Friday, February 17, 2017

#M103 Is An Attack On Our Freedoms? & My Views On Some Recent Events - Update Canada Already Has Blasphemous Libel Laws Criminal Code 296 So Motion M103 Totally Looks Like An Attack On Free Speech Over Simple Criticisms To Me So No!

I have been searching for the words lately to make the situation better in the world.  Specifically Canada's #M103 "Islamophobia" motion.  Apparently it's so vague that even simple criticism may be considered illegal??  Islam has a peaceful side and a dark side and I totally believe that the dark side needs mandatory reform and not protection.

The thing is I do not fear Islam or hate it, rather I want to help them see that reform is really needed.  I am a mere servant of God and only want for them to be on a better path.  I am aware of the peaceful side of Islam and of the dark side.  I am not an idiot, ungodly and trusting a sheep.

Last night I was thinking about constructive criticism not only is it given but how people should have the ability to take it because that would be key in bettering themselves.
Criticism is a form of communication and should never be illegal!  Good.  Be offended!!  Then THINK about what is being said and why?  People do not usually take time out of their busy day to comment unless it deals with something directly related to them.

Do you know how much they criticize and insult Italians and Christians?!!  So much and I say what assholes and then I take that hurt and anger and make myself way better like Rocky!!!  Hurts so good!!!  No one is hurting me physically or forcing me to do something.  I can turn it off and walk away.

Do you know how much my people have been persecuted and mistreated as well.  We Italians were put in internment camps here in Canada during the 2nd world war.  We also were the most lynched people in the US and it happened in the South.  It's a real shame and I know that hate and racism.  I have experienced it first hand.  It's disgusting, I know!  This is not what criticism is about.  I know the mafia is bad and it disgusts me and think that anyone involved in that is terrible and needs to repent and need to go to jail. Even they, however, do not force people to be in the mafia and they do not go after innocent people.  I also know the dark history of the Sicilian Black Hand and how they mistreated their own people.  Terrible and I have no problem criticizing them!  

**I forgot to mention that bad & weak Italians in mafia were also used and still being used by people in power, I read. "Without corruption there could not be any crime"!  I read that on a flier posted on a street pole once and it was about how Hell's Angels were allowed to operate because of bad people inside of good groups that have strayed and are not doing their job to instead enrich themselves by any means.  There are bad apples everywhere but we should never legitimize those dark people or else think hell on earth!  Do you really want to live under such strict and evil rule of terror?!!  I certainly don't!  That's why I totally disagree with #M103 because I believe it would allow the environment for the dark part of Islam to grow strong when it should be reformed and only be the good part.  

What if my religion allowed me to believe and practice something so absurd that the rest of the population was sickened by?  What if they believed it was necessary to eat their first born??  You would have to want to help those first born and worry for the souls of the parents.  What if they wanted you to believe and practice what they believed by force.  Wouldn't that actually anger you?

So here we are in a world that is being consumed by the hell fire set by Satanists that wish to take over the world and force us all into their hate and evil ways.  Why?  Well they think they are gods?! LOL  Insanity!!  They are men created in the image of GOD and do have God's energy but since God allows man to take part in free will they have set course on a dark destination fueled by weakness and contempt!  I do feel sorry for them and I am still trying to find the words to even make them see that they are lost and need to follow the #HarmoniousOrder I write about.

Back to the motion... no other religion is mentioned which is startling since right now in the world more innocent people from all walks of lives and religions are being murdered by radical Islamic Extremists?!!  Only mentioning one group in itself shows that this is more than it is.  It actually makes the Liberals and those that want the bill seem like total Bigots.  Not wanting to hear other people's opinions is not right.  The far left is on a fascist movement in these modern times and it's shocking.  Talking with people is a great thing but not if you want to force people to live in your dark, evil and cold society.  Like I have said many times before it won't happen. The people are trying so hard to get their world back peacefully but if you do not listen they will most likely rise up.  Do things the smart way... simply do you and we will do us.

Oh and Justin is going on about Liberties in the midst of debate over this terrible bill.  Talk about snake oil salesmen double speak!  Insanity!!  That guy is filling the shoes of the other all talk no action only bs guy who won't even go away and is trying to make America fall from the outside along with his elite buddy the "financial terrorist".  Even the "Venomous Hag" popped up on Twitter with some stupid and sick comment about a good man and making light of that comet pizza and that other twisted stuff.  I won't get into that and only skim the surface because it's way too dark for me.  I know that there are busts going down right now and to that I say thank GOD!!!  Thank GOD for his anointed President Trump and his wonderful team!  They are doing so much good even with the snakes in their midst.

Also in the news, Elon Musk thinks our future includes merging with machines?  There was also talk in the news about half human and half pig for parts? Even a video on YouTube showing a chimera.  They seem so extreme to me.  I thought that we could grow parts without animal genes?  Why does it have to be an entire being?  Why can't we just grow the specific part??  Is this more about the ability to create life like God??

I also have been sensing a lot and seeing a lot of things to do with Liberty.  It would be very nice if we became truly free or at least on the path to it.  Maybe our freedom is further in jeopardy like here in Canada with our charter of rights.  Funny how that Muslim MP woman looks totally western without any hijab.  Does she not know that her bill will might lead to her being forced to wearing one and other women?  That we will no longer be free and become 2nd class citizens.  It's really shocking that people from 3rd world countries that are so horrible to live in want to bring that garbage here because it's like a game to them. Their mentality is our team is going to beat your team when in fact they are only going to lose themselves along with their individual rights and freedoms in doing so!  That to me is super stupid and sad. Oh and why else would the Satanists be helping them!  They need slaves to live in their "anti human" world.

I think in order to overcome these demons and extremists we simply not play their games.  Come together to protect our highly cultured and civilized life!  It must really burn them to see that we are breaking free so we can live in peace, harmony and with prosperity! Update:

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