Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Toparanormal.org Complete Copy Of Former Blog - Part I

This Blog Is Moving             

I decided to that I will be moving my entire blog over to Blogger.com before my next renewal October 20th, I believe. Not only is Blogger a great platform but it’s totally free. I hope you join me over there too! Best, Anna Sophia http://annasophianaturalpsychic.blogspot.ca/

Well, what can I say except that this book makes things more real to me.  It explains about how angels had a lust for the daughters of man and actually married them and had children… whom were non other than giants.  The fallen, aka The Watchers, aka The Wicked, etc. taught man the craft, war, how to make weapons and other things that were forbidden.  For all of that they were cast out of heaven or worse.  Sounds so crazy but as I read I had to also research things and found some great docs on YouTube about the #bookofenoch LIKE giant bones have been discovered all over the globe.  There are references to giants in the bible… David and Goliath!  There are also references to giants in other historic pieces and even fairy tales.  They did exist!  Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah who built the arc because apparently God had to flood the earth to get rid of the giants.  Anyways, it’s so out there, but, you know what they say… the truth is often stranger than fiction!!!
The book also makes reference to the #godlesselite and how they are influenced by the fallen and give in to lust, money and war!  Just like in today’s time it seems!  After all these many, many years the #NWO aka #godlesselites have still been SAVAGE and WEAK to keep our society primitive and pathetic imho.  We could have been so amazing and advanced but because of their garbage leadership and influence we have not really achieved greatness at all!  I am talking such an advanced, sophisticated and civilized race of super beings that managed to unlock all the answers of the universe.  Instead we have the army of satan running amuck while the unfair and corrupt systems enslave and crush man to limit him/her of their true potential.  Why?  Because the #godlesselite are possessed and dim it seems to me.  They are so empty that they are filled with the negativity and the heaviness of dark forces.  How to break free.  Pray!  Say the Lord’s prayer, Our Father and then the Hail Mary.  Try to pray as much as you can.  Think of others and try to empathize and see their plight.  Look at my Laws Of The Natural Order and learn to know them well.  It’s time to move forward and it’s time to go up.  First within yourselves and then that will take us all higher together.  Elitism should be illegal.  Once we are pure again, God will return.   If not they will continue to be controlled by the fallen because of their weakness for money, sex and other evil things. 
The author also stated that the heirs of Enoch can take their illuminating torch away. Since Noah is Enoch’s great grandson that tells me that we are all heirs that are opposed. Here is to peaceful and positive change. Each and every individual has the power to make a better future in all that they do in their own lives and then the ripple effect will commence and the more people that do it the bigger the wave and the sooner the positive changes I strongly sense. Those NWO and their lackey fools are obsolete and will shed like snake skin

The Neuron / Neurotransmitter Network

Whenever my dachshund wants to communicate he usually barks and sometimes even goes to the usual spot where things are but when he really wants something specific he will stare until he gets the person’s attention and continue on locking his eyes to ours.  It seems to me that he is so very focused, his entire body is generating energy and he pulses it outward.
I read the book, You Are Psychic by Pete A. Sanders Jr., and he states that if you look upwards with your 3rd eye you are more easily able to connect.  Even before I read that I was sensing and picking up a strong signal to go up.  I felt that perhaps I should do that while my little guy was so set and so intense on sending me a message.  So I looked upwards and received 2 words… peanut butter.  I got the dog some damned peanut butter! lol  So you see… 2 beings each doing their part and connecting so that a message could be transmitted.
Then I started to think and relax and stew in my thoughts some more about how it may be possible to send messages or maybe even to travel.  It is said that higher forms of intelligent beings don’t even speak and solely communicate via telepathy.  What if they actually travel mentally, as well?!  So here is what I am thinking  Neurons are located all over the body.  They create signals, voltage and more.  If we learned to tap into that network then we could most likely harness 100%+ of our brain and energy.  Does this sound too out there.  lol  Good.  I am glad if it does.  Perhaps it’s time that humans broke out of the limits that we have put on ourselves and go within to connect to the universe to discover it’s many gifts.  It’s time.
We would know more if were actually harmonious and following the Laws of the Natural Order.  We need fair systems right now (banking, commerce & media).  I personally do not approve of #agenda21, #tpp, #gmo, #g20 and #cronycapitalism and would like those systems changed as soon as possible.  It goes against free will and is of the #godlesselite like in the Book of Enoch.  I am reading Origins of Evil, The Book of Enoch and have also been tweeting about it.  Hit my contact page and take a look if you have time.  When I feel it’s time I will write about it, hopefully.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope it will make a peaceful and positive difference in the world.
Anna Sophia


Some people say we vibrate but I believe we only do this when we are balanced, positive and happy. I also believe that our soul when at that state vibrates like sound.
Sound travels and when it does it’s sonic. So what if man could travel via sound and light from within. Perhaps interdimensional travel may be possible this way?! All we need is like a docking station for our bodies to care for them until we get back and a destination bot for our trip. Sounds really out there but why can’t we explore it? Nothing to lose.
I was tweeting this morning on my AnnaSophia_TOPS@twitter.com account and this is what I wrote:
Anna Sophia@AnnaSophia_TOPS 1h1 hour ago
Some of mans journeys start from within where we can reach universal frontiers. Nothing is impossible or out of reach. #music #light #travel
Anna Sophia@AnnaSophia_TOPS 1h1 hour ago
Must think upwards and outwards. #nofear #nolimits #beyond
Anna Sophia
relating to or using sound waves.
denoting or having a speed equal to that of sound.
11:01 AM – 7 May 2015
What if we could travel from within via sonic/light and destination would involve a robot or clone body? #freakyfuture #iampossible #whynot
11:49 AM – 7 May 2015
Just sharing my deep thoughts inspired by music and my connection to the universe. I hope this helps mankind. That’s why I do this for free.
I do have a paypal or bitcoin wallet if anyone would like to gift me. You can reach me via my facebook or twitter by hitting the About/Contact section on this site. I also sell art and pictures if anyone is interested. I should add a shop section.

UPDATE:  May 9, 2015 – One of my fb friends just criticized me a bit over this blog entry. lol!  He asked me if I was visited by clock work elves?!  Hahaha!  No.  I have not been.  Sheesh!  I just sense things, piece it together and write it down.  I don’t think I should stop my process just because it seems strange and weird.  There are things that we can’t explain but I do strongly sense that there are great messages and meanings in media.  Things come to me that way.  I find the little puzzle piece, not literally, I feel it, and I piece it together and tweet about it and then write it down on this blog.  Anyways!  Whatever.  I know that it probably doesn’t make much sense now but when the time is right I hope that this will guide humanity to the brink of greatness.  If not it’s certainly entertaining!!!
UPDATE:  May 27, 2015 – I just wanted to include my May 11th tweet: “intense dream early this am.man’s voice simply said my latest post Sonic Spirit was accurate.didn’tchim,he said it in middle of other dream.”  Also I have been sensing that I need to watch Close Encounters of the Third Kind and I was also thinking about mixing software like Reason from Softonic.

Deciphering The Universe
Since I am mostly connected the universe I have been picking up and sensing a lot of information from media, thinking and logging it on Twitter.  Most Libras, like myself, are natural born psychics and left brain.  So we pick up things and piece them together with our logic.  I am sure that not all are like this but I have been able to do this since I can remember.  For many years, especially in the past year, I have been on a very interesting journey that is being woven by my gifts.  It’s like I have to blog or tweet about what I sense and my thoughts.  I am just going to post some of my tweets on here because some of you may not follow my Twitter.  Hopefully you will because it’s where I kinda post what I am picking up and my deepest thoughts openly.  It’s kinda a big live brainstorm .   I feel that I am still piecing things together to get out a whole and complete blog post or these tweets will take me to the other pieces in order for myself to put together the bigger picture.  I try not to force anything now.  I honestly feel that eyes and minds are opening.  Hearts need too, as well.  It’s all about common sense, compassion, morals, ethics, the natural laws, balance, tools of the universe, advancing and prospering.  We need to let go of the weak and savage ways.  Anyways, here are some of my tweets I feel are worth a look and I hope you look up more too.
Anna Sophia @AnnaSophia_TOPS · May 2 – I sense that it is possible to read light and gather all it’s information like a dvd player on a screen, only no disk, just light.
Anna Sophia @AnnaSophia_TOPS · Apr 21 – When I’m receiving important info meant to be known it is like a constant nagging until I tweet it or blog it out. #decipheringtheuniverse
ElectricdreamsAnna Sophia ?@AnnaSophia_TOPS  Apr 21 – “L O V E … it’s the most powerful feeling in the universe.”  Electric Dreams film 1984
“It’s how we all survived.It makes u feel happy,sad,nervous,calm,hot,cold,strong,weak… it all comes from deep inside… it makes u feel.” ( Response – Part 2)
“I finally found out what love is.  It is give and not take.” (Response – Part 3)
Purchased Fluorite aka the “genius stone” from Gifts From The Earth in Toronto. Great benefits. Chinese&Egyptians used it. #harmoniousorder
When everything is balanced, moral, positive, peaceful and right in our world then all the answers will come.
AnnaSophia_TOPS – Apr 16 – Quit asking why because it’s wasting time.  Start to focus on what is and make it better.  #harmoniousorder #goingup #circlesociety
Anna Sophia @AnnaSophia_TOPS · Mar 13  The retrograde motion of the planets explained by the combination of 2 circular movements. The Fabric Of The Heavens. book

journeyAnna Sophia @AnnaSophia_TOPS – 6 Jan 2015  If you are really ready then let’s begin the JOURNEY #harmoniousorder #goingup #circlesociety
I am sure there are a lot more but I am getting tired now so please feel free to check it for yourselves if you would like to see more.

