Friday, January 26, 2018

Harmony Comes Before Peace ~ #AnnaSophia

 #nwo, make us an "offer" we "can't refuse" ---> "The character is suggesting making a large and tempting offer of cash (*HARMONY*) - it is meant to be taken as generosity rather than as a threat." … … ⚡️πŸ•Š️πŸ”₯

"We Need To Focus More On What We Have In Common" I Stated On January 12,2018 Before Davos/BOA ~ Also #nwo Responsible For Humanity! Time To Make Us An Offer We Can't Refuse!

I'm taking a religious university course currently and I am enjoying it but very challenged at the same time because I do see that there is a biased against us Christians trying to make us seem like the bad guys when in modern times there was a genocide against us in the middle east!  Also Africa is murdering Christians too.  It's so disgusting how that's distorted.  

Also there was an example of shock art and it was of course against the Virgin Mary with porn images all over her.  Why the artist felt the need to do that against a black women seems so racist to me too.  I understand free will and all but it's so disrespectful.  I certainly won't ever buy that garbage.  Seems it's so bad that someone felt the need to make a blog post about it to explain it.  How about someone paint a picture of the artist with some crap all over them?  Now that would be something to see! lol  Sh#t head art series 666.   I have yet to see any other religion have that done to them.  

It's amazing how dark globalist elites hijack pretty much everything, including our education system,  to spin their sh*t web against humanity.  Who are they to brainwash our younger generations with this garbage?  Then they go up on a world stage and use some of my beautiful words of wisdom while planting seeds in garbage!  Just ridiculous and sick!!!  I tell you they are working my last nerve and I am about to curse their pompous asses for eternity.  I put a protection on the president but I will definitely do the opposite for them if they don't make life harmonious for all good and that starts with making human friendly systems that don't include poisoning our mind, bodies and spirits and making hell on earth with their pet evil rabid savages against us.

I asked the new world order to make us an offer that we can't refuse because it's about time they started to care for us because they are responsible for us.  Stop with this artificial crap and/or dark crap already!  We need to protect humanity and grow humanity!

On January 12 of this year 2018 I wrote this on course:  "I noticed that there was a big problem in our world over clashing religions and I was set to learn more about them so I started to look to history and individual religions. I noticed that we need to focus more on what we have in common, than not, and that we needed to evolve, because not one was correct."  

Then there is the whole thing about fracturing they seem to have picked up from my twitter and blog too:

So the globalists and their lackeys use my words but do they actually mean them?  Well I did notice some creeps get the law smack them down and the newcomer guide to Canada is against FGM practices so that's a bit of start.  Way more to go, however!  I'm watching.  

I want to add that on my religious course they had us all identify ourselves and what we believe and then I found that I was being discriminated against over it by a TA who actually quoted some globalist philosopher.  It was really eye opening.  They shouldn't ask us to list our religious beliefs because they are going to become biased against us in my view.  

Also want to add that even before that I stated that we needed to come together and work on a common goal like they do in the space program. 

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Thursday, January 18, 2018

When Things Are Unjust, We Fracture. Time To Consider A Standardized Core Religion ---> Jesus' Judaism Plus

Dual πŸ’–CORE! 
I find Jesus&Mary's Judaism is the CORE of civilized religion.
(In Italian heart is cuore sounds and like coreA)

Imagine if Jesus and those he held issues with were able to communicate and work things out instead how different things may have been today?  I think Judaeo Christians such as myself would have been more Jewish together.  Perhaps even learning about and practicing the things that were best for us all as one united. I strongly sense that it's not too late.  Instead of trying to silence those that are merely pointing out the truth, over usually what is very unfair and not balanced, we instead work things out to become better and stronger.  We cannot let our world turn savage, demonic and dark!  God would have not warned me if there was not a double cross in the works!

Jesus was upset and felt there were too many rules that made life more difficult and he
also found disrespect for the holy temple when used for non holy services.   
We were on the verge of a totally different world with the 2016 United States Presidential Election but President Trump won, thank GOD!  It has since not been easy but POTUS and his administration have made great strides moving in the right direction!  All the good they have done is causing a positive Trump effect for America and other countries too.  In Canada we have felt the "Trump Bump" in some areas also!  Sad it's can't be in the majority or all areas but understandable when most of our leftest politicians are practicing a do the opposite of Trump government.

