t want to be a landlord. So … )
Hurry!!! Primo!!!! Won’t last!!!!
Sidesplit, 300,000 square-foot red-brick jewel in the heart of red-hot Olde York.
Historic, original 1970s Box of Brick style, with STUNNING addition and makeover in Late 20th-Century Revival.
Steps to TTC. In fact, be careful or be schmucked by a streetcar. Perfect location for flipping bird at drivers during sudden transit strikes.
Parking for 190, plus 351/2 baths, including toilets for 94, urinals for 21, and showers for 15 very, very close friends.
Let’s party!!! Spacious living-dining. Finished basement. Three full kitchens. Water coolers, which have heard some amazing tales.
No bedrooms as such, but comfy couches galore and countless stairwells to curl up in.
Comfort Room, to entertain a special someone or unwind after cleaning 351/2 washrooms.
Let the sun shine in!! Or gawk at the stars, and I don’t just mean Liz Braun. Skylights soar above Gone With The Wind central staircase.
Stock up on Windex. 232 windows in assorted shapes and sizes, and you keep the vertical blinds.
Light fixtures stay, including some wires we’re not sure what the hell they are.
Picturesque 3.92 acres, with sweeping views of the lake, CN Tower, financial district, Betty’s bar, Zoulpy’s deli and Fire Station 333.
Newer roof.
Security PLUS! Sixteen cameras. WHAT!!!?? (Not in the comfort room, Mikey.) Steely men in uniforms also available.
Zoned commercial, but we can fix that. Mayor Miller luvs us.
PLUS!!! a ton of other bonuses!!!!
Wall-to-wall carpet, potted plants, pot-lights, any pot left in the entertainment department, and 50 tons of Goss presses, for that busy modern family with heavy printing needs.
One of a kind haunted room!!!!
Everyone who has ever occupied a certain second-floor office has been fired. Rare opportunity for business owner with problem employee. Or family with problem child.
Other spirits abound, with names like Rimmer, Big Red, Shaky, Mac, Moneypenny, the Moaner, the Baron.
Did we mention the murals?!!
Kick back with a brew and feast your eyes on the history of Toronto parading across your very own Front St. wall.
Or the Donato masterpiece in the breakfast nook, lampooning many celebs.
Andy says it’s worth $4.5 million in today’s market.
But, for you, FREE!!!! If you buy this property before Canada Day.
Shows like a model!!!! Fully equipped photo studio. SUNshine Girls not included.
A dedicated horde of parking officers on King St. You can bloody well have ’em for all we care.
Also: An oasis in the city!!! A jungle of ferns and small trees, some real, some suspiciously shiny.
Umpteen framed photos of Joe Carter celebrating his 1993 World Series-winning homer.
Stacks of old newspapers and any journos found slumbering therein.
Several dust-coated but collectible IBM typewriters. Museum quality.
I think I recognize John Downing’s pawprint on one of them.
Income potential!!!! You could house Kitchener in the basement.
Sorry, not included: Incidental bald columnists.
Or the Headless Argo photo. Already gave that away to a friend of the Headless Argo.
Or the fish tank in Paul Godfrey’s old office. It’s gone. Sprang a leak, a day before the kitchen served Seafood Chowder Surprise.
Or the best damn newspaper staff in the country.
This whole deal will take months, maybe years. Terms negotiable. We’ll rent back, or we’ll move out.
I wonder if the Eclipse Building is available.
Rare find!!!!
Stop looking!!! You’re home!!!! Move in!!!
Mysterion ( Toronto) May 18 & 19 Natrel Fearless Fun Zone, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Other acts may be included)
Expect the unexpected from this mad doctor—demonstrations of the paranormal, such as telepathy with spectators, ESP tests, mind reading, and telekinesis to nerve wracking feats of mind over matter. Even the most skeptical are drawn into participating in a mind-blowing psychic experience.Â
Harbourfront Centre 235 Queens Quay west
(Google map)
Expect the unexpected from this mad doctor—demonstrations of the paranormal, such as telepathy with spectators, ESP tests, mind reading, and telekinesis to nerve wracking feats of mind over matter. Even the most skeptical are drawn into participating in a mind-blowing psychic experience.Â
Harbourfront Centre 235 Queens Quay west
(Google map)
I stumbled upon another paranormal show on the Woman’s Network that’s called Ghostly Encounters. It features people that have had experienced the metaphysical, telling their tale and the show somewhat depicting it. It’s a good show, but I still love Discovery’s A Haunting better ( it’s back on at 10pm on Friday nights!!!). For more information please click HERE
Hans Holzer: The Original Ghosthunter
April 26, 2008
Hanz Holzer: The Original Ghosthunter
by Bill Knell
In a day when ghost investigation has become a subject for reality television and those involved are more like cartoon characters than serious researchers, it’s prudent to take a look at a real Ghost Hunter. Hans Holzer has authored 160 books about the paranormal. Born in 1920, he has spent many years of his life investigating the ghost phenomenon throughout the world. Hans was the first academically trained researcher to define ghosts and ghostly activity for Parapsychology and his book, The Ghost Hunter (published in 1963), set the standard for understanding and investigating that area of the paranormal. Holzer earned his Phd from the London College of Applied Science and has helped establish many of the protocols used by Parapsychologists today. He’s taught Parapsychology at the New York Institute of Technology and has a wealth of hands-on experience when it comes to ghost hunting. After attending one of his lectures back in the 1970s, I found Hans to be fair, objective and serious about the investigation of paranormal events. More importantly, he’s a wonderful Mentor that has helped many people interested in ghost research to get started on the right path.
Beyond the fact that Hans Holzer stepped up and made the investigation of ghostly activity a legitimate area of study, I appreciated his work because we both have something in common. Hans became interested in the paranormal when he was eight years of age. I became interested in UFOs, ghosts and the paranormal when I was nine years of age. That makes a difference. It gives you time to formulate ideas, study the work of others and develop a healthy respect for objectivity, as opposed to becoming a true believer, skeptic or debunker.
I am happy to see that Alexandra Holzer, daughter to Hans Holzer and Artist, Countess Catherine Buxhoeveden, has taken on the task of writing about what it was like growing up in that family. Her book, Growing Up Haunted: A Ghostly Memoir, is a delightful collection of stories and behind the scenes facts about her famous dad and mom, as well as their children. Among other things, the book delves into what it was like for Hans to take on a world set against the belief that ghosts were anything more than loose floorboards, overactive imaginations and drug induced or psychotic fantasies.
It’s easy for anyone to enter an allegedly haunted environment with a camera crew in town, check a few meters, run a digital recorder for possible EVPs and try and debunk the place. It’s another thing to take on the same task armed with the knowledge, well-rounded skills and a serious desire to objectively unlock the secrets of the unseen world. Hans Holzer has set the standard for ghost investigation and provided an excellent example for the rest of us to follow. For more, visit
Bill Knell is a popular Speaker, Author and Consultant with eclectic interests. Best known for his Paranormal Research and Seminars, Bill also excels in the area of personal, business and financial advice and management. Featured in the Wall Street Journal, Omni, the L.A. Times, Toronto Star and NY Times; seen on CNN, NBC Nightly News, Fox Television and many Cable Networks; heard on Mancow, Bob and Tom and Howard Stern; consultant to films like Independence Day, Men in Black, the Fifth Element and World of the Worlds.
Hanz Holzer: The Original Ghosthunter
by Bill Knell
In a day when ghost investigation has become a subject for reality television and those involved are more like cartoon characters than serious researchers, it’s prudent to take a look at a real Ghost Hunter. Hans Holzer has authored 160 books about the paranormal. Born in 1920, he has spent many years of his life investigating the ghost phenomenon throughout the world. Hans was the first academically trained researcher to define ghosts and ghostly activity for Parapsychology and his book, The Ghost Hunter (published in 1963), set the standard for understanding and investigating that area of the paranormal. Holzer earned his Phd from the London College of Applied Science and has helped establish many of the protocols used by Parapsychologists today. He’s taught Parapsychology at the New York Institute of Technology and has a wealth of hands-on experience when it comes to ghost hunting. After attending one of his lectures back in the 1970s, I found Hans to be fair, objective and serious about the investigation of paranormal events. More importantly, he’s a wonderful Mentor that has helped many people interested in ghost research to get started on the right path.
Holzer is one of the first paranormal researchers to appear on television and create a positive impression. I recall seeing him in a number of specials, shows and news documentaries aired during the 1960s. This was a time when the media was especially skeptical about anything involving ghosts. His work on the paranormal investigation of historical sites in New York City, for example, was filmed, shown on television and received an excellent response from viewing audiences and the news media alike.
Anyone that is a fan of Leonard Nimoy’s ‘In Search Of’ series of the 1970s will recall seeing Hans on the show. Holzer’s book, The Ghosts That Walk in Washington, became a classic read on Washington, D.C. ghosts and an excellent written account of his famous Woodrow Wilson House ghost hunt. Hans frequently works with Mediums and isn’t afraid to embrace alternative ideas and methodologies. His book, Ghosts, has sold hundreds of thousands of copies and become a definitive work on the subject. Hans says of that book, “It’s an encyclopedia of all the ghost cases that I have been involved in.”Beyond the fact that Hans Holzer stepped up and made the investigation of ghostly activity a legitimate area of study, I appreciated his work because we both have something in common. Hans became interested in the paranormal when he was eight years of age. I became interested in UFOs, ghosts and the paranormal when I was nine years of age. That makes a difference. It gives you time to formulate ideas, study the work of others and develop a healthy respect for objectivity, as opposed to becoming a true believer, skeptic or debunker.
I am happy to see that Alexandra Holzer, daughter to Hans Holzer and Artist, Countess Catherine Buxhoeveden, has taken on the task of writing about what it was like growing up in that family. Her book, Growing Up Haunted: A Ghostly Memoir, is a delightful collection of stories and behind the scenes facts about her famous dad and mom, as well as their children. Among other things, the book delves into what it was like for Hans to take on a world set against the belief that ghosts were anything more than loose floorboards, overactive imaginations and drug induced or psychotic fantasies.
It’s easy for anyone to enter an allegedly haunted environment with a camera crew in town, check a few meters, run a digital recorder for possible EVPs and try and debunk the place. It’s another thing to take on the same task armed with the knowledge, well-rounded skills and a serious desire to objectively unlock the secrets of the unseen world. Hans Holzer has set the standard for ghost investigation and provided an excellent example for the rest of us to follow. For more, visit
Bill Knell is a popular Speaker, Author and Consultant with eclectic interests. Best known for his Paranormal Research and Seminars, Bill also excels in the area of personal, business and financial advice and management. Featured in the Wall Street Journal, Omni, the L.A. Times, Toronto Star and NY Times; seen on CNN, NBC Nightly News, Fox Television and many Cable Networks; heard on Mancow, Bob and Tom and Howard Stern; consultant to films like Independence Day, Men in Black, the Fifth Element and World of the Worlds.
I just want to let everyone know that I am feeling very inward lately. I have been holding back because I am just so consumed with my mundane job. I really hate it because it absorbs a lot of my positive and creative energy. It takes all my strength to work in property management and you almost have to disconnect yourself in order to function. I don’t recommend that field to anyone. It wouldn’t be so bad if there wasn’t some evil people that I had to work closely with, but there are these two people in particular that are in my own department that are the devil. I have worked with a**holes before but it never gets easier. The biggest demon is my boss who is obviously bipolar in how they carry on and how they also allow another very disturbed co-worker to behave even more irrationally then them. The devil jr’s behaviour is very haunting… from slamming office equipment to snapping at clients & fellow colleagues. I feel that this person is really consumed by a lot of negative energy.. they may even be possessed! It’s very difficult to work with that beast and I know my boss is aware and enjoys it. My boss even commented once on how they would like to find new ways to torture us. In this day and age I can not believe that people like that are allowed to continue their employ. They seem to poison the workplace and many a person has complained about these two. I gave myself a cutoff date of when I resign. Good money seems to be the main reason why I stay. I also love working downtown and there are some nice people that I work with to… it only takes one rotten apple to ruin it, but at that place there are two! I don’t allow them to see that they greatly annoy me because the first day that I started I picked up that they were trouble and I was determined to always take the higher road, even if that meant being a bit fake. I have unintentionally driven devil jr to the brink of wanting to kill me lol I can’t help but enjoy her try and try and try to push my buttons with no luck and then end up looking so terrible herself lol She has gone from trying to make me look horrible to instead make herself look worse… even insane! I know that if it wasn’t for my VP, my boss and her screwed up sidekick would have gotten rid of me long ago, but I am an excellent worker. I have had a vision in a dream about my boss… how she turned a co-worker friend against me when she returned from matt leave. It was so clear that when she came over to me and told me that I was fired and to get out I was a bit shocked. At this point I know that I could twist this around and actually have what they intended for me to happen to them, but then I would be just as evil. I am not like that.. I do not wish harm or ill fate on anyone. I think the best thing to do is leave. I quit before but they didn’t want me to go and have made every effort in order for me to stay. I just can’t stand the negativity and hate that are emanating from those two twits. I feel so sorry for them in a way because instead of focusing their energy into positive things they are being consumed by this hate. They are very troubled people with lots of issues in their personal lives… it seems the biggest pr#cks at work are the ones with no lives that try to create drama at work to have some sort of life. I have a great life outside of work and I am the type that can’t hold onto bad vibes!  I have to vent about it right away and then it’s fine, but lately it seems that all the venting in the world isn’t helping and I certainly don’t want to end up miserable like them! So I have decided that I am going to do something else! I think I might venture into indulging into a passion instead. I want to do what I love and not do the 9to5 for someone else anymore! Thanks for taking the time to read this.. I’m just feeling so… so… weirded out, I guess, would be the best way to describe it. Why did I have to meet and get to know those people. I wonder if the afterlife it is like that? If we feel these troubled souls. I would not want to exist if that were the case. Having a body usually assists in blocking these vibes for most people, unlike myself, but to be totally open to their rot and negativity! Maybe that’s why there is a hell. I really hope I never have to encounter that bs in it’s full capacity.
Finally an interesting article about a former North York man, originally from Peterborough, that experienced the paranormal first hand and is now hot for hauntings and ghosts! He’s a 9-5’er like myself and doesn’t charge to assist people in ridding their paranormal problems. I give him props for that! There should not be any costs involved at all when it comes to science! To be honest it should all be funded by the government, as would any research. I know it would be very valuable to mankind if we could find out the answers that seem to haunt us when it comes to the metaphysical world. Imagine the peace our society would feel if we knew exactly what was going on and maybe even what our purpose on this earth was. Instead they pump gazillions into bs research. Please! They have a cure for AIDS and cancer, I bet. They don’t disclose it because the pharmaceutical business is big business. Anyways, please check out the article below. .
Bagg means he investigates haunted buildings. It’s a passion for him, something he does in his spare time.
If you suspect you’ve got a haunting, he says, he’s the guy you should call.
Do you want evidence there are ghosts in your house? Want someone to chase them away? Bagg is your man.
He doesn’t do any of this for money. He loves ghostbusting so much, he does it for free. He’s no johnny-come-lately. Bagg has been doing this for 20 years, and feels he’s pretty good at it.
“I think I may be at the front of the pack of ghosthunters,” he says.
On Saturday, Bagg is prepared to reveal some tricks of his trade at a four-hour workshop at the Peterborough Public Library.
Bagg will discuss his encounters, the history of ghost hunting and the basics on how to conduct your own haunt scene investigation.
He’s conducted similar workshops in Toronto, over the last two years. This is his first in Peterborough. Later this month, he’ll be repeating the workshop in Port Hope, Port Perry and Lindsay.
He’s doing it because he wants to encourage people to fearlessly investigate haunt scenes.
He didn’t believe in ghosts. That was to change when Bagg and his wife were confronted with the unexplained.
For example, Bagg would hear a woman’s voice calling his name – or he’d hear footsteps in the next room – when he was alone.
He asked whether anyone had died in his apartment. The building superintendent said an elderly woman had died suddenly, of a stroke, in the kitchen.
Bagg figured it was her ghost and meant him no harm.
Instead of fearing her and trying to get rid of her, Bagg started reading about other hauntings and asking people to share their ghost stories.
After about two years, he moved but had developed an obsession with haunt scenes.
Soon, people would learn of Bagg’s interest through word of mouth. He started getting telephone calls from people living or working in haunted buildings. He gets these calls all the time.
Sometimes, people just want to talk to someone about their encounters with ghosts to reassure themselves that they aren’t crazy. Others want him to gather evidence.
Bagg says it’s possible to capture ghost images on video if you use an infrared camera designed to take footage in the dark.
Once it’s been determined the house is haunted, Bagg can offer tips on encouraging the ghost to leave.
For example, you can tell the ghosts, in a firm tone, that they’re not welcome.
“If you don’t want them, tell them to go,” he says. “I know it sounds New Agey. But even though it seems like hooey, it works.”
In more than two decades, Bagg has investigated about 25 hauntings, many in the Toronto area, and some in Peterborough.
Bagg has investigated two Toronto area schools where ghost children appear to janitors or scribble on the blackboards at night.
He’s also investigated haunted houses and restaurants. He keeps the locations confidential, not everyone wants it publicized that their house or business is haunted.
Bagg is investigating some local haunt scenes. He’s been in touch with some Peterborough homeowners who are concerned about a ghostly cat prowling the house.
He plans to go investigate a cemetery near Bowmanville where he’s heard a woman’s ghost has been wandering. Apparently she wasn’t buried in the same plot with her husband, and she’s looking for him. Bagg’s been living here and hasn’t had time yet to investigate many haunted places.
He wants to check out the most spook-infested buildings in the city, the ones that have sent other people fleeing in fear.
“I want to see the scariest places in town,” he says. “Send me your ghosts.”
Bagg’s kept in touch with some of the ghost hunters he’s met. Some go with him on investigations, an informal group that he calls The Haunt Club.
If that interests you, he says, he’d like to see you at his workshop. He’d love to see more local people getting involved in ghosthunting as a hobby.
Every spooky building in town should be checked out thoroughly; and he wants to recruit people to help.
“I want to put Peterborough on the map as the ghost capital of the world,” he says with a smile.
Ghost facts:
– What: The Haunt Club’s Travelling Ghost Show is a lecture by a ghost researcher with 20 years of experience. It covers topics such as the history of the ghost and how to conduct your own haunt scene investigation.
– Researcher: Cameron Bagg, a local ghost-buster, (877) 745-5588
– Who’s it intended for: Skeptics and believers alike. Bagg says this is meant for anyone over the age of about 12 who is curious about ghosts.
– When: Saturday, April 5, from noon to 4 p.m.
– Where: The Peterborough Public Library, 345 Aylmer St. N.
– Admission: $25 at the door.
Ghostbuster shares haunting stories at city workshop; Spooked? Who are you gonna cal?
Posted By Kovach, Joelle
Posted 2 days ago
There’s something spooky about the way Cameron Bagg introduces himself to people.
“Hi – I’m the ghost guy,” he says.Bagg means he investigates haunted buildings. It’s a passion for him, something he does in his spare time.
If you suspect you’ve got a haunting, he says, he’s the guy you should call.
Do you want evidence there are ghosts in your house? Want someone to chase them away? Bagg is your man.
He doesn’t do any of this for money. He loves ghostbusting so much, he does it for free. He’s no johnny-come-lately. Bagg has been doing this for 20 years, and feels he’s pretty good at it.
“I think I may be at the front of the pack of ghosthunters,” he says.
On Saturday, Bagg is prepared to reveal some tricks of his trade at a four-hour workshop at the Peterborough Public Library.