Connecting To The Universe

You know I am very focused, centered, balanced, informed, aware, happy and free.  This is not easy to achieve.  When I am in a peaceful state and focus upwards I easily am able to connect to the universe.  Some things that help me achieve this simply include keeping negative energy away, finding things to make me happy and uplift myself naturally without drugs or alcohol.
The following is what I have done to purge myself and elevate towards the universal connection by enlightenment and dropping the heavy.
1. Dropping the negative anchors. Negative people are the first to go with me. Sometimes when they are too close to you distance yourself at least and try to avoid as much as you can. Do not do kind things for people like that. Forgive and forget… them! Turn the other cheek only works if they don’t punch you in your face. Sometimes you have to take your cheek away in order to protect yourself. Other things that drag you down like some stale puritans and their constant doom and gloom. I had to stop listening daily to some alternative key people because it was like they were stuck in a loop or maybe I was too aware at that point and needed to break free to make my own peaceful spiritual and intelligent path? They are great when you are learning about the imo corrupt system but then there is a point where you must walk away and keep them at an arms length. You can take a breather to purge the negativity out but you can infrequently check their sites and clips. Never stop learning and being aware. That is not good either.
2. Things that make you happy. In this cold and cruel world always try and do things that make you happy. Music, dancing, working out, photography, sewing and my vintage doll hobby make me very happy. I try to always fill my day with music at the very least. When I do the dishes because our savage society has still not achieved sophistication with affordable service bots for all yet, I have to put on my iTunes and made that an enjoyable spa time for myself. I actually use music a lot when I have to do things I don’t like to do.
3. Love & Empathy. Caring is key to everything and anything. When I read tarot cards I always include that sincerity and find that it actually has furnished me with very accurate readings. Our current society is so cold and people look like they are lost. Even our leaders seem lost. They can not possibly connect like that. I wish they would realize that and find it in their hearts to turn on their spiritual flame. Once both the mind and the heart are in sync then the universe is truly yours.
4. Morals & Ethics. What you do daily effects you now and forever. Always try to be the best person that you can be. Remember The Laws Of The Natural Order & The Tools of the Universe that I blogged about earlier, as well. It all matters. Doing things only for yourself and not others is very flat because we are all connected. The universe is more flavorful when we all are connected together like in my blog post The Universe, Self & Group Symbiosis.
5. Positivity. Nothing lifts you up more than being positive. Even when things are tough you can try and find the bright side or a solution to solve the problems. Stop thinking negatively. Stop hating. Stop the weakness. Jealousy, fear and loathing are what many have to let go of. Marina and The Diamonds has an amazing song Fear and Loathing that you should listen to. So amazing. Also avoid the 7 deadly sins and remember the 10 Commandments too. They will help you towards a more positive and peaceful life.
6. Technology. Using technology for good benefits us all by making our lives easier. We are created in the image of God and must not be slaves ourselves. Take what the universe is transmitting and find the tools to enhance and better our lives. I love my iTunes. I have incorporated my existing CDs and also purchase new. The players on my all in one PC and my used 32 gig Ipod 4 are the key to getting me through tough tasks and hard times. I also saw on the news a new way to treat depression and mental illness through technology via electric stimulation! For more information about technology please see Tools Of The Universe category for more detail.
7. Continue To Educate Yourself. “I am still learning” Michaelangelo in his 80s! Always keep learning and bettering yourself. The internet improves IQ in my honest opinion. Use it for good. Avoid the negative. So glad our CISPA & NSA are shutting down the negative like horrible sites that hurt and harm. They also shut down crooks and cyber bullies. We don’t have a lawless society so why would we have a lawless internet. No balance there! It seems so primitive and post apocalyptic to be honest. In this day and age if someone uses the net to harm others or try and scam them I say shut them down and hopefully arrest them too. They should not be allowed to even use the net. Freedom of speech sure but if they people using it to troll or incite violence then it’s clearly time to stop them. The Feds should never try and stop the truth, however. If corps or bad people are being called out then they should go after the perpetrators and not the whistle blowers imho.
8. Health & Nutrition. Your body is your temple. If you are healthy and fit your mind should be too. I work out every day during the week. I try to eat healthy 80% of the time. I buy organic and I stay away from GMOs and processed food as much as I can. I cook the majority of the time. We can’t live forever but as long as I am here I will try. A toxic body is heavy and suffering. No possible way to connect unless you pray and try to detox. Some people with Cancer detox and take CBDs where it’s legal. Some have even claimed they cured themselves. CNN Dr. S. Gupta has an amazing 2 part special called WEED that is up on YouTube. Healing Cancer From The Inside Out is another great doc that everyone should check out.
9. Strength, Intuition & Self Certainty – Pretty straight forward. You must be strong. Ward off all weakness and temptation. Trust your inner voice and look for answers and guidance from within first. Think. Relax. Be optimistic. Feel that you do have a voice and it is effective peacefully. Violence and hate will get you no where. Harming others gets you no where either. Help those in need. Do not step on others. Be an individual but also know that we are connected to others. Also like in my Universe, Self & Group Symbiosis.
That’s all I can think of for now.

internet worldThe internet is an amazing tool for the betterment of mankind I strongly sense! Not only can you do your banking, make purchases, read, stream/purchase media, social network and so much more but you can also enhance yourself in so many ways. The internet improves your IQ in my observations.  It also builds it compassion towards others, tunes us into major issues to also help us work together to try to do something peaceful and civil that will get us towards real solutions, it also builds great self awareness and intuition, connects the world.. perhaps even the universe too!  And of course so much more!  I LOVE the energy I feel when I am online! Sure, there are some negatives to it because there will always be weak and savage people, however, the majority of the net is good.  My advice is that we utilize the good parts more in our daily lives while shutting down the bad parts.  Also in moderation.  We need to also get out there and enjoy the beautiful world without any net at all.
The internet emulates the “circle” described in an EVP. I blogged about it earlier in a post The Internet, The Universe And Everything that was regarding this and more. I just wanted to share that little blurb because what an incredible gift we have in today’s WWW! Now regarding the negative parts. In today’s day and age anyone using the net for evil should be stopped. If weak savages use the net to conspire to harm others, or scam others, or bully and harass others, then they should have no rights and face harsh legal punishment and fines. I say that they should not be allowed to use the net if they are not right. We Libras like to lead with a velvet fist btw. We are diplomatic, fair, balanced and firm. We can see the centre of things where the way and/or answer usually is in my opinion.
Also we should be moral when it comes to downloading our media.  If we keep media it should be paid for.  Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, PlayStation, YouTube, Crackle, Hulu are just a few amazing sites where you can buy/stream legitimate downloads or stream for free or for a price.  I know that sometimes people like to try before they buy, or make what they call radio recording poor quality copy, but it’s not fair to keep it in my honest opinion.  All non legit copies should have a self delete feature of 7 days in my opinion.  I read that most people who download these do eventually buy a copy if they like it so everyone wins.
I am not really in an outward cycle, especially to do any writing, but I am again forcing myself to get my current thoughts and feelings out.  Please forgive me if it sounds a bit off.

