Well, what can I say except that this book makes things more real to me. It explains about how angels had a lust for the daughters of man and actually married them and had children… whom were non other than giants. The fallen, aka The Watchers, aka The Wicked, etc. taught man the craft, war, how to make weapons and other things that were forbidden. For all of that they were cast out of heaven or worse. Sounds so crazy but as I read I had to also research things and found some great docs on YouTube about the #bookofenoch LIKE giant bones have been discovered all over the globe. There are references to giants in the bible… David and Goliath! There are also references to giants in other historic pieces and even fairy tales. They did exist! Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah who built the arc because apparently God had to flood the earth to get rid of the giants. Anyways, it’s so out there, but, you know what they say… the truth is often stranger than fiction!!!
The book also makes reference to the #godlesselite and how they are influenced by the fallen and give in to lust, money and war! Just like in today’s time it seems! After all these many, many years the #NWO aka #godlesselites have still been SAVAGE and WEAK to keep our society primitive and pathetic imho. We could have been so amazing and advanced but because of their garbage leadership and influence we have not really achieved greatness at all! I am talking such an advanced, sophisticated and civilized race of super beings that managed to unlock all the answers of the universe. Instead we have the army of satan running amuck while the unfair and corrupt systems enslave and crush man to limit him/her of their true potential. Why? Because the #godlesselite are possessed and dim it seems to me. They are so empty that they are filled with the negativity and the heaviness of dark forces. How to break free. Pray! Say the Lord’s prayer, Our Father and then the Hail Mary. Try to pray as much as you can. Think of others and try to empathize and see their plight. Look at my Laws Of The Natural Order and learn to know them well. It’s time to move forward and it’s time to go up. First within yourselves and then that will take us all higher together. Elitism should be illegal. Once we are pure again, God will return. If not they will continue to be controlled by the fallen because of their weakness for money, sex and other evil things.
The author also stated that the heirs of Enoch can take their illuminating torch away. Since Noah is Enoch’s great grandson that tells me that we are all heirs that are opposed. Here is to peaceful and positive change. Each and every individual has the power to make a better future in all that they do in their own lives and then the ripple effect will commence and the more people that do it the bigger the wave and the sooner the positive changes I strongly sense. Those NWO and their lackey fools are obsolete and will shed like snake skin
Whenever my dachshund wants to communicate he usually barks and sometimes even goes to the usual spot where things are but when he really wants something specific he will stare until he gets the person’s attention and continue on locking his eyes to ours. It seems to me that he is so very focused, his entire body is generating energy and he pulses it outward.
I read the book, You Are Psychic by Pete A. Sanders Jr., and he states that if you look upwards with your 3rd eye you are more easily able to connect. Even before I read that I was sensing and picking up a strong signal to go up. I felt that perhaps I should do that while my little guy was so set and so intense on sending me a message. So I looked upwards and received 2 words… peanut butter. I got the dog some damned peanut butter! lol So you see… 2 beings each doing their part and connecting so that a message could be transmitted.
Then I started to think and relax and stew in my thoughts some more about how it may be possible to send messages or maybe even to travel. It is said that higher forms of intelligent beings don’t even speak and solely communicate via telepathy. What if they actually travel mentally, as well?! So here is what I am thinking Neurons are located all over the body. They create signals, voltage and more. If we learned to tap into that network then we could most likely harness 100%+ of our brain and energy. Does this sound too out there. lol Good. I am glad if it does. Perhaps it’s time that humans broke out of the limits that we have put on ourselves and go within to connect to the universe to discover it’s many gifts. It’s time.
We would know more if were actually harmonious and following the Laws of the Natural Order. We need fair systems right now (banking, commerce & media). I personally do not approve of #agenda21, #tpp, #gmo, #g20 and #cronycapitalism and would like those systems changed as soon as possible. It goes against free will and is of the #godlesselite like in the Book of Enoch. I am reading Origins of Evil, The Book of Enoch and have also been tweeting about it. Hit my contact page and take a look if you have time. When I feel it’s time I will write about it, hopefully.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope it will make a peaceful and positive difference in the world.
Anna Sophia
You know I am very focused, centered, balanced, informed, aware, happy and free. This is not easy to achieve. When I am in a peaceful state and focus upwards I easily am able to connect to the universe. Some things that help me achieve this simply include keeping negative energy away, finding things to make me happy and uplift myself naturally without drugs or alcohol.
The following is what I have done to purge myself and elevate towards the universal connection by enlightenment and dropping the heavy.
1. Dropping the negative anchors. Negative people are the first to go with me. Sometimes when they are too close to you distance yourself at least and try to avoid as much as you can. Do not do kind things for people like that. Forgive and forget… them! Turn the other cheek only works if they don’t punch you in your face. Sometimes you have to take your cheek away in order to protect yourself. Other things that drag you down like some stale puritans and their constant doom and gloom. I had to stop listening daily to some alternative key people because it was like they were stuck in a loop or maybe I was too aware at that point and needed to break free to make my own peaceful spiritual and intelligent path? They are great when you are learning about the imo corrupt system but then there is a point where you must walk away and keep them at an arms length. You can take a breather to purge the negativity out but you can infrequently check their sites and clips. Never stop learning and being aware. That is not good either.
2. Things that make you happy. In this cold and cruel world always try and do things that make you happy. Music, dancing, working out, photography, sewing and my vintage doll hobby make me very happy. I try to always fill my day with music at the very least. When I do the dishes because our savage society has still not achieved sophistication with affordable service bots for all yet, I have to put on my iTunes and made that an enjoyable spa time for myself. I actually use music a lot when I have to do things I don’t like to do.
3. Love & Empathy. Caring is key to everything and anything. When I read tarot cards I always include that sincerity and find that it actually has furnished me with very accurate readings. Our current society is so cold and people look like they are lost. Even our leaders seem lost. They can not possibly connect like that. I wish they would realize that and find it in their hearts to turn on their spiritual flame. Once both the mind and the heart are in sync then the universe is truly yours.
4. Morals & Ethics. What you do daily effects you now and forever. Always try to be the best person that you can be. Remember The Laws Of The Natural Order & The Tools of the Universe that I blogged about earlier, as well. It all matters. Doing things only for yourself and not others is very flat because we are all connected. The universe is more flavorful when we all are connected together like in my blog post The Universe, Self & Group Symbiosis.
5. Positivity. Nothing lifts you up more than being positive. Even when things are tough you can try and find the bright side or a solution to solve the problems. Stop thinking negatively. Stop hating. Stop the weakness. Jealousy, fear and loathing are what many have to let go of. Marina and The Diamonds has an amazing song Fear and Loathing that you should listen to. So amazing. Also avoid the 7 deadly sins and remember the 10 Commandments too. They will help you towards a more positive and peaceful life.
6. Technology. Using technology for good benefits us all by making our lives easier. We are created in the image of God and must not be slaves ourselves. Take what the universe is transmitting and find the tools to enhance and better our lives. I love my iTunes. I have incorporated my existing CDs and also purchase new. The players on my all in one PC and my used 32 gig Ipod 4 are the key to getting me through tough tasks and hard times. I also saw on the news a new way to treat depression and mental illness through technology via electric stimulation! For more information about technology please see Tools Of The Universe category for more detail.
7. Continue To Educate Yourself. “I am still learning” Michaelangelo in his 80s! Always keep learning and bettering yourself. The internet improves IQ in my honest opinion. Use it for good. Avoid the negative. So glad our CISPA & NSA are shutting down the negative like horrible sites that hurt and harm. They also shut down crooks and cyber bullies. We don’t have a lawless society so why would we have a lawless internet. No balance there! It seems so primitive and post apocalyptic to be honest. In this day and age if someone uses the net to harm others or try and scam them I say shut them down and hopefully arrest them too. They should not be allowed to even use the net. Freedom of speech sure but if they people using it to troll or incite violence then it’s clearly time to stop them. The Feds should never try and stop the truth, however. If corps or bad people are being called out then they should go after the perpetrators and not the whistle blowers imho.
8. Health & Nutrition. Your body is your temple. If you are healthy and fit your mind should be too. I work out every day during the week. I try to eat healthy 80% of the time. I buy organic and I stay away from GMOs and processed food as much as I can. I cook the majority of the time. We can’t live forever but as long as I am here I will try. A toxic body is heavy and suffering. No possible way to connect unless you pray and try to detox. Some people with Cancer detox and take CBDs where it’s legal. Some have even claimed they cured themselves. CNN Dr. S. Gupta has an amazing 2 part special called WEED that is up on YouTube. Healing Cancer From The Inside Out is another great doc that everyone should check out.
9. Strength, Intuition & Self Certainty – Pretty straight forward. You must be strong. Ward off all weakness and temptation. Trust your inner voice and look for answers and guidance from within first. Think. Relax. Be optimistic. Feel that you do have a voice and it is effective peacefully. Violence and hate will get you no where. Harming others gets you no where either. Help those in need. Do not step on others. Be an individual but also know that we are connected to others. Also like in my Universe, Self & Group Symbiosis.
That’s all I can think of for now.
The internet emulates the “circle” described in an EVP. I blogged about it earlier in a post The Internet, The Universe And Everything that was regarding this and more. I just wanted to share that little blurb because what an incredible gift we have in today’s WWW! Now regarding the negative parts. In today’s day and age anyone using the net for evil should be stopped. If weak savages use the net to conspire to harm others, or scam others, or bully and harass others, then they should have no rights and face harsh legal punishment and fines. I say that they should not be allowed to use the net if they are not right. We Libras like to lead with a velvet fist btw. We are diplomatic, fair, balanced and firm. We can see the centre of things where the way and/or answer usually is in my opinion.
Also we should be moral when it comes to downloading our media. If we keep media it should be paid for. Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, PlayStation, YouTube, Crackle, Hulu are just a few amazing sites where you can buy/stream legitimate downloads or stream for free or for a price. I know that sometimes people like to try before they buy, or make what they call radio recording poor quality copy, but it’s not fair to keep it in my honest opinion. All non legit copies should have a self delete feature of 7 days in my opinion. I read that most people who download these do eventually buy a copy if they like it so everyone wins.
I am not really in an outward cycle, especially to do any writing, but I am again forcing myself to get my current thoughts and feelings out. Please forgive me if it sounds a bit off.
So much to write about today but how do I put it simply. The energy I am picking up is immense so please bare with me.
I was on my personal Netflix account recently and out of the many thousands of movies one stood out to me for some reason. A cheesy looking made for TV movie that I needed to watch. Some big named actors were in it so why not. To my delight it was actually really good and I was able to find 2 quotes that were important enough for me to mention that seem to relate to the discussions of technology today. “computers are like children, they follow where you lead, they don’t make mistakes unless you lead them in the wrong direction.”. “In the very beginning I was spooked by all the gadgets but then I really worked hard… & now… the computer is my best friend.”. 1997 Office Killer Film.
I was on Canadian Awareness yesterday and saw the piece titled “Jose Cordeiro – The Future of Technology and the Technology of the Future” by Lucas Cort. I was very excited but a bit weary too. Technology should always better and enhance the lives of men because we were created in the image of God and should all live like kings and queens. It should serve us to make our lives easier so that we may focus on more important matters. It should also help us live longer, but I don’t think living forever is natural in this form because I truly believe that this world is only a small part of our being and is not the eternal life we should be at. The fallen angels run this world so to be here with them always just seems very wrong to me. However, if I can look my best like I do now for as long as I live until I die… then why not! Cloning body parts seems okay too for those that need them. Why not live longer too! I think around 250 is a good number! Anything past that is just creepy to me.
Now of course there are some things that we must consider before hand because things may not be ideal and may bring our world to great peril. Perhaps if we just had programmed service bots and things without any Artificial Intelligence, or very limited, then man will keep on top. Sometimes fear is a defence mechanism instinct. If we proceed with the utmost control and caution in regards to technology it should effect our lives positively. Also GMOs concern me, as well. Can we really do it better than God? I don’t think so. It just seems so Frankensteinish to be honest. It seems that it’s about money and profit. That should never be a determining factor when it comes to a sophisticated society in my opinion!
Jose stated that the internet will be free by 2020 and I think that is amazing! The internet has brought out my gifts and talents to be honest. I just love being connected because the energy and rewards from it is beyond euphoric for me. It should be free for us all sooner rather than later imho! Why stop there! Tesla’s free energy that I have heard of, that we have the technology supposedly, should be made available and made free for us all too!
Technology is an extension of ourselves and the universe, a tool, something to better mankind imho! Personally I love technology and have used it like Tarot to help with my writings, creativity and theories. I also use it to relax and have fun. Though I don’t agree with everything Jose from Google was talking about, like living forever and self driving cars, but I still believe that we have individual choices not to go along if we don’t want to. I sure as heck am not going to go backwards totally off grid like a cave person. I honestly believe there is middle ground for us all. All I know is that we have been like stagnant water for far too long. It’s time for humanity to soar! Like I have said before you can use it for good or not. It’s up to the individual. There should be laws introduced for those that use it for evil and harsh legal punishment if they are found guilty.
#toolsoftheuniverse #stopthrowingrocksatthemoon
Man must see past what is now and focus on steering hard towards what should be. We have all the great tools that our universe provided each and every one of us. We have found the majority of them and now we must utilize them for all of mankind’s benefits! We are one human race made in the image of God. No one is better than the other. Now we must find the compassion in our hearts, minds and souls and move forward together to a place where it is positive, happy, peaceful and productive for all. I often joke about having my very own Rosie bot to slave away instead of myself so that I can focus more on my work and art to better our world. When people discuss how technology is bad and want to stop it I just see people controlled by fear and who do not like change. I am the type that wants to dive into it head first if it means a better tomorrow. Why not? Things have to get better than this. Man has had so many centuries to get where we need to be but because of our savage and weak ways we are no where near where we need to be! In order to start the real journey we must recognize our weaknesses in order to strengthen and live by The Laws Of The Natural Order in order to ensure that we remain strong and powerful. So let me recap what I believe the tools are. Time, Mathematics ( #bitcoin ), Science, Technology (Computers, Internet, Robots…), Medicine (CBDs, organic foods, healthy lifestyle, being positive, etc. imo) , The Laws Of The Natural Order, The Harmonious Order, The Cycles of Nature, Morality, The Zodiac, Tarot, Astronomy, Geology (crystals, stones, magnets), Creative Arts, Culinary Arts, etc. All these wonderful things have been gifted to us and we must utilize them in order to all benefit right now. Stop putting it off and saying that in the future or 50 years from now. We need good and real change now. The elite must let go of their greed and cold hearts and tune in with us in order for us all to move forward. They really do influence and we need them to get to where we need to be. I pray they are strong enough and ready enough. We should all live like kings and queens. We also need to be aware and weary of the Deviants From Nature, as well.
We each must focus immediately around us and do good and make little differences that will cause a ripple effect. The more that do this the faster we will all see the beautiful bigger picture. That’s all. We sometimes are overwhelmed thinking how bad things are in our savage and corrupt society. How we can’t do anything to change things for the better, yet, we most certainly can! Be peaceful, be positive, be truthful and be persistent! The squeaky wheel always gets the grease!
I am growing more and more confident in my natural psychic abilities and recognize that I am probably a prophet, according to the book You Are Psychic that has validated some of my own intuition, that is meant to provide this valuable information, influence positively and guide towards the Harmonious Order of the Circle Society. I have been blogging about it for a while now. Please see the categories on the right, Creating A Perfect Utopia – The Harmonious Order and Understanding The Universe & Creating The Harmonious Order.
My deepest condolences to Nathan Cirillo’s family and friends. God bless Nathan and may he also help us in this tragic time to come together and create better systems to prevent any future acts of terror in Canada and the world. What a tragedy and such a horrible act of hate and evil.
People are upset here in Canada after the horrible shooting and some are thinking guns are the solution. I personally don’t think so. I like the idea of SPDs. Subdue protection devices that when deployed would alert police while restraining the perp until the cops get there. Someone said on one of my Facebook friend’s wall that they would feel better if the public was armed and I had to answer this “have you ever worked for the public. I have and that’s a scary thought that they would be armed too. I am a moderate so not left or right. I am probably what you might call a freak because I see past what is and look towards the future of what could be or what should be. I would like to protect myself but with non lethal yet very effective devices. Let the police do the dirty work, it’s their job. I understand that we need to transition ourselves towards that so in the meantime I will leave that to the individuals that want to legally obtain one or not.”.
I strongly feel we need harsher punishment for any Canadians that are involved in terrorism! The government needs to stop all government money indefinitely, if they receive, to these satanic fools immediately and their families too. Detain them because they should not be allowed to roam free with other citizens. Put them on trial, however, and decide a fair punishment. I don’t think they should ever be allowed to return to my free and beautiful country, though.
I think we need a panel of psychologists to chime in on this and give us their thoughts. Are these terrorist dim or mentally ill? What is the profile of these types and could they ever really be rehabilitated back into society? I also want to know why Canada is only monitoring 90 returned ISIS terror suspects. Doug Ford was right in saying that these people need to be brought in for questioning. I also want them up on trial asap and if found guilty we need to decide what we are going to do because this garbage can not continue if we ever want to achieve a civilized and sophisticated society of the harmonious order.
I just want to add that I don’t feel it’s right for Canada to get involved in religious wars it is not logical to because the ones that are fighting may be too emotional and/or under evil grip… be it Satan or radical leaders. I would like Canada to stop fighting and individual Canadians might want to start helping in a humanitarian way by volunteering. We need to protect our land and our boarders civilly and peacefully but if there is ever a real threat I would like our soldiers and police to fight for us like the hero yesterday, Canada’s Sargent of Arms, Mr. Vickers. I know that he most likely prevented others from being hurt or killed.
He had me at respect for taxpayers and subways. It also doesn’t hurt that he has good experience and also seems to actually empathize with the people and care. I sense the compassion in the Fords and that they would bring in good change if elected imho. Doug, the mayor and the other members of council that worked wonderfully together really brought in some great things for the people of Toronto and our beautiful city. I really hope Doug Ford is voted in as mayor and will continue the good and solid Ford agenda! They put the people first and it must continue. Other politicians should take a lesson from the Ford brothers when it comes to politics and work ethic. I am going to keep this short and sweet because I don’t really feel much for writing lately but I am forcing myself to write a bit about a few things that are very important.
I recall last year when Adam Kokesh and Dan Dicks of PressForTruth.ca met up and Adam told Dan that he was an anarchist. I also noticed that Terry Wilson of CanadianAwareness.org just got an Anarchy tat. I decided that I better research it more so yesterday I looked up the definition of Anarchy in Wiki and it can actually have more than one meaning.
Today’s Anarchy in this particular case I sense that it means self importance, self and social awareness, collecting accurate information, thinking, questioning, disagreeing with the massive corruption in our world today and the confidence, the drive to obtain self/group happiness peacefully via an information and digital self/group movement imo and the want for good change. I think that’s why I have hope for #Bitcoin because it really seems like a very advanced and moral system to me that offers simply a decentralized functioning monetary unit of measure to me. It will work for us to free our lives and not enslave us imho.
I don’t feel that Anarchy is a permanent method either, only something that people believe that needs to be done in order to get the individual and group to a non corrupt, civilized, moral, sophisticated and harmonious society. It’s almost like my posts on steering towards a better future. You can leave things up to destiny but to me it’s like using autopilot only you have no idea where you end up. When you take control you have a better chance at the place you desire I strongly believe.
So my husband recently purchased the book Rotten, by Johnny Lydon of the Sex Pistols to read, and was watching some clips from his doc. I instantly felt this phrase, “anarchy to be free”. Then I asked him what the doc is titled and he tells me that it’s actually titled FREEDOM! It kinda freaks me out when this happens but I it has happened to me before and I also felt that this was no coincidence. Now I have not seen this doc, nor have read Johnny Rotten aka Lydon work but I will and if someone here has please feel free to correct me if I am wrong here. I don’t agree with everything Johnny Lyndon has said from what I have heard and seen either but I have come to the conclusion based on other things I have witnessed that people have used Anarchy in order to be free by many means but I do not condone any violence and destructive behaviour like the Black Bloc! That is what I believe to be Negative Anarchy which is so wrong and in all reality makes things worse in my honest opinion.
I strongly believe that there are non violent ways that will be very effective in order to push for a better tomorrow. Anyways, I was right in thinking that Anarchy is a transitional means to getting the self to a better life… freedom. It seems in this day and age it is being done peacefully via the net. It also seems to be through what I wrote about yesterday… The Universe, Self & Group Symbiosis. We can receive and I strongly believe that we can transmit too!
Today’s Anarchy in this particular case I sense that it means self importance, self and social awareness, collecting accurate information, thinking, questioning, disagreeing with the massive corruption in our world today and the confidence, the drive to obtain self/group happiness peacefully via an information and digital self/group movement imo and the want for good change. I think that’s why I have hope for #Bitcoin because it really seems like a very advanced and moral system to me that offers simply a decentralized functioning monetary unit of measure to me. It will work for us to free our lives and not enslave us imho.