Bagg will discuss his encounters, the history of ghost hunting and the basics on how to conduct your own haunt scene investigation.
He’s conducted similar workshops in Toronto, over the last two years. This is his first in Peterborough. Later this month, he’ll be repeating the workshop in Port Hope, Port Perry and Lindsay.
He’s doing it because he wants to encourage people to fearlessly investigate haunt scenes.
Bagg, 44, grew up in North York and has family in Peterborough. About a year ago he moved to Arndon Avenue, in the city’s south end, with his 11-year-old son.
He’s an employment counsellor who assists adults with special needs. But that’s his nine-to-five work. His ghost-hunting hobby started when he was 23 and moved into a haunted apartment in North York with his new wife.He didn’t believe in ghosts. That was to change when Bagg and his wife were confronted with the unexplained.
For example, Bagg would hear a woman’s voice calling his name – or he’d hear footsteps in the next room – when he was alone.
He asked whether anyone had died in his apartment. The building superintendent said an elderly woman had died suddenly, of a stroke, in the kitchen.
Bagg figured it was her ghost and meant him no harm.
Instead of fearing her and trying to get rid of her, Bagg started reading about other hauntings and asking people to share their ghost stories.
After about two years, he moved but had developed an obsession with haunt scenes.
Soon, people would learn of Bagg’s interest through word of mouth. He started getting telephone calls from people living or working in haunted buildings. He gets these calls all the time.
Sometimes, people just want to talk to someone about their encounters with ghosts to reassure themselves that they aren’t crazy. Others want him to gather evidence.
Bagg says it’s possible to capture ghost images on video if you use an infrared camera designed to take footage in the dark.
Once it’s been determined the house is haunted, Bagg can offer tips on encouraging the ghost to leave.
For example, you can tell the ghosts, in a firm tone, that they’re not welcome.
“If you don’t want them, tell them to go,” he says. “I know it sounds New Agey. But even though it seems like hooey, it works.”
In more than two decades, Bagg has investigated about 25 hauntings, many in the Toronto area, and some in Peterborough.
Bagg has investigated two Toronto area schools where ghost children appear to janitors or scribble on the blackboards at night.
He’s also investigated haunted houses and restaurants. He keeps the locations confidential, not everyone wants it publicized that their house or business is haunted.
Bagg is investigating some local haunt scenes. He’s been in touch with some Peterborough homeowners who are concerned about a ghostly cat prowling the house.
He plans to go investigate a cemetery near Bowmanville where he’s heard a woman’s ghost has been wandering. Apparently she wasn’t buried in the same plot with her husband, and she’s looking for him. Bagg’s been living here and hasn’t had time yet to investigate many haunted places.
He wants to check out the most spook-infested buildings in the city, the ones that have sent other people fleeing in fear.
“I want to see the scariest places in town,” he says. “Send me your ghosts.”
Bagg’s kept in touch with some of the ghost hunters he’s met. Some go with him on investigations, an informal group that he calls The Haunt Club.
If that interests you, he says, he’d like to see you at his workshop. He’d love to see more local people getting involved in ghosthunting as a hobby.
Every spooky building in town should be checked out thoroughly; and he wants to recruit people to help.
“I want to put Peterborough on the map as the ghost capital of the world,” he says with a smile.
Ghost facts:
– What: The Haunt Club’s Travelling Ghost Show is a lecture by a ghost researcher with 20 years of experience. It covers topics such as the history of the ghost and how to conduct your own haunt scene investigation.
– Researcher: Cameron Bagg, a local ghost-buster, (877) 745-5588
– Who’s it intended for: Skeptics and believers alike. Bagg says this is meant for anyone over the age of about 12 who is curious about ghosts.
– When: Saturday, April 5, from noon to 4 p.m.
– Where: The Peterborough Public Library, 345 Aylmer St. N.
– Admission: $25 at the door.
Article ID# 969631
By Hank Hayseed, Esq.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The first house I bought was a cute little old farmhouse in the Caledon Hills, north of Toronto. The missus and I moved there a mere week after our daughter was born.
Everything was roses: I had an exciting career, we increasingly enjoyed our new place and our daughter was an absolute joy to be with.
Until…things started to … subtly change.
The neighbours had advised us to lock up when we left the house due to some recent hooliganisms in the area. Upon our return from shopping, as one of us would reach for the front door with our keys, the door would slowly open!
“Um, okay, I guess we didn’t lock it properly, eh honey?†After the second occurrence, we gave that door a thorough inspection. Yes, we could definitely hear the locking mechanism engage. Next time we came home, same thing…the door was unlocked and partially open.
Okay, we tried coming home via the back door. Same thing.
Oh boy!
I was raised in a family with several women. Guess how many times I left the toilet seat up? Right, once! In this new home, every time I went to do a stand-up procedure, the lid was up when I walked into the bathroom!
For the first few times, I just assumed that I had left it up after my previous visit. But, NO! I never leave a seat up! And there was no way that the missus would’ve.
But wait…there’s more!
I had bought a rocking chair for the nursery, for the missus and I to feed and rock our daughter. One day, the missus went upstairs to see the chair rocking! Exactly as if someone was in it! The window wasn’t open for any wind to be moving it.
We finally asked our neighbours if they knew the history of the house. Previous to the young couple we bought if from, there were two spinster sisters that had lived there for several decades. Their family had once owned several hundred acres in the area. As their parents and siblings had passed away or moved on, they sold off the property to be left with the wee house on an acre and half.
One of the sisters had died in her sleep. In my daughter’s room! After her passing the other sister moved away.
The missus and I discussed it. Outside, in case the Ghost was listening. We agreed that at least it appeared benevolent and certainly not worthy of any concerns of poltergeist-like activities.
The five of us, daughter, missus, dog, our Ghost and myself, spent a most enjoyable time living there.
Especially, as a man, to find the toilet seat already raised for me.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The first house I bought was a cute little old farmhouse in the Caledon Hills, north of Toronto. The missus and I moved there a mere week after our daughter was born.
Everything was roses: I had an exciting career, we increasingly enjoyed our new place and our daughter was an absolute joy to be with.
Until…things started to … subtly change.
The neighbours had advised us to lock up when we left the house due to some recent hooliganisms in the area. Upon our return from shopping, as one of us would reach for the front door with our keys, the door would slowly open!
“Um, okay, I guess we didn’t lock it properly, eh honey?†After the second occurrence, we gave that door a thorough inspection. Yes, we could definitely hear the locking mechanism engage. Next time we came home, same thing…the door was unlocked and partially open.
Okay, we tried coming home via the back door. Same thing.
Oh boy!
I was raised in a family with several women. Guess how many times I left the toilet seat up? Right, once! In this new home, every time I went to do a stand-up procedure, the lid was up when I walked into the bathroom!
For the first few times, I just assumed that I had left it up after my previous visit. But, NO! I never leave a seat up! And there was no way that the missus would’ve.
But wait…there’s more!
I had bought a rocking chair for the nursery, for the missus and I to feed and rock our daughter. One day, the missus went upstairs to see the chair rocking! Exactly as if someone was in it! The window wasn’t open for any wind to be moving it.
We finally asked our neighbours if they knew the history of the house. Previous to the young couple we bought if from, there were two spinster sisters that had lived there for several decades. Their family had once owned several hundred acres in the area. As their parents and siblings had passed away or moved on, they sold off the property to be left with the wee house on an acre and half.
One of the sisters had died in her sleep. In my daughter’s room! After her passing the other sister moved away.
The missus and I discussed it. Outside, in case the Ghost was listening. We agreed that at least it appeared benevolent and certainly not worthy of any concerns of poltergeist-like activities.
The five of us, daughter, missus, dog, our Ghost and myself, spent a most enjoyable time living there.
Especially, as a man, to find the toilet seat already raised for me.
ESP Psychic Expo
TORONTO, March 7 /CNW/ – ESP PSYCHIC EXPO returns to the International
Centre in Mississauga, March 7-9. This ‘Exposition of the Paranormal’ features
demonstrations and lectures on psychic powers, ESP, clairvoyance, astrology,
palmistry, and auras. Live psychic readings and astrology charts are also
offered.   Mentalism Show – Saturday 7pm
   Complimentary sample psychic reading offered with admission   ESP PSYCHIC EXPO
   March 7, 8, 9
   Friday 4pm-10pm, Saturday 11am-10pm, Sunday 11am-7pm
For further information: or interviews – (Media contact) Valentine
Safranko, (416) 425-4827
Centre in Mississauga, March 7-9. This ‘Exposition of the Paranormal’ features
demonstrations and lectures on psychic powers, ESP, clairvoyance, astrology,
palmistry, and auras. Live psychic readings and astrology charts are also
offered.   Mentalism Show – Saturday 7pm
   Complimentary sample psychic reading offered with admission   ESP PSYCHIC EXPO
   March 7, 8, 9
   Friday 4pm-10pm, Saturday 11am-10pm, Sunday 11am-7pm
For further information: or interviews – (Media contact) Valentine
Safranko, (416) 425-4827
After reading the article below I realized that I have had my share of casting out unwanted energy so I was even considering going on an investigation. I still would rather take a paranormal course prior though because it is best to know as much as you can. It’s a very serious thing because most investigations are required to help people that have an unwanted and a possibly harmful entity, or entities, in their home.
March 4, 2008Â – Foxnews.comÂ
NEW YORK — Something strange going on in your neighborhood? You may want to give Brooklyn Ghost Investigations a call. For $20 an hour, the group of self-proclaimed paranormal investigators offers to go to your house to help chase away whatever goes bump in the night.
“When I was 10 years old, I started to see things _ spirits and ghosts,” said Sal Cicconi, 27, who formed the group with two other Brooklynites.
The group, which claims to have honed its spooky craft by watching such TV shows as “Ghost Hunters” and “Paranormal State,” has one client: a man who said he saw two apparitions in his apartment.
Cicconi and another member of the group, Sergio Ocasio, 20, went to the man’s house and waited until 3 a.m. to catch a glimpse of the ghosts.
“I caught something on tape,” Cicconi said. “It looked like two lights moving around, like the spirits were playing with each other.”
He said they used a homemade Ouija board _ often used in seances to supposedly talk to the dead (or undead) _ to coax the bogeymen to leave. But it didn’t work.
“Sometimes, spirits are afraid to talk or to show themselves to us,” Cicconi explained.
My Reality Gets Pulled Into My Nightmare
My main objective is to get out of this hell house… it’s filled with such a bad vibe and I just want to get out. Dark, cold, damp and musky smells consumed my senses… my heart is pounding. I can feel something coming. Something bad. Then out of nowhere a fellow coworker crashes my dream in her usual staggered limp of a walk. She’s removing her coat ever so slowly as I watch her, all confused, she turns to me and said her usual good morning. I shook that off and I decide to pick up the pace so I could get the hell out of there. I managed to get outside and weave in and out of the neighborhood until I crashed into consciousness. Then that Monday morning I read an email that the same person that I dreamed about had to take a rather long leave of absence. I have never thought of this woman outside of work, let alone dream about her and then she ends up getting so sick she can’t work for a while… so strange! I told one of my close friends at work about it, as well as the fact that I am a Libra and very sensitive, she looked at me and said “oh boy that’s strange!”. Isn’t it?!
If you read the following article you may believe that the fellow featured may have had some sort of sleep disorder. It is possible. I, however, know for a fact that my experiences are 100% because when I experienced a similar paralysis it was post my blankets being pulled down 3x! I will never forget that for as long as I live, and beyond!Â
For the Gray brothers, terror has turned out to be a good thing.
Two years ago in the middle of the night, Adam Gray saw a figure in a white shroud at the foot of his bed.
“I was quite terrified and I was trying to scream or move,” said the Belleville resident, now 35. “I was completely paralyzed, except for my eyes.”
The figure raised a hand, and Gray said he felt as though his soul was being pulled out of his body.
Gray’s wife, Jacqui, was alerted by muffled noise coming from her husband. She saw nothing unusual in the room, and shook him.
“As she shook me, it vanished,” said Gray, who added the experience was so frightening he was content to believe it had been a nightmare, as Jacqui had suggested.
But it became a recurring scare, and Gray was so shaken that he began researching its symptoms.
He learned about sleep paralysis, a condition experienced by an estimated 20 per cent of the world’s population.
One scientific theory says the mind and eyes wake up before the sleeping body, leaving the limbs still immobilized from sleep. In some cases, scientists say, the victim’s mind may produce some sort of ghost or creature as a way of explaining the paralysis.
Some people feel as though they’re being suffocated; others have many more symptoms.
Gray wanted to learn more, and since he was already in partnership with his brother Andrew in Graymatters Video Productions, a documentary seemed the best route.
When Andrew Gray first heard his brother’s story, he had a typical brotherly reaction: “that he was nuts.
“It took some convincing,” Andrew, 32, said this week.
But in time, the pair developed a solid proposal for The Nightmare, a film exploring the subject.
They recruited Canadian producer Paul Stephens, whose work includes Beowulf & Grendel, Ordinary Magic, and TV’s Torso: The Evelyn Dick Story. They’d met earlier when Stephens, a frequent visitor to the Quinte region, wandered into their former Pinnacle Street office out of curiosity.
The Grays made their pitch to VisionTV at Toronto’s Hot Docs film festival.
“From the first few words of their pitch, it was exactly what we were looking for,” said Joan Jenkinson, VisionTV’s director of independent productions and The Nightmare’s executive producer.
“It was a fresh perspective,” she said. “Their vision was also big. “I took a chance with them because I didn’t really know anything about them,” she told The Intelligencer.
Jenkinson said once work was underway, however, “They blew me away.” Together, VisionTV and Space: The Imagination Station gave The Nightmare the green light.
“In order to pull off such an ambitious project on the budget we had, we really had to get our hands dirty,” Adam said.
For the next two years, the Grays travelled from Japan to the African island of Zanzibar, filming interviews with people who’d had sleep paralysis and scientists who have studied it.
“I’d never left the continent before, so it was all new and strange,” said Andrew.
Every culture they visited had a different name for the nightmarish experience.
But in each, a strange creature visited victims in the night, terrorizing the person and sometimes creating the sensations of being choked or, in Zanzibar, physical signs of rape.
Newfoundlanders spoke of “the hag,” a witch who attacked sleepers. In Japan, one woman said the face of her father on the figure choking her. And in Zanzibar, a witch doctor told Gray he had been possessed by evil spirits, then performed an exorcism on him.
In California, a Hmong shaman from southeast Asia performed another ceremony on him, ending his recurring experiences.
Scientists, meanwhile, offered theories on whether or not the experience was a hallucination or something else entirely.
Some of the evidence seen in The Nightmare seems to indicate it may be much more than a bad dream, at least in some instances.
So far, Adam said, “They can’t really explain something as bizarre as this.”
And after two years of work on the project, Andrew still isn’t convinced one way or the other.
“It can’t be explained by science, but supernatural theories don’t make a lot of sense either. I think there’s a lot to the mind and body that we don’t understand.”
Adam said he was reassured by their investigation, if only because he learned just how common his experience was.
“When you talk to so many people who are obviously completely normal, healthy people who’ve had the same experience, it’s comforting.”
The brothers’ roughly 43-minute film aired on VisionTV’s Enigma March 5. It’s expected to repeat and air on Space as well, though no dates have been set.
The brothers are hoping it could lead to much more, and that may be happening.
The Nightmare was the first broadcast project written and directed by the Grays. VisionTV’s Jenkinson liked what she saw.
“They are my best find of the year,” Jenkinson said without hesitation.
“Throughout the whole process they were very, very professional and very creative, and the product we got at the end was fantastic.
“The writing was also very dramatic; they told a very good story.”
Jenkinson has already agreed to use a new half-hour cut of The Nightmare in her new series, “Do You Believe In…?” It’s a rebranding of Enigma, and aims to explain paranormal and supernatural phenomena.
The brothers from Belleville have a place in the new brand, she said.
“We have full intention on moving forward with them on at least a couple of projects.”
The Grays have pitched her ideas for four new documentaries covering everything from clairvoyance to black magic.
If they’re accepted, Andrew said dryly, “We’re going to be quite busy this year talking to a lot of strange people in foreign countries,” Andrew said dryly.
“It feels great,” he said of the prospect of more work. “It feels like everything I’ve been working for is starting to take off and I’ll be able to explore the kinds of topics I want to in film.”
They said they’re mindful of the possibility of being labelled as makers of only spooky projects, but aren’t yet concerned by it.
“I don’t think that’s our lifelong goal – to make supernatural films – but it’s a fun place to start,” Adam said.
He added regardless of whether the strange phenomena are real or imagined doesn’t matter: people are experiencing them, and whatever the cause, it’s worth investigating.
“We’d like to make films that open people’s minds to the possibility that it’s a genuine experience – this is something that’s real and happening, and people should think about it.”
Article ID# 944280
If you read the following article you may believe that the fellow featured may have had some sort of sleep disorder. It is possible. I, however, know for a fact that my experiences are 100% because when I experienced a similar paralysis it was post my blankets being pulled down 3x! I will never forget that for as long as I live, and beyond!Â
For the Gray brothers, terror has turned out to be a good thing.
Two years ago in the middle of the night, Adam Gray saw a figure in a white shroud at the foot of his bed.“I was quite terrified and I was trying to scream or move,” said the Belleville resident, now 35. “I was completely paralyzed, except for my eyes.”
The figure raised a hand, and Gray said he felt as though his soul was being pulled out of his body.
Gray’s wife, Jacqui, was alerted by muffled noise coming from her husband. She saw nothing unusual in the room, and shook him.
“As she shook me, it vanished,” said Gray, who added the experience was so frightening he was content to believe it had been a nightmare, as Jacqui had suggested.
But it became a recurring scare, and Gray was so shaken that he began researching its symptoms.
He learned about sleep paralysis, a condition experienced by an estimated 20 per cent of the world’s population.
One scientific theory says the mind and eyes wake up before the sleeping body, leaving the limbs still immobilized from sleep. In some cases, scientists say, the victim’s mind may produce some sort of ghost or creature as a way of explaining the paralysis.
Some people feel as though they’re being suffocated; others have many more symptoms.
Gray wanted to learn more, and since he was already in partnership with his brother Andrew in Graymatters Video Productions, a documentary seemed the best route.
When Andrew Gray first heard his brother’s story, he had a typical brotherly reaction: “that he was nuts.
“It took some convincing,” Andrew, 32, said this week.But in time, the pair developed a solid proposal for The Nightmare, a film exploring the subject.
They recruited Canadian producer Paul Stephens, whose work includes Beowulf & Grendel, Ordinary Magic, and TV’s Torso: The Evelyn Dick Story. They’d met earlier when Stephens, a frequent visitor to the Quinte region, wandered into their former Pinnacle Street office out of curiosity.
The Grays made their pitch to VisionTV at Toronto’s Hot Docs film festival.
“From the first few words of their pitch, it was exactly what we were looking for,” said Joan Jenkinson, VisionTV’s director of independent productions and The Nightmare’s executive producer.
“It was a fresh perspective,” she said. “Their vision was also big. “I took a chance with them because I didn’t really know anything about them,” she told The Intelligencer.
Jenkinson said once work was underway, however, “They blew me away.” Together, VisionTV and Space: The Imagination Station gave The Nightmare the green light.
“In order to pull off such an ambitious project on the budget we had, we really had to get our hands dirty,” Adam said.
For the next two years, the Grays travelled from Japan to the African island of Zanzibar, filming interviews with people who’d had sleep paralysis and scientists who have studied it.
