Monday, July 25, 2016

The Word States Believe In God & Jesus And Let Yourself Fill With Holy Spirit For Eternal Life ~ I Do Believe! I Can Feel It!!

I'm not sure if anyone recalls my horrible experience with demonic attack that was so brutal it had literally shut down and unable to even call for my mother but was instantly freed when I tried to call to Jesus. My entire life strange and wonderful things have happened to me and now I found my purpose as being God's Prophet to illuminate and guide to a greater future. Over the past month or so I have been Tweeting about how organized religion is not perfect and some are more correct than others. We must follow God's law, the ten commandments and follow Jesus for he truly is the light and way. Then yesterday I equated the Holy Spirit with energy and electricity because of how amazing I felt by allowing it in! I truly felt ELECTRIC!!!
Then we had a big storm this morning here in Toronto!!! God is here!!!!
I am no saint but on the other hand I am no savage or demon either. God accepts us as flawed but we must try to be good and try to do the right thing. We also must speak out against those murdering innocents and trying to force their dark religion on others like the Islamic Extremists. It is not of Allah / God / Yahweh, I swear on every ounce of my being. There needs to be immediate reform like I have said many times in the past! Remember how I said that the savages too far gone now need to be deported and contained away from the civilized population and the children need to be taught differently! I was shocked at how negatively they are conditioned with hate and dark ways of Satan. Do they even realize that??? The #godlesselites have utilized them as soldiers in order to bring in their #savagesociety. I sensed the darkness at the highest it's ever been about a couple months ago. I see some world leaders with their fake words trying to pacify us in order to keep this evil going in my opinion. Turkey is spreading their religion per the president yet there was religion there before, just not the dark kind the globalists need and want in order to sink us all. They truly want the end of the world to come it seems. Very sick and disgusting savages!
Well Mr. Trump will win and Mr. Putin already is with Christianity and the light. Sure there are things that I don't agree with in Russia today but hopefully things will change there too because extremes are not good. God made us in his image but some he made a bit different than others. Take me for example. You won't find anyone else like me. Am I a mistake? I strongly sense not. I can understand that you don't want a Sodom and Gomorrah type world but people can't help what they are born as.  I don't agree with sex parades that have fully naked people or people performing mock sexual acts.  I also don't agree that anyone under 19 should be there to be honest.  Oh and I seriously don't agree with teaching kids in school about sex until they are in grade 7 because some parents don't tell them anything at all and they have no idea and might get themselves in a bad situation fast if they don't have the knowledge.  High school is a different world, you grow up fast and there you are exposed to things that you weren't in grade school.  We actually should have a course in grade 8 about how peer pressure can ruin lives.  I saw some people fall because they had no idea.  I was lucky and was able to avoid a lot of bad stuff and end up graduating high school, college and even was given a free $3,500 course to become a certified auditor after working in the Customer Service / Account field as an Accounts Receivable Rep.  I really loved it but then after becoming aware I felt my purpose was doing what I am doing now.  No amount of money could ever be enough to turn a blind eye and not help!

I just wanted to add that the word DANCE was just in my head... then I I had to buy the LOVE? Album by Jennifer Lopez and two songs really stood out. First PaPi. Then I had to find out about female prophets and happened upon Aaron's sister Miriam was!! Actually 7 prophets in the old testament were!!! Then I found that she said to dance for God!!! Then I started tweeting about it and it lead me to being charged by the holy spirit. Isn't that amazing!!!

Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)

My husband was at our health food store buying fresh organic produce for our morning juice. He also brought home a magazine and told me with excitement to Look!  It is called Common Ground and the issue is #300, IT'S ALL CONNECTED for August 2016.

 I was so happy and proud!! My hummingbirds!!! What an honor. This is even better than the world's greatest psychic from Toronto publishing works under Psychicana!! The symbolism of a hummingbird is totally me, as well! Harmony, flexibility, beauty, joy, lightness of being, great courage and much more!

Was Sensing The Goddess & Tweeting Then Twitter Member I Did Not Even Know Posted The Full Moon Was Giving Off Goddess Energy! ~ July 2016

Right before and during what I like to call the Goddess full moon I was posting about how terrible the mistreatment of women is and then posted about some strong females. These are some of my Tweets I posted prior to learning about it: ---- And here is the Twitter follower alerting me to the Goddess moon because she could see how I was posting!

Cross Symbolism In Portugal Euro 2016 Win Shows We Are Strong ~ Christians Are Being Murdered By Islamic Extremists And Allah / God / Yahweh Is Not Pleased! ~ Christians Wear Your Crosses As A Symbol of Unity!