I don’t feel that Anarchy is a permanent method either, only something that people believe that needs to be done in order to get the individual and group to a non corrupt, civilized, moral, sophisticated and harmonious society. It’s almost like my posts on steering towards a better future. You can leave things up to destiny but to me it’s like using autopilot only you have no idea where you end up. When you take control you have a better chance at the place you desire I strongly believe.
So my husband recently purchased the book Rotten, by Johnny Lydon of the Sex Pistols to read, and was watching some clips from his doc. I instantly felt this phrase, “anarchy to be free”. Then I asked him what the doc is titled and he tells me that it’s actually titled FREEDOM! It kinda freaks me out when this happens but I it has happened to me before and I also felt that this was no coincidence. Now I have not seen this doc, nor have read Johnny Rotten aka Lydon work but I will and if someone here has please feel free to correct me if I am wrong here. I don’t agree with everything Johnny Lyndon has said from what I have heard and seen either but I have come to the conclusion based on other things I have witnessed that people have used Anarchy in order to be free by many means but I do not condone any violence and destructive behaviour like the Black Bloc! That is what I believe to be Negative Anarchy which is so wrong and in all reality makes things worse in my honest opinion.
I strongly believe that there are non violent ways that will be very effective in order to push for a better tomorrow. Anyways, I was right in thinking that Anarchy is a transitional means to getting the self to a better life… freedom. It seems in this day and age it is being done peacefully via the net. It also seems to be through what I wrote about yesterday… The Universe, Self & Group Symbiosis. We can receive and I strongly believe that we can transmit too!
Previously I have been thinking about and discussing being individuals but operating together as a group on an internal universal GPS like a school of fish. It seems like the perfect model for us and our society. Separate individuals, respecting individualism yet working together for the great good in order to be much better. I sensed that we are separate entities that should be plugged in to the universe internally yet able to function in a group and work together positively.
Then today I see talk in the alternative community about the individual and getting away from the system but that seems so unnatural to me. It is great to be self aware through meditation and intuition. It is great to question things, always, but we need to also live together.
My response to Paul Joseph Watson’s Facebook photo post was: “Yes being an individual is very important and finding you takes inward thinking… intuition. HOWEVER, once you are synced with the universe you will also need to function as a group, like a school of fish. Almost symbiotic imo.”
I say a great example of anything we want solutions for, &/or to perfect in our own world, it is most usually found in nature. So I looked to see what I could identify with and what instantly came to mind was a group of fish. Individual entities that are so small alone, yet together operating on almost an internal GPS they are stronger and better. I like to term it as a group symbiosis because it’s separate entities working together for positive reasons like a more ideal survival.

Once our society allows us individuals to focus within, lessons the distractions, become civilized then we will be so SOPHISTICATED and HARMONIOUS then we will be ready for all the answers and benefits. I just want to add that in the meantime we all must steer in the right direction individually and our world leaders must simply choose good over evil. That is the first step. Also the elite must back off and allow the savage society to die. This world should not benefit just them! They must consider us all. If we set course in the right direction it will lead us to this sophistication we should have arrived at long ago. Enough with stepping on people to get ahead, enough with killing because we need to resolve things without death and destruction, enough with profiting off people with shady and mal things, MORE POSITIVE TECHNOLOGIES THAT WILL BENEFIT US ALL, MORE FOLLOWING THE LAWS OF THE NATURAL ORDER, MORE OF THE CIRCLE SOCIETY, MORE HARMONIOUS ORDER THAT WILL PUT 100% ON TOP… get it? #GOINGUP #HARMONIOUSORDER for more.
Updated January 1, 2015: WE ARE TOOLS OF THE UNIVERSE!!!
Then today I see talk in the alternative community about the individual and getting away from the system but that seems so unnatural to me. It is great to be self aware through meditation and intuition. It is great to question things, always, but we need to also live together.
My response to Paul Joseph Watson’s Facebook photo post was: “Yes being an individual is very important and finding you takes inward thinking… intuition. HOWEVER, once you are synced with the universe you will also need to function as a group, like a school of fish. Almost symbiotic imo.”
I say a great example of anything we want solutions for, &/or to perfect in our own world, it is most usually found in nature. So I looked to see what I could identify with and what instantly came to mind was a group of fish. Individual entities that are so small alone, yet together operating on almost an internal GPS they are stronger and better. I like to term it as a group symbiosis because it’s separate entities working together for positive reasons like a more ideal survival.
Once our society allows us individuals to focus within, lessons the distractions, become civilized then we will be so SOPHISTICATED and HARMONIOUS then we will be ready for all the answers and benefits. I just want to add that in the meantime we all must steer in the right direction individually and our world leaders must simply choose good over evil. That is the first step. Also the elite must back off and allow the savage society to die. This world should not benefit just them! They must consider us all. If we set course in the right direction it will lead us to this sophistication we should have arrived at long ago. Enough with stepping on people to get ahead, enough with killing because we need to resolve things without death and destruction, enough with profiting off people with shady and mal things, MORE POSITIVE TECHNOLOGIES THAT WILL BENEFIT US ALL, MORE FOLLOWING THE LAWS OF THE NATURAL ORDER, MORE OF THE CIRCLE SOCIETY, MORE HARMONIOUS ORDER THAT WILL PUT 100% ON TOP… get it? #GOINGUP #HARMONIOUSORDER for more.
Updated January 1, 2015: WE ARE TOOLS OF THE UNIVERSE!!!
I bet we would have a much better world if some people didn’t spend so much time stewing in negativity, fighting & hating. I have seen some somewhat seemingly intelligent people spend countless hours picking others apart in an attempt to try and push their buttons over the most frivolous of things for attention. If they would just use that time to instead on real important matters that we should all be concerned about, blog or become peacefully active in important issues (like GMOs, or the private banking system or whatever needs our attention), than I feel that this world would be a much better place! I do practice what I preach btw because I don’t fight unless it’s absolutely necessary, and only peacefully & civilly, like when helping my father get the proper hospital care he needed and I took the time to FIGHT FOR HIS BENEFIT! I will also take the time to defend myself but only when I feel that I am being painted in a bad and untrue light. I am also so proud to have taken more positive and peaceful action by blogging, signing petitions, donating to charity, contacting my politicians, volunteering for my local alternative media, I have even exposed corruptions in my own city with positive results and inform others any chance I get. Of course we all need down time to relax and have fun too but that helps us to become more productive in a beneficial way imho. You put negativity and hate out there then it will come back to you at least 3x. You wish harm on others or try to hurt others purposely then guess what… it will come back on you at least 3x, as well and that’s why I always try to help people instead. I also know that unless someone is a crook or is violent with others you should not condemn them. No one is perfect and, therefore, no one should judge and try to label people so badly. It only will look bad on them to be honest.
I strongly believe that you can never really predict the future. You can kinda figure it out but mostly it’s the result of previous actions. Like a boat… you steer it where it needs to go and we must steer our world in a better direction. Things are way too cold and evil today.
I noticed that there is a little bit more consideration for others and our childrens futures and I believe that it’s even thanks to my blogs, tweets and facebooking! One person can make the difference.
Let’s not be negative because we feel that everyone else doesn’t care, won’t do anything about the terrible state of the world and are “stupid”. We need to stop worrying what everyone else doesn’t do or is and focus on what we should do and are. Let’s just start improving ourselves… We need to care, to believe, to have faith and to have hope too. Our society is so negative and cold and it has resulted in this mess imho. (in my honest opinion). We must always think of others and care about them, however! I am not saying to be selfish and turn your back on people.
I am here to warn and influence. I figured that out myself. I have all the components that makes me true and someone you need to take time to learn from. I am open to meeting with our Prime Minister and other Canadian officials to discuss anything to improve the state of our country and better the lives of our people. Once my country is tip top, if they ever take me up on my offer, then I will move on to help any other country that would like and that I am permitted to assist. I would do that no strings. My Canadian government can contact me any time. I want to help make this place heaven on earth because the alternative is evil and cold.
Due to my ancestry… Southern Italian, I have Pagan roots, as well. I am also a Libra that is very sensitive, experiences vivid dreams and visions. I just know things. They say that many Libras are natural psychics. However, I am not a performer and I do not make money from any of this. My energy spent on this blog, my twitter and my facebook is in hopes of earning positive energy and good change for our society. I might one day write a book or two if I feel the time is right. I might even ask for Bitcoin gifts for my writings from those that have learned and appreciated what I have said. In the meantime I do not give anyone permission to write about me or what I have written online to earn them money, or not, no matter the association, it is not permitted or allowed! Back to what I was saying… There are no more words I can say right now. I have warned and warned but I still sense that they are ignoring most of my writings to instead go with their primitive savage weaknesses. Maybe we should pray for them by saying the Lord’s Prayer? The Our Father. I am seriously concerned here. Evil begets evil. So many innocents are being effected… it is not fair, it’s not balanced and it must stop.
I was effected by the ice storm just before Christmas. It was cold, dark and scary! It reminded me of Cuba with their rolling black outs… so third world and I will not accept this garbage for my first world metropolis so they better fix that garbage now or I will complain to everyone in charge, tweet, facebook, talk and blog up a storm! I agreed with Mayor Ford, however. It was not an emergency because Toronto had pockets of areas not effected by the storm though so we were able to buy food, water, flashlights, generators and other things we needed. Even Tim Hortons for coffee and breakfast (lunch & dinner too if we wanted)! We also had warming stations and most malls were open for cripe sakes! Some people are still without hydro but seems like most of the city is up. Anyways, my point is that I was wondering how come Toronto has gotten two severe weather storms? One in July with the flash flood and now this ice storm? Some say that we have the technology to modify weather. I see that Ontario is under the influence of something evil… UN Agenda 21 which has been described as “anit-human”! Search Agenda 21 on this site and you will see more information about it. My once have province is now a have not province
The people are angry and they are not falling for their mental help propaganda either. Would be so much easier if everyone just took anti depressants instead of questioning and challenging the corrupt and evil system, no? People are not stupid here and they see through the looney left poopaganda bs! For a couple weeks I wanted to just move from Ontario but maybe I was meant to be here… maybe I was meant to follow alternative media? Maybe my background, experience and history has opened up doors and many people’s eyes. I mean I have told EVERYONE I know and then some about what is going on! I have spent so many countless hours passing on the truth and facts in hopes that more will tune into what is going on. I am happy to say that it has had a peaceful and positive effect! I have never heard so many people speak out with the truth before! I heard Mike Bullard and others talk about the less than par service we are receiving from Hydro for more! And how we have what they call “Tree Nazis” here that allow trees to grow way too large and they end up damaging wires and more. Probably why so many were without power and still are here in Toronto!
Anyways we should all consider prayer in these dark and troubling times. Alex, Dan, Terry, Frank & Lawrence, if you are reading this please recite the Lords Prayer on your wonderful sites/shows! We need as many people as we can to say it! I just know that the positive energy will counter all these heavy and evil energy in our world today!
Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
What games do the elite play when the price may mean more than their own souls.
Another film, Eyes Wide Shut, showed us secret societies and rituals that elites took part in, but this film showed me that even the elites themselves have no idea of what games they are actually playing and how significant they really are. It is not wise to worship one that you do not fear and truly understand fore the price that you will pay for an attempt to riches and power will cost you your very own soul and an eternity of suffering and servitude.
Dean Corso was hired by Boris Balkan to find out if his copy of The Nine Gates Of The Kingdom Of Shadows is authentic and he was also hired to seek the other 2 copies to see if they are original but actually had slight variations in it’s symbolism.
Now we all are familiar with people using books to try and summon demons or Satan himself for supernatural power. It’s a bit interesting but at the same time a bit common. My interest was in the false idea of sophisticated Satanism. It’s a very strange notion to me because if you were to actually research it you would most likely develop a true grasp of it which would show that it is anything but.
Depp’s search brings him to the Third book copy owner in France, Baroness Kessler, and after warming up to her, she tells Corso that she saw the devil at 15 and was in love ever since and has devoted her life to writing about Satan. She herself is the key to my understanding that the mere mortals of the very unnatural New World Order are not worthy of even thinking that they are even associated with any higher power. They are not even as great as ants that build magnificent civilizations together for the greater good of their kind. “ants appear to operate as a unified entity, collectively working together to support the colony.” snipped from Wiki.
The Baroness explained of an Order Of The Silver Serpent (fictional) that was created to protect the book, perpetuate it’s memories and protect it’s secrets while worshiping Satan. She went on to say that the secret society has since “degenerated into a social club for the bored millionaires and celebrities that use it’s meetings as an excuse to indulge their jaded sexual appetites under the illusion that they owe their success to their order”. Sound familiar.
Anna Sophia Toparanormal.org
Here are a few of my blogs that I think you should also reference that I personally find are of great significance.
NOTE: I approached Terry Wilson of CanadianAwareness.org stating that I wanted to write an article for his and his peaceful and informed teammates’ site. He said he would be honored! He is going to start an occult section shortly and feature this article. I wanted to post a copy here on my site too.
Pic from: Alchemyinmovement.com site post titled: Snake Medicine. Thinking our society needs some, not literally! Also to shed our dark and evil, dead and dried out skin! It’s time! Peacefully and in the light!!! Must get rid of our dead and diseased skin in order for the new skin to breath and exist.
Evil is the universes cancer that only grows strength from the weak and afraid. Those few less than 1% elite that worship Satan by practicing negative and dark things because they are dim and have been tricked by fallen angels, aka, demons.
Demons are full of negativity and hate. According to Father Fortea, author of: Interview With An Exorcistexplained that demons are fallen angels created by God because they felt jealousy towards man who was created in God’s image and so the demons hold hate for God because they wanted man gone and then wanted to be in power. He explained that demons are very intelligent but they can’t read your mind, regardless they are very good at the art of deception and trick people. They are as old as time but were cast out of heaven because of their hate for God.
Do they not see that their hate and negativity keep them down imo. Why can’t they release that negative energy?? They were angels once but from what I understand became jealous, a weakness in my opinion, when God made man in his image. I am wondering is there any way to get them to see the error in their ways and release them from their hate. I can’t believe that they want to spend all of time in such misery and darkness? I wonder the same about the few elite and their puppet clowns. Do they actually believe that evil will benefit them? Don’t they know that evil begets EVIL and they will be consumed by it? No power in that! They will be like food (energy) for the demons and when they are eaten alive, they will be discarded like an empty wrapper, all used up.
As I said many times in the past, we must pick a side, hopefully you will pick the side of truth, goodness and light so that we will all stand together and shed the evil and deception like a snake sheds it’s dead skin. We need the new and fresh skin to breath so we can not hold onto the layer that suffocates us.
Now let’s think of a battery, positive and positive repels, as does, negative and negative, but when we bring the opposing parts together, that is when we generate energy for the light. Demons and negativity need to purge themselves by getting over their weakness, forgiving and going towards the goodness and light. No one and nothing is perfect but we have to try. We have to want to be better and to do better because destruction, death and disease break things down to our non existence. I strongly sense that our universe needs us all to come together to get things right in order to continue to exist in true harmony. Energy never really dies but maybe if we don’t figure it out in this world we will be doomed for eternity and not have the change to change things for the better again.
Anyways, I was just thinking about this lately and wanted to get this out. I also have been thinking about the circle, remember it’s where entities go when they die, and if they are able to communicate with us on internet. Sometime I think that the original Anonymous is not even human… maybe an alien? Maybe an angel? I don’t know. Now I see a lot of people posting as Anon so I am picking up mixed feelings.
We can all agree that our world is really messed up. Seems that most of our world leaders and elite are more about death, destruction, harming and oppressing us rather than going towards a peaceful and positive society where EVERYONE would be happy, healthy and wealthy! Spending more of our hard earned money on wars and social engineering programs like ICLEI, water fluoridation and paying interest on interest to private foreign banks, $170 MILLION A DAY per Christopher Porter of Canadian Action Party!, instead of using that money for our schools, our roads, our health care and more things that we do need.
Simply we must shed all the corrupt systems and opt for pure ones when we can. Tesla invented free energy so why can’t someone do the same now and just release it (edited to include) *for free, or market it for a very cheap rate and keep it there, in order to pay for the infrastructure*, so that people can drop from the “anti-human” UN Agenda 21 smart meter program. We can drop the smart grid that way. Bitcoin seems to be a great monetary solution that totally cuts out centralization to make it like the torrent system modeled after ant colonies.
We need to start informing ourselves more about what they are putting in our food and water also. Buy organic and spring water instead of cigarettes and booze. Your body is your temple! Remember that! Try to prepare your foods at home too instead of going out. Do not buy prepared foods because they might be full of GMO and chemicals. Big Carrot and Lablaws green section do have some healthy alternatives, though. You just add water to some of the dehydrated organic foods and you are set if you are not much for cooking or don’t have the time.
(Edited to include:) *Also natural and alternative cures must be released. Hemp should be legalized for health purposes! God made that plant for us and from what I learned we do have receptors for the cannabinoids. Canada is almost there because hemp is legal for industrial, beauty and food so why not health? Must be done. That is that!*
We can override what the NWO’s outcome will be by really pushing for peacefully the Harmonious Order instead of their EVIL and NEGATIVE one. It would be for the best interest of us all. I am of the center and my advice to them is to step away from their mess and let the good and positive people come in and create a better world.
As for the birth of the new prince I simply feel that we should be more focused on all the other children that are born to poverty and suffering and turn that around for the better by ending the monarchy peacefully. It’s time. No one is better than another person because like I said before we are all created in the image of God.
November 12, 2013 – Update: This is a part of the Harmonious Order I have been writing about.
Simply we must shed all the corrupt systems and opt for pure ones when we can. Tesla invented free energy so why can’t someone do the same now and just release it (edited to include) *for free, or market it for a very cheap rate and keep it there, in order to pay for the infrastructure*, so that people can drop from the “anti-human” UN Agenda 21 smart meter program. We can drop the smart grid that way. Bitcoin seems to be a great monetary solution that totally cuts out centralization to make it like the torrent system modeled after ant colonies.
We need to start informing ourselves more about what they are putting in our food and water also. Buy organic and spring water instead of cigarettes and booze. Your body is your temple! Remember that! Try to prepare your foods at home too instead of going out. Do not buy prepared foods because they might be full of GMO and chemicals. Big Carrot and Lablaws green section do have some healthy alternatives, though. You just add water to some of the dehydrated organic foods and you are set if you are not much for cooking or don’t have the time.
(Edited to include:) *Also natural and alternative cures must be released. Hemp should be legalized for health purposes! God made that plant for us and from what I learned we do have receptors for the cannabinoids. Canada is almost there because hemp is legal for industrial, beauty and food so why not health? Must be done. That is that!*
We can override what the NWO’s outcome will be by really pushing for peacefully the Harmonious Order instead of their EVIL and NEGATIVE one. It would be for the best interest of us all. I am of the center and my advice to them is to step away from their mess and let the good and positive people come in and create a better world.
As for the birth of the new prince I simply feel that we should be more focused on all the other children that are born to poverty and suffering and turn that around for the better by ending the monarchy peacefully. It’s time. No one is better than another person because like I said before we are all created in the image of God.
November 12, 2013 – Update: This is a part of the Harmonious Order I have been writing about.
After all this time and our leaders, and the people that are said to really control them, still have not gotten it right. Instead of advancing they allow violence, filth and destruction. Instead of praising God and his amazing miracles, they defecate on themselves like weak, sick and dying animals. Can’t they for once stop indulging their demons and think clearly! Have they no shame? Have they no guilt? Have they no sense? Have they no control. With all the evil that has transpired this past couple of weeks I really feel that they need a written intervention and I feel that I am up for the job via this blog post.
Let’s look at the definition of terrorism via Wikipedia Now let’s break it down and focus specifically on *”DELIBERATELY TARGET OR DISREGARD THE SAFETY OF NON-COMBATANTS (CIVILIANS)”. There are many examples of how our civil servants have totally disregarded us in lieu of CORPORATIONS, BIG PHARMA, MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and all for the GLOBALIST ELITE.
Those that allow or practice terror against their own are terrorists in my opinion. Those that are employed by the people at any level and do anything that is not in the best interest of the people are nothing more than traitorous terrorists in my eyes. We all know this is happening, we all know there is corruption and yet there are no laws to stop this.
Being in Canada I am so very proud that our RCMP actually have stopped terror plots prior and I am so grateful. They stopped one the other day involving 2 muslim men that were going to try and derail Via Rail! Apparently the men had been followed by our authorities and no one was ever in any danger. Then CTV National news stated that actually muslims tipped off authorities? So then they had no idea what was going on and it was on account of a tip otherwise they would not know? One of the men had something on his record 16 years ago but still allowed into Canada?
I read on a tweet from AM640 that perhaps this should not have been made public in order not to instill fear. Then last night on the CTV National news I heard that we have all these trains that we can never really secure, and yet we need to look at body scanners and such??? Also with the Toronto Marathon, another person on CTV news stated that there was no way to secure the entire race?