“I’d never left the continent before, so it was all new and strange,” said Andrew.
Every culture they visited had a different name for the nightmarish experience.
But in each, a strange creature visited victims in the night, terrorizing the person and sometimes creating the sensations of being choked or, in Zanzibar, physical signs of rape.
Newfoundlanders spoke of “the hag,” a witch who attacked sleepers. In Japan, one woman said the face of her father on the figure choking her. And in Zanzibar, a witch doctor told Gray he had been possessed by evil spirits, then performed an exorcism on him.
In California, a Hmong shaman from southeast Asia performed another ceremony on him, ending his recurring experiences.
Scientists, meanwhile, offered theories on whether or not the experience was a hallucination or something else entirely.
Some of the evidence seen in The Nightmare seems to indicate it may be much more than a bad dream, at least in some instances.
So far, Adam said, “They can’t really explain something as bizarre as this.”
And after two years of work on the project, Andrew still isn’t convinced one way or the other.
“It can’t be explained by science, but supernatural theories don’t make a lot of sense either. I think there’s a lot to the mind and body that we don’t understand.”
Adam said he was reassured by their investigation, if only because he learned just how common his experience was.
“When you talk to so many people who are obviously completely normal, healthy people who’ve had the same experience, it’s comforting.”
The brothers’ roughly 43-minute film aired on VisionTV’s Enigma March 5. It’s expected to repeat and air on Space as well, though no dates have been set.
The brothers are hoping it could lead to much more, and that may be happening.
The Nightmare was the first broadcast project written and directed by the Grays. VisionTV’s Jenkinson liked what she saw.
“They are my best find of the year,” Jenkinson said without hesitation.
“Throughout the whole process they were very, very professional and very creative, and the product we got at the end was fantastic.
“The writing was also very dramatic; they told a very good story.”
Jenkinson has already agreed to use a new half-hour cut of The Nightmare in her new series, “Do You Believe In…?” It’s a rebranding of Enigma, and aims to explain paranormal and supernatural phenomena.
The brothers from Belleville have a place in the new brand, she said.
“We have full intention on moving forward with them on at least a couple of projects.”
The Grays have pitched her ideas for four new documentaries covering everything from clairvoyance to black magic.
If they’re accepted, Andrew said dryly, “We’re going to be quite busy this year talking to a lot of strange people in foreign countries,” Andrew said dryly.
“It feels great,” he said of the prospect of more work. “It feels like everything I’ve been working for is starting to take off and I’ll be able to explore the kinds of topics I want to in film.”
They said they’re mindful of the possibility of being labelled as makers of only spooky projects, but aren’t yet concerned by it.
“I don’t think that’s our lifelong goal – to make supernatural films – but it’s a fun place to start,” Adam said.
He added regardless of whether the strange phenomena are real or imagined doesn’t matter: people are experiencing them, and whatever the cause, it’s worth investigating.
“We’d like to make films that open people’s minds to the possibility that it’s a genuine experience – this is something that’s real and happening, and people should think about it.”
Article ID# 944280
“I’m not actively participating in any group meets. I’m very private when it comes to my paranormal world. It’s very personal to me and I’m not ready to join a meet up group right now, if ever.”
I mean I do want to go, don’t get me wrong, but I just feel that I have to reach a certain level before I can benefit a group and/or the persons that have invited us into their home, or where ever. I take the paranormal very very seriously, not saying that no one else does, but I strongly feel that I have to know more before I can experience any meets. Too many energies maybe? Maybe we wouldn’t attract as much or maybe too much. I found out recently that I was not attacked by a human spirit in the past. What if there are demons in the mix?! I have always been prone to receiving energy, so for me that negative energy is the absolute worst feeling that I have ever encountered. Long story short, I just can’t participate in a group meet. I would, however, like very much to apprentice someday soon. I think an experienced mentor would be ideal.
I mean I do want to go, don’t get me wrong, but I just feel that I have to reach a certain level before I can benefit a group and/or the persons that have invited us into their home, or where ever. I take the paranormal very very seriously, not saying that no one else does, but I strongly feel that I have to know more before I can experience any meets. Too many energies maybe? Maybe we wouldn’t attract as much or maybe too much. I found out recently that I was not attacked by a human spirit in the past. What if there are demons in the mix?! I have always been prone to receiving energy, so for me that negative energy is the absolute worst feeling that I have ever encountered. Long story short, I just can’t participate in a group meet. I would, however, like very much to apprentice someday soon. I think an experienced mentor would be ideal.
March 10, 2008 11:00pm
ONE claimed she could make people urinate with the power of her mind while another confidently predicted an asteroid would destroy Bowen, in far north Queensland.
The long list of failed challengers for James Randi’s $US1Â million prize is as entertaining as it is bizarre.
Do you believe in the paranormal?Since the early 1980s, the former magician has offered cash to anyone who can prove, under test conditions, the existence of the paranormal, supernatural or the occult. Needless to say, his prize, which started out at $10,000 more than 25 years ago, goes unclaimed.
Despite the absence of any credible evidence of ghosts, goblins and things that go bump in the night (and this can include anything from tooth fairies to messages from the spirit world), large swathes of society continue to accept them.
In January, some 4500 people paid $90 each to hear the world-famous medium John Edward speak at the Crocoseum at Australia Zoo.
Edward, who presumably is not short of a dollar or two, then had a private meeting with the zoo’s owner, Terri Irwin, whose husband Steve died from a stingray attack in 2006. “There was no doubt that Steve was with us,” said the late Crocodile Hunter’s father, Bob, according to one report.
Jayson Cooke, president of Griffith University’s Society for Skeptics and Freethinkers, who was in the audience, was impressed by Edward – at least at the speed at which he could talk.
“I think that’s his secret. He suggests so many things in the space of 30 seconds that at least one of them has to be right,” says Cooke.
“Anyone who has had even a cursory look at cold-reading techniques would have been able to see what he was doing. I was surprised, as he was not that good at it.”
Edward has refused to be tested by the likes of James Randi and even refuses to “read” journalists, “because they are always too objective”.
Just how much Edward earns is not known, but there are enough of these shows around to put a shiver up any sceptic’s spine.
Saturday nights on Foxtel’s WÂ Channel is something of a seance for this kind of stuff, with Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead, John Edward Cross Country, Britain’s Psychic Challenge and Most Haunted among the offerings.
“Belief in the paranormal still runs at about 80 per cent in Australia,” says Dr Martin Bridgstock, from Griffith University. “But debunking these fallacies does not seem to have made the slightest bit of difference.”
Bridgstock points out that many people have died after putting their faith in alternative remedies or faith healing, when conventional medicine could have saved them.
After being shocked at finding 60Â per cent of his science students held some kind of paranormal belief, Bridgstock introduced an elective course five years ago called Skepticism, Science and the Paranormal.
A senior lecturer in the School of Biomolecular and Physical Sciences Bridgstock says the course doesn’t tell students what to believe and doesn’t set out to debunk the paranormal.
“It just gives them the intellectual skills to assess the evidence,” he says.
“People should be aware that questions can and should be asked, and if they don’t ask them then there may be dangers involved. For example, they may accept homeopathic medicine for something which normal medicine may cure easily.”
What is it about the human psyche that enables us to suspend our disbelief?
“There is evidence that it is wishful thinking – it is a basic motivator of human credulity,” says Associate Professor William Grey, a reader in philosophy at The University of Queensland with an interest in the relationship between belief and evidence – known as epistemology.
He stands beside other notable sceptics and atheists who say there are links between belief in the paranormal and religious belief.
Both, says Grey, share a “desire for there to be something after death”.
Barry Williams, editor of Australian magazine The Skeptic, puts it more simply. “It’s easy to sell something to people that want to believe it. We are selling reason – and that just doesn’t stand up to hope.”
March 10, 2008 11:00pm
ONE claimed she could make people urinate with the power of her mind while another confidently predicted an asteroid would destroy Bowen, in far north Queensland.
The long list of failed challengers for James Randi’s $US1Â million prize is as entertaining as it is bizarre.Despite the absence of any credible evidence of ghosts, goblins and things that go bump in the night (and this can include anything from tooth fairies to messages from the spirit world), large swathes of society continue to accept them.
In January, some 4500 people paid $90 each to hear the world-famous medium John Edward speak at the Crocoseum at Australia Zoo.
Edward, who presumably is not short of a dollar or two, then had a private meeting with the zoo’s owner, Terri Irwin, whose husband Steve died from a stingray attack in 2006. “There was no doubt that Steve was with us,” said the late Crocodile Hunter’s father, Bob, according to one report.
Jayson Cooke, president of Griffith University’s Society for Skeptics and Freethinkers, who was in the audience, was impressed by Edward – at least at the speed at which he could talk.
“I think that’s his secret. He suggests so many things in the space of 30 seconds that at least one of them has to be right,” says Cooke.
“Anyone who has had even a cursory look at cold-reading techniques would have been able to see what he was doing. I was surprised, as he was not that good at it.”
Edward has refused to be tested by the likes of James Randi and even refuses to “read” journalists, “because they are always too objective”.
Just how much Edward earns is not known, but there are enough of these shows around to put a shiver up any sceptic’s spine.
Saturday nights on Foxtel’s WÂ Channel is something of a seance for this kind of stuff, with Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead, John Edward Cross Country, Britain’s Psychic Challenge and Most Haunted among the offerings.
“Belief in the paranormal still runs at about 80 per cent in Australia,” says Dr Martin Bridgstock, from Griffith University. “But debunking these fallacies does not seem to have made the slightest bit of difference.”
Bridgstock points out that many people have died after putting their faith in alternative remedies or faith healing, when conventional medicine could have saved them.
After being shocked at finding 60Â per cent of his science students held some kind of paranormal belief, Bridgstock introduced an elective course five years ago called Skepticism, Science and the Paranormal.
A senior lecturer in the School of Biomolecular and Physical Sciences Bridgstock says the course doesn’t tell students what to believe and doesn’t set out to debunk the paranormal.
“It just gives them the intellectual skills to assess the evidence,” he says.
“People should be aware that questions can and should be asked, and if they don’t ask them then there may be dangers involved. For example, they may accept homeopathic medicine for something which normal medicine may cure easily.”
What is it about the human psyche that enables us to suspend our disbelief?
“There is evidence that it is wishful thinking – it is a basic motivator of human credulity,” says Associate Professor William Grey, a reader in philosophy at The University of Queensland with an interest in the relationship between belief and evidence – known as epistemology.
He stands beside other notable sceptics and atheists who say there are links between belief in the paranormal and religious belief.
Both, says Grey, share a “desire for there to be something after death”.
Barry Williams, editor of Australian magazine The Skeptic, puts it more simply. “It’s easy to sell something to people that want to believe it. We are selling reason – and that just doesn’t stand up to hope.”
Ghost Of Dead-Toronto Photographer That Is Haunting a TO Flickr Group
I read an article that featured a dead, yes dead, Toronto photographer that is an active member of the Blog TO Flickr Pool. Photos are being uploaded to this day, even though he’s been dead since the 80s?! I for one believe that energy never dies, so did our ghostly friend find a wormhole that enabled him to travel and communicate, with the living, on the internet??? For further details please see the link below…
After reading the article below, what comes to mind is how ignorant and closed minded some people can be. There is more to the world than war, sports and beer. I am not sure why so many are fixated on things that are so meaningless! I am also unsure why people do such evil things. I can’t stand stupidity and negative energy. Anyways, please take a boo at the following, if you wish…
To some Helen Duncan was merely a medium but the police in wartime Britain took a more sinister view of her work. Now a campaign has begun for her to be pardoned. By Andy McSmith
 Friday, 29 February 2008
 Of all the suffering endured during the Second World War, the brief imprisonment of Helen Duncan, a Scottish grandmother who claimed to have paranormal powers, was a minor injustice at worst. But, six decades later, it is still causing hubble, bubble, toil and trouble.
Mrs Duncan was one of the last people in Britain to be convicted under the 1735 Witchcraft Act. Yesterday, the Scottish Parliament received a petition with more than 200 signatures, demanding that she be given a full posthumous pardon. It was organised by Full Moon Investigations, a team of Scottish ghost-busters who claim to have paranormal gifts.
During the war, Mrs Duncan made several visits to Portsmouth where the desperate relatives of men killed or missing in action would flock to her seances, paying an admission price of 25 shillings a head – a huge sum in those days – hoping to hear the voices of their loved ones.
At one seance, she claimed to have made contact with a sailor from HMS Barham, a ship which had not been officially declared sunk. When it was announced, several weeks later, that the ship had indeed gone down, some took it as proof that Mrs Duncan was psychic. Others believed she had been tipped off and was giving away naval secrets to improve trade.
When she held another seance in Portsmouth, in January 1944, a plain-clothes policeman was waiting in the audience to arrest her the minute the first spirit from beyond turned up. She was sentenced to nine months in prison. After her release, she was more cautious about summoning the dead. She went off to join them in 1956, aged 59.
She was not, as is sometimes asserted, the last person convicted under the Witchcraft Act because six months later the same Act was use to jail a 72-year-old called Jane Yorke.
Her defenders at Full Moon Investigations are in no doubt that Mrs Duncan was a gifted medium persecuted by the authorities for fear of what else she might cause the dead to reveal. They see it as a late example of centuries of persecution of real or imagined witches, many of whom may have been faith healers, herbalists, or people who were either benevolent or just a bit cranky.
James VI of Scotland, who reigned in England as James I, was notoriously obsessed with witches, which was why writing Macbeth was a smart career move by William Shakespeare. Poor Agnes Simpson, the “grace wife of Keith”, was interrogated by the king in person, then deprived of sleep and subjected to days of barbaric torture until she confessed to being the leader of 200 witches who rode out to sea in sieves at Halloween and enjoyed a rendezvous with Satan in North Berwick.
Members of the Full Moon team feel very strongly about injustices such as this, because they are themselves the sort of people who might have been burnt at the stake if they had had the misfortune to live in Tudor or Stuart times. Their website describes them as having “a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of the paranormal”. Ewan Irvine, whose name heads the list of signatories of yesterday’s petition, discovered his vocation as medium at the age of 19 after “many strange experiences that could not be explained logically”.
There are still places in the world where being accused of witchcraft is life-threatening. Human Rights Watch has appealed this week to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to rescind a death sentence passed on anilliterate woman, Fawza Falih, who is accused of bewitching a man and making him impotent.
The main newspaper in Papua New Guinea, The National, reported the case this week of a woman seven months pregnant who was accused of sorcery when her neighbour suddenly died. Villagers hanged her from a tree. She gave birth while she was struggling to free herself. Mother and baby are in hospital.
The British authorities stopped taking witchcraft seriously nearly 300 years ago. The whole point of the 1735 Witchcraft Act was not to end witchcraft, but to end silly stories and phoney seances. The Act is like a forerunner to the Trade Descriptions Act; it made it illegal to con people into thinking you were performing magic.
Mrs Duncan already had a pre-war conviction for fraud, when during one her seances a guest grabbed at the shape of a ghost emerging from the other side under her skirt, and found it was a knitted elastic undervest.
At her trial at the Old Bailey, in 1944, Mrs Duncan’s defence team called witnesses, including a founder of Psychic News, to convince the jury she really could summon the dead. They were more convinced by the evidence of Portsmouth’s chief of police, who called her an “unmitigated humbug and pest”.
William Colvin, an investigative journalist who launched the campaign to rehabilitate Mrs Duncan, is in no doubt that she was the innocent victim of a judicial frame-up, who had a “precious gift that brought comfort to thousands”. Mr Colvin also concluded that Winston Churchill was a druid, who visited Mrs Duncan in prison. This is unlikely. A more plausible explanation is that she was a fraud who was rightly banged up for making money from the grief and gullibility of the bereaved. If I am wrong, no doubt I shall be turned into a toad.
Ghost Phone
To some Helen Duncan was merely a medium but the police in wartime Britain took a more sinister view of her work. Now a campaign has begun for her to be pardoned. By Andy McSmith
 Friday, 29 February 2008
 Of all the suffering endured during the Second World War, the brief imprisonment of Helen Duncan, a Scottish grandmother who claimed to have paranormal powers, was a minor injustice at worst. But, six decades later, it is still causing hubble, bubble, toil and trouble.
Mrs Duncan was one of the last people in Britain to be convicted under the 1735 Witchcraft Act. Yesterday, the Scottish Parliament received a petition with more than 200 signatures, demanding that she be given a full posthumous pardon. It was organised by Full Moon Investigations, a team of Scottish ghost-busters who claim to have paranormal gifts.
During the war, Mrs Duncan made several visits to Portsmouth where the desperate relatives of men killed or missing in action would flock to her seances, paying an admission price of 25 shillings a head – a huge sum in those days – hoping to hear the voices of their loved ones.
At one seance, she claimed to have made contact with a sailor from HMS Barham, a ship which had not been officially declared sunk. When it was announced, several weeks later, that the ship had indeed gone down, some took it as proof that Mrs Duncan was psychic. Others believed she had been tipped off and was giving away naval secrets to improve trade.
When she held another seance in Portsmouth, in January 1944, a plain-clothes policeman was waiting in the audience to arrest her the minute the first spirit from beyond turned up. She was sentenced to nine months in prison. After her release, she was more cautious about summoning the dead. She went off to join them in 1956, aged 59.
She was not, as is sometimes asserted, the last person convicted under the Witchcraft Act because six months later the same Act was use to jail a 72-year-old called Jane Yorke.
Her defenders at Full Moon Investigations are in no doubt that Mrs Duncan was a gifted medium persecuted by the authorities for fear of what else she might cause the dead to reveal. They see it as a late example of centuries of persecution of real or imagined witches, many of whom may have been faith healers, herbalists, or people who were either benevolent or just a bit cranky.
James VI of Scotland, who reigned in England as James I, was notoriously obsessed with witches, which was why writing Macbeth was a smart career move by William Shakespeare. Poor Agnes Simpson, the “grace wife of Keith”, was interrogated by the king in person, then deprived of sleep and subjected to days of barbaric torture until she confessed to being the leader of 200 witches who rode out to sea in sieves at Halloween and enjoyed a rendezvous with Satan in North Berwick.
Members of the Full Moon team feel very strongly about injustices such as this, because they are themselves the sort of people who might have been burnt at the stake if they had had the misfortune to live in Tudor or Stuart times. Their website describes them as having “a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of the paranormal”. Ewan Irvine, whose name heads the list of signatories of yesterday’s petition, discovered his vocation as medium at the age of 19 after “many strange experiences that could not be explained logically”.
There are still places in the world where being accused of witchcraft is life-threatening. Human Rights Watch has appealed this week to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to rescind a death sentence passed on anilliterate woman, Fawza Falih, who is accused of bewitching a man and making him impotent.
The main newspaper in Papua New Guinea, The National, reported the case this week of a woman seven months pregnant who was accused of sorcery when her neighbour suddenly died. Villagers hanged her from a tree. She gave birth while she was struggling to free herself. Mother and baby are in hospital.
The British authorities stopped taking witchcraft seriously nearly 300 years ago. The whole point of the 1735 Witchcraft Act was not to end witchcraft, but to end silly stories and phoney seances. The Act is like a forerunner to the Trade Descriptions Act; it made it illegal to con people into thinking you were performing magic.
Mrs Duncan already had a pre-war conviction for fraud, when during one her seances a guest grabbed at the shape of a ghost emerging from the other side under her skirt, and found it was a knitted elastic undervest.
At her trial at the Old Bailey, in 1944, Mrs Duncan’s defence team called witnesses, including a founder of Psychic News, to convince the jury she really could summon the dead. They were more convinced by the evidence of Portsmouth’s chief of police, who called her an “unmitigated humbug and pest”.