office killer 2

So much to write about today but how do I put it simply.  The energy I am picking up is immense so please bare with me.
I was on my personal Netflix account recently and out of the many thousands of movies one stood out to me for some reason.  A cheesy looking made for TV movie that I needed to watch.  Some big named actors were in it so why not.  To my delight it was actually really good and I was able to find 2 quotes that were important enough for me to mention that seem to relate to the discussions of technology today.    “computers are like children, they follow where you lead, they don’t make mistakes unless you lead them in the wrong direction.”. “In the very beginning I was spooked by all the gadgets but then I really worked hard… & now… the computer is my best friend.”.  1997 Office Killer Film.
office killer
I was on Canadian Awareness yesterday and saw the piece titled “Jose Cordeiro – The Future of Technology and the Technology of the Future” by Lucas Cort.  I was very excited but a bit weary too.  Technology should always better and enhance the lives of men because we were created in the image of God and should all live like kings and queens.  It should serve us to make our lives easier so that we may focus on more important matters.  It should also help us live longer, but I don’t think living forever is natural in this form because  I truly believe that this world is only a small part of our being and is not the eternal life we should be at.  The fallen angels run this world so to be here with them always just seems very wrong to me.  However, if I can look my best like I do now for as long as I live until I die… then why not!  Cloning body parts seems okay too for those that need them.  Why not live longer too!  I think around 250 is a good number!  Anything past that is just creepy to me.
Now of course there are some things that we must consider before hand because things may not be ideal and may bring our world to great peril.  Perhaps if we just had programmed service bots and things without any Artificial Intelligence, or very limited, then man will keep on top.  Sometimes fear is a defence mechanism instinct.  If we proceed with the utmost control and caution in regards to technology it should effect our lives positively.  Also GMOs concern me, as well.  Can we really do it better than God?  I don’t think so.  It just seems so Frankensteinish to be honest.  It seems that it’s about money and profit.  That should never be a determining factor when it comes to a sophisticated society in my opinion!
Jose stated that the internet will be free by 2020 and I think that is amazing! The internet has brought out my gifts and talents to be honest.  I just love being connected because the energy and rewards from it is beyond euphoric for me.   It should be free for us all sooner rather than later imho!  Why stop there!  Tesla’s free energy that I have heard of, that we have the technology supposedly, should be made available and made free for us all too!
Technology is an extension of ourselves and the universe, a tool, something to better mankind imho!  Personally I love technology and have used it like Tarot to help with my writings, creativity and theories.  I also use it to relax and have fun.  Though I don’t agree with everything Jose from Google was talking about, like living forever and self driving cars, but I still believe that we have individual choices not to go along if we don’t want to.  I sure as heck am not going to go backwards totally off grid like a cave person.  I honestly believe there is middle ground for us all.  All I know is that we have been like stagnant water for far too long.  It’s time for humanity to soar!  Like I have said before you can use it for good or not.  It’s up to the individual.  There should be laws introduced for those that use it for evil and harsh legal punishment if they are found guilty.
#toolsoftheuniverse #stopthrowingrocksatthemoon

Deviations From Nature – Updated January 15, 2015
vomitI am constantly thinking, even when I am relaxing and sleeping.  I work in controlled and constant circles of consciousness.  I like to figure things out, especially the most chaotic of things, so that I can bring order to them and make it harmonious.  Balance and positivity is what I need so why not help our society to achieve that, as well.  I only want a better future for mankind so that we can all be happy and figure out all the mysteries of the universe!
So I was thinking about the Tools Of The Universe and how we are so incredibly fortunate to be gifted such amazing things to benefit as a species but also what blocks us from their full potential.  Now what stops us from all their good are the Deviantions From Nature, such as, Satanism, war, weapons, rape, abortion, GMOs, Artificial Intelligence aka AI, chemicals, water fluoridation with non naturally occurring calcium fluoride, propaganda, mind control, porn… it seems to be covered by The 7 deadly Sins and also if you do not follow the Ten Commandments, then that is also a Deviant From Nature too.
Negative, weakness and dark things are not natural.  People that do not care for others and will step on them in order to benefit are also unnatural and bring us all down.  As Madonna sang, “open your heart to me”.  It’s time.  Also open your mind.  We need to move on because it seems we are stuck in the tar pits of the universe instead of rising up towards a civilized and sophisticated society.  We are stuck because we are simply not following The Laws of the Natural Order in my honest opinion.
We also seem very afraid to harness and utilize technology to propel us into a society I would be very proud of and not embarrassed of like I am today.  I have noticed that there are more and more advances with #bitcoin and robots, but not enough.  Some people feel that robots will take over the world and kill off man, however, if we have kill switches to deactivate them then why worry?  As long as we keep a few humans on the top to control AI’s we should be fine.  With more thought I think that we should be very careful with this and not go there or greatly limit it.  Service computers/bots/machines that are programmed to do tasks would be the way to go in my honest opinion!
We should not be throwing rocks at the moon on this just because of fear and the unknown.  The world is round, remember!  Do you think Columbus puss’d out?  No!  He got on that boat and sailed it past the point of human mental limits at the time.   Why do we have to constantly limit ourselves because of fear?!  I do understand that it’s an instinct of protection but it seems our society is crippled by it.  I would have so much more time to write and create if it weren’t for the many tedious domestic tasks that inflict me daily!
The time is now.  It’s time to steer hard towards a peaceful and positive future for all so that we can all live like kings and queens!  #goingup

The Tools Of The Universe

Man must see past what is now and focus on steering hard towards what should be.  We have all the great tools that our universe provided each and every one of us.  We have found the majority of them and now we must utilize them for all of mankind’s benefits!  We are one human race made in the image of God.  No one is better than the other.  Now we must find the compassion in our hearts, minds and souls and move  forward together to a place where it is positive, happy, peaceful and productive for all.  I often joke about having my very own Rosie bot to slave away instead of myself so that I can focus more on my work and art to better our world.  When people discuss how technology is bad and want to stop it I just see people controlled by fear and who do not like change.  I am the type that wants to dive into it head first if it means a better tomorrow.  Why not?  Things have to get better than this.  Man has had so many centuries to get where we need to be but because of our savage and weak ways we are no where near where we need to be!  In order to start the real journey we must recognize our weaknesses in order to strengthen and live by The Laws Of The Natural Order in order to ensure that we remain strong and powerful.  So let me recap what I believe the tools are.  Time, Mathematics ( #bitcoin ), Science, Technology (Computers, Internet, Robots…), Medicine (CBDs, organic foods, healthy lifestyle, being positive, etc.  imo) , The Laws Of The Natural Order, The Harmonious Order, The Cycles of Nature, Morality, The Zodiac, Tarot, Astronomy, Geology (crystals, stones, magnets), Creative Arts, Culinary Arts, etc.  All these wonderful things have been gifted to us and we must utilize them in order to all benefit right now.  Stop putting it off and saying that in the future or 50 years from now.  We need good and real change now.  The elite must let go of their greed and cold hearts and tune in with us in order for us all to move forward.  They really do influence and we need them to get to where we need to be.  I pray they are strong enough and ready enough.  We should all live like kings and queens.  We also need to be aware and weary of the Deviants From Nature, as well.

Soul Survival – things you can do to protect yourself from the weak and negative.  Limit or stop giving and helping selfish and cold people.  Sometimes caring about people that don’t care about you is not good for you!  Sometimes you have to cut them off for a bit, maybe indefinitely in order to keep yourself balanced and happy.  They are responsible for their own happiness.  We should always try to help people as best we can but this goes for people that are leachy and perpetually miserable by their own bad choices.  Avoid emotional people that always seem to pull you into their drama and negativity!  At least separate yourselves from their problems and static at the very least.
Tools of the Universe- Time, Mathematics ( #bitcoin ), Science, Technology (Computers, Internet, Robots…), Medicine, The Laws Of The Natural Order, The Harmonious Order, Morality, The Zodiac, Tarot, Astronomy, Geology (crystals, stones, magnets), Creative Arts, Culinary Arts…
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year! All the best in 2015. Happy Holidays & Season’s greetings to those not celebrating.
Anna Sophia

puzzleEach one of us is a very important piece of the universal picture. Together we will make something amazing together yet individually. So remember my theory of the Universe, Self & Group Symbiosis I wrote about this year, well, this is something more to add to that.
We each must focus immediately around us and do good and make little differences that will cause a ripple effect. The more that do this the faster we will all see the beautiful bigger picture. That’s all. We sometimes are overwhelmed thinking how bad things are in our savage and corrupt society. How we can’t do anything to change things for the better, yet, we most certainly can! Be peaceful, be positive, be truthful and be persistent!  The squeaky wheel always gets the grease!
I am growing more and more confident in my natural psychic abilities and recognize that I am probably a prophet, according to the book You Are Psychic that has validated some of my own intuition, that is meant to provide this valuable information, influence positively and guide towards the Harmonious Order of the Circle Society.  I have been blogging about it for a while now.  Please see the categories on the right, Creating A Perfect Utopia – The Harmonious Order and Understanding The Universe & Creating The Harmonious Order.