How about this, how about not letting in anymore people that are from these known violent extremist hate groups and consider deporting any trouble makers right away! So many are here in Toronto and if you knew exactly where to go then you would see so many and so many seem not to be working either. Yes, even one of our Toronto Councillors commented on how they all know where the welfare line is. This is all a part of the Committee of 300’s top 10 agendas. They want to destroy nations and this is the way that they think they can do it. Well you know what, it’s not going to work! It’s just going to make people come together to protect their nation more. All their crazy schemes are not going to work. It’s so obvious to me and I’m very confident about what I am writing.
What kind of civilized society allows this to happen and to exist and behave as if everything is fine??? I will state the obvious. None. We are no better than the most savage of beasts. What monsters are allowed, are due to the most pathetic. I’m not only talking false flag terror or provocateurs, I’m also talking about the horrible practices of water fluoridation, the cancer business, legalizing GMOs, allowing shots and meds that have harmful ingredients & side effects and unfortunately the list goes on.
This reminds me of a time I was walking to Loblaws on Queens Quay and I saw a notice on one of the posts about the Hells Angels. It simply stated that without CORRUPTION there could be no CRIME and it went on to explain that the police were allowing them to operate. Soon after seeing that posting Hells Angels was in fact shut down by the police. The power of words! Those words didn’t sit well and that’s when something was done about it and by those that were simply pointed them out for being corrupt.
Our society today is severely warped and is in need of some laws for the civil servants that this all stems from, in my opinion. Without corruption there really could not be any crime! So let’s do something about this peacefully. It is time. We need the good people that represent us in government to step up and speak out and demand new laws that would harshly deal with corrupt civil servants. We need the people to stand with them, also peacefully. The time has come that we go on the path of the light and goodness for a peaceful and productive society.
I demand that our civil servants stop being influenced by others. If they expose you for something then I would have more respect for you standing up to them and saying no more! We need laws to protect our civil servants from the elite and their henchmen. If they still fold we need laws that will punish our civil servants harshly and in their wallets too with big fines and major harsh sentences.
Dalton McGuinty and the Liberal Party needs to be brought to justice for being traitorous for only having the best interest of the corporations and globalist elite in mind. It’s so disgusting how they jumped on board with so many scams and blunders that I believe were fully intentional. More screw ups mean more money and more compounded interest for the pig banksters and their masters. The “anti-human” UN Agenda 21 was brought to Ontario via the Liberals imo. You know those smart meters, eco fees and such. It was not an idea that the Liberals had on their own, this is a global project. It’s all on my blog, go to the section SOSCANADA, located on the right of this page, if you wish to learn more.
Puppet clowns is my new expression for the Liberals. They are so obvious it’s disgusting and the people that support them need some serious help in my opinion. Do they enjoy being falsely represented because they are not about the people at all. I mean, really? Is it cool to be a total ignoramus? The Liberals intend to help the globalist make us so poor, they already have with their dangerous legislation, taxes and fees, but yet these yuppies that have no clue or no care keep voting for these demented lap dogs of the New World Order? I believe that all 3 of our top parties are controlled but the Liberals seem to be on the fast track to turning Ontario into North Korea. I pray that they are not voted in on a federal level. Disgusting! I will never vote for Liberals again! If you had half a brain you would research what I said, determine for yourself and not either.
I just wanted to add the link to CTV News stating it was actually a tip from muslim community that alerted authorities:
Also another link to CTV News – securities call for increased security: http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/rail-security-questioned-after-alleged-terror-plot-foiled-1.1251345
Let’s look at the definition of terrorism via Wikipedia Now let’s break it down and focus specifically on *”DELIBERATELY TARGET OR DISREGARD THE SAFETY OF NON-COMBATANTS (CIVILIANS)”. There are many examples of how our civil servants have totally disregarded us in lieu of CORPORATIONS, BIG PHARMA, MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and all for the GLOBALIST ELITE.
Those that allow or practice terror against their own are terrorists in my opinion. Those that are employed by the people at any level and do anything that is not in the best interest of the people are nothing more than traitorous terrorists in my eyes. We all know this is happening, we all know there is corruption and yet there are no laws to stop this.
Being in Canada I am so very proud that our RCMP actually have stopped terror plots prior and I am so grateful. They stopped one the other day involving 2 muslim men that were going to try and derail Via Rail! Apparently the men had been followed by our authorities and no one was ever in any danger. Then CTV National news stated that actually muslims tipped off authorities? So then they had no idea what was going on and it was on account of a tip otherwise they would not know? One of the men had something on his record 16 years ago but still allowed into Canada?
I read on a tweet from AM640 that perhaps this should not have been made public in order not to instill fear. Then last night on the CTV National news I heard that we have all these trains that we can never really secure, and yet we need to look at body scanners and such??? Also with the Toronto Marathon, another person on CTV news stated that there was no way to secure the entire race?
How about this, how about not letting in anymore people that are from these known violent extremist hate groups and consider deporting any trouble makers right away! So many are here in Toronto and if you knew exactly where to go then you would see so many and so many seem not to be working either. Yes, even one of our Toronto Councillors commented on how they all know where the welfare line is. This is all a part of the Committee of 300’s top 10 agendas. They want to destroy nations and this is the way that they think they can do it. Well you know what, it’s not going to work! It’s just going to make people come together to protect their nation more. All their crazy schemes are not going to work. It’s so obvious to me and I’m very confident about what I am writing.
What kind of civilized society allows this to happen and to exist and behave as if everything is fine??? I will state the obvious. None. We are no better than the most savage of beasts. What monsters are allowed, are due to the most pathetic. I’m not only talking false flag terror or provocateurs, I’m also talking about the horrible practices of water fluoridation, the cancer business, legalizing GMOs, allowing shots and meds that have harmful ingredients & side effects and unfortunately the list goes on.
This reminds me of a time I was walking to Loblaws on Queens Quay and I saw a notice on one of the posts about the Hells Angels. It simply stated that without CORRUPTION there could be no CRIME and it went on to explain that the police were allowing them to operate. Soon after seeing that posting Hells Angels was in fact shut down by the police. The power of words! Those words didn’t sit well and that’s when something was done about it and by those that were simply pointed them out for being corrupt.
Our society today is severely warped and is in need of some laws for the civil servants that this all stems from, in my opinion. Without corruption there really could not be any crime! So let’s do something about this peacefully. It is time. We need the good people that represent us in government to step up and speak out and demand new laws that would harshly deal with corrupt civil servants. We need the people to stand with them, also peacefully. The time has come that we go on the path of the light and goodness for a peaceful and productive society.
I demand that our civil servants stop being influenced by others. If they expose you for something then I would have more respect for you standing up to them and saying no more! We need laws to protect our civil servants from the elite and their henchmen. If they still fold we need laws that will punish our civil servants harshly and in their wallets too with big fines and major harsh sentences.
Dalton McGuinty and the Liberal Party needs to be brought to justice for being traitorous for only having the best interest of the corporations and globalist elite in mind. It’s so disgusting how they jumped on board with so many scams and blunders that I believe were fully intentional. More screw ups mean more money and more compounded interest for the pig banksters and their masters. The “anti-human” UN Agenda 21 was brought to Ontario via the Liberals imo. You know those smart meters, eco fees and such. It was not an idea that the Liberals had on their own, this is a global project. It’s all on my blog, go to the section SOSCANADA, located on the right of this page, if you wish to learn more.
Puppet clowns is my new expression for the Liberals. They are so obvious it’s disgusting and the people that support them need some serious help in my opinion. Do they enjoy being falsely represented because they are not about the people at all. I mean, really? Is it cool to be a total ignoramus? The Liberals intend to help the globalist make us so poor, they already have with their dangerous legislation, taxes and fees, but yet these yuppies that have no clue or no care keep voting for these demented lap dogs of the New World Order? I believe that all 3 of our top parties are controlled but the Liberals seem to be on the fast track to turning Ontario into North Korea. I pray that they are not voted in on a federal level. Disgusting! I will never vote for Liberals again! If you had half a brain you would research what I said, determine for yourself and not either.
I just wanted to add the link to CTV News stating it was actually a tip from muslim community that alerted authorities:
Also another link to CTV News – securities call for increased security: http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/rail-security-questioned-after-alleged-terror-plot-foiled-1.1251345
Anyways, I was so pleasantly surprised how Mr. Corcoran, Editor of FP, actually kinda backed me up. Maybe it’s my wishful thinking, but I do think he did have my back “a bit”. Also I just would like to state that I strongly believe that a bit of fraud is still fraud, there is no fraud lite. I also thought the National Post’s article he linked to was very interesting and I do agree… where is the proof that spending $50 BILLION hard earned taxpayers dollars will actually ease traffic? I was stuck in traffic during rush hour in Boston and they had expanded WITH new roads & TOLLS and there was still congestion. I don’t buy this at all. I forgot to mention how EXPENSIVE some things in Boston were, approx $28 – 50 dollar a day parking and the food too! I don’t think I will be back
CanadianAwareness.org had another interesting article regarding our premier and Metrolinx creating illusion of choice in this matter. Also you need to be informed about “anti-human” UN Agenda 21, how we are being tricked into funding it, how it will strip us from our freedoms and rights, all while making us go very poor to control us. Again CanadianAwareness.org has many interesting articles about this. Please do your research for yourselves and become peacefully active in this discussion because I still sense that we have a lot of real choice in these matters. Let’s shape our future today for our beautiful country Canada and it’s wonderful future generations
*** Commenter on NP Metrolinx article stated something important: “Look at the 407: Great toll road, but did it reduce congestion on the 401? It might even have increased it. That’s the problem. The 407 wasn’t meant to be a toll road. It was known that East-West traffic would continue to be a problem for the GTA and Ontario as a whole. The 407 was meant to alleviate that congestion on 400 series highways. But by making it a toll road we effectively capped its capacity at roughly 30%. It was great planning and well executed, util it was sold for pennies on the dollar. It cost over a Billion to construct and over 100 Billion to obtain the land for construction, but was peddled away by Neo-Liberals in the PC party looking for some quick pocket change and some kick-backs from their buddies in the private sector.”
And now saying we must in fact do this because of global warming which is not proven either and in factover 30,000 scientists have signed a petition disputing global warming. Then why is the system doing this? Global governance, false scarcity and to increase taxes is what most think and I agree with that.
and even the creator of the weather channel himself is not buying this either and said that he wanted to even sue Al Gore!
Instead if you don’t want to post a website name then maybe consider typing something that is truthful and important to you that you wish to inform others about. You are allowed 32 characters so make your message less rather than more and make it count. For example, in Toronto they do not put naturally occurring calcium fluoride in our drinking water. Or you can post: “Anti-Human”Agenda_21_Seems_Evil. It’s totally up to you, but please research things for yourself first before you take part and do not use this idea for harmful sites or evil. I would rather you not take part at all then.
By inserting a positive message as a router name may seem like a little thing but I strongly sense that it would have a big effect for good and perhaps even wake up even more people up! So many people in your area look at their WiFi connection on a regular basis. I believe that every single person that has access to one should do the same!
Please consider participating in this project and pass this along to your family and friends. Together we can make a good and difference peacefully
Thanks for your time!
I love to read and collect vintage books. So when I found out that there was a church book sale nearby, I just had to go. They never disappoint and I was drawn to the above mentioned book. It was the Illustrated edition and printed in 1958 by Emile Male of Harper Torchbooks.
When I am interested in something it usually has a meaning behind it, sometimes it takes a bit of digging before I even understand it. Flipping through the book and skimming over it’s slight yellowing pages with pictures and drawings of almost strange images and art I notice the following:
“The Middle Ages had a passion for order. They organised art as they had organised dogma, secular learning and society. The artistic representation of sacred subjects was a science governed by fixed laws which could not be broken at the dictates of individual imagination. It cannot be questioned that this theology of art, if one may so put it, was soon reduced to a body of doctrine, for from very early times the craftsmen are seen submitting to it from one end of Europe to the other. This science was transmitted by the Church to the lay sculptors and painters of the thirteenth century who religiously guarded the sacred traditions, so that, even in the centuries in which it was most vigorous, mediaeval art retained the hieratic grandeur of primitive art.
These are the general principles which it concerns us to state at the outset as briefly as possible ”
*Please note this book was translated from French to English so understand the spelling mistakes in the above quote are from the actual introduction of the book.
When I was in Paris I visited Notre Dame and the Basilica. They were both very beautiful and incredible to say the least but there was a deeper meaning that my lighting of some candles didn’t really shine on. I was overwhelmed but still sensed feelings of something great. I would have no idea that years later I would have actually had the experience to recall it and finally understand a bit more.
I believe that what I am supposed to bring to light here in my blog is that mans constant drive for perfection has often gone about the wrong way by using evil and destruction. For instance, in this day and age we have some elite and their UN driving engine pushing something that probably looks great on paper but when it comes down to it, it is not. Is it possible to achieve a perfect utopia? Not by deception, I can tell you that! Plus it can only come about if all are considered for a good end result. I don’t understand how only a select few would be allowed to live in harmony while the others are treated so poorly! That bad energy will not fade, believe me! I am here to warn you. I am not doing this for any personal gain at all and what I do is truly for the greater good.
Read my Creating a Perfect Utopia and see the difference. It is based on truth, goodness and a want to succeed as a whole and not for only a tiny few. Of course we need to change things for the better but it needs to be done openly and with respect to the individuals in mind.
I also found a very interesting picture from the book that I wanted to share with you:
When I am interested in something it usually has a meaning behind it, sometimes it takes a bit of digging before I even understand it. Flipping through the book and skimming over it’s slight yellowing pages with pictures and drawings of almost strange images and art I notice the following:
“The Middle Ages had a passion for order. They organised art as they had organised dogma, secular learning and society. The artistic representation of sacred subjects was a science governed by fixed laws which could not be broken at the dictates of individual imagination. It cannot be questioned that this theology of art, if one may so put it, was soon reduced to a body of doctrine, for from very early times the craftsmen are seen submitting to it from one end of Europe to the other. This science was transmitted by the Church to the lay sculptors and painters of the thirteenth century who religiously guarded the sacred traditions, so that, even in the centuries in which it was most vigorous, mediaeval art retained the hieratic grandeur of primitive art.
These are the general principles which it concerns us to state at the outset as briefly as possible ”
*Please note this book was translated from French to English so understand the spelling mistakes in the above quote are from the actual introduction of the book.
When I was in Paris I visited Notre Dame and the Basilica. They were both very beautiful and incredible to say the least but there was a deeper meaning that my lighting of some candles didn’t really shine on. I was overwhelmed but still sensed feelings of something great. I would have no idea that years later I would have actually had the experience to recall it and finally understand a bit more.
I believe that what I am supposed to bring to light here in my blog is that mans constant drive for perfection has often gone about the wrong way by using evil and destruction. For instance, in this day and age we have some elite and their UN driving engine pushing something that probably looks great on paper but when it comes down to it, it is not. Is it possible to achieve a perfect utopia? Not by deception, I can tell you that! Plus it can only come about if all are considered for a good end result. I don’t understand how only a select few would be allowed to live in harmony while the others are treated so poorly! That bad energy will not fade, believe me! I am here to warn you. I am not doing this for any personal gain at all and what I do is truly for the greater good.
Read my Creating a Perfect Utopia and see the difference. It is based on truth, goodness and a want to succeed as a whole and not for only a tiny few. Of course we need to change things for the better but it needs to be done openly and with respect to the individuals in mind.
I also found a very interesting picture from the book that I wanted to share with you:
Rider of the Apocalypse from the 1958 Book The Gothic Image Religious Art In France Of The 13th Century by Emile Male of Harper Torchbooks.
If you ignore my warnings then be prepared for what will come your way by means of your own hands. I am here to peacefully bring light to your dark minds and your dark hearts. Repent, beg for God’s forgiveness and stand together with us in the light of goodness so that we can go forward and truly create a perfect society. (that message was for the NWO globalists btw ;)).
I think it’s a circle society where the pyramid, where the ultra rich are propped up by the poor and struggling, is turned upside down and we are joined as one, just like in the natural order “circle” where we are said to go when we die but I sense that we are experiencing it now through the internet. A deeper form of communication and the sharing of information.
#Bellletstalk About Margot Kidder On The CBC Last Night On The George Tonight Show! Great Job CBC!!!
I saw a powerful interview last night regarding mental illness from a survivor, Margot Kidder. Not on CTV btw, but on CBC! Yep, I found that CTVs take on mental illness was vague and almost trying to convince people that they may have a problem. Also they did this during the winter blues season and S.A.D.! The lack of sunshine/ D3 causes people to feel sad and depressed. Personally I take D3 so I feel great! Anyways I found that to be very shady and shameful IMO! I also saw the Merilyn Dennis Show and I felt like puking. Basically I found that all of it was more a less recruiting people into the mental health system. Like one of my Facebook friends mentioned, Bell’s sponsors include drug companies so that may be one of the reasons. This private corporation that kept increasing my bill till I had to cancel their services cares so much?! I highly doubt that. Thanks again Bell for allowing us to talk about this though!
Anyways it was just my luck that my husband and I turned on the CBC last night and at the perfect moment too! It was where Morgot Kidder was on George Tonight. She also admitted that it also was pure luck that she found people that did not drug her to the gills with mind numbing pills, but instead got her on a natural path because she learned that mental illness stems from a physical condition. You know I find that the case with other illnesses too. Conventional treatments seem to me to be a cash cow where it’s more profitable to treat people rather than cure them. It’s really a disgusting thing. We should have a choice here in Canada where natural treatments should be covered under our health care or at least offered to us. Doctors should give us all the information, not only the treatment that is through big pharma. It is my religion to have only natural treatments unless it’s an emergency and I need it to save my life. Here is the link to YouTube. Margot Kidder Talking To George On CBC
Anyways it was just my luck that my husband and I turned on the CBC last night and at the perfect moment too! It was where Morgot Kidder was on George Tonight. She also admitted that it also was pure luck that she found people that did not drug her to the gills with mind numbing pills, but instead got her on a natural path because she learned that mental illness stems from a physical condition. You know I find that the case with other illnesses too. Conventional treatments seem to me to be a cash cow where it’s more profitable to treat people rather than cure them. It’s really a disgusting thing. We should have a choice here in Canada where natural treatments should be covered under our health care or at least offered to us. Doctors should give us all the information, not only the treatment that is through big pharma. It is my religion to have only natural treatments unless it’s an emergency and I need it to save my life. Here is the link to YouTube. Margot Kidder Talking To George On CBC
Toronto Star and Now Magazine has some bleeding heart propaganda that in my opinion tricks people by causing them to feel pressured in ordered to help out people that are in our country illegally because they did not want to go through the appropriate channels to legally stay and probably to avoid paying taxes into our system. Perhaps they have a horrible criminal record? Regardless of why the right thing to do is immediately deport these people. We must think of our own poor and future generations. Stop focusing on your bleeding heart and start thinking with your head. If Toronto becomes a sanctuary city how long before we are flooded with people, crime will most likely go up and wages will go down. Do you want to lose your services including pension and health care? If we went to their country they would not give us a thing so why should we? We would most likely all go broke. As a matter of fact, we need to have more strict immigration laws! I am seeing too many people who come here without any skills that immediately go on welfare, get their family on welfare and just stay there leaching off of us. I also got an email from my 54 police division informing me of an increased amount of break ins and not to open my door to strangers! I also read in the paper about the break ins and noticed the last names of these crooks and they are the same or similar to the people that hate westerners that usually don’t want to work and will not assimilate?! I fortunately have been following the alternative media for a while and recognize this to be what is going on in the states. Alex Jones of Infowars.com has informed so many on a regular basis of the illegals that have been allowed to come in his country and not to help but to almost hurt the citizens. He states that the non citizens are treated better, given all the perks instead of the citizens and are used to drive down the wages and standard of living. I don’t want that here! To all the Toronto Councillors that are considering this please give your heads a shake and vote it down. You will bankrupt and ruin or city even more. Our future generations need to be considered and we are responsible to protect them now! This all ties into the North American Union and New World Order to bring us all to the same level… below the poverty line. On Justin Trudeau’s Facebook page he posted “Our country”s strength lies with new Canadians. We can’t slot immigrants into worker classes – we need to recognize them as nation and community builders.” Justin Trudeau – So basically it said to some that citizens are not our country’s strength? Liberals in my opinion are run by a bunch of possessed or people that have good intentions that are ignorant that either look good in a suit with no substance that follow or are a minority that are mostly there to brings in others in their group. I also want to mention that I watched a movie on Netflix.ca titled, “Cooking with Stella (2009)” http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1479676/?ref_=sr_1 and was DISGUSTED at the message it was projecting Asian Indian people! Basically Canadians are so rich that it’s okay to rob them???!!! Ontario Media Development Corporation with public support (our tax dollars) and AFM Canada supported this garbage. I recall that Dalton McGuinty the former Liberal Premier of Ontario made it possible for Bollywood to hold their awards here in Toronto. As a Torontonian and as a Canadian I feel violated. The left is going too far and they need to be investigated and go before a judge. In my opinion this is worse than all the money they lost and squandered. However, they still need to be investigated and go before a judge about that too! We taxpayers also should have the Liberal party return all that money to us, WITH INTEREST! I can’t help but feel the Liberals are being steered by evil and they need to be peacefully and legally stopped at once.
I love to read, as much as I can. I should read more, though. However, I am very selective about what I do read. It must benefit society in some way. I have been reading a lot more about paganism, possession and demons. I think it’s very important in this day and age. It is not irrelevant because we are in modern times, in fact, it is very relevant because so many are lost and on the wrong path or on no path at all. Over the past 6 years, or so, I have picked up some pretty negative energy and experienced some warnings by the means of vivid dreams. I have concluded that the majority of influential people in the world today are possessed or tempted to sin by demons or the devil himself because they are weak and vulnerable. They will end up burning in hell for an eternity if they do not repent , beg for forgiveness and change their ways to result in good change for us all. Currently the evils of these meek result in the innocent suffering which is what I feel is the ultimate evil and this needs to stop immediately. The path of the New World Order is being steered by the great deceiver that will end up in us all suffering an immense pain if it continues. It can be easily changed by following the natural order, no more satan worship, no more harming the vulnerable, illuminating all toxic debt, creating fair systems that will allow us all to equally prosper, everything must be transparent, no gmo’s, no more debt based systems, natural cures should be promoted, no more cancer business, and things like that!
Back to the book… I love Amazon, Ebay, garage sales and thrift shops for used books. I am actually reading 3 books right now, Italian Witchcraft, A Prayer For The City and the above mentioned book, An Interview With An Exorcist. Written by Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea, a priest and an expert of demonology. He is an approved exorcist who has conducted a number of exorcisms and lectures on this topic throughout the world. The book started with the epic and holy prayer of St. Michael. It was so appropriate because the book delves into matters of the dark and along with it a warning that we should not be too interested in it because it could jeopardize our soul. It reminded me of Ouija boards, if you use it you may open doors and could even become possessed. I have learned to be very weary of things like that because I value my spirit and do not want to be damned.
I have a strong curiosity about demons and evil, however. I think it is wise to learn as much as possible in order to protect my soul and our society. I learned that demons can not read your mind but they are very intelligent and could figure some things out. Hollywood was wrong, thank goodness! Also they are fueled by hate and if you are full of love, the power of prayer & beliefs and keep your fear at bay, then you can be strong. Remember I was attacked by what I felt was demonic and I was free as soon as I thought of Jesus.
Anyways, back to the book. Please see page 37, section 31. “Can demons unite and concentrate their efforts to influence society? The greatest power of the demons lies in tempting us to sin. Since they communicate among themselves, demons certainly work together and concentrate their efforts to influence human society. They do this by collectively devising strategies and by putting them into action in a specific place. While they desire to tempt everyone to sin, they know very well that certain individuals have the ability to influence society as a whole because of their wealth, fame, or power. They communications media are a particularly powerful influence on today’s society. As such, the demons especially target these elites.
In politics, demons are never neutral – they always analyze the situation and focus their energies on those political officials and candidates who will (wittingly or unwittingly) favor their goals. Undoubtedly, in the German election of 1932, the demons understood perfectly that their goals would be better served by tempting the German people to vote for a rather unknown, fringe candidate named Adolph Hitler. Does this mean that Hitler’s rise to power can be attributed solely to demonic forces? No, human choice was involved; but demons were undoubtedly involved, too. Similarly, the Church Fathers, in their writings about Christian persecution bu the state, often point out that such persecution is rooted in the instigation of demons on rulers and the population as a whole.
We must always remember that the devil is the Father of Lies, and he seeks to make evil appear good and good appear evil. At the heart of much evil is the rejection of human dignity; the demons want us to forget that we have been created in the image and likeness of God.”
Dear Alex Jones, if you are reading this please consider having Father Fortea on your wonderful www.infowars.com show.
I just wanted to add the book photo and also state that I only disagreed with one thing that Father Fortea stated in the book. He pretty much said that even good witches have evil behind them. I strongly disagree. The gift, the natural ways I was born with and my wonderful Italian culture are all from God. It’s positive energy from heaven and earth. We all do hold negative energy withing but at what concentration is up to you and the choices you make in life. I could use my gifts for evil but I have free will and have decided not to. I am very strong and not a weak and simple minded person. Anyways, I just thought I would note that because I felt it was important.
I happened upon this vintage zodiac book from the UK at a local church sale and have referenced it many times when I am bumping heads with someone in order to help me better understand their strengths and weaknesses, as well as, my own. I actually eased up on them a bit more and actually worked harder on my own faults too. I am very vain, I was constantly looking in the mirror? It was a bit exhausting to be honest. I also work hard at always looking my best! I work out 5 days a week and try to eat healthy GMO free and organic foods too. I am into taking D3, the B50 complex, fish oil and garlic everyday too. I am balanced all around. Sometimes I think I am a little too over the top so when it’s not that special of an occasion I try to ease up and not spend as much time on my looks. I actually found out that I look sometimes better when I am not trying so hard. Less really is more!
Anyways, I just wanted to post this little something now before I post something major about developing a society that is balanced and not extreme. Today for instance I find the world to be run in a very negative manor based on lies, deception, violence and greed. I sense that this must stop, however, I do not believe that we should not have any government and structure at all. Why can’t we be in the middle? Why do we need a black or white society? Can’t we just be normal and good? I don’t feel that we need to suffer on either end. This is coming from a Libra that loves balance by the way lol Anyways, I am thinking about that a lot lately. In order for us ALL to greatly advance we just need to do a little tweaking to get there. It’s rather a simple thing. We just need to come together but with respect to each individual because we are all important. We should always respect a person’s rights, freedoms and never deceive them while keeping the laws of the natural order in mind. Simple! Speaking of which I can not post pics anymore. I updated my blog and it’s not working anymore. I hope there is a fix to it! Update: website is now running optimally again thanks to my best friend
We are the world that we make for ourselves
The first thing that I sense that is needed to occur is harsh laws to anyone that is caught carrying an illegal gun, at least ten years jail time and their immediate family are financially responsible even by means of garnishing their wages/cheques. I feel that some sort of satellite system is required to track people with illegal guns and lead to their apprehension. I like Harper’s deporting of illegals, however, it’s only if they are caught committing a crime. We need to prevent crimes from happening and by being able to immediately disarm crooks and crazies I believe that this would greatly benefit mankind.
Next end of welfare, subsidized housing and other hand outs in Toronto and other big cities via the taxpayers. Instead welfare should be transitioned into a work for pay fund in areas that more people are required like up north, Alberta, etc. Current recipients should be given 6 to 12 months notice that these programs are coming to an end and they must ask for help from their family or a charity or relocate to other areas that offer it.
I would also end immigration to Toronto and other big cities immediately for people that have no money or skills to support themselves. Jesus said it is better to teach men to fish instead of give them fish so that they can provide for themselves. These handouts are wrong and when people are not busy working it only leads them to the wrong path.
Next we must license having children for all people, not just one certain race or religion. If you can’t afford a child or children, if you are not sound of mind, if you are not in a secure relationship, etc. then you should not be allowed to have children. It should be a privilege to have children and not a right. There are so many children that are abused and neglected because their parents are not capable of having them or even grateful for them and this needs to stop. It’s better to be up front and honest about things instead of these ghouls putting chemicals they call fluoride in our drinking water said to be horrible for us and even cause people to be more infertile.
Legalize drugs and regulate them in order to tax them. Experts believe that just like prohibition crime will go down and less people will use them. Portugal has legalized drugs with good results. I personally don’t do drugs or even drink so this has no real effect on me directly but if it would cause less people to commit crime and harm others then I am all for the deregulation of it.
If we wish to be a progressive and responsible society then we must be dedicated to a strict path in order to live a righteous life and prosper. We need to start talking real change but we need to take action right away because otherwise it will continue or possibly get worse. We could all live like kings and queens equally and in a positive world filled with light, truth and love.
I just wanted to add my recent thoughts about this post because it is what I believe could be the most natural and pure society that we could ever hope to hold and my proof is as follows: We are created through inception, then born from our mother, pubic area resemble upside inverted pyramid and then we feed on our mother’s breasts which are in the shape of a circle.
Update: November 12, 2013 – This is a part of the Harmonious Order writings that I have been blogging and tweeting about. The New World Order is NOT The Harmonious Order #harmoniousorder #goingup – #NWO #going down
The two major items that I felt were not mentioned in the report, be it on purpose, or not, are as follows:
1. Bruce Livesey stated that the toxic assets that Canadians purchased with their tax dollars was a good thing but he never mentioned exactly how much the bailout was for, why exactly it was good and whom exactly it was good for. The amount was said to be in the area of $75 BILLION DOLLARS per GlobalResearch.ca May I also take this opportunity to say that I strongly feel that it”s never okay to use tax dollars to bail out private institutions and corporations, especially when I believe that it was their own greed that made them invest in such risky investments that caused such a loss on their part. It”s not good for the people in my honest opinion because we basically paid to keep the same system a float and possibly in doing so the key players with it and also out of jail! Another disgusting thing that was mentioned by Alex Jones of Infowars.com about the American bailouts was that the taxpayers are also responsible for the compounded interest on the bailouts! Yes, I”m almost positive that same goes in Canada too because since the 70s we borrow from private financial institutions that charge us compounded interest on that which brings me to my next point,
2. Our banking system was a bit more sound than the US due to the lower Canadian 9:1 ratio which means that for every dollar the bank invests, they are only allowed to invest $9 of ours, instead of the 40:1 the US banks had going on. Pretty good, right? Well, as you saw in the previous point, we still had toxic assets because it was not a 1:1 ratio and there was still risk for the banks to invest with 9x more of our money. Next instead of borrowing from our often interest free people”s Bank of Canada our civil servants are borrowing from private institutions that charge us that nasty compounded interest. The docTRUEtary, Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land goes into this, as well as, the money printing business. It”s really eye opening if you ask me and I find that it is not a sound system and we should go back to using our people”s bank as soon as possible. Currently there are 2 Canadians suing over this because Canadians are being taxed so much in order to fund what I feel is legal loan sharking. It”s shameful and wrong on so many levels. Bill Abram, a professor, put out a very informative 25 minute video on the Canadian Banking system and the “theft” of Canadians due to the interest on interest, aka compounded interest, that occurs.
So you see that Bay Street is not the only culprit and we need monetary reform just like the Canadian Action Party platforms on. I was proud to vote for them this past March for the Toronto Danforth by-election. They only received 77 votes, but hopefully more Canadians will wake up and vote for what I feel is a true party for the people of Canada.
I forgot to mention that our Canadian Bank of Canada head, Mark Carney, was a former Goldman Sacks employee for 13 years, aye yai-yai! According to the CBC he is also currently the head of the world bank too?!
Globalization in my opinion is evil and a world bank is even more evil. Seriously, banks and money should only be about convenience so we don”t have to lug things around. It”s getting to the point where we have a spiritual mark burdening us instead as a trade off and it”s not fair. Banks and money are not more important than people and it should flow a lot more to the people to make their lives easier or it”s not working right. Jesus threw out the bankers from the temple for a reason and then he was crucified
I feel that greedy people who scam others are weak, possessed and a danger to us and our society. We need more regulations!
*** Maybe I should have said Robbing HOODS 2008 crooks that rob from the poor to give to the filthy-greedy less than 1% super rich! Super Mondo DISGUSTING!!!!
To make things right I strongly feel that the bailouts should be returned to the people and the massive debts, due to a majority of bad debt with fake AAA ratings, along with all that compounded interest all over the world be wiped out… just like the Mayans used to do every year. The people that caused the financial crisis should return all their money that the made and GO TO JAIL for at least 25 years! 2012 is all about being positive, good, moral and doing things truthfully in the light. It”s all about new beginnings and learning the universes secrets. They will never be revealed in a negative and evil world, I can guarantee you that.
Note: I have edited this almost 10x at least because I”m back from holiday and I”m not a professionally trained writer. Sure, I took English classes in high school and college but nothing major. Anyways, you all get what I am saying. If not message me via FB. Cheers!
I am starting to really get the hang of tweeting but sometimes I have more to say than the what 140 characters will allow lol I wrote a 3 part tweet last week by responding to my original tweet two times. The actual tweets are right above this blog and I put them in the actual order they need to go. It’s hard to follow that particular tweet because the first post of significance is below the other two.
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately and experiencing some visions too. Add that to my worry of mankind’s future and you have a lot of energy swirling around me. I can’t help but feel that we are still at a crossroads only inching towards making a final decision. I’m afraid that the elite may choose the wrong path for us all but I really doubt that anyone would tolerate it for long, it would ultimately confuse the universe and prohibit us from knowing what we are meant to know. The key components to any productive and advanced society are freedom and truth and without them we would never be a master race.
The elite seem to want us to live in these green cities but not everyone would like to. As long as we are given a choice and not forced into things with propaganda or poverty then some people may go willing into living in a more controlled society. I lived in a condo downtown Toronto for over 6 years and personally I wouldn’t want to do that again. I much prefer living in a house but some people really love condo life. It should be up to the individual. We would unlock all the universes great mysteries if all of mankind was happy, good, knowledgeable, ethical, truthful and positive. You can not ever achieve greatness through evil, deceit and force. In a 100% on top society things would be more clear and things would come easier to us all.
So my vision I experienced today was very vivid and a bit strange. I was experiencing my life and living as I would normally and then I see teenagers in glass containers suffering
Anyways, I have devoted my time to writing on this blog and writing our civil servants. I hope it makes a good sized dent in the future to help those that I will most likely not know. Well 50 years from now I’ll probably be still alive, though. I hope
Update: November 12, 2013 – This is a part of the Harmonious Order writings I have been blogging and tweeting about. The New World Order is NOT The Harmonious Order #harmoniousorder #goingup – #NWO #going down

I believe that man has emulated the cosmos via the world wide web. That connection we have after logging on is as though we are plugged into what some spirits themselves have referred to as “the circle” “where dead people go”. Caught on an EVP and featured on the Maury Povich show. It was during one of his ghost specials. I will have to search for it and try to find the exact clip.
The Internet is amazing because I believe that it taps directly into our psyche and into our soul, as well. We come together from all over the globe to connect and communicate with each other on a very deep and personal level.
It’s an amazing tool that if utilized can significantly benefit mankind beyond any one’s wildest expectations! It should be our main goal to develop it and protected from the tyrants and the criminals without removing any of the freedoms.
We should never try to control the internet because you could never really control the universe but you must instead learn to avoid the dark parts, just as you would in space. No dark matter and worm holes for this girl!
We also have free will, a part of the natural order, and you should not interfere with any one’s free will. Now if they decide to break the law and try to scam or hurt anyone, then they must be brought to legal justice. I am totally for that because I am a Libra, you know. The scales are my sign for a reason.
Instead we should delve further into the nets possibilities, perhaps it could be used to travel or expand ones mind in a positive way. We should always harness technology for the greater good that will benefit ALL of mankind and not just the 1%.
On another note and totally off topic. Recently I was listening to the Alex Jones show and he stated that the age of abortions has increased to born babies up to 3 years old???!!! Can I just say how TOTALLY EVIL AND DISGUSTING it is to murder anyone, including innocent unborn and born babies! I want to say it’s primitive too but it’s not even that! It’s an abomination! Stop this practice at once. Life is so precious and should be cherished, not disregarded! Remember when you are in the actual circle, you will most likely have to answer for all the wicked and sinful things you have done. Even before that don’t forget your own karma!
Come on! Really??!!! Seriously!!!! Why do I get the feeling that we Canadian taxpayers are in the 1978 movie COMA???? Time to wake up from that sleep people and demand that our government go back to using our often interest free people”s Bank of Canada to pay off our entire debt asap and when absolutely necessary in future! Also I request there be an audit of what was spent to see if us Canadians are really responsible for the irresponsible. We need new legislation on politicians because we need to separate them from the elite and corporations and get back to working for the people. It is absolutely disgusting that our world is run like this and it needs to stop right away. 100% on top!!!
Back in 2008 I started to research Canada”s real economic status and I discovered this amazing docTRUEmentary, Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land, and was shocked because all the while the dinosaur prestitute corporate media was stating otherwise?!
Thank you to Alex Jones of Infowars.com for informing everyone about how the world really works because I am now able to look deeper and investigate things for myself instead of trust what the approved media tells us. Propaganda in order to push through a New World Order agenda. No thanks! It”s time for us all to go towards the light of truth and goodness in order for us to achieve a peaceful, positive, prosperous and productive world for us all!!!
The film maker of Oh Canada gives us permission to view his film in full for free via YouTube, however, if you wish to support him or purchase the DVD then please do so at his Oh Canada film site.
Back in 2008 I started to research Canada”s real economic status and I discovered this amazing docTRUEmentary, Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land, and was shocked because all the while the dinosaur prestitute corporate media was stating otherwise?!
Thank you to Alex Jones of Infowars.com for informing everyone about how the world really works because I am now able to look deeper and investigate things for myself instead of trust what the approved media tells us. Propaganda in order to push through a New World Order agenda. No thanks! It”s time for us all to go towards the light of truth and goodness in order for us to achieve a peaceful, positive, prosperous and productive world for us all!!!
The film maker of Oh Canada gives us permission to view his film in full for free via YouTube, however, if you wish to support him or purchase the DVD then please do so at his Oh Canada film site.
I tweeted Dalton my concerns regarding smart meters because I learned they are not mandatory in the UK and the C.I.A. admitted that the “smart grid” can be used to spy on you! All I want is a choice for my fellow Ontarians and myself and not at the higher rate either because I”m aware of false anthropogenic global warming and engineered scarcity through green propaganda like in the book based on the “anti-human” UN”s Agenda 21, The Green Mask of Death. I hear that there might be an election coming up due to the budget thanks to the Liberals total abuse of the people”s tax dollars and ridiculous green programs based on junk science. Voting out these corrupt traitors is not enough! We should have new legislation that jails these crooks! Investigate this for yourself and spread the word. Write your local MP, our PM our Ontario Ombudsman. We can make good change. I had visions of warning because we can change the future now in order to make it a brighter, positive, productive and warm place where all people can live like kings and queens! The New World Order can not win but we need to take peaceful and positive action now! Anyways, here are the actual tweets and if you want to follow me on Twitter please feel free 
March 27, 2012 UPDATE!!! Guess what video is going around Facebook this morning! It”s a public health physician warning about smart meters. The people are listening and waking up! I just had to tweet Dalton that too! I want my analog meter back and at the cheap rate too because I know about the fake green based on deleted and doctored junk science! I also am aware of the “anti-human” UNs Agenda 21 which is a harsh framework that some experts state will only strip away our rights and freedoms. I personally have no intention of living like a caveman with the risk of getting sick too! NO THANKS!!! Please check out the video below the the actual tweets:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/n7L21XOC2wA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen
My husband and I went to California this past summer it was really beautiful and the weather was so perfect! We also visited the Griffith Observatory there and it was incredible too! The view was so intense and spectacular too. We even noticed a section of the museum dedicated to Nikola Tesla. I had seen a documentary about him before because he was an amazing inventor but his inventions weren’t the kind to make money, only advance mankind and make our lives better. Free energy was possible but quickly smothered???
Why would they do something like that? Well I have one word for you… MONEY! How could they make money on it? They couldn’t so they tricked Mr. Tesla and burred the technology. DISGUSTING! There have been more inventors, more amazing technological advances and more cover ups since then. I think it’s about time to shine a light on this because I am sick to tears of this intentional primitive by greed garbage. For the good of mankind should be the driving force to do anything!
For those people that buy all this green garbage based on bad science, just ask yourselves one thing… do you like being conned? I certainly don’t. There is nothing wrong with wanting to live in a free and good society! No one should be bullied or harassed because of it either.
In the bright future, in a productive and positive society, money will not exist. The chains and burdens of it will be dropped, as well. Only happy people that are 100% on top. One for all and all for one. This 1% nonsense is anti human and evil. The time is here to evolve towards a peaceful and knowledgeable society whether you like it or not. The seed has already been planted and it’s too late to stop it no matter what you do. Please let go of all the negativity and hate and ask for forgiveness. You are a part of the 100% and we need it to be pure.
Why would they do something like that? Well I have one word for you… MONEY! How could they make money on it? They couldn’t so they tricked Mr. Tesla and burred the technology. DISGUSTING! There have been more inventors, more amazing technological advances and more cover ups since then. I think it’s about time to shine a light on this because I am sick to tears of this intentional primitive by greed garbage. For the good of mankind should be the driving force to do anything!
For those people that buy all this green garbage based on bad science, just ask yourselves one thing… do you like being conned? I certainly don’t. There is nothing wrong with wanting to live in a free and good society! No one should be bullied or harassed because of it either.