William Colvin, an investigative journalist who launched the campaign to rehabilitate Mrs Duncan, is in no doubt that she was the innocent victim of a judicial frame-up, who had a “precious gift that brought comfort to thousands”. Mr Colvin also concluded that Winston Churchill was a druid, who visited Mrs Duncan in prison. This is unlikely. A more plausible explanation is that she was a fraud who was rightly banged up for making money from the grief and gullibility of the bereaved. If I am wrong, no doubt I shall be turned into a toad.
Ghost Phone
I was watching Paranormal State on A&E tonight and they have introduced a relatively new device called Frank’s Box. It’s an instant EVP machine that amplifies ghostly voices. It was a little hard to hear but I could make out voices. It’s amazing to say the least and it did seem to assist in the investigation.
I was doing one of my usual searches and happened upon some Halloween footage that featured Parkdale. A rather interesting fellow guided us on a tour of some of the haunted locations there. Please see it below…
I have been speaking with some rather interesting people. One suggested that I join the Barrie group on… apparently they hold investigations and meets. I do think it would be a great way to learn more about the metaphysical and about others with the same interests and/or experiences. Please see the links below for more information.
Barrie :
Toronto P.I.S.T.:
Others :
Barrie :
Toronto P.I.S.T.:
Others :
I was lucky enough to witness the eclipse last night, but I still wanted more so I searched Youtube and found an actual clip of the spectacular event! Please enjoy.
I have received some emails and messages on the T.O.P.S. facebook account concerning psychics and investigations in Toronto. Questions like… if I knew of any psychics that are good, if I knew of people that can sense ghosts, if I go on or hold investigations, etc. I really wish I did, but unfortunately I do not. Regarding the psychics, I am wanting to see one myself actually and would appreciate it if anyone could post information on one that has the true ability. I am not talking about people that are in it for entertainment purposes only… I consider them to be a waste of time! If you are a psychic and have good references, then please feel free to post. As for the investigations… I am a “Legend Tripper”, meaning, I go to haunted places unofficially and casually look around. I always go with at least one other person just in case and don’t recommend that anyone ever go alone! I am thinking about going to an actual investigation soon, but I am still a bit nervous because of what I might encounter and what I might bring home with me. I am very sensitive so things have made themselves known to me. I have even had a violent paranormal physical encounter, so you can see why I am very cautious. I guess I feel that knowledge is the key to assisting me on my path to the metaphysical. Only time will tell!
Please be advised that no one has my permission to use anything in my blogs that are featured on this website , especially those of my own personal accounts, without my knowledge and concent. If you do gain my seal of approval you must acknowledge me and the site as the source. You can reach me at if you wish to discuss anything.
I realized that I posted product widgets of the US version of Amazon. My bad, sorry! I am going to update them all shortly. I am going to start with the prize first. I believe that this book is a definite must for any Toronto paranormal fan. It looks to be priced the best too!
Haunted Valentines
Thursday, February 07, 2008 10:55:02 PM
Are you looking for a Valentine’s Day escape? Or just a romantic getaway any time of the year?
Leave it to our Scott Fais to find a bed and breakfast where Cupid’s arrows aren’t a match for “Mabel” — a ghostly spirit who never checks out.
This is Florida on a Tankful, with “Greetings from St. Augustine.”“This house was built for elegance, quality,” said George Dann, the owner of the Casa de la Paz bed and breakfast.
Under blue skies and beyond the archway, the prime spot in St. Augustine holds a prime secret behind its gates.
“We knew the story of this place,” said Melissa Taylor, a guest at the bed and breakfast.
“We have a lot of nonbelievers, and then something will happen and they start to question ‘Maybe that is real?'” Dann said.
What’s real at the Casa de la Paz are the afternoon wine tastings over a casual game of Scrabble. But it’s what you can’t see that may take a few clues to spell it out.
“Mabel is our ghost,” Dann said.
“We’ve had guests here report they’ve seen her on the stairway and she has asked guests when are they are leaving,” Dann said.
The home, built in 1915, offers seven guest rooms, one of which is always occupied.
“We’re in the Queen Isabella Room, where Mabel, our ghost, originates,” Dann said.
“Her husband went out to sea and never came back,” Taylor said.
“She died of a lonely heart here in the house. She died in this room,” Dann said.
Spending the night with a ghost was something newlywed Melissa Taylor jumped at.
“We’re always hoping for stuff like that to happen,” Taylor said.
“So am I,” Fais said. “I spent the night in the same room where Mabel died, hoping to connect with her.”
“After a quiet evening, the only thing out of the ordinary I found — how our battery charger started beeping uncontrollably in the middle of the middle of the night,” Fais said.
Melissa experienced something else.
“We were both there watching TV and he had one hand on me and the other hand on his pillow, and I felt three taps on my shoulder and I looked at him and said, ‘What?’ And I said, ‘You just tapped me on the shoulder,’ and he said, ‘I didn’t tap you on the shoulder,'” Taylor remembered. “I think it was a ghost.”
“But that kind of thing goes on here all the time,” Dann said.
“We are so not disappointed,” Taylor told Fais.
Mabel the ghost doesn’t like kids. Dann said that his bed and breakfast is reserved for folks 15-years-old and older.
You can find Casa de la Paz and several other bed and breakfasts located on the waterfront in in St. Augustine.
Public Housing Entity Agrees To Pay For Psychic To Exorcise Ghost
Wednesday February 13, 2008 Staff
There have been all kinds of complaints filed over the years with Metro Housing in Toronto, but even they never had to deal with anything like this. A British low rent housing entity was forced to lay out $117 in taxpayer funds to resolve an ongoing dispute with a tenant. Who got the money and why? It went to help pay a psychic who performed a ghost exorcism in one of the units. The occupants of the home reported hearing banging noises and seeing objects flying across the room by themselves, and told officials on Easington Council in Durham County England they believed their apartment was haunted. And they wanted to know what, if anything, officials planned to do to help them. Police were called and found nothing. But when the tenants insisted they would rather be homeless that stay there with what they believed was a poltergeist inside, the Council reluctantly agreed to pay for half the cost of bringing in a psychic to detect the unrestful spirit and get her to move out. Spiritualist Suzanne Hadwin contends a woman was murdered in the home several years ago and that her essence has never been able to leave. She charges $235 for her services and the government agreed to dole out half of it, with the frightened family picking up the rest. Why? They did the math and discovered it would be cheaper to pay the woman than put the reluctant tenants in emergency housing. “This is the first time we have had to take such a measure,” a council spokeswoman explains dryly. “However, the tenants were extremely distressed at the time and we therefore believed it was the most appropriate course of action.” The family now says they feel safe in their home and don’t want to leave. Would anyone else be able to get this service performed with public money? It might depend on the circumstances, but most believe there isn’t a ghost of a chance.
There have been all kinds of complaints filed over the years with Metro Housing in Toronto, but even they never had to deal with anything like this. A British low rent housing entity was forced to lay out $117 in taxpayer funds to resolve an ongoing dispute with a tenant. Who got the money and why? It went to help pay a psychic who performed a ghost exorcism in one of the units. The occupants of the home reported hearing banging noises and seeing objects flying across the room by themselves, and told officials on Easington Council in Durham County England they believed their apartment was haunted. And they wanted to know what, if anything, officials planned to do to help them. Police were called and found nothing. But when the tenants insisted they would rather be homeless that stay there with what they believed was a poltergeist inside, the Council reluctantly agreed to pay for half the cost of bringing in a psychic to detect the unrestful spirit and get her to move out. Spiritualist Suzanne Hadwin contends a woman was murdered in the home several years ago and that her essence has never been able to leave. She charges $235 for her services and the government agreed to dole out half of it, with the frightened family picking up the rest. Why? They did the math and discovered it would be cheaper to pay the woman than put the reluctant tenants in emergency housing. “This is the first time we have had to take such a measure,” a council spokeswoman explains dryly. “However, the tenants were extremely distressed at the time and we therefore believed it was the most appropriate course of action.” The family now says they feel safe in their home and don’t want to leave. Would anyone else be able to get this service performed with public money? It might depend on the circumstances, but most believe there isn’t a ghost of a chance.
I’m not sure if anyone has seen or heard about the Judge that was “dumped” just because she shares different beliefs. I find it so hard to believe that there are still ignorant-narrow minded people in this world. “tarot card reading is witchcraft and is used by witches, spiritists and mediums to consult the dark world” lol Shut up! That is just so absurd and there are no words! Anyways, I found an article with all the details below…
Beauty Pagent Dumps Tarot Card Reading Judge
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 | 12:26 PM ET
The reigning Miss Canada Plus says she was dumped as a judge in a Toronto beauty pageant because in her spare time she reads tarot cards.Stephanie Conover volunteers with several charities; she also occasionally reads tarot cards and practices reiki, a traditional Japanese healing system.
But when she told the Miss Toronto Tourism Pageant about her hobbies, she received a letter saying “tarot card reading is witchcraft and is used by witches, spiritists and mediums to consult the dark world.
“We hope that Stephanie Conover will turn from these belief systems and will repent from her practice of them.”
“It’s understandable that people are scared of what they don’t understand,” Conover said. “But at the same time, if you are promoting a pageant that promotes Toronto tourism, uses that in the name and then say that they stand for multiculturalism and diversity…”
“We never said anything bad about her,” said Warren Booth, a member of the pageant’s board of directors.
Booth said the pageant feared Conover would consult tarot cards to pick a winner.
“We want to be in line with God’s word when it comes to this type of activity and this isn’t anywhere near God’s word,” he said.
Miss Toronto Tourism doesn’t receive funding from any level of government and has no connection whatsoever to Tourism Toronto, the official marketing group hired to promote the city.
Booth claims the pageant doesn’t have a religious slant but has every right to reject anyone for any reason.
“In our eyes it’s not an appropriate hobby,” he said.
Conover isn’t impressed.
“If you are running an organization, yes, you have the right to stipulate who can and who can’t participate, but at the same time there’s nothing in it that says it is the Miss Christian Toronto pageant.”
Conover adds that if the pageant sees the error of its ways, she would still act as a judge.
Last week I was driving on the Danforth and I noticed a cool looking pub with a sign that stated they they hold a psychic fair every 2nd Sunday of the month.  I googled them and was happy to find out more details… it’s held twice a month at 2 Toronto Locations by some “best” (self proclaimed?) psychics. Their site states that they have a high accuracy rate and 97% of their clients were satisfied.  The first location is at The Old Nick at 123 Danforth Avenue, at Broadview, 2nd Sunday of each month, from 1pm to 5pm. The second location is at 554 Parliament Street at Wellesely, last Sunday of each month, from 11apm to 3pm. I think I’m going to check it out. I have had a strong feeling that it’s time I went to see a psychic. Maybe they can guide me to help me understand more about these unexplained experiences that I have had. For more information please see their site:
I was watching Discovery A Haunting, Season 4 – Episode 11, Legend Trippers. That is an actual term that is used and the show described it as persons who are interested in the paranormal, that go on casual investigations, of allegedly haunted locations. That describes a majority of ghost hunters who are starting out, but if you are in that group, please beware. Don’t take the paranormal so lightly and always go in at least a group of two! I wouldn’t recommend going at all if you are a vulnerable soul because you may be followed or overtaken. Speaking from actual experience, the force and strength an entity holds is beyond incredible. The following video is of three Wisconsin teenagers who have very little to do on a Halloween night so one learns of a legendary nearby haunted cemetery. The site also lists a dare and they decide to see for themselves if the stories are true. I Googled the site, but couldn’t find it. For a list of haunted spots for Toronto, or your city, hit the web and you will surely obtain ample listings for public places with rumored activity.
Thundering Blue Cracking Clusters
This past Wednesday Toronto had a record snow fall, but some pretty unusual thunder and lightening occurred that night as well. It wasn’t your average storm either… the noise was so intense, it sounded like a truck fell off the Gardiner. Then there was such a fierce blue light the sky seemed to explode and spark up the night in what only seemed like a split second. I ran to my balcony to try to see what happened and I noticed that a lot of others were on their balconies trying to figure out what was going on too. We couldn’t see much and then I figured out that it must have been the elements. Then last night I experienced such a vivid dream that was related to that odd weather and the Cloverfield movie. I can’t help but feel that what transpired in Toronto on Wednesday evening was something extraterrestrial. In my dream a huge orange-yellow spear seemed to engulf the surrounding downtown Toronto core. Then the force of the blast pushed out so much debris, it drowned all that was in it’s midst. I ran inside a nearby PATH where these hovering aliens, wearing black trench coats, were inserting custom clusters to its designated human counterparts. The packets were the most vibrant fishes, like in Chinese paintings. These modifications were specially designed to enhance us, but I woke up before I could learn for what? My dream was so vivid, I could even see colors. I have been experiencing such an unsettling feeling lately and I have been rather fascinated with apocalyptic stories as well. Some say it’s going to happen and as soon as 2012. I don’t feel that it will, but I do have a feeling that 2013 may not be a good year. I hope I’m wrong.
In the next few months I am hoping to acquire a house and I am also hoping that maybe, just maybe, it will have something extra, other than the usual amenities. Am I crazy for wanting to experience more supernatural energy? I’m so drawn to it.. I can’t even begin to explain. I imagine it’s like people who jump out of a plane. That high they must experience is too euphoric to resist. Speaking of buying a haunted house, I was searching the City TV archives and stumbled upon the following article. Hit the link below to access the video footage…
Would-Be Homeowners Balk At Buying A “Haunted House”
Thursday August 31, 2006
The housing market in the G.T.A. continues to churn out record numbers, with more and more homes and condos getting record prices. The Danforth has always been a coveted area, but there’s one home in the neighbourhood that may end up literally spooking away prospective buyers.
The Victorian mansion is rumoured to be haunted, and Christian Cedieux, a crime and trauma scene cleaner, has spent enough time inside to determine for himself whether a ghoulish presence exists. He’s been working at the house ever since the elderly owner was found dead inside. She died of natural causes, but Cedieux now considers himself a believer in the supernatural.
“I refuse to allow any of my employees to work by themselves,” he admits with a straight face.
“Everyone had to work in teams of two. From equipment turning off and on, to gloves levitating. I had a grown man 35 years of age who ran out of one particular room screaming and crying. He couldn’t take it.”
“There are things that cannot be explained, and I’ve seen it; my staff has seen it; we’ve experienced it; we’ve felt it; we’ve smelt it.”
“One of my employees was pushed by an invisible assailant. He ran down screaming and crying and was really spooked out.”
Four workers left and never came back.
The house is now clean and ready for sale, although Christian admits he wouldn’t spend a night there for $1,000.
“There are things that cannot be explained, and I’m here to tell you that they’re very for real.”
Please feel free to add me at the following link – and if you do it would be great if you joined our T.O.P.S. facebook group too
Album Review | The Mars Volta enters the paranormal realm
Four out of five stars
Ellie Steever
Issue date: 2/4/08 Section: Arts
Nearly everyone over the age of 12 will testify that Ouija boards are fake and a waste of time. But progressive rock band The Mars Volta (TMV) obviously doesn’t feel that way.
Disbelieve what you will, but TMV’s fourth full-length effort, “The Bedlam in Goliath,” is a bowl full of secrets poured forth from the occult.
While touring with the Red Hot Chili Peppers in 2006, the band purchased a now-famous Ouija board nicknamed “the Soothsayer.” During the tour and the initial stages of recording for “Bedlam,” the board began to mystify the band with the demands, stories and names it supposedly gave them.
However, the Soothsayer began to curse TMV and its efforts to record with a chain of bizarre mishaps. Cedric Bixler-Zavala, vocals, had foot surgery that required him to relearn how to walk, Omar Rodriguez-Lopez’s, guitar, home studio burned.
Three drummers quit during the recording process (leading to the addition of Thomas Pridgen), and the original sound engineer also left after a nervous breakdown.
Eventually Rodriguez-Lopez buried the board and forbade band members to speak of it, but the pandemonium and peculiar eeriness it stirred up cannot be missed in “Bedlam.”
The band is known for its musical chaos, and “Bedlam” pushes this element to the breaking point, mainly through sheer speed. In previous TMV albums musical buildups often lead to ten-minute sections featuring feedback, guitar chirps and frog belches. In this latest album, there is no such downtime, and buildups only lead to more of that fast, hard, loud rock that makes listeners bang their heads so righteously.
“Cavelettas,” ringing in just short of ten minutes, toys with fans’ expectations for long reprieves found on earlier LPs. The musicians and production team show off their utter genius by playing with the volume on this track. Different instrument sections and sounds alternately rise and fall until the audience believes the familiar feedback solo is coming, before being whipped back into the main body of the song, ecstatic that there is nothing to fast forward through.
Distorted vocals and looped effects that TMV is so fond of show up in nearly every song, as well as wailing saxophone and string sections that remind the listener of the geographical spans that influence the music.
“Soothsayer” begins with Middle Eastern sounds and guitar melodies, eventually erupting into gypsy-infused tambourines, chimes and violins amidst the pulsing guitars and drums. To complete the foreign effect, the song ends with children’s voices singing a Catholic prayer, which is no doubt some ironic reference to the supernatural, pagan ideas that sculpted the album.
The paranormal themes found in the Soothsayer Ouija board are most lyrically apparent in “Goliath.” Bixler-Zavala’s yipping falsetto and deeper, accusatory vocals catch the listener’s attention with lines like, “I’m starting to feel a miscarriage coming on/ It’s numbing a stump/ Clearing in my throat/ And I just can’t lose grip of it.”
The single, “Wax Simulacra,” is the shortest track on the album and is all the stronger with power chords played over palpitating drums, alternatively giving way to an over-exaggerated downbeat or some fluttering sax overtone.
The recent performance of this song on “Late Night with David Letterman” did not give it justice. The vocals were given precedence over the rest of the instruments, whereas in its recorded works TMV always makes each sound just as powerful as the next.
Moreover, TMV consistently ensures that each album is as powerful and inspired as the next. Most fans can hardly say which album is their favorite, and now “Bedlam in Goliath” enters into this debate. When TMV first formed, there was no other band with the same sort of sound, and this remains true today.
But just because they have a unique sound doesn’t mean they shouldn’t keep exploring new styles. If there is anything bad to be said about “Bedlam” it is that a conceptual exploration of an idea through complex time signatures and depraved guitar mashing can form a masterpiece – but isn’t that what The Mars Volta has been doing all along?
Four out of five stars
Ellie Steever
Issue date: 2/4/08 Section: Arts
Nearly everyone over the age of 12 will testify that Ouija boards are fake and a waste of time. But progressive rock band The Mars Volta (TMV) obviously doesn’t feel that way.
Disbelieve what you will, but TMV’s fourth full-length effort, “The Bedlam in Goliath,” is a bowl full of secrets poured forth from the occult.
While touring with the Red Hot Chili Peppers in 2006, the band purchased a now-famous Ouija board nicknamed “the Soothsayer.” During the tour and the initial stages of recording for “Bedlam,” the board began to mystify the band with the demands, stories and names it supposedly gave them.
However, the Soothsayer began to curse TMV and its efforts to record with a chain of bizarre mishaps. Cedric Bixler-Zavala, vocals, had foot surgery that required him to relearn how to walk, Omar Rodriguez-Lopez’s, guitar, home studio burned.
Three drummers quit during the recording process (leading to the addition of Thomas Pridgen), and the original sound engineer also left after a nervous breakdown.
Eventually Rodriguez-Lopez buried the board and forbade band members to speak of it, but the pandemonium and peculiar eeriness it stirred up cannot be missed in “Bedlam.”
The band is known for its musical chaos, and “Bedlam” pushes this element to the breaking point, mainly through sheer speed. In previous TMV albums musical buildups often lead to ten-minute sections featuring feedback, guitar chirps and frog belches. In this latest album, there is no such downtime, and buildups only lead to more of that fast, hard, loud rock that makes listeners bang their heads so righteously.
“Cavelettas,” ringing in just short of ten minutes, toys with fans’ expectations for long reprieves found on earlier LPs. The musicians and production team show off their utter genius by playing with the volume on this track. Different instrument sections and sounds alternately rise and fall until the audience believes the familiar feedback solo is coming, before being whipped back into the main body of the song, ecstatic that there is nothing to fast forward through.
Distorted vocals and looped effects that TMV is so fond of show up in nearly every song, as well as wailing saxophone and string sections that remind the listener of the geographical spans that influence the music.
“Soothsayer” begins with Middle Eastern sounds and guitar melodies, eventually erupting into gypsy-infused tambourines, chimes and violins amidst the pulsing guitars and drums. To complete the foreign effect, the song ends with children’s voices singing a Catholic prayer, which is no doubt some ironic reference to the supernatural, pagan ideas that sculpted the album.
The paranormal themes found in the Soothsayer Ouija board are most lyrically apparent in “Goliath.” Bixler-Zavala’s yipping falsetto and deeper, accusatory vocals catch the listener’s attention with lines like, “I’m starting to feel a miscarriage coming on/ It’s numbing a stump/ Clearing in my throat/ And I just can’t lose grip of it.”
The single, “Wax Simulacra,” is the shortest track on the album and is all the stronger with power chords played over palpitating drums, alternatively giving way to an over-exaggerated downbeat or some fluttering sax overtone.
The recent performance of this song on “Late Night with David Letterman” did not give it justice. The vocals were given precedence over the rest of the instruments, whereas in its recorded works TMV always makes each sound just as powerful as the next.
Moreover, TMV consistently ensures that each album is as powerful and inspired as the next. Most fans can hardly say which album is their favorite, and now “Bedlam in Goliath” enters into this debate. When TMV first formed, there was no other band with the same sort of sound, and this remains true today.
But just because they have a unique sound doesn’t mean they shouldn’t keep exploring new styles. If there is anything bad to be said about “Bedlam” it is that a conceptual exploration of an idea through complex time signatures and depraved guitar mashing can form a masterpiece – but isn’t that what The Mars Volta has been doing all along?
Haunted Toronto Book Finally Appears On
Article Created:Â 02/02/2008 02:34:38 AM PST
PLEASANTONIRMA SLAGE was in her early 20s when she realized the people she had been communicating with in her mind were actually dead.“You can go through your whole life without realizing you’re hearing voices in your mind … and others are not,” said Slage, a self-described psychic counselor from Livermore.
Slage, who hosted a seance at the Pleasanton Hotel last week, has been sharing her “gift” with others for more than 30 years.
“I like the idea that people can get a message from the other world,” she said.
The event, billed as a seance, was not what most imagine when they hear the word. People were not sitting in a dimly lit room, holding hands and asking thespirits to communicate with them.
Rather, the group of about 100 people, gathered in the hotel’s Victorian Room, sipped wine and munched on cheese and crackers as Slage recounted her supernatural encounter with the spirits living in the hotel and answered personal questions from the audience.
With the aid of photos showing what Slage called “orbs,” or balls of light energy, she spoke of the high level of spirit activity at the hotel, which was built in 1864.
Paranormal activity has been linked to the hotel’s seedy past as a thriving brothel and has lured other spiritual investigators, including Gloria Young, a Northern California ghost hunter from the Ghost Trackers Paranormal Research Group who documented psychic phenomena.
“The room next to the bar — that’s where all the action was,” Slage said. “I felt a man standing next to me. He was grungy and his beard was full of stuff. I could smell him.”
Slage has been commissioned to use her ability to communicate with spirits to help the police, as well as visit historic homes and grave sites.
Whether one believes Slage can communicate with the dead is really not her concern, she said.
“I don’t push it; you can believe whatever you want to believe,” she said. “Just sit with me for a while and we’ll go over it.”
To any of the people among her core group of believers, however, Slage is beyond reproach.
“Irma is not God, but she’s got a gift to help people,” said Oakdale resident Jan Rien, who said she has had several personal sessions with Slage since her father, Robert Fuchs, died in June 2005.
Rien and her family, who live in Livermore, located Slage through friends.
“We wanted to go talk to her and see if our dad wanted to get a message to us,” Rien said.
Rien, her mother Mary Fuchs and her sisters have since developed a friendship with Slage, whom they praise for her compassion.
For the family, who said their father has passed on several messages from beyond, the true reward is knowing their father is still with them.
“I don’t look at death like I used to,” Rien said. “I feel like my dad is in a spiritual realm. He is still with us.”
The idea of life after death has helped put mediums, and concepts like the spiritual realm, more into the mainstream consciousness. For instance, there is John Edward, the psychic medium who hosted the television show, “Crossing Over with John Edward.”
This week, in East Contra Costa County, a group of paranormal investigators from visited Union Cemetery, where vandals had knocked over 64 headstones. One psychic from Pleasant Hill said she made contact with the spirits of a woman buried there and the former caretaker, both of whom were upset about the vandalism.
Since launched in May, the site has averaged 40,000 viewers per show.
And nationally 1.6 million viewers tuned in for the Friday night finale of Lifetime Television Network’s “America’s Psychic Challenge.” The show pitted 16 self-proclaimed clairvoyants against one another to find the top psychic.
“More people are realizing that something is missing in their lives. They’re searching for something spiritual,” said Anne Pearce, a co-owner of Intuitive Way, a Walnut Creek-based school teaching how to sense your own spiritual reality, and how to read auras, heal and meditate.
“The people who come to our center are people who would not normally seek out a psychic … It’s not the kind of thing that is public,” Pearce said.
“I think a lot more people are becoming more spiritual,” Rein added. “Not necessarily religious, but with some higher power.”
Staff writer Matthias Gafni contributed to this story. Meera Pal covers Pleasanton. Reach her at 925-847-2120 or
NASA To Transmit Beatle Song To North Star
Friday February 1, 2008
You may remember that old joke from Saturday Night Live about NASA sending a probe into space containing artifacts of humanity, including a Chuck Berry record. The response from the aliens who found the space museum: “Send more Chuck Berry.”
So you can only imagine what those creatures from the void will say when they hear this. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has confirmed it plans to beam a single song into the atmosphere that will eventually travel farther than any spacecraft in history.And the ditty chosen to make this momentous journey seems more than appropriate. It’s the Beatles’ classic “Across the Universe” from the Let It Be album. The tentative ‘launch’ date is set for February 4th, 40 years to the day from when the Fab Four recorded it in 1968. The song will be sent at exactly 7pm, and the iconic tune will also be spun on radio stations around the world to mark the moment.
The relatively cheap project, which involves no space shots or real hardware, is part of the celebrations marking the organization’s 50th anniversary. The survivors of the most famous group in music history are thrilled with the choice. “Send my love to the aliens,” jokes Paul McCartney.
Yoko Ono, John Lennon’s widow, was typically spacey in her response. “I see that this is the beginning of the new age in which we will communicate with billions of planets across the universe.”
NASA has sent songs into space before, most notably to wake up crews on missions. But it’s the first time any piece of music has ever been aimed at someone – or something – else.
The tune will trave to the North Star, the brightest object in the night sky. How far away is it? The agency estimates its target, actually named Polaris, is about 2,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles from earth, or roughly 2.5 quadrillion miles away.
How long will it take before any alien ears actually get to hear it? NASA estimates the song will make a very long journey on its way to number one – some 431 years, arriving in 2439.
Of course, given the popularity of the lads from Liverpool, chances are they’ll still be putting out new Beatle compilation CDs back here on Earth by the time it gets there. Although it’s not clear if the group will be available for download over the Internet by then.
Torv takes lead role in Abrams’ drama
Thursday, January 31 2008, 16:35 GMT (11:35 ET)
By Beth Hilton, Entertainment Reporter
Australian actress Anna Torv is to take the lead role in JJ Abrams’ new sci-fi drama Fringe.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Torv is the filmmaker’s latest female discovery, following in the footsteps of Keri Russell (Felicity), Jennifer Garner (Alias) and Evangeline Lilly (Lost).The Fox show, written by Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, will also star Blair Brown and Jasika Nicole.
Torv will play Olivia Warren, a young FBI agent working with institutionalised scientist Dr. Walter Bishop (John Noble) to tackle paranormal phenomena.
Filming for the two-hour pilot will begin in Toronto next month. Fox has not yet announced when it will air.
Discovery A Haunting
“Bolt the door and beware of things that go bump in the night, A Haunting chronicles the terrifying true stories of the paranormal told by those who experienced true horror tales. A Haunting dramatizes some of the scariest real-life ghost stories and uses the latest forensic tools to reveal a world in which tragedy, suicide and murder have left psychic impressions so powerful that they still resonate decades later.” Snipped from The Discovery Channel website.
In my opinion, A Haunting is the BEST paranormal series ever! The real scary thing about it is that it is based on true accounts! They were supposed to start a new season, Season 5, but nothing yet
I think they stalled so they could launch Paranormal State, which is good, but doesn’t even compare to A Haunting.
You can still watch A Haunting on Discovery and if you wish to check the website for times please click HERE
I can not wait until Season 5!!!!
The following episode guide is snipped from Wiki:
Read the rest of this entry
In my opinion, A Haunting is the BEST paranormal series ever! The real scary thing about it is that it is based on true accounts! They were supposed to start a new season, Season 5, but nothing yet
You can still watch A Haunting on Discovery and if you wish to check the website for times please click HERE
I can not wait until Season 5!!!!
The following episode guide is snipped from Wiki:
Read the rest of this entry
***Update! Okay it’s now August 19, 2013 and I’m still sensing something negative around when I am home alone. Not sure if it’s the same entity or even if it’s an entity at all. After my past experience I just can’t help but wonder. I hear strange noises and last week I heard clicking???!!! I read to just ignore it so that’s what I am doing now. I did a Tarot Card reading for myself before that and I have been studying demons and exorcisms. I can’t help it especially when our world seems so evil. I am just trying to understand and bring light to an existing problem. I decided to take a break from it but I am not completely stopping.
There are people in this world that rely on God to wash away their sins, to help them cope with the fact that they are flawed, simply for being human. Some of them even feel that they have license to sin as long as they go to church frequently. I have met such a person and I have sensed their darkness from day one. I even told this to another that I felt could empathize with me. When I informed them that I felt a lot of tension and animosity coming from the other person, they seemed a bit freaked out that I knew this and was very apprehensive in what they said to me. A few weeks later they admitted that this person was in fact causing them grief. As time passed my suspicions came to light when they started directing this hate towards myself proving that unfortunately I was right about them. I always give people the benefit of the doubt so I put my feelings aside to allow them, in a way, a chance to redeem themselves in this case I wish I didn’t.
I received a bit of a dorky chain email this morning at work, but I thought I would post it anyways…
A sick man turned to his doctor,
as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said,
“Doctor, I am afraid to die.
Tell me what lies on the other side.”Very quietly, the doctor said, “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?
You, a Christian man, do not know what is on the other side?”
The doctor was holding the handle of the door;
on the other side came a sound of scratching and whining,
and as he opened the door,
a dog sprang into the room
and leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.
Turning to the patient, the doctor said,
“Did you notice my dog?
He’s never been in this room before.
He didn’t know what was inside.
He knew nothing except that his master was here,
and when the door opened, he sprang in without fear.
I know little of what is on the other side of death,
but I do know one thing…
I know my Master is there and that is enough.”
A sick man turned to his doctor,
as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said,
“Doctor, I am afraid to die.
Tell me what lies on the other side.”Very quietly, the doctor said, “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?
You, a Christian man, do not know what is on the other side?”
The doctor was holding the handle of the door;
on the other side came a sound of scratching and whining,
and as he opened the door,
a dog sprang into the room
and leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.
Turning to the patient, the doctor said,
“Did you notice my dog?
He’s never been in this room before.
He didn’t know what was inside.
He knew nothing except that his master was here,
and when the door opened, he sprang in without fear.
I know little of what is on the other side of death,
but I do know one thing…
I know my Master is there and that is enough.”
A happy Medium’ By Patricia Sheridan Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
As a paranormal, her character Allison DuBois sees dead people in her dreams, solves crimes and tries to maintain a normal family life. In real life, Emmy-winning actress Patricia Arquette the star of NBC Medium, airing at 10 p.m. Mondays ” is happy to get some sleep when she can and spend time with her husband, actor Thomas Jane, and their soon-to-be 5-year-old daughter, Harlow. A fifth-generation actor (her grandfather, humorist Cliff Arquette, played the Charley Weaver character for The Jack Paar Show and The Tonight Show), she followed older sister Rosanna Arquette to Hollywood. Her younger brother is David Arquette.
Q. Do you believe in life after death?
A. I do believe that something happens. I know that Einstein says you cant destroy energy. Oddly enough, a friend of mine got hit by a car when she was 12 and killed. A boy I knew saw it happen. He said he saw this girl get hit by a car and a streak of light leave her body. I kind of look at beings like they are energy. Maybe when we finish, we kind of explode like firecrackers (our energy) and it shoots off in all different directions. Whatever beings are coming in take a little piece of you, a little piece of me. I don't know, somehow its given me some comfort lately.
Q. You project a lot of personal confidence. Are you as comfortable as you seem in your own skin?
A. No, I'm not comfortable at all in my own skin. People have always said that. I know I'm flawed, and I know I'm not perfect, and I know I'm not like the worlds most beautiful person, but I also don't feel the need to have to be. So I guess in a way, then, I am confident. I guess I cut myself more slack than other people in this business.
Q. I would think in your business that is almost impossible to achieve.
A. It is really hard, I think. Its one of those situations where your own flaw turns out to be a strength. I always had a problem with authority when I was little. Especially authority that was based in nothing beautiful. Like some stupid idea that you are supposed to look a certain way just because you are supposed to.
Q. You and your husband, Joe (played by Jake Weber), on Medium spend a lot of time in bed.
A. Yes, we do, and when were tired we are Thank God were in the bed. I have definitely done scenes where I have fallen asleep. Between rolling and action I have fallen asleep. Then theyll go, Patricia, Patricia, action, action, action .
Q. Coming from five generations of actors, are the awards important?
A. No, but they were a nice surprise to have that kind of attention. I never really expected that and never really had that experience in my career, and Ive been in the business for a long time. So it was terrifying also because there is no character to hide behind, and it becomes all about what youre supposed to wear and what other peoples opinions are.
Q. Which do you cherish more emotional or financial security?
A. The reality is you have to have both, somewhat. You know Ive had times in my life, serious long times in my life, where the first of the month was like a recurring nightmare. All these bills and how do you do it? You cant minimize the struggle of poverty and the impact of poverty on your emotional well-being. But, I also think emotional stability is most important. Ive seen a lot of people with a lot of money that are unhinged.
Q. Do you believe in life after death?
A. I do believe that something happens. I know that Einstein says you cant destroy energy. Oddly enough, a friend of mine got hit by a car when she was 12 and killed. A boy I knew saw it happen. He said he saw this girl get hit by a car and a streak of light leave her body. I kind of look at beings like they are energy. Maybe when we finish, we kind of explode like firecrackers (our energy) and it shoots off in all different directions. Whatever beings are coming in take a little piece of you, a little piece of me. I don't know, somehow its given me some comfort lately.
Q. You project a lot of personal confidence. Are you as comfortable as you seem in your own skin?
A. No, I'm not comfortable at all in my own skin. People have always said that. I know I'm flawed, and I know I'm not perfect, and I know I'm not like the worlds most beautiful person, but I also don't feel the need to have to be. So I guess in a way, then, I am confident. I guess I cut myself more slack than other people in this business.
Q. I would think in your business that is almost impossible to achieve.
A. It is really hard, I think. Its one of those situations where your own flaw turns out to be a strength. I always had a problem with authority when I was little. Especially authority that was based in nothing beautiful. Like some stupid idea that you are supposed to look a certain way just because you are supposed to.
Q. You and your husband, Joe (played by Jake Weber), on Medium spend a lot of time in bed.
A. Yes, we do, and when were tired we are Thank God were in the bed. I have definitely done scenes where I have fallen asleep. Between rolling and action I have fallen asleep. Then theyll go, Patricia, Patricia, action, action, action .
Q. Coming from five generations of actors, are the awards important?
A. No, but they were a nice surprise to have that kind of attention. I never really expected that and never really had that experience in my career, and Ive been in the business for a long time. So it was terrifying also because there is no character to hide behind, and it becomes all about what youre supposed to wear and what other peoples opinions are.
Q. Which do you cherish more emotional or financial security?
A. The reality is you have to have both, somewhat. You know Ive had times in my life, serious long times in my life, where the first of the month was like a recurring nightmare. All these bills and how do you do it? You cant minimize the struggle of poverty and the impact of poverty on your emotional well-being. But, I also think emotional stability is most important. Ive seen a lot of people with a lot of money that are unhinged.
I think I was about 8 years old when I had one of my first paranormal experiences. I was playing alone in the basement with one of those 4 foot dolls.. you know, the kind that had the sleepy eyes. Anyways, I still get chills even thinking about it. I believe it was a Saturday, mid afternoon, and I was so caught up in playing that I couldn’t even believe what was going on around me. It was cold and then I heard very loud deep breathing. At first I thought it was the furnace so I shook it off. Then the piercing reality hit me… furnaces only shoot air outwards and not in and out like this breathing sound! Then the doll who’s eyes were closed then started fluttering. I was shocked and I ran upstairs. It was two weeks later and I decided that what happened was all in my mind.Like before I was caught up in my childish play when the heavy breathing sound started again. This time I did not ignore it, but instead I threw the doll under the closet stairs and ran upstairs to never play alone downstairs again.
I found a very interesting website that offers real life paranormal accounts. They can be found at I’m going to add it to the Link section on this site.
Some stories featured are from people and places that are right here in Toronto. I found a recent story and link that I posted below…
Your True Tales January 2008
Little Ghost’s Footsteps
My experience took place at the end of October of 2007. I’ve always been a believer of ghosts and the paranormal, but had never experienced anything outright. But that changed one night this past October. I was house-sitting for my brother, his wife, and their two kids for one week in a suburb of Toronto. I believe it was the first, if not second night of my stay. It was around 1 a.m. and I was upstairs in bed reading when I suddenly heard someone walking around downstairs. I sat up in bed and listened, and it stopped. I brushed it off, thinking that the heat in the pipes was causing them to expand and contract, making weird noises. I went back to reading, and a few moments later I heard the footsteps again. At this point a few things went through my head: 1) My brother must have come home early (although they had just left for Europe a couple of days earlier); 2) It could be the neighbors next door (but soon realized that they live in a completely detached house, so they couldn’t have heard anyone through the walls); 3) How am I going to get out of here, since I’m on the second floor and there’s a burglar downstairs? I was totally and utterly convinced that there was someone walking around in their kitchen. It was kind of like a shuffling sound, as if the person was moving around the room — it wasn’t evenly paced like they were walking down a hallway. They also sounded quite heavy and sturdy, as if it were a male and not a female. I got out of bed and walked down the stairs to look over the banister into the kitchen, but it was pitch-black and I could see nothing. So I ran upstairs, put my head phones on, and went to sleep. I never heard the footsteps again. And truthfully I didn’t think much of it after that. Until my brother and his family came home…. On their way home from the airport, they stopped by my house where I live with my parents. I suddenly remembered what had happened and I said to my sister-in-law, “I thought I heard footsteps in your kitchen one night!” and laughed. She looked at me and said, “Oh, I see you’ve met our little ghost.” I couldn’t believe it. I asked her to explain. She said that about a year ago (soon after they moved in), she and my brother were sleeping in their room when suddenly my sister-in-law woke up when she heard someone walking in their room. She waited for what she thought was one of her children to jump into her bed. Nothing happened, so she asked my brother if one of the kids was in the room (she wears glasses and can’t see well without them, especially since it was dark). He said no, but that he too had heard someone come into the room. They both sat up in bed and listened, and sure enough they heard footsteps start on one side of the room, and walk all the way around the bed to the other side. She has told me also that her children (who share a room) have woken up a couple of times in the middle of the night to see two glowing red eyes in their room, but that since my brother has started renovating, the sightings have stopped. I’m never house-sitting for them again.