My Pre City Of Toronto Mayoral Election Tarot Reading
I am not in any mood to write but I just had to share my reading I did a couple days before the election.  All the bases seemed to be covered in my reading.  I am no expert at this but for some reason my readings are pretty accurate to me.  I do them so infrequently and only for people I care about or things I care about… I think that adds to the accuracy.  I forget the exact order but I pulled 9 of Wands, 3 of Pentacles, Chariot, King of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, 5 of cups and 4 of swords. The 9 of Wands is for Rob Ford, I believe. He was down but not out. He will come back and fight another day! ” The Nine of Wands shows a weary, injured man who holds a staff as though in a posture of final defence. He has fought the battle and won. He is protected by a number of wands behind him that appear like a wall around him. He appears drained and exhausted as he leans on his wand but he is ready to go to battle again. He has the look of determination in his eye to overcome this final challenge and reach a point of accomplishment and victory. He stands up for what he believes in and holds firm in those beliefs.  The Nine of Wands suggests that you are so close to completing a particular project or task but at the last minute, you are faced with yet another challenge or setback. Know that you have the inner resources necessary to overcome any difficulty you encounter, even though it may seem impossible at the time. You are so close to finally achieving success, do not give up now! The Nine of Wands is a sign of hope and encouragement that if you stand firm and strong against your challenges, you will achieve your goal. The challenges before you now are only the last bit of darkness before the break of a wonderful dawn.”    Also my cards touched on transit, a battle that will be won!, the Chariot card.  I totally am against LRTs and streetcars by the way.  They are said to jam up traffic, be dangerous to pedestrians and are bad for the nearby businesses.  I like the idea of subways and monorails.  They also warned of a business man who I believe is Tory King of Pentacles negative.  King of Pentacles positive is Doug Ford, I think.  5 of cups card was about his loss :'(   I really hope he goes on to be PC Leader of Ontario.  I honestly think we people need him because he seems to empathise with us and will do good by us.  I feel the need to do another reading soon. I am holding off until after Halloween. Too busy.


Time is said not to exist in space but it does seem to have come into existence here on earth because man has interpreted the cycles found in nature and the stars and derived it into actuality.  Evidence of time on earth can be found in the natural cycles of the sun, moon, stars, seasons, weather…   The farmers, sailors, Romans, Egyptians, Greeks, etc. have relied on nature and the stars to transcribe it so that we could use it to make life easier, to also determine things, to measure things and to maintain and keep a schedule of things.  Very organized and accurate.  I like that!  The creation of the sundial may have been the actual birth of time, I believe.  The sun was our indication of early time.  As long as man uses time, time exists.
roman sundial
Fibonacci actually discovered the sequence of numbers that are found in nature.   “Fibonacci numbers are closely related to Lucas numbers in that they are a complementary pair of Lucas sequences. They are intimately connected with the golden ratio; for example, the closest rational approximations to the ratio are 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, … . Applications include computer algorithms such as the Fibonacci search technique and the Fibonacci heap data structure, and graphs called Fibonacci cubes used for interconnecting parallel and distributed systems. They also appear in biological settings,[9] such as branching in trees, phyllotaxis (the arrangement of leaves on a stem), the fruit sprouts of a pineapple,[10] the flowering of an artichoke, an uncurling fern and the arrangement of a pine cone.[”  Wiki .
My husband is trying to get me to listen to Tolle who stated he has done LSD for us (unnatural delusions? imho) and I just already know deep down not to waste my time.  I am so busy helping people right now that need it I hardly have time to blog anymore.   Anyways, he realized after a couple minutes how ridiculous it is to expect someone not to think and to say something doesn’t exist.  First of all humans are like computers.  We have temp RAM to process little things, we have a hard drive for more complex thought and we are also plugged into the internet… the circle aka the universe  for our internal connection.  I wrote about this before years ago.  Anyways, we may not need to think for some things but to say to not think at all is just absurd to me.  I will think when I need to and relax and put my thinking on the back burner other times.  I don’t need someone telling me not to just to create something.  Shut up, okay.  It does not make sense.  That’s why I am so against people doing drugs for recreational use!  He may not but to say he has for us makes me very weary.  He is the modern day Turn on, Tune in and drop out  Timothy Leary imo.  He has a nice accent but when I hear him speak it makes no real sense imo.  We all must remember not to follow people blindly on what they believe because they might be totally off.  We should trust ourselves and look within and think for ourselves.  Does someone or something sound to be full of nonsense then trust your gut because chances are they very well may be.
*STOP THINKING NEGATIVELY!*  Think about the here and now but always consider each and every action because it will effect your future.  Life is like a chess game so you have to focus on the present time while thinking 3 steps ahead.
I made a voice memo today to ensure that I would have it all ready for when I got home but while I was driving someone close to me to pick up things for home I must not have pressed record hard enough because I could not find the recording.  I will maybe come back to this because it was written in a rush to just try and get out some of my thoughts that I was thinking about.
It’s been a very hectic 2.5 years!  I am trying to keep tweeting at least.  @annasophia_TOPS is my Twitter and I am on Facebook too and Anna Sophia is my name.  You can always reach me there or feel free to email me at toparanormal@yahoo.ca and I will try to get back to you as soon as I c an.  It might take me a couple weeks or more but I should get back to you eventually.

My deepest condolences to Nathan Cirillo’s family and friends.  God bless Nathan and may he also help us in this tragic time to come together and create better systems to prevent any future acts of terror in Canada and the world.  What a tragedy and such a horrible act of hate and evil.
People are upset here in Canada after the horrible shooting and some are thinking guns are the solution. I personally don’t think so. I like the idea of SPDs. Subdue protection devices that when deployed would alert police while restraining the perp until the cops get there. Someone said on one of my Facebook friend’s wall that they would feel better if the public was armed and I had to answer this “have you ever worked for the public. I have and that’s a scary thought that they would be armed too. I am a moderate so not left or right. I am probably what you might call a freak because I see past what is and look towards the future of what could be or what should be. I would like to protect myself but with non lethal yet very effective devices. Let the police do the dirty work, it’s their job. I understand that we need to transition ourselves towards that so in the meantime I will leave that to the individuals that want to legally obtain one or not.”.
I strongly feel we need harsher punishment for any Canadians that are involved in terrorism!  The government needs to stop all government money indefinitely, if they receive, to these satanic fools immediately and their families too.  Detain them because they should not be allowed to roam free with other citizens.  Put them on trial, however, and decide a fair punishment.  I don’t think they should ever be allowed to return to my free and beautiful country, though.
I think we need a panel of psychologists to chime in on this and give us their thoughts.  Are these terrorist dim or mentally ill?  What is the profile of these types and could they ever really be rehabilitated back into society?  I also want to know why Canada is only monitoring 90 returned ISIS terror suspects.  Doug Ford was right in saying that these people need to be brought in for questioning.  I also want them up on trial asap and if found guilty we need to decide what we are going to do because this garbage can not continue if we ever want to achieve a civilized and sophisticated society of the harmonious order.
I just want to add that I don’t feel it’s right for Canada to get involved in religious wars it is not logical to because the ones that are fighting may be too emotional and/or under evil grip… be it Satan or radical leaders.  I would like Canada to stop fighting and individual Canadians might want to start helping in a humanitarian way by volunteering.  We need to protect our land and our boarders civilly and peacefully but if there is ever a real threat I would like our soldiers and police to fight for us like the hero yesterday, Canada’s Sargent of Arms, Mr. Vickers.  I know that he most likely prevented others from being hurt or killed.

My View On Ebola

I have been tweeting our PM about this and I asked that flights be stopped immediately because it is better that we are safe than sorry.  I do sense that it would be best to stop them because we are not ready to handle such an outbreak imho.  Ontario medical staff didn’t even feel they were ready either but since has had more training.  I noticed that their protective wear is flimsy and not a hazmat suit with ventilator was recommend because they felt it was airborne.  I tweeted that this is common sense, really.  I clearly see that the system is playing this down and causing debates in a sad way to buy them time.  It’s so savage and evil.  I have decided not to travel, eat out or visit busy public places.  It’s not about being paranoid it’s about avoiding a bad situation.  I don’t go walking in the park late at night alone because I know that I have a good chance of being robbed or worse.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  Shame on the MSM, mainstream media, in playing it down.  We didn’t think there would be acts of terror on Canadian soil after Harper involving us in the wars against terrorists so Ebola coming here and possibly spreading is totally possible.  I will also write a piece next about the horrible cowardly act of terror yesterday by a fool of Satan.

Doug Ford Is Who I Voted For!
He had me at respect for taxpayers and subways.  It also doesn’t hurt that he has good experience and also seems to actually empathize with the people and care.   I sense the compassion in the Fords and that they would bring in good change if elected imho.  Doug, the mayor and the other members of council that worked wonderfully together really brought in some great things for the people of Toronto and our beautiful city.  I really hope Doug Ford is voted in as mayor and will continue the good and solid Ford agenda!  They put the people first and it must continue.  Other politicians should take a lesson from the Ford brothers when it comes to politics and work ethic.  I am going to keep this short and sweet because I don’t really feel much for writing lately but I am forcing myself to write a bit about a few things that are very important.

