Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Physics Of Man

I stated before that each and every person is important and that we are all connected, but there is so much more.  Think of physics, a circuit board, we are conducting energy together for a shared purpose.  I think that's pretty amazing.  If we would just focus on achieving greatness and advancing instead of falling victim to our own weaknesses and negativity, then we would be so very awesome and so very sophisticated, as well.

The evils of today are holding us down and back but it's by our very own hand that we are orchestrating this savage symphony!  We must change our tune.  It is written in the stars and flowing through the universe that we need to be further ahead.  We are so primitive because we have been focusing on the wrong things and influenced by negative forces that cause us to stay very low and others to suck the energies of many but for Satan!  Do they even realize who they are serving??  I mean the extremists like ISIS serve the devil and they probably don't even know it.  The politicians and #godlesselites funding them are also.  Such a pathetic thing.  Really!

If we would just set a course on more important things instead of the usual anchors then we could really soar and attain the most amazing things and knowledge!  Why not try.  We have to stop playing in the mud like swine.  I am totally disgusted that we are still in the middle east fighting with people that are so consumed with hate they are burning the flames of hell with their very souls!  And for what?  They used to be something.  They discovered mathematics, no?  Now they want to murder those unlike them when in fact we are all created in the image of God!  War is not going to stop these people.  We need to recondition them mentally.  They seem to be suffering.  The teachings of Jesus and the love energy needs to fill their hearts, body and minds for that is the driving force behind the Physics Of Man.

I was watching The Walking Dead this past Sunday and it was an interesting episode. Though very slow paced it gave you time to absorb the underlying message.  At least it did for me anyways.  "All life is precious" was the most important thing that came through and even before with Morgan not wanting to harm others.  Then they showed a book that was titled, The Art Of Peace.  I must read it.  I think we all should.

I just wanted to add an update.  Yesterday I purchased The Art Of Peace Via Kindle and I am so glad I did.  So the physics of man should involve Avoiding The Negative And Flowing With The Positive.  Man is an amazing device, unit... whatever.  I wrote about the specifics before in my Understanding The Universe series.  The Universe like the internet and we are a part of it connected and we are individuals like tablets or cell phones connecting intuitively by going inward and then upward and outward.  Anyways, I am so trying to upload my old blog but it's such a huge file that it's just not doing it.  I might have to manually do it like a savage... anyways!  The things I do for the love of my fellow man and universe.  Cheers!

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