In the bright future, in a productive and positive society, money will not exist. The chains and burdens of it will be dropped, as well. Only happy people that are 100% on top. One for all and all for one. This 1% nonsense is anti human and evil. The time is here to evolve towards a peaceful and knowledgeable society whether you like it or not. The seed has already been planted and it’s too late to stop it no matter what you do. Please let go of all the negativity and hate and ask for forgiveness. You are a part of the 100% and we need it to be pure.
It’s more than just being positive, you must with every fiber of your being go with the light because what comes with that is the greatest of rewards. The sweet life, aka la dolci vita, and true happiness can only be achieved if you are worthy of it. I see some bloated elites and they look so cold and bitter. I can tell you that they are not fully enjoying life and I can guarantee that they won’t enjoy the afterlife either.
The very first thing we should do is stop borrowing money from private institutions. We should then pay off our massive debt with a loan from the people”s often interest free Bank of Canada and then set up a reasonable pay back system of the money that we really owe. I find it hard to believe that we taxpayers are responsible for the irresponsible and others that are not on the up and up. All future spending must be approved by the taxpayers by means of a secure online vote. Seems like most politicians are under the spell of some elite, corporations, the UN and their socialistic agendas.
Bring in laws to remove politicians that are not performing to make the taxpayers lives better. We should be able to fire politicians that have brought in dangerous legislation and useless acts, such as, the Green Energy Act. Smart meters are said to drive up the cost of power and their is concern that they may cause health problems. The UK rejected them recently because of that and more. I read the article via Infowars.com and even posted it in the FaceBook Group Dalton McGuinty, Up Yours. Great group, you should join! We should also be able to investigate and hopefully charge corrupt politicians too! When you don”t act on the best interest of the people, make sweetheart deals and cause them misery, then you should go to JAIL!!!
Bring in strict immigration laws that only allow those that have valuable skills and money. No more entry to those in Ontario that are immediately sent to our welfare system. Those that are currently on welfare should be given 6 months to find a job or be deported.
We must also change the social assistance program because it should only be temporary. I say that it should be limited to either six months to one year. Those that are currently on it and disabled should go to their doctor to prove it to and apply for disability.
Bring in tariffs to companies that want to import goods here rather than produce them here. We must localize again. Good things gro-O-Ow in OntariO! Stop giving away our natural resources too. Our gas, oil and hydro prices could be so cheap and we Canadians would probably be a heck of a lot more rich if our politicians were really about the people.
One last thing. They should NOT bring in austerity measures, never touch our health care and pensions unless it is to add to them. The people had nothing to do with this crisis. According to Alex Jones this is a global thing and the debt is manufactured in order to drive us into poverty. Less money = less kids. Also he stated that it”s easy to control us if we are poor. So sad. And that news about inflation going down was total B.S., if anything prices have gone up even more. I”m not impressed at all and it”s time that the people started demanding better peacefully and getting more involved peacefully too. Enough is enough.
Bring in laws to remove politicians that are not performing to make the taxpayers lives better. We should be able to fire politicians that have brought in dangerous legislation and useless acts, such as, the Green Energy Act. Smart meters are said to drive up the cost of power and their is concern that they may cause health problems. The UK rejected them recently because of that and more. I read the article via Infowars.com and even posted it in the FaceBook Group Dalton McGuinty, Up Yours. Great group, you should join! We should also be able to investigate and hopefully charge corrupt politicians too! When you don”t act on the best interest of the people, make sweetheart deals and cause them misery, then you should go to JAIL!!!
Bring in strict immigration laws that only allow those that have valuable skills and money. No more entry to those in Ontario that are immediately sent to our welfare system. Those that are currently on welfare should be given 6 months to find a job or be deported.
We must also change the social assistance program because it should only be temporary. I say that it should be limited to either six months to one year. Those that are currently on it and disabled should go to their doctor to prove it to and apply for disability.
Bring in tariffs to companies that want to import goods here rather than produce them here. We must localize again. Good things gro-O-Ow in OntariO! Stop giving away our natural resources too. Our gas, oil and hydro prices could be so cheap and we Canadians would probably be a heck of a lot more rich if our politicians were really about the people.
One last thing. They should NOT bring in austerity measures, never touch our health care and pensions unless it is to add to them. The people had nothing to do with this crisis. According to Alex Jones this is a global thing and the debt is manufactured in order to drive us into poverty. Less money = less kids. Also he stated that it”s easy to control us if we are poor. So sad. And that news about inflation going down was total B.S., if anything prices have gone up even more. I”m not impressed at all and it”s time that the people started demanding better peacefully and getting more involved peacefully too. Enough is enough.
I have been stewing this around in my head for a while now but will attempt today to get out as much as possible. It is currently a work in progress because I may add to it later.
These laws of the Natural Order are already known but often ignored. Even if they are recognized on a subconscious level it is each and every beings responsibility to dig deep inside themselves to discover, know and practice.
The Laws Of The Natural Order
Abide by the ten commandments. In this day and age we all need a good foundation. Even if you are not Catholic it is a good set of rules you should recognize. We should also be aware of the Seven Deadly Sins because they are man’s biggest weakness.
Love & Empathy. Caring is key to everything and anything. When I read tarot cards I always include that sincerity and find that it actually has furnished me with very accurate readings. Our current society is so cold and people look like they are lost. Even our leaders seem lost. They can not possibly connect like that. I wish they would realize that and find it in their hearts to turn on their spiritual flame. Once both the mind and the heart are in sync then the universe is truly yours.
Be moral and ethical. Even if it means a loss of profit and always put people first before profit.
No one should EVER interfere with another individuals free will. It seems today that more and more people are sneaking in things that are not good for the person. Water fluoridation, artificial sweeteners, BPA, GMOs, vaccines, etc. NaturalNews.com and Infowars.com discusses these things on a regular basis.
A persons freedom of speech should never be hindered. You may not always agree with the person and their views, however, if you prevent them from speaking out then you will put an end to it altogether. Now if people talk violent things and/or act on things that are against the law then they will be legally responsible.
No man should be another mans slave fore we were all made in the image of GOD! No need to explain that any further because it’s pretty straight forward!
Controlled and corrupt systems are against the natural order. Mind control and deception are used in these types of systems, just like the exact same tools that pathetic demons use. They hate God and his people, just like the evil elites, this and their ways are an abomination. Savage behavior equals a savage society and the key to a civilized society is a well informed public. Quote from Under The Dome by Stephen King.
Allow the positive advancement of mankind. You should never get in the way of bettering the world for man and the animals.
Protect the vulnerable. It seems that the obsolete new world order feed on the vulnerable instead of protect them. Do this without taking away their freedoms and rights too. The natural order will eventually catch up with them and I can guarantee them that. Sooner rather than later, I hope.
Never EVER manipulate weather and/or nature. God is the one and only creator and has made the perfect world for the ones that he created in his image.
War should never be the solution. In this day and age our leaders should be mature enough and intelligent enough to discuss things with other leaders for the greater good. I understand that if you are attacked on your sole, not by false flag means (attacking yourselves in order to go to war), then you have the right to protect your people.
Never interfere with good people. It seems that good people are constantly attacked and this has got to change. Allowing goodness will benefit us all. 100% on top.
Human and animal rights should never be removed or ignored. Dictatorships should never be allowed. We must all have a choice.
The evil and greedy should be removed from our civilized society. If you are an immoral person that is not striving to change and acts on your evils then you should be removed and isolated from the rest of the world. You should have never have any influence or control.
Immoral money practices should be banned. Compounded Interest is the first thing that comes to mind that should be immediately removed. The regulations need to be reinstated also.
Allow the people to lead themselves. I still feel we need a government, however, it must be greatly reduced and know it’s place. Politicians need to be psychologically tested before they can even run. Laws need to be put forth that will allow the people to remove and charge anyone in government that lies, cheats, takes money, etc.. The internet is a great tool and we must have a 100% secure site that allows online voting. We THE PEOPLE direct the way our country goes.
It is never right to use evil for good. Every time you do wrong, even if you think it’s for right, you will pay in the end.
Choose the side of goodness, truth and light. It is a constant battle that we must fight with ourselves. Our free will allows us the choice but our souls will pay for what we decide later.
Investigate all information prior to making a set decision. Just because the mainstream media tells you something doesn’t always necessarily mean that it’s true. Being trendy is often a result of being misinformed. Alex Jones of Infowars.com fascinates me because he tells it like it is. I often find it very difficult to hear what he is saying but I know it’s my responsibility to listen, as it should be to everyone else, as well. I always look into what he talks about too… to this day he speaks the truth. He brings importance to things that often go unnoticed. It’s like he has one single puzzle piece and knows what the picture is before finishing the puzzle. He’s a genuine genius.
We should all live like kings and queens. I strongly believe that if we follow the laws of the natural order and the ten commandments we could. Each and every human being here is very special and has a God given right to have a share in the natural abundance gifted to us by the one that created us in his image. I see a world that provides us with everything we need at no cost. Those that live on stepping on others and keeping them down in order to live well off their suffering should be stripped of their own privileges and removed from our society to live in solitude until they are purged of their sickness.
You should never benefit at anothers expense. Always treat people with respect and kindness. If you profit then they should also. It’s a very sad thing to hear about companies that use people in 3rd world countries with very little to no regulations and with extremely low pay. I used to work for a really good man that would pay his employees well because he believed in treating people right because happy people make the best employees. He would also contribute 10% of his earnings to charity too! I really respected him and do value the book he gave me to read about his life and family.
You should never use force, trickery and/or deceit. When things are built using evil as the foundation they NEVER stand the test of time and will definitely collapse. Even using half truths or publishing your intent to go about a future tyrannical society should NEVER be practiced and allowed. It is very wrong on so many levels because it is all about control and that is one thing that can not be prohibited in a natural and pure world.
Update: November 12, 2013 – This is a part of the Harmonious Order writings that I have been blogging and tweeting about. The New World Order is NOT The Harmonious Order #harmoniousorder #goingup – #NWO #going down
Hulk Gravy is probably really good but it does look toxic. I bet it’s way better for you than chemical fluoride!
Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com has discussed water fluoridation in great detail on his website, NaturalNews.com and on Infowars.com with Alex Jones. He even created an amazing documentary called“The Fluoride Deception”. The documentary is only 12 minutes long approximately, but the information is massive and very important. The doc stated that the facts in the doc pertain to most cities that use water fluoridation. The fluoride put in our city drinking water is not naturally occurring calcium fluoride. The chemicals they call fluoride that are forced in our city drinking water are said to be the result of factory waste?! Those exact same chemicals they are forcing into our water are BANNED to dump into the environment by the EPA?!!!
There is no prescription and no set dosage for what is said to be ” mass medication”. It is also said that there are no proven benefits to water fluoridation, only ill side effects like cancer, brain damage, bone damage, kidney damage, thyroid damage, etc.?! Fluoride is said to build and accumulate in our bones and University of Toronto conducted a study on fluoride . “Fluoridation is no longer effective,” said Hardy Limeback, head of the University of Toronto”s preventive dentistry program. Considering all the dangerous effects of fluoride consumption, in fact, he concluded that fluoridation is “more harmful than beneficial.”. Quoted from a Nov. 15, 2011 letter by Dr. Hardy Limeback, professor and head of preventive dentistry at the University of Toronto.
The letter also read, in part, that Limeback has “personally conducted years of funded research at the University of Toronto on the topic of fluorosis (fluoride poisoning) and bone effects of fluoride intake. A bone study, for which we received national funding, comparing hip bones of people who live in Toronto (fluoridated since 1963) to the bones of people from Montreal (Montreal has never been fluoridated) suggests disturbing negative changes in the bone quality of Torontonians. This is not good.”
Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ – Published in Federal Gov’t Journal
Would we drink suntan lotion to prevent a sunburn? Of course NOT! That would be very toxic for us so how in God”s name is drinking those chemicals they call fluoride okay? Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com stated that even if you don’t drink it experts have stated that the chemicals they call fluoride have particles so tiny they even pass through water filters and your skin when you bathe. I stopped taking baths but still shower daily and am forced to use that water that is said to be very bad for me?! What about the poor people that have no choice but to drink the city tap water and bathe in it also?!! Toothpaste is so cheap and it lasts so long. Plus, it”s said that topical use of fluoride is more effective and anyone who wants it could use it. I personally don”t, but that”s my choice! We should not be forced to use it if we don”t want to but yet they do?!!
It’s absolutely disgusting to say the least! I wrote Ford about the fluoride facts many times and he simply thanked me for the info but continues to leave it in our city of Toronto tap water???!!! I went on to post that info on his Facebook wall and it was deleted??? I wrote my city Councillor for Toronto Danforth Ward 29 and another, as well. I sent them the link to the “Fluoride Deception” documentary too. My Councillor did not respond back to me but the other did and he thanked me for the info. The ignorant, the poor and the vulnerable seem to be purposely kept in the dark while they are consuming this garbage with complete trust! And why shouldn”t they!! It”s not their fault for trusting a system that should be pure and not corrupted. The system seems to have taken advantage of their trust and this needs to be corrected immediately.
If these chemicals they call fluoride are not good for our teeth or us then why? It is said that this is due to the 1% ghouls of the new world order to control us with this said mass medication and reduce our fertility?! Alex Jones has explained this in great detail… I know it sounds so crazy but he said all his information is taken from the elites own documents?! See Infowars.com for more details.
We taxpayers even pay for those chemicals they call fluoride to be put in our drinking water, approximately $2 million a year, and that needs to stop right away because of the side effects and high cost! This is so wrong and evil on so many levels. Shame on the people in charge for continuing to keep these chemicals in our water even after knowing the information! The chemicals they call fluoride need to be removed yesterday! I feel so strongly about this because I know it”s the right thing to do. It”s a real shame that the majority of our leaders and civil servants seem to forget the basic principals of morality and that should be a chargeable offense!
Got to the actual report just update to current year or year before. I checked & 2012 still the same.
This proves per the 2011 WTS report that the city of Tororonto does not use naturally occurring calcium fluoride but instead Hydrofluorosilic Acid, the same stuff Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com spoke of in his mini doc, The Fluoride Deception. The following is a sample to Mosaicco’s material safety data sheet or MSDS sheet for Hydrofluosilic Acid is harmful or fatal if swallowed. I am going to look up the MSDS sheets for the other chemicals listed in the report and I hope you do too, as well. Not sure of the exact source of the Hydrofluosilic Acid so Mosaicco may not be the actually supplier. I just wanted to show you what a general MSDS listed for that chemical and if it was safe to ingest, or not and it doesn”t seem to be at all.
I know that there was a group of people that managed to get the fluoride in our city of Toronto water reduced by 40% but that is not enough. We need it out of our water completely and we need to review the other chemicals we are using too. I understand that we can use ultra violet light to kill harmful microorganisms. We have to look to new processes and advance because human beings are very sensitive to chemicals and they should be eliminated as much as possible. Cancer is on the riseand I”m sure that we could reduce it significantly by getting away from all those harsh chemicals. I can go on about preservatives, chemicals and artificial agents in our food and food containers too. I will save that for another time. Google it in the meantime if you wish.
***I forgot to mention that other cities have already removed chemical fluoride from their city drinking water! Calgary, Waterloo and Windsor are some Canadian cities that I heard about but as you will see there are many more! You would think Toronto would have by now since we are said to be such a major Canadian city.
***UPDATE!!! July 24, 2013 PHD Student and peaceful activist, Ashley Jessica, is organizing a peaceful anti fluoride rally at Toronto City Hall September 21, 2013 at 1pm!!! Thank you so much for doing this, Ashley! So glad you are one of my Facebook Friends! Here is the website athttp://www.endfluoridetoronto.com/ There is a petition there too so please sign it
Please consider signing the following petition to request that city council stop fluoridating our tap water.Change.org Online Petition “Toronto City Council: Stop Fluoridating Toronto’s Tap Water!”.
***UPDATE: January 2012 – I contacted PETA about my concerns with chemical fluoride in the city tap water for both humans and animals. They got back to me right away, thanked me for the information and suggested that I start an online petition which I did and here is the link. I would greatly appreciate if you would take a minute to go over it and hopefully sign. *Edited July 24, 2013* Changed to the new petition by Ashley Jessica because we have both decided to combine our petitions together. Change.org Online Petition “Toronto City Council: Stop Fluoridating Toronto’s Tap Water!”.
****Update #2 April 11, 2012: Windsor Utilities Admin admits source of chemicals they call fluoride that is forced into the city water used in fact includes factory waste?! I wrote the Ministry of the Environment at the Ontario Ombudsman”s staff suggestion today and hopefully this will put an end of the use of these chemicals. I also made of copy of the Windsor Utilities Admin”s admission clip just in case it ends up in the memory hole. Oh I also sent that same clip to PETA. Something has got to give I find it so hard to believe that so many are unwilling to expose this evil. Look at what happened with the PINK SLIME… we need to ride the coat tails of that if nothing else seems to work. If that doesn’t do it then I believe that a joint lawsuit would be ideal. We can’t just do nothing! So many people are consuming that garbage because they trust the system that seems to purposely keep them in the dark in order to most likely use them as nothing more than free filters and turn a profit thanks to the civil servants that just follow orders
The Occupy movement is said to have been manufactured by the same people and their corruption that the peaceful protesters are resisting today. Why? To control the inevitable revolution so it won’t really go anywhere. Alex Jones of Infowars.com and some of his guests broke this down… order out of chaos.
Just before the eviction of Occupy Toronto I noticed a lot more people were aware of the truth and speaking openly about wanting sound money, protective legislation, clean food and water, etc.. I was truly impressed and I felt very hopeful for the future. Then the eviction went down and I felt that it was because some people in the movement were actually starting to spread awareness to the real issues and the truth about our broken systems. Oh and Rob Ford saying the protest is over was just silly. Doesn’t he understand that this is a global movement due to the corruption in our world today that has caused so many distress. More and more people are being pushed into poverty so until things get better you are going to have people protest. It’s so sad that we have a time limit on our peaceful assembly, but there are ways around it like protesting in shifts. Maybe a 24/7 protest is something that should be considered if it is within the law. Who knows anymore because it seems to be changed to what suits the system, unfortunately.
Anyways, back to the engineered revolution…
I feel that the movement could go on to benefit mankind if the foundation of the protest is secured with truth and freedom, like free speech. Many in the occupy group have been censored and ignored because they are not speaking like the people at the top. Who are the people that organized this movement? Why are they hidden? What is their real agenda? Why do they used the people’s mic so much? Can’t they just have a microphone and take turns speaking? And I would take another look at that fist symbol, seems like it was used before in Serbia and now they are acting as consultants but the question is for who?
There are a lot of good people partaking in the movement too but they don’t seem happy. I was on the Occupy Toronto livestream tonight and witnessed the discontent of some members because they felt that they were being ignored and not allowed to speak. They also wanted to break away from using the “people’s mic” because it seems to take too much time. I for one agree with that and it sounds so cultish too, as if only one set of beliefs are permitted. I feel that a real and good movement is not controlled… our system is so controlled and look at how corrupt it is. We have laws that seem to act against the people and protect the elite and their corps. They have laws that protect their evil too?! When something is that restrictive then the good gets stuck.
I see a lot of peaceful protesters break off from this occupy movement to the peaceful truth movement because the more people that know the more will take peaceful action. Just this past Friday I did not spend a dime because first off I don’t agree with Black Friday at all. Why is that garbage here in Canada, anyways? Stampeding people in a sort of heat for inanimate objects?! One shopper even pepper sprayed people for a video game system? I believe it was an Xbox? Crazy! Anyways, we can make a real difference but peace, love, freedom (freedom of speech and ideas) and truth must steer the movement, not a few people taking orders from the ones on top (like a pyramid) with a hidden agenda that may be protecting their new world order at any cost.
Very interesting documentary piece I saw on TVO the other week and it’s already on Youtube. Please share this in order to share the truth so that the peaceful protesters can grow and make this movement actually into a positive and productive one that will better our society and make real and good change. They don’t have the html code on there but at least I can link it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoCrUXMBYrc
Thanks for your time and God Bless+
Anna Sophia
I find that this occupy movement is the perfect opportunity to demand good change peacefully and spread awareness to the issues. I would like to end our use of the fractional reserve system, the creation of money practically out of thin air at approximately ten times the interest or more! Compounded interest is very nasty and I expect our Canadian gov’t to go back to borrowing from our people’s Bank of Canada because it is usually at zero interest as explained in the “Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land”, doc that streams free on YouTube with the filmmakers permission. Next I expect that we make public the $186 Billion dollar “Canadian bank bailout” I discovered on Google!!! After I saw the above mentioned documentary I was curious if our government bailed out any private institutions like the states and according to a couple articles and blogs they had. I want to know 100% asap! This is disgusting! We only have approximately 40 million people here and we can’t afford such a thing. That needs to be reversed immediately! We the taxpayer should not be in the business in saving any private company and bank!
I also think it’s about time that we had information on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, aka North American Union because I want a vote on it! I don’t want to lose our sovereignty. What is this undemocratic globalization business! Our politicians forget who they work for and it’s not the 1% elite.
