Monday, July 11, 2016

God Bless America

So we went down to New York City this weekend and it was really amazing.  The only thing was parking and tolls were ridiculous that we ended up taking a hotel shuttle and subway.  We went to several places including the amazing One World and memorial.  At one of the nearby Kabob stands the wind was really kicking up and the vendor's American flag flew to the ground.  The little boy in line rushed over, picked it up and carefully and caringly handed it to the owner of the cart.  As he did the man said with pride, "GOD BLESS AMERICA", the little boy echoed it, "GOD BLESS AMERICA" and as I walked past I said it right after as well, "GOD BLESS AMERICA".  We were obviously all immigrants, or sons&daughters of immigrants, but it didn't matter because America is the land of opportunity and dreams and it is the land of freedom and rights for all!  A place that is worth our love, respect and protecting!

 Just before that I was wondering what I would find in my travels to the capital of the world and now I know it was for that perfect moment that I was there.  The majority of people love America and the western world.  They come from all over and they most likely were very difficult places to live, like my parents, so why would they in their right mind want to bring that negativity and plight with them, and make America like that too?!  The majority don't but it seems that the weak and possessed #godlesselites are betting that there are just enough that will make the western world a hell on earth too.  Are people really that oblivious and dim?  I certainly hope not but there are those that think they are doing God's work when they clearly they are not!  They are under the spell of darkness, evil and the devil in my eyes!  Also organized religion has not gotten everything right so they must realize that and let go of wanting to spread the darkness in the name of the deceiver, Satan.

So since I have been Tweeting and writing about this I have noticed that others have been alerted to this and waking also.  There is even a book out that points out how some religions are not of the light.  We must not allow the darkness to spread and we must realize that some things are really worth protecting and defending.


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