Monday, September 23, 2024

The UN Has Failed Humanity Because Not For The Best Interest Of All People! It's Only For The 1% Globalist Socialist Elite Pharisees! Not FAIR!!!

Israel Should Be The Custodians Of The World & Christians Are Another Sect Of Judaism & Protect Italian, Spanish & Portuguese People With Jewish Heritage

 I've been tweeting about the above mentioned lately and I think it's worth following my Twitters.  Right now I'm posting on EarthAngel777 @Angel777Ea34727 I was posting on @AnnaSophia777 previously to that too.  

Sunday, September 15, 2024

So Many Negative Side Effects Of Olanzapine And Losing Hair Another One

I was on Olanzapine for over 4 years!  I started on 10 mg then went to 7.5 mg, then 5 mg and then 2.5 mg.  I noticed that I lost more hair.  Thank goodness I had so much hair to begin with but still!  Since I switched to 20 mg of Lurasidone (Latuda) it stopped!  I also use Biotin shampoo and conditioner too.  My hair is back to normal now since I have been off of it for about a year now.  I thank God all the time that I am no longer on that garbage anymore!  I feel so much better too.  I also stopped gaining weight and not constipated anymore either.  My immune system is strong again and I don't feel like a zombie too.  So thankful my doctor switched me!