Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Did Church, Who Classified Ishtar As A Demon, Create Archangel Michael To Take Her Place?

Both Ishtar & Archangel Michael offer boundaries, shields & protection.  And if you recall my last post about the church dubbing Ishtar a demon instead of telling the truth about her.  If not here is my post:    

Church Dubs Deity Ishtar A Demon But She Is Definitely Not & Church Should Change That & Super Moon In Taurus Magic Ishtar Moon Unleashes Gifts

I don't want to cause a stir or anything and it's based on my own theory due to self interest research and I would love to hear from the church on this.  I also would like to know why they are suppressing The Book of Enoch?  If they did with that then what other things are they suppressing?  

Maybe they separated Ishtar's dark side from her light side.  Made her dark side into a demon and her light is the Virgin Mary?  She is both but it is necessary for God's army.  She is only dark when she is defending and protecting the light and innocent.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Church Dubs Deity Ishtar A Demon But She Is Definitely Not & Church Should Change That & Super Moon In Taurus Magic Ishtar Moon Unleashes Gifts

I watched this video a couple days ago and had mixed feelings.  It was troubling that the church automatically places Ishtar as total dark when in fact, she is not.  She is also the light.  God has an army and she is a necessary force in it.  She is both the Goddess of Love and the Goddess of War.  When things are in balance then she observes and is happy but when things are so out of balance she comes to try and guide man away from war in my research and possibly being the reincarnation of her or holding her energy.  I also understand a lot more about her because of my gifts given to me by God.

I pray that the church corrects this incorrect branding of her and also open up more about women and offer more higher positions to women.  I also strongly feel that priests and nuns should be allowed to marry and lift the celibacy practice completely or perhaps they could do a period of celibacy every now and them to become closer to God on their own.  It should not be mandatory.  It would probably really reduce or hopefully stop the horrible sex crimes against innocents by the priests.  The church needs to modernize.  Ishtar knows that human nature is normal and a part of procreation.  I think it would make the church stronger if their people could have families.  Would generate such positive energy, I believe.

Speaking of energy this past full moon I found out was very special.  It was Het- Heru (Hathor)/Ishtar's Super Moon In Taurus that had magic energy and unleashing gifts.  I actually received a magical gift from VW Canada gifted my husband and I for a magical evening too!  We received free movie passes to Fantastic Beasts and a discounted popcorn and drink too!  I know it seems like not a big deal to you but remember how I operate and it's about symbols, signs and energy and that topped the chart to me as something significant and wonderful!  I thanked VW Canada on Twitter too.  That was the 3rd movie we received free since purchasing our car from them.

If Het-Heru (Hathor) article goes in the memory hole I will copy that portion from the article here:


Het- Heru (Hathor), is the beautiful, nurturing cow-headed goddess of Egypt. She is the oldest goddess of Beauty, music, dancing, wine, joy, and love.  Het-Heru can be found throughout other cultures under such names as Venus, Aphrodite, Oshun. (ISHTAR)
 Her energy is ever present  for all of those who are born under the sun sign of Taurus and Libra. She is the patron goddess of women and beauty, Hathor presides over the sacred feminine arts of adornment, enchantment, and lovemaking.
In  her ancient role as sky goddess  she is the primeval waters or womb of space. In her form as the celestial cow that nourishes all creation  with stars on her belly, horns of the crescent moon and a solar disk on her head, Hathor is and forever will be the ‘mother of the light’ and the ‘golden one’. 
crystal quartz and solid gold adorned bottle used for fragrant oils with the bust of Goddess Het-Heru (Hathor)
crystal quartz and solid gold adorned bottle used for fragrant oils with the bust of Goddess Het-Heru (Hathor)
"As the ’beautiful one’, ‘ mistress of the vagina’, goddess of love, motherhood and female sexuality, Hathor is a quintessential Alchemical/Tantric Goddess whose priestesses were schooled in the sacred feminine arts of adornment and lovemaking. They are often shown holding a mirror with Hathor’s face carved on its handle. The mirror has many symbolic meanings. At first glance, it represents beauty, and the art of adornment. However, its meaning and usage go much deeper. It is both a tool for perceiving the inner working of the mind and a symbol for the act of self-observation. In ancient Egypt, it was used by the priestesses in magical practices for sending back negative energies to their source, as well as a medium for seeing through time, space and the more subtle dimensions of reality. While gazing into its depths, they would expand their awareness to journey from the earth to the stars and from the outer material form to the inner spiritual essence." - Jeremy Naydler, Temple of the Cosmos

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Law Of Averages Applies To Religion As Well #HarmoniousOrder

Organized religion was created by man as a way to interpret, understand, teach and worship God.  Not one is correct, however, if we compared them and saw what positive things they have together that would be an absolute.  Harmonious.
Harmonious is an audio company. For more info: http://nickklu.com/Harmonious

Like I have written several times before, there is only one all powerful God even though he is recognized by many names.  We have to realize that we are more united than we think.  People are killing others because they feel they are different because their God is different when, in fact, he is not.

We should leave each other to worship God how each individual sees fit and not force what others think is the right religion as long as no one harms another or breaks the law.  It is no one else's place to dictate something so personal to other people.

The Godless elites have said they want a one world religion but they do not say what kind of religion... it's the non religion, the dark and evil.  The foul and the negative.  Satanism is the new black, so they think.  They forgot about all the people that believe but don't pound on bibles or run to church every week.  They think that they can force their garbage on others without any problem.  It's clear to me that can never happen and thanks to a Trump win he is all for religious freedoms.

You see having people that practice religions that parallel Satanism without even knowing it in the #nwo globalists control was something the elites felt was so effective.  Do you really think those people aren't going to realize what they are being used to do.  

  I see more and more people waking up.  Like I have been Tweeting and Blogging about for a while, we must reach out to others that are still not aware of the Satanic-Neo-Crony Communists Hell on Earth End Game and talk to them.  We all deserve to be free and have full rights to pursue our dreams all over the world and not just a few people on top who are so heartless and cold to their fellow man.  They are not better than us, they are the epitome of empty vessels being used by Satan in order to capture their souls to hell and whomever helped them along the way.

Monday, November 21, 2016

One God Of Many Names Is NOT Bound To Any Organized Religion

I just don't understand why so many are still so blind to the pure light and pure energy?  Do you have such an ego full of weakness and hate that you cannot even connect to the Lord and others that are connected to know the truth?  Only when we are connected to God and each other do we experience the Physics of Man.  I have a hard time connecting to some but I get a chill so I can sense they are either lost or dark.  Then they are nothing but critical and hateful.  I have even been attacked?  Someone that has only offered truth and positive words of light from the Lord.

I have gotten that "you don't even know what (religion) you are?", "You are a fortune teller", "Prove you are a prophet", I have even gotten "Do you know who I am" by 3 people so far and one delusional drunk that hinted they were the Messiah?! LOL  I can assure you that they were not.. they didn't even know that we were in revelations and at the crossroads prior to the election.  No one even recognized God's Gentle Lion and anointed who I strongly sense is President Elect Trump.  

When God fills my mind I pick up his words and write it all down.  I have come to learn that we only have only one almighty God of many names that is not bound to any one religion.  You see religion is mans interpretation of God and they preach their formed opinion over it based on their understanding of it.  If they are evil then their teachings will be full of hate.  If they are good then their teachings will be positive.  No one should be able to preach or teach hate because it will result in the mistreatment and/or harm of innocents.

 I actually created the Harmonious Order which includes following God's Laws, following the Laws of the Natural Order, Following the Golden Rule~do unto others as you would like done to you, harnessing the Tools of the Universe, knowing that God is the universe and I will now add that God is only one great God known as many names he is still the only God and he is not bound to any one religion because he is everything.  So after all I have written, predicted, guided, advised and done if people still doubt I don't care.  They are my own theories and opinions based on my gifts, my knowing, seeking of knowledge and research.  I am not here to impress and I have nothing to prove.  Like I wrote many times before I flow and do not do any of this for money.

Prophets transcribe the universe, however, their words are only as true and pure as they are.  If they truly were not gifted, perhaps they were deceived &/or have ulterior motives then you will see less and less pure light.  Religions that state their fellow man of different religions are less than them and are open table are completely wrong.  You have no right to harm &/or kill anyone that is different from your religion unless you practice SATANISM.  Reform is needed immediately.

I am still recovering from this very long and intense spiritual battle between the light and darkness.  It was very tough but all that time I have volunteered was worth it after seeing the dark fall!  I feel much better today, though!  Bruised and bloody is nothing compared to living a hell on earth!  

I am very optimistic and hopeful since we took the right turn at the crossroads by electing God's anointed leader and is now moving in the right direction, that will help steer into a brighter, better and stronger future and continue to always pursuit perfection based on God's laws, common sense, Law&order, Justice while being ethical and having integrity.

I am still going to be around watching and will speak out peacefully if any more godless garbage continues.  Not surprisingly I have had to a number of times because the snakes we shed are refusing to slither back in their dark and dingy holes.  No worries.  Humanity has always had your kind because Satan is the king of the serpents and there are a lot of dumb-weak people he has tricked.  If it were myself I wouldn't fall for that garbage.  If you messed up I say take your proverbial medicine and try to get better so you can come back to God and the Goddess, this pure energy and light.  We all screw up at times.  You just have to repent, purge and get back to the light and to us. I promise you it's the most amazing feeling and the knowing is spectacular.  You have truly assented to an ultimate level of consciousness if you can achieve this.  Then we are ready for the next level.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nothing Can Stop What God Has Ordained When A Nation Still Has The Lord In Their Hearts!!!

Congratulations to President Elect, Mr. Trump and Vice President Elect, Mr. Pence!!!  This is the bestest and most sweetest VICTORY EVER!!!

I hate to say I told you so but I did!  My Tarot readings are super accurate and strong!!  I only use them when I need a bit more clarity and confirmation.  At that time the rabid dog media was going major hard against Mr. Trump!!

Even before that I sensed he was the Gentle Lion of God for these Messianic Times like pictured in my Religious Art of the 13th Century book and Judaism Christianity and Islam book.

I am a mere humble servant of the one and only true God of many names and I am very honored to be his prophet for the good of humanity!!  Feels so good to be back too!!!  I HATED locking both my Twitter and Blogger but I did have my Facebook open but not fully channeling.  That is so energy draining by the way but thanks to God's pure and holy spirit I was electrified and able to do what needed to be done in good time!!!


I sensed that on August 12th of this year or even before and wrote on either this blog or Twitter that we were at a crossroads... well no more!  We are moving in the right direction now heading towards the Light and the #GoldenEra!  I am so proud that the American people have made such a wise decision that is best for the world!  Once America goes back to it's solid roots to become better and stronger buy fixing, rebuilding/removing and #DrainTheSwamp the rest of the world should hopefully follow so we can all be great like I have been blogging and tweeting about for a while now!

This amazing carton by Ben Garrison pretty much sums it all up perfectly in optic form! 

I also am not going anywhere and will keep them honest peacefully!  I love that, yes.. I wrote about doing that before too.  The brains on me!!  Not too shabby!  Once you are tuned into the universe which is God the amazing light and force is unbelievable!  I mean I always believed but to achieve this connection is truly AWESOME!!! 

I also want to mention that as a proud 1st Generation Italian Canadian and North American Trump Pence Supporter and I want to share the Awesome Logo the #ItaliansForTrump too!!!

I just want to give props to Roger Stone Jr., Alex Jones, The Infowars Crew, Ben Garrison, Julian Assange, The WikiLeaks Crew & Sources, Matt Drudge, Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change, Michael Rivero of What Really Happened, The folks over at ZeroHedge, all the centipedes over at The_Donald Reddit and everyone else on the side of the Light!  Thanks so much for being a part of #TeamGod 

That occult stuff they released after I posted about her Occult connection on my Facebook just before Halloween was like GREAT MINDS and perfect timing!!!  You don't mess with that drip, drip, drip and keep it coming.  You know last night after Mr. Trump's victory speech some delusional lefty on some bs MSM news outlet was talking about how President Elect, Mr. Trump said Hillary was a hard worker and he should find a position for her.,. how about HELL NO!!!  She should have a position as an inmate if you ask me!!  #DrainTheSwamp and start with the swamp monsters! lol

So I will keep my eyes open including my 3rd and if I see anything or sense anything I will definitely let you all know.  I doubt it will be world ending or anything now but I will be there for any bumps in the road or if I sense anything note worthy.  God Bless!!!