Saturday, August 12, 2017

VR Realities And Dangers Of Downloading Information & Uploading Your Consciousness In Order To Try & Transcend.*Edited To Include My Warning Regarding Hackers For Human Chip Enhancement

I am really exhausted now but I needed to do a blog about VR, elites transcending and downloading consciousness even though it may not be pretty because it will consist of cut and past tweets mostly so it will look rough and maybe sound rough too.  I don't care right now so sorry not sorry. lol  It's just so that I can log this all now on here now because I may not later.

Also I want to remind everyone about my Tools Of The Universe blog and my theory resulting from it which was that we use technology and we can't let it use us or we will surely slip away and lose our humanity or even worse lose our world and maybe even our lives too.  Even before that when I wrote about Creating A Perfect Utopia where I said we must always have Humans on top and my like of the Jetsons because it's a normal family living their life with some pretty neat high tech things to make their lives easier.  Imagine if dark forces takes over.  Very scary.  The Matrix 2.0 may come to light after all. Or maybe it will be like Frank And The Robot and we corrupt the robots and make them do bad things against other people.  That's why I write about the Harmonious Order so we always do everything with logic, integrity, compassion and empathy so we would never do those horrible evil things!  

Replying to 
Famous Disney outtake: "Ask about the Illuminati" They really believe they can transcend their humanity: that's why Satanists r against God😔

I tweeted these today in response to the tweet about.  Elites that want to transcend into their own reality which is outside of God and I felt that they want to live in a fake and weak copy but there's more so check out my tweets below:

I tweeted this to Elon Musk after he endorsed having humans connect in order to download information?!!  I also mentioned that we can be hacked but I can't find those tweets.  I can't find a lot of my Tweets actually.
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    I believe in balance&if there isn't balance then it's just off to me. Off kilter things don't last either. Do what u want but I won't merge.
  2. Replying to  
    when organic dies your energy goes back into the natural system but if u create something artificial in this consciousness will stay here...
  3. Replying to  
    need all that artificial bs on top. In that Hemlock Grove series after she uploaded her consciousness she was still not the machine...
  4. Replying to  
    make you go crazy? Why not become enlighten & connect with the universe? It's amazing! You can't reproduce that amazing feeling&we don't...
  5. Ever see the 2008 Indiana Jones film where villain asks to know EVERYTHING and then her head explodes. Won't merging w/machines...

"Data experienced ongoing difficulties during the early years of his life with understanding various aspects of human behavior...

  1. Replying to  
    [2]&was unable 2 feel emotion or understand certain human idiosyncrasies,inspiring him2 strive 4 his own humanity.".

  2. I actually only found 2 hack tweets. I can't do much in means of a search without verifying my account but I don't have a cell phone and an email isn't enough? Very sad.  

  3. I also found a cute tweet I sent IBM about making me a Rosie bot already! I guess they missed my Tweet?! :/ I wasn't joking btw!

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