You know a lot of people have labeled Alex Jones a kook and conspiracy theorist but in my opinion he is anything but! Thanks to Mr. Jones I learned about so many truths like the cancer business, 92 side effects of aspartame, toxic chemicals they call fluoride they force in our drinking water without a prescription and so much more. I owe a lot to him thanks to his information and truths. I am saddened that our mainstream media today seems more like they are in the practice of disinformation and distractions for the mere purpose of keeping the public in the dark! SHAME!!!
I wrote about direct democracy years ago involving the people being able to vote via the net. I strongly believe that we need to be able to do that in order to stop the banksters, politicians and media that have gone wild. It seems they can’t even help it anymore and probably want to stop but are not able to. They need a peaceful intervention. This is not right at all. We need to bring the system back and only run it properly with the highest morals and standards. People before profit! Money should not be the determining factor, we need to always benefit man and mankind. I strongly feel that we need to get back to making things in Canada for Canadians again, growing and consuming the majority of our own food too and eliminating GMOs, preservatives & chemicals in our food and drinks. I want people to have more choices too. It seems that the only things we have in Canada profit corporations more than it’s people.
We need to talk about the GOOD direction we want our society to go and not how dirty and drugged out a few peaceful occupy protesters are. I can only offer some ideas but together we should be allowed to vote on the kind of world we want to live in and our future generations. It shouldn’t be up to a few people that seem to me to be very heartless and totally insane. Alex Jones explains the shadow government in his documentary End Game that streams free on YouTube or you can purchase the HQ DVD via his site Infowars.com. Oh and for those that think he is full of it, he only provides facts that are taken from the elites own documents. Research it and see for yourself. You don’t need to take my word for it or his. If it wasn’t true then we shouldn’t have all these problems today. Somethings up and we need to get to the bottom of it because it can’t go on like this anymore. It’s just so wrong on so many levels. Man deserves to be in the garden. God made this earth and everything on it for us to use positively. It’s our God given right to do so and anyone that infringes upon our rights, tries to trick us or hurt us should be investigated and hopefully arrested and sued!
It’s all so simple, really. There is no need to get wrapped up in confusing and unnecessary terminology to find a solution to this horrid global financial mess. Our problem is that there are not enough good laws, only laws that seem to benefit the 1%. If we had tough legislation and regulations to protect the 99% I feel that we would not see the world in so much economic trouble. Even our beautiful Ontario in so much debt and peril, approximately $300 BILLION dollars plus compounded interest was last years total!
The truth is that there are no laws to protect us from boot licking puppet wannabe globalists andcurrently our only solution is to vote those destructive politicians out??!!! That’s not enough and we should all peacefully demand new laws right away from our civil servants to be able to fire those puppets right away then be able to investigate them, charge them if they are found guilty and jail them. They are here to work for us to make out lives better. What has been allowed to happen is beyond destructive and evil.
What I personally did about it was write PM Harper and requested new legislation. No word back from him, as of yet. I would love it if others would contact him peacefully and calmly too. You can call, write or email him. He even has a Facebook page. My brother always told me that the squeaky wheel always gets the grease. Let’s start standing up and speaking out peacefully and demanding new laws that will protect us from the greedy and the scammers immediately.
I was on the livestream chats for occupytoronto and occupywallstreet and I found that there was a lot of censoring going on. I saw people told not to speak about certain things? I found that to be a real infringement upon our freedom of speech. No one was swearing or making threats at all so there was no need in my opinion to do that. Alex Jones said that this occupy movement was started by the system to control it? I know a lot of good people are a part of it so I am sure that they will try and make it a good thing for the 99%.
To the 1%, you are not gods. You are a part of something bigger, we are like a puzzle piece, connecting together so not one is better than the other. It is very important that you stop trying to force the world to go the way you want and just let go and see where we end up. Trying to influence only defies the natural order. Let mankind advance into a superior race. One that does not have a need for war, greed, suffering and artificial bastardization, as in GMOs, non natural treatments and processed foods. Let us go back to nature and simple ways while harnessing technology to work for us. No more propaganda to control the unaware masses in order to direct them to want what you want?! Localization of industry, food and politics is what I agree with also. This new world order is obsolete because it is not democratic at all and only seems to hurt the majority of people. The force that combines us wants us to shed our skins and leave that behind to prosper together as the 100%. What are you so afraid of? Wouldn’t it be interesting if we were allowed to be what we were meant to be.
I just want to write a little blurb about how cowardly and weak those cockroach ghouls must be to hurt defenseless and unaware people that are purposely kept in the dark to their draconian world they are creating in the shadows. I mean what’s the point of doing it like that? It’s exactly like shooting someone in the back! There is no way that those evil sub creatures will actually win because it defies the natural order. So many have been hurt or even killed because of their lies and deception. I am just here to say that more and more people know the truth, you know, the stuff that Alex Jones talks about on his daily internet radio show on Infowars.com and his nightly news cast on Prisonplanet.tv. I don’t know about you but 1% of the world’s population should not dictate how the rest of us 99% should live or shouldn’t live. It’s just plain out of balance!!!
Here is my solution to Toronto”s financial problems, over an estimated $3 Billion dollar total debt, with compounded interest, per Ford himself during his mayoral campaign. At first I thought that Toronto needed a diet but after careful consideration I decided that it”s more like an intervention for the people at city hall. Their spending has gotten out of control and now they are starting to drink the gravy down there instead of stop it! We must treat the 2012 budget shortfall like an out of control junkie and quit enabling it. Toronto civil servants need to get off the gravy and get back to reality. There should not be any increases to property taxes, no cuts to essential services, no to selling of our assets without the tax payers okay, no to toll roads, end the Toronto land transfer fees and no to out of control spending at city hall. We must freeze all the perks aka gravy, including the ones for city hall workers and cut their pay by 10% until the debt and shortfall are paid in full. When Toronto is back in black then we can see what we can afford! See, simple! If special interest groups want a hand out then they should look to private donations and stop putting it on the backs of the working poor and middle class. Rob Ford”s platform assured us that he would respect us, not raise taxes and stop the gravy train at city hall. Now there is talk of a 30-35% property tax increase and cuts to our services? I can”t help but feel that this is some sort of scare tactic! He should have never cut the $60 vehicle tax and freeze current property tax increases until after a good solution to stopping the “gravy train” at city hall! Now it seems like a manufactured crises to get even more tax hikes from the Toronto tax payers! When I was watching the budget talks live via internet feed at city hall this week, I found out that the $774 million shortfall number was just an estimate?! They said it could only be $300 – 700 million?! I say get your facts straight and handle it on the end of the ones that dropped the ball, specifically city hall civil servants. It”s like giving an unemployed student a credit card and then they max it out. The student will end up with bad credit in the long run and having to pay off the debt plus compounded interest. Does the student expect others to pay his or her debt for them.. their parents? A good parent won”t and we shouldn”t have to bail out irresponsible Toronto city hall civil servants either. Our politicians should not try to burden the tax payer any longer because they are only going to end up driving us out of house and home. The people that live paycheck to paycheck, seniors, etc. deserve to continue to live in their homes. If our pensions and our pays don”t go up to match inflation, especially by 35%, then they should not raise taxes at all, but instead cut taxes! It is proven that when taxes are cut, spending is up, and prosperity is on the rise! Property taxes are a form of rent and you can”t raise rent by more than .7% each year. I heard that property taxes were only supposed to be a temporary thing after the war via Alex Jones Infowars.com, yet here we are still paying them?! I feel that a joint suit would be best if our civil servants are foolish enough to try to do that.
“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”, Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Motion. So much evil and negative energy has occurred at the hands of the greedy pigs and now it’s our move. I have an overwhelming feeling of positive energy. I see an inverted pyramid which should be our symbol, the symbol of the light. Make it with your hands as you smile knowing and trusting that we will peacefully conquer the evil ones with pure hearts and solid truths. No more will we trust the talking heads from the glowing box because we are not your zombies.
We shall not be afraid of your putrid propaganda that was only used to control us like hungry sheep. You are not gods and your souls are in peril. Starving children in order to take their pictures for money is beyond disgusting. Sell your jewels, mansions and private jets to help. Give your billions to those that need it.
The devil works for GOD and he is not impressed. His job is to cure you from yourselves and it will be a very harsh road if you do not change your ways. Please join us, you are welcome. Do not turn your back on humanity.
The symbol of our freedom should be an inverted pyramid – 100% of the people on top of established rules set forth to protect us and our human rights along with a solid foundation of technology and information.
You are not better than anyone else. We are not a virus. This offer is fading fore the window is closing. You can not beg for forgiveness on your death beds, this is not how it works. Wouldn’t it be interesting if we worked together for a greater good and strive to be the best.
The inverted pyramid symbol reminds me of my time in Paris at the Louvre, hence the photograph of the inverted pyramid at the Louvre.
My Green Snake
Saturday, June 4th, 2011 at 10:07 pm
To dream in color is fantastic, I have been for a while now, since I was a child. It’s not a regular occurrence, but a frequent thing. When I do, it’s as though I am receiving a message from a divine spirit, perhaps God? I hope it is God. I know it sounds strange, however, I have always known that they are important and not like your average dream.
The day I was experiencing a vivid altered state of conscience. I guess I became aware of it when I saw it… the green snake protruding from my left breast! Right through my nipple?! It was shocking!!! I grabbed it and pulled it out. I immediately threw it in the bathtub and tried to compose myself. Almost instantly I knew that I could not kill it. It was a part of me. I found it a new home that was similar to my breast. I then went on with my life, not my real life, but one that seemed like a parallel dimension, very similar to sliders. One of the best shows ever by the way. Anyways, back to my dream. It was me, but not me, and it was definitely not my life. I was a minimum wage worker that worked in the Eaton’s Centre at a pizza place. I decided to not to work there anymore and I recall my boss giving me a few choice words.
How do I relate this to my life? Well I feel that the snake is my demon or demons. I have overcome them. I believe that it is so minuscule, like a bad habit that I am getting over, similar to nail biting that stemmed deeper from a childhood trauma. I know that it will always be a part of me so that’s why I could not kill it. This will make me stronger and strive for better things, just like in my vision.
Another thing I have gotten over is my fear of imminent doom. I recall my brother in law telling me about alternative media and it was as though I was thrown into a very cold pool. I was given all this information that was mostly based on documents and facts, and it seemed so horrid. I have learned that I can peacefully make a difference in my every day life. At the same time I know that we should not be stricken daily with the worse scenario because it will make you sick with worry. I know that when you are introduced to information that is so shocking you almost feel as though you have been shot. I am the type of person that is known for being helpful but now I feel limited because in my Country our freedom of speech is limited.
I don’t even feel like writing any more. I guess it’s time for me to move on and just keep my thoughts, visions/dreams and philosophies to myself. I’m so sad
I would never take my own life, hurt anyone or do anything that is against the law or viewed as wrong. I do not do drugs, I do not drink, I do not smoke and I do not have any mental problems. I am very rational and have documented proof that I am valuable asset and meticulous. I have been certified to perform audits based on ISO standards because I’m so organized. I have over 10 years experience in accounting and banking. I am not on welfare, I have graduated from high school and college. Just because I learned facts, based mostly on the elites own documents, and I learned about the poisons does not make me a bad person. I am shocked that Sun TV would label people that question things conspiracy theorists. Sun TV should be called Harper’s Beat, except he seems to have no pulse. Why do our leaders seem to forsake us, Lord? What have we done to live in such a cold and horrible world??? Are money and power really worth such suffering?
I believe that the devil serves God and is not all powerful at all. His or Her only purpose is to keep the natural order. To contain evil and purge it, if possible. I can not imagine how much time it will take for the greedy-evil elite that is causing so much pain and suffering on our earth to the innocent right now. I have said my peace for now and I hope that things will get better. I have seen a few things that give me hope, like when Harper stated that we will not give to the G8 foreign aid because we already give to the IMF and how he is not jumping into the carbon tax, but am I being naive? Is there any hope? I know that evil never wins but is this my Mount Olive moment of doubt? When things seem the most helpless that is when good change seems to happen.
Filed under: Creating A Perfect Utopia - The Harmonious Order • Daily • Fighting The End Of Days • My Para
I saw the 2010 movie Devil last weekend. I was curious as to why the “devil” would show up in an elevator? I mean the powerful and famous beast wouldn’t waste his or her time unless it was important.
I found this movie to be better than expected. I liked how the stories of each character came together. I also better understand that sometimes we need evil to control evil. It sounds crazy but you need to watch the movie to understand what I’m talking about. All I will say is we all must pay for our sins.
This movie is especially for the greedy that feed on evil to gain money and power with no regard for their fellow man. If we need the devil to take care of them then so be it. I get it now. I know that there can’t be good without evil. Positive and negative. HOWEVER, we must remember that in order to have the perfect balance we must not feed our dark side and never take advantage or harm the innocent.
Humans aren’t evil, greedy humans are. It’s because of the greedy we are so primitive today. We would be far more advanced if we were allowed to progress instead of being held back by financial vampires.
I have faith in the natural order. I know that those that have the power to end hunger and suffering, but don’t, will see the devil and it won’t be to share a drink, either. You see the more evil you are, the more the devil will imprison your soul until it is purged. Is it possible to clean the filthiest of souls? Time heals all wounds. Will they repent before this happens and help their fellow man. You see we are all connected. If you hurt one person, you are really hurting yourself.
I am going to take some time off to think about things. I have written some notes about the laws of the natural order. I think it’s very important and the world needs to establish some sort of balance by being positive and good.
**** I just want to add that I figure the so called devil really is a servant of God. If people do horrible things because they feel that the darkness and evil are more powerful then they are terrible wrong. I know without a doubt that God who is the light is the all powerful master. We should only serve God peacefully and with a pure heart.
Harper & Obama both seemed like really good people with great intentions before while campaigning, but when elected it seemed as though they were changed, as if they were sucked into the 70s horror film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I do understand that they may not have been completely innocent, though. Harper is said to like globalism and Obama was said to have been bread to run the country for Wall Street and the elite. Regardless, monitoring leaders would also deter people from running with ulterior motives. You know those that are true would understand and appreciate the measures that the people took to ensure that they could run their country freely to prosper without being harassed by the evil and immoral people of the world.
Some use religion as an excuse to do such filthy things but just know that God does not condone it and will not pardon them, I can 100% guarantee that. I think they need some sort of intervention because they are so addicted to things that are not really important that they seem they know not what they do. I like how Michael Rivero of WhatReallyHappened.com calls them money addicts and he is absolutely correct. Instead of progressing for the good of all mankind these evil ghouls are only concerned for themselves. This is very evil and very wrong yet they persist as if they love the evil and satan. Well he will rape them over and over again and there will be nothing that they can do to stop him if they continue their lust.
I just finished reading In A Dark Place by Ray Garton the true story. It’s an out of print book but I managed to score a copy off of Amazon. It’s also know as the Haunting Connecticut that was featured on Discovery A Haunting. A story of a family living in a rental that used to be a funeral home. The evil was not because of the funeral home, though. It was about what happened there and it was from WEAKNESS! Weakness like of those who are lusting for money and power. Absolute evil only consumes them into darkness and negative energy. They will lose and it will defecate their soul into nothingness until they are purged, if ever. They say time heals all wounds, however, it may take an eternity or more for some.
Webster Griffen Tarpley, yet another hero of mine, of Tarpley.net exposes the money hungry demons that MURDER THE INNOCENT in the name of all that is unholy. More and more see them and the darkness they represent, even though they try to package it with LIES! I am telling so many key people here in Toronto! So many more know of their DEMONIC GAME!!! They are said not to be in Libya to help anyone and it’s such a shame that they have not been struck down by God himself. I will never understand why God allows such heathens free will. If it were me I would have sucked them down to hell long ago. Karma needs to come for those bastards right away!!! Please Lord, intervene. We need you. I just don’t understand how you allow these satanic beasts such freedoms that only seem to be causing such evil. I know that in order for us to stop them we need to know about it and more and more are aware so I do have hope! It’s so strange how I know things that other key people are saying… it’s like there is a global message to those that are enlightened. Just like that footprints in the sand prayer, you are carrying us during this difficult time.
Alex Jones of Infowars.com had a very interesting show on Friday with guest Sean Stone, a director and son of Oliver Stone. They were discussing demons and the New World Order. A must listen. I know that it repeats all weekend until Saturday 4pm. You can download the pod cast if you sign up for PrisonPlanet.com or it may be up on YouTube. One thing from that show really haunts me and it was about Gadhafi… how they found a satanic book in his home. Then they got into videos of Jinn, something about shadows and demons. So scary! I’m so glad that I have morals, ethics and care about my fellow man. Only those that are like me will gain the most riches for an eternity!
I always wondered why a genie (jinni) was on the front of my vintage Canadian Clark Company Ouija board, circa 1950, which I found right here in Toronto.
jinni (j?n?`), feminine jinniyah (j?n?yä`), plural jinn (j?n), in Arabic and Islamic folklore, spirit or demon endowed with supernatural power. In ancient belief the jinn were associated with the destructive forces of nature. In Islamic tradition they were corporeal spirits similar to men in appearance but having certain supernatural powers, especially those of changing in size and shape. Capable of both good and evil, the jinn were popular in literatures of the Middle East, notably in the stories of the Thousand and One Nights.The term genie is the English form and is sometimes confused with the Roman genius.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia® Copyright © 2007, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. www.cc.columbia.edu/cu/cup/
Dalton McGuinty’s 3 Billion Dollar Global Clean Water Deal & Other Foreign Deals Re: New World Order
“Ontario is investing in an aggressive innovation agenda to ensure we are one of the winning economies in the 21st century. Supported by close to $3 billion in spending over eight years and a focus on seizing global market opportunities, this agenda builds on the strength of Ontario’s creative environment, diverse culture, highly skilled workforce, world-class education system and internationally recognized research community.” *”the winning economy” (do you mean corporations?) are they going to benefit off of the taxpayers dime? *HOW IS THIS GOING TO BENEFIT THE LITTLE GUY??? Green jobs are said to take 2 away from the private sector and most people are not qualified to work in this industry. Apparently Ontario is giving our clean water technology to the world for what I believe is absolutely nothing, while footing the entire bill too. My question is how much money are Singapore and the rest of the world putting in? A friend from Russia said that they were so surprised how poor Canadians are regardless of all our natural resources and technologies. The little guy tax payers foot the bill and see nothing. Talk about taxation without representation. We have an abundance of everything yet we are paying like we have nothing. False scarcity in order to bring in more $$$$.
Isn’t this Dalton’s 2nd deal with Asia, the first was the Korean Samsung wind deal that hopefully will go bust unless they were paid already. Then there was his dealings with Israel , developing a brain institutethat also is costing the taxpayers of Ontario $15 million and talking to them about green energy and clean water too? Why would he be over there??? What does another country have to do with Ontario? Are we footing the bill for these “joint” dealings, as well? I do not want this partnership, I personally do not want to pay taxes for this globalist agenda! I have nothing against any other countries, I just hold a complete disgust for my political servant that seems to have gone rouge. Who the hell does he think he is to sign us up for this. Dalton, last I checked you work for ONTARIO and it is not in our best interests that you make these globalist deals. You should be more interested in protecting our jobs and industry. There needs to be taxes on companies and corporations that wish to import goods and export Canadian jobs! Bring it back and repent because the truth always comes out!
I posted my concerns on Dalton’s facebook page and I was ignored by him. I was also attacked by one of his supporters that is still in school and has no idea about the real world because they are still being fed the fool aide. I decided to ignore that sheep because they are ignorant to the truth of what is really going on regarding a new world order. The documentary End Game is an EXCELLENT film to bring the naive and ignorant up to speed otherwise they risk living in a world far worse than 1984. It streams free via YouTube with Alex Jones’ permission, who is the brilliant filmmaker.
If we don’t stop Dalton peacefully, then think things are bad now… wait! He should be weary because we can now make citizen arrests. I have been discussing with fellow like minded people about starting a legal fund. If every Canadian donate at least a dollar or two we would be able to pursue this in a court of law.
I wrote Tim Hudak about this global clean water ripoff and begged him to bring it before Queens Park or Parliament. If not to at least investigate Dalton if Tim becomes Ontario’s next premier. I also told Mr. Hudak about the film Fall of the Republic informing us of green engineered scarcity and it also streams for free on YouTube.
When on Dalton’s FB page another poster put up something about Water Wars. Apparently our civil servants are making backdoor deals selling off or practically giving our natural resources away. There have been 13 mysterious deaths of Canadian civil servants since the website came out with inside info. I have to look into this further because I do not want my God given natural resources given away like our excess energy. Can you believe that we have to pay the US & Quebec when we give them our Ontario energy for free. I want Dalton McGuinty fired asap! He is not working for the good people of Ontario. More and more people know the facts and truth. I would like to end this in saying that the people like myself that know the truth will not stop speaking out until things are made right.