Haunted House Myths Confirmed And Debunked

        The Huffington Post                                                                               | By                                                                                                       

        Posted:                   Updated:
Let’s call a spade a spade: October is the spookiest month of the year. From scary Halloween costumes to creepy Jack-O-Lanterns staring at us from front porches, ghosts, whether you believe in them or not, are always on the back of your mind.
And for us, when the stairs are a little too creaky or a huge gust of wind blows the front door open, we definitely start believing our house is haunted. So we decided to call in John E.L. Tenney, one of the world’s leading paranormal investigators in the world and the star of Destination America’s new TV show, ‘Ghost Stalkers’ to debunk and confirm the biggest myths.
Here are some of the most common misconceptions — and truths — he comes across regularly.
1. You’ve felt someone tap on your shoulder when no one is there.
TRUE: Tenney told us that “the truer nature of hauntings is that they are far more subtle and vary greatly.” So if you feel like someone tapped your shoulder in an empty room or house, you just might be in the presence of a haunted spirit.
2. Your furniture is constantly rearranging itself.
FALSE: According to Tenney, “there are no ‘hard and fast’ rules” when it comes to figuring out if a house is haunted or not, but there are certain things that will not occur, like a pet speaking multiple language or a box springs suddenly hovering three feet off the floor.
3. People have died in your house.
FALSE: “People believe that a death or tragic occurrence in a home means their house is haunted, but not even this has been a reliable indicator that strange manifestations must take place,” Tenney explained. “Most homes have seen death or tragedy in some way and, indeed, they do not have what people call ‘hauntings’.”
4. You hear strange sounds more commonly during certain seasons.
outside thermometer
FALSE: In some of Tenney’s cases, certain residents of “haunted” houses have reported weird noses that Tenney attributes to a change in temperature. He explained that wood, steel and other materials shrinking or expanding might be causing that bump in the night, especially during the fall and spring seasons.
5. You suddenly smell the perfume of a loved one.
TRUE: Just like something tapping on your shoulder when no one is home, Tenney said that the presence of a possible haunting experience “is as simple as smelling the perfume of a loved one who has passed away.”
6. You’ve had a frightening experience in an attic, basement, crawl space or closet.
FALSE: “Reports of frightening experiences taking place in a home are also mostly based around confining and dark locations such as attics, basements/crawl spaces, and closets,” said Tenney. “This can be attributed to our own human psychological fear of dark and constrictive spaces.”
To further ease our minds, Tenney also said that a “quick look back through my files over the last 27 years shows that close to 98% of the cases I’ve investigated have had normal, if not readily noticeable, explanations.” Though that doesn’t completely ensure that we won’t run into a spirit at some point, we’ll keep this list handy just in case.
I recall last year when Adam Kokesh and Dan Dicks of PressForTruth.ca met up and Adam told Dan that he was an anarchist.  I also noticed that Terry Wilson of CanadianAwareness.org just got an Anarchy tat.  I decided that I better research it more so yesterday I looked up the definition of Anarchy in Wiki and it can actually have more than one meaning.
Today’s Anarchy in this particular case I sense that it means self importance, self and social awareness, collecting accurate information, thinking, questioning, disagreeing with the massive corruption in our world today and the confidence, the drive to obtain self/group happiness peacefully via an information and digital self/group movement imo and the want for good change. I think that’s why I have hope for #Bitcoin because it really seems like a very advanced and moral system to me that offers simply a decentralized functioning monetary unit of measure to me. It will work for us to free our lives and not enslave us imho.  
I don’t feel that Anarchy is a permanent method either, only something that people believe that needs to be done in order to get the individual and group to a non corrupt, civilized, moral, sophisticated and harmonious society. It’s almost like my posts on steering towards a better future. You can leave things up to destiny but to me it’s like using autopilot only you have no idea where you end up. When you take control you have a better chance at the place you desire I strongly believe.
So my husband recently purchased the book Rotten, by Johnny Lydon of the Sex Pistols to read, and was watching some clips from his doc.  I instantly felt this phrase, “anarchy to be free”.  Then I asked him what the doc is titled and he tells me that it’s actually titled FREEDOM!  It kinda freaks me out when this happens but I it has happened to me before and I also felt that this was no coincidence.  Now I have not seen this doc, nor have read Johnny Rotten aka Lydon work but I will and if someone here has please feel free to correct me if I am wrong here. I don’t agree with everything Johnny Lyndon has said from what I have heard and seen either but I have come to the conclusion based on other things I have witnessed that people have used Anarchy in order to be free by many means but I do not condone any violence and destructive behaviour like the Black Bloc!  That is what I believe to be Negative Anarchy which is so wrong and in all reality makes things worse in my honest opinion.
I strongly believe that there are non violent ways that will be very effective in order to push for a better tomorrow.  Anyways, I was right in thinking that Anarchy is a transitional means to getting the self to a better life… freedom.  It seems in this day and age it is being done peacefully via the net.  It also seems to be through what I wrote about yesterday… The Universe, Self & Group Symbiosis.  We can receive and I strongly believe that we can transmit too!


Universe, Self & Group Symbiosis

school of fish circle society
Via Wikimedia.org
Previously I have been thinking about and discussing being individuals but operating together as a group on an internal universal GPS like a school of fish.  It seems like the perfect model for us and our society.  Separate individuals, respecting individualism yet working together for the great good in order to be much better.  I sensed that we are separate entities that should be plugged in to the universe internally yet able to function in a group and work together positively.
Then today I see talk in the alternative community about the individual and getting away from the system but that seems so unnatural to me.  It is great to be self aware through meditation and intuition.  It is great to question things, always, but we need to also live together.
paul joseph watson individualism
My response to Paul Joseph Watson’s Facebook photo post was:  “Yes being an individual is very important and finding you takes inward thinking… intuition. HOWEVER, once you are synced with the universe you will also need to function as a group, like a school of fish. Almost symbiotic imo.”
I say a great example of anything we want solutions for, &/or to perfect in our own world, it is most usually found in nature. So I looked to see what I could identify with and what instantly came to mind was a group of fish. Individual entities that are so small alone, yet together operating on almost an internal GPS they are stronger and better. I like to term it as a group symbiosis because it’s separate entities working together for positive reasons like a more ideal survival.
Once our society allows us individuals to focus within, lessons the distractions, become civilized then we will be so SOPHISTICATED and HARMONIOUS then we will be ready for all the answers and benefits.  I just want to add that in the meantime we all must steer in the right direction individually and our world leaders must simply choose good over evil.  That is the first step.  Also the elite must back off and allow the savage society to die.  This world should not benefit just them!  They must consider us all.  If we set course in the right direction it will lead us to this sophistication we should have arrived at long ago.  Enough with stepping on people to get ahead, enough with killing because we need to resolve things without death and destruction, enough with profiting off people with shady and mal things, MORE POSITIVE TECHNOLOGIES THAT WILL BENEFIT US ALL, MORE FOLLOWING THE LAWS OF THE NATURAL ORDER, MORE OF THE CIRCLE SOCIETY, MORE HARMONIOUS ORDER THAT WILL PUT 100% ON TOP… get it?  #GOINGUP #HARMONIOUSORDER for more.
Updated January 1, 2015: WE ARE TOOLS OF THE UNIVERSE!!!

Push For A Better Tomorrow
I bet we would have a much better world if some people didn’t spend so much time stewing in negativity, fighting & hating. I have seen some somewhat seemingly intelligent people spend countless hours picking others apart in an attempt to try and push their buttons over the most frivolous of things for attention. If they would just use that time to instead on real important matters that we should all be concerned about, blog or become peacefully active in important issues (like GMOs, or the private banking system or whatever needs our attention), than I feel that this world would be a much better place! I do practice what I preach btw because I don’t fight unless it’s absolutely necessary, and only peacefully & civilly, like when helping my father get the proper hospital care he needed and I took the time to FIGHT FOR HIS BENEFIT! I will also take the time to defend myself but only when I feel that I am being painted in a bad and untrue light. I am also so proud to have taken more positive and peaceful action by blogging, signing petitions, donating to charity, contacting my politicians, volunteering for my local alternative media, I have even exposed corruptions in my own city with positive results and inform others any chance I get. Of course we all need down time to relax and have fun too but that helps us to become more productive in a beneficial way imho. You put negativity and hate out there then it will come back to you at least 3x. You wish harm on others or try to hurt others purposely then guess what… it will come back on you at least 3x, as well and that’s why I always try to help people instead. I also know that unless someone is a crook or is violent with others you should not condemn them. No one is perfect and, therefore, no one should judge and try to label people so badly. It only will look bad on them to be honest.

