Tuesday, July 28, 2020

It's Been A Long While!

Hello!  I'm still here and I've been doing okay but not felt the need to posts anything.  I think I got it all out.  lol 

Things have really changed especially with Covid 19 aka Coronavirus.  I actually do wear a mask inside public places but not outside or in my home or car.  The state of America is also a bit of a mess with all the riots I can't believe how many statues and buildings have been destroyed.  And let's not forget the looting.  None of that is a part of peaceful protesting! 

The election is in November and I am really praying that President Trump wins another term.  I sense that he is not finished as God's anointed.  It's not his fault that we are in a pandemic and a bad apple cop killed a man.  Almost everything before that was great.  All that Russian Collusion crap was dropped and he was not impeached.  Thank God!  

I saw a great dark romantic comedy on Netflix lately Eurovision Sound Contest: The Story Of Fire Saga (2020).  I watched it a few times and even added their song to my Spotify liked songs.  I hope there's a sequel soon.

Well that's it for now.  I will try to write something else soon but I can't make any promises.