Italy didn't do so well this year but I noticed that Portugal was doing rather well in the Euro and made it to the finals and then I noticed that they had a cross on their flag (castles shaped in a cross)  and on their jersey!!!  It is also known that they are very spiritual devout Catholics so I decided to back them.  I posted before the finals that I hoped they win because of that.  had such a slim chance of winning against France but when listening to the game on the way home from New York I prayed and prayed with my Padro Pio St. Michele & cross set from Italy throughout the entire game.  I also chanted things like, Show them God!  Show the disgusting #godlesselites!!! and their #armyofdarkness

I started wearing my cross again!  There is no way that I am going to just sit back and not at least speak out and wear my cross!  It is totally insane and naive to try and take out other religions different than yours.  It will not be allowed.  All these years and why didn't God allow the takeover before?  Something must have been suppressed.  I bet there was a divine aspect that we are not allowed to know about.  Well I can feel it and see it now.  God is not dead!
So many more female celebs that wear crosses up until this day! Goddess was spelled wrong. English is my second language. I hope that Twitter allows us to edit tiny things like that one day soon!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Toxic Gravy aka Forced Water Fluoridation In City Of Toronto Water With Possible "Factory Waste" Chemicals - TOPARANORMAL.ORG November 2011

Hulk Gravy is probably really good but it does look toxic.  I bet it's way better for you than chemical fluoride! 

After careful and extensive review of the water fluoridation processI would like to publicly take a stand against it.  I say get it out of city water immediately and the following will explain as to why.
Mike Adams of has discussed water fluoridation in great detail on his website, and on with Alex Jones.   He even created an amazing documentary called “The Fluoride Deception”. The documentary is only 12 minutes long approximately, but the information is massive and very important. The doc stated that the facts in the doc pertain to most cities that use water fluoridation. The fluoride put in our city drinking water is not naturally occurring calcium fluorideThe chemicals they call fluoride that are forced in our city drinking water are said to be the result of factory waste?!  Those exact same chemicals they are forcing into our water are BANNED to dump into the environment by the EPA?!!!
There is no prescription and no set dosage for what is said to be ” mass medication”.  It is also said that there are no proven benefits to water fluoridation, only ill side effects like cancer, brain damage, bone damage, kidney damage, thyroid damage, etc.?!  Fluoride is said to build and accumulate in our bones and University of Toronto conducted a study on fluoride .“Fluoridation is no longer effective,” said Hardy Limeback, head of the University of Toronto”s preventive dentistry program. Considering all the dangerous effects of fluoride consumption, in fact, he concluded that fluoridation is “more harmful than beneficial.”.   Quoted from a Nov. 15, 2011 letter by Dr. Hardy Limeback, professor and head of preventive dentistry at the University of Toronto.
The letter also read, in part, that Limeback has “personally conducted years of funded research at the University of Toronto on the topic of fluorosis (fluoride poisoning) and bone effects of fluoride intake. A bone study, for which we received national funding, comparing hip bones of people who live in Toronto (fluoridated since 1963) to the bones of people from Montreal (Montreal has never been fluoridated) suggests disturbing negative changes in the bone quality of Torontonians. This is not good.”
Would we drink suntan lotion to prevent a sunburn?  Of course NOT!  That would be very toxic for us so how in God”s name is drinking those chemicals they call fluoride okay?  Mike Adams of stated that even if you don’t drink it experts have stated that the chemicals they call fluoride have particles so tiny they even pass through water filters and your skin when you bathe.  I stopped taking baths but still shower daily and am forced to use that water that is said to be very bad for me?! What about the poor people that have no choice but to drink the city tap water and bathe in it also?!! Toothpaste is so cheap and it lasts so long. Plus, it”s said that topical use of fluoride is more effective and anyone who wants it could use it. I personally don”t, but that”s my choice! We should not be forced to use it if we don”t want to but yet they do?!!It’s absolutely disgusting to say the least! I wrote Ford about the fluoride facts many times and he simply thanked me for the info but continues to leave it in our city of Toronto tap water???!!! I went on to post that info on his Facebook wall and it was deleted???  I wrote my city Councillor for Toronto Danforth Ward 29 and another, as well. I sent them the link to the “Fluoride Deception” documentary too. My Councillor did not respond back to me but the other did and he thanked me for the info. The ignorant, the poor and the vulnerable seem to be purposely kept in the dark while they are consuming this garbage with complete trust! And why shouldn”t they!! It”s not their fault for trusting a system that should be pure and not corrupted. The system seems to have taken advantage of their trust and this needs to be corrected immediately.