The Familiar

There are a lot of vibes that I pick up but none so familiar as evil. To actually describe it is a deep pulling down sensation in my lower abdomen that is combined with a chill. I have sensed it a bit more than usual as of late. So much despair, deception and hate online lately, I can even see it in my doll community?! Some pretty judgemental, critical and negative people out there! The top two I have witnessed are Scorpios! Enough said, right lol
Seems social medias enable and protect ANONYMOUS CYBER BULLIES AND HATE SPEECH by citing freedom of speech. I mean it doesn’t take a person with sense to realize there is a difference. I mean you can use things for good or for evil. So if it’s for evil then I think that the freedom of speech right should not apply. People are taking advantage now and it’s really ugly and hurtful.
In the midst of all that I have instead been positive and created a helpful dolly group and funny dolly page. I mean, why not? I think when good comes out of negativity it’s like a big FU! I don’t need it and I don’t want it. We all make mistakes but learning from them, forgiving others and moving on is the way to go! Unfortunately there were a few people that I cared about that were angry and/or attacking that I had to block. It was difficult but out of respect for myself and protection I just had to keep them away.
There are still good people. I sense them because they are light and sweet. You just can’t get enough of them! So much like a beautiful painting, an amazing sunny day, an incredible view and even a delicious dessert like an ice cream sundae! People that are conflicted, crowded places / events, or positive and negative energy combining comes across as a swirling feeling, cold and a lot of energy! I picked that up when I went to the Bright Pearl Chinese Restaurant on Spadina. So electric, sinister and amazing. Too bad it’s closed down now. Then there is stale energy and stale people. You know the places or people you don’t get real read from… almost as though they are invisible. It’s kinda sad when people are like that cause they are lost and have no spark. Like zombies, even.
So lately there has been much conflict in my family’s life and it’s been keeping me very busy. We are almost through it! I will never give up and always keep a positive outlook and approach on things. I will also avoid negativity like the plague! It’s not worth getting yourself caught up in that nonsense.
I am going to try and get the energy to work on an original artwork piece for this post. I am on a purge energy cycle. We all have many states. I am not going to force anything because it’s not natural.
A shout out to Rob Ford and his family! I am so proud that he went to rehab!!! He is definitely in a less swirly state. My continued support to him! I honestly sense that he is something special. He just has to believe it and NOT EVER DRINK AGAIN! I mean, OMG!! I strongly believe his career depends on it. Also, keep a small and tight circle. Do not say or do anything that you can’t in front of other people.
If anyone wants to gift me, you may always do so!  Below is my bitcoin address and I do have paypal too!  Please write me if you wish to send me PayPal.  I do not get any money from this blog.  I would appreciate it very much.  Thank you!

IMG_2515 I have been thinking and thinking about our world, our dark and pathetic society, the unknown, the great universe, the laws of the natural order, The Harmonious Order, steering towards a better future, good and evil, etc. a lot over the years.  It’s really all so simple and everything we need to know is already inside of us.  We just need to learn how to relax and focus.
The evil globalists set up obstacles to keep us in perpetual fear, with many distractions and ignorance.  Then some of our food and water have preservatives and/or chemicals in it that is said to mess with our thinking.  Also right here in Ontario during S.A.D., Seasonal Adjustment Disorder (lack of sun & D Vitamin) we are blasted with corporate propaganda that is trying to, in my personal opinion, get as many new people in the mental health system over things that may have a physical factor like poor diet or illness, the season, tough times, lifes ups and downs…  If you read my Blurred Swines blog and search #bellletstalk you will see more on this.  Anyways, I sense that most are aware of these variables that cause people great pain and suffering.
Remember you don’t have to believe their news, eat their processed food, drink their fluoridated water, think how they want you to think, take their meds without question if there are effective natural alternatives (ask your doctor and research!  NaturalNews.com is a great site that I frequent for health news.  Also CanadianAwareness.org, Infowars.com & Pressfortruth.ca for health and alternative MSM news ).  You have free will.  You may have alternatives that can greatly better your life.  You must be selective!
Today I wish to go into how each and every one of us, no matter what influence, has the power and control to make our lives and the lives of others positive or negative.  Just like in my sketch there are usually two outcomes with any of our decisions.  We may do things for good or we do things for evil.  We can be guided by negative or positive forces but ultimately we have the physical power to go through with it.  It’s not that complicated, really.  Those that use the excuse of possession and that God will forgive those that are possessed… no.  People who are allowed to be possessed have committed mortal sin and must repent IMMEDIATELY and ask for forgiveness right after, as well.
I have seen a lot of people that are miserable and troubled because their biggest weakness is thinking that they have no power and fall victim to weakness, deception and sin.  Each and every one of us has the light of God inside of us, along with his great knowledge.  Know that you have control over your life and even if you are struggling you can overcome if you clear your mind from the negative and believe in the positive that is planted in yourself.  Do not fear the darkness… feels sorry for those that are lost in it and are suffering in it.
You know the key to true enlightenment is not falling victim to material things.  Value yourself and others.  Also the spiritual things, the simple things.  Step back and look at all sides then think for yourself!  Do not trust what is told to you.  You must know without a doubt what is truth and what is not. Do not be like everyone else.  Find yourself and start by looking at your zodiac.  Work on your negatives/weaknesses and embrace your positives.  Treat your body and mind like a temple.  Eat healthy and recognize the glass is half full.  Do not fall victim to others that are in constant chaos, instead give them the information to empower themselves but do not take on their demons.
Now about my drawing, Manufactured Demons, I am able to draw realistically but this piece is anything but.  It’s a bit abstract, simple and strange with an obvious message.  I used vintage oil pastels that I found in a church sale.  It’s about off balance and when one falls victim to the negative forces.  My piece is supposed to be ugly and basic so don’t worry about hurting my feelings lol  The piece basically simplifies our power even if we may be greatly influenced.  I am willing to sell it if anyone wants to buy this work.  Just go to my contact section and send me a Facebook message.  That’s the best way to reach me.

Get A Ghost Out Of Your House per Wiki How

So I have had some people that believe that they are experiencing a haunting write me asking for help.  There is no guide to the unknown or paranormal but I usually have some info that I share.  I give them PSICAN’s link http://www.psican.org/alpha/ghostform.htm  and tell them about what I did that helped me including a strong belief in God, a good and pure heart, not using a Ouija Board, not being afraid, protection like using salt & olive oil (sage & holy water is said to help too), researching and understanding the paranormal, IGNORING the presence really helped me too!  Recently I did a Google search and found a link on Wiki How titled Get A Ghost Out Of Your House that actually looks pretty decent.  Okay so here is the link to Wiki How:    http://m.wikihow.com/Get-a-Ghost-out-of-Your-House  Just in case that link goes in the memory hole I have copied and pasted it below for those that need to reference it:
Not everyone believes in ghosts, but for those that do a haunting can be scary business. This article gives some pointers for how to determine if your house is haunted, how to rule out common (and not paranormal) causes of a ghostly visitor and how to get rid of one if you do have a ghost.

Part One: Eliminating Non-Paranormal Possibilities

  1. 1
    Make sure the haunting isn’t caused by infrasound. These low frequency hums can cause nausea, feelings of fear and even manifest shadows at the corners of your vision. These are caused by the vibrations of the infrasound, depending on the intensity of the sound wave. French robotics researcher, Vladimir Gavreau, allegedly produced such effects on himself and his fellow researchers through infrasound.[1][2]
    • Animals can pick up infrasound in ways that humans can’t. Scientists believe that this might be how many animals can sense natural disasters.[3]
    • Building an infrasonic microphone. The antenna itself has to be bought, but these are easy to find at an electronics store and relatively inexpensive. Once you have the microphone, get a glass jar with the diameter of 2.25 inches. Stretch a 12 inch balloon over the touch. Cut off the part of the balloon which you use to inflate it, and tape the rest tightly and without wrinkles to the jar. Tape an NdFeB type magnet of 1/2 inch to 1 inch diameter magnet of 5000 guass or more (you can get this from Walmart). You will need an oscilloscope to convert the electrical signals into waveform patterns. These are more expensive, but can be found for about $45 on eBay.[4]
    • Alternately, call your local university’s science department and see if they have any recommendations for putting together an infrasonic microphone.
  2. 2
    Eliminate other non-supernatural factors. Check around where the house is situated. Is there a garbage dump nearby? Sometimes methane gas can seep up through the ground, giving a smell of brimstones and bursts of fire.[5]
    • Often ghost sightings are simply light bouncing off of a reflective surface in an unusual way. Human sight and senses are incredibly error prone, so it can be difficult to trust what your eyes might be telling you without serious further investigation.
  3. 3
    Get psychiatric evaluation. Often people who see “ghosts” are primed to do so because of their mental health. Before you start doing odd things to your home, seek out some professional help. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have a ghost, it is simply a way to rule out one outside possibility.
    • Likewise, try and have someone confirm your experience. If you’re the only one seeing or sensing anything, that’s the best time to get psychiatric evaluation. If others experience the possible haunting as well, look first to other natural causes.