Some have described Dalton as a “liar”. They have said that his smart meters and “sweetheart deals” are nothing more than an expensive “science project”. I happen to agree. I feel that we should not be signed up for this because the science is not there. Secondly China has no regulations and guess where their end stream ends up… parts of North America! We have been de-industrialized but yet we must pay the price for clean energy even though we barely have any industry left? It makes no sense at all and that’s why I strongly feel that we should scrap these overpriced projects with an underlying globalist agenda! Dalton should be investigated and hopefully fined and arrested! He is a horrible premier and I feel so sad for our future generations if he gets away with these immoral acts.
Did you also know that over 30,000 scientists signed a petition rejecting man made global warming as a SCIENTIFIC FRAUD! Even still our government carries on with this while the people of Ontario are struggling to make ends meet. Just the other day I read how an elderly-retired man has to shovel snow in order to pay his hydro bills. DISGUSTING!!!!!! SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sad thing is that it has only doubled and if we don’t peacefully resist and stop this they intend to raise it another 46% based on total garbage science full of fear based propaganda without any shred of proof. C02 is not the problem, greedy ghoul elites are. Thanks to them people are starving or living in misery.
Currently there is a mental health campaign going on in Toronto, claiming more Canadians are suffering with it. It’s not that we are mentally ill it’s that we are being subjected to live in an evil and immoral world. Go and talk to your doctor about putting you on Big Pharma meds that have horrid side effects, some even include suicide! Please always read the insert and/or package of any drug that you are considering and talk to your doctor to learn all the facts. Diet and exorcise really works for me. I also cut caffeine, aspartame, processed foods and try to buy all organic. I also drink bottled water that does not have fluoride. I am very positive and happy and know it’s normal to have a bad day. I personally wouldn’t run and get a prescription for every little thing, but that’s just me. We are all different and should have a choice and not only conventional treatments.
Getting back to the evil matrix… Well I know about what is really going on and I will stand in the light no matter what you pigs try and do to fill your troughs! If the leaders of our world and the royals could make all our lives much better but they choose not to! Why if they did then they wouldn’t have all their castles, mansions, private jets, fat bank accounts, properties, servants and jewels. I take comfort in knowing that they will spend an eternity suffering for these few moments of greed and evil. REPENT NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!! Stop this green b.s. agenda and go forth making the lives of your fellow man better.
For those upset by this but feel that you can’t do anything because you don’t have a degree, don’t fret because you don’t need one after being presented the facts to see that what is going on is in fact a fraud.
Did you also know that over 30,000 scientists signed a petition rejecting man made global warming as a SCIENTIFIC FRAUD! Even still our government carries on with this while the people of Ontario are struggling to make ends meet. Just the other day I read how an elderly-retired man has to shovel snow in order to pay his hydro bills. DISGUSTING!!!!!! SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sad thing is that it has only doubled and if we don’t peacefully resist and stop this they intend to raise it another 46% based on total garbage science full of fear based propaganda without any shred of proof. C02 is not the problem, greedy ghoul elites are. Thanks to them people are starving or living in misery.
Currently there is a mental health campaign going on in Toronto, claiming more Canadians are suffering with it. It’s not that we are mentally ill it’s that we are being subjected to live in an evil and immoral world. Go and talk to your doctor about putting you on Big Pharma meds that have horrid side effects, some even include suicide! Please always read the insert and/or package of any drug that you are considering and talk to your doctor to learn all the facts. Diet and exorcise really works for me. I also cut caffeine, aspartame, processed foods and try to buy all organic. I also drink bottled water that does not have fluoride. I am very positive and happy and know it’s normal to have a bad day. I personally wouldn’t run and get a prescription for every little thing, but that’s just me. We are all different and should have a choice and not only conventional treatments.
Getting back to the evil matrix… Well I know about what is really going on and I will stand in the light no matter what you pigs try and do to fill your troughs! If the leaders of our world and the royals could make all our lives much better but they choose not to! Why if they did then they wouldn’t have all their castles, mansions, private jets, fat bank accounts, properties, servants and jewels. I take comfort in knowing that they will spend an eternity suffering for these few moments of greed and evil. REPENT NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!! Stop this green b.s. agenda and go forth making the lives of your fellow man better.
For those upset by this but feel that you can’t do anything because you don’t have a degree, don’t fret because you don’t need one after being presented the facts to see that what is going on is in fact a fraud.
Rick Simpson, a man from Nova Scotia, made a documentary, Running From The Cure about his miracle cure for cancer, natural hemp oil, and how he was shut down because of it??!!!
Man should not be afraid of positive change for fear of lost profits. Perhaps we are supposed to evolve towards a cashless society. Allowing people to suffer and die for mere financial gain is absolutely DISGUSTING!
With that said I would like to strongly recommend that you consider viewing two documentaries regarding alternative vs. conventional cancer treatments. Healing Cancer From the Inside Out and CANCER – Dr. Burzynski
After watching these films I personally will NEVER go along for conventional radiation or chemo treatments if I ever develop cancer! First off I will personally ensure that my diet is mostly healthy and pure in order to prevent it. I am not a medical doctor but I certainly am not an idiot! I can recognize an ineffective treatment when I see one. SHAME!!!!! It is extremely EVIL that we are not fully informed about these things, especially when facing CANCER.
Please consider consulting your doctor because they are privileged to your exact medical information. I can only state what I would do and everyone is different but I feel that we should all be offered all the information before we make serious decisions about our life and health. My husband and I both found it strange how useless sports figures have stats but there are none for doctors. The next time you are in your doctors office and they are trying to push conventional treatments on you, you should ask them what their cure rate is. Cure meaning people that are still alive now and not in just a 5 year span!
The concern over rising populations is an overreaction, procreation regulations will ease that. People must be licensed prior to having children and several factors need to be reviewed. Mental, physical and financial aspects of an individual would be looked at.
There is no need to allow people to suffer and die. This reminds me of Nazi gas chambers. The poor people were tricked into believing that they were taking a shower when in reality they were going to be poisoned. How could we allow this EVIL!!!!!
It is obvious that Dr. Burzynski has something there and it should be offered to EACH AND EVERY person suffering with CANCER. Why in God’s name would anyone go along with suppressing something that may benefit mankind.
It is time to step back and allow progression! Profits should not determine our advancement. FORGET MONEY!!!!! This is about right and wrong… good and evil!!! We must do what is moral and right. There is enough room for everyone and with better regulations we will be able to grow at a controllable rate.
Thanks everyone who took the time to read this. I hope this information will better your life, or the life of someone you know that is facing cancer. God Bless+
Please refer to the 3 documentary trailers below that will offer a glimpse into what each consists of. I am surprised that the mainstream does not offer this information to us. We will have to inform all our friends and family in order for them to make an informed decision! I am so very lucky to have found this because my family and friends know. Please consider sharing this light and forcing the mainstream to tell the truth about other cancer treatments!
The Secret by Alex Jones. It is a mini doc regarding what may be in our food and water. It is a real eye opener and I changed my diet further because of it.
To sum things up, I agree 100% with our honorable Ontario Ombudsman, Andre Martin! Shame on Blair, McGuinty and the others involved! I honestly feel that they should be removed from their current positions immediately.
Bravo to Dan Dicks and the other heroes of PressForTruth.ca that were involved in the creation of this video. The only way we can stop the ghouls of the New World Order is to expose them like a bright shiny light on a bunch of cockroaches! Once you spot them it is only a matter of time before they are removed. The truth is the only way to show that there is a problem and then that will lead to their final destruction simply by using peaceful means. Please share this video with everyone you know.
Alex Jones always recommends to always share videos and documentaries about the New World Order because it is a professional way of providing valid information to the public. I have stopped trying to explain long ago because you do sound kind of crazy and first impressions are lasting, so you don’t want to close them to it. I always recommend people watch End Game by Alex Jones of Infowars.com or United We Fall by Dan Dicks of PressForTruth.ca – Those two films are the basis of exposing the New World Order to people that have no idea about it or have no clue but know something is wrong. Both stream free on YouTube but I recommend that you go on the site and purchase a high quality DVD copy in order to support the film makers so they can continue making excellent documentaries.
When I was asleep, I honestly though that our world leaders had no clue, but that was not true. Playing stupid is smart for the NWO agenda. Time to wake up as many people as possible so that they are unable to push their evil nazi crap through!
God Bless +
Anna Sophia
Bravo to Dan Dicks and the other heroes of PressForTruth.ca that were involved in the creation of this video. The only way we can stop the ghouls of the New World Order is to expose them like a bright shiny light on a bunch of cockroaches! Once you spot them it is only a matter of time before they are removed. The truth is the only way to show that there is a problem and then that will lead to their final destruction simply by using peaceful means. Please share this video with everyone you know.
Alex Jones always recommends to always share videos and documentaries about the New World Order because it is a professional way of providing valid information to the public. I have stopped trying to explain long ago because you do sound kind of crazy and first impressions are lasting, so you don’t want to close them to it. I always recommend people watch End Game by Alex Jones of Infowars.com or United We Fall by Dan Dicks of PressForTruth.ca – Those two films are the basis of exposing the New World Order to people that have no idea about it or have no clue but know something is wrong. Both stream free on YouTube but I recommend that you go on the site and purchase a high quality DVD copy in order to support the film makers so they can continue making excellent documentaries.
When I was asleep, I honestly though that our world leaders had no clue, but that was not true. Playing stupid is smart for the NWO agenda. Time to wake up as many people as possible so that they are unable to push their evil nazi crap through!
God Bless +
Anna Sophia

I watched the Dr. Oz show yesterday and he stated that he was actually CONCERNED about all the radiation that we are being exposed to. He explained that x-rays are concentrated to a small point that go through the body to show what is going on inside and body scanners are scattered down all around you on the outside of the body. He said that he was concerned about that because of the sensitive areas like the eyes, skin and I believe the head are exposed. He went on to say that radiation does cause cancer. He also stated that we should not be exposed to radiation when we do not have to be, that he doesn’t want to hold up lines and he actually seemed like he wanted to say that he would opt out.
He even had 2 expert doctors on. Deputy chief health care officer for homeland security who oversees airport security and a radiologist and spokesperson for the NA radiological society. He asked them if it was safe, they swore up and down it was.
He said that he is not a radiation expert but knows the ill effects of radiation and feels that there is usually more radiation that is what claimed. I was very surprised! It was great! Dr. Oz recommended that his audience consider the following, but he also stated that America was still a free country and that people can do what they want (love how he said that!)… he suggested that people that are over the age of 65, children 12 and under, cancer survivors and pregnant women should NOT take the scan.
Then the expert from homeland security claimed that you can get 1000 scans a year and that you get more radiation from a flight? They started to stumble a bit when they said that because of last year (no)… last Christmas, it is all about safety and security. I wanted to throw up! I heard the lawyer witness on Alex Jones, Kurt Haskell, shortly after claim that on that flight state that he witnessed a sharp dressed man escorted the underwear bomber on the plane without a passport. What the heck is that about!!!!
Anyways, here are the clips to the Dr. Oz show:
Come on! This green bs is not a real excuse to do this to the people of Ontario! Even the father of the weather channel exposed that this climate gate is a hoax and wants to sue Al Gore. Our Ontario Premier jumped on the green bandwagon WITHOUT any PROOF that there is a problem.
Why can”t we FIRE horrid politicians and pursue legal action! This is beyond ridiculous! They work for us and must have the best interest of the people and not corporations!
We can have CHEAP and CLEAN energy! We could have had electric cars over 10 years ago. The Canadian ZENN electric car is NOT available for sale in Canada! We could power a city on a glass of water but that would not be good for the oil companies.
Please check out the section “Climate-Gate” on this blog (on the right side) and research this for yourself. I am on the side of the light and not of the DEVIL and I expect our Canadian Government to do the same.
Each and every deal that the Canadian politicians make, should only benefit the Canadian people! A friend of mine from Russia was shocked at how poor Canadians are because he explained that Canada is full of NATURAL RESOURCES! Those are OURS, the assets of the Canadian people and not the corporations!
The negative effects of these back door deals will come back to haunt those responsible spiritually. There is something else after we die. You will be judged! REPENT NOW BEFORE IT”S TOO LATE AND CHANGE YOUR WAYS. REVERSE THESE DEVILISH DEALS THAT WILL ONLY BENEFIT YOU IN THE SHORT TERM.
There are only two ways, the good way or the evil way. Anything immoral is not acceptable and should not be allowed. Think of your children and your future generations. They will not be able to even afford food, let alone hydro!
Going along with whatever the US does is IMMORAL! Allowing neurotoxins in our gasoline, as revealed in United we fall, located at the top left tab labeled, “Truther Sites Fighting Evil”. Everyone knows that something is really wrong and they are really waking up now.
My solutions are to get rid of the smart meter rates to one low rate, cancel the Samsung deal, remove the HST tax, stop the debt retirement fee and fund cheap & clean energy. Those are the right things to do!
I feel that the Liberal Party of Canada and the NDP party were too quick to jump on the Green bandwagon so I don”t trust them now. Tim Hudak seems promising by acknowledging all the wrongs the current Premier has done, but he”s not telling us what he”s going to do. I have no idea who to vote for next October!
If things don”t get better I think we Canadians should band together and go to a court of law. Not only are we being ripped off but there are claims that we are being secretly poisoned. Google fluoride and aspartame! I want this looked into! Who the hell is running the governments of the world? Nazis? This is pure evil!
Why can”t we FIRE horrid politicians and pursue legal action! This is beyond ridiculous! They work for us and must have the best interest of the people and not corporations!
We can have CHEAP and CLEAN energy! We could have had electric cars over 10 years ago. The Canadian ZENN electric car is NOT available for sale in Canada! We could power a city on a glass of water but that would not be good for the oil companies.
Please check out the section “Climate-Gate” on this blog (on the right side) and research this for yourself. I am on the side of the light and not of the DEVIL and I expect our Canadian Government to do the same.
Each and every deal that the Canadian politicians make, should only benefit the Canadian people! A friend of mine from Russia was shocked at how poor Canadians are because he explained that Canada is full of NATURAL RESOURCES! Those are OURS, the assets of the Canadian people and not the corporations!
The negative effects of these back door deals will come back to haunt those responsible spiritually. There is something else after we die. You will be judged! REPENT NOW BEFORE IT”S TOO LATE AND CHANGE YOUR WAYS. REVERSE THESE DEVILISH DEALS THAT WILL ONLY BENEFIT YOU IN THE SHORT TERM.
There are only two ways, the good way or the evil way. Anything immoral is not acceptable and should not be allowed. Think of your children and your future generations. They will not be able to even afford food, let alone hydro!
Going along with whatever the US does is IMMORAL! Allowing neurotoxins in our gasoline, as revealed in United we fall, located at the top left tab labeled, “Truther Sites Fighting Evil”. Everyone knows that something is really wrong and they are really waking up now.
My solutions are to get rid of the smart meter rates to one low rate, cancel the Samsung deal, remove the HST tax, stop the debt retirement fee and fund cheap & clean energy. Those are the right things to do!
I feel that the Liberal Party of Canada and the NDP party were too quick to jump on the Green bandwagon so I don”t trust them now. Tim Hudak seems promising by acknowledging all the wrongs the current Premier has done, but he”s not telling us what he”s going to do. I have no idea who to vote for next October!
If things don”t get better I think we Canadians should band together and go to a court of law. Not only are we being ripped off but there are claims that we are being secretly poisoned. Google fluoride and aspartame! I want this looked into! Who the hell is running the governments of the world? Nazis? This is pure evil!
When I was little my brother and I used to love to play Monopoly together. My brother was ALWAYS the car and the banker. I was happy just being the dog, I didn’t know it then but I was actually born the year of the dog. Anyways, my brother would also always win. I also remember that he always had piles of cash and properties too. So much in fact that he would try to conceal it from me by sitting on it. It didn’t work cause I wasn’t having any fun and then figured out that he was cheating! He even admitted it!! See as the banker he would swipe cash… usually hundreds and five hundreds. He didn’t get far because if you aren’t having fun as his opponent then you just stop playing.
I’m not having much fun now to be honest and I know that the majority of people aren’t either. I don’t like to be fear mongered, over charged and over taxed. I just decided not to fall for it or buy crap instead. I don’t drink or smoke either! I work out 5 days a week… my weekends are for relaxing. I eat healthy and juice. I swear that I will never go for toxic anything. You can make a big difference and we can collectively take a peaceful STAND against immoral regimes.
Good news! I had experienced a heavy, almost crippling force about me for years but the negative energy is losing it’s hold on me. I am sensing peace and I am very optimistic about our future. Thanks to Alex Jones and the wonderful people that support him. I still sense that we have to keep informing others of the truth because we still have a ways to go.
You know I’m not a psychic or witch but I have had vivid dreams and sensed things that I can’t explain. I am not here to sell you a magic potion but I am what I am meant to be. When I was little I had a reoccurring dream where my heart would pound and I felt an overwhelming feeling! It was simply a dream of two stones suspended by nothing! The little stone held up the big stone.
I think it was just a message saying that one person can make a difference. Maybe I can make that difference. I have been told that I’m an angel. I have also been told that I’m too nice, very helpful, very sensitive and too happy. Anyways, I hope this blog is making a difference for the better because all I want to do is help man progress into a positive future.
In order for man to go forward we have to separate ourselves from the negative weight. Maybe instead of waiting for the crash to occur we should just start over ourselves. I used to think those people living compounds were nuts but maybe they were just painted that way in order for everyone not to branch out.
The biggest revolt is to maybe consider buying gold. I am not a financial expert but from what I hear money is becoming worth less and gold is heading up towards it real value. FAFOA has a blog that explains this really well. I am one that believes not to put my eggs in one basket, though. Gerald Celente, trend forecaster believes the same thing. It must be an Italian thing lol Anyways, food and water are even more important. I always have dried beans, rice, bottle water and canned food on hand. Being able to sustain yourself and your family is worth more than gold.
You know I have been watching Discovery’s The Colony which” is an experiment that simulates a post-apocalyptic world in which volunteers are tasked with surviving and rebuilding everything from scratch, using only raw ingenuity and supplies they scavenge from their environment. Here’s your destination to learn more about these bold experiments into a dark future that holds the promise of hopeful regeneration. A group of people are left in a camp with a few supplies and they have to fend from themselves.”. I find the show troubling and interesting at the same time. Is this a message that we are more or less on our own if there is a disaster? Looks like it to me! I don’t like that at all. Our government and world leaders should never allow this kind of thing to happen. All those surviving shows and movies were probably conditioning us to not expect much. Well I am here to say that I expect everything! Shame on the elites to leave us to the wolves. Their negative energy will only drag them down to hell. We can not save them even if we tried. Once you commit your soul by such cold and evil acts then you must go by the natural order and pay for your sins.
Sorry for going on, I’m just excited to see the change of our world for the better! Like I said before… Enough is Enough! Oh Bravo for the Canadian Government to announce a travel advisory for the Mexican border in the North! Protect us more! We are your children.
I’m not having much fun now to be honest and I know that the majority of people aren’t either. I don’t like to be fear mongered, over charged and over taxed. I just decided not to fall for it or buy crap instead. I don’t drink or smoke either! I work out 5 days a week… my weekends are for relaxing. I eat healthy and juice. I swear that I will never go for toxic anything. You can make a big difference and we can collectively take a peaceful STAND against immoral regimes.
Good news! I had experienced a heavy, almost crippling force about me for years but the negative energy is losing it’s hold on me. I am sensing peace and I am very optimistic about our future. Thanks to Alex Jones and the wonderful people that support him. I still sense that we have to keep informing others of the truth because we still have a ways to go.
You know I’m not a psychic or witch but I have had vivid dreams and sensed things that I can’t explain. I am not here to sell you a magic potion but I am what I am meant to be. When I was little I had a reoccurring dream where my heart would pound and I felt an overwhelming feeling! It was simply a dream of two stones suspended by nothing! The little stone held up the big stone.
I think it was just a message saying that one person can make a difference. Maybe I can make that difference. I have been told that I’m an angel. I have also been told that I’m too nice, very helpful, very sensitive and too happy. Anyways, I hope this blog is making a difference for the better because all I want to do is help man progress into a positive future.
In order for man to go forward we have to separate ourselves from the negative weight. Maybe instead of waiting for the crash to occur we should just start over ourselves. I used to think those people living compounds were nuts but maybe they were just painted that way in order for everyone not to branch out.
The biggest revolt is to maybe consider buying gold. I am not a financial expert but from what I hear money is becoming worth less and gold is heading up towards it real value. FAFOA has a blog that explains this really well. I am one that believes not to put my eggs in one basket, though. Gerald Celente, trend forecaster believes the same thing. It must be an Italian thing lol Anyways, food and water are even more important. I always have dried beans, rice, bottle water and canned food on hand. Being able to sustain yourself and your family is worth more than gold.