***They removed the video from YouTube but I made a copy and uploaded it to my rumble.  The copy is below!

If these chemicals they call fluoride are not good for our teeth or us then why? It is said that this is due to the 1% ghouls of the new world order to control us with this said mass medication and reduce our fertility?! Alex Jones has explained this in great detail… I know it sounds so crazy but he said all his information is taken from the elites own documents?! See for more details.
We taxpayers even pay for those chemicals they call fluoride to be put in our drinking water, approximately $2 million a year, and that needs to stop right away because of the side effects and high cost! This is so wrong and evil on so many levels.  Shame on the people in charge for continuing to keep these chemicals in our water even after knowing the information!  The chemicals they call fluoride need to be removed yesterday!  I feel so strongly about this because I know it”s the right thing to do.  It”s a real shame that the majority of our leaders and civil servants seem to forget the basic principals of morality and that should be a chargeable offense!
Got to the actual water report just update to current year or year before. I checked & 2015 still the same but I updated the image just below.

UPDATED: July 18, 2016:  The Windsor Utility Admin admitted that basically factory waste was used in his city and it was removed shortly after.  I have the video saved!  Here is the URL to the article I just published on this blog: HERE

This proves per the 2011 WTS report that the city of Tororonto does not use naturally occurring calcium fluoride but instead Hydrofluorosilic Acid, the same stuff Mike Adams of spoke of in his mini doc, The Fluoride Deception. The following is a sample to Mosaicco’s material safety data sheet or MSDS sheet for Hydrofluosilic Acid is harmful or fatal if swallowed. I am going to look up the MSDS sheets for the other chemicals listed in the report and I hope you do too, as well. Not sure of the exact source of the Hydrofluosilic Acid so Mosaicco may not be the actually supplier. I just wanted to show you what a general MSDS listed for that chemical and if it was safe to ingest, or not and it doesn”t seem to be at all.
I know that there was a group of people that managed to get the fluoride in our city of Toronto water reduced by 40% but that is not enough. We need it out of our water completely and we need to review the other chemicals we are using too. I understand that we can use ultra violet light to kill harmful microorganisms. We have to look to new processes and advance because human beings are very sensitive to chemicals and they should be eliminated as much as possible.  Cancer is on the rise and I”m sure that we could reduce it significantly by getting away from all those harsh chemicals.  I can go on about preservatives, chemicals and artificial agents in our food and food containers too.  I will save that for another time.  Google it in the meantime if you wish.
***I forgot to mention that other cities have already removed chemical fluoride from their city drinking water! CalgaryWaterloo and Windsor are some Canadian cities that I heard about but as you will see there are many more!  You would think Toronto would have by now since we are said to be such a major Canadian city.
***UPDATE!!! July 24, 2013 PHD Student and peaceful activist, Ashley Jessica, is organizing a peaceful anti fluoride rally at Toronto City Hall September 21, 2013 at 1pm!!! Thank you so much for doing this, Ashley! So glad you are one of my Facebook Friends! Here is the website at There is a petition there too so please sign it  She was also on Nightly News last night and here is the actual clip!

***They removed the video from YouTube but I made a copy and uploaded it to my rumble.  The copy is below!

Please consider signing the following petition to request that city council stop fluoridating our tap water. Online Petition “Toronto City Council: Stop Fluoridating Toronto’s Tap Water!”.
***UPDATE: January 2012 – I contacted PETA about my concerns with chemical fluoride in the city tap water for both humans and animals. They got back to me right away, thanked me for the information and suggested that I start an online petition which I did and here is the link. I would greatly appreciate if you would take a minute to go over it and hopefully sign. *Edited July 24, 2013* Changed to the new petition by Ashley Jessica because we have both decided to combine our petitions together. Online Petition “Toronto City Council: Stop Fluoridating Toronto’s Tap Water!”.
****Update #2 April 11, 2012: Windsor Utilities Admin admits source of chemicals they call fluoride that is forced into the city water used in fact includes factory waste?! I wrote the Ministry of the Environment at the Ontario Ombudsman”s staff suggestion today and hopefully this will put an end of the use of these chemicals. I also made of copy of the Windsor Utilities Admin”s admission clip just in case it ends up in the memory hole. Oh I also sent that same clip to PETA. Something has got to give I find it so hard to believe that so many are unwilling to expose this evil. Look at what happened with the PINK SLIME… we need to ride the coat tails of that if nothing else seems to work. If that doesn’t do it then I believe that a joint lawsuit would be ideal. We can’t just do nothing! So many people are consuming that garbage because they trust the system that seems to purposely keep them in the dark in order to most likely use them as nothing more than free filters and turn a profit thanks to the civil servants that just follow orders 

SHAMEFUL AND EVIL!!! Remember the truth ALWAYS comes out! I hope that one day soon we will no longer will have any chemicals put in our city water.