Part Two: Evaluating the Potential Haunting

  1. 1
    Record your experiences. Once you’ve gotten rid of any natural causes, you will need to catalog your haunting to better understand how to deal with it.
    • Use a record player to try and communicate with the haunting. Ask it questions and record it to see if the ghost answers. It won’t always, but you may be given some sort of message which can help with getting rid of it. You will want to ask easy questions with simple answers, usually yes or no. This is simplest if you try to communicate with the ghost by asking questions and having it answer with knocking. Ask it to use one knock for yes and two knocks for no.
    • Take photos of the areas where you experience the haunting to see if anything turns up in the final image. Use a flash when you’re in a dark space, like a room, otherwise your camera will only capture darkness. Otherwise, it is best to rely on natural lighting so that lens flare doesn’t confuse you. Remember that often ghostly seeming orbs and other phenomena are often simply dust on the camera lens, or light refracting from dust particles in the air.
  2. 2
    Have someone corroborate your findings. See if your family members, or roommates sense and see similar things to you. Do they hear ghostly footsteps, a knock on the bedroom door, or other manifestations? Try not to influence them with your own findings.
    • If you can find a reputable ghost hunter or psychic, talk to them about what you’ve discovered and see what they think. If you can afford it, have them come to your house and see what they can find separate from your experiences.
  3. 3
    Don’t be disappointed if your haunting turns out to be nothing. As any reputable ghost hunter will tell you, most of the ghostly visitations turn out to have a natural explanation. That doesn’t mean ghosts don’t exist!

Part Three: Politely Getting the Ghost to Leave

  1. 1
    Be confident when dealing with your ghost. Like animals, ghosts are supposed to react to and feed off of fear. Since there are very few (if any) true cases where someone was hurt by a ghost, mostly what you’ll be dealing with is irritating and possibly unsettling.629px-Get-a-Ghost-out-of-Your-House-Step-6-Version-2

    • If you talk to the ghost, use a no-nonsense tone of voice, as you would with a misbehaving animal. Be stern, but not mean. Ghosts may be the left-over spirits of other people. The fact that they are dead might already be traumatizing to the ghost.
  2. 2 Perform an exorcism. This is specifically for Christians, as an exorcism means casting out Satan and his minions. If you aren’t Christian, this way will be unlikely to work for you. Check in your specific religion, as all religions have possibilities for dealing with a type of spirit world. If you are Christian, don’t perform the exorcism yourself. Instead, contact a local church and see what they recommend.[6]

    • In Hinduism reaching the 3rd, 7th and 9th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita and offering the result to the ghost it will help release them from their bondage. Likewise, chanting mantras, keeping holy pictures of deities or burning incense offered during a Puja can help release the trapped spirit.
    • The Jewish ritual helps both the possessed and the possessor find healing. The ritual should only be performed by a rabbi who has mastered practical Kabbalah.
    • There are a variety of banishing rituals for all cultures and religions so you should be able to find one that suits your need. These rituals take into account different culture’s views on ghosts and the afterlife, as there is no one true doctrine on ghosts.
  3. 3
    Cleanse the house. Once your ghost has been banished, you must cleanse the space so that it doesn’t return and to discourage other spiritual and ghostly visitors. Again, there are as many ways to cleanse a physical space as there are religions in the world. The ones offered below are only some of the more common ones.
    • Burn sage or cedar. This is said to clear negative energy and burning incense is considered a purifying force in many cultures.
    • Ring a bell in each corner of your home. This is said to break up the negative energy and encourage positive energy. It is important to do this more than once as negative energy can come from many different sources.
    • Physically clean your home. This will help to create an atmosphere of cleanliness and to discourage negative energy from coming back.
  • Very few (if any) ghosts are dangerous. Often it is best to simply leave them alone. Think of them as a quirky (if sometimes irritating) house guest.

Blurred Swines – Has The Liberal Party Gone Too Far?
animal-farm-cover-2 Are the mental health campaigns in Ontario enough to possibly confuse Ontarians into thinking that the dire situation of the province, created by the province run LIBERALS, reason enough for them to personally go into the mental health system?  Going into the system instead of facing the issues and peacefully demanding resolve?  Have we been so conditioned that we can not even distinguish between true mental illness from the effects of a corrupt and a horrible government that has gone too far in my personal opinion.  Is the left media and left run mental health programs blurring the lines of tough times and personal depression in order for people to seek help and possibly medicate them instead of dealing with this horrible situation?  I believe so.
It’s so bad here in Ontario they are comparing us to Greece and stated that we are worse off than bankrupted California!  http://toparanormal.org/2013/06/modern-day-beasts-of-burdon-was-ontario-other-countries-in-financial-peril-purposely-bankrupted-in-order-to-float-troubled-economy/  It is so bad in Ontario in my opinion that CAMH is going door to door.  It is sad to see people targeted like this over deliberate engineered devastation by the left imo.  Important posts that you should also read:  Margot Kidder discussed her treatment and how she did not use “mind numbing” pills thanks to her doctors.  http://toparanormal.org/2013/02/bellletstalk-about-margot-kidder-on-the-cbc-last-night-on-the-george-tonight-show-yay-cb/ and what I believe is deceptive propaganda targeting struggling Ontarians http://toparanormal.org/2013/02/is-bell-media-using-decption-bleeding-heart-propaganda-candy-coated-propaganda-bellletstalk-save32minutes/
The head of the Liberal party himself, Justin Trudeau, has stated that he supports the legalization of pot which is said to effect the brain, both long term and short term, and may cause brain damage.  Please see the links here:  http://drug.addictionblog.org/does-marijuana-cause-brain-damage/  and http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/07/24/justin-trudeau-wants-to-legalize-marijuana-in-order-to-keep-it-out-of-the-hands-of-our-kids/   Why else would he support hemp use?  I question his intentions A LOT.  Someone that supports a carbon tax and obvious anti human agendas does not care about people in my eyes.  To keep people in a state of:
  • decreased motivation
  • disrupted coordination and balance
  • hallucinations (in high doses)
  • impaired complicated tasks such as athletics and driving
  • impaired mental flexibility
  • impaired problem solving
  • impaired focus (inability to hold attention)
  • increased anxiety
  • paranoia
  • slower reaction time
(short term effects of Marijuana according to  http://drug.addictionblog.org/does-marijuana-cause-brain-damage/ )
Would that not benefit a corrupt and deceptive party that is on an evil globalist agenda?  I think so!  Do they want to get as many people on “mind numbing” scripts and high and out of it on pot just so they can keep with their disgustingly horrible political path that has no benefit to the little guys?! I think so!  http://toparanormal.org/2013/03/canada-needs-to-drop-out-of-the-un-immediately/
On a side note, I support hemp use 110% for health, industry and nutrition but I do have a negative feeling about recreational use.  I am not a drug user, I don’t even smoke or drink.  If I was sick and hemp oil could help me, like it did Rick Simpson (Google him and his doc Running From The Cure or Charlottes Web CNN)  http://toparanormal.org/2011/01/supressing-effective-safe-cancer-cures/  then I would want the freedom of choice and religion to use it.  I would most likely go to court and fight for my right to have it if I could not get it prescribed to me.  I do, however, believe that decriminalization would reduce crime and it could also bring in tax money if the government were to regulate it.  Perhaps licensing it for fun would be the way to go.  I don’t think that people should drive on it if they are licensed until they come out with a test that could detect usage proving that a person was driving while high which I think is a definite no no.
Not only are we constantly put into a state of confusion and fear by the mainstream media imo on top of the chemicals in our food and water… we are left in a state of constipated intuition so we can not connect easily to the universe and unable to be our true and best selves.  This is an attack on our God given and natural right in life.  How many have been victimized by this corrupt and disgusting system of dark negativity?  Both political sides need to step up and stop this asap.   Please see my previous blogs here that touch on this, as well:  http://toparanormal.org/2011/11/toxic-gravy-the-fluoride-deception-re-toronto-re-city-drinking-water-re-rob-ford/  and http://toparanormal.org/2010/08/canadian-government-cares-about-your-salt-intake-but-what-about-all-the-other-toxins-in-our-food-water/  and http://canadianawareness.org/2014/01/what-are-processed-foods-doing-to-our-children/
Let’s not forget the green smart grid brought in by the Liberals too and how even a doctor spoke out about it’s negative health effects.  http://toparanormal.org/2012/03/tweet-tweet-dalton-mcguinty-re-forced-smart-meters-regardless-of-health-privacy-concerns/
I will NOT be voting for the Liberals ever again and I think the PCs should go after them legally at this point because not only are they wrong but they are malicious and insidious!  They are hurting people deep into their being.  This is a total abomination.  RCMP please for the love of God what are you waiting for?!  It’s so clear and obvious.  I can’t believe that this has not been put to an end, reversed and the liberal politicians responsible made to pay legally for what they have done.  Who is really running this world?  I think it’s SATAN to be honest.  I am actually ashamed and embarrassed for our world leaders and elite.  The higher forms of life must be disgusted with you, as well.  I highly doubt that any superior and sophisticated life form would align himself with the pathetic likes of your naïve, weak and miserable selves.
IMPORTANT NOTE:  I am not a doctor and not all people that are upset with the provincial government are not in need of mental help.  I am just wanting people to be able to distinguish a dire situation from a mental illness.  You might need help doing that with your doctor so I do not want to get in the way of that.  Always ALWAYS consult a doctor and discuss your options with them.  Please also discuss side effects and alternatives if they wish to prescribe meds.