You know I have been watching Discovery’s The Colony which” is an experiment that simulates a post-apocalyptic world in which volunteers are tasked with surviving and rebuilding everything from scratch, using only raw ingenuity and supplies they scavenge from their environment. Here’s your destination to learn more about these bold experiments into a dark future that holds the promise of hopeful regeneration. A group of people are left in a camp with a few supplies and they have to fend from themselves.”. I find the show troubling and interesting at the same time. Is this a message that we are more or less on our own if there is a disaster? Looks like it to me! I don’t like that at all. Our government and world leaders should never allow this kind of thing to happen. All those surviving shows and movies were probably conditioning us to not expect much. Well I am here to say that I expect everything! Shame on the elites to leave us to the wolves. Their negative energy will only drag them down to hell. We can not save them even if we tried. Once you commit your soul by such cold and evil acts then you must go by the natural order and pay for your sins.
Sorry for going on, I’m just excited to see the change of our world for the better! Like I said before… Enough is Enough! Oh Bravo for the Canadian Government to announce a travel advisory for the Mexican border in the North! Protect us more! We are your children.
I hate seeing articles like this because the evil that I was sensing is painfully coming to light. I am not giving up hope just yet! I am so very thankful that we have good people left in this world like Alex Jones of Infowars.com. Thanks to Alex I did not fall for the H1N1 shot, I stopped eating anything or drinking anything that has that harmful BPA plastic, I found out about carbon taxes based on global warming misinformation, and I have learned so much more I can’t even list it all. I listen to the truthful prophet everyday except Saturdays. You can listen to him for free by simply visiting his site. My brother-in-law has an account on his PrisonPlanet.com site so we are privy to his videos, movies and radio show without commercials.
I can not say enough good about this man! He is so pure and moral! Thank you Mr. Jones! It is because of you and people like you that man has a strong chance to go on without the snakes of corruption! Our world is changing for the better! People are standing up to the evil crooks. We do not want your poisons, we do not want you stealing from us, we do not want your wars, we do not want your puppets! We want to EVOLVE and have the latest good technology benefit us as a race and not the evil elites!
Collapsing bridges, street lights turned off, cuts to basic services: the decline of a superpower
by Luiza Ch. Savage on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:32am
In February, the board of commissioners of Ohio’s Ashtabula County faced a scene familiar to local governments across America: a budget shortfall. They began to cut spending and reduced the sheriff’s budget by 20 per cent. A law enforcement agency staff that only a few years ago numbered 112, and had subsequently been pared down to 70, was cut again to 49 people and just one squad car for a county of 1,900 sq. km along the shore of Lake Erie. The sheriff’s department adapted. “We have no patrol units. There is no one on the streets. We respond to only crimes in progress. We don’t respond to property crimes,” deputy sheriff Ron Fenton told Maclean’s. The county once had a “very proactive” detective division in narcotics. Now, there is no detective division. “We are down to one evidence officer and he just runs the evidence room in case someone wants to claim property,” said Fenton. “People are getting property stolen, their houses broken into, and there is no one investigating. We are basically just writing up a report for the insurance company.”
Read the rest of this entry
I can not say enough good about this man! He is so pure and moral! Thank you Mr. Jones! It is because of you and people like you that man has a strong chance to go on without the snakes of corruption! Our world is changing for the better! People are standing up to the evil crooks. We do not want your poisons, we do not want you stealing from us, we do not want your wars, we do not want your puppets! We want to EVOLVE and have the latest good technology benefit us as a race and not the evil elites!
Collapsing bridges, street lights turned off, cuts to basic services: the decline of a superpower
by Luiza Ch. Savage on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:32am
In February, the board of commissioners of Ohio’s Ashtabula County faced a scene familiar to local governments across America: a budget shortfall. They began to cut spending and reduced the sheriff’s budget by 20 per cent. A law enforcement agency staff that only a few years ago numbered 112, and had subsequently been pared down to 70, was cut again to 49 people and just one squad car for a county of 1,900 sq. km along the shore of Lake Erie. The sheriff’s department adapted. “We have no patrol units. There is no one on the streets. We respond to only crimes in progress. We don’t respond to property crimes,” deputy sheriff Ron Fenton told Maclean’s. The county once had a “very proactive” detective division in narcotics. Now, there is no detective division. “We are down to one evidence officer and he just runs the evidence room in case someone wants to claim property,” said Fenton. “People are getting property stolen, their houses broken into, and there is no one investigating. We are basically just writing up a report for the insurance company.”
Read the rest of this entry
Aspartame / Aminosweet, fluoride in our water, preservatives in our food supply are said to be very bad for us and even cancer causing. Why does the government not remove all those toxins from our food and water instead of addressing excessive salt in our food? I agree that you should not use too much salt for health reasons, but I strongly feel that the toxins and preservatives need to be addressed before any of that because I feel they are more deadly.
Processed food seems to contain high amounts of salt but they also usually contain toxins and preservatives too. What about those? What about the pesticides that are sprayed on our fruit and vegetables? What about the garbage you are feeding livestock?
This is absolutely evil that this is allowed! Why? Well to keep the population down is one theory… more deaths and less fertile people. Another theory is to keep big pharma sick with money.
I noticed billboards in Toronto lately suggesting that we have our colons checked. A lot of people swear that the chemo and radiation kill more people than the cancers they suffer from???!!! A man from Nova Scotia used hemp oil to cure his cancer! He did not kill any of his healthy cells in doing so unlike the chemo and radiation. Susan Somers even stated that in regards to Patrick Swasey that the chemo poisoned and killed him 
I am not a doctor but I do believe that we have the right to the truth. If our tap water is harmful due to fluoride and other chemicals then why in Gods name should we drink it. I am lucky because it is in my culture not to drink the tap water. In Italy we only drank spring or bottled water. However, bathing in that water allows those things in.
Then there is the food. I used to drink diet coke and chew sugarless gum. I haven”t in over 5 years now because I found out how HORRIBLE it was. I try to only eat organic foods. I rarely eat processed. It”s not enough, though.
Our government should ban those horrible chemicals asap because if they don”t every person that didn”t do it will pay a lifetime of grief after their judgment day! You can not just go along with it and think you are clean. Think of all the people that are suffering and even dieing. That dark, negative energy will drag you down, just like in the movie Ghost!
Who ever allowed these things in Canada and the rest of the world will surely burn in hell for an eternity. I doubt there is forgiveness for those ghouls.
If you try to control the Internet, then you will surely corrupt it. Those that wish to silence the free speech of the people online are obviously up to no good. Exposing fraud is a very good thing and without it mankind will be consumed by the most evil and most dark. HOWEVER, we do need laws and police that go after real threats like hackers, crooks, sexual predators, cyber bullies and cyber stalkers!
H1N1, Climategate, Bankstergate, NWO, Big Banks, Big Governments are things that are common knowledge because it was too obvious that something was not on the up and up. The Internet did not really bring it out, the boldness of these ghouls ill behavior is out of control that the majority of people can”t help but notice.
Do you think the French people, before the revolution, needed a computer and net to see they were being fk”d with… NO! Censoring the net will not be the answer. Back off. If anything the World Wide Web is a tool because if the people are upset online then you can see that it is not right and you should stop. There is no doublethink here, the people know that wrong is wrong.
Also too many people have woken up and it”s too late, you can never stop this web wild fire! The Internet only made this come out faster and you can never really stop what has been unleashed. Plus, the majority will not go on your strict net, it will go to another format that is open and unrestricted.
I don”t want to think about this much longer because it is really sickening. I don”t think it”s right to censor free speech and if anyone tries to do so with myself I will sue! I have a right to express myself. This is not 1984 or Brave New World! I am not doing anything wrong. I want the human race to advance and not to be consumed by evil-greedy ghouls! Cannibals! How can you even think of doing this to your own kind. You should be ASHAMED! You are being advised by idiots. The light would never be a part of this. Those witches are evil and your souls are going to hell. Save yourselves and back off and stop this. The New World Order will never win unless you go with the light and protect mankind and advance mankind with clean, cheap energy, food and water. All for one and one for all!
I have never cried so much as I am now. I had a dream the other night. I was in a circus, learning how to go on the trapeze and everything was dark and there were rats everywhere. It was such a horrid world. I am not a freak show! What I say is not a joke! I am not here to entertain you!!!
I am thinking of turning to my Ouija and make some EVPs for guidance. I will ask to speak to someone in the “circle”. They must know what we should do. I am really afraid. I hope that all the rumors about another disaster are false. I am not a psychic (I am a natural psychic, actually), but I am a sensitive and thing do not seem right. I hope I am wrong.
H1N1, Climategate, Bankstergate, NWO, Big Banks, Big Governments are things that are common knowledge because it was too obvious that something was not on the up and up. The Internet did not really bring it out, the boldness of these ghouls ill behavior is out of control that the majority of people can”t help but notice.
Do you think the French people, before the revolution, needed a computer and net to see they were being fk”d with… NO! Censoring the net will not be the answer. Back off. If anything the World Wide Web is a tool because if the people are upset online then you can see that it is not right and you should stop. There is no doublethink here, the people know that wrong is wrong.
Also too many people have woken up and it”s too late, you can never stop this web wild fire! The Internet only made this come out faster and you can never really stop what has been unleashed. Plus, the majority will not go on your strict net, it will go to another format that is open and unrestricted.
I don”t want to think about this much longer because it is really sickening. I don”t think it”s right to censor free speech and if anyone tries to do so with myself I will sue! I have a right to express myself. This is not 1984 or Brave New World! I am not doing anything wrong. I want the human race to advance and not to be consumed by evil-greedy ghouls! Cannibals! How can you even think of doing this to your own kind. You should be ASHAMED! You are being advised by idiots. The light would never be a part of this. Those witches are evil and your souls are going to hell. Save yourselves and back off and stop this. The New World Order will never win unless you go with the light and protect mankind and advance mankind with clean, cheap energy, food and water. All for one and one for all!
I have never cried so much as I am now. I had a dream the other night. I was in a circus, learning how to go on the trapeze and everything was dark and there were rats everywhere. It was such a horrid world. I am not a freak show! What I say is not a joke! I am not here to entertain you!!!
I am thinking of turning to my Ouija and make some EVPs for guidance. I will ask to speak to someone in the “circle”. They must know what we should do. I am really afraid. I hope that all the rumors about another disaster are false. I am not a psychic (I am a natural psychic, actually), but I am a sensitive and thing do not seem right. I hope I am wrong.
Some say that we each have a specific purpose in life, and with that being said, writing this is mine. I have held visions since I was a child, like puzzle pieces that I was given, not knowing what they meant, well… until now.
One person can make all the difference in the world, never feel that you are unable to go about to create positive change! The corrupt system of today was set forth to try and control us, to make us feel like we are weak, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. Each and everyone that holds pure intentions can move mountains.
Phase 1 – Protect The People
Immediate regulations should be set forth that would hold each and every human life precious and would, therefore, protect it to no end! All the toxins in our food and water would be immediately BANNED and removed.
A board of people that warned us about that and other corruptions, including the New World Order and their evils, should be placed to review and monitor for these things on a global scale. This would include all the worlds governments, monarchies, private groups and the corporations. If they determine that a practice or product is immoral, and is not for the benefit of man, then it will be recommended that it should be eliminated.
The board will be known as the Watchmen, just like in the book & movie, because they are the worlds true heroes that will fight the evil villains in order to save us. They will be allowed to exist, because the people would DEMAND IT, or a revolution would take place.
Members would include people like Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Kevin Trudeau, Max Keiser, and other obvious humanitarians. They themselves would know who should be on board, they are people that I trust because they have proven themselves over and over again by making facts public that we are not supposed to know. They would be the advisers to the people and the auditors of the institutions that only should be benefiting mankind.
The people can bring up any and all concerns to this board to review and what they determine, the people could change or eliminate it. Today’s corruptions would be a thing of the past so then real law and order could prevail.
The Watchmen would WORK only for the people and only act to advise them on what is best morally and ethically. The people could vote on matters via a website that can not be altered in any way.
If an individual has been deemed evil and immoral, by the group, then such a person would be cast out of our society until they can be rehabilitated, if possible. The ghouls of the New World Order would not be welcome and would be shunned for being the evil cannibals that they are. Prison would be the best option for these criminals and murders. Again the people would vote on all of this.
No more would money be allowed to dictate the fate of man, rather ethics and morality would lead! If the people don’t want a single board because they felt it would be too centralized, then there could be national boards that would branch out. Whatever works to stop the evil, then it must be done. The elimination of monetary over morals would be the main objective.
We should all be permitted to live like KINGS! Anyone that tries to get in the way of that would be against the people and that would be deemed as tyranny and they would instantly be exposed by the board.
The war machine of today would not exist because the board would be able to see that it only benefits BIG BUSINESS. The man made diseases would be discovered, as well, and it would be stopped at once. Big Pharma would not rule and could no longer trick people into taking their toxic vaccines. Necessary vaccines would most likely contain ingredients that would not harm you in any way.
We need people to protect the people so the people of the world could have a fighting chance. Too many unethical and immoral things are going on. We need help as soon as possible before it’s too late.
I really wish the children could grow up in a society that actually cared about their well being. Each and every human being should be valued, respected and provided safe & clean food, water and environment!
One person can make all the difference in the world, never feel that you are unable to go about to create positive change! The corrupt system of today was set forth to try and control us, to make us feel like we are weak, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. Each and everyone that holds pure intentions can move mountains.
Phase 1 – Protect The People
Immediate regulations should be set forth that would hold each and every human life precious and would, therefore, protect it to no end! All the toxins in our food and water would be immediately BANNED and removed.
A board of people that warned us about that and other corruptions, including the New World Order and their evils, should be placed to review and monitor for these things on a global scale. This would include all the worlds governments, monarchies, private groups and the corporations. If they determine that a practice or product is immoral, and is not for the benefit of man, then it will be recommended that it should be eliminated.
The board will be known as the Watchmen, just like in the book & movie, because they are the worlds true heroes that will fight the evil villains in order to save us. They will be allowed to exist, because the people would DEMAND IT, or a revolution would take place.
Members would include people like Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Kevin Trudeau, Max Keiser, and other obvious humanitarians. They themselves would know who should be on board, they are people that I trust because they have proven themselves over and over again by making facts public that we are not supposed to know. They would be the advisers to the people and the auditors of the institutions that only should be benefiting mankind.
The people can bring up any and all concerns to this board to review and what they determine, the people could change or eliminate it. Today’s corruptions would be a thing of the past so then real law and order could prevail.
The Watchmen would WORK only for the people and only act to advise them on what is best morally and ethically. The people could vote on matters via a website that can not be altered in any way.
If an individual has been deemed evil and immoral, by the group, then such a person would be cast out of our society until they can be rehabilitated, if possible. The ghouls of the New World Order would not be welcome and would be shunned for being the evil cannibals that they are. Prison would be the best option for these criminals and murders. Again the people would vote on all of this.
No more would money be allowed to dictate the fate of man, rather ethics and morality would lead! If the people don’t want a single board because they felt it would be too centralized, then there could be national boards that would branch out. Whatever works to stop the evil, then it must be done. The elimination of monetary over morals would be the main objective.
We should all be permitted to live like KINGS! Anyone that tries to get in the way of that would be against the people and that would be deemed as tyranny and they would instantly be exposed by the board.
The war machine of today would not exist because the board would be able to see that it only benefits BIG BUSINESS. The man made diseases would be discovered, as well, and it would be stopped at once. Big Pharma would not rule and could no longer trick people into taking their toxic vaccines. Necessary vaccines would most likely contain ingredients that would not harm you in any way.
We need people to protect the people so the people of the world could have a fighting chance. Too many unethical and immoral things are going on. We need help as soon as possible before it’s too late.
I really wish the children could grow up in a society that actually cared about their well being. Each and every human being should be valued, respected and provided safe & clean food, water and environment!
We as a people must advance by peacefully resisting and revolting against greed and evil. Currently earning a profit seem to out way people, health and technology today. Sure, we have the fastest PCs, phones, video game units (monthly fee to run or expensive software to operate!); but the cure for terminal diseases and clean/cheap energy are still not yet available. Seems like charities and green energy research are big business and any advancement would mean a stop to all the money coming in.
Morality is lacking in our society today. How can we allow people to go hungry and loose their homes without a second thought? There is a war going on this very second and it was based on a lie. There were no weapons of mass destruction! Stop the war machine and feed human kind. It is not what we gain but what we achieve.
Clean energy and good health through a wholesome diet and exercise are foreign. It all boils down to the almighty dollar. We should instead value a good heart life. Each person deserves more than food and shelter! Some people do not even have that! There is no reason for this. We could all live like kings. If we attempt this in phases, then it would be possible! We all deserve to be happy and deserve all the pleasures in life!
I will think about this further. Currently I am in the middle of a bit of a stressful time in my life. It is difficult to pick up things when I am interrupted by the mundane and trivial matters of life. It`s something so little that went wrong and blew up due to the lack of compassion and greed. My apartment was damaged as a result of something outside my unit. When we found out we contacted the building people, but were treated like a nuisance instead of people that were hit with an unfortunate event. Not once did we receive an apology from anyone and instead were threatened with the bill! I met the person in charge and picked up such a miserable soul. I actually felt sorry for this person. I don`t want to get into details, but just know that online reviews are the best way to handle those situations! The power of the pen (keyboard) is mightier than the sword!
Morality is lacking in our society today. How can we allow people to go hungry and loose their homes without a second thought? There is a war going on this very second and it was based on a lie. There were no weapons of mass destruction! Stop the war machine and feed human kind. It is not what we gain but what we achieve.
Clean energy and good health through a wholesome diet and exercise are foreign. It all boils down to the almighty dollar. We should instead value a good heart life. Each person deserves more than food and shelter! Some people do not even have that! There is no reason for this. We could all live like kings. If we attempt this in phases, then it would be possible! We all deserve to be happy and deserve all the pleasures in life!
I will think about this further. Currently I am in the middle of a bit of a stressful time in my life. It is difficult to pick up things when I am interrupted by the mundane and trivial matters of life. It`s something so little that went wrong and blew up due to the lack of compassion and greed. My apartment was damaged as a result of something outside my unit. When we found out we contacted the building people, but were treated like a nuisance instead of people that were hit with an unfortunate event. Not once did we receive an apology from anyone and instead were threatened with the bill! I met the person in charge and picked up such a miserable soul. I actually felt sorry for this person. I don`t want to get into details, but just know that online reviews are the best way to handle those situations! The power of the pen (keyboard) is mightier than the sword!
Dictionary: eugenics ( y?-j?n‘?ks)
I do not agree with eugenics… population control, one child policies, forced abortion and sterilization; however, I strongly do believe that people should be licensed in order to have children. You need a license to drive a car, but not to have kids? People think it’s their right to have as many children as possible. Those that are abusive, mentally ill, have no means to support a child, etc. have no business having kids!
The world would be a much better place if we knew what a privilege it is to have children. You are responsible for a life and every thing you do has an effect on them, whether it be good, or bad. I don’t think anyone should be permanently sterilized, but perhaps a temporary contraceptive device would be required until a person passes the child licensing process.
If people who are pregnant wish to terminate their pregnancy, I strongly disagree with that, there should be another option! We should be more advanced and cryogenics could save the fetus instead. When a woman can not have children of her own naturally, an implant of the fetus in her womb, or a surrogate’s womb, instead.
This world is so primitive… we need more thinkers to shape our future instead of trying to significantly reduce the population of the human race! Morals play a very important role in that. People really can’t run things because we are faulty with our own human nature. I wish that we had computers to rule us, instead of ourselves. We are too corrupt. Wait, I would actually shape things right. I have a big heart, great ideas and I don’t care about money.
*** Update: I was thinking about what Alex Jones has said about not having children because of the state of the world and he’s right. I should not think like that and have kids when I’m ready no matter what.
n. (used with a sing. verb)
The study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding.———————————————————————————————–
I do not agree with eugenics… population control, one child policies, forced abortion and sterilization; however, I strongly do believe that people should be licensed in order to have children. You need a license to drive a car, but not to have kids? People think it’s their right to have as many children as possible. Those that are abusive, mentally ill, have no means to support a child, etc. have no business having kids!
The world would be a much better place if we knew what a privilege it is to have children. You are responsible for a life and every thing you do has an effect on them, whether it be good, or bad. I don’t think anyone should be permanently sterilized, but perhaps a temporary contraceptive device would be required until a person passes the child licensing process.
If people who are pregnant wish to terminate their pregnancy, I strongly disagree with that, there should be another option! We should be more advanced and cryogenics could save the fetus instead. When a woman can not have children of her own naturally, an implant of the fetus in her womb, or a surrogate’s womb, instead.
This world is so primitive… we need more thinkers to shape our future instead of trying to significantly reduce the population of the human race! Morals play a very important role in that. People really can’t run things because we are faulty with our own human nature. I wish that we had computers to rule us, instead of ourselves. We are too corrupt. Wait, I would actually shape things right. I have a big heart, great ideas and I don’t care about money.
*** Update: I was thinking about what Alex Jones has said about not having children because of the state of the world and he’s right. I should not think like that and have kids when I’m ready no matter what.
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