Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Answer To 1984 Is The Blockchain ~ Dems Trying To Erase History And I Believe I Sense Why! Also Attack On Italian Americans Because Most Too High Info imo! RR 18+

I am very disappointed and disgusted that the demonic far left is pushing to erase history with their triggered #DangerousFools via #ProgrammedMentalIllness.  They are removing or damaging historic statues, mostly of of dems, in what I sensed was a sick attempt to cover up their KKK racist past and they even targeted a great Italian historic figure too, Christopher Columbus.  First of all he was backed by THE SPANISH who conquered on the daily while Columbus was trying to prove that the world was round, map and advance man!  He may have been Jewish too so double hate!
Seems Italian Americans see through their bs fake liberal garbage because they are too high info and smart too so that explains to me why the elite owned media has been attacking Italian Americans in my view. That on top of being the most lynched people in the American South and mistreated badly because we were also used as cheap labor.  We were even put in internment camps in Canada during WW2.

I have experienced racism first hand throughout my life too so when the far left lunatics imply we are white it is even more insulting because WASPS have made it very clear we are not especially myself who is 3/4 "Black Italian" southern Italian and 1/4 Northern Italian and I look "Mexican" "Spanish" "Cuban" "Italian".  We are being attacked on both sides and it's not fair.  I am not going to cry about it but I sure as hell will write about it.

It's ridiculous to lump us all together in one group because we don't support the left and character assassinate us and falsely label us.  So Whites, Christians, Conservative, Italians... who's next?  They already are claiming that some Hispanics are white now too that don't agree with them or who are violent.  Don't fret my Latin brothers and sisters, I have already brought that ridiculousness to the light and it has resonated with many.

Even the pm justin made note about how Latins are not organized basically I believe he meant hot blooded?!  I guess not agreeing with the anti human globalists warrants racism.  Sad.  I'm extremely organized btw!  I am known for being calm, nice and meticulous, which is extremely organized, okay.  I am even a certified internal auditor, college graduate and completed high school.  I volunteer my time trying to better humanity instead of being lead by anti human demonic creeps that are trying to bring in a slave hell nation globally.  Shameful!

It actually has come out in the open for all to see including their Roman divide and conquer tactics that is not working with the majority of people and you could see that in the way the American people united in such difficult times after the devastation from Hurricane Harvey .  If you follow me on twitter you will see how I channeled that and made note of it.  I even contacted Mr. Dinesh D'Souza with what I picked up!  
Then there was all that out and out memory hole censoring that was going on too so that's what caused me to start posting about going to the blockchain to protect truth from the wicked that need to operate in the darkness for hell on earth.  We cannot allow this and I am sure that deep down they understand and will hopefully come back to their humanity and stop their demonic ways.

Even before when writing my Harmonious Order I mentioned that we need to follow the ten commandments and Jesus' teachings no matter what your religion was on top of the Golden Rule, Moral Code and more.  Positive in, Positive out.  You attract what you are and what you put out.  I also stated that it should be reflected in everything you do to keep you on the straight and narrow which is moving in the right direction in the way of the light so why not for AI too.  We have to stop being so afraid all the time and do things right to reap the best rewards for everyone that is godly.

1 comment:

  1. Of course I was talking about the decentralized Blockchain. My husband was on me about that. For years I have been vocal about taking systems out of the hands of the corrupt so it should not even be something that is questioned but I do understand for those that are reading my writings for the first time may not know that so that's why I felt the need to post this comment to specify that.