Some stories featured are from people and places that are right here in Toronto. I found a recent story and link that I posted below…
Your True Tales January 2008
Little Ghost’s Footsteps
My experience took place at the end of October of 2007. I’ve always been a believer of ghosts and the paranormal, but had never experienced anything outright. But that changed one night this past October. I was house-sitting for my brother, his wife, and their two kids for one week in a suburb of Toronto. I believe it was the first, if not second night of my stay. It was around 1 a.m. and I was upstairs in bed reading when I suddenly heard someone walking around downstairs. I sat up in bed and listened, and it stopped. I brushed it off, thinking that the heat in the pipes was causing them to expand and contract, making weird noises. I went back to reading, and a few moments later I heard the footsteps again. At this point a few things went through my head: 1) My brother must have come home early (although they had just left for Europe a couple of days earlier); 2) It could be the neighbors next door (but soon realized that they live in a completely detached house, so they couldn’t have heard anyone through the walls); 3) How am I going to get out of here, since I’m on the second floor and there’s a burglar downstairs? I was totally and utterly convinced that there was someone walking around in their kitchen. It was kind of like a shuffling sound, as if the person was moving around the room — it wasn’t evenly paced like they were walking down a hallway. They also sounded quite heavy and sturdy, as if it were a male and not a female. I got out of bed and walked down the stairs to look over the banister into the kitchen, but it was pitch-black and I could see nothing. So I ran upstairs, put my head phones on, and went to sleep. I never heard the footsteps again. And truthfully I didn’t think much of it after that. Until my brother and his family came home…. On their way home from the airport, they stopped by my house where I live with my parents. I suddenly remembered what had happened and I said to my sister-in-law, “I thought I heard footsteps in your kitchen one night!” and laughed. She looked at me and said, “Oh, I see you’ve met our little ghost.” I couldn’t believe it. I asked her to explain. She said that about a year ago (soon after they moved in), she and my brother were sleeping in their room when suddenly my sister-in-law woke up when she heard someone walking in their room. She waited for what she thought was one of her children to jump into her bed. Nothing happened, so she asked my brother if one of the kids was in the room (she wears glasses and can’t see well without them, especially since it was dark). He said no, but that he too had heard someone come into the room. They both sat up in bed and listened, and sure enough they heard footsteps start on one side of the room, and walk all the way around the bed to the other side. She has told me also that her children (who share a room) have woken up a couple of times in the middle of the night to see two glowing red eyes in their room, but that since my brother has started renovating, the sightings have stopped. I’m never house-sitting for them again.
Soulseekers Ghost Hunters Launch Third Mobisode
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Sat, 2007-12-29 19:06.
If you are a woman (13%) you’re slightly more likely than a man (6%) to believe you have an extra visitor. And when it comes to age groupings, there really isn’t much difference: middle aged (11%), and younger (9%) and older (8%).
** UPDATE – January 2012 stated that the Bright Pearl was closed and my husband and I were downtown Chinatown and noticed that the side steps had cardboard covering them and the inside lights were off. The outside lights were still on though? Not sure if this is a permanent thing. I hope not. The ambiance was great but they could work on a few things like not take so long with the food next time. Plus I would like more dinner specials. Anyways, just thought I would let you all know.
December 2007
About two weeks ago I received a flier from the Bright Pearl Chinese restaurant, located on Spadina Avenue, in Chinatown. Big deal, right? Well instantly I recognized the picture of it from the book Haunted Toronto, by John Robert Columbo. I was so thrilled to find out that they were still in business. I thought that they were closed because the main entrance, right on Spadina, was sealed. Later I learned that the door was moved in an attempt to better a somewhat troubling spirit situation. My husband and I planned to go for dinner that coming Friday night. The minute we got there I felt unusually afraid and very cold. When I sat down it seemed the cold was swirling around me. My heart was racing and I felt so much energy I needed to take extra time ordering. Knowing what it may have been before was a little unsettling, but I felt that there was more than that. I was sensing so much activity there and I even went around after our meal looking for something. I guess after my own experiences I sometimes feel that I am seeking more paranormal puzzle pieces to help make a clearer picture for myself to see what else is out there. I never saw anything or heard anything out of the ordinary… just a lot more confusing vibes. The food was good, but the portions were a bit small. I felt that there could have been a lot more meat to be honest. The dim sum and drinks were reasonable at around $3.00 – $6.00 each, but I found the dinner combos a bit pricey. We ordered the dinner for two A ($36.95+tax), 2 drinks and 3 dim sum platters and it was over $70 dollars with tax & tip. They are a rather upscale restaurant and we frequent more economical establishments where dinner for two starts at $19.99 and with much larger portions too. I will most likely go there again, but most likely for a brunch or lunch and not dinner. I still think that it’s a must visit because the ambiance is rather something any true paranormal lover should experience. For further details please check out the following link of the restaurants website,
A bit of history about this location can be found at GHRS at the link below,

December 2007
About two weeks ago I received a flier from the Bright Pearl Chinese restaurant, located on Spadina Avenue, in Chinatown. Big deal, right? Well instantly I recognized the picture of it from the book Haunted Toronto, by John Robert Columbo. I was so thrilled to find out that they were still in business. I thought that they were closed because the main entrance, right on Spadina, was sealed. Later I learned that the door was moved in an attempt to better a somewhat troubling spirit situation. My husband and I planned to go for dinner that coming Friday night. The minute we got there I felt unusually afraid and very cold. When I sat down it seemed the cold was swirling around me. My heart was racing and I felt so much energy I needed to take extra time ordering. Knowing what it may have been before was a little unsettling, but I felt that there was more than that. I was sensing so much activity there and I even went around after our meal looking for something. I guess after my own experiences I sometimes feel that I am seeking more paranormal puzzle pieces to help make a clearer picture for myself to see what else is out there. I never saw anything or heard anything out of the ordinary… just a lot more confusing vibes. The food was good, but the portions were a bit small. I felt that there could have been a lot more meat to be honest. The dim sum and drinks were reasonable at around $3.00 – $6.00 each, but I found the dinner combos a bit pricey. We ordered the dinner for two A ($36.95+tax), 2 drinks and 3 dim sum platters and it was over $70 dollars with tax & tip. They are a rather upscale restaurant and we frequent more economical establishments where dinner for two starts at $19.99 and with much larger portions too. I will most likely go there again, but most likely for a brunch or lunch and not dinner. I still think that it’s a must visit because the ambiance is rather something any true paranormal lover should experience. For further details please check out the following link of the restaurants website,
A bit of history about this location can be found at GHRS at the link below,
If you are interested in stories about a haunted telephone (found right here in Toronto!), local exorcisms and other strange but true events, then you should listen to Richard Syrettith’s Strange Planet.
Below is a link to some clips that I found on the net, they will give you a flavor of this rather odd savor. I’m really glad I found this show because I’m sure I will learn more about Toronto paranormal, as well as strange but true stories from all over the world!
Below is a link to some clips that I found on the net, they will give you a flavor of this rather odd savor. I’m really glad I found this show because I’m sure I will learn more about Toronto paranormal, as well as strange but true stories from all over the world!
Great Gift Ideas For A Paranormal Lover
I had to do a little Christmas Shopping last night and I went to the Worlds Biggest Bookstore, on Yonge & Dundas,, and I was happy to find that they have paranormal books for sale on the second floor. Also on the second floor, near the downward escalator, you will happen upon a ghostly display which includes at least 3 books from John Robert Columbo himself. True Canadian Haunting Stories, More True Canadian Ghost Stories and an alien book (that I should have picked up too) for $9.99 each (plus tax). They are also having a sale.. buy 3 books and get the 4th free so I received the cheapest book free for $9,99. I also picked up a Ghost Hunting Chronicles hard cover book for $14.99 (plus tax) that seems to be a great paranormal guild to ghost hunting. For my forth book I found The Midnight Hour by John Robert Columbo for 19.99 (plus tax). Chapters Indigo would be another great store to check for paranormal books. I unfortunately didn’t make it to the location in the Eaton’s Centre, but I checked their site online and they had a good selection. They are also having the 4 for 3 sale too! I buy myself the best Christmas presents! Both locations are having the sale until December 24, 2007. HMV, on Yonge Street, had tons of DVDs for really reasonable prices. I purchased 28 Days Later & Shawn of the Dead for $20 plus tax. I buy myself the best presents lol!
CRASH ahhh haaa BANG ahhh haaaaaa! DARKNESS ahhh haaaa ahhhh haaa BANG BANG! were the sounds that stabbed into my vulnerable state of unconsciousness. Fear… sleep.. Dread… tired… the sounds were almost pulsating because I was in and out of reality. My enervated body, soul and mind were consumed back into the darkness to later wake wondering if that had happened or not. It sounded like the noise was resonating from the den… the same place I keep my 2 Ouija boards. Earlier in the week I was admiring them and my hand was gently stroking the boxes. I wonder if I have awaken something by doing so? I want to play, but I do not have the knowledge or experience to dare attempt such a thing, especially without anyone else that does have adequate experience.
If you ever are attacked by the wrath of a dark spirit, or demon, just stay calm, and don’t panic, or you may be consumed. Pray for Jesus and instantly you will be free. Please remember my words because I know first hand. Even if you can’t move or speak… as long as you believe in him, he will save you. I recall the first and only time I was attacked, I was so afraid… I tried to call out for my mother, but it just got worse. I couldn’t scream and I was totally paralysed. The next person I thought of was Jesus and thank God I did.
Some freaky goings-on in A&E’s ghostly ‘State’
Some freaky goings-on in A&E’s ghostly ‘State’
“I was a skeptic’s skeptic,” says Robert Sharenow, head of nonfiction and alternative programming at A&E. “I didn’t buy into this stuff at all. But I gotta say, after what I’ve seen on the show, I totally re-evaluated my feelings (about the paranormal).”
“State,” which debuted last week as A&E’s most-watched series premiere in three years, follows the Paranormal Research Society, a group founded in 2001 by Ryan Buell consisting of Penn State University students who balance college life while investigating cases involving ghosts, hauntings, demonic possession and other paranormal phenomena.
“Almost everybody on the production team experienced something — from being pushed or feeling cold to other really weird things that happened,” says Gary Auerbach of Go Go Luckey Prods. (MTV’s “Laguna Beach”), which produces the show with Four Seasons Prods. Intl.
For example, while dealing with a case that involved demonic possession, every time anyone would make a phone call — be it from a cell phone or from a land line in Go Go Luckey’s offices — the phones would “go in and out of reception,” he says. In another instance, Auerbach was talking to a youngster who could have walked straight out of M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Sixth Sense.”
“He said he was experiencing different phenomena, this dark mist, and could see dead people all the time,” Auerbach says. “I asked him if he could see someone right then, and he said yes and pointed right behind me. I got chills, and when I turned around, I saw a black mist roll past, light as a wisp.”
They say they also experienced electronic voice phenomena — said to be the voices of ghosts or spirits heard through static — when cutting the episodes.
“It’s really kind of freaky — if we weren’t believers, we are now,” Auerbach says, noting that the crew all wore St. Benedict medals dipped in holy water while shooting and had been briefed by Buell beforehand about what to do and how to act “in front of a spirit.” (Buell is still a student at Penn State, working on another degree.)
“State” came about after Betsy Schechter brought the idea to A&E through her Four Seasons banner, which then partnered with Go Go Luckey. A&E executives were so encouraged by what they saw early in production that they increased the episode order from 14 half-hours (including the pilot) to 20 before the show even premiered. Sharenow says what makes the series such a good fit for A&E is that it deals with more than just paranormal phenomena.
“The purpose isn’t to prove there are ghosts out there but to show these dramatic, very real confrontations and help these people in distress. The ghost element is almost incidental sometimes,” he says. “The high-impact human drama in every episode makes the show accessible to a mass audience. It’s very emotional and compelling and real.”
Some freaky goings-on in A&E’s ghostly ‘State’
Dec 17, 2007
A&E’s spooky new reality series “Paranormal State” could make believers out of the staunchest skeptic. It certainly did for network executives and show producers, who say they witnessed paranormal activity firsthand while shooting the series.“I was a skeptic’s skeptic,” says Robert Sharenow, head of nonfiction and alternative programming at A&E. “I didn’t buy into this stuff at all. But I gotta say, after what I’ve seen on the show, I totally re-evaluated my feelings (about the paranormal).”
“State,” which debuted last week as A&E’s most-watched series premiere in three years, follows the Paranormal Research Society, a group founded in 2001 by Ryan Buell consisting of Penn State University students who balance college life while investigating cases involving ghosts, hauntings, demonic possession and other paranormal phenomena.
“Almost everybody on the production team experienced something — from being pushed or feeling cold to other really weird things that happened,” says Gary Auerbach of Go Go Luckey Prods. (MTV’s “Laguna Beach”), which produces the show with Four Seasons Prods. Intl.
For example, while dealing with a case that involved demonic possession, every time anyone would make a phone call — be it from a cell phone or from a land line in Go Go Luckey’s offices — the phones would “go in and out of reception,” he says. In another instance, Auerbach was talking to a youngster who could have walked straight out of M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Sixth Sense.”
“He said he was experiencing different phenomena, this dark mist, and could see dead people all the time,” Auerbach says. “I asked him if he could see someone right then, and he said yes and pointed right behind me. I got chills, and when I turned around, I saw a black mist roll past, light as a wisp.”
They say they also experienced electronic voice phenomena — said to be the voices of ghosts or spirits heard through static — when cutting the episodes.
“It’s really kind of freaky — if we weren’t believers, we are now,” Auerbach says, noting that the crew all wore St. Benedict medals dipped in holy water while shooting and had been briefed by Buell beforehand about what to do and how to act “in front of a spirit.” (Buell is still a student at Penn State, working on another degree.)
“State” came about after Betsy Schechter brought the idea to A&E through her Four Seasons banner, which then partnered with Go Go Luckey. A&E executives were so encouraged by what they saw early in production that they increased the episode order from 14 half-hours (including the pilot) to 20 before the show even premiered. Sharenow says what makes the series such a good fit for A&E is that it deals with more than just paranormal phenomena.
“The purpose isn’t to prove there are ghosts out there but to show these dramatic, very real confrontations and help these people in distress. The ghost element is almost incidental sometimes,” he says. “The high-impact human drama in every episode makes the show accessible to a mass audience. It’s very emotional and compelling and real.”
I have always been able to sense a persons essence, now more-so than ever. I can pick up things and know things even before actually knowing them… it’s very odd at times. Picture having the answers before knowing the questions. It’s unsettling when I find out that my feelings have actual validity behind them. I can simply look at a person to feel them and know what they are about. I am totally repulsed by those touched by darkness or those with bad intentions. I do see good people that glow too, but they are few and far between. The average don’t really stand out.. they are those caught up in the motions of a mundane world, consumed by their daily duties and responsibilities. This is just too hard to write about now. I will delve further when I’m not so tired, but due to my own tedious life tasks, I am unable to at this time. Picture having to greet hundreds of people, for a work luncheon, while picking up so much at once.. it’s exhausting. Even taking the TTC is much at times because we are packed in there like sardines during rush hour and it’s hard not to have your body filled up with these intense feelings. It’s even more uncomfortable and awkward being so close to people that you automatically repel from. It’s not something that you can get used to.
A Toronto Reverend crosses the paranormal line…
Toronto Reverend Charged With Assaults In Bizarre Alleged Exorcisms
Lawrence is charged with the sexual assaults of two women, including one of his former parishioners who claims she was promised a spiritual healing in a ritual of baths that involved alcohol, onions and oils. The woman ended up pregnant, and now has a little one-year-old girl.
A second woman alleges the reverend went through a special ritual with her that involved meeting over a fresh grave where he actually pushed her down and sex with her. She believes that’s when she also conceived a child.
Lawrence reportedly founded the church, which ran out of a strip plaza location at Oakwood Avenue and Rogers Road for 25 years. The bizarre trial also includes allegations Lawrence threatened to kill one of the victims as well as the church treasurer.
Toronto Reverend Charged With Assaults In Bizarre Alleged Exorcisms
Monday December 10, 2007
A Toronto holy man stands charged with behaviour hardly becoming of one.
The congregation at the Mount Zion Revival Church of the Apostles has long called Reverend Frank Lawrence their spiritual leader, which likely means many were stunned at the news he’ll stand trial for alleged sex assaults and threatening death reportedly in connection with what police allege were bizarre exorcisms.Lawrence is charged with the sexual assaults of two women, including one of his former parishioners who claims she was promised a spiritual healing in a ritual of baths that involved alcohol, onions and oils. The woman ended up pregnant, and now has a little one-year-old girl.
A second woman alleges the reverend went through a special ritual with her that involved meeting over a fresh grave where he actually pushed her down and sex with her. She believes that’s when she also conceived a child.
Lawrence reportedly founded the church, which ran out of a strip plaza location at Oakwood Avenue and Rogers Road for 25 years. The bizarre trial also includes allegations Lawrence threatened to kill one of the victims as well as the church treasurer.
Yes, Mathew. I totally agree. Paranormal State scores an A with me. Hair on end… check! Gluteus maximus on the edge of my seat… check! Heart beating and blood rushing… check! Even from the intro I felt that I could totally relate to Ryan, the shows director, and I understood the fear from his own unexplained paranormal experiences and his search for answers. The show features a child, Matthew, that is sensitive and is capable of seeing ghosts, both good and bad. He seemed like the real deal and even pointed out “Timmy”, a presence that is very familiar with the boy, from an old photo before he died. The only thing wrong with this show is that it’s not long enough! It’s duration is on 30 minutes… come on A&E! Thank goodness they aired another new show right after. The second show was based on demons and it even involved a family that had a demon in their midst. Pretty scary stuff and the spookiest part about it is that the truth is stranger than fiction. That family that Ryan and his crew were helping also were being aided by the Roman Catholic Church.
Both premier shows featured the terms such as “dead air” which pretty much means that at 3am it’s prime time paranormal. For more terms check out the link below…
If you missed this show don’t worry… it repeats. Please see the link below for scheduled times.
Both premier shows featured the terms such as “dead air” which pretty much means that at 3am it’s prime time paranormal. For more terms check out the link below…
If you missed this show don’t worry… it repeats. Please see the link below for scheduled times.
Haunted Toronto, In Demand!