2014 The Year Of Good Happenings

2014I was just tweeting and I realized that I better blog more because I usually have 3 or more part tweets.
I strongly believe that you can never really predict the future. You can kinda figure it out but mostly it’s the result of previous actions. Like a boat… you steer it where it needs to go and we must steer our world in a better direction. Things are way too cold and evil today.
I noticed that there is a little bit more consideration for others and our childrens futures and I believe that it’s even thanks to my blogs, tweets and facebooking! One person can make the difference.
Let’s not be negative because we feel that everyone else doesn’t care, won’t do anything about the terrible state of the world and are “stupid”. We need to stop worrying what everyone else doesn’t do or is and focus on what we should do and are. Let’s just start improving ourselves… We need to care, to believe, to have faith and to have hope too. Our society is so negative and cold and it has resulted in this mess imho. (in my honest opinion). We must always think of others and care about them, however! I am not saying to be selfish and turn your back on people.
I am here to warn and influence. I figured that out myself. I have all the components that makes me true and someone you need to take time to learn from. I am open to meeting with our Prime Minister and other Canadian officials to discuss anything to improve the state of our country and better the lives of our people. Once my country is tip top, if they ever take me up on my offer, then I will move on to help any other country that would like and that I am permitted to assist. I would do that no strings. My Canadian government can contact me any time. I want to help make this place heaven on earth because the alternative is evil and cold.

The Lords Prayer

Our-father-prayer-Wallpaper__yvt2I was born a Roman Catholic and I even went to Catholic grade school and high school.  I am very fortunate to have such a strong spiritual, moral and ethical foundation. I also learned to ask questions and use critical thought.   Plus I am very familiar with the Catholic religion so I tend to relate it to modern times and even to particular current events.  One person can make a good difference, remember that!  Even still it is difficult to try and convince others that lack the things that I possess and hold dear.  They even lack common sense,  are on the wrong path and need to change course.  What could I possibly say to try and convince the ones that are really in charge that they are off course and are most likely going to go down with their preverbal burning ship.
Due to my ancestry… Southern Italian, I have Pagan roots, as well.  I am also a Libra that is very sensitive, experiences vivid dreams and visions.  I just know things.  They say that many Libras are natural psychics.  However, I am not a performer and I do not make money from any of this.  My energy spent on this blog, my twitter and my facebook is in hopes of earning positive energy and good change for our society.  I might one day write a book or two if I feel the time is right.  I might even ask for Bitcoin gifts for my writings from those that have learned and appreciated what I have said.  In the meantime I do not give anyone permission to write about me or what I have written online to earn them money, or not, no matter the association, it is not permitted or allowed!  Back to what I was saying… There are no more words I can say right now.  I have warned and warned but I still sense that they are ignoring most of my writings to instead go with their primitive savage weaknesses.  Maybe we should pray for them by saying the Lord’s Prayer?  The Our Father.  I am seriously concerned here.  Evil begets evil.  So many innocents are being effected… it is not fair, it’s not balanced and it must stop.
I was effected by the ice storm just before Christmas.  It was cold, dark and scary!  It reminded me of Cuba with their rolling black outs… so third world and I will not accept this garbage for my first world metropolis so they better fix that garbage now or I will complain to everyone in charge, tweet, facebook, talk and blog up a storm!  I agreed with Mayor Ford, however.  It was not an emergency because Toronto had pockets of areas not effected by the storm though so we were able to buy food, water, flashlights, generators and other things we needed.  Even Tim Hortons for coffee and breakfast (lunch & dinner too if we wanted)!  We also  had warming stations and most malls were open for cripe sakes!  Some people are still without hydro but seems like most of the city is up.  Anyways, my point is that I was wondering how come Toronto has gotten two severe weather storms?  One in July with the flash flood and now this ice storm?  Some say that we have the technology to modify weather.  I see that Ontario is under the influence of something evil… UN Agenda 21 which has been described as “anit-human”!  Search Agenda 21 on this site and you will see more information about it.  My once have province is now a have not province :(  I believe it was purposely bankrupted and deindustrialized and put on this green globalist garbage based on junk science as a test to see if the evil NWO and their lackeys could get away with it.  I honestly don’t think they will.
The people are angry and they are not falling for their mental help propaganda either.  Would be so much easier if everyone just took anti depressants instead of questioning and challenging the corrupt and evil system, no?  People are not stupid here and they see through the looney left poopaganda bs!  For a couple weeks I wanted to just move from Ontario but maybe I was meant to be here… maybe I was meant to follow alternative media?  Maybe my background, experience and history has opened up doors and many people’s eyes.  I mean I have told EVERYONE I know and then some about what is going on!  I have spent so many countless hours passing on the truth and facts in hopes that more will tune into what is going on.  I am happy to say that it has had a peaceful and positive effect!  I have never heard so many people speak out with the truth before!  I heard Mike Bullard and others talk about the less than par service we are receiving from Hydro for more!  And how we have what they call “Tree Nazis” here that allow trees to grow way too large and they end up damaging wires and more. Probably why so many were without power and still are here in Toronto!
Anyways we should all consider prayer in these dark and troubling times.  Alex, Dan, Terry, Frank & Lawrence, if you are reading this please recite the Lords Prayer on your wonderful sites/shows!  We need as many people as we can to say it!  I just know that the positive energy will counter all these heavy and evil energy in our world today!
Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.


The Illusions Behind The Ninth Gate

What games do the elite play when the price may mean more than their own souls.
The Ninth Gate is a 1999 fictional film directed by Roman Polanski and stars Johnny Depp, Lena Olen, Frank Langella and other talented artists.  The mystery takes us on a journey that has deeper supernatural meaning and it almost seems to paralleled a greater importance to me in regards to the elites involved in secret societies of today.
Another film, Eyes Wide Shut, showed us secret societies and rituals that elites took part in, but this film showed me that even the elites themselves have no idea of what games they are actually playing and how significant they really are.  It is not wise to worship one that you do not fear and truly understand fore the price that you will pay for an attempt to riches and power will cost you your very own soul and an eternity of suffering and servitude.
Dean Corso was hired by Boris Balkan to find out  if his copy of The Nine Gates Of The Kingdom Of Shadows is authentic and he was also hired to seek the other 2 copies to see if they are original but actually had slight variations in it’s symbolism.
Now we all are familiar with people using books to try and summon demons or Satan himself for supernatural power.  It’s a bit interesting but at the same time a bit common.  My interest was in the false idea of sophisticated Satanism.  It’s a very strange notion to me because if you were to actually research it you would most likely develop a true grasp of it which would show that it is anything but.
Depp’s search brings him to the Third book copy owner in France, Baroness Kessler, and after warming up to her, she tells Corso that she saw the devil at 15 and was in love ever since and has devoted her life to writing about Satan.   She herself is the key to my understanding that the mere mortals of the very unnatural New World Order are not worthy of even thinking that they are even associated with any higher power.  They are not even as great as ants that build magnificent civilizations together for the greater good of their kind.  “ants appear to operate as a unified entity, collectively working together  to support the colony.” snipped from Wiki.  
The Baroness explained of an Order Of The Silver Serpent (fictional) that was created to protect the book, perpetuate it’s memories and protect it’s secrets while worshiping Satan.  She went on to say that the secret society has since “degenerated into a social club for the bored millionaires and celebrities that use it’s meetings as an excuse to indulge their jaded sexual appetites under the illusion that they owe their success to their order”.  Sound familiar.
Anna Sophia  Toparanormal.org

Here are a few of my blogs that I think you should also reference that I personally find are of great significance.

NOTE:  I approached Terry Wilson of CanadianAwareness.org stating that I wanted to write an article for his and his peaceful and informed teammates’ site.  He said he would be honored!  He is going to start an occult section shortly and feature this article.  I wanted to post a copy here on my site too.
