Friday, April 27, 2018

The Harmonious Order Came To Be Because I Cared And Wanted To Help

I guess I truly am balanced and based.  I had that spark with heart and I am also smart with heart too.  I also don't get kicked around and you can't be put under toxic ones at your expense.  It also helped me find out who I am and so much wisdom too!  I started this journey in early 2000 after I found out about 9/11 conspiracy.  I decided that I needed to research it because I knew right away that the entire government was NOT RESPONSIBLE and that there were too many good people to even imagine that was the case.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Parts Of Humanity Ready To Leave The Nest! Now For The Technology Part!!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Amazing Picture --> More Volcanic lightning is seen above Shinmoedake peak as the peak erupts between Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures, southwestern Japan. Earthquakes Too. Via Fox News Twitter & Articles

Lightning seen over Japan's so-called James Bond volcano - ABC News - via

Moderate Earthquake:

The Differences Between The Goddess, Lucifer and The Devil

1/Divine Feminine"Sophia breaks free & ascends back up to the true light of life, raising humanity with her ever so slightly. But she refuses to abandon the sad world of humans,&so she divides herself, keeping a part below, ever present and available for the enlightenment of all"

2/Back up in the celestial realm of spiritual light, Sophia rediscovers Gnosis by joining her twin brother in a "marriage" of reunification, balancing the masculine ego of unrealized potential, and uniting it with the sacred feminine – made ever more powerful by adversity.


Sophia ends up being the giver of wisdom in so many forms: She is Shakti in Sanskrit, the powerful Hindu personification of feminine wisdom, and the personal and collective linking soul as atman, realized in the transcendent state of samadhi (Gnosis). She is the compassionate boddhisatva (Avalokiteshvara) in Buddhism, returning to light the path to nirvana (Gnosis); personified by the deity Guanyin. She is both Mother Mary, in her ascendant form, and Mary Magdalene, as the earthly companion of the Christ potential in Christian Gnosticism. In Jungian psychology, she is the unifying power ("individuation") of both the feminine and masculine archetypes, anima and animus, and of the lower self of the psyche with the higher spiritual self (Gnosis).
So you see, Sophia really gets around; or as my late uncle (by marriage), the great Jungian psychologist and philosopher, James Hillman put it:
She is the Sophia of wisdom, the Maria of compassion, the Persephone of destruction, compelling Necessity and Fate, and the Muse."

1/ 1.Lucifer is the highly favored angel created by God whereas Satan is his name when he was thrown away from heaven. 2.Lucifer is an angel of God whereas Satan is the name of the devil.
2/ 3.Lucifer is not the exact opposite of God whereas Satan is a name that pertains more to opposition. 4.Lucifer has a physical form whereas Satan does not have any.  
Lucifer is not the opposite of God because he was also a creature made by God. He can thus be more likened to Michael the Archangel, in terms of position. On the other hand, Satan connotes more on the idea of an opposing resistance.  

Read more: Difference Between Lucifer and Satan | Difference Between Reply

My Future Vision Of Earth, Venus & Hell Hole Planet

  1. Remember, I strongly believe that Christianity is a Jewish sect, however, church needs to be reformed badly.
  2. Teach them right in all public schools globally asap
  3. Earth=mainly Jewish Faith Ppl of all walks of life living in harmony&peace Venus=harmonious&peaceful too mixed faiths light zone Americana futuristic 50s /dark red zone 21+ hell hole planet = where savage go No tech&no anything. Primitive &well, barren!

I still have hope that our future will be harmonious and peaceful so we can enter the Golden Age but we might have to go through more wars in the Middle East first.  I really didn't want that to happen but seems that other countries invaded since and harmed innocent so still not settled.  What a heartbreaking situation.  I can't believe it has been over 7 years of fighting in Syria.