Apparently the Haunted Toronto book, by John Robert Columbo, has become quite the smoking hot commodity. was selling them used for around $342.00 US, but it’s down to $80 now! I was very lucky to score mine on Ebay for only $19.99 US last month! but I’m sure there are a lot of other places that one might look in order to obtain their own. If you would like your own copy just keep an eye out for one both on and off line. Thrift shops are a great place to look for vintage and used treasures. And don’t forget to check the online classifieds like Kijiji and Craigslist.Â
Taking the TTC regularly allows ample time for me to read. I am currently enjoying an biographical book based on Jim Morrison, No One Here Gets Out Alive. He believed that fear is one of our greatest emotions. From what I have read so far, it is obvious to me that he was constantly thrill seeking to attain that almighty high of the ultimate sensation… fear. Another reason fear is one of the most sought after emotion, is because it makes you feel alive and grateful for your existence. We all love to be afraid at times, but as long as we are able to control it, like viewing horror movies or following the paranormal. You wade into the pool of darkness only to run out into the safe warmth of light. Back to Mr. Morrison… he was not only very intelligent, creative and talented, but he was into the occult too. One of his “wives” was a witch and he participated in a wicca ceremony in order to marry her. He also enjoyed other types of rituals too, including drinking human blood.
Trip Advisor – 10 Most Haunted Places In Canada
Toronto is on the map with the Gibraltar Point Lighthouse ,which located in the Toronto Islands, downtown Toronto. It is featured in Trip Advisors number 6 position.
Sure of all the haunted places in Toronto, Trip Advisor had to go and list the one place I missed out on. I am so dying to see this place… gawd!
For the full article please visit the link below:

Sure of all the haunted places in Toronto, Trip Advisor had to go and list the one place I missed out on. I am so dying to see this place… gawd!
For the full article please visit the link below:
About a month ago I posted a link to the above mentioned article, but due to technical difficulties it was lost so I thought I would re-post it . Also, some accounts were lost too so please feel free to re-sign up. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Ghosts, and the man who hunts them
By THIEN HUYNH — Sun Media
24 Hours-Toronto
Have you ever felt a tingly chill suddenly brush your neck, as if someone whispered in your ear? How about that feeling that you’re being watched? You either have a peeping- tom problem or a haunting on your hands.
When there’s something strange in the neighourhood, who you going to call? Some people turn to John Mizzi, a Toronto-based investigator for Paranormal Studies and Investigations Canada. Just don’t call him a ghost buster.
“We don’t vanquish ghosts. We just investigate to see if they are there. First, I look for natural causes such as creaky stairs or cold spots that are just drafts,” says Mizzi, an electrical mechanic by day and ghost hunter by night.
Mizzi comes to each potential haunting armed with an array of special equipment. He’s fully-loaded with infrared lights, EMS meters that read magnetic fields, thermal meters, a shotgun microphone and most importantly, three tape recorders.
“I bring three tape recorders and place them near different people. Most of the electronic voice phenomena readings indicate that ghosts communicate directly near our head level, as if they are whispering to us. So when you’re alone sometimes and hear a faint voice, it could be more than your imagination,” says Mizzi.
You’d think a paranormal investigator would be fearless, but Mizzi admits to getting creeped out sometimes.
“I still get the willies late at night. My scariest encounter was when I was a kid. Our house in Etobicoke was haunted by a ghost that would run across my bedroom hallway at night. One time I woke up to find a large indent in my bed, as if someone was sleeping beside me,” says Mizzi.
As far fetched as ghost hunting might sound, the Toronto Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society reports that there were over 20 paranormal sightings in residential homes and lists over 70 hauntings in public buildings and businesses, ranging from the Keg Mansion to City Hall, where there are definitely evil spirits and scary new taxes lurking around that need to be vanquished.
— Thien runs Thursdays in 24 hours.
Ghosts, and the man who hunts them
By THIEN HUYNH — Sun Media
24 Hours-Toronto
When there’s something strange in the neighourhood, who you going to call? Some people turn to John Mizzi, a Toronto-based investigator for Paranormal Studies and Investigations Canada. Just don’t call him a ghost buster.
“We don’t vanquish ghosts. We just investigate to see if they are there. First, I look for natural causes such as creaky stairs or cold spots that are just drafts,” says Mizzi, an electrical mechanic by day and ghost hunter by night.
Mizzi comes to each potential haunting armed with an array of special equipment. He’s fully-loaded with infrared lights, EMS meters that read magnetic fields, thermal meters, a shotgun microphone and most importantly, three tape recorders.
“I bring three tape recorders and place them near different people. Most of the electronic voice phenomena readings indicate that ghosts communicate directly near our head level, as if they are whispering to us. So when you’re alone sometimes and hear a faint voice, it could be more than your imagination,” says Mizzi.
You’d think a paranormal investigator would be fearless, but Mizzi admits to getting creeped out sometimes.
“I still get the willies late at night. My scariest encounter was when I was a kid. Our house in Etobicoke was haunted by a ghost that would run across my bedroom hallway at night. One time I woke up to find a large indent in my bed, as if someone was sleeping beside me,” says Mizzi.
As far fetched as ghost hunting might sound, the Toronto Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society reports that there were over 20 paranormal sightings in residential homes and lists over 70 hauntings in public buildings and businesses, ranging from the Keg Mansion to City Hall, where there are definitely evil spirits and scary new taxes lurking around that need to be vanquished.
— Thien runs Thursdays in 24 hours.
The Mediums program is a special that delves into the lives of persons blessed with the paranormal phenomena of psychic intuition. They are able to speak to the dead, solve crimes, ghost busting, and know things that others are not able to know without the special gift. It’s on right now until 2pm channel 31 on Roger’s A&E.
Psychic Children is airing right after the Mediums program and from what I gathered from the listings info blurb, the show is of children and that have psychic intuition.
The Mediums and Psychic Children shows are very interesting so I recommend that you check it out. Don’t worry if you miss it because A&E repeats, or check out YouTube, and/or try other tv sites that actually have shows up that you can watch via live streaming… just Google “watch tv online”.
I can relate to both programs and it feels great to know of other people that experience these feelings and these bits of information that we hold. Before Hurricane Katrina I felt so terrible. I woke up in the middle of the night crying and told my husband that I feel something terrible was about to happen. I shook me when I discovered that something indeed happen.
Don’t forget Paranormal State is on tomorrow night on A&E, Rogers 31, 10pm/9C!
Psychic Children is airing right after the Mediums program and from what I gathered from the listings info blurb, the show is of children and that have psychic intuition.
The Mediums and Psychic Children shows are very interesting so I recommend that you check it out. Don’t worry if you miss it because A&E repeats, or check out YouTube, and/or try other tv sites that actually have shows up that you can watch via live streaming… just Google “watch tv online”.
I can relate to both programs and it feels great to know of other people that experience these feelings and these bits of information that we hold. Before Hurricane Katrina I felt so terrible. I woke up in the middle of the night crying and told my husband that I feel something terrible was about to happen. I shook me when I discovered that something indeed happen.
Don’t forget Paranormal State is on tomorrow night on A&E, Rogers 31, 10pm/9C!
We all know about the many public places that are said to be haunted in Toronto, but what about the homes that have paranormal activity with families living in them? I am very curious about those and would love to hear or read accounts of them. Sure, we often learn bits and pieces about these hauntings on TV and about people claiming to have lived in these types residences with active energy, but what about the people that are not afraid and that have accepted the spirit or spirits into their lives and that are still living with them today. I have watched “A Haunting” far to many times to know that those cases are very rare and just like in Poltergeist, the majority of people usually do leave rather abruptly. I remember living in a home that had a bit of activity, but it was only in a certain area of the house. I eventually learned to avoid that area altogether because I was far too young to let go and experience it without great fear. The rooms often left me with the sensation that someone was watching me, but that only occurred when I was alone. Now that I look back, I didn’t stay home alone too often because the energy I was picking up was not very positive and felt dark.
Wiki Links To Those Offering Cash for PROOF of Paranormal
In 2004 the producers of Creepy Canada were offering $50,000.00 for paranormal proof.
Since that offer is no longer valid I decided to do a little ressearch and found links to other interested parties willing to part with some bills for paranormal proof. Wouldn’t it be great if it were someone in Toronto that has this proof! Hopefully someone will represent and make us Torontonians proud! Wiki has the links!
Since that offer is no longer valid I decided to do a little ressearch and found links to other interested parties willing to part with some bills for paranormal proof. Wouldn’t it be great if it were someone in Toronto that has this proof! Hopefully someone will represent and make us Torontonians proud! Wiki has the links!
I was bored and didn’t really feel like going to sleep yet, so I did a little search and found this video and thought I should post it. I’ve never seen an actual ghost before… other than the glowing spheres that have showed up in a few of my family photos. I’m not sure if this is legit or not, but I certainly hope it is.
What do you think?
What do you think?
Gibraltar Point Lighthouse
While reading Haunted Toronto, written by John Robert Columbo, I came across a section featuring a haunted lighthouse that is located at the southwestern tip of the Toronto Islands. I was really chilled with the events that Mr. Columbo entailed.
I have been to the Islands dozens of times and always felt something eerie, heavy and dark there. It contradicted the beauty that surrounded me so I always shook it off, but when I learned of the lighthouse, all the pieces feel into place and made sense. The gruesome tale involved a caretaker and soldiers that were in search of lager, but the only thing was that the caretaker did not want to give it up. Well I’m sure you can probably guess what happened next, but for those who want every juicy detail then might I suggest that you read the book or search about the lighthouse on the net. I found a site that is dedicated to the lighthouse and it’s history…
I attempted to go to the lighthouse this fall but the ferry was on a reduced schedule and only dropping off and picking up those from Ward Island. We tried to walk, but we didn’t even make it to Centre Island. I was very disappointed, but I guess I will re-visit in the spring.
I have been to the Islands dozens of times and always felt something eerie, heavy and dark there. It contradicted the beauty that surrounded me so I always shook it off, but when I learned of the lighthouse, all the pieces feel into place and made sense. The gruesome tale involved a caretaker and soldiers that were in search of lager, but the only thing was that the caretaker did not want to give it up. Well I’m sure you can probably guess what happened next, but for those who want every juicy detail then might I suggest that you read the book or search about the lighthouse on the net. I found a site that is dedicated to the lighthouse and it’s history…
I attempted to go to the lighthouse this fall but the ferry was on a reduced schedule and only dropping off and picking up those from Ward Island. We tried to walk, but we didn’t even make it to Centre Island. I was very disappointed, but I guess I will re-visit in the spring.
Premiers on Monday, December 10th at 10pm/9C – I will be watching and hope to provide you with my review. I would like to hear what you think too. I would also like to hear about your thoughts on the paranormal and/or about your own paranormal experiences too! I hope they feature Toronto on the show… apparently we have the most haunted city in Canada.
My grandmother frequented a psychic back in Italy and she believed in black magic… evil eye and all. Most old school Italians hold superstitious beliefs. I learned that tarot cards originated from there and that there were a lot of horror films made by Italians that have a cult like following. My father was a devoted fan of the paranormal, sci-fi and had a great love for the Halloween holiday. Ask him about Area 51, possession, or hauntings, and he will give you his lengthy theory. I remember that he loved to watch Unsolved Mysteries, Ripley’s Believe It Or Not, That’s Incredible and other types of shows of that nature. I’m not surprised that I developed quite the taste for it as well. Even experiencing sensations and sensitivities and provided me a great knowledge of things that I had no idea about otherwise. I am very intuitive… I’m not sure if it’s because I’m a Libra, or what, Libras are know for being very sensitive. I even experienced intense dreams, once I drempt about someone while feeling a very odd sensation and then the next day they were dead. I wish I could focus and develop these gifts, but currently I am a 9-5 slave that had to conform in order to survive.
Pretty spooky stuff, eh?

Pretty spooky stuff, eh?
I have always been captivated with Halloween, more so than Christmas, and much more than any other holiday. It was not the candy that drew my attention, rather, it was the tales of ghosts and goblins that really captivated me. You know at Halloween you can even be whoever you want… what other holiday can give you that! When I was a kid I remember reading a book based on a very poor Canadian family in Toronto, during the depression. My favorite part was when Bee experienced Halloween! So many were down and out, but many of the children still managed to enjoy it fully. Treats and all! The book is called Booky and it offered me a taste of Toronto history as well as a good story.
I am not looking forward to Christmas! I didn’t RSVP for my company’s party, I have not started shopping and I have not made any plans. I don’t know if I can fake it again this year. Sure, I love to spend time with my friends and family, but I am not into commercialism and all this seasonal hype. FU Martha Stewart! If I wanted to be perfect, I’d dip myself in plastic. In all reality Martha is far from perfect herself, however, she is very crafty… she can carve a mean pumpkin and can make the most delectable treats. She does get into Halloween too, though at times it’s corny, but I do wonder what her cookies and other treats taste like lol
I am not looking forward to Christmas! I didn’t RSVP for my company’s party, I have not started shopping and I have not made any plans. I don’t know if I can fake it again this year. Sure, I love to spend time with my friends and family, but I am not into commercialism and all this seasonal hype. FU Martha Stewart! If I wanted to be perfect, I’d dip myself in plastic. In all reality Martha is far from perfect herself, however, she is very crafty… she can carve a mean pumpkin and can make the most delectable treats. She does get into Halloween too, though at times it’s corny, but I do wonder what her cookies and other treats taste like lol
The Canada Malting Plant Soaking In The Moonlight Of A Swollen Moon
When I was walking by the lake tonight, I felt a strange sensation so I looked up and noticed a sharp burst of light radiating from a heavy ball floating in the ink stained sky. Dragging my attention down was the sturdy, yet deteriorating, grey structure of the decrepit plant. A full moon is special enough on it’s own, but being drawn to such a devious site at the same time was such utter pleasure. I have wanted to venture into that now dormant industrial cement palace ever since I laid my eyes on it. I have walked around its heavily gated outskirts several times, but never had the urge, or guts, to scale them… they are kind of high. One indivdual has penetrated it and has a site that tells all about his experience.
I frequently watch Canada’s Scream channel to gain a quick horror fix. Masters of Horror is a particular delight of mine that I often enjoy (11pm on Saturday nights). Hell, I even watch their cheesy movies every now and then too. Tonight 2,000 Maniacs ended early and This Is What Happened came on. A son and his mother recounted actual events they encountered while living in their seemingly haunted home. The son experienced the brunt of the activity, even waking with scratches and bite marks. They should really expand these shorts into a TV series. There can never be enough of these shows for me and the only other show like this was, Mysteries Canada. It was a series that featured stories based on the books written by Robert John Columbo chronicling paranormal activity in Canada. Discoveries A Haunting is another ghostly series, but it is based on hauntings in the US. It’s documentary style really appeals to me and I am still anxiously awaiting the new season! Discovery used to air it 10pm Fridays, but it’s been off for months now. Perhaps they are considering removing it from their schedule. I certainly hope not! They should really have A Haunting Toronto. Now that would be quite the show! Repeats of the series can still be seen…
Check out
as well and feel free to search around for other paranormal related clips.
Check out
as well and feel free to search around for other paranormal related clips.
After many weeks of waiting we are finally online! I’m a bit nervous about what to say… I guess as the cliche goes, I’ll just be myself. I have an enormous interest in the paranormal and a great love for my great city, so I am hoping that it’s enough to direct this blog into something pretty good. This site is still under construction and I am hoping to have a forum up shortly. As for the pictures in the gallery section, I would like to take them myself so I don’t want to rush and fill it up with pics that have no real connection to myself and the places I visit. As for the name, I am still apprehensive about calling this website a society. I do so in a sense that I am a part of a group of people that share the same interest in the beyond as myself and not in a ghost hunting group type way. I mean I have gone to some haunted places, but not as an investigator and more so as a curious guest. I would like to take it further someday, maybe even take a paranormal investigator course or two. At this point, I guess, I am still researching and so I’m not ready to really pursue any spirits or haunted areas. Just like the Ouija I am very cautious because I have heard of people bringing home entities, demons, poltergeists, and such. My admiration is from a distance for I know that there are things we are not ready for until we are strong in knowledge.
What’s On: Halloween Events
Oct 25, 2007 04:30 AM
While All Hallow’s Eve isn’t for almost another week, there are plenty of thrills and chills to be had leading up to the big night, for both kids and adults. Here’s a sampling of events.
Night of Dread from Clay and Paper Theatre enjoys its eighth year of parading private and collective fears through Dufferin Grove Park. Musicians, puppeteers, dancers and stilt walkers join in the fun which coincides with many of the world’s festivals of death and remembrance. Parade starts Sat. 5:45 p.m. from Dufferin Grove Park, south of Bloor St. W.; it returns to the park where festivities continue from 7 p.m. ($10 sugg., black & white dress code), Info:
Halloween Haunt at Canada’s Wonderland has mazes, more than 300 monsters, rides and more to get you into a spooky mood. Tomorrow – Sun. 7 p.m.-midnight and again Oct. 31 ($26.95 at 9580 Jane St., Vaughan. Info: 416-832-7000.
Screemers indoor scream park has 6 haunted walk-through attractions, more than 100 live creatures, the Midway of Madness and performances by Santini – The Dark Master of Escape. Runs through Oct. 31. Recommended for ages 10 and up (tickets at 416-979-3327). Better Living Centre, Exhibition Place.
The Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre Centre offers spooky tours that highlight some of the ghost stories from over the years, as well as showing the history and restoration of the complex. Recommended for Ages 6+. Mon. 6:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. ($12/$8/$6 at door). 189 Yonge St. Info: 416-314-2871.
Haunted High Park offers a spooky look at historic Colborne Lodge and tales of ghostly Grenadiers and other eerie High Park legends. Tonight & tomorrow 7 p.m. for ages 18+ ($15); Sat. 6:30 p.m. for families with kids ages 8+ ($10/$5). Colborne Lodge Dr., north of the Queensway. Info: 416-392-6916.
Ghosts of the Garrison is Fort York’s take on the spooky season, with ghost stories by lamp light and more. Tomorrow & Sat. 7:30 p.m. ($10/$5). 100 Garrison Rd., Info: 416-392-6907.
Montgomery’s Inn offers a night of bone-chilling stories with “The Haunted Heart and Other Terrifying Tales,” Sat. 7:30 p.m. ($20). 4709 Dundas St. W., Info: 416-394-8113.
Open Book: Toronto Halloween Horror Readings offers up Ontario’s scarier books and covers everything from teen murder mysteries to werewolf tales. Authors include John Robert Colombo and Edo Van Belkom, Shane Peacock and others. Tomorrow 8 p.m. in the attic of Spadina Museum, 285 Spadina Rd. (free, limited capacity).
Phantoms of the Organ featuring the spooky organ music works by Bach, Chopin, and more. Tomorrow, 10 p.m. Wear your costumes. Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E., Info: 416-363-0331 ext. 26.
The Return of a Little Fright Music features songs from the world of musical theatre, performed by the TrypTych Trio and other musicians. Sun. 7:30 p.m. ($20). Trinity Presbyterian Church West Hall Theatre, 2737 Bayview Ave. Info: or 416-763-5066 ext. 1.
Museums of Mississauga hold their annual family event “Tricks or Treats: Historic Halloween Fun” with a costume contest, reptile shows, music, spooky tours, tarot card readings, kids’ crafts and more. Sun. 1 p.m.-4 p.m. ($12 family admission). Benares House, 1507 Clarkson Rd. N.
Haunted Halloween Village at Markham Museum for kids 10 and under offers ghost stories, guided walks, Halloween activities and treats. Each family can decorate a pumpkin to take home. Fri.-Sat. 6 p.m.-9 p.m. (Regular admission applies). 9350 Hwy 48 (Markham Rd.).