 I still have hope that Jewish people and Christian people will merge and Christianity become Judaism Jesus Christ Edition, only a different sect and featuring: Mary Magdalene, their Apostles and all the Christian Angels and Saints.  I strongly believe that all religions should adapt Jesus' Judaism too and become different sects of it because it's the core of civilized religion in my view. I believe that would help us evolve to a more standardized and positive one world religion and society as in The Venus Project's Jacques Fresco discussed in regards to things like mathematics and science so why not religion as well?

Thursday, January 11, 2018

7 Signs Your Personality Is So Unique That Most People Can’t Handle You ~ By Lachlan Brown of ~ So Me!

Here are 7 signs your personality is so deep that most people can’t handle your complexity

Image Credit: Shutterstock - Yuganov Konstantin
Do you ever get the feeling that you see the world differently to others? Like you notice things that other people don’t?
It’s not that you’re “weird”. It’s just that you see the world more “deeply” than others.
After all, you’re curious, intelligent and complex, and in the age of technology and automated sensationalized newsfeeds, these traits aren’t exactly common.
Rather than fitting into the limited box society has created for you, you’ve decided to think for yourself and create your own path.
While there are many benefits to this, it also means that most people find it hard to handle you.
If you think this might be the case, you’ll identify with these 7 signs:

1) You say what you mean and mean what you say

So many people are afraid to speak their mind because they don’t want to be criticized.
They don’t want to be seen as “weird” for thinking differently than everyone else.
But you’re not like this.
You have to express what you’re feeling because it would be inauthentic not to. It would be superficial, and in your mind, nothing good ever comes from superficial communication.
You know that if you’re going to develop meaningful connections with others and make a positive impact in life, then you have to ignore the naysayers and express yourself fully. It’s the only way.

2) You don’t depend on others for your happiness

We’ve all been there. You know, the relationship that consumes your whole being and then when it’s all over, you feel utterly traumatized.
But this was a learning lesson you didn’t take for granted. It made you realize that the only way forward is being happy with who you are, whether you’re single or in a relationship.
You love having authentic relationships, but you also know that it’s your responsibility to look after yourself.
As Buddha said:
“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”

3) You hate small-talk

It’s not so much the boring questions that annoys you. It’s the routine, superficial answers that irks you to your core.
When someone says “I’m good”, it lacks so much meaning that it really shouldn’t be said.
This is why you stay away from small-talk. For you, it only serves to reinforce the robotic robots that most people have become.
You want to know how someone is really doing. You want them to be honest, to express themselves and not care about other people judging them.
You want to know the purpose behind someone’s actions and what they really find joyful in life. These are the kinds of conversations that get your juices flowing.

4) Action is what matters to you

We all know that person that’s a smooth talker. They say all the right things and seem ridiculously articulate, but when it comes down to it, they don’t back it up with action.
This is even more the case with the rise of the Internet. You can appear how you want to appear without backing it up with results.
These superficial words can fool most people, but not you.
You know that action is the only thing that matters. You use your critical thinking skills to assess whether someone is the real deal.
You’ve become so good at it that you can smell bullshit from a mile away.

5) You love to listen to others and learn about other people

Learning is what gets your juices flowing. And when you learn about someone else, it makes you feel like you’re entering a whole new beautiful and complex world.
This makes you an amazing conversationalist, because the other person feels like they’re the only person on the planet at the time.
This immediately puts others at ease and makes them comfortable.
You know that too many people’s egos drive conversations. But when you’re in conversation, egos are checked at the door.

6) You can’t stand insensitivity, idiocy or ignorance

Your self-taught knowledge is something you’re immensely proud of.
So when others make instant judgments about people and things they don’t know anything about, it irks you to your core.
You’ve put time into your brain and you encourages others to do the same.
In a world of Google and algorithmic newsfeeds you have no control over, you know that thinking for yourself is one of the most important qualities one can have.

7) You don’t seek attention

Craving attention because of your looks or status is something you simply can’t understand.
You know it’s superficial, fleeting and ultimately meaningless.
You’d rather be recognized for your complexity and depth. That’s why you take time to get know someone. You know there’s so much more to a person than what appears on the surface.
Feeling a little stressed? In our new eBook, The Art of Mindfulness we delve deep into the concept of mindfulness and explain how to use this life changing practice to overcome our overactive mind and devote 100% of our time to the present moment. Check it out here.