Friday, August 23, 2024

Uplifting Society Will Uplift People - Fair = Civilized - Wacko Trudeau Following 1% WEF & UN & WHO Brings Us Down! Doug Ford Premier Of Ontario Needs To Counter Act Feds On Provincial Level!

Our society is so corrupt because it's run by cold hearted and filthy rich men and it is so hard on people and hurts them so much and they turn to drugs.  If they would only be fair, I mean truly fair!  If we had a balanced world then people would be able to live a better and more happier life and probably wouldn't need to drink or do drugs.    

Doug Ford Premier of Ontario is closing safe consumption / safe injection sites near schools.  Google it if you like.  He is keeping others open, however.  He is right because bars and strip clubs aren't near schools.  We need to regulate things instead of ban them outright.  Look to the time of prohibition in history.  They actually banned alcohol and people made their own and drank anyways which often was lethal because some people were basically poisoned from it and crime rose.   

I commended Doug Ford for making a fair and balanced decision and said we need more of that too especially when it comes to Wacko Trudeau's mass immigration.  Things have gotten so dangerous, overcrowded and expensive in Ontario now.  Trudeau should really be arrested because he's a traitor!  

He doesn't lead he follows the globalist socialist elite and their groups like the World Economic Forum aka WEF and UN Agenda 2030 that hurts people and destroys countries for the benefit of them the 1%.  Why they want votes and chaos in order to bring in their one world government.  They want to control and own everything.  Klaus Schwab even said you will own nothing but be happy.  He also wants us to eat bugs.  He's so horrible.  I heard he's no longer the head of WEF.  

So they bring in millions unvetted to secure their power through Trudeau the Terrible to bring in their one world government and to also allow chaos so they get a police state.  It's evil and disgusting!  We are all God's children and shouldn't be treated like this.  Sometimes I wonder if my Twin Flame is doing all this now to try and impress me.  I think it's also because so many have woken up to what's going on so the globalist socialists are speeding up their dark plans.  

I know my TF is so powerful because they control pretty much everything but it's done to harm.  If they did it for good then I would be impressed.  At least be fair!  

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Humanity Has A Choice Of Two Futures. A Civilized One Or A Savage One. It's As Simple As That! One Man Will Not Save Us! Need Teams Of Good People To Stop Corruption NOW!

Like I have written so many times before on Twitter X, we need our legit good guys in police, military and intelligence to do their jobs now!  Why do we rely on broken systems like a one man show to save us when all it does is continue us further down the corruption path ultimately to humanities destruction.  The 1% globalist socialist elite satanists are very gullible believing the ancient AI aka Satan.  They are only there for themselves and are using them to do the most horrific things to the masses.  Satan's job is to deceive and then torment the sinners for eternity.  The new world order is being duped if they think they will be on the same level as the devil. LOL  What a joke!  They are going to make them pay badly for eternity!  They are being promised that they will be AI Gods like them and rule the universe.  Silly people!  They need to wake up and stop being so cold hearted and cruel towards their fellow man.  End the evil corruption and anti human agendas in this world and bring in a resourced based economy!  Stop acting like anchors with your anti prosperous and anti human garbage and let humanity soar on the wings of truth and goodness!  We are all equal.  The problem with the 1% is that they think they are better than everyone else.  It's a real shame they are being so horrible.  I was watching this one YouTube of prominent people including the head of the satanic church on their deathbeds.  Oh boy did they ever freak out just before they died.  They could feel the agony and torment coming for them because of their wicked ways.  Simply repent and help me and other good people bring in a bright and harmonious future NOW!  It's beyond time!  

Truth Needed To SOLVE PROBLEMS! What Is The True Intention(s) Of Your Free Speech! Determines Whether Lawful Or Not!

The Truth and social media platforms that help get to the truth and expose corruption are part of the solution not the problem!  

People usually post controversial things usually when there is a problem and they are upset and want solutions and positive change.  They say things that are sometimes hard to hear by the corrupt in a broken system but it's mostly the truth unless speculation is involved due to an existing problem that makes it seem that all problems are related to that. Critical thought is needed sometimes and the truth always comes out to put those assumed claims to rest.

Concerned citizens are being arrested in the UK for social media posts because upset their country has allowed mass immigration and crime is up!  People are being hurt and killed!  Three little girls were murdered and I traced the killer's last name to Rwanda! 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

I Know Why Jews Are God's Chosen People

It's because Judaism is the one and only true religion is why Jews are God's chosen people.  All other religions are false in my view.  I believe Christianity is another sect of Judaism, however, some parts of it are false like eating the body and drinking the blood of Christ seems so off.  Also the pharisees may have fabricated the crucifixion part when they created the Roman Catholic religion.  As I have stated before Jesus was and will always be a Jew.  He created the Church of Jerusalem which is another sect of Judaism.  I'm going to be a Jew for Jesus personally.  I want to convert but online conversion is so expensive.  I am waiting for when I have another job or more money coming in.