Rock n’ Roll Halloween Party and Inclusion Awareness concert featuring The Founders and The Faded Genes; dress up for costume contest. Fri. 6:30 p.m. ($10). 50 Fairfax Cres.
Solar Stage Children’s Theatre presents It’s Hallowe’en, Boo!, Tom Vandenberg’s puppet show with Teddy Bear trying to solve his costume dilemma. Sat. & Sun. 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. For ages 4-8 ($13 at 416-368-8031). Madison Centre concourse, 4950 Yonge St.
Haunted Sounds at the Mall Halloween show with a costumed band performing spooky songs. Shows take place Sat. 2:30 p.m. at South Common Centre, Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. & Erin Mills Pkwy, Miss.; Sun. 2 p.m. at Cedarbrae Mall, Markham Rd. & Lawrence Ave. E.; Sun. 6 p.m. at Bridlewood Mall, Warden Ave. & Finch Ave. E.
Toronto Ghost & Cemetery Tours Nightly two-hour ghost tour through downtown; Sat. & Sun. tours through Mt. Pleasant Cemetery or the Necropolis in Cabbagetown ($25). Full info at 416-367-0380 or
More For the Adults
The Artwherk presents The Ryan G. Hinds Hallowe’en Spook-tacular featuring a cabaret fundraiser with performances by Donnarama, Nicole Rose Bond and others. Mon. 9 p.m. ($5). Goodhandy’s, 120 Church St.
The Hartlettes burlesque troupe present their 4th annual Monster Mash Bash, with “witchy women, conjoined twins and devilish dolls” plus dancing and a best costume contest. Wed. 8:30 p.m. ($10 and up). Revival, 783 College St.
The Music Gallery’s Halloween Show of Doom featuring doom metal with James Plotkin, Tim Wyskida, Nadja. Sat. 8 p.m. ($12 adv at$17 at door). The Music Gallery, 197 John St.
Halloween Swing Ball with the Shannon Butcher Swing Band Sat. 9 p.m.; Charleston lessons 7 p.m., Lindy Hop 8 p.m. Prizes for best costumes. ($15-$18). Dovercourt House, 805 Dovercourt Rd. Info:
Singles Halloween Haunted Toronto Ghost Tour starts with a social mixer then takes a lantern-lit look at the spookier side of the city. Wed. 6:30 p.m. from the Duke of York Pub, 39 Prince Arthur Ave. ($30). Registration/info at
The Star
Oct 25, 2007 04:30 AM
While All Hallow’s Eve isn’t for almost another week, there are plenty of thrills and chills to be had leading up to the big night, for both kids and adults. Here’s a sampling of events.
Night of Dread from Clay and Paper Theatre enjoys its eighth year of parading private and collective fears through Dufferin Grove Park. Musicians, puppeteers, dancers and stilt walkers join in the fun which coincides with many of the world’s festivals of death and remembrance. Parade starts Sat. 5:45 p.m. from Dufferin Grove Park, south of Bloor St. W.; it returns to the park where festivities continue from 7 p.m. ($10 sugg., black & white dress code), Info:
Halloween Haunt at Canada’s Wonderland has mazes, more than 300 monsters, rides and more to get you into a spooky mood. Tomorrow – Sun. 7 p.m.-midnight and again Oct. 31 ($26.95 at 9580 Jane St., Vaughan. Info: 416-832-7000.
Screemers indoor scream park has 6 haunted walk-through attractions, more than 100 live creatures, the Midway of Madness and performances by Santini – The Dark Master of Escape. Runs through Oct. 31. Recommended for ages 10 and up (tickets at 416-979-3327). Better Living Centre, Exhibition Place.
The Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre Centre offers spooky tours that highlight some of the ghost stories from over the years, as well as showing the history and restoration of the complex. Recommended for Ages 6+. Mon. 6:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. ($12/$8/$6 at door). 189 Yonge St. Info: 416-314-2871.
Haunted High Park offers a spooky look at historic Colborne Lodge and tales of ghostly Grenadiers and other eerie High Park legends. Tonight & tomorrow 7 p.m. for ages 18+ ($15); Sat. 6:30 p.m. for families with kids ages 8+ ($10/$5). Colborne Lodge Dr., north of the Queensway. Info: 416-392-6916.
Ghosts of the Garrison is Fort York’s take on the spooky season, with ghost stories by lamp light and more. Tomorrow & Sat. 7:30 p.m. ($10/$5). 100 Garrison Rd., Info: 416-392-6907.
Montgomery’s Inn offers a night of bone-chilling stories with “The Haunted Heart and Other Terrifying Tales,” Sat. 7:30 p.m. ($20). 4709 Dundas St. W., Info: 416-394-8113.
Open Book: Toronto Halloween Horror Readings offers up Ontario’s scarier books and covers everything from teen murder mysteries to werewolf tales. Authors include John Robert Colombo and Edo Van Belkom, Shane Peacock and others. Tomorrow 8 p.m. in the attic of Spadina Museum, 285 Spadina Rd. (free, limited capacity).
Phantoms of the Organ featuring the spooky organ music works by Bach, Chopin, and more. Tomorrow, 10 p.m. Wear your costumes. Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E., Info: 416-363-0331 ext. 26.
The Return of a Little Fright Music features songs from the world of musical theatre, performed by the TrypTych Trio and other musicians. Sun. 7:30 p.m. ($20). Trinity Presbyterian Church West Hall Theatre, 2737 Bayview Ave. Info: or 416-763-5066 ext. 1.
Museums of Mississauga hold their annual family event “Tricks or Treats: Historic Halloween Fun” with a costume contest, reptile shows, music, spooky tours, tarot card readings, kids’ crafts and more. Sun. 1 p.m.-4 p.m. ($12 family admission). Benares House, 1507 Clarkson Rd. N.
Haunted Halloween Village at Markham Museum for kids 10 and under offers ghost stories, guided walks, Halloween activities and treats. Each family can decorate a pumpkin to take home. Fri.-Sat. 6 p.m.-9 p.m. (Regular admission applies). 9350 Hwy 48 (Markham Rd.).
Rock n’ Roll Halloween Party and Inclusion Awareness concert featuring The Founders and The Faded Genes; dress up for costume contest. Fri. 6:30 p.m. ($10). 50 Fairfax Cres.
Solar Stage Children’s Theatre presents It’s Hallowe’en, Boo!, Tom Vandenberg’s puppet show with Teddy Bear trying to solve his costume dilemma. Sat. & Sun. 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. For ages 4-8 ($13 at 416-368-8031). Madison Centre concourse, 4950 Yonge St.
Haunted Sounds at the Mall Halloween show with a costumed band performing spooky songs. Shows take place Sat. 2:30 p.m. at South Common Centre, Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. & Erin Mills Pkwy, Miss.; Sun. 2 p.m. at Cedarbrae Mall, Markham Rd. & Lawrence Ave. E.; Sun. 6 p.m. at Bridlewood Mall, Warden Ave. & Finch Ave. E.
Toronto Ghost & Cemetery Tours Nightly two-hour ghost tour through downtown; Sat. & Sun. tours through Mt. Pleasant Cemetery or the Necropolis in Cabbagetown ($25). Full info at 416-367-0380 or
More For the Adults
The Artwherk presents The Ryan G. Hinds Hallowe’en Spook-tacular featuring a cabaret fundraiser with performances by Donnarama, Nicole Rose Bond and others. Mon. 9 p.m. ($5). Goodhandy’s, 120 Church St.
The Hartlettes burlesque troupe present their 4th annual Monster Mash Bash, with “witchy women, conjoined twins and devilish dolls” plus dancing and a best costume contest. Wed. 8:30 p.m. ($10 and up). Revival, 783 College St.
The Music Gallery’s Halloween Show of Doom featuring doom metal with James Plotkin, Tim Wyskida, Nadja. Sat. 8 p.m. ($12 adv at$17 at door). The Music Gallery, 197 John St.
Halloween Swing Ball with the Shannon Butcher Swing Band Sat. 9 p.m.; Charleston lessons 7 p.m., Lindy Hop 8 p.m. Prizes for best costumes. ($15-$18). Dovercourt House, 805 Dovercourt Rd. Info:
Singles Halloween Haunted Toronto Ghost Tour starts with a social mixer then takes a lantern-lit look at the spookier side of the city. Wed. 6:30 p.m. from the Duke of York Pub, 39 Prince Arthur Ave. ($30). Registration/info at
The Star
Are We Scared Yet?
Are we scared yet?
Grab your Ouija boards and take a Halloween trip into the beyond through some of T.O.’s spookiest and most majestic haunts
1.Toronto Don Jail
(Gerrard and Broadview) The most notorious prison in Canada was closed in 1993, leaving a slew of horror stories boarded up inside its barred confines, including the legend of a blond-haired ghost. True believers say the spirit of the woman, who hanged herself, still inhabits the jail’s rotunda.
2. Old City Hall
(Queen and Bay) Two Star reporters eager to test the theory that Old City Hall is haunted by the ghosts of the last men condemned to hang in Canada reported “cool fogs” and “weird sounds” during a sleepover. A strange presence has also been reported by visitors in the northwest attic.
3. Church of St. Mary Magdalene
(Manning and Ulster) The Grey Lady of St. Mary Magdalene has appeared to several of the church’s choirmasters over the years. Her arrival is usually announced, they say, by a whiff of cheap perfume.
4. Hillside Church
(Old Finch and Reesor) Reports of strange noises and “screams” (peacocks from the nearby Toronto Zoo? the ghost of the young girl murdered at nearby Old Finch bridge?) continue to swirl around this 1877 church and cemetery in a remote wooded corner of the Rouge Valley that time forgot. Leaves rustle without the force of wind here.
5. Gibraltar Point Lighthouse
(Ward’s Island) The original lighthouse keeper, Radan Muller, was murdered under mysterious circumstances on a cold night in January 1815. One story says he was thrown from the top of the lighthouse and that his ghost is still searching for his body parts believed buried in the vicinity.
6. Soldier’s Memorial
(University of Toronto) Are those strange flashes of light sometimes seen through the tower’s windows an otherworldly sign of the presence of a repairman who plunged 43 metres to his death while polishing the carillon’s bells in the 1930s? Or a message from the dead soldiers memorialized below?
7. Greenbrae Circuit
(Markham and Lawrence) According to the Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society, the presence of native spirits, awakened when home construction in the mid-50s disturbed a 14th-century Iroquois burial ground, are often felt — accompanied by a mysterious smell of fish.
8. St. Lawrence Market
(Front and Jarvis) The city’s original City Hall also housed its first police station and jails, where the tortured souls of those beaten and whipped in public outside the Market are said to linger.
9. St. Michael’s Hospital
(30 Bond) Staff and former patients say Sister Vincenza, “Vinnie” to her friends, a nun who used to work at the hospital, is still doing her rounds in Ward 7b — turning lights on and off, with a black, circling chasm where her face should be. Is that a Code Blue we hear?
10. Jarvis Street Baptist Church
None of the literature we came across suggests Jarvis Street Baptist is haunted. But lore says the winged goblins adorning this church’s arches, which have to rate as the spookiest in the city, are to chase away evil spirits. Just what omens is the church hiding?
NOW | OCTOBER 25 – 31, 2007 | VOL. 27 NO. 8 Toronto
I was very lucky today because I happened upon a copy of Haunted Toronto by John Robert Columbo for only $19.99 US on Ebay! I saw a copy on Amazon for over $675!! I am really looking forward to it! Speaking of Ebay I have seen a lot of haunted items listed on there. The scariest was a possessed clown doll that would walk the halls of the seller’s home, so much so, in fact, that it’s shoes were worn. Very spooky! Go ahead and take a look for yourself and search the word “haunted” next time your on Ebay… I dare you.
I have had numerous Ouija boards that I have found at several different thrift shops and the majority I had were sold on Ebay, but 2 still remain in my collection… one even glows in the dark! I am really intrigued by them, but will not use them at this time. I have heard too many stories warning not to to dare such acts without gaining more experience. In my only experience I did feel the planchette (tear drop shaped pointer) move without any of us touch it. Once I did have a board in my possession that was very noisy and did not mix well with my vintage kenner blythe dolls. My husband and I heard a lot of things bang and crash in the area we kept the board. A lot of my dolls were knocked over at least half a dozen times and it got to the point where we were a bit creeped out. I was even glad to have sold that to a local girl right here in Toronto. She was well aware of the activity because I posted all about it in my Ebay auction and even asked me if the board was haunted when we met for the exchange. I told her that I wasn”t sure if it was haunted but it sure seemed like there was something attached to it. I wonder if she experienced anything. I hope she stumbles upon this site because I would really like to hear if anything happened.
This Halloween season, see a spooky side of Canada
MARTHA WORBOY, CanWest News Service
We’ve all taken a scary walk: a shortcut through a downtown alley late at night, across a frozen pond in early spring, home to get a failed school test signed by your parents. All of these experiences share a certain fright factor, but have you ever taken a walk on the ghoulish side?
Quebec City. To really get into the spirit of spook, embark on a lantern-lit ghost tour at night. What could be more spine-
tingling than wandering around a maze of darkened cobblestoned pathways in the old city, hearing tales about executions, ghost sightings and tragedies that took place hundreds of years ago. Wear running shoes and prepare to jump at your own shadow (or maybe someone else’s). Tours are rain or shine – some say its better in the rain.
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Font:****If you’re not up for traipsing around in the dark, you don’t have to walk far in this city for a thrill. Watch Witchcraft on Trial, a dramatic re-enactment of a witch trial inquisition set in 1660s Quebec City. (Witch trials are indoors and last approximately 70 minutes).
Reservations are recommended for tours and trials – adult tour pass $17.50, discounts for students and seniors. Reservations: 418-692-9770,
Toronto. Not many realize the city’s paranormal potential. Have you heard of the T-Rex spirit wandering the Royal Ontario Museum? Or the ghosts of public transit that rise from the underground? Okay, these may be pure fabrications, but find out for yourself on the Haunted Streets of Downtown Toronto walking tour.
Hear the legends behind such famous city landmarks as Queen’s Park, Old City Hall and Osgoode Hall and learn the “paranormal” history of the city.
Tours nightly at 7 p.m. until Wednesday, Oct. 31. It’s best to book in advance – it’s $10 for a regular pass, $8 for students. See
Ottawa. Take part in a Haunted Walk tour and you’ll never think the same of our nation’s capital. You’ll discover it’s not actually a town full of politicians and bureaucrats – no! – its a friendlier town full of ghosts, ghouls and demons. Learn the darker history of Ottawa and of the ghosts that haunt well known sites.
Tours last 90 minutes and are offered during the day and in the evening by lantern light. Some walks are too scary for young children. Tickets are on sale for special Halloween tours, until Oct. 31. See
Victoria. Embark on a walk through the haunted alleys and hair-raising locales of the city with historian and storyteller John Adams. Or, spend an evening discovering one of B.C.’s most famous ghosts, Doris Gravlin – a nurse murdered on the Victoria Golf Course in 1936. The so-called “Golf Course Ghost” has been spotted along the 7th green and on the nearby beach where her body was found. A dinner/lecture about Gravlin, An Evening With Doris, can be arranged with Discover the Past or a tour of her favourite local spots.
Ghostly Walks are offered Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. with extra tours in October for the Halloween season. See
Nova Scotia. Ghost & Graveyard tours has spooky walks and candle-lit cemetery tours year-round in Halifax, Hantsport and Lunenberg. See
Edmonton. Take a walk through the back alleys and haunted streets of Old Strathcona. The tour lasts for one “frightful hour,” according to Starts at 7 p.m. Monday to Thursday in Old Strathcona. Cost: $5 a person.
© The Gazette (Montreal) 2007
MARTHA WORBOY, CanWest News Service
We’ve all taken a scary walk: a shortcut through a downtown alley late at night, across a frozen pond in early spring, home to get a failed school test signed by your parents. All of these experiences share a certain fright factor, but have you ever taken a walk on the ghoulish side?
Quebec City. To really get into the spirit of spook, embark on a lantern-lit ghost tour at night. What could be more spine-
tingling than wandering around a maze of darkened cobblestoned pathways in the old city, hearing tales about executions, ghost sightings and tragedies that took place hundreds of years ago. Wear running shoes and prepare to jump at your own shadow (or maybe someone else’s). Tours are rain or shine – some say its better in the rain.
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Font:****If you’re not up for traipsing around in the dark, you don’t have to walk far in this city for a thrill. Watch Witchcraft on Trial, a dramatic re-enactment of a witch trial inquisition set in 1660s Quebec City. (Witch trials are indoors and last approximately 70 minutes).
Reservations are recommended for tours and trials – adult tour pass $17.50, discounts for students and seniors. Reservations: 418-692-9770,
Toronto. Not many realize the city’s paranormal potential. Have you heard of the T-Rex spirit wandering the Royal Ontario Museum? Or the ghosts of public transit that rise from the underground? Okay, these may be pure fabrications, but find out for yourself on the Haunted Streets of Downtown Toronto walking tour.
Hear the legends behind such famous city landmarks as Queen’s Park, Old City Hall and Osgoode Hall and learn the “paranormal” history of the city.
Tours nightly at 7 p.m. until Wednesday, Oct. 31. It’s best to book in advance – it’s $10 for a regular pass, $8 for students. See
Ottawa. Take part in a Haunted Walk tour and you’ll never think the same of our nation’s capital. You’ll discover it’s not actually a town full of politicians and bureaucrats – no! – its a friendlier town full of ghosts, ghouls and demons. Learn the darker history of Ottawa and of the ghosts that haunt well known sites.
Tours last 90 minutes and are offered during the day and in the evening by lantern light. Some walks are too scary for young children. Tickets are on sale for special Halloween tours, until Oct. 31. See
Victoria. Embark on a walk through the haunted alleys and hair-raising locales of the city with historian and storyteller John Adams. Or, spend an evening discovering one of B.C.’s most famous ghosts, Doris Gravlin – a nurse murdered on the Victoria Golf Course in 1936. The so-called “Golf Course Ghost” has been spotted along the 7th green and on the nearby beach where her body was found. A dinner/lecture about Gravlin, An Evening With Doris, can be arranged with Discover the Past or a tour of her favourite local spots.
Ghostly Walks are offered Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. with extra tours in October for the Halloween season. See
Nova Scotia. Ghost & Graveyard tours has spooky walks and candle-lit cemetery tours year-round in Halifax, Hantsport and Lunenberg. See
Edmonton. Take a walk through the back alleys and haunted streets of Old Strathcona. The tour lasts for one “frightful hour,” according to Starts at 7 p.m. Monday to Thursday in Old Strathcona. Cost: $5 a person.
© The Gazette (Montreal) 2007
I am very excited about my new paranormal site, T.O.P.S., and I would love to welcome all of those interested in the supernatural and the haunted places of Toronto! I have experienced a number of paranormal events throughout my lifetime… I have heard and felt forces that were not of this earth. I know without a doubt that there is something more. I have even had premonitions and knew things that I would have never know otherwise. Being a Libra I have always been very sensitive to things and have been able to pick up on things right away. Ever since I can remember I was always interested in the paranormal and unexplained. This website is a journey into my own psyche, as well as, a journey to discover my haunted home, Toronto. I will delve into my own personal paranormal experiences and post about my visits of some Toronto paranormal hot spots in my future posts. Please feel free to look around and post about your own experiences as well.
OT – I cannot find a way to contact you here. Other than through this comment. I have some abilities as well and would like to either meet you to see how you went about refining your ability, or have a reading of some sort.
You can contact me here, or through my email address on my profile (which you should have access to). I’m in Toronto as well.