New copy of Fluoride Deception via Rumble:
New copy of The Windsor Utility Admin admitting that they got their chemicals they call fluoride from factory waste via Rumble.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Copy Video of Windsor Ontario Utility Admin Admitting Fluoride Chemicals Forced Into Their City Water From Factory Waste&Shortly After Removed!

I have a copy of this video also.  If people are violent then they should get a prescription and not have everyone get a one size fits all drug with no set dose!  It's absolutely ridiculous!!  A plus for drug companies if that garbage is removed is that they would make billions from people that actually need something, if they are repeat criminals then they should be on something imho, that hopefully has no side effects or very little mild ones.  I have an old article I wrote "Toxic Gravy" from back in 2011 on my original TOPS blog that I will repost soon and revise this blog with the connecting link or you can search the entire copy of my blog on here.  I have been trying and trying to upload the copy to Google but it's so big and it can't handle it!  As if I have more time to waste on such insignificant tasks that should be automated, but of course, it's not.  #savagesociety

Here is the article I wrote in 2011 that everyone that lives in a city that has forced water fluoridation should definitely read: TOXIC GRAVY

Former DOD

Agenda 21 A " Threat To Canadian Sovereignty " Featuring Brian Lilley, journalist & Rosa Koire, author of Behind The Green Mask #Agenda21 #nwo #savagesociety #godlesselites

Original YouTube URL Link is below but if not working then we have my copy here.

Just wanted to have another copy out there for our records so that more can become aware of this darkness the #godlesselites of the obsolete, evil and savage #nwo are trying to implement via traitors and ignorant fools that do not check to see whatever they are fed is even true!!  Without fools and the weak the globalists would be lost!  #armyofdarkness aka #armyofsatan is here because of them and it's all for Satan himself!  Each and everyone that is participating is aiding and abetting in the destruction of our world and man!  The people that are aware and do nothing because of fear are just as guilty.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

We Must Leave World A Much Better Place!

We need fair and balanced systems immediately.  We need to arrest those breaking the law that believe that they are above the law, with their constant corruption, and those aiding and abetting them, that prevents the ones in charge of enforcing the law, like the FBI, from doing their jobs.  We need to bring in clean, cheap and safe energy like LFTR / TMSR based on Thorium that is carbon neutral so those green people that go by junk science will be fine with it also.

Now is the time to make our world a much better place like I have been writing for many years on my blogs and Twitter.  I am really exhausted and am going to try and take a back seat for a while and observe.  I will probably keep Tweeting, though.  I think that people are getting it, however.  I just pray that #LostHumanityInc #godlesselites of the obsolete and evil #nwo #savagesociety will help turn things around also because it's clear to me that they will not escape the darkness that they have conjured.

Monday, July 11, 2016

God Bless America

So we went down to New York City this weekend and it was really amazing.  The only thing was parking and tolls were ridiculous that we ended up taking a hotel shuttle and subway.  We went to several places including the amazing One World and memorial.  At one of the nearby Kabob stands the wind was really kicking up and the vendor's American flag flew to the ground.  The little boy in line rushed over, picked it up and carefully and caringly handed it to the owner of the cart.  As he did the man said with pride, "GOD BLESS AMERICA", the little boy echoed it, "GOD BLESS AMERICA" and as I walked past I said it right after as well, "GOD BLESS AMERICA".  We were obviously all immigrants, or sons&daughters of immigrants, but it didn't matter because America is the land of opportunity and dreams and it is the land of freedom and rights for all!  A place that is worth our love, respect and protecting!

 Just before that I was wondering what I would find in my travels to the capital of the world and now I know it was for that perfect moment that I was there.  The majority of people love America and the western world.  They come from all over and they most likely were very difficult places to live, like my parents, so why would they in their right mind want to bring that negativity and plight with them, and make America like that too?!  The majority don't but it seems that the weak and possessed #godlesselites are betting that there are just enough that will make the western world a hell on earth too.  Are people really that oblivious and dim?  I certainly hope not but there are those that think they are doing God's work when they clearly they are not!  They are under the spell of darkness, evil and the devil in my eyes!  Also organized religion has not gotten everything right so they must realize that and let go of wanting to spread the darkness in the name of the deceiver, Satan.

So since I have been Tweeting and writing about this I have noticed that others have been alerted to this and waking also.  There is even a book out that points out how some religions are not of the light.  We must not allow the darkness to spread and we must realize that some things are really worth protecting and defending.