Saturday, February 25, 2017

Something Very Biblical Happened Here In Toronto Last Night For #MAGA !

There was a golden fiery glow here in Toronto last night.  It seemed so extraordinary and as though something divine was stirring.

Then at "the crack of midnight" There was mighty crash sound and the sky lite up!  I knew right away that was God showing me that everything will be okay and not to worry about those so called witches cursing President Trump.

See earlier I had been praying and praying for him because those weak fools were about to curse him after midnight.  Showed me that witches cursing POTUS are such basic bitches!  It was pretty incredible to say the least!  That picture of the CN Tower being hit by lightening was from another time but it reminded me of that and had to share.  I wonder if it happened again this past time?

I am so very thankful that God is all around us and even in our corner too during this dark yet transitioning times.

The Path To Human Advancement Depends On Strengthening Our Weaknesses But We Must Acknowledge Them & Correct First!!!

Human weakness is such a nasty and vile thing.It is the reason that we as a society are still so primitive and dark.   First we must realize that we are flawed and must constantly seek improvement. Simple things we face and attack are key to lessen and eventually overcoming to become #MightyNotMeek
"I am STRONG because I know my weaknesses"
And want to improve my weakness in order to advance!

We really should apply the #HarmoniousOrder to all our lives or at least the key leaders and teach that valuable information that would enhance and improve ourselves from the savage beasts that we usually are.
*Also communication is very a important part involved in understanding.  If we cannot discuss things with each other, including different opinions and criticisms, then we are no better than primitive man throwing rocks at the moon.

Also even before all that we must evolve from using our primitive instincts that have a wicked hold over us to instead control them.  We must allow Individual rights and freedoms including free will.  Then combined with higher principals such as #HarmoniousOrder are both key to advancement.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

FYI New Twitter URL @AnnaSophia777

My Complete Twitter Conversation To ElonMusk February 19, 2017 Regarding Humanity & Future

I watched Elon Musk's video the other day, that included some of my past ideas, and I felt the need to converse with him via Twitter.
  1.  In reply to 
    What about profit sharing?Maybe like credits(bitcoin)as in the sci fi movies?Or Cash for those not comfortable w/it.
  2. It seemed to me prior that I was in a sim to prepare for & things speeding up2. Oh&possible reincarnation. lol
  3. In Canada we have far left ppl leading w/fantasy(carrot on a stick)while shadow gov't causing nightmare future imo
  4. Electricity&internet should be free imo.What about N Tesla's free energy-->atmosphere?Suppressed tech needs2come out
  5. I agree. You need people to tell you the truth. Constructive criticism is how you progress!

  6. Biggest challenge humanity has r it's fools&weak men. Globalism in form of dangerous anti freedom imo
  7. I want my digital ghost left up after I die. I've used net positively&for good to help man & to contribute beauty.
  8. Man can have competitions 2 keep them out of trouble? Incentives,status&recognition for anything to better humanity.
  9. We need ppl to think at least 3 steps ahead. Can't be flat minded when it comes to anything even innovation.
  10. All ppl should treated equal&fairly individual rights&freedoms important but we also need law&order,justice&boarders
  11. I am very excited for the future! I really care&only want the best for humanity! All ppl should live in harmony ☮️😘🗽
  12. I believe aliens exist&that they communicate with us in r subconscious. I once woke up&saw these tubey things?!
  13. Can we send all assholes to Uranus. lol
  14. When ppl steer towards dif futures can't predict. Now light&dark @ war over futures. vs praying wins
  15. I wrote b4 that humanity's next step is to populate universe on my blog&twitter. I just know we have to.
  16.  In reply to 
    I think there are different kinds of ppl. Ones to keep busy(idle hands=devils playground)&ones not to da Vinci&Tesla

You might be interested in reading this other blog piece I wrote too: