The Laws Of The Natural Order
I originally blogged this on on Thursday, February 2nd, 2012 at 3:09 pm
I have been stewing this around in my head for a while now but will attempt today to get out as much as possible. It is currently a work in progress because I may add to it later.
These laws of the Natural Order are already known on a subconscious level but often ignored or people have been conditioned &/or programmed negatively with hate. Even if they are recognized on a subconscious level it is each and every beings responsibility to dig deep inside themselves to discover, know and practice. Judaeo Christian values should be taught to all to uplift instead of not teaching them today or teaching negatively including hate.
The Laws Of The Natural Order
Abide by the ten commandments. In this day and age we all need a good foundation. Even if you are not Catholic it is a good set of rules you should recognize. We should also be aware of the Seven Deadly Sins because they are man’s biggest weakness. This in itself are an excellent foundation to any religion, in my honest opinion. [*May 26, 2016 UPDATE: As a Roman Catholic Christian I have been gifted The 7 Gifts Of The Holy Spirit at Confirmation and I will now gift anyone that wants to believe and use these gifts for good. I also recommend that you consider becoming Christian too.]
Love & Empathy. Caring is key to everything and anything. When I read tarot cards I always include that sincerity and find that it actually has furnished me with very accurate readings. Our current society is so cold and people look like they are lost. Even our leaders seem lost. They can not possibly connect like that. I wish they would realize that and find it in their hearts to turn on their spiritual flame. Once both the mind and the heart are in sync then the universe is truly yours.
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*Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit |
Love & Empathy. Caring is key to everything and anything. When I read tarot cards I always include that sincerity and find that it actually has furnished me with very accurate readings. Our current society is so cold and people look like they are lost. Even our leaders seem lost. They can not possibly connect like that. I wish they would realize that and find it in their hearts to turn on their spiritual flame. Once both the mind and the heart are in sync then the universe is truly yours.
Be moral and ethical. Even if it means a loss of profit and always put people first before profit.
No one should EVER interfere with another individuals free will. It seems today that more and more people are sneaking in things that are not good for the person. Water fluoridation, artificial sweeteners, BPA, GMOs, vaccines, etc. and discusses these things on a regular basis.
A persons freedom of speech should never be hindered. You may not always agree with the person and their views, however, if you prevent them from speaking out then you will put an end to it altogether. Now if people talk violent things and/or act on things that are against the law then they will be legally responsible.
No man should be another mans slave fore we were all made in the image of GOD! No need to explain that any further because it’s pretty straight forward!
Controlled and corrupt systems are against the natural order. Mind control and deception are used in these types of systems, just like the exact same tools that pathetic demons use. They hate God and his people, just like the evil elites, this and their ways are an abomination. Savage behavior equals a savage society and the key to a civilized society is a well informed public. Quote from Under The Dome by Stephen King.
Allow the positive advancement of mankind. You should never get in the way of bettering the world for man and the animals.
Protect the vulnerable. It seems that the obsolete new world order feed on the vulnerable instead of protect them. Do this without taking away their freedoms and rights too. The natural order will eventually catch up with them and I can guarantee them that. Sooner rather than later, I hope.
Never EVER manipulate weather and/or nature. God is the one and only creator and has made the perfect world for the ones that he created in his image.
War should never be the solution. In this day and age our leaders should be mature enough and intelligent enough to discuss things with other leaders for the greater good. I understand that if you are attacked on your sole, not by false flag means (attacking yourselves in order to go to war), then you have the right to protect your people.
Never interfere with good people. It seems that good people are constantly attacked and this has got to change. Allowing goodness will benefit us all. 100% on top.
Human and animal rights should never be removed or ignored. Dictatorships should never be allowed. We must all have a choice.
The evil and greedy should be removed from our civilized society. If you are an immoral person that is not striving to change and acts on your evils then you should be removed and isolated from the rest of the world. You should have never have any influence or control.
Immoral money practices should be banned. Compounded Interest is the first thing that comes to mind that should be immediately removed. The regulations need to be reinstated also.
Allow the people to lead themselves. I still feel we need a government, however, it must be greatly reduced and know it’s place. Politicians need to be psychologically tested before they can even run. Laws need to be put forth that will allow the people to remove and charge anyone in government that lies, cheats, takes money, etc.. The internet is a great tool and we must have a 100% secure site that allows online voting. We THE PEOPLE direct the way our country goes.
It is never right to use evil for good. Every time you do wrong, even if you think it’s for right, you will pay in the end.
Choose the side of goodness, truth and light. It is a constant battle that we must fight with ourselves. Our free will allows us the choice but our souls will pay for what we decide later.
Investigate all information prior to making a set decision. Just because the mainstream media tells you something doesn’t always necessarily mean that it’s true. Being trendy is often a result of being misinformed. Alex Jones of fascinates me because he tells it like it is. I often find it very difficult to hear what he is saying but I know it’s my responsibility to listen, as it should be to everyone else, as well. I always look into what he talks about too… to this day he speaks the truth. He brings importance to things that often go unnoticed. It’s like he has one single puzzle piece and knows what the picture is before finishing the puzzle. He’s a genuine genius.
We should all live like kings and queens. I strongly believe that if we follow the laws of the natural order and the ten commandments we could. Each and every human being here is very special and has a God given right to have a share in the natural abundance gifted to us by the one that created us in his image. I see a world that provides us with everything we need at no cost. Those that live on stepping on others and keeping them down in order to live well off their suffering should be stripped of their own privileges and removed from our society to live in solitude until they are purged of their sickness.
You should never benefit at others expense. Always treat people with respect and kindness. If you profit then they should also. It’s a very sad thing to hear about companies that use people in 3rd world countries with very little to no regulations and with extremely low pay. I used to work for a really good man that would pay his employees well because he believed in treating people right because happy people make the best employees. He would also contribute 10% of his earnings to charity too! I really respected him and do value the book he gave me to read about his life and family.
Individuals should tame their wild horse spirit via Higher Principles like Harmonious Order and not follow the crowd to prevent Group Evil. Strong individuals working together like a team is the best way and will help take Humanity to the stars!
Individuals should tame their wild horse spirit via Higher Principles like Harmonious Order and not follow the crowd to prevent Group Evil. Strong individuals working together like a team is the best way and will help take Humanity to the stars!
You should never use force, trickery and/or deceit. When things are built using evil as the foundation they NEVER stand the test of time and will definitely collapse. Even using half truths or publishing your intent to go about a future tyrannical society should NEVER be practiced and allowed. It is very wrong on so many levels because it is all about control and that is one thing that can not be prohibited in a natural and pure world.
Update: November 12, 2013 – This is a part of the Harmonious Order writings that I have been blogging and tweeting about. The New World Order is NOT The Harmonious Order #harmoniousorder #goingup – #NWO #going down
Update: April 9, 2016 and again April 26, 2017
The only time I say stop a person's free speech is when it's used to harm others. ie. Pedophilia, sex trafficking, satanism/dark paganism, terror recruiting, calling for violence, rabid slanderous media, media using mind control to program mental illness and rabid cyber bully trolls posting hate to the point of emotional distress. However, trying to stifle free speech in order to allow dark&savagery is wrong too! The truth should never be stopped to protect the dark and savages.
Remember, the corrupt and communists, like the #godlesselites and Social Justice Warriors, will say your valid free speech is hate speech or truth is hate speech and will try and shut your free speech down and that is totally wrong! For more information you should read my blog series Understanding The Universe & Creating A Harmonious Order:
Sept 16, 2016 - Just adding some more things we must include!
We must recognize and respect that we are all connected via the God Particle that Sir Isaac Newton.
Never do what the dark expects and wants you to do.
My Michelangelo Theory is such an important thing we should apply to our lives:
Try&find positive in everything,even mistakes in order to fix,learn from it&apply to make u&Rsociety better&stronger. My #MichelangeloTheory— Anna Sophia (@AnnaSophia_TOPS) September 6, 2016
Supreme beings very intelligent&take all + from everything to evolve,better&stronger beings. My #MichelangeloTheory— Anna Sophia (@AnnaSophia_TOPS) September 6, 2016
Michelangelo! My #MichelangeloTheory— Anna Sophia (@AnnaSophia_TOPS) September 12, 2016
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs a definite must for civilized man!
Update April 27, 2017
We should live simply and modestly but rich in spirit,compassion and knowledge. La Dolce Vita! At the same time things still need to be in balance so we all have enough!
The Four-Way Test.
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is It Fair to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The Tree of life where God & Goddess are the seed, roots & shaft. Judaism is the mighty Tree and Christianity is it's fruit. Everything else are different variations or fantasy. imo
Luke 23:43 "You will be with me in Paradise"
Make heaven on earth now and be kind & helpful to others.
Will you be able to spend your money in hell and take your wealth with you? No, I highly doubt it!
The Future Is Male&Female. Must be again King Solomon&Jesus,both Jews,followed then others changed.Needs 2b equal again 2 balance world ♂️♀️— Anna Sophia ن (@AnnaSophia777) April 28, 2017
The future is MALE AND FEMALE! This will cause balance
Women and men are different but each with their own different abilities